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Dark VS Steel (Night Before the Showdown)

No.18939459 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, so around 2 nights ago I was asking some advice. The situation was, I am in a type pokemon tournament, and my type is Dark. My opponent is Steel. Hoever, he has changed his lineup from the last time I had intel on his team.

My current team.
Zoroark (Dark. Illusion)
Gredinja (Protean, Water/Dark)
Shiftry (Chorophyll. Grass/Dark)

His team is now
Klefki (Prankster, Fairy/Steel)
Aggron (Sturdy, Steel/Rock)
and his last one is a mystery, it will most likely be...
Magezone (Sturdy, Steel/Electric)
Metagross (Clear Body, Steel/Psychic)