Quoted By:
gg she fell for it.
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>>18955980 Steam Group: If you haven't seen a Pokemon that you want yet:
>Seek pokemon >Pokemon you want >Scroll to bottom >Choose "What Pokemon" >Type Pokemon's Name >??? >Success Please beware imitators within the thread, and happy whatever day is today!
PS damn it Cuan.
Still looking for Dream Ball HA Pachirisu.
Quoted By:
>>18956026 Give me a while and I'll breed one for you.
OK GUYS...... If i breed for competitive is my goal in breeding flawless to obtain a pokemon with 5ivs? Ive heard about pentaperfect, so i assume that means pentaperfect where those 5ivs go directly to the desired stat such as Hp, Att, Def, etc. A flawless stat is when the judge says outstanding potential and lists the stats and finishes with cant be beat? Are hexa more important to obain or is best to go with 5iv for competitive? Ive gotten shit here and want to start breeding myself and compete
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Wed 23 Apr 2014 22:44:59 No. 18956062 Report I'm looking for a Chatot with Nasty Plot and Boomburst, anyone with leftovers of that thingy? Thanks in advance.
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18956060 5iv is good enough
>>18956060 It really depends on what you're breeding, but 99 out of 100 pokémon only really care about 5 of their stats so a penta is perfectly fine.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Wed 23 Apr 2014 22:47:14 No. 18956092 Report Quoted By:
>>18956060 Yes, that is basically it, aim for the perfect nature too.
Hexa pokemon are rarely of any use outside of breeding unless you're going mixed.
>>18956060 Penta is good enough for most pokemon.
4ivs missing Speed and Attack or Special Attack are good enough for trick room abusers
Hexas are just for mixed attackers.
>Second encounter with synchro bretty gud
Ok, so I got a sexy Pentagon jolly Darkrai via Wonder Trade with 4IV (HP, attack, sp att, speed), does anyone still want this thing?
Quoted By:
>>18956139 >jolly release it
>>18956081 >>18956087 >>18956097 >>18956099 Thanks FINALLY completed the game thanks to the pokemon gotten here but now i want to go out and breed and give leftovers, and battle.
So it comes down to:
1.Pokemon with the nature that fits it, and a pokemon with good stats or ditto with the two items destiny and everstone.
2.Breed until five of those stats that i want minus the one hurt by depending the nature, are obtained.
3.Go to the judge and get Outstanding, cant be beat
4.Give leftovers and enjoy?
5.I think i saw someone mention ev training..
Quoted By:
It gets a physical attack though and Dark Void so it m-might not be as bad, r-right guys
>>18956139 >implying events can be wonder traded Anonymous
>>18956060 >Are hexa more important to obain Hexa is good but it's harder to get than Penta. Since you can pass down 5IVs with a destiny knot.
Also, why do you need a perfect 31 IV Special attack for a pokemon that is using a choice band? Or why would you need a 31 Attack IV on a choice specs user.
It's good but it's not needed. Unless you're using a mixed sweeper or something but even then I don't think you really need that perfect stat. Honestly, I think perfect speed is the most important. That one or two points anywhere else isn't going to matter that much most of the time. But that one point missing from speed means you will always go last instead of speed ties.
Quoted By:
>>18956177 Yes.
EV training is after the breeding process, what do you have in mind to breed now?
Quoted By:
>>18956182 By Wonder Trade I mean 'acquaintance who promised me a event Darkrai in trade for my firstborn hexaperfect and then trolled me horribly so here I am crying bitter tears'
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Wed 23 Apr 2014 22:59:02 No. 18956254 Report So huh... I've got some spare leftovers that people might appreciate: x12 Dream ball (F) Starly w/Keen eye and Double-Ege x3 Dream Ball (F) Starly w/Reckless and Double-Edge x4 (M) Reckless Starly with Double-Edge x4 (M) Keen eye Starly with Double-Edge x23 Sneasel with Icicle crash and Ice shard x14 Totodile with Dragon dance, Ice punch and Aqua Jet
Thomas 4699-7353-3027
>>18956139 Actually, do you think I could have it? Swords Dance Darkrai is totally a thing, right?
>tfw it only learns knock through gen V tutor ;_; Anonymous
>>18956260 90 attack vs 135 special attack
I have some leftover feebas. 4 are penta perfects. Bold, 1 of which is female Bunch of 4-5IVs all bold. Some marvel scale, some competitive. Then I have a few with HP grass or electric. Egg moves are haze/dragon pulse/confuse ray/mirror coat
Quoted By:
>>18956260 > SD Darkrai Think I'll keep it after all the effort I went though. If you want one can always see if there's someone willing to clone or something.
Although if I get a better one its yours.
>>18956300 Mostly you run it for surprise. Its kinda like physical Greninja in that sense, I s'ppose. Could run mixed too, maybe. Gotta work with whatever I got even if it's
revolting Cuan
>>18956194 There is some point in going for 0 Attack in a purely special mon, to minimize the damage done by confusion and Foul Play.
Likewise, it makes sense to aim for 0 Speed if you want to abuse Trick Room.
Some hidden powers also require you to have an even IV, making 30 the preferred value for it. Or if Attack or Speed need to be odd, it can also be 1.
All those values can be counted as perfect IVs by some. E.g. a hexaperfect HP Ice mon would have 31/0/30/31/31/31
Only for purely physical attackers, there's no difference in performance between pentaperfect and hexaperfects. For everything else, there might be a slight gain.
And with mixed attackers, calling "pentaperfect" doesn't even make sense.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18956254 Would like the Dream Ball Starly with Reckless! I'mma go grab my DS.
>>18956026 If you are around, I've got one for you.
Quoted By:
>>18956316 I was just pointing out that you don't need 31 in every stat all the time.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Wed 23 Apr 2014 23:08:58 No. 18956345 Report >>18956329 Sure, tell me when the Luvdisc is up!
>>18956335 Disc is up, thanks.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18956307 would love to have the penta perfect female can i disc it?
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Quoted By:
>>18956345 My love fish is up!
IGN=Dubs Checkum 2637-9478-7133 [Grass, Oddish, Petilil, Gogoat]
IGN=Dubs Checkum 2637-9478-7133 [Grass, Oddish, Petilil, Gogoat] Wed 23 Apr 2014 23:14:12 No. 18956412 Report Quoted By:
I have a few Magician Fennekins to get rid of, if anyone wants them. They have about 2 ivs each. Just disc up if you need one
Quoted By:
>>18956254 May I have a Dream Ball Starly with Reckless?
Disc is up and away!
>>18956316 Ingetting a specific hp, say ice which is 31/30/30/31/31/31 Will going to the hidden power guy and judge siffice?
i have an hp ice, i went to the hp checker to detemine the hp, i then went to the judge and got outstanding for hp, sp.a,sp.d, and speed. Just using hose two, i can assume that i have a hp ice of 31/30/30/31/31/31?
Quoted By:
>>18956417 Not sure. I don't know exactly how HPs work right now but what I looked up said ice needs even in a certain stat and I had a 31 there.
Best bet is just to check with the hidden power guy first and then check ivs with the other guy.
Quoted By:
>>18956254 Disc up for Totodile.Also does anyone have a HA scrafty?, female is preffered
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Which beetle do I use on a mono-bug team?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:06:28 No. 18956568 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 ralts (male) – 4 iv adamant synchronize em: mean look/shadow sneak/destiny bond/confuse ray 2 eevee (all male) - 3-4 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish, have heart scales attached) 1 petilil - 5 iv modest own tempo 3 mienfoo (2m/1f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off (1 male has to relearn em) 2 sableye (1m/1f) - 5 iv calm prankster em recover 4 mareep (3m/1f) - 4-5 iv modest static em: agility/charge/after you/body slam (female has to relearn em) 8 phantump - 4-5 iv impish (1 harvest (male) / 4 natural cure (3m/1f) / 3 frisk (all male) ) 12 chansey - 4-5 ib bold 5 natural cure/7 serene grace em: seismic toss/counter/gravity/aromatherapy 6 shuppet (5m/1f) - 4-5 iv brave insomnia em: destiny bond/phantom force pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of.
2921-9413-9567 IGN: Rydia
Quoted By:
>>18956254 disc up for totodile
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18956568 Disc going up for Shuppet
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18956568 Disc up for a shuppet too
Chris 4914-3603-2609
Quoted By:
>>18956254 Disc up for a totodile
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18956575 >Parasect Damn I forgot about that guy I have a lot of status guys already on the team. I need a good physical sweeper. So it's one of the mega beetles.
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:14:07 No. 18956657 Report anyone got an adamant ditto? Bonus points if it's foreign.
Quoted By:
>>18956655 Physical sweeper? Leavanny.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18956568 Love fish for a Shuppet!
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Anyone interested in pentaperfect mawiles?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Venipede Some random males if you want egg moves Pichu 6 (2f/4m) various HA 4 egg moves fast ball Eevees 3 females (Gentle/Brave/ Jolly natures) non-HA Eevees Males box and a half (Careful/Jolly/Calm/Adamandt/Bold/modest) Modest and Careful 4 egg moves. Vivllion 3 elegant 1 polar all from the abyss Scyther (1m) Adamant male this guy has swarm 3 egg moves sport ball Larvitar 11 Adamant guts 4 egg moves pokeball Bulbasaur 7 (7m) Modest breeding accident no egg moves. Also Friend ball. Absol 9 (6m/3f) Adamant non=HA 3 egg moves. Baton pass, playrough, sucker punch. Moon ball. Chespin half a box illegal friend ball 4 egg moves Shuppet a box of them Adamant 3egg moves luxury ball Gastly a bunch timid 3 egg moves moon ball Treecko 5m/1F modest unburden 4 egg moves All Mons should be 4-5 iv.
>>18956689 Depends on what ball they're in
Lex (3153-3956-5343)
>>18956568 Discing up for chansey
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:19:41 No. 18956716 Report Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18956514 some faggot posted this on a local community
he said it has balance
maybe is helpful
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:23:00 No. 18956759 Report Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Mokona [2535-3886-2731]
>>18956699 disc for Eevee please!
Lex (3153-3956-5343)
Quoted By:
>>18956761 I'm out trying to catch one, I'm getting really unlucky with my casts.
>>18956759 Its up now! Sorry had internet issues with the 3ds
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
>>18956699 Discing for bulbasaur
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:26:01 No. 18956789 Report Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:26:05 No. 18956791 Report Quoted By:
>>18956774 i forgot to ask, which ability do you want?
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18956764 Uh can you narrow it down? I have a ton of different types.
>>18956738 Mine is not balanced at all so far. joltik larvesta scolipede scizor(defog) vivillon. Currently leveling these guys.
>>18956568 Are you still interested in any of the hp grass/electric feebas?
Jericho 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Gyarados)
Jericho 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Poliwhirl, Gyarados) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:26:38 No. 18956801 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Heavy Ball female Snorlax, preferably with egg moves. Anyone help me out?
Mokona [2535-3886-2731]
>>18956797 Male for egg moves. I don't care for the nature really.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18956699 What kinda egg moves are you looking for Pinsir btw?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:28:27 No. 18956824 Report >>18956799 yessir, ill disc up for hp electric, thanks so much!
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18956816 quick attack as I would want to run it mega. Close combat would be nice as well.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:29:20 No. 18956836 Report Still being a lazy fuck looking for a Mienfoo with Knock Off, Baton Pass, and Me First ;__; I've been breeding these in the mean time: - Charmander w/4 egg moves; Repeat Ball; M(8), F(5) - Frillish w/4 egg moves; Dive Ball; M(5), F(3) - Froakie (Protean) w/Toxic Spikes; Dusk Ball; F(7) All except one of the female Charmanders were used for breeding, so they'd have to relearn the moves. The males all have them, though. Two of the Froakies need to be retaught their move, and most of them have unknown IVs. I'm also still breeding for a penta male Frillish, so the quantities available for them is subject to change :3 IVs for the Charmanders and Frillish should be 4 or 5, with the best going to the first requesters, of course.
>>18956824 These are the IV spreads that I have right now. I could probably breed for better stats after I finish doing an Eevee for HP Ice. Let me know which one you want
31/10.5/31/2/31/31 marvel scale eletric female
02/31/31/30/31/31 male competitive HP grass
31/31/31/30/31/14.5 female competitive electric
31/10/31/30/18.5/31 male competitive electric
16.5/31/31/30/31/31 male competitive HP grass
31/31/31/18.5/31/31 male competitive HP electricity.
31/31/26.5/30/31/31 male marvel scale HP grass
01/31/31/30/31/31 male competitive HP electric
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
Quoted By:
>>18956254 I'll take a totodile please
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18956836 Nature of Froakies?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:31:31 No. 18956863 Report Quoted By:
>>18956139 I love darkrai.. could I get it?
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:31:46 No. 18956865 Report >>18956850 female competitive hp electric pls
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18956828 Oop, only got a Quick Attack female. :/
Mokona [2535-3886-2731]
>>18956851 Thanks a lot. Can I ask for a male Larvitar too please?
Aviel 1478-4298-7398
Anon [4227-2097-2730]
Quoted By:
>>18956254 Disc up for a totodile
does any one have a HA aron egg moves, ball, and gender don't matter
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18956699 Shuppet pls? Disc is up
>>18956789 Could you please check if I sent it right?
>>18956865 31/31/31/30/31/14.5 female competitive electric
So, this one right?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18956877 It's all good thank you for checking. I'll check Wfg.
>>18956878 Sure just disc up.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:37:51 No. 18956933 Report >>18956915 yea that one is perfect, thank you so much for this, ill start ev training her right away, discing now
Anon [4227-2097-2730]
Quoted By:
>>18956568 Can I put up a disc for one of those chansey? Preferably female
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:39:20 No. 18956949 Report Quoted By:
>>18956915 look for a shiny one Anonymous
>>18956933 Ok, I don't really like that it doesn't have perfect speed IV to be honest. After I finish breeding my team I'll try to rebreed another one for you.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:40:58 No. 18956968 Report >>18956903 I have a Relaxed 4IV male with 4 egg moves in a Timer Ball.
That's my only available Heavy Metal one atm, but it's possible for me to breed more.
Quoted By:
Anyone got a male 31/x/31/31/31/31 in the flying egg group that they would be willing to spare?
well im not really one for hatching hundereds of eggs, not having the time but i do have some things 29 jolly 5iv chimchars with iron fist+fire/thunder punch 5 whismurs that should be 5iv, rattled and assorted natures 6 shuppets with dbond phantom force and knockoff
>>18956968 if its not too much trouble
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:45:28 No. 18957019 Report >>18956966 dont worry about it, shes not really fast to begin with and ill be running her with assault vest to see how that works out
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18956878 Damn I just sent the wrong one because it had marked ivs. Sending you a tr.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:47:28 No. 18957045 Report >>18957008 The male or the breeding?
Quoted By:
>>18957019 I'm actually thinking of doing that too for doubles or maybe a weakness policy. For singles though, I think I'll keep leftovers. Mokona [2535-3886-2731]
>>18957039 Thanks a lot dude! You rock!
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18957005 So, are the Chimchars hatched? Because I'd love one.
>>18957045 if you could breed me one, that would be great
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18957055 Thanks for the Bird.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Anybody got a spare gale wings bird there?3-5IV adamant preferably
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18957005 Hey do you want fakeout for the chimchars? I have a spare male lying around.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 01:50:51 No. 18957087 Report >>18957064 Female, I take it? Just let me hatch this batch of Frillish and I'll get on it.
>>18957087 either gender
i just need it for the HA
Kuroneko FC:2578-3139-3782
Quoted By:
Any one have a female moonball clefairy?
Can anyone possibly get me a HA Tentacool? nature or IVs don't matter to me, I can do all that myself if it had rapid spin on it though, it'd speed up the process
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18957173 I can pass you a reject non-ha male with 4 egg moves to you. Don't have a female with HA on hand that I can part with.
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb
G (0817-4218-3225) Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Spiritomb Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:03:06 No. 18957239 Report Quoted By:
>>18956914 Seems to be in order.
Bert 4699-7206-7551
Quoted By:
>>18957070 I might lemme check
Quoted By:
>>18956254 disc up for dream ball F Ha stary if your still around
>>18957220 I actually wouldn't mind that but I NEED the HA for the current team I'm working on, thanks for the offer though, I appreciate it
>>18957062 yeah they're hatched, just put up a disc. 4chan went and died on me so sorry fot the late response
Bert 4699-7206-7551
>>18957070 I have 2 4 iv adamant gale wings if you want one
Quoted By:
>>18956568 if you're still around i wouldnt mind a meinfoo
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:09:51 No. 18957338 Report >>18957288 if you give me about half an hour, i can get you one, i just finished breeding shuppet so i can move on to tentacool
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18957328 yeah sure man :) gunna catch the fish now
Bert 4699-7206-7551
Quoted By:
>>18957005 I'll take a chimchar please. disc is up
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18957306 Perfect, disc is up.
Bert 4699-7206-7551
>>18957366 Ok also they are level 4 Cuz I just caught a disc myself and I forgot that you exp for catching mons now
>>18956699 You got any o' them male Pichus left?
If so can I have one?
Today I have for offers:
4 Litwick Modest Flash Fire 5IV
2 Skorupi Impish Battle Armor 5IV
1 Pawniard Adamant Defiant 5IV Sucker Punch Revenge
2 Snorunt Timid Moody Spikes 4IV
1 Swinub Adamant Thick Fat 4IV Icicle Crash
1 Shellder Admant Skill Link 5IV 2EM
2 Misdreavus Timid 4IV
1 Phantump Impish Harvest 4IV
1 Gligar Impish Immunity 4IV
1 Larvesta Timid 4IV
2 Petilil Timid 4IV
2 Charmander Adamant DD + Outrage 3IV
2 Raltz Timid Trace 4IV
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18957387 its fine ill breed with them anyway
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:16:45 No. 18957417 Report >>18957100 I have a female ready now.
Bert 4699-7206-7551
>>18957390 ooh can you hold a litwick for me for about 15 minutes? I have to put my son to bed then I'll put a disc up
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18957390 yep just disc up.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18957390 i like the look of that gligar anon, putting up a disc for it if you want to get it to me.
Lola 3024-5384-5877
Hi, does anyone still have a female chimchar with iron fist? I will give some female dive ball tirtougas or some female friend ball larvitars for it. Both Pokemon have their best egg moves too. Props if the female chimchar comes from a cool ball.
>>18957338 that would actually be really awesome like I said, it doesn't have to be right nature or IVs or anything like that, cause I prefer doing all that junk myself, as long as it has the hidden ability I'm satisfied, thanks a ton!
>>18957417 i put a disc up
>>18957390 >>18957418 Forgot to mention that they are all 30IV for HP Fighting purposes. Is that still okay?
>>18957420 Disk is up. Thanks much!
>>18957440 yeah, if you had of seen my earlier post, did you want to gts or trade them normally? if so you'll need my fc
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:21:36 No. 18957479 Report >>18957446 i have a 5 iv timid rain dish one with rapid spin im working with, so ill send a good one your way
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:21:45 No. 18957482 Report >>18956699 Discing up for a female Pichu! Thanks in advance!
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
Disc is up for charmander
Bert 4699-7206-7551
>>18957459 that's fine by me. disc is up
>>18957422 sent. have fun brave birding everything and their mothers
Lola 3024-5384-5877
>>18957466 I can gts. Which Pokemon do you want/what should the message be?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:22:47 No. 18957494 Report Quoted By:
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
I get the feeling this was a sign. Someone sent me a Bagon with Wish. Pick nature, pick moves.
>>18957479 awesome, just tell me when to drop a disc on there and I'm ready! Or if you need a totodile with some egg moves I can help there, otherwise, I've got nothing I've been working on lately
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18957390 Disc is up for charmander
>>18957492 that tirtouga sounds nice if you're offering, id do it for a luvdisc though if you dont want to send me one, just have the discription as VP
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18957482 >>18957459 Sent Enjoy. Also breeding pichu is hellish if you want volt tackle.
Lola 3024-5384-5877
Quoted By:
>>18957510 I'll put a fem tirtouga in a dive ball with the message being VP for the chimchar .
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18957499 Wow, apparently there was a Japanese event for Wish Bagon years ago.
Lola 3024-5384-5877
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18956699 aegis got a spare chespins for me?
>>18957424 >>18957487 Sent.
>>18957504 I'm not seeing yours, did you get sniped?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18957561 No females haven't bred that in a good while.
Currently breeding this guy. And just got penta perfect first egg. I'll do 3 more batches so if anyone wants one reply to this post.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18957594 Porygon? I'd love one.
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:33:19 No. 18957609 Report GOD DAMN IT. Every penta Frillsih I breed is female. Fuuuck, I want my mustachioed menace...!
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18957607 Should probably disc up then
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18957662 That's an excellent idea.
Disc is going up now.
Quoted By:
>>18957609 > tfw finally get a female spritzee with 0 atk and spd > no HA my life
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18957594 Id like one too but gunna catch the fish first
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18957566 scratch my request sir
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18957594 got some more porygons? disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18957708 Sorry, my 3ds was being weird and I had to reset it. I was probably going to get rid of them after this due to the bad IV spread anyway.
Bobby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18956254 You still around, mate?
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
>>18956568 I'll take a ralts if you're still around, Will.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Santos 2320-6383-8804
>>18957390 can I get athe Shellder, please?
Subiendo el Disco de Luvo
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:52:04 No. 18957823 Report Quoted By:
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
1 luvdisc away from 4 full boxes I did not catch a single one of them. I have a problem.
IGN: Seth
Quoted By:
Anyone have an Adaptability Corphish? Disc is up.
Miggy (2122-6877-1753)
Quoted By:
>>18957836 And here I thought Ithought I was alone.
At least it shows your appreciation for anonymous posters on an imageboard
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18957836 Wonder trade them all.
But give them items. So you don't feel bad about it.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 24 Apr 2014 02:58:20 No. 18957886 Report >>18957836 Almost one box of shiny luvdisc Anonymous
>>18957836 Can I grab a Bulbasaur and a Pichu off ya?
trying to find a 'mon to breed to give back to the community Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
Quoted By:
>actually keeping more than half a box of luvdiscs
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18957879 Nah anons went and caught them I'd feel bad sending them to the abyss. I guess I can start banking them.
>>18957886 Only one I sniped from a Japanese Gave them a penta growlithe with 4 egg moves so I don't feel bad. >>18957891 Sure disc up box 5 Best advice I can give is find a poke that is popular and can hold up in competition that you don't see being given out. Valiant
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:03:58 No. 18957963 Report >>18957609 OF COURSE WHEN I DO GET IT I GET TWO.
...On that note, should I go Water Absorb or Cursed Body?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18957879 Nah anons went and caught them I'd feel bad sending them to the abyss. I guess I can start banking them.
>>18957886 Only one I sniped from a Japanese Gave them a penta growlithe with 4 egg moves so I don't feel bad. >>18957891 Sure disc up
box 5 Best advice I can give is find a poke that is popular and can hold up in competition that you don't see being given out.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:06:48 No. 18957999 Report Heya GTS Giveaway guys! First time posting here after lurking for days. I was wondering if someone could hook me up with a Hidden Ability Staryu, if it's not much to ask. I'll put my Luvdisc up after I get a confirmation. Thank you!
Bobby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18957973 Hey,
>>18957891 here, forgot name, discing up now! I'll probably start breeding Inkays and Bergmites
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:08:58 No. 18958020 Report >>18957502 >tfw took about 10 eggs to get 1 HA tentacool you can put your disc up now if youre still here, sorry it took so long but its 5 ivs
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:09:37 No. 18958026 Report >>18957999 Just as I was wondering what to breed next :3
Give me a few minutes, no promises on IVs since I'm starting from scratch.
>>18958020 thanks a ton, I'll put it up in a second, just so you know it's me my IGN is Taylor
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:12:34 No. 18958055 Report Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:12:43 No. 18958059 Report >>18958026 I could care less about the IVs, really, so long as it has its HA.
Also, I'm guessing the reason to put Luvdisc over anything else is because of how almost no one looks for it on the GTS, right?
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18958059 Plus, they're easy to catch and carry heart scales.
>>18958055 thank you so much<3
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:17:41 No. 18958093 Report Quoted By:
>>18958086 no problem, im happy to help
<3 Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress)
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:17:52 No. 18958096 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a protean Greninja/Froakie with 5 ivs?
Alex [3540-0537-144]
Hey y'all, just threw a 'disc up on GTS, looking for a LVL1 Totodile if anyone would be so kind?
>>18958099 I can help, I have a 5IV one with Ice punch and Dragon dance if you don't mind all the facny
Alex [3540-0537-144]
>>18958137 I'm running on a few hours of sleep, I already sent it anyways, you know what I meant
I forgot I also had these for offer: One of each (4IV unless stated) Rotom Modest Scraggy Jolly Moxie DD Drain Punch Ice Punch Shroomish Jolly HA Bullet Seed Togepi Bold Serene Grace 5IV Torchic Adamant Speed Boost Baton Pass
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress)
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:26:37 No. 18958165 Report >>18958157 >ogepi Bold Serene Grace 5IV May I disc up for the Togepi?
Alex [3540-0537-144]
Quoted By:
>>18958154 Thanks very much for your help!
PS I'm high af right now so nah I didn't comprehend what you meant
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:27:04 No. 18958172 Report >>18958157 Do you have a female Torchic?
>>18958165 Sure thing.
>>18958172 No, sorry
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress)
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:30:30 No. 18958224 Report >>18958204 Its up, name Leelu with a heart in the messege <3 Thank you!
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:31:08 No. 18958231 Report >>18958204 I'll disc for one still, I'll try to breed a female then :)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:32:14 No. 18958243 Report >>18958059 Got a 2IV one here. Disc up when ready.
>>18958231 Are you Jahn C.? Otherwise I don't see you.
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:36:48 No. 18958303 Report >>18958287 Yes, that's me! I put /vp/ in the description
>>18958303 Just checking. I'd like to make sure I got the right person.
Quoted By:
anyone have a contrary shuckle?
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:42:23 No. 18958364 Report >>18958243 Phew, damn connection. Then again I live in Mexico. Disc's up. Thanks!
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:43:40 No. 18958375 Report >>18958364 Forgot to mention my name's Morgan. It put 'With the HA' in the description too.
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
KurosakiPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:44:42 No. 18958383 Report Quoted By:
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18958157 Is the Scraggy in a pretty ball by any chance?
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:45:53 No. 18958392 Report Valiant
>>18958385 No, I only recently started caring about what balls things are in and I bred most of these a while back. Sorry.
The petilils are in premier balls, the lavesta and litwicks are in luxury balls, and the snorunts are in ultra balls because I couldn't get my hands on a Moody Snorunt on my own...
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18958423 No worries! If it's a dude I wouldn't mind using him for egg moves. I'mma go catch a fish to put up.
Unless you'd like a Moon Ball houndour?
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:57:28 No. 18958486 Report >>18958392 Aha! Thank you kindly. Have a 'nice' and a L. 3 Breeding Power.
Also, stay tuned for my perfect Dratini reject giveaway, each with Ex-Speed, Aqua Jet and Iron Tail!
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>18956699 May I have a absol? Putting up a disc
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier)
Ryan 3050-7604-7991 (Water: Floatzel, Octillery, Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 03:59:39 No. 18958501 Report >>18958486 Cool. What ball? I've got an E-Speed Dratini, but I've been too lazy to go catch a Dragonair in a good ball to breed, so I'm stuck with my non-E-speed Dragonite in a Pokeball. That said, he's still handy, but...
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Thu 24 Apr 2014 04:00:42 No. 18958509 Report >>18958486 OH, i need this
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 04:03:38 No. 18958532 Report Quoted By:
>>18958501 >>18958509 Luxury Ball, aka. best ball (for me). Though I'm not doing the giveaway just yet, as I just began MM'ing for my Shiny Dratini. As I say, stay tuned and remember my name in the future ^_^
1 Luxury Ball Pancham 1 Dream Ball Meditite 3 Great Ball Croagunk 5 illegal Level Ball Darumaka 2 HA Dream Ball Carvanha Discs, replies, etc.
Quoted By:
>>18958586 Discing for Carvanha
Thank you
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
>>18958478 Sorry for the wait, I was afk for a bit.
I wouldn't mind a moon ball houndour. Put a disk up and I'll put mine up.
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 04:14:11 No. 18958613 Report >>18958586 Are the Carvanha's female? If so, I'd love to have one.
Also, anyone interested in a female Luxury Ball 6IV Careful Aron?
>>18958613 Yes, everything listed is female.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18958612 No worries, my fish is up.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18958662 Sent yours too. I forgot how silly Scraggy looks
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 04:20:03 No. 18958673 Report >>18958629 Disc is up then. Or at least, after I fulfill my request below. I'll tell you when it's really up.
>>18958649 Alright, I'm looking for you.
Valiant 1048-8528-0183
Quoted By:
>>18958667 Yeah, it looks even sillier now that it
has 4x weakness to fairy. Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 04:23:07 No. 18958718 Report Quoted By:
>>18958673 Okay, Aron's been traded and I'm now waiting for the Carvanha.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18958721 Looks like a weird bug Pokemon now.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
Does anyone have an extra Amaura I can have, IVs don't matter?
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>18958740 My friend has a bird that I'm trying to be friends with, but he's pretty aggressive and lashes out at pretty much everyone.
He's cool lookin though.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
anyone who has an extra lucario in a luxury ball?
>>18957594 Disc is up! Thnx!
>>18958949 Try using brfriending O Power
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18958949 Awww, that sucks. If birds aren't paid attention to constantly they can get like that. People often forget when you buy a bird you take the responsibility of becoming that bird's flock.
>>18959019 Yeah, I think that's the issue. It's his dad's bird actually, and the family's pretty busy. It's a double yellow-headed amazon.
Quoted By:
>>18959015 I did, but after three minutes it bit me. ;-;
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18959043 Yeah, they're smart ones. And talkers. Zons don't usually like to be handled, though. Same for Greys. Eclectuses too, actually, (That's Li'l Boo) but for some reason he's an exception. Ultimately it comes down to its personality. If you want a cuddly bird get a Cockatoo.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959008 incoming enjoy.
Also have a line of pinsirs now. If anyone wants some. I think I might hope on the wild ride for these guys.
The search for Pinsirite has begun. Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
I really need to get started on those Buizels.
So what ever happend to Ivory and Dosh ?
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18959086 Managed to get those EMs?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959145 Yep and sports ball.
>>18959153 >not safari ball aegis pls
Quoted By:
>>18959160 >not premier ball anon pls
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18959153 Not bad, I'll take a female actually. May look over at the Wifi thread more often.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959160 :( I know Safari is better I really didn't want to breed those egg moves on. Also I have Y so I can't catch them easily for other balltism.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959182 Disc up then.
Also hexa get.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18959086 whatare the egg moves?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959218 Close Combat and quick attack.
all these pentas disc up people I'll keep producing.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18959226 My disc will be up in a moment
>>18959189 know you can just put a male Sport ball Pinsir with egg moves in daycare with a female Safari ball Pinsir and then breed Safari Pinsirs with egg moves, right?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959255 that's where I'd put my safari Ball Pinsir If I had one.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959295 Incoming enjoy the missing iv is marked for pentas
>>18959121 Nothing, me and dosh keep lurking this thread sometimes, he was here in the morning i think, and i'm out of bankspace; so i can't do pretty much anything now. Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959308 3000 mons ... Damn. Just started storing luvdiscs in mine.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Also guys I'm gonna be a bit more busy for three more weeks. But after school ends I'll be around more often. I've just been so busy lately with that.
>>18959335 4860, also hi, long time no see Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959357 Hi Ivory it's nice to see you. You seemed to be keeping a pretty low profile lately was wondering if something was wrong. Anonymous
>>18959357 >>18959369 Nigga lost his job and fuck just when i was going to ask you to change the ball these bitches are in Ivory daymn...Also what do Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959386 N-Anon??? I still have a badass shark for you. !lvory.7FpY
>>18959369 Everything it's fine thanks, i was wondering if you want a female moon ball espurr to breed in the next days. How are you? >>18959386 Hi anon <3, nice to see you again Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959407 I'm not bad have to find a new place my lease is running out soon. Actually never bred Espurrs there just didn't really seem like that much demand for them. I don't mind breeding some up for people though. Anonymous
>>18959400 You ad I are a lot closer than you think. Although, Im afraid of what your current opinion on me could be. >>18959407 Whats good Ivory, sorry to bring up on the job thing but shit like that irks me. Who the fuck do i go to now for requests and ball changes? Lowkey, fuck gen general, guys can be ridiculous with the fees of the work. You and two other bitches are cool.. !lvory.7FpY
>>18959471 Gen general it's a zombie thread, your request will be here for weeks without a reply, if you want some request you can tell me, but keep in mind that after the shutdown i'll stop genning. I don't mind doing free requests for you guys. Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959471 Thanks for confusing words. I'm cool with just about everyone who doesn't act like a douche. If you are N-anon I'm slightly annoyed as the shark has been sitting in my boxes for weeks. Anonymous
Quoted By:
why does everyone keep spoilering what they type? looking for heavy ball snorlax :^)
>>18959264 You should put a Disc up for Pinsir.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959544 There's been one up for hours before I got my hands on one but I can redisc. Thanks Yukari. Balltism is a strong force.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959516 Can i pester you for some shit right now? Got a list but I am almost afraid to ask since its big. Got a fetish for geneic luxury balls team and got pokemon from this place like about three weeks now but theyre in dream. Also was looking for shit like yamask in luxury etc >>18959517 Col ha! like my nigga cosmic his gay ass still here? Sorry pal, been avoiding this place but lurk late night because thats when idiots like opti zorke etc dont show and retarded anons. Who, to think of it now, who could possibly be Opti insulting himself. Hate to bring it up but you andi know it could be a possibility. John 4055 4228 4021
>>18957594 Disc up for one in a few minutes!
>>18958586 You ignored me (or missed the post) when I asked for egg moves on Meditite, Darumaka and Carvanha yesterday. ;__;
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:20:44 No. 18959598 Report Quoted By:
>>18959544 Hey Yukari, thank you for the Carvanha!
>>18959575 Sent. I bred Safari Ball Pinsir a while ago, but they haven't gone around since then.
>>18959586 Drain Punch/Fake Oute/ Bullet Punch/Psycho Cut
Yawn/Hammer Arm/ Endure
Carvanha have been taken.
>>18959577 I can post my banked - balltism list if you want me to, anon, so you can see if you want me to breed something for you later. Anyway I will try to get some space this weekend if you want me to get you some mons. Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959600 Thanks
>>18959583 incoming enjoy
>>18959600 The Meditite sounds nice. Putting up my last disc for it.
The Carvanha moves would have still interested me, so I know whether I have to cry.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:25:57 No. 18959617 Report >>18959608 Hey ivory do you happen to have a few legends I could get dex data for? I need a few
Quoted By:
sup guys. so i really need to get rid of some 3-4 ivs hp ice timids helioptiles. all you have to do is up a disc askinhg for a level 1 helio with the message "Galvez"(wich is my ign) and reply to this with your ign as well. then you will have one :)
>>18959614 Destiny Bond/Hydro Pump/Thrash
Quoted By:
>>18959627 No tears were shed, I have those egg moves. Just not the ball.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:30:04 No. 18959644 Report >>18959634 Data? Im not asking for the poke. I just need data
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:33:38 No. 18959667 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18959608 Lol not me, but Hook it up brother Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
So this is as good a time as any I want to clear some space and I want these guys to go to good homes. Sylveon Vaporeon Espeon From baton pass team before I knew what I was doing breeding wise. Metagross Salamence Both penta perfect and ev trained probably cloned like crazy if you care about that. Were given to me randomly. I just never plan on using these guys. 5iv male jap gastly can relearn egg moves take this guy if you want to MM
>>18959676 >Sylveon >Vaporeon >Espeon Do you know if any of them have 30IV for defense? I really need a 30IV Def eevee so I can breed for HP Ice.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:43:27 No. 18959701 Report >>18959676 Could I get metagross and salamence please?
>>18959701 You should take everything
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18959676 Metagross pls...
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:45:28 No. 18959715 Report Quoted By:
>>18959711 I have the evolution data already.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959701 Would you run either of them?
Quoted By:
>>18959716 He only wants data :^)
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:49:19 No. 18959738 Report >>18959716 Would be fun to add them in. I currently have a scrafty and torterra. Ev trained and good ivs Anonymous
>>18959608 Where did you go
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959691 Not sure I'll check some ivs.
>>18959738 Choose between them.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:50:56 No. 18959757 Report Quoted By:
>>18959716 Running them would be fun and getting some eggs ready for some friends would be nice.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:52:00 No. 18959762 Report >>18959744 Metagross please
Quoted By:
>>18959744 >Not sure I'll check some ivs. ok thanks. I think I just found a 28 Def one but I'm not sure. It's really hard to tell unless it's 31 or 30.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18959676 May I have the Vaporeon? Don't have that evolution line and s/he could sit with my WT Flareon.
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>>18959743 im sure that s/he went off before the thread turned into a "gib legends pls :3"
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959767 Sure Just checked her she's 4 iv missing def and sp atk has hp electric.
>>18959762 Disc up
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Anyone with HA tyrunt? being adamant/jolly helps no specific IVs needed
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18959795 Alright! My fishy is up
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959806 Unreleased HA can't be traded.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 06:59:04 No. 18959819 Report Quoted By:
>>18959810 Thanks alot!
Are people still interested in darumaka?
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959691 I Haven't bred for HP yet. Any way Sylveon is a male calm missing SpD and Speed ivs has hidden power steel which actually seems like it could be useful. Has cute charm used as a defensive pivot on bp teams.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:15:49 No. 18959887 Report >>18959877 Played.with metagross. First match was against a shiny one lol wanna see the 3v3 vid?
>>18959877 I'm just trying to breed for a HP Ice Jolteon.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18959889 As soon as you said Hp ice it was obvious that it's for Jolteon. Get the boltbeam coverage.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:18:38 No. 18959902 Report >>18959887 Code is 9CBW-WWWW-WWW6-VZL8
Hate people that pull legendaries
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18959889 Found an eevee with Hp Ice in my boxes narrowing down iv range now.
>>18959902 But people that don't know how to use legendaries are hilarious.
>>18959924 I have 3 of them but they don't have max speed IV.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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>>18959934 Looks like def iv is 10 and attack is almost zero. careful nature non HA. Perfect ivs elsewhere.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:33:42 No. 18959970 Report >>18959932 Dat galvantula.
>>18959970 I nearly died when that Mewtwo hit Galv with Aura Sphere instead of King.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Anyway would anyone like to kick the ass/blaze my mono grass team? It needs work.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:45:35 No. 18960012 Report Quoted By:
>>18959979 I chuckled. Lol what a dunce. Im glad you didn't lose a single mon
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:46:39 No. 18960020 Report >>18959987 How many mons? 4v4? 6v6?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18960020 I'm good with anything It's meant for 6v6 but needs work. I'd be happy just to get some play with it and get a better feel for it.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 07:50:01 No. 18960037 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
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>>18960037 Cool once i'm done trading feel free to start up a match.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18960037 I'm sorry this guy is worse than hitler by the way.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:04:24 No. 18960118 Report Anonymous
Shall I make the new bread?
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18960118 I really should not have kept grass waifu in.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18960118 No more blood for the blood god.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:08:02 No. 18960139 Report Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:14:39 No. 18960190 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18960183 Still online? Surprised to see you, I sent you a battle request, perhaps later will be best