GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/ MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
Why does the OP look shorter than usual? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old Thread:
looking for 6iv ditto :^)
>>18960177 >not asking for a shiny 6IV Ditto with Transform glitch moves Stay pleb.
>>18960212 >implying i want hacks Anonymous
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>>18960219 You just asked for one thogh...
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Just got a Darkrai. It's hacked all to hell roar of time and spacial rend. He gets to warm the legend box.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:37:21 No. 18960317 Report >>18960298 Noice. Find someone to clone it? :P how'd you get it?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:39:24 No. 18960331 Report >>18960323 Hey anon, how are ya?
>>18960298 Posted in the previous thread, whats up. Surprised you're online, sent battle request. Maybe later will be best if youre doing something.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18960323 Oh cool.
Got it from a japanese passerby. Modest 6iv.
>>18960337 Hey man didn't see it or the request I'm up for a battle if you want.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:44:51 No. 18960363 Report Quoted By:
>>18960350 We should find another and do multis?
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18960164 Anyone have any lure ball magikarp?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 08:52:40 No. 18960402 Report >>18960364 Too alarming now to talk aboutTake your pictures down and shake it out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
Don't the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
Kudos, my hero
Leaving all the best
You know my hero
The one that's on
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
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>>18960402 If you were trying to be the biggest faggot on this board; congratulations, you've succeeded :^) IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18960402 I like this guy/girl hahaha :D
I seriously needs that lure ball magikarp/gyarados(f)
>>18960426 what are you offering?
>>18960402 >tips 100 pokes IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
>>18960434 On this thread, a luvdisc.
On the wifi general thread, I can breed up hippos in safari balls, heavy skarms, safari ball defog scyther, and moon ball cleffas.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 09:06:34 No. 18960485 Report >>18960427 Thats not good. I know a spectacular spa in Lavaridge.Maybe we should go sometime? ;)
>>18960219 So your asking or a legit shiny 6iv ditto? =^)
>>18960487 ______________ yes ________________ Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 09:11:44 No. 18960520 Report Quoted By:
>>18960454 To spare even a moment's thought for a humble servant like me! You are too kind, good sir...
>>18960477 What a jew.
>>18960485 What a fag.
>>18960499 What a nigger.
>>18960529 why am i a nigger?
>>18960540 Your talking like you're black.
>>18960556 talking in spoilers makes you black Anonymous
>>18960597 fuck you, nigger
IGN: Hero FC: 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18960529 Lure ball magikarp please? Preferably female. Ot gyarados, doesnt matter.
I guess I was wrong a couple of days ago when I was saying that people that only take and never give back will kill those threads. Sorry for my mistake.
Please, a Spiritomb, any level or gender or nature. my IGN is Sagar
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I have posted a luvdisc, ign is Sagar
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I have a disc up. IGN Vare. Any Milotic is fine.
>>18961387 i remember your post. Just wait it out, these threads go through weird phases some hours of the day. Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:39:07 No. 18961514 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a female gastly in a moon ball? I want to pass my disable and persish song gastlys in baltism
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:39:38 No. 18961516 Report I'm sorry if yesterday I went to sleep, so I've got things I had yesterday too x12 Dream ball (F) Starly w/Keen eye and Double-Ege x4 (M) Reckless Starly with Double-Edge x4 (M) Keen eye Starly with Double-Edge x23 Sneasel with Icicle crash and Ice shard x14 Totodile with Dragon dance, Ice punch and Aqua Jet (still growinng, since I'm still breeding) Just disc up and reply
>>18961463 Yeah, all in all, I DID use some too harsh words. Was just really pissed, because there were the same people giving stuff over and over again, and different people came and went not even once offering to help giving stuff out. I never expected people to give more than 'thank you' for those mons. But I expected them to help other people with what they have. Btw, I got banned for 3 days for that post, just came back right now. Anonymous
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>>18961519 So, who are you?
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:44:24 No. 18961533 Report >>18961516 Dis up for a sneasel
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>>18961519 i would be salty as fuck from that ban. Three days is over the top. I got banned for like a day tops when I called out a tripfag for needlessly tripfagging. The ban was for shitposting, whatever global rule that is. It pissed me off, but I guess /vp/ is just going in a new direction. Tripfags are celebs here, and all anons are samefags it seems. Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:47:07 No. 18961540 Report Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:50:10 No. 18961549 Report >>18961540 Thanks alot, Im also putting for a totodile, also with heart scale
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:52:44 No. 18961563 Report >>18961549 Sent!
inb4 starly too
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:53:58 No. 18961571 Report Quoted By:
>>18961563 Thanks but starley I have already, thx again for the crocobro
Disc up for the Totodile, Ilaria! Yehey thank youuu
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 13:04:20 No. 18961618 Report
>>18961618 Thank you thank you! Pushing my luck, can I have a sneasel as well? Hoping for a better playthrough. Thanks in advance. The disc is up just in case.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 13:10:38 No. 18961646 Report
Quoted By:
>>18961646 Hands down thank you so much. 0318-8688-7093 add me upp
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18961516 Disc up for a reckless starly :))
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 13:19:52 No. 18961672 Report >>18961666 Sent!
Also, anyone with a Boomburst and Nasty Plot Chatot?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Dusk Ign Jesse
Im looking for a Pawniyard male with stealth rocks Sucker punch and psycho cut Disc is up Please and thank you
Giving this to first who replies with their ign Male Hexaperfect Cranidos with HA, Whirlwind, Crunch, Iron Head, Hammer Arm
IGN: Dougie
>>18961672 I've got those chatot, disc up and I'll find my 3DS
>>18962011 is that you opti? you can give to whoever else replies if you wish. Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
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Anyone need help distributing stuff they're breeding? I also have a bunch of old balltism mons if anyone's interested; I mainly just have dream ball and love ball mons, though.
>>18962048 Dammit. Yes. You can claim the Cranidos or claim a hexaperfect Starly with its HA and Double Edge that just came out of its egg.
That or a Wish Bagon someone WT'd me the other day and which I don't need
Quoted By:
>>18961747 This is not how this thread work anon, learn to read.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Thu 24 Apr 2014 14:42:26 No. 18962102 Report >>18962026 The disc should still be up, since nobody had it. And thanks!
IGN: Dougie
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>>18962102 Sent a timid moonball female
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>>18962073 So the truth comes out. You were shitposting about yojrself and forgot to put your name. We know its you by the way you type and crap yougive.
Anons have some really are fucking stupid
Okay so I don't necessarily want it off of you people but I'm looking to unlock skarmory and gible in the GTS. I have X so I won't be seeing gible in the wild any time soon and I'm far far away from Victory Road Are there trainers in game who have gible or skarmory? I just need to see it to unlock it I'm pretty sure
>>18962140 Go all the way down to the battle under Z, and press what pokemon? and it should let you type in the name
>>18962073 Heh.
Also sorry for delayed post, I'm testing out Safety Goggles Gyarados, it's pretty neat not dying to the sand.
The Bagon sounds cool; are you sure you don't want it? I could clone it for you and give you a copy, wish is a gen3 event iirc.
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>>18961747 You didn't say that you also want it to be freshly hatched. No Pawniard for you, sucker.
>>18962152 Oh god they all want legendary Pokemon for the skarmory
>>18962184 >being this new
>>18962184 welcome to the gts!
I swore someone was giving away skarmory not too long ago if you needed one, but I'm not sure.
>>18962193 Uh yeah I haven't ever used online functions with the games
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, cool guy
>>18962199 Look, it's fine. I'm not interested in being the whipping boy by virtue of being new. I'll show myself out.
Quoted By:
>>18962207 Since you need to have it pointed out, a bit more of the obvious: good offers get taken quickly, bad offers stay in queue for eternity.
That's why you find mostly bad ones.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18962011 Soooo...did someone get the cranidos?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18962011 If its still up id gladly take it
>>18961387 You weren't.
I just started coming to these threads about a week ago and it's sickening how there's only the same 3-5 people who give stuff away and everyone else is constantly begging for everything and never offering anything themselves. Can't understand how someone can be so greedy and never give anything back. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18962140 I have a few leftover from breeding recently. If you're still interested in it then let me know.
>>18962167 >>18962256 Xeno can take the Cranidos. Cynthia can take the Bagon.
My bad, was busy battling
Quoted By:
>>18962273 sent sorry for delay
I also have a 6IV starly with HA looking for a home
>>18962184 I just want
ESpeed dratini for my Egg move ?IV skarmory
>>18962452 espeed Dratini? Disc up while I go grab food.
>>18962460 By the way,
>Roost >Whirlwind >Stealth Rock >brave bird Should be the moveset. Are you still doing this through GTS or FC
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 15:43:41 No. 18962482 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 2 eevee (all male) - 3-4 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish, have heart scales attached) 1 petilil - 5 iv modest own tempo 3 mienfoo (2m/1f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off (1 male has to relearn em) 2 sableye (1m/1f) - 5 iv calm prankster em recover 4 mareep (3m/1f) - 4-5 iv modest static em: agility/charge/after you/body slam (female has to relearn em) 8 phantump - 4-5 iv impish (1 harvest (male) / 4 natural cure (3m/1f) / 3 frisk (all male) ) 11 chansey - 4-5 ib bold 5 natural cure/6 serene grace em: seismic toss/counter/gravity/aromatherapy 12 shuppet (6m/6f) - 4-5 iv brave 10 insomnia/2 frisk em: destiny bond/phantom force pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
4-5 IV Adamant/Jolly Prankster Murkrows in Pokeballs w/ Whirlwind, Brave Bird 4-5 IV Careful Prankster Sableyes in Pokeballs w/ Metal Burst, Recover, Trick 4-5 IV Sassy Shuckles in Pokeballs w/ Helping Hand, Rock Blast, Knock Off 3-5 IV Adamant Strong Jaw Tyrunt in PokeBalls w/ Poison Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragon Dance 3-5 IV Adamant Aftermath Stunky in Premier Balls w/ Haze, Play Rouge, Crunch, Pursuit 3-5 IV Timid Trace Ralts in Love Balls with Encore, Confuse Ray, Ally Switch, Destiny Bond 4-5 IV Relaxed Mummy Yamask in Luxury Balls w/ Memento, Nasty Plot, Fake Tears, Toxic Spikes 4-5 IV Jolly/Timid Chlorophyll Cherubi in Love Balls w/ Healing Wish, Weather Ball, Aromatherapy and Heal Pulse 4-5 IV Modest Swift Swim/Sniper Horsea in Moon Balls w/ Muddy Water, Outrage, Clear Smog, Disable 4-5 IV Jolly Wonder Skin Skitty in Dream Balls w/ Baton Pass, Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt, Wish I might have to breed a bit for certain pokes so please be patient 'n shit
Austun 3024~6614~1964
Quoted By:
>>18961516 Disc up for a sneasal. Thanks in advance!
>>18962469 GTS, all i want for christmas is a luvdisc, don't need your skarm
already have it shiny 5IV from MMing Anonymous
>>18962509 Oh thats what disc up meant. I was thinking like "load the disc up" as an outdated phrase
>>18962422 Whoops, I was also battling.
Bite is really shit on Gyarados but the flinch rate is a hoot. I put up disc for wishful bagon, hopefully I'll hatch an HP Fire Tangela to begin giveaway on here.
>>18962535 I saw your bagon. Scott || 0447-6701-9781
>>18962482 I'd really need a sableye and a Frisk/destiny bond shuppet.
If you have the time to check IVs and give me 5 IV ones so I don't have to rebreed them it's cool but idc if I have to so yeah
Disc gonna be up for sableye first
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 15:55:38 No. 18962577 Report >>18962567 theyre all guaranteed 5 random ivs and all are marked for which ivs they have, sending sableye in a minute
2921-9413-9567 IGN: Rydia
Quoted By:
>>18961516 disc up for totdile
>>18962535 goddammit I think you've been either sniped or I sent you the wrong guy, disc up again ;_;
Scott || 0447-6701-9781
>>18962577 Thanks a lot dude !
Disc is also up for shuppet
Tanks in advance for this one too
>>18962548 >>18962585 I think it was a snipe, since I got a level 14 repeat ball bagon with a hardy nature.
I've redisced!
>>18962566 I don't know what to say to that.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 16:04:02 No. 18962619 Report Quoted By:
>>18962596 sent, enjoy. also
im actually michelle lol Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
4x Heal Ball Buneary - Klutz - (Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Sky Uppercut) 5x Friend Ball Shroomish - Effect Spore - (Seed Bomb, Drain Punch, Bullet Seed, Focus Punch) 5x Dream Ball Nidoran - HA - (Scratch, Venom Drench, Counter, Disable) 5x Dream Ball Cherubi - Chlorophyll - (Tackle, Defense Curl, Rollout, Seed Bomb) 5x Heavy Ball Phanpy - Pickup - (Counter, Ice Shard, Fissure, Head Smash) 5x Quick Ball Shuckle - HA - (Withdraw, Constrict, Bide, Rollout) 3x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat) 5x Love Ball Pachirisu - HA - (Covet, Bestow, Bite, Flatter) they’re all females. reply and disc up if you wantz
>>18962483 Interested in Shuckle and a female Skitty. I'll fetch a few discs from bank, if they haven't been deleted yet.
Expect a disc in at most 5 minutes.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18962483 i'd love a skitty please
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18962642 I have Shuckles available so it'd be nice to disc up for that one first; I'll have to hatch another Skitty.
1 Luxury Ball Pancham
3 Great Ball Croagunk
illegal Level Ball Darumaka
illegal HA Heavy Ball Cranidos
Disc up and reply, etc.
>>18962483 I'll grab a Skitty, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>18962654 That's what I put my disc up for just now.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18962643 >>18962660 Same as Cuan; I'm going to need to breed a few more Skitty, so it'll be a while. My apologies. It shouldn't be more than a few minutes.
Quoted By:
lf slakoth, any help would be greatly appreciated
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18962330 Good will is not borrowed.
But yeah sometimes we end up getting to spoon feeding and shitstorm levels. Really it's not hard to breed. >>18962535 No crunch ;_;
>>18962660 Discing for Cranidos the ball fits too well for me to pass up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>18962660 I'd like a Great Ball Croagunk, discing
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18962631 discing up for shroomish pls
Quoted By:
>>18962724 I don't see your Disc.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18962642 Shuckle sent. Can't see your disc for Skitty.
>>18962643 Can't see your disc for Skitty; might've been sniped.
>>18962660 Sent.
I'm in a bit of a rush for different things so I didn't mark the IVs; sorry ;_;
Quoted By:
>>18962781 That's cool, thanks again.
>>18962781 Most likely because I have been diligently waiting. Disc is up now.
>>18962631 >3x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat) Discing up for a female please!
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18962718 Yeah, but everything that I've asked for to use for breeding my team, I turned around and gave out the leftovers. Then I notice that many of the people that are asking for stuff are the same people who constantly beg for things over and over. I never see those people give anything else back out. It's just pretty grimey. I probably wouldn't even care if it weren't for those few who are always constantly begging without giving anything back out. Max-2208-6078-2154
>>18962817 thanks :3, can i disc up for a cherubi as well pls
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18962856 yes of course take what you want
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18962796 >>18962806 Aaand sent. Sorry for the delay, you two.
Anyone else want anything from the list?
>>18962864 k disc up for cherubi
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18962483 Are you still here, Ignis? Could I get Skitty?
Also, check my list guys. Rather random IVs, on average 3-4. Will have more once I make Ordnung with the stuff I bred. Got 92 Pokemon to train ahead of me...
4 Hoothoots - Calm, Insomnia with Foresight, Defog, Night Shade and Whirlwind (3M, 1F)
4 Snorunts - Timid, 2 Moody, 2 Inner Focus with Spikes (3F, 1M)
4 Snovers - Quiet, Snow Warning with Leech Seed (4F)
3 Digletts - Jolly, 5 Sand Veil, 1 Arena Trap Reversal, Pursuit, Mud Bomb and Memento (2M, 1F)
3 Durants - Jolly, Truant with Vice Grip, Sand Attack, Thunder Fang, Baton Pass (3M)
3 Yamasks - Quiet, Mummy with Nasty Plot, Heal Block, Toxic Spikes and Disable (2F, 1M)
2 Cubones - Impish, 1 Lighting Rod, 1 Rock Head with Iron Head, (2F)
2 Cryogonals - Timid with Ice Shard, Mist, Haze and Attract (>tfw no gender ;_;)
2 Doduos - Adamant, Early Bird with Brave Bird (2M)
2 Roselias - Timid, 3 Leaf Guard Synthesis, Leaf Storm, Spikes and Sleep Powder, (2M)
2 Sableyes - Bold, Prankster with Metal Burst, Recover and Trick (1F, 1M)
1 Gible - Jolly, Sand Veil with Outrage, Iron Head and Sand Tomb, Male
1 Hipopotas - Careful, with Stockpile, Swallow, Slack Off and Curse, Female
1 Sneasile - Jolly, Keen Eye with Fake Out, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard and Pursuit, Male
1 Stunky - Adamant, Keen Eye with Play Rouch, Crunch, Pursuit and Iron Tail, Male
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 16:55:56 No. 18962928 Report Quoted By:
>>18962899 > Got 92 Pokemon to train ahead of me... i know that feel, i also have about 3 boxes of mons to ev train and level up. i have about 18 that are battle ready ;_;
>>18962917 youre actually the best, disc up for shuckel pls
>tfw trying to complete national dex Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18962854 I think some people see some of the really good stuff that gets given out and end up slightly intimidated. Really there is always demand someone one might need that nature or those egg moves. You don't have to give out perfect pokes. Making an effort is good. I didn't know shit about breeding when I started I thought adaptability on eevee was good and didn't know about flame body for breeding. There's still lots of stuff I don't know. You end up giving out what you can when you first end up in these threads. It's nice to see new people and I hope they end up doing their own giveaways as well. Some have already started. Giveaways lead to more of them and we end up with a healthier thread in the end. Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Anyone needs Polar Pattern Vivi? Just leveled Scatterbug I got via GTS
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>18962997 Great, thank you. I knew that looking for that additional Moon Stone will pay off.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
if i bred nest ball spindas what would be ideal ability and moveset?
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
I have some Adamant __male Moon ball Poochyenas w/ Ele Fangs + Play Rough, if anyone wants one
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18963035 i'll take one please
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
>>18963046 give me a sec to hatch up a female for ya
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18963084 oh thanks so much. i was confused by your post so i figured i'd just go for a female lol
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
hi guys does anybody have a Calm Rotom?
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18962483 Disc is going up for Cherubi.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
>>18963092 >>18963095 Sent!
Two females in 3 batches Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18963173 Agh, sorry, I have to go right now.
Going to be an exchange student for the next nine days so I'm finalizing everything with my teacher. I'm sorry ;_; If you're still here when I come back, I'll get it to you as quickly as possible. My apologies.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:26:18 No. 18963206 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them (updated) 2 eevee (all male) - 3-4 ivs timid anticipation em: wish (2 have to relearn wish, have heart scales attached) 1 petilil - 5 iv modest own tempo 3 mienfoo (2m/1f) - 5 iv adamant regenerator em: knock off (1 male has to relearn em) 1 sableye (female) - 5 iv calm prankster em: recover 4 mareep (3m/1f) - 4-5 iv modest static em: agility/charge/after you/body slam (female has to relearn em) 8 phantump - 4-5 iv impish (1 harvest (male) / 4 natural cure (3m/1f) / 3 frisk (all male) ) 11 chansey - 4-5 ib bold 5 natural cure/6 serene grace em: seismic toss/counter/gravity/aromatherapy 11 shuppet (6m/5f) - 4-5 iv brave 10 insomnia/1 frisk em: destiny bond/phantom force 9 tentacool (5m/4f) - 3-5 iv timid rain dish em: rapid spin pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963194 that's really awesome actually, always wanted to do that. Is it a different school, or something crazy like another country? No worries, man.
>>18963190 thanks
>>18963206 discing up for petilil
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18962631 Disc is going up for Phanpy.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18963216 Another country. I've been looking forward to it for ages. Valiant
>>18963206 Hey, could I get one of those 5IV tentacools?
>>18963206 Hey, could I filch that harvest Phantump? Disc is up
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18963252 Good for you. I was in two trans-national student exchanges, in Germany and Estonia. Good times. Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963252 >>18963270 I'm jealous. I've only been out of the states once now. Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18963239 i also have cherubis if you want to settle for one of mine. phanpy sent.
>>18963190 thank you
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:35:56 No. 18963291 Report Rhys
>>18963291 Sorry, my modem crapped out on me. Disk up.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963285 Thanks.
I'll take the Cherubi if it's absolutely no hassle to get. Like, ready in box. Don't breed a new one.
Disc is going up for it one way or the other, though.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>18963280 But the USA is huge and extremly diverse. You have everything you need inside one country. I understand how Americans can travel outside their borders so rarely. Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:40:44 No. 18963348 Report Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18963318 i keep 10-15 of everything on hand not to mention my bank so no hassle at all lol sent Valiant
>>18963348 Thanks! Tentacool has been in my queue for a while now. Good to get it off.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>18963339 I do travel around a lot within the states though, so I can see your point. >>18963371 Based Zilla
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18963194 Congrats hope it turns out well for you Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18963339 Environmentally perhaps, but culturally it's mostly just the same shit.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:50:48 No. 18963430 Report Quoted By:
>>18963373 no problem, im happy to help!
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
looking for shieldon. preferably male. anybody have one?
Tidal 1763-0801-6591
Quoted By:
Could I request a rattata? I've put up a staryu for it on GTS
>>18962899 testing
>failed greentexting Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18963735 Congrats, Anon. You did it.
Best ev spread for larvesta 252 spA/252 Speed?
Quoted By:
hiya my IGN is Max I'm requesting a damp Paras.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Thu 24 Apr 2014 18:46:02 No. 18963832 Report >>18963206 Disc up for natural cure chansey, thanks!
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963777 Bulkier Volcoronas are pretty scary, I would go 252 in Sp Att, and see how much speed you need to invest by looking at what speed tier you want to hit. After a Quiver Dance, it's pretty easy to outrun base 110s and up with little investment. Put the rest in bulk however you see fit.
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
6 Love Ball Koffing 6 Great Ball Nosepass 7 Luxury Ball Slugma 4 HA Staryu and 3 Natural Cure Staryu 2 Nest Ball Ferroseed 2 Heavy Ball Koffing All are female [besides staryu] with 4-5 IV's
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18963893 Jesus just realized it's base 100 speed. and timid so 110. Correct me please if I'm wrong but throw on 44 ivs and not factoring in nature I'll out speed base 120s if they are not invested.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18963912 wait i screwed up somewhere is it 4 evs per stat point or 8.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18963907 discing for heavy balll koffing please
>>18963929 Every 4 EVs is one stat point at level 100.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963907 Discing up for Koffing. You choose the ball.
>>18963912 I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. I always have to break out a stat calculator. Haha
Just keep in mind 100 is a very crowded speed tier. It never hurts to know exactly what your mons should and shouldn't outspeed.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Thu 24 Apr 2014 19:06:06 No. 18963937 Report >>18963907 disc up for any koffing, thanks!
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18963936 >>18963937 Just choose a damn koffing.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 19:08:30 No. 18963955 Report Quoted By:
>>18963832 sorry i had to step out for a min, if youre still here, disc again pls
>>18963948 >Wanting autists to take decisions. I missed you cunt :^)
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>18963948 Love ball it is.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Thu 24 Apr 2014 19:10:03 No. 18963968 Report Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18963957 :^)
>>18963960 >>18963968 Was that so fucking hard kek
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18963935 I'll go 88 Then I should be able to out speed a fair amount of stuff then. I'll throw the rest into bulk.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18963971 i got sniped discing again
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988 [Swadloon, Tangela, Gogoat] Thu 24 Apr 2014 19:18:22 No. 18964034 Report >>18963035 Could I get a pooch? Please
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 24 Apr 2014 19:23:20 No. 18964077 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18963907 I'll grab a Slugma.
Quoted By:
>>18963907 I'll take Nosepass and Slugma. Preferably Sturdy and Flame Body.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>18963907 Discing for Slugma
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
whipping up brave lightning rod nest ball cubones. (perish song, iron head, endure, ancient power). i dont battle so i hope i made it viable. should be ready soon. anything i should change?
>>18964257 You can replace Endure with Detect. though both are rather niche.
Ancient Power does fuck-all damage with Marowak's SpA and isn't boosted by Thick Club. You could use Belly Drum in that slot instead.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18964235 i see him online sometimes
he sends me free shiny arceuss :^) Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18964286 ok i'll throw belly drum on it instead of ancient power. thanks. just want people to be able to use them
>>18964293 >him >not knowing that she is a girl Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18964329 meh. cant win em all
ok guys so i have a box full of these TIMID fuckers with HP ice and 31/x/31/31/31/30 with dry skin. If you want one, up a disc with the message "Galvez"(my IGN) and reply this with your IGN
>>18964293 Can i get one pls?! i need it for dex n-n Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18964382 sure put a disc up
alexzander 3184 - 2528 - 5680
i am on johto mission to complete my pokedex. only needing porygon 2, from there. which also means i need porygon z too. any kind sound would help me out with those 2? i will throw up an disc in hopes someone can help me get my shiny charm.
Quoted By:
>>18964379 Putting one up. IGN: Ben
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18964493 I can touch trade porygon 2. Don't have 3 yet.
Quoted By:
>>18963907 Discing for love ball Koffing if you are still around~
alexzander 3184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>18964534 i got the discs or can get them asap.
shall we add each others, and do some dexing ?
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18964034 Hey, I'm back, I just sent it, sorry.
alexzander 3184 - 2528 - 5680
bought the dubious disk. so i could help you too with the porygon z dex. so uhm yeah would be lovely. added you to my friend list.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18964576 Adding you can also keep this guy he's not KB. I don't like using I guys I haven't bred myself anyevent mons you need touch traded?
alexzander 3184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>18964591 got all the event mons. thanks for asking. not shiny but i do not mind.... well atleast for now.
but uhm yeah, would be cool to obtain porygon 2 without evolving asap disc on.
when i trade back i will give it the dubious disk, and you cna trade me over the buddy again.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18964576 friend code not vaild man
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>18964631 i am an retard.
i accidentlied an 3 instead of 4.
my apology. sorry.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Do people go Impish or Careful on Avalugg?
Quoted By:
>>18964659 I guess it depends on which way you want it to lean.
Careful if you plan on leaving it in on special attackers and impish if you plan on just using it as a physical wall.
>>18963907 Disc is up for Nosepass now.
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
thank you aegis, porygon z as shiny is rad. keep the golden snake as an token of appreciation. got it trough my journey of filling dex entries
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
Quoted By:
>>18963907 Mind if I nab one of those Ferroseed?
My ferro is in a quick ball since I made it early when I was learning about breeding and my balltism has since started making me cringe at my previous decisions.
Anyway, disc up.
Quoted By:
>>18963907 I'll also grab a Love Ball Koffing.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Nest Ball Cubone - Lightning Rod - (Endure, Iron Head, Belly Drum, Perish Song) reply and disc up,pic for balltism purposes.
Quoted By:
>>18965154 Discing for marowak
>>18965154 Discing for marowak
Exbo 2208-4885-3082 !EruptonS2A
>>18963907 Would love it if a Ferroseed was sent my way. They have EMs, don't they?
Oh wait, I need to fish for Discs first :^)
(reserve a Ferroseed if posssible
Hey you
Yes you
I heard you wanted to Ctrl+F this list:
Exbo 2208-4885-3082 !EruptonS2A
>>18965377 (this obliously means Ctrl+F, find what you want, disc up, reply with IGN, say thank you)
If ssomething has 2 possible builds (eg Bulbasaur can be defensive/offensive, Shuppet can have Frisk/Insomnia) say which version you want
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
Quoted By:
>>18965301 >>18965154 >Nest Ball Cubone you should probably put a disc up for cubone
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Exbo 2208-4885-3082 !EruptonS2A
>>18965444 Wasted trips
Too bored to make a proper list goddammit, just say what you want
>>18965467 I think you mean lazy, not bored.
I'll take a Noibat, sure why not. If you like, if you really want to give one away. Disc is up
I always expect these threads (free pokemon, duh) to have more traffic
I am always wrong
>>18965513 Sent
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18964659 Bawby!
Just the man I wanted to see!
Thanks for giving me that Lotad!
I hatched this qt in 5 eggs!
>>18965552 They used to have a ton, but there's just less people playing in general now, and the people left have usually finished whatever team/collection they wanted to.
>>18965552 >>18965565 tl;dr your mons are shit
>>18965585 Fuck you. I do my best and it's for free and also read this
>>18962988 >>18962854 Anonymous
>>18965616 If you are the one week old guy here you don't know shit about this place
>>18965665 No I'm not and what the fuck does it have to do with a shitposter not appreciating free stuff
>>18965154 Ops, my bad.
Now discing for a Cubone.
Quoted By:
>>18965689 Wondertrade your free stuff, it's not our fault that nobody wants to disc for it, newfruit.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082 !EruptonS2A
Quoted By:
>>18965377 The Buneary was a typo, meant Bunnelby.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732
>>18965704 sent.
and im gone
Quoted By:
>>18965787 Thanks!
and sorry for the confusion.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
>>18965560 Man! You're so lucky, I went through
34 boxes and took a break. Congrats!
>>18963907 Are you still on? I'd love an HA Staryu.
and a Koffing if any are left, but I don't want to be greedy Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18965957 you can have one of each don't worry.
Thomas 4699-7353-3027
Quoted By:
>>18964379 Is it too late to grab one of these? I've disc'd up.
>>18965998 Disced up for HA Staryu now, appreciate it!
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Hey, guys I have a few Larvitar in Safari Balls They are Male and Female, have 4 o 5 31 IVs, and have the Egg Moves Pursiut, Outrage And Dragon Dance Disc up and lemme know if you want one
Quoted By:
>>18965998 >>18966077 IGN is Velox, if it makes it any easier to find.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>18965998 Discing up for a ferroseed
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>18966091 Female if possible
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Quoted By:
>>18964379 Santos Disking up
Quoted By:
Lucas, are you lurking?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>18965869 you'll get it soon
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
>>18966079 Discing up for a female, if you don't mind!
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18964379 Disc up for a male
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Quoted By:
>>18966207 Of course I don't mind
There you go
Santos 2320-6383-8804
>>18966232 I guess you mean a Larvitar, the you go
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>18966258 hahaha wrong post XD
Dye 1977-1569-9562
Quoted By:
It's a long shot, but I'm looking for a 5 IV Modest Regen Foongus
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Quoted By:
>>18966079 They are Adamant, btw
all of them
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>Tfw the thread you made last night is still in use.
William (1993-8617-7529)
Quoted By:
Could I get a rough skin gible please?
Quoted By:
>>18966333 I know right?
>>18964235 damn it lucas
In case anyone wants them: Adamant Kanghaskan 4-5 iv Swarm/tecnician Adamant Scyther 4-5 iv Own tempo/oblivious bold Slowpoke 4-5 iv Flash fire Modest Litwick 4-5 iv Adamant marvel scale dratini with extreme speed, aqua jet, haze, iron tail 3-5 iv
Santos 2320-6383-8804
>>18966612 >Adamant Kanghaskan 4-5 iv i would love it! *-*
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Last call for Timid Moon Ball Houndour Flash Fire 5IV, before I release them into the abyss.
>>18966675 Disc is up, thanks
John 4055 4228 4021
>>18966612 Would love the Kanghaskan, putting disc up!
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18966612 Discing up for Dratini
keo 4742-6186-1643
>>18966612 would like a female dratini if any left pls
anyone have a spare ability capsule?
>>18967017 greedy too much?
Quoted By:
>>18967030 thought people wouldve hacked a billion of those things by now, back to bp grinding then
YurioTy 3239-2428-9335
can anyone help get me a zubat in a LoveBall with the HA plz?
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18967404 go to the genning threads.
Santos 2320-6383-8804
Quoted By:
>>18966947 Thank you very much
1 Luxury Ball Pancham 2 Great Ball Croagunk 1 illegal HA Heavy Ball Cranidos 5 illegal Level Ball Darumaka 10 HA Dream Ball Grimer Disc up and reply if you want something.
IGN: William
Quoted By:
Could I get a rough skin gible? The disc is up and waiting.
Bawby 5086-2731-7206
>>18967723 omg discing up for a grimer now, thanks bud.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 25 Apr 2014 01:48:21 No. 18967771 Report >>18967723 disc is going up for HA grimer, ign is gonna be will this time
>>18967723 Can I have the cranidos? >>18967414 Cosmic, okay I'm dying.
Can I borrow your HP fire ditto?
All my hp fire tangela keep poppinig out with leaf guard ;_;
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18967723 Ohh, love fish for Grimer.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 25 Apr 2014 01:55:22 No. 18967883 Report Quoted By:
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18967853 give it back please Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>18967723 disc up for grimer!
>>18967868 Disc's up!
>>18967890 I will!
I'll send it back with a little gift. Trade or disc?
>>18967723 Grimmer f would be awrsome, thanks!
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18967723 Disc up for Grimer, thanks
Quoted By:
>>18967975 thank you, Yukari-sama!
>>18967975 It looks actually incredibly good, the heavy ball + cranidos in 3d.
Thanks Yukari!
>>18967962 I don't see you in my friends or acquaintances.
Disc for disc and then trade?
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>18967853 M' lady, I thought you were good at breeding, boy was i wrong. Needing help from cuntmaster is a signbof desperation. Hes just as bad at breeding.
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
>>18968072 hang onto my garchomp for me please, and i'll try to get your ditto back quick as i can!
>>18968050 random, but remember the breeder who was having troubles with HA Driftloon? well that breeder finally got one after a whole box and a half of breeding balloons. that balloon breeder would kindly like to say "thanks!" to you and Michelle. Thanks again.
>>18968107 I actually do remember you!
Congrats on your success, anon!
Cosmic !fXEQE3wD3g
Quoted By:
>>18968092 I'll hold it while I MM Swirlix
>>18968135 Please be my girlfriend.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18968203 someone's desperate On that note, hey! If anyone's still loking for any 'mons I listed earlier, don't be afraid to ask.
I leave at 8:30 tomorrow morning; I managed to trade for a shiny Regirock for the girl I'm staying with. Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18968256 Female Yamask and Horsea?~
>>18968256 What is your list?
>>18968280 You beg so much but its so cute. Wanna be my girlfriend?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18968280 Yup; gotta breed both of em though, so it'll be a bit of a wait. Any specific ability on Horsea?
>>18968256 Is this your list?
>>18962483 May I have Skitty and Sableye?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18968317 Yup; I have both of those in stock, disc up.
>>18968373 Sweet!
Luvdisc is up for Skitty first.
Aidan (IGN) 0662-2881-1277
How interested would you guys be in a giveaway of shiny, icysnow pattern Vivillion? They're fully trained, level 100, Spanish, and I essentially have an infinite supply. I just wanted to gauge the demand for them before I did the giveaway.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Fri 25 Apr 2014 02:37:37 No. 18968403 Report >>18967723 Disc up for grimer, thanks!
>>18968395 Everyone loves shiny things.
I could make a new thread for you to do that if don't mind waiting, since this one's past bump limit.
I think I have one already, am not sure. Bawby 5086-2731-7206
Quoted By:
>>18968395 t-that looks beautiful, i would love one.
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Fri 25 Apr 2014 02:39:59 No. 18968436 Report Quoted By:
>>18968395 I'll take 10! Just kidding, but I'd like one.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>18968297 Taken. >:
>>18968305 Not really! I'd just like the ball.
Aidan (IGN) 0662-2881-1277
Quoted By:
>>18968420 I could wait, sure.
You probably do, since mine are just retrained, fully leveled versions of the ones Lime gave away many threads ago.
Quoted By:
>>18968420 New one, please!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>18968440 Well that's unfortunate.I'll ask Cosmicinstead.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>18968373 Are the horseas still available?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18968467 Indeed; I'll have to breed to get one for Punchan so I can get to you in the same batch. Any specific ability?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Fri 25 Apr 2014 02:51:11 No. 18968580 Report Quoted By:
Well, since I've still got things left, here we go AGAIN: x45 Totodile with Ice punch, Aqua Jet and Dragon Dance (still breeding, seriously, why won't that flawless HATCH GOD) x21 Sneasel with Icicle crash and Ice shard x12 FEMALE DREAM BALL Starly with Double-edge (no HA) x7 Male Starly with Double-edge (3 of those have Reckless) Just disc up and reply
Quoted By:
>>18968395 If it's in a Premier ball and penta I would murder people to get my hands on one.
IGN: Charlotte