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No.18987170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me in sophomore year Zoology class
>Diamond and Pearl had just come out
>Was working on a dissection in a group of 3
>Me and two girls
>Me and one of the girls were talking about Diamond and Pearl and what our favorite Pokemon were from the new gen and such
>Other girl interjects with "I can't believe you guys are talking about fake Pokemon"
>We ask her what she means
>She responds with "Only the ORIGINAL 150 Pokemon are REAL Pokemon and and your aren't a REAL Pokemon fan unless you ONLY like the original 150!"
>Girl I was discussing Diamond and Pearl with responds with "Actually there were 151 original Pokemon"
>retard girl responds with "Just shut the fuck up you fakers!"
Why are people so damn stupid?Also what are some Pokemon related stories you would like to share?