Hi /vp/, thought I'd make a thread for anons to help out other anons who want to finish completing the Pokedex, Post with your Friend Code and IGN. This thread will mainly be for Legendarys, bank mons, versions exclusives, trade evolutions, and Pokemon otherwise unobtainable in X or Y. If you have a long list of needed pokes, try to link a separate document in your post. Touch trades - Legendary Pokemon and trade evolutions - can be handled via direct trade, and everything else - not Legendarys or trade evolutions can be handled via GTS. To start, I have all but Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina sitting in my box, so just ask if you need anything!
So you have Mew, Shaymin and Keldeo, and would be willing to do quick trade, as in we return the pokemon we traded?
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>19029420 I have Shaymin and Mew. Of course I forget that I don't have Keldeo in my PC, sorry.
And yes, we return the traded Pokemon. But that is only for Legendary and trade evolution Pokemon.
Vincent 0232-9007-2023
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Well, I don't have Dialga and those other pokemon, but I will trade a legendary pokemon as collateral. Add my FC I provided.
Vincent 0232-9007-2023
Thanks! I could use other Legendaries, but I have other things to do, so I'll hit you up later, okay?
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19029531 Glad I could help! Feel free to trade request whenever.
Vincent 0232-9007-2023
>>19029538 I also have some shinies I caught in the wild if you want that data too.
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
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>>19029578 No thanks, trying to get all the shiny data would be torture so I'm never going to attempt that.
Thanks for offering though!
Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
Hey guys im about 100 shy of completing the national dex and all the pokemon i need are in the kalos dex. I can give people meowths bunearys elgyems boutfalants and I may have other transfer only mons.
Vincent 0232-9007-2023
>>19029692 If they are in the Kalos Dex, you can probably find them in X and Y yourself...
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19029692 What Pokemon do you need, friend? If none of them are trade evos or version exclusives, then I agree with
>>19029727 Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
>>19029750 I need like tornadus azelf mesprit uxie and latias as for legendaries go. And i have some version exclusives so i figured id help out
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>19029876 I can help with Tornadus and Latias. I don't know why I'm being retarded today but I don't have the elfs in my Box either. Really sorry for another fuck-up man.
Help is appreciated, hopefully some kind anon will come with the 3 elfs.
Adding you now.
Christian 3024-6150-8181
>>19029380 hey you did it!! haha
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19029959 Ha, yeah.
It's a pretty shit thread and I have no idea what I'm doing but at least I tried right?
Christian 3024-6150-8181
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>>19029985 trying is all that matters, anon.
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19029876 Which Kalos Pokemon do you need?
Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
>>19030097 I need about 100 more honestly, alot of them commons like geodude machop cubchoo mr mime but i need other things like sunkren lioone tentacruel just random shit
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19030137 I'll help with any that you aren't able to catch or evolve yourself, like Sunkern.
Post a list!
Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
>>19030196 Nuzlocke surskit delcatty illumise chimecho leavanny scolipede chandelure numbers 506-509 and so much more lol
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19030421 >Nuzlocke Did you mean Nuzleaf? If so, I can give Seedot, Sewaddle, Lillipup, and Purrloin so you can evolve them. I'll TR you when they're ready.
The others you listed are in-game.
Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
>>19030509 Also sawk if you can, thanks.
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19030558 I can!
After this I gotta go do birthday shit, so hopefully this thread will stay afloat on its own.
I highly doubt it Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
>>19030606 Lol. Can you throw in resharim and zekrom too? I forgot i needed those
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 20:51:45 No. 19030651 Report >>19030606 Hi Kiva!
I have to go update my registration. On my car. Shit expires tomorrow. Then I will be back to help some anons out.
Just a friendly reminder that if you are going after shiny charm, event legendaries like Victini, dont count towards it.
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19030642 I got you.
>>19030651 Thanks for that, I really do appreciate it.
And I know events mons aren't needed, but what's a "complete" Pokedex without full completion?
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>19030642 It would help if you stayed online :/
Steve 2208 5682 1883 IGN wuts pokemon
Quoted By:
>>19030606 Sorry mate give me like 3 minutes
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 21:07:15 No. 19030832 Report Quoted By:
>>19030694 Oh I agree! Im just sayin its at least nit going to kill you if you cant find them right away
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
I need electivere, magmotar, and Dusknoir. I can do the trade back as I already have the items and pokemon needed for the evolution.
KIVA 5429-8718-0972
>>19030864 I got you, add for add then I really gotta get out of here.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>19030909 Thanks I finally got them all for the first time ever.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 22:33:08 No. 19031823 Report Okay just got done with my car registration. Pic related is the Legendaries I can help with. Would like some kind of collateral for the event ones. Otherwise I have kept mostly everything from when I got my shiny charm. Post a list of what ya need and I will try to help.
JT 5429-8826-1261
>>19031823 I need all those except mewtwo, moltres, yveltal and zygarde.
If you need collateral I can offer my Regis, but it'll be a straight up trade back for all if you're interested
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 23:07:15 No. 19032197 Report >>19032044 Sure. Will add you nwo
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 23:37:55 No. 19032578 Report >>19032044 Woo. Think I got them all. Thanks for the successful trade!
Any others off the top of your head I can help with?
>>19032578 Erm, just the 4th gen pixies and darkrai and genesect left now
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 23:47:31 No. 19032676 Report >>19032622 I still need Genesct and Darkrai for myself. I got the pixies off GTS and traded them off right away.
How about non-legends?
>>19032676 No thankyou.
I've managed to catch everything I need and used the GTS for the unobtainables.
It's a long shot, but can I help you with anything?
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Wed 30 Apr 2014 23:51:52 No. 19032732 Report Quoted By:
>>19032715 Im ok. Thanks though!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Wed 30 Apr 2014 23:59:47 No. 19032812 Report I'd really like to do this sho I can get my shiny charm but I know for a fact I've only got 490 or so in in my dex and I don't want to put anyone through having to trade me 200+ pokemon.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Thu 01 May 2014 00:02:55 No. 19032838 Report >>19032812 I did it one gen at a time. Just evo'd or breed what I could get to save others the work.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Thu 01 May 2014 00:03:58 No. 19032853 Report >>19032676 I have both if you need them.
JT 5429-8826-1261
Quoted By:
>>19032812 There's a good 200 to be found by caching/breeding/evolving what's in the Friend Safari
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Thu 01 May 2014 00:05:57 No. 19032875 Report >>19032838 Yeah I've just been busy trying to breed what I like but trying to shiny hunt without a charm is really grating on my tits. After I get my shiny omanyte that's what I'm gonna do.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Thu 01 May 2014 00:16:15 No. 19032949 Report >>19032853 >>19032875 I already got them for the dex. Just need for my regular collection. Thanks though!
Good luck with your Omyante. You normally post during SHW right? I can help once you're ready!
In the meantime, put up stone evo'd Pokemon for ones you dont have on GTS, etc, so you have ones to start breeding for
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle
Brian (4511-0575-6947) Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle Thu 01 May 2014 00:17:37 No. 19032961 Report Quoted By:
>>19032875 Same here. Just broke the 800 egg barrier MMing my Shiny Dratini. I guess my 6th shiny team member will have to wait until I get the S. Charm...
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Thu 01 May 2014 00:19:49 No. 19032982 Report >>19032949 Alrighty, and yeah I post normally during SHW, I'm just already on box 23 in my omanyte hunt and don't wanna break the streak only reason I'm not breeding the dex. The past few days have been spent asking people to help for the oval stone so I can burn through the eggs faster.
Zach: 0232-8655-3507
Quoted By:
Hey guys I have a somewhat long list, not going to be mad if nobody helps. Id love some good guy out there to help me though! How do I upload my document?
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>>19029380 You need dialga op?
Add meh
3050-8677-4947 (jacke)
Ign: John
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Thu 01 May 2014 00:48:30 No. 19033346 Report Quoted By:
>>19032982 I can help you if you need any more Kalos!
>>19032982 Try Pastebin or post a few at a time till you get them all.