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Pokemon MMO Part 2
>Jokers hang around Pokemon Daycare Centers, whoring out their "6 IV Dittos"
>Gogoat mounts cost 15 dollars
>Rhyhorn mounts cost 20 dollars
>Other players use Sweet Scent to spawn more wild pokemon at dangerous areas
>Servers will be wildly packed, so GF institutes a channel option. When you enter a new screen, another player tells you "CC Plz"
>Pokeflutes are usable at will and are the new vuvuzelas
>Can group with other trainers, but they will take you out into the wilderness and try to attack you and take your shit.
>Mega Stones only appear at certain times, and those areas are always camped.
>Guilds pop up named things like Team Scorch and Team Douse. These people do everything in their power to annoy the piss out of other players.
>Female Pokemon trainers will dance in public squares and demand 15 pokedollars from you if you watch them
>Erotic RP in starting Pokemon Center.
>You will be called a faggot no matter what your leading pokemon is.