>>19021014This set takes advantage of Celebi's good bulk and Special Attack, transforming it into an offensive tank. While at first glance it may seem inferior to Latias in the tank role, which boasts better typing, Speed, and coverage, Celebi is quite different due to its Grass STAB, Natural Cure, better physical bulk, ability to utilize Thunder Wave to a much greater extent than Latias, U-turn, Earth Power, and the ability to beat the most common Pursuit users, Tyranitar and Scizor. Leaf Storm is the primary move of the set and packs a lot of power due to the offensive investment, Life Orb, and STAB. The Special Attack drop might seem offsetting, as it makes Celebi set-up bait for a host of threats, but fits very well with this set's hit and run nature. Earth Power is used for coverage against Steel- and Fire-types, such as Heatran, Jirachi, and Ninetales, while hitting many Pokemon that resist Leaf Storm, such as Scizor, Forretress, and Volcarona for neutral damage. Psychic provides Celebi with a reliable STAB move to work with, while still covering some Pokemon that would want to switch into Leaf Storm. Some other targets of Psychic are Dragonite, Salamence, Breloom, and Thundurus-T (the latter two in particular are important as you can usually switch into them with little worry). Hidden Power Fire gives Celebi coverage against Steel- and Grass-types, the most important being Scizor, Ferrothorn, Breloom, and Forretress.
In the next slot an utility move of your choice is chosen, allowing Celebi to act as a great team player. Thunder Wave works amazingly on Celebi, as no Ground-type would want to switch into it, almost making sure that something is going to get paralyzed. Thunder Wave also incapacitates some of the most common switch-ins to Celebi, namely Latios, Salamence, and Dragonite. However, U-turn makes Celebi's checks and counters take damage from entry hazards and U-turn itself, while getting forced out by your switch-in. U-turn also deals