>>18967321A remade version of my previous deviantation,this time including Misty's Psyduck.
~Ash Ketchum & Pikachu
~Misty,Togetic,& Psyduck
~Tracey & Marill
~Dawn & Piplup
~Iris & Axew
~Dylan,Azelf,& Jigglypuff
~Samatha,Flygon,& Clefairy
~Officer Jenny
~Nurse Joy
~Professor Oak
~Team Rocket(Jessie,James,& Meowth)
~Alexa,Helioptile,& Gogoat
~Ash's Oshawott
~Dylan & Samatha's Helioptile
~Dawn's Buneary
~Calem(anime debut)
~Gary Oak
~Erina & Axew(Lost at the Stamp Rally)
~Alanna & Whismer(A Poke-Block Party)
~Seymour(Clefairy & The Moon Stone)
~Oswald(Clefairy Tales)
~Wilhelmina & Marill(For Crying out Loud)
~Brittney,Gigglybiff,& Gigglybuff(Same Old Song & Dance)
~Katharine & Gothita(Scraggy & the Demanding Gothita)
I was the one who told him about you guysAm I a bad person now?