[19 / 2 / ?]
Anyone happen to have a spare Blazikenite for trade? I have a some 4-5IV Machop with Ice Punch/Knock Off, some Dratini with Extemespeed/Aqua Jet, some 4-5 IV Ponyta and Stayu as well.
>>19013555 If you give me a bit OP, I can get you some. Just give me ten minutes or so to go home and get my 3DS out so I can give you my friend code.
FJ [0731-5303-4956]
>>19013598 That's awesome, got all night, thank you!
JT 5429-8826-1261
>>19013598 Could I please get one? I have a 5IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan to offer?
>>19013639 Wesley - 3110 - 5116 - 0207
Just give me a moment and I'll be online after I add you
Ign Levi Fc: 1736-1638-9586
>>19013555 What do you want for one of those machops?
>>19013639 >>19013696 Added both of you, getting online now.
Don't worry about trading anything of value, if you feel inclined to then go ahead, but, I'll be fine either way.
FJ [0731-5303-4956]
>>19013731 Uhhhh I can just give ya one if ya want, its nbd.
>>19013708 what did you want for this?
Ign Levi Fc: 1736-1638-9586
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>>19013758 Thanks man I'll add you. Whatever I give you will have atleast 3 ivs or more so make sure to check.
JT 5429-8826-1261
FJ [0731-5303-4956]
>>19013758 >>19013834 Anytime, just thought I'd do some good deeds before I head to sleep. Enjoy your Mega KickenMcnuggets. .
FJ [0731-5303-4956]
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>>19013852 thank you so much!
[1762-2829-6071] Marshall !7yp1kxc3.o
I'm offering any megastone to the person who can help me evolve my Scyther.
Austin [5086 - 1636 - 9883]
>>19014315 I'll help ya. Currently adding.
[1762-2829-6071] Marshall !iiA80eLVpY
>>19014368 Which stone do you want?
Austin [5086 - 1636 - 9883]
>>19014384 I'll take a Pinsirite.
[1762-2829-6071] Marshall !iiA80eLVpY
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>>19014410 Pinsirite it is. I'll throw in something nice also.
[1762-2829-6071] Marshall !iiA80eLVpY
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>>19014410 Check the moves ion the squirtle.