Here, in seasons of 3 months each, we hold a mono-type tournament to select 8 Gym Leaders, whom anyone can then challenge to become Champ of /vp/!
Current season: 2 (Challenge phase).
The current Champion is Joey.
Earn all 8 badges and challenge him to claim the throne!
Rules, registration, current challenger records and all other info is in the Doc:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fFz6jd0RxPZ8pJqa91fLU4398B-dp6r7rgPMlhAvTjo/ Previous thread:
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Any gym leaders about? I have a new team to try out.
Quoted By:
>>18975354 you can practice vs me if you want i haev a mono water team
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
>>18975354 >Gym leaders >Frequenting >Ever Anonymous
>>18975388 >been here two days >claim to know things that happen regularly here
>>18975398 well to be honest he isnt far off only ppl who tend to frequent are Ryan and weeebos and emilio
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
>>18975398 I;ve been following these threads for a while now, I just never posted till a few days ago faggot
>>18975437 and then any and all respect for you disappeared...forever :/
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18975473 We can do a practice battle if you want, lets trade over the GTS. I'll put up a natu, what should i ask for?
>>18975493 ??? k add me but trade for what??
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Quoted By:
>>18975184 Good
The old thread almost made cry
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18975512 I meant we do a GTS trade so we can have eachother as acquaintances because my friends list is full
>>18975526 k not sure how we can do that without each other on friendslist or nearby
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Has summer break really started already?
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18975542 Alright, then forget about it. We can just add eachother.
Quoted By:
>>18975549 >April >Summer Break started Yeah
if you're homeschooled
>>18975554 i have you added send me a battle request when your ready. Same rules as the gym ones
>>18975426 you've only been here like 3 days yourself.
>>18975437 that's a lie.
if you'd been following the threads, you'd have seen that all the gym leaders come by pretty often.
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Quoted By:
>>18975184 >Earn all 8 badges and challenge him to claim the throne! >him B-but im a gril
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 20:38:23 No. 18975627 Report Dark Gym open for a while. Challengers, come at me
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18975627 After my practice match
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
>>18975638 Have a look at the doc.
See those dates for the matches? Every gym leader is active.
Perhaps they just don't want to talk to you because you come across as a retard and badmouth them in the threads.
Surely shitting up our threads and generally being an ass can only lead to you becoming well-liked.
And just ask W3 how enjoyable your experience becomes when everyone despises you.
Oh he's not around anymore? That's interesting.
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
Well shit, Nathan Didn't mark me down on the thing. Can someone put that as a 2-1 win for me?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 20:47:41 No. 18975744 Report >>18975634 Sounds good, I'll be online waiting. I can also change the doc and grey you out for starting your third attempt.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18975599 GG, shame about the para game 3, but Cloyster cant really do much to Magnezone anyways.
Quoted By:
>>18975634 gg's lol that paralyses really wrecked my cloyster. gj
Quoted By:
>>18975768 tbh i thoguht my empoleon would have survived agaisnt his attacks but i was wrong guess he was a bad choice.
Quoted By:
>>18975744 can i battle you after. I'm just gonna have a quick shower then ill send you a challenge k.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18975744 Holy crap. That was fucking intense. GG dude.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:10:04 No. 18975991 Report GG Mike. If RNG didn't hate me as per fucking usual with my 50% WoW success rate, I would have managed to win. But, as I've learned lately, sheer odds just tilt in the favor of the challengers. At least it was close, though. It was my mistake for not dancing a second time to outspeed scarf.
Quoted By:
>>18975991 you ready for the match?
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
I just watched all of Mikes wins/losses being deleted Lel
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:12:31 No. 18976029 Report >>18976019 He resubmitted. That's what happens
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18976029 Yeah I realized after you changed his win ratio against you
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
I still have to beat like 5 gym leaders to get to Joey (and beat him) :^(
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18976069 stop shitting up the thread, this isn't your personal blog
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:29:41 No. 18976202 Report Two matches in a row I lose to rng. GG Kara, nice crit.
>>18976029 OMG THAT CRIT LOL
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18976204 You sound like a 10 year old
Quoted By:
>>18976204 fuck off you flaming underage faggot
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:30:58 No. 18976216 Report Dragon Gym Open Now with badgemons.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18976202 tbh i was sure i lost after the double intimidate.
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
garfield 2809-8233-7598
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:32:54 No. 18976238 Report Quoted By:
I know Gym Leaders are supposed to take losing with grace, but when you have the match in the bag and an 85%, then 80% move fuck you over, you can't help but have a sour taste in your mouth I'm done for the day.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:35:03 No. 18976264 Report Superswog 4313-1004-8027
>>18976264 I wasn't faste enuff :^(
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y Fri 25 Apr 2014 21:47:28 No. 18976384 Report Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18976264 I was expecting the Dragonite team, and i really went all out with my anti flying/dragon stuff there that the last team lacked. GG, i always feel a little dirty for using Cloyster VS dragon.
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18976384 gg, was off my game first match
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
What became of Nathan? He's just gone and vanished.
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
>>18976672 I'm here, family is watching netflix though so I don't want to risk a battle when the streaming might cause a random disconnect.
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
Quoted By:
>>18976703 Ah, understandable. I can wait.
Quoted By:
Hamwall, Stratos, Quad, Weebos and Moustaffa. Any of you five around?
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18976264 you never fought me ;(
Superswog 4313-1004-8027
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
Electric gym is reopen to challenges for a few hours
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18977289 Sign me up for a battle
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
Quoted By:
>>18977293 added, getting online
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
Quoted By:
yeah nah I'm not doing this you can have this first round
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
>choice band weavile rip galvantula gg mike
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18977458 I was scared shitless that you had Magnezone last, i would have been toast. Totally didn't expect that sucker punch too, really caught me off guard. GG
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
Quoted By:
>>18977486 I was hoping your weavile was anything but banded because then you wouldn't have KO'd galvantula and it would've been an easy kill. I didn't really want to bring magnezone because I didn't want a slowish thing over galvantula, and I didn't want 3 special attackers so I could deal with your spiritomb.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Quoted By:
Hamwall, Moustaffa or Quad around??
Daily reminder that superswog is by far worse than w3
Quoted By:
Dead thread Dead challenge
>>18978391 Cept' I didn't lose all my challenges :^)
Quoted By:
Moustaffa is dead RIP.
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Bumping against dragon abuse
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y
Stratos 3196-3681-9383{Dragon Leader} !DragonMW6Y Sat 26 Apr 2014 02:02:09 No. 18979068 Report
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
Quoted By:
been competing in the April friendly one of my battles also is anyone else here registered for it H83W-WWWW-WWW7-WRXP
>>18978391 daily reminder that W3 was FAR worse than this new superswog kid.
like if W3 rated a 10/10 awful, superswog is only a 6.
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18978968 You've barely fought, you little faggot.
Get off your high horse.
>go to chat hours ago >full of spics joaco a shit
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 03:06:06 No. 18979611 Report Quoted By:
>>18979603 What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Quoted By:
Im heading home Daniel. 20-15 mins
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
Nathan, Weebos, Hamwall or Quad around?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 03:31:48 No. 18979951 Report where are the gym leaders?
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Well, while we wait for leaders to show up at some point this weekend kek , I'm excited to announce I'll have finished building the in-game champion teams for each and every gen. If people want, I'll take battle requests; you can choose which champ to fight. Maybe even send some breeding leftover back if challengers win. This is only if I'm around and leaders aren't. Not gonna interfere with the challenge in any way, other than to keep the wait for the leaders easier.
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18980878 will you be here in like 30 mins?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
>>18980878 You
Cynthia party
Quoted By:
>>18980895 yes, but I will have to go sleep right after.
i did get called into work for an early shift
Quoted By:
>>18980895 friend code is 1977-1205-0529 btw
6v6 preferrably. and whatever champ you want (red, blue, lance, steven, wallace, cynthia, iris, alder, diantha)
>>18980895 I will have to bail for bed at the top of the hour though (10 minutes) if you don't show up
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18981149 ok i'm ready, up for it?
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
>>18979205 >>18979299 >>18979409 Lel thats not me
>>18979383 I'm probably better than half of /vp/ at battling budd :^)
Even though my team was built for 6v6 I've beat 4 gym leaders now with only some difficulty, and that difficulty was me not having a good typing advantage, for example against Nathan and Stratos
>>18981165 sure. what champ do you want
to lose to ?
pls don't pick alder or diantha; i gotta redo evs on vanilluxe and arorus garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18981186 I've never played B/W so Alder!
Legends allowed?
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
>>18981186 How long did it take you to build those teams
Like fuck
>>18981199 If you really want to, sure. Vanilluxe is getting swapped out for Braviary though >>18981200 better part of 3 weeks. all fully competitive iv bred and ev trained
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18981199 throwing items on mons. gimme a sec
Quoted By:
>>18981199 ok going online now
god, fuck that jellicent>go, infernape! ogre
Quoted By:
>>18981173 >I'm probably better than half of /vp/ at battling budd :^) a retard wtih a rattata is better than half of vp at battling faggot
Quoted By:
that got really intense late game. alder is not easy to use by any stretch, but it was an awesome challenge. Good games!
>>18981342 I totally forgot about knock off, how much did your Boufalant live by?
Quoted By:
okay, going to sleep. Here's two Champ battle videos for those interested Alder vs. Garfield: 5Q5G-WWWW-WWW7-XW9K Cynthia vs. Cynthia: 47JW-WWWW-WWW7-XW9G
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Anyone wanna have a friendly 6v6? except superswog
garfield 2809-8233-7598
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
Quoted By:
Will be around for fights later, going out for a few hours.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
been doing the April tourney managed to get to mid 1600s before getting dropped to below 1500 I'll probably take on some gym leaders later on today
>>18984240 make sure you play at the right times to avoid the japs
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>18984293 I haven't seen any japs yet it's mostly people using legends that's messing me up I got like 20 wins and 13 losses
>>18984357 >5/6 team is weak to xerneas shit nigga what are you doing
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>18984417 I can OHKO Xerneas with Mega Tyranitar
Quoted By:
>>18984427 and mega mawile, who's also really common? you haven't got a single ground or fire move
Quoted By:
Bump. Won't be around for maybe 7-8 more hours for those wanting to battle my champ teams
Any gym leaders online atm?
>>18985006 There hasn't been a leader online for about 14 hours.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 18:07:06 No. 18985100 Report >>18985075 I'm usually lurking but I've faced a majority of the people here. It's kind of disappointing that the other leaders don't show as much initiative.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
daily reminder to email the leaders if you want to battle them and they aren't in the thread
>>18985100 Agreed so much on this
>>18985127 If leaders arent going to be active why make the threads then.
This is /vp/ Gym leader challenge, not email leader challenge
Nathan [Electric] !ELECTriC22
>>18985372 Because people have lives and things to do outside of this challenge. Personally, I don't want to get burnt out so I try and take challenges every other day. I'm not going to be available next week though due to work but that said:
Electric gym is now open.
Cypress [IGN: Brown] 1435-4699-2718
>>18985470 Looks like no one is here atm so....I challenge you, Nathan!
Quoted By:
>>18985564 added, getting online
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
>>18985470 I'm here, at last. I'm still up to a battle if you are.
>>18985690 I can battle you in a sec after I finish this match with Cypress
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
Quoted By:
>>18985713 Great! Just send me a battle invite when you're ready.
>>18985564 GGs Cypress, those unfortunate guesses with Porygon ended up being your downfall I'm afraid. Feel free to challenge again later, though!
>>18985690 ready when you are
Cypress [IGN: Brown] 1435-4699-2718
>>18985735 So close!
If only I didn't misclicked Tri-Attack for Dark Pulse during round 1. Other then that, gg!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 19:21:21 No. 18985770 Report >>18985742 I see we haven't battled yet. You down for another one?
Cypress [IGN: Brown] 1435-4699-2718
Quoted By:
>>18985770 Alright, I'm going online.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
champ in the house yo captcha: man tspooki
Quoted By:
es ogro gg valty
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
valty 5413-0048-1306 !gAu05ULQPk
>>18985735 Good game, Nathan. I was fearing you had Magnezone in the 2nd battle, which is why I pulled the double switch.
Quoted By:
>>18985920 I figured my eelktross would have been a safer bet againstyour special attackers rather than magnezone
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 19:44:50 No. 18986045 Report GGs Cypress. I got seriously lucky with that freeze, but if any pokemon deserves bad RNG, it's the skillful Togekiss.
Cypress [IGN: Brown] 1435-4699-2718
Quoted By:
>>18986045 Holy crap, I was close.
>dat freeze gg man
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
I'm raising a squirtle for my team, would a 31/31/31/31/31/x squirtle be fine? I never intended on squirtle for speed, but those other stats are good.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 20:43:35 No. 18986653 Report >>18986621 It's not too big of a deal, but you'd feel sick if all that cost you a victory was a few missing speed ivs.
>>18986653 getting a hexa perfect squitrle is gonna take forever
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18986666 why does it need to be hexa?
Quoted By:
>>18986694 maybe he wants that max rapid spin damage
>>18986694 It doesn't, but I'm trying to get a Squirtle I can use, and I don't know which IV doesn't have to be perfect
>>18986709 it's typically attack that you can lose, since all your best options are special attacks
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18986709 probably the attacking one that you're not using very much. Speed is the most important stat and you will always want it to be the best it can be
>>18986831 >>18986719 So far that is the hardest one to get.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>18986881 what are you using to breed?
>>18986900 hex perfect ditto, and a 31/31/31/31/x/31 squirtle
Fuck yea, just got a hex perfect squirtle
>>18986961 and a 31/x/31/31/31/31 squirtle, awesome
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 21:11:26 No. 18987078 Report Quoted By:
>>18986998 There ya go, now train that shit up
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18986934 >hexaperfect ditto theres one of your problems
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Joey I'll take you up on that challenge :^)
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18987216 what challenge?
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18987398 i never said anything about a 6v6 challenge?
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Holy fuck. Sorry for being gone last few days. Real life stuff and shit. Fairy gym open. Come at me
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18987398 Read the post again.
>>18981459 Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
Quoted By:
>>18987581 1. That post was 15 hours ago
2. Read the spoiler
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Hamwall can you add me now I'll try to battle you whenever you're on
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18987581 thats the other Joey
>do you even tripcode m8? Anonymous
>>18987563 Then quit
Gyms need to be open frequently, you are causing this tourney to fall apart by being gone for extended periods of time. You're halting the flow of champions.
Quoted By:
>>18987626 >few days >extended period of time in what world
The point is, no joey wants to battle because you are annoying as shit
Quoted By:
>>18987626 >quit people have a life, you know, they cant be on 4chan 24/7 even if they are gym leaders
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
Quoted By:
>>18987626 >causing the tourney to fall apart >extended periods of time >was only gone for a day or two >not the only one who's been absent Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>18987618 Adding you now.
>>18987626 >>18987634 Fuck yeah, I love when shitpost anon shows up.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18987581 >>18987398 >>18987634 why are you people not linking the posts you are quoting?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18987626 thunder was away for like 2 weeks during the last challenge and that worked out fine
>>18987674 That's a third of the tourney time.
Ganon did the right thing and quit because he missed a lot, what makes Hamwall any better?
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
Quoted By:
>>18987705 Because Hamwall wasn't gone a week. Only a couple days.
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Hamwall- Thanks Joey- On mobile
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
In the thread for less then 5 minuets and I caused a shit storm. I think that`s a new personal record
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Quoted By:
>>18987726 also please stop going anon to shitpost in this thread.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6 Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:10:25 No. 18987768 Report >>18978391 I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL MURDER YOU
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18987756 Super Swog called first. First come first served
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18987769 Sure thing, I'll be ready when you finish.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6 Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:13:37 No. 18987793 Report >>18987726 DUEL ME FOR THE RIGHT OF DIGIMASTER, FAGGOT
Quoted By:
>>18987626 >causing this tourney to fall apart Lol, nothing is falling apart because you didn't get to challenge a particular Gym Leader the moment it crossed your mind. Sometimes people can't participate for a day or two, deal with it. Also, this isn't a tourney.
And like Heather said, if someone is gone for an extended period like Thunder was, they'll get a sub.
Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697 !FlyingD2EM
Stating now that I simply don't have time to visit 4chan constantly. The best way to get in contact with me is through email (there is a reason it's listed). Cards emailed me today and I battled him rather quickly. I do have a life outside of pokemon, and sadly I can't be here all the time. If you want to participate in the tourney, then I ask that you contact me through email, as that's the most reliable way to get to me. I accept challengers, I don't go out looking for themThat being said, I can't battle right now, i got a hot date to be at, but I'll be around tomorrow
>>18987768 >>18987793 AGAIN, W3 just "happens" to show up right when the shitposting does.
W3, leave your damn name on when you shit talk so we can know to ignore your retarded comments.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 [Dark Gym Leader] !!auUhdsFDvhU Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:16:04 No. 18987818 Report >>18987809 >hot date Go get her Mous!
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6 Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:17:30 No. 18987837 Report Quoted By:
>>18987814 sorry, I'll put it on next time.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
>>18987818 >tfw hes meeting an ugly girl at a sauna >tfw he never said it was a girl either Anonymous
>>18987863 what if he's dating
a pokemon W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autism Dojo Master) !w/3CosbyQ6 Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:23:31 No. 18987890 Report Quoted By:
>>18987809 >mfw he's going to the kitchen to microwave a date superswog, if you want I can show you some tips and tricks
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>>18987674 Thunder also had a replacement while he was away
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>Beats Super Swog a clean 2-0 >He changes his shout out to "Nice Para-Hax" >Didn't even bring Togekiss Come on Swog, take the loss like a man
Quoted By:
Yeah, if you're going to not come on frequently just don't be a fucking gym leader. It's making it difficult for the challengers.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:27:51 No. 18987949 Report >>18987927 Hey Hamwall fite me
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>18987949 Mike first, then you
>>18987927 I love you
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>18987961 I love you too anon.
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
nice hacks Hamwall. Do I have to restart now?
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18987992 No, you can rematch in 24 hours.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:32:15 No. 18988001 Report >>18987992 Stop crying, babby
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>>18987992 No, you can't restart. you have to leave, it's a one try thing.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
Quoted By:
>>18987992 and here I thought W3's tantrum was pathetic
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
I guess Mike's busy or away right now. Joaco, you're up
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 22:33:51 No. 18988015 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18988010 Want some tips on how to troll better?
I've got quite a few
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
>Rena in charge of anything ever Welp...
Quoted By:
>>18987992 >hacsk git gud faggot
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18988008 Whoops, sorry. I'm playing Warcraft 3 while i wait and apparently i missed the battle ending. I'll get next in line and pay more attention this time.
Joey !MrjoeyRiA6
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
Quoted By:
>>18988029 Oh, sorry.
Which guest were you?
Tim 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Hey Hamwall, you up for a challenger? Also summoning Quad and Moustaffa to the thread!
Quoted By:
>>18988167 summoning suerswog!
Quoted By:
>>18988167 summoning superswog!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 26 Apr 2014 23:00:08 No. 18988224 Report Woah Hanwall. G fucking G. One of the most intenses battles I ever had.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988167 Mike called dibs. So after him.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988224 My thoughts too.
>I had to flip a coin when my Mega Mawile was facing off you Paker Tim 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Quoted By:
>>18988236 Thanks Hamwall!
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
>>18988252 GG, that last match went as horrible as possible. I think i need to redo some of my team to account for some weaknesses.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988426 Better luck next time man
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 !DrTimsFU2Q
Quoted By:
>>18988490 That also went horibly! Like 2/3 of my team is weak to fairy, but i did what i could!
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988472 Just finished my match with Tim, going to go for a drink/piss/smoke/whatever break, then I'll come back for our match
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Hamwall can you be on tomorrow? I need to re-challenge you >inb4 klefki just fucks over my team again
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988899 I'll be here, don't worry
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
>>18988930 Well, there goes round 2
Gard and Mawile literally rip through everything I have
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
GG Nanaca. I'm going to do some other things, but I'll be back around later to take more challenges if more people come around.
>>18988662 You and I after?
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18988981 Later. I promise
>Also because I'm to lazy to look it up, does anyone have a .gif of Mawile Mega evoing?
Quoted By:
>>18989089 Sounds good
/r/ing little daniel
SuperSwog 4313-1004-8027
Quoted By:
>>18988930 Cool, thanks :^)
I'll be sorta aroundish tonight. Anyone wanna battle an in-game champ team?
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18989380 I'm down for a rematch
>>18989388 Every team is ready to go. Same champ or different?
Red, Blue, Lance, Steven, Wallace, Cynthia, Alder, Iris, Diantha garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18989523 So, when you win, what bred mon from Stevens team would you like as a prize?
garfield 2809-8233-7598
Quoted By:
>>18989680 Ok, coming right up!
>>18989680 baltoys ready to go when youre ready. stevens team is a bit ill suited for fighting and fire teams but its still a blast to play with.
Daniel, if you're lurking, wanna 6v6 alder?
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18989798 Hey Nips, still want that battle?
Hoooooo shit game 3. Mad hype
>>18990066 Dat lead prediction
Also, >triple dubs
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18990102 252 SpA Galvantula Thunder vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Mawile: 237-279 (77.9 - 91.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Why did that thunder kill?
Hey guys. First time posting in one of these threads. I'm building a bunch of monotype teams and figured that this was the best place for advice, and hopefully get someone to playtest against. Just finished building mono bug. Needs to be playtested. Planning on building a normal or ghost team next. Any suggestions?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18990125 No clue. Threw me off.
It's scarfed, not specs too.
Good games btw! The combo if mawile and azu is terrifying
garfield 2809-8233-7598
>>18990149 >mono bug Bring a shuckles/Crustle to fuck over talonflames.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18990175 >My mawile doesn't have a 31 in Sp Def >The mawiles I give out are penta perfect >The mawiles I give out are better then the one I'm using ...Fuck.
>>18990207 Looooooool. It's almost worth retraining
>>18990156 Vivillon (Planned lead)
Focus Sash
Bug Buzz
Stun Spore
Sleep Powder
Galvantula (not the lead)
Life Orb (could probably use something better)
Energy Ball
Focus Sash
Baton Pass
Bullet Punch
Quiver dance
Fiery Dance
Hidden Power
Quick attack
I came from gens 1 and 2 straight to Y some I've missed a lot.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
>>18990234 daniel says to go online in game so he can fight your Alder team.
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>>18990188 Have a shuckle line just haven't gotten around to breeding it yet and not sure how to actually use one.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18990234 I've had a Snorlax and two Whismacotts in my boxes to level up, but because of being burned out of pokemon because of this I haven't leveled them up.. But yeah, maybe I should re-train a Mawile..
Quoted By:
>>18990274 Ok hang on a tick.
Get him to send request when I hop on
Quoted By:
>>18990287 Yeah, I feel ya. Gotta go at your own pace with that stuff
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18990259 Change Stun Spore on Vivillon for QD
Think about changing Galvantula, he gets better moves.
Defog Scizor isn't the best in 3v3s. I'd change it for SD
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18990259 If you really want to be a massive dick, you can run lefties on Vivillon instead, swap Stun Spore for QD, and replace Bug Buzz with Substitute and just roll with a monoattacking set.
When it works and as long as there's no priority while you set up you will drive your opponent up the wall.
Speaking of which,
I was the bug gym leader last season so if you want to test against a same-type party I'll be more than willing to lend you a hand with that
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18990259 drop stun spore on vivi, give it quiver dance instead. The sleep buys you a turn, might as well use it
infestation is useless on galvantula, use bug buzz instead
who are you planning on baton passing to with scolipede?
also in flat rules, which this tournament/challenge uses, item clause is a thing -- just keep that in mind
scizor is fine, though defog is useless in 3v3
what hidden power on volcarona? I suggest you replace it with bug buzz
pinsir looks ok, though I'd suggest return over frustration if this is for cartridge since it's much easier to raise happiness than to lower it
at the moment, your entire team is weak to talonflame and you've only got one neutrality to rocks and one neutrality to fire. Strongly consider adding something like crustle -- it's got shell smash and sturdy so it's still got a lot of potential
is this meant to be used against other mono teams or is it for normal play? is it for 3v3 or 6v6?
>>18990319 I was not considering 3v3 while building the team it's meant for 6v6.
Defog Scizor is probably the only way I'll get Volcarona in safely.
Galvantula I'm really not sure for the moveset/role do I run him as an alternate lead and grab sticky web or just have him nuke things and possibly allow something on my team to set up with T-wave and infestation.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Quoted By:
>>18990374 If we're talking 6v6 the Galvantula I'm running is
Sticky Web
Bug Buzz
It hits most everything, and you get that web up. I can't see much use on Infestation on a Pokemon that isn't going to be around for long.
T-wave I can see if you rather para something if you know you can't kill it with your last hit.
>>18990370 I made a mono-grass team as well that right there is suffering when you see a talonflame.
Scoliopede is meant to pass a SD and speed boosts to pinisr or even Scizor. Who might be able to sweep.
Hp Ice on Volcarona. Her and the viv I was given.
Viv is meant to just cause as much damage as possible before it dies.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18990442 grass has cradily which our grass leaders have used in the past to great success once it gets going
>>18990476 Yeah that team needs some work. Cradily would work great. I have to rebreed Sceptile for Hp Ice or rock. Drop harvest trevenat. Maybe find a better hazard setter.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
>>18990524 I do think you should try giving crustle a shot though!
>>18990539 He has a pretty deep move pool. Physical wall which the team needs.
>>18990369 What was your favorite mon on your team and why? And a battle would be great if you are still around. The more I test a team the more I find wrong with it. These guys have never even been in a battle yet.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18990608 If I really had to pick something that stood out it'd be Escavalier, it definitely improved loads this gen. Anyways if you wanna drop your FC here I'll be hopping online in a bit.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18990683 I've always liked the look of him. Thought of him but did not want Double steel on the team. Time for one of our teams to get squashed. Adding now.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18990723 Also how do you want to do this 6v6 or should I change it up so it conforms to the format you guys have.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18990742 Up to you, though since the challenge itself is 3v3 it might be more conducive to do it that way.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18990763 Team's designed for 6v6. So if you don't mind that. I'll have something designed for the challenge at some point.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18990782 Gotcha. Just give me a moment to set up items and whatnot, it's been a while since I last used them
since I got ousted from my seat ;_; Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18990845 And I forget about overcoat again.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
>>18990845 >>18990882 You have an interesting party and it certainly threw me for a loop some at times, but there were definitely times when you could've made some better moves. For one, rather than sending out Scolipede against a boosted Volcarona and trying to get a baton pass to Pinsir, it would've been a lot better to just give Pinsir the safe switch, Mega evolve on the turn and OHKO with Quick Attack. Volcarona's physically frail enough to be taken out by Mega Pinsir, who doesn't fear Quiver Dance thanks to priority.
And yeah, Escavalier is a monster when played right. Part of the reason why I love it.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
Completely Squashed. If that crit didn't happen I might have been able to do something. Thanks though.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
wow that did a ton I guess I should have just kept spaming QA
Quoted By:
any gym leaders avaible
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18990948 Actually, that shouldn't even have been a problem. Normally, Heracross should have no way of outspeeding a regular Mega Pinsir; you may start want to consider looking into your Pokemon's stats. My Heracross is max speed Jolly, but even so there should've been no way for it to outspeed unless Pinsir was running a speed reducing nature.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18990982 It's the way it's ev trained. Planned on boosts from scoliopede so put it into bulk instead. :/
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
It looks like defog does not work the way I thought it does. Anyway nice Three musketeers theme.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18991001 I see, that would definitely make sense. Mega Pinsir's base 105 speed is more than enough to clear through most things, so usually it's better to let it run off its natural strengths.
Regardless, you certainly came a whole lot closer this time around, 2-0 compared to last battle's 5-0.
You're also the first person to actually recognize the naming scheme without being told Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18991019 I fell like first game If you had not gotten the crit on my Volcarona it would have been much closer. Mine is a bulky variety. I went for another qd and should have out sped you next turn and maybe pull something off. Scoliopede is getting cut from the team first thing.
Dumas is damn good. His The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all time favorite books. Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991019 Also thanks for the battles.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18991072 Anytime. I was afraid that I might've been losing my touch too, what with getting analreamed by the new leaders all the time these days.
>>18991080 nope, gym leaders of this season are sdtrong as fuck
i thought the same
Quoted By:
>>18991096 I just wish they'd show up more often
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991080 the overcoat Escavalier switches were good. I should drop one of the powders from Viv. Shes a fragile sweeper more than a lead. Though she did force some switches. Rethinking Szicor I thought de-fog also got rid of stat boosts for some reason.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18991141 You would be thinking of Haze. Although I won't fault you, the two do sound pretty similar flavor-wise.
Overcoat is a very good skill this gen, now that it blocks all powder moves. Spore has always been an issue but with something like an Escavalier or a Mandibuzz you can now switch in on predicted powder attacks with impunity.
Vivillon only does need one powder, which would be Sleep Powder. Although to be honest, other than the infuriating set I suggested it's quite hard to play Vivillon for anything more than a few turns before it gets ousted.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 !CHIM/gzSnY
Quoted By:
>>18991168 Clear smog is the move that removes the enemies stat boosts, haze is for everyone. He must have been mixing up defog and clear smog.
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
>>18991096 >strong as fuck >not being champ already >pic related, its me and frisbee Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991168 Thus why I run the focus sash on it.
What move set are you running of Galvantual? If you don't mind sharing.
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18991218 Other than the fact it's for 3v3 rather than 6v6, it's pretty standard. It's the same set as yours, except with Sticky Web replaced for Volt Switch.
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
>>18991237 should i be ready for tomorrow? Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
>>18991268 Nah, the outcome has already been decided (^:
>>18991291 yes, joey will beat you again
summoning gym leaders plox
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991246 Thoughts on Forretress?
If you want me to stop trying to pick you brain say something. Nanaca 1418-7364-5522 !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>18991356 Again, Forretress is a great mon for 6v6 but unfortunately it really fails to pull its weight in 3v3. Hazards aren't as suitable for the relatively more offensively-geared 3v3 meta and in the end Forretress usually ends up being cannon fodder after its done its relatively unnecessary job.
>>18991356 you could have crustle be your stealth rocker and scizor your defogger
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991366 I'm not as concerned about 3v3. These mono teams I'm making are designed for 6v6. I'll make something for 3v3 at some point. I like the challenges associated with mono-type team building also it's just plain fun to do.
>>18991392 Forretress can do both their jobs. stealth rocks and rapid spin.
>>18991401 Are you still online atm?
>>18991407 >Forretress can do both their jobs. stealth rocks and rapid spin. yes, but neither are dead weight outside of hazard control. Crustle can shell smash and scizor is scizor
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18991479 I can get online if you want to challenge
Joey [champ] !fFuGJoEyM.
Frisbee !FlyingoOUw
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
>>18991508 You are right. However, I'm building towards a different meta. This seemed like and is the best place to get advice on monotype teams. The big question is do I go with a dedicated hazard control and free up move slots on other members of the team or split up the role between multiple members.
>>18991575 not only hazards but crustle also gives you a useful double neutrality to talonflame and you can KO back with rock slide/stone miss
forretress can't do that
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18991562 Jumping online and getting the doc up. I'll send you a nice when I'm online
>>18991618 i got your nice but can't find you.
Hamwall - !Hamwall78.
>>18991647 I didn't send you a nice. I only just added you
Aegis (4270-2316-5333)
Quoted By:
>>18991599 I'll give him a shot in the slot.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 !!CjDY41w4gEX
Quoted By:
>>18991659 That lucky crit lol.. GG's they were all really close.