Round 2 of prelims is now underway! We've already seen a few players with early victories, how will this round end?
We currently have thirty players participating in this tournament - three dropped players, one voluntary and two due to inactivity.
>Tournament information >Tournament Bracket >Contact e-mails for tournament participants If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to buzz me on my e-mail, provided in the google doc.
Why not arrange practise matches with fellow competitors while you wait for the next round?
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>18950289 If anyone wants to test teams out, message NOVED on showdown.
>>18950526 I actually don't know much of showdown commands, I keep forgetting them. Do you just go to a random chat room and type /m noved "message" ?
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
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>>18950582 Well you can find my name in the lobby and message from there.
Or you can type /w NOVED, message
"message" being whatever you want to say of course.
2036-7795-8110 ashlynn
round 2 matches v Dusty g1 BL4W-WWWW-WWW6-VHSP g2 BCBW-WWWW-WWW6-VY68 I won 2-0 gg dusty
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>4chan being 4chan bump
anyone wanna fite on showdown? i've got a new team i'm having fun with
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>>18954171 Make sure you e-mail those results to me! Winners always report to me via e-mail. I keep all the e-mails archived to help me manage the tournament more effectively.
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Hey Lobo, I'm ready to battle if you're around.
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>>18956422 I'm still down 4 this
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someone fite w me on showdown
Back everyone and I'm about to go to bed- tomorrow's a big day for me so I won't be able to update the bracket until far later in the day tomorrow. I'll answer all your e-mails then!
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>>18961828 Sure, take your time, good luck for tomorrow!
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
Emilio if you're here I can battle you now. If not then I'll be back in about 4 hours.
>people in the thread nows my chance anyone want to play on showdown?
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
>>18961841 Sorry I'm on mobile and it's hard for me to play it. Sorry man.
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>>18961861 How dare you? don't you realise you're breaching your sworn obligation to play pokemon with me on request? Disgraceful
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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>>18964337 Layne's more of an e-mail man. try buzzing him that way.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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sorry again for not being able to handle the bracket/e-mails. I'll get on it as soon as I get a spare moment! Meanwhile, if you haven't reported your game, please get it done as soon as you can.
IGN - Parham
YX4W - WWWW - WWW6 - X2U4 Since Daniel will never respond to my e-mail, here's a battle I had today at a doubles tournament. This one was significant because it was a) a sun mirror and b) full of crucial misses for me. However, the game swings around - watch and see.
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>>18982009 great game! I hope you don't mind if I use it in the future as an example.
>>18982564 I've read your e-mail man, just haven't had time to reply to you yet - I'll drop him if he doesn't respond soon. At this stage, if he's only available at a weird time for you then I'll give you precedence.
Unfortunately, a few players who lost last round haven't reported anything to me so far.
To Lyra, Shunt - I've updated the bracket, please don't delete your videos yet. To Xeno, I'll respond to your e-mail soon.
To everyone else, please take initiative to start your battles so we can have this tournament running smoothly! Remember that when everyone finishes their games, we can finish the round!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>18982009 i-i-i-i-i never got ur emails buddy ;_;
anyway my intenet is shit today, so maybe we can fight tomorrow
IGN Parham
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>>18987345 elhackerbasura right? I copied it right out of the contact details document. If your internet sucks then we can just play on showdown. C'mon man, let's not leave this to the last day.
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
OP, you updated the results wrong. I won 2-1 against Shunt, not a loss.
>>18987727 I'm sorry man. I'll fix that now.
Actually. I'm sorry to everyone for neglecting my e-mails for the last couple of days - these have been very, very busy times for me with 3 hour sleeps and early morning starts, so I haven't been able to interact with you guys as much. Sorry!
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle)
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:47:45 No. 18988133 Report No partner here, don't care if gud or not.
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle)
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:48:53 No. 18988138 Report >>18988133 Oh damn, wrong thread kek
>>18988138 For the WFG multi battles, right?
I believe Devon was looking for a partner! Why don't you contact him? His e-mail is in our contact form.
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle)
Matt 2879-0137-4639 (Teddiursa, Audino, Smeargle) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:50:51 No. 18988149 Report Quoted By:
>>18988146 Great, thanks for the heads up
>>18988103 That sucks. Thanks for doing this, though. 4chan is at its best when it's organised.
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>>18988423 Cheers. Looking at what I've missed - I just need to reply to some e-mails, e-mail some of the losing players with advice on improving, so I guess it's not that much. Really, I'm just bothered by the few battles that have been reported - I think a lot of the losing players have lost motivation, since a lot of games between losers haven't been reported yet.
Anyhow, you can all support these threads by challenging one another to practise matches! I'm honestly a bit surprised I don't see more of these, since it's the only real way to git gud.
Play some games, people!
Anyone wanna practice game? Showdown/DS, either is fine
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
>>18982564 Im here now. Sorry ive been busy
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
tfw I'm a retard and thought my opponent said he was in GMT-10 and not GMT+10
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
>>18993849 Hahaha that's fine, I'm here if you are to battle.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18993982 I don't see you on, and my friend list says you haven't added me yet
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
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>>18994022 Sorry, all good to go.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
ahaha I got my shit kicked in well done layne, outpredicting me on almost everything I do
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
>>18994062 >>18994091 The team's pentagon'd, so I had no Iron Head option and the wide guard dodging has been more useful than I had even imagined - I initially used it to pick up Mawile KOs.
GGs, I was actually worried about Whimsicott encoring everything second game without Follow Me, but thankfully you didn't bring it! Good games, hopefully you didn't have a perfect Ralts!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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>>18994103 you know what I completely forgot about that
damn I need to use whimsi more often
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
is time parham add me and we will battle
summoning Devon. I'm ready to get #rekt now.
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If Miguel is here, I'm ready to battle.
>>18995078 wtf m8 i was a sleep and now i gotta go to work :/
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>18998318 dont worry buddy i can wait
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>>18998325 alright man sure
i'll take my ds with me and see if i can get on during abreak or somthing. or just tell me your timezone and we can work something out through Parham
>>18998325 i'll e-mail you when my break is coming up, so you can be prepared to jump on if you can. and i'll post in this thread too.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Good battles Xsitsu! That last battle was really edge-of-seat tense.
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>>18998401 Im available now if you're on. Otherwise, I can play at around 12pm (midday- that's PM, right? yeah anyway)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>18997820 Sorry I haven't been on most of the day but I'm ready to play now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>19001798 cool. give me like 15 minutes
>>19002051 yo, sorry about the delayed responses. i had a customer over, i kind of had to leave all the decisions to the last second, which is why i ran the timer to pick my last pokemon, lmao.
ggs man.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19002103 Alright, just send me a battle request whenever you're ready.
>>19002370 yeah... i forgot i was halfway through grinding Le Wow when I closed my DS so I'm just finishing that up.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>19002137 dont worry buddy, send the results to OP ,since i couldnt save the cvideos because of space
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19002404 Good games man! It was fun.
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the wrecking is over, Devon wins 2-0
>>19002914 yup! I'll email OP
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
Miguel (2122-6877-1753)
So much has happened this week, I'm so disappointed. Choco, if you're around, I'm ready to go against ya.
>>19003691 What's up? I'm in class, but I'll be home around 11 cst. I'll be ready to battle then~
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Hey everyone, the end of the round is coming soon. Please get your battles done before 1PM 29/04 AEST! I've been replying to some of your e-mails - I'm going through them. If you haven't gotten a response from me, believe me - I'm typing it! I'm going to retire and go to bed, but not before sending out a wave of e-mails to those who haven't submitted results yet. Hopefully we can get it done soon!
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Posting for Miguel. Ready to battle.
Miguel (2122-6877-1753)
>>19006652 Just got back home. I'm ready when you are
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>>18992005 Alright Joey, we should do our battle quickly. I'm gonna stay up for the next four hours, please reply to this post if you're ready to battle.
I'm guessing we'd do one more, since it's at a tie right now, but I have to go. I'll be back in an hour, though.
>>18992005 Alright Joey, we should do our battle quickly. I'm gonna stay up for the next four hours, please reply to this post if you're ready to battle.
Miguel (2122-6877-1753)
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
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I'm in the process of battling Emilio. Will post results shortly.
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
Those were some really close battles Emilio, good games. P5PW-WWWW-WWW7-34P7 3VEG-WWWW-WWW7-34PC
Emilio 4012-4113-8164 !f14/dNnTkY
>>19009704 Yeah, felt pretty sour for not packing Volcy in either battle. I thought too much on both picks and only wanted to counter both Kanga and Hydry without much avail. Those keys are incredible GG
Miguel (2122-6877-1753)
>>19009437 Yo, I had to do a couple errands, and I thought it wold take less than a half hour
I'm ready when you are
>>18992005 >>19008845 Going to bed. I will wake up early, so if you see my post and can be here at 6am GTS+2 (12pm EDT) we could battle. If you miss me, please tell me when I can battle you (I'm everyday at home between 6pm and 6am GTS+2)
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>>19010598 Ready. Let's do this.
GG, Miguel. That was fun.
Miguel (2122-6877-1753)
>>19010750 Wow, I lost track of how many mistakes I made in that last battle. I need a nap.
Good games, nonetheless.
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>>19010764 Same!
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
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>>19010075 I was flipping out when Mega Medicham OHKO'd Mega Kangaskhan that first battle.
And that last battle coming down to Klefki and Arbok was a nail biter for sure.
Thanks for reporting everyone, Round 2 is over! I'm just running through some e-mails, sending e-mails to players who I haven't had a chance to. It's a bit overwhelming - I'm suddenly getting all these videos all at once!
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>>19011689 Oh wait no it isn't, just waiting on Xsitsu and Joey. Hurry up you two!
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Right, that's most the housekeeping done. Now, we've just gotta wait for Joey and Xodia.
I'm giving Joey and Xodia a temporary extension until midnight AEST (so, 12:00 AM 30th of April) to at least respond to me. If I don't hear anything, I'll end the round and proceed with the tournament.
Joey 1564-2569-1144 !fFuGJoEyM.
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>>19014943 I think our time makes it difficult. But im here. Im on PST.
>>19010614 Ill try to be on at that time. If not just take me out
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Are you ready Joey?
Welp we were supposed to battle at 8pm PST / 5am GMT+2 but he wasn't here. Just cancel our battle and move to the next round I guess.
>>19025472 You two do technically have until midnight tonight AEST. If nothing happens, I guess I'll just mark it as a draw and move on.
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>>19026502 I have things to do and won't come home tonight so I can't be online before midnight aest. There's no need to wait for me, you can already start round 3.
Alright, sorry for the delay. Work called in unexpectedly, and I've just gotten to a computer... I've started up the next round! I'll send out an e-mail soon. With that said, go goo! End of round will be midnight AEST Wednesday the 8th of April. Again, I'll have an e-mail with more info sent out soon, but for now, you can all focus on playing your games!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>i have to fite katie in the next round
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>>19033831 >8th of April Late night bamp.
Hey pizzanos! If you guys are interested in some practise games, let me know and I'll hook you up with other players in our bracket. I'd like to motivate you all to improve your teams! Aaaand to do that I've got a little incentive for you all - see the image! I'll be giving it to any player with significant improvement in their team-building, playstyle and predictions. I do try to watch all of your videos when I can, so I am on top of these things! Remember to e-mail me to get into some practise games. Taking initiative shows a lot to me and is a good step toward getting that Charizard, if you want it. Peace!
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>>19037561 >pokeball it's shit
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>19037561 I'd like to, I need more practice and showdown is awful
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>>19037597 I want to lick OP's dirty, sweaty, smelly feet~ :3c
>>19037561 >that moveset C'mon OP..
>>19040562 T-those aren't the actual moves I'd use on Timid Charizard! For the record, I'd use Ancient Power as the tech move, as outspeeding other slower, bulkier Modest Charizard opens opportunities to KO them.
>>19039501 Sure! I've already got a couple of people who are interested, so just pay attention to your e-mail!
>>19042062 Ah, alright. That's a relief. It just pains me to see dragon pulse on Zard Y. It's really not good, too many people use it.
>>19042184 ppfff, naww, HP Ice hits dragons much harder. Actually, I believe that Dragon Pulse isn't even a KO on 4HP Garchomp.
Charizard really has no business hanging out with dragons anyway - it needs team support to beat any of them one on one (tailwind, wide guard, fake out).
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>>19042212 Couldn't have said it better myself. If anyone here uses Zard Y with dragon pulse, please take notes.
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>>19042062 Actually, Ancient Power on MegaZard is not that good: the OHKO is not guaranteed if you run Timid even against other 4HP/0SpD Charyzard and if you run Modest you risk being outsped too.
That said, is still a million time better that Dragon Pulse.
>>19037561 What a nice gift. I don't completely understand what you mean with "improving your playstyle" considering people play with different mindsets.
>>19039501 To be fair, Showdown isn't a great source for good double battles most of the time anyways, if it's against strangers.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
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>>19049177 Yeah, even high on the ladder there are some pretty bad players on showdown when you try XY dubs.
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I beat Xsitsu 2-0 First battle was a disconnect but I had a good lead so xsitsu forfeited that one Second one is M83W-WWWW-WWW7-6EUC
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Just want everyone to know that I've got your e-mails and I'll get to them shortly! For those interested in practise games, please bear with me, I'll be suggesting pairings for you guys soon.
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Bracket updated! I'll get to matching up practise games tomorrow morning.
>>19068399 I'm here! Let's go!
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>>19068550 Alright! Give me just 10 minutes! Finishing up some important things.
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>>19068550 Good luck, man!
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
Whoever my opponent is sorry I haven't replied to you yet. I have been working all week. I should be off tomorrow if you're not busy.
Good game, Xodia. Sorry about that second game, that was way too rough and one sided. But you played brilliantly.
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Also, I have no idea why there was a disconnection. Is your internet okay? Maybe it was a surge in mind? I don't know...
>>19068863 My internet is ok, after the battle I was still connected. I though it was you who disconnected on purpose so I don't lose too hard.
>>19068901 Huh. It might've been my campus' internet, what with everything going nuts with people moving out.
I feel bad about it. If you want, we could scrap the battle and try again?
>>19068916 There's no battle video saved, so yeah we could redo the second battle.
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>>19068941 Alright. I hope you have better luck this time!
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>>19068941 There we go. Good games, Xodia. Sorry about that connection error.
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At least I didn't got 0-4 this time. gg MATTHEW
You should try to get other people to help you out with this OP. It'd make things go by decently faster and maybe make this tourney a bit more active at times. And with more people organizing everything, having more people in the tourney in the future could possibly be a thing.
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
>>19068756 I was going to say that I'm the same but actually I'm just really lazy and usually wait for my opponent to email me. So, Layne, email me anytime you want. I'll probably be free (but drunk) for the next few hours, and then around the same time tomorrow and Tuesday.
>>19070296 Appreciate the feedback, but I'm definitely not sure how having more people aboard will make things go faster. So far, all the rounds have gone for the full week's length because our players weren't able to get their games done earlier than that, which is fair enough. Then there was the challonge error, which wouldn't let me remove drop outs.
These are issues that having more people aboard would fix, and honestly, since this is the first time I'm ever doing anything like this, I'm working it all out as I go and a team of us would need obsessive communication to work everything out.
I will admit that having more people would help me manage the e-mails a lot better - a team if us could possible update the bracket within hours of receiving the e-mail. But I think this is honestly a bit of a small benefit in the scheme of things.
Anyway! I'm going to comb through my e-mail and connect everyone who wants to practise. Keep your eyes on your e-mails everyone!
>>19072309 An irc for practice games would be sweet.
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>>19072431 I don't see what benefits it has over posting in the thread, where requests for games here will be stay for everyone to see over time.
And if it's anything like the thread, it'll be dead all the time. But I suppose it won't hurt to try it at least.
So far, I have Kyo Heather Devon Lobo Aggi Parham As people who are interested in practise battles. If I've missed anyone, please e-mail me!
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19072912 To all on that list & anyone in general, I'm always down for some battles so just e-mail me or ask for one in the thread. I'm usually around to play.
>>19073813 yooo devon. parham here, want to play a few games? i wanna try out some new pokemon.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19073840 Sure man. Let me get a team together.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
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>>19073840 >>19073857 Alright, I'm all set to play when you are. Just send me a battle request whenever.
I want to play doubles (VGC) but I don't want to breed EVERYTHING again for that. Can someone just clone some pocket monsters for me? I know you have something for me there.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19073925 May as well gen while you can and then switch over to battle spot dubs because Special format won't be VGC in the coming season.
>>19073960 I'm not quite following you.
>>19074060 use pokegen
gen whatever pokemon you want
start building a team for battle spot doubles because there will no longer be a VGC ladder on battle spot
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19074060 VGC will no longer be on battle spot so you dont need kalos born mons on regular battle spot dubs.
>>19074070 >>19074095 VGC will be available only for tournaments then?
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19074178 Got it. Amoonguss, here I go.
What else I need? Like, the OU for doubles. I want to start there and then build my own shit.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
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>>19074211 Go here, select doubles then scroll to the bottom. There's a list of the top mons based on usage. And you can see what they're normally paired up with as well.
>>19074178 ggs. there's a reason scizor isn't used in vgc.
i'm gonna fix a new team, i'll challenge you again soonish.
Devon 2938 6545 7147 !8n/SMOGONg
>>19074259 Good games man! I'll have to make some new stuff to play with as well.
Here are the battle codes if anyones interested in watching some battles.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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katie babe if u r here i can battle u either wednesday or thursday
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>>19074306 if you're on, i wanna test out another team. the moves aren't 100% correct and the ev's aren't optimal but I wanna give it a shot regardless
>>19075012 Well VGC is VGC and doubles is doubles...
>>19073960 >gen while you can wat
>>19075083 probably referring to how the WFC service is ending
not everyone knows how to bring over genned pokemon without GTS services
>>19075072 I'm a noob at VGC and doubles, so I don't get shit.
>>19075094 Holy crap, when will they shut it down? Gonna gen some shit then.
>>19075096 then you spend five seconds googling it like the rest of us did.
VGC and doubles are both official nintendo formats, VGC is nintendo's main competitive format.
Both have different rules. just google the VGC rules and you'll see for yourself. basically, you can only use pokemon in the kalos pokedex which makes for a unique meta game. VGC rules differe every year.
>>19075108 very soon. google it.
i suggest that you git gud and learn to backup your pokemon saves, and bring genn'd pokemon over that way
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>>19075012 The big difference is that VGC right now only allows Kalos dex, which excludes Togekiss, Cresselia, Volcarona, Hitmontop, and some other big threats. They're quite similar in terms of game flow.
VGC is 4vs4 Kalos dex
WiFi doubles is 4vs4 all dex (no event legendaries)
Smogon doubles is 6vs6 all dex (no Smogon ubers)
>>19075147 Do you need Powersaves to do that? I have an eShop copy of Y so you'd think it would be easy enough to dump the save file from that, but all the links I can find through Google are guides to Genning Bank-legal things, or Powersaves.
>>19074259 scizor is used quite a lot in VGC, what are you talking about?
>>19076552 without a powersaves thing, you will need a gen 5 game and a flashcart and another DS, I believe
>>19076701 By showdown usage stats, Scizor is 6th in OU and 31st in VGC. I agree that it's still a massive threat, but I can see where that guy is coming from.
Parham - 2836 - 1058 - 9751
Anyone up 4 practisegames?
>>19076701 As I was sorely reminded in my game vs Devon, Scizor is walled just far too hard by too many threats in this game.
Aegislash, Ferrothorn, Manectric, Rotom H and W, Charizard X and Y, Amoonguss, Talonflame.
Added to the fact that Scizor is prone to intimidate and will-o-wisp (which is EVERYWHERE in VGC) you've got a pokemon who's just far to mediocre to matter. And Bug Bite is illegal.
That being said, I lost my set vs Devon because of poor decisions at team preview - I brought scizor to both games when he had (literally) an entire team of outs, I generally just didn't play as well as I should have, I didn't make the moves I needed to win - a lesson well learned, it's better to lose a practise game than a real one. In the end, I managed to at least bring down a pokemon with the only real threat on my team, Garchomp (which I forgot to put rock slide on, lmao) which just goes to show how important team preview is.
>>19076552 I do this myself so you're in luck.
Basically what you do is firstly set up a network for your DS (I found an old router to host a internetless WEP network), connect both your PC and DS lite or phat to that network (dsi or Xl don't work), run an FTP server on your PC, run the FTP backup tool on your DS and follow the prompts to firstly backup your save file (which you then open in pokegen, then add modded pokemon to) then to actually write that save onto your game.
Basically, here's the tutorial ( )
but do NOT use the tool in there, use this one isntead If anyone has any questions about that just hit me up in my e-mail
Parham - 2836 - 1058 - 9751
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>>19076876 It would probably be more accurate to say that it's used a lot successfully in VGC seeing Washington was just recently won by a team using Scizor and a lot of recent top cut teams have included it as well.
It's massive fire weakness definitely sucks this year, however that hasn't stopped people from running Ferrothorn.
Parham - 2836 - 1058 - 9751
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some1 fite w me
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
>>19071006 Ah shit I'm just the same. I'm sorry man my Uni has been nuts busy in the past week and I'm not going to be able to get my game in on time, so I'll probably just have to concede this round.
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
>>19085664 You sure? I'm on now if you can, and going by how this has gone in the past, we'll probably have a few more days anyway.
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>>19085664 Sadly, over half the bracket hasn't done their games yet, so an extension isn't entirely out of the question, so long as you can guarantee you can get it done.
sooooo sloooooow I told you one week for each round would drag this on for too long
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>>19085870 so, what, it should go for less than a week? people are hardly getting them done in a week's time, how would they get it done earlier than that? rounds end early if everyone finishes early anyway and that's just not happening.
if anything, people are just losing interest and dropping after getting shrekt back to back in the first few rounds.
>ctrl+f bump >30 results >out of 210 posts You know that /vp/ is one of the slowest boards right?
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
>>19085671 If you're still on I can now.
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
>>19085926 Okay, I've added you and am online. Challenge me.
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>>19085924 Haha, I've come to accept that my threads will be dead for a while now.
>>19085870 I've considered three-four day rounds - I really, really have.
Buuut I just can't see it working without a hitch. On one hand, a lot of people have been submitting videos last minute - this will definitely encourage those players to finish earlier. But on the other hand, I've seen a consistent amount of players who honestly need the full week's worth.
I dunno. I am getting a bit tired of all the late submissions, so I might just experiment with a four day round for round 4.
Layne !!gWMBS/MQq5l
>>19085933 Hahahaha 'Garchomp used poison jab' annnnd game 1 was lost at turn 1
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
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>>19085986 Your hitmontop and azumaril are really cute, swaying in sync.
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>>19085986 >tfw once I saw a poison jab garchomp on showdown's VGC ladder I actually stopped paying attention to the animation just to question/chastise the weird ass move choice
Then i brought in charizard with no worrehz ez
Niall - 3351-4039-3051 !rLEyW.rJSM
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Very good games with Layne just now. Realised that Band Azumarill can OHKO every single member of my team, just luckily not with the same move.
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>>19085924 I bump it when it gets to page 8 or so to stop the thread from falling off
Lobo, I'll be around all day if you wanna get this battle done.
Hey, Lyra. Ready to battle if you're here.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>19088669 Hi! sorry I've been kind of bussy. Are you still here?
>>19092170 Hey there. Would you be ok with battling tomorrow? I have some life stuff I'm trying to take care of.
I should be around just about anytime tomorrow if that's good with you
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>>19092926 Yeah, that's fine. I'll be on after work is done, so we can battle then.
>round 3 >tfw still haven't had a round on time yet I understand that you are all beautiful individuals with your own unique lives, and things might not always work out the way you'd hope - but I'm honestly suspecting apathy as the real problem here, since no-one has e-mailed me asking for an extension or explaining why they couldn't get their game done on time. It's really just a shame that this couldn't be running any smoother. I really hate the idea of double elimination tournaments, since good players are almost always guaranteed to be knocked out in the earlier rounds, and less skilled players don't have enough of an opportunity to improve. But I might consider it for the main tournament considering how this is going. What are everyone's thoughts on this? The round deadline has ended nearly twelve hours ago, but half the bracket hasn't even reported (though two players have reported no-shows). Should I just cut the fat and run a quick and simple double elim tournament?
>>19094882 Do you mean starting the tournament again as double elimination, or kind of seeding it based on how we've done so far? I haven't had much trouble getting my games done, but that's probably because I'm doing well, and people who are likely to win are naturally going to want to stay more. I like it how it is, but I know it'll take months and months to finish it at this rate.
>>19094882 starting this thing right before many unis have exams probably didn't help either
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>>19094939 originally, these were just "prelims" - there were only a handful of people in the threads and I wanted everyone to have some warmup games to motivate team building and encourage improvement while we got more people interested by our hopefully busy and bustling threads.
Things worked out completely backward - prelims got so much interest that it became the main event, and threads are dead dead dead.
>>19095151 I have no idea of what european and american unis are doing and it's really not my business. Students can manage themselves, and I'm happy to give draws or extensions to people who can't make the time to play the games - this one's on the players.