GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. As stated below, asking for shinies and legends are not welcome
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
While it is a giveaway thread, rebreeding and contributing your own bred stuff keeps the cycle alive.
Favorite pokemon without any evolutions? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old Thread:
>>19065215 Summer is coming Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Sun 04 May 2014 05:37:23 No. 19065232 Report hello again, ill just leave this here, pls take them 1 phantump (male) - 4 iv impish frisk 2 shuppet (all male) - 4-5 iv brave insomnia em: destiny bond/phantom force (1 male has to relearn egg moves) 4 houndour (2m/2f) - modest 3 flash fire (all 4 ivs)/1 early bird (5 iv) 2 noibat (all female) - 1 penaperfect timid frisk em:tailwind/ 1 modest infiltrator (unsure of ivs) 3 vulpix (all female) - 4-5 iv timid drought em: heat wave/hypnosis/disable/hex (2 have to relearn egg moves) 1 bagon - 4 iv adamant sheer force em: crunch/dragon claw/double edge (got in wt) 2 scyther (all female) - 4-5 iv adamant technician 9 roselia (5m/5f) - 4-5 iv timid natural cure em: leaf storm/spikes/sleep powder EXTRA: 1 pentaperfect female with poison point (same em) 11 inkay (3m/8f) - 4-5 iv adamant contrary pls be as specific as possible with what you want or ill send whichever i have more of
Quoted By:
>>19065223 But Eggy,
summer is already here. Katherine
>>19065223 Nah, winter is. Aegis
>>19065257 I still have a Hp ice eevee for you.
Who wants to skype or facetime?
>>19065232 May I pretend to be Will?
Giving away:
Archens - jolly, 5ivs, egg moves: defog, head smash, knock off, switcheroo
Maractus - naughty, nest ball. Egg moves: spikes, worry seed, wood hammer, bullet seed.
6x storm drain
5x chlorophyll
5x water absorb
Spinda - jolly,friend ball, egg moves: fake out, encore, guard split, rapid spin.
Other leftovers here: >>19065287 Oh shit, I completely forgot. Discing now.
Quoted By:
>>19065299 Can we not let the thread go to shit 7 posts in.
>>19065328 any dick pattern sprinda?
>>19065328 Incoming he did some work as a breeder for a bit.
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19065328 disc up for archen, thanks!
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19065328 May I have a female storm drain Maractus please? I deposited Luvdisc.
>>19065360 Any interesting pattern?
>>19065328 Never knew how shit Spinda was man that guys stats are terrible
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Well guys I posted a list 2 days ago and these 3 had most of the votes (Mawile, Growlithe and Magikarp). I bred 10 females of each to give away and I'm also putting some female leftovers from my last 2 shiny hunts. They all have 4 or 5 IVs (not marked) and they are all female: -10 Love Ball (5 Intimidate/ 5 Hyper Cutter) Adamant Mawile. EM: Metal Burst, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Seismic Toss -10 Level Ball (Swift Swim) Jolly Magikarp. EM: Splash -10 Fast Ball (8 Intimidate / 2 Flash Fire) Adamant Growlithe. EM: Crunch, Flare Blitz, Closed Combat, Morning Sun -4 Lure Ball (Guts) Jolly Taillow. EM: Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst -3 Heavy Ball (2 Immunity/ 1 Thick Fat) Careful Snorlax. EM: Whirlwind, Counter, Double-Edge, Curse
Quoted By:
>>19065373 >>19065382 Spammed contrary superpo- oh wait
>>19065382 Dude, are the patterns capable of being inherited by offspring?
Quoted By:
>>19065397 Patterns are random
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19065374 disc up for growlithe and may I disc up for magikarp as well afterwards ?
>>19065382 thank you ms. !
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Quoted By:
>>19065223 how is that any different from "first for superior waifu! :3"?
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19065402 Lets keep it at 1 per person because I want to give away more tomorrow during the day. After that, you can have as many as you want. I'd like to give everyone a chance at one.
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Quoted By:
>>19065417 I understand and agree, if there are any that weren't taken later, I'll ask again, if you don't mind! Thank you nonetheless for everything!
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Quoted By:
>>19065428 Thank you
once again! Anonymous
>>19065374 One of those Mawiles please?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19065374 disc is up for one of the carps
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Quoted By:
>>19065412 Is... is this supposed to be advertising?
illegal HA Level Ball Scraggy
illegal HA Friend Ball Tangela (imperfect HP Ice)
10 Dream Ball Pineco
Disc up and reply if interested.
>>19065328 I'll grab a Storm Drain Maractus, thank you.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
IGN Cyrus
>>19065328 Could I please get an archen? Disc is up with the message vp Katherine.
I'm looking for a female larvitar preferably with a jolly nature with the ability that turns into sand stream
IGN Cyrus
Looking for a female larvitar jolly nature and the ability that turns into sandstream
>>19065374 Disc up for taillow
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Quoted By:
>>19065585 Thank you so much
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir)
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir) Sun 04 May 2014 06:40:01 No. 19065592 Report >>19065328 Disc up for Archen, thanks Katherine!
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>>19065560 >>19065568 jesus christ someone's desperate and retarded
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
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>>19065232 Put a disc up for a Shuppet! Preferably with the EM's intact.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Sun 04 May 2014 06:53:56 No. 19065667 Report >>19065374 Disc up for intimidate growlithe, thanks
>>19065560 i have one female left, disc up
faggot Katherine
Quoted By:
>>19065535 You know, I grabbed a scraggy from you and bred it, it wasnt after i had released the parent that i noticed that it had dd. I could have sworn tha it didnt have dd whn i used yours as a parent
>>19065670 I put one up it has /VP as the message
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19065667 Sent! That's the mom, needs to relearn moves
>>19065535 You still there? May I have a female tangela?
ign serena
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados]
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados] Sun 04 May 2014 07:03:40 No. 19065708 Report >>19065374 You still here?
I'm throwing up a disc for a Thick Fat Snorlax, and I'd like to snag a Taillow afterward if at all possible.
Also, please name the Snorlax Tubby and the Taillow after one of your relatives.
>>19065374 Disc is up for Intimidate Growlithe, thanks
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Sun 04 May 2014 07:05:29 No. 19065717 Report Quoted By:
>>19065535 Disc up for pineco, thanks yukari
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Sun 04 May 2014 07:07:21 No. 19065729 Report Quoted By:
>>19065702 Thank you! I thought I got sniped but I checked it at move reminder :P
>>19065328 Discing up for Burmy.
>>19065374 I'd like a Magikarp afterward.
Quoted By:
>>19065328 Can i have a female archen? serena
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19065708 Sent! For now is 1 per person, I'm putting teh list again tomorrow during the day for the rest. After that, you can disc for more than 1. I want to everyone to have a chance for one.
>>19065715 Sent!
>>19065730 Cuan I swear youre on 24/7....whats up
ehh could be worse, you could be opti lol Katherine
Quoted By:
HEY! what happened to Lonk?
>>19065742 is that you nigga anon
>>19065328 I've got a disc up for a female archen now
>>19065731 thank you
>>19065374 Disc is up for Magikarp now.
>>19065742 I watched some animu till 3 (catching up with JoJo and other stuff), then woke up at 9. As usual. Katherine
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Quoted By:
>>19065753 You know, no i am not but where the heck did he go?
>>19065765 You wach anime huh, well its been a while since i wached a series
Rick 4382-2881-3389
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got 6 boxes of 5iv careful bulbasaurs might be some hexes in there i havent checked more than a box. egg moves are curse power whip leaf storm and giga drain
>>19065747 >Kath Do you still have buizel in quickballs?
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Floette)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Floette) Sun 04 May 2014 07:24:38 No. 19065802 Report >>19065328 Can I have a archen please ?
Discing up
Quoted By:
>>19065535 Disc up for a Dream Ball Pineco, female if possible. Thanks!
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Quoted By:
>>19065535 Discing for DB Pineco! Thanks!
>>19065835 Awesome I'm ready
>>19065374 Disc up for a Growlithe, thanks a lot!
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Giving away: Moon Ball Venonat (Timid 4–5IV) 2x Female (Tinted Lens) 1x Female (Compound Eyes) Egg moves: Giga Drain, Baton Pass, Rage Powder, Skill Swap Various leftovers: Female Repeat Ball Paras (Adamant, 3IV, Damp, w/ Sweet Scent) Male Net Ball Venonat (Timid 5IV -Atk, Tinted Lense, w/ Foresight, Baton Pass)
>>19065328 If you're still here and have more, I'm Discing up for a Spinda.
>>19065861 Oops, didn't see I was posting without it. IGN: Zachary
>>19065862 Disc up for venonat
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Floette)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Floette) Sun 04 May 2014 07:38:01 No. 19065874 Report Quoted By:
>>19065862 Can I have a female Venomat with tinted lens please ?
Quoted By:
>>19065872 Moon ball please
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw
Wiro ign: Alexis 0361-7237-0447 !IEsLNPfZlw Sun 04 May 2014 07:39:15 No. 19065879 Report LF: close to penta perfect charmander (->Y-zard) Got a million feebas to give away
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19065328 >Kath One last time a female furfrou please. My disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19065328 Mind if I take a froakie? XD
>>19065328 Do you have any female spinda left?
>>19065928 Disc is up! Thanks!
>>19065928 Thank you ;-; i'm like the biggest freeloader
Quoted By:
>>19065931 Sent
>>19065933 It's no problem, these are all leftovers from some breeding projects I've done.
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Quoted By:
>>19065928 My bad, I refreshed and for some reason my name was deleted. I'm the one asking for the Spinda. Thanks!
>>19065928 I'll also take a Helioptile from you. Discing up.
>>19065328 if you are still up, id like a maractus, storm drain preferably, just have to get out of the battle institute ><
ign tia
Quoted By:
Anyone have a safari ball female? I wanna see it's entrance animation.
>>19065960 Let me know when you're ready
Is this the right place to ask for an illegal ballmon? My boyfriend loves the shit out of Spoink and I was looking for a female love ball Spoink.
Quoted By:
>>19066062 Come back later its dead hours
Zach 2766-9068-1856
Quoted By:
Whats up dead thread? It's been a while
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad Sun 04 May 2014 08:58:02 No. 19066155 Report >>19065374 Disc up for Magikarp. Thanks!
>>19066155 That was posted 3 hours ago. I strongly doubt that he is still here
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad Sun 04 May 2014 09:01:08 No. 19066164 Report >>19066158 Well... maybe tomorrow.
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad
Ben 0490-5227-0615: Sandshrew, Camerup, Palpitoad Sun 04 May 2014 09:30:47 No. 19066253 Report Quoted By:
Stokurev 0061-0283-8232
IGN is Stokurev i would like a turtwig pls, any will do really
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Does anyone here be breeding or have a bunch of Aron with Heavy Metal ability?
Can any one please help me out with a 4-5 IV Drifloon or Helioptile?
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 12:30:51 No. 19066781 Report Quoted By:
>>19066778 Sorry i forgot my name and my FC. its now in the field
>>19066778 Do you have a 6IV pokemon? I have a female, 6IV, Dry Skin, Timid Helioptile.
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 12:37:28 No. 19066807 Report >>19066794 Sorry i dont think i have any 6 IVs. i have a few 5 IV Zubats and Ralts
>>19066807 Just give me 30 mins and I'll breed you a 5IV for free then. Dry Skin or Sand Veil? Any prefered nature?
Quoted By:
>>19066778 Disc up for a Helioptile if you're still here.
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 12:48:28 No. 19066839 Report >>19066826 Timid or maybe modest which nature would you recommend?
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 12:54:19 No. 19066860 Report >>19066839 Sorry i forgot to say Dryskin -_- it seems my brain is not functioning right
>>19066839 >>19066860 Alright, let me get to breeding.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ] Sun 04 May 2014 13:01:31 No. 19066883 Report >>19066062 Spoink is gen 3 and available in heartgold/soulsilver. It's not even an illegal combination. I like it though. It is a shame I don't have bank anymore or I would've genned it myself.
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 13:01:34 No. 19066885 Report >>19066873 Thank you very much sir / ma'am / kind human being
>>19066885 Alright got one with 5IV except on attack (which you probably would not want). Disc up :)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup)
mabataki 4167-4143-1372 (Ditto, CIncino, Lillipup) Sun 04 May 2014 13:12:32 No. 19066928 Report >>19066904 Alright the disc is up. sorry for the delay
Serena 3067-5353-8848 Water: Frogadier, Gyarados, Krabby
Serena 3067-5353-8848 Water: Frogadier, Gyarados, Krabby Sun 04 May 2014 14:05:08 No. 19067142 Report >>19066928 could I please add you? I need a ditto safari.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a modest lucario?
Serena 3067-5353-8848 Water: Frogadier, Gyarados, Krabby
Serena 3067-5353-8848 Water: Frogadier, Gyarados, Krabby Sun 04 May 2014 14:11:02 No. 19067186 Report Quoted By:
>>19067142 >>19066928 Apparently it aays that your friend code is not valid
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Giving away: (5x) 5IV (imperfect) Male Jolly Defeatist Archen (4x) 5IV (imperfect) Male Jolly Sand Veil Gible (1x) 5IV (imperfect) Female Jolly Rough Skin Gible (1x) 5IV (imperfect) Male Modest Protean Froakie (6x/6x) 4IV Male/Female Jolly Rough Skin Gible (6x) 4IV Male Modest Protean Froakie All Froakies are in Nest ball.
>>19067187 Could I get an Archen please?
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19067207 disc up and ign!
I don't mean to sound New but what is ign?
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067216 Alright disc is up. Ign is in the name field and the message is /vp/
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19067288 apparently one was female. you got it.
forgot to mention they come with Defog, Head Smash, Knock Off and Switcheroo
>>19066883 So how does genning work? Before 5/20 should i buy pokebank for five bucks and grab a copyof black version 2? Will i still be able to gen or trade pokemon locally after 5/20?
Austin 4484-9896-8303
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Nancho !!Kqwtilxth/T
>>19067306 >Before 5/20 should i buy pokebank for five bucks and grab a copyof black version 2? If you want to.
>Will i still be able to gen or trade pokemon locally after 5/20? You will be able to transfer your stuff to XY, but no more genning unfortunately, because GTS will be ded.
5x Lure Ball Taillow - Guts - (Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst) 5x Dream Ball Nidoran - HA - (Scratch, Venom Drench, Counter, Disable) 5x Nest Ball Cubone - Lightning Rod - (Endure, Iron Head, Belly Drum, Perish Song) 5x Love Ball Pachirisu - HA - (Covet, Bestow, Bite, Flatter) 4x Dive Ball Mantyke - Water Absorb - (Haze, Hydro Pump, Tailwind, Mud Sport) 5x Quick Ball Marill - Huge Power - (Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Superpower) 4x Nest Ball Chikorita - Overgrow - (Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Counter) 5x Friend Ball Rattata - Guts - (Reversal, Screech, Me First, Uproar) 4x Moon Ball Mr. Mime - Filter - (Icy Wind, Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) 3x Friend Ball Shroomish - Effect Spore - (Bullet Seed, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Seed Bomb) 1x Heal Ball Mienfoo - Regenerator - (Feint, Me First, Baton Pass, Knock Off) 2x Dive Ball Skrelp - Poison Point - (Venom Drench, Toxic Spikes, Haze, Acid Armor) 1x Moon Ball Litwick - HA - (Ember, Astonish, Heat Wave) 1x Dream Ball Lileep - HA - (Constrict, Stealth Rock, Recover, Mirror Coat) they’re all females. reply and disc up if you wantz.YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU’D LIKE!!
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067345 Disc up for Shroomish pls. Ign is in the name field.
IGN: David
>>19067345 Could I get that Lileep? I'm discing.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19067345 Discing up for Mantyke
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19067345 Disc up for Rattata
Thank you
>>19067345 Discing up for Mienfoo.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067345 disc up for Nidoran. Thanks in advance.
>>19067345 Can I nick one of those Shroomish mate?
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ] Sun 04 May 2014 14:53:01 No. 19067403 Report >>19067345 Rattata please. Disc is up, thanks!
IGN Cyrus
>>19067345 Disc up for a taillow. Thank you.
5x Lure Ball Taillow - Guts - (Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst) 5x Dream Ball Nidoran - HA - (Scratch, Venom Drench, Counter, Disable) 5x Nest Ball Cubone - Lightning Rod - (Endure, Iron Head, Belly Drum, Perish Song) 5x Love Ball Pachirisu - HA - (Covet, Bestow, Bite, Flatter) 4x Dive Ball Mantyke - Water Absorb - (Haze, Hydro Pump, Tailwind, Mud Sport) 5x Quick Ball Marill - Huge Power - (Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Superpower) 4x Nest Ball Chikorita - Overgrow - (Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Counter) 5x Friend Ball Rattata - Guts - (Reversal, Screech, Me First, Uproar) 4x Moon Ball Mr. Mime - Filter - (Icy Wind, Fake Out, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) 3x Friend Ball Shroomish - Effect Spore - (Bullet Seed, Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Seed Bomb) 2x Dive Ball Skrelp - Poison Point - (Venom Drench, Toxic Spikes, Haze, Acid Armor) 1x Moon Ball Litwick - HA - (Ember, Astonish, Heat Wave) they’re all females. reply and disc up if you wantz.YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU’D LIKE!!
IGN: David
IGN: David
>>19067408 Since you said as many as I'd like, could I have one Taillow as well? Discing up!
IGN: Ben (3351-4082-7068)
>>19067408 Mind if I put dibs on both a Taillow and a Nidoran?
Taillow first, Description is "Broblerone".
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Think I'll get rid of all my eevee breeding. Dream Ball HA Eevee (bold & Timid) HP Ice Eevee (only Jolteon needs this right ?) HP Fire Eevee Too bad I don't have a HP Ground ditto for Glaceon/Sylveon
>>19067427 Do you have Wi-Fi again?
>>19067430 No, and it's sad cause I need to get rid of this crap.
I'll probably call the phone company and see what's up IGN Cyrus
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ] Sun 04 May 2014 15:04:39 No. 19067456 Report >>19067306 >>19067342 You can gen and place the pokemon on a R4 version of pokemon black/white. Then trade it to a legal version of black/white and then transfer them onto pokebank. It's still possible but a bit more tedious and it requires two DS. Maybe you can trade with a DS and a 3DS but I'm not too sure.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067408 Disc up for Cubone. You are doing gods work anon.
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
Repostin' Well guys I posted a list 2 days ago and these 3 had most of the votes (Mawile, Growlithe and Magikarp). I bred 10 females of each to give away and I'm also putting some female leftovers from my last 2 shiny hunts. They all have 4 or 5 IVs (not marked) and they are all female: -9 Love Ball (5 Intimidate/ 4 Hyper Cutter) Adamant Mawile. EM: Metal Burst, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Seismic Toss -7 Level Ball (Swift Swim) Jolly Magikarp. EM: Splash -7 Fast Ball (6 Intimidate /1 Flash Fire) Adamant Growlithe. EM: Crunch, Flare Blitz, Closed Combat, Morning Sun -7 Lure Ball (Guts) Jolly Taillow. EM: Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst -3 Heavy Ball (2 Immunity/ 1 Thick Fat) Careful Snorlax. EM: Whirlwind, Counter, Double-Edge, Curse At the moment, one per person so that everyone gets a chance at one. Tomorrow you can take as many as you want.
>>19067408 >>19067419 Disc up now for Taillow. Apologies for the wait.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage Sawsbuck Quilladin ] Sun 04 May 2014 15:07:58 No. 19067475 Report >>19067469 Can I take a magikarp? Thanks!
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067408 Since no one asked for it yet. Disc up for Litwick.
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19067475 Sent!
>>19067474 Sent! Discing for a Friend Ball Rattata! Thanks!
>>19067477 And now disc up for Nidoran. Thank you!
IGN: David
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067522 Disc up for Cottonee.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067569 You want exactly the one pokemon I don't have a stock of. Wait a few minutes and I should have one ready.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067574 Much appreciated.
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19067408 >4x Nest Ball Chikorita - Overgrow - (Heal Pulse, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Counte I didn't noticed this! I thought these were illegal but they're not! Can I have one?
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19067574 did you get an everstone? Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19067599 No, it's going to take way too long to find one and I have to level these little fuckers to complete the Pokedex.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067408 > Discing up for Chikorita! Thank you Zilla!!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067658 It's beautiful.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067665 I know it has Encore since my Whimsicott does. What about the IVs and the nature?
IGN: Ben (3351-4082-7068)
>>19067641 May I grab a Deino as well? Same description, "Broblerone".
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067675 Lax with 3 Ivs.
IGN: Ben (3351-4082-7068)
>>19067681 Whoops. Meant for Luc.
>May I grab a Deino as well? Same description, "Broblerone". >>19067658 Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
OK, here's my pastebin for this morning: >>19067641 Thank you!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067687 I must've forgotten to equip a Knot to one of them. I can make another one with at least 4 soon.
>>19067690 Sure, hatching one now.
IGN: Ben (3351-4082-7068)
>>19067707 Thank you! Sorry for the mix-up.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067699 You still happen to have a smeargle?
>>19067707 I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
>>19067699 can I get a Bulbasaur?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067699 I might be asking for too much, but can I have a Smeargle and a Spritzee with 4 IVs and 0 speed?
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067719 Austin, yes - which Smeargle do you want?
>>19067729 Agatha - sure! Any preference for the -IV?
>>19067730 Luc, it's not too much... which Smeargle do you want?
Quoted By:
been resetting this rom for a shiny starter for a couple months on/off. i still dont want to play it. but im hyped. i think i should breed more chikoritas now
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19067747 Any, I just need one to get one to complete the Pokedex. I could even trade it back afterwards. I've disced up for the Spritzee.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
>>19067747 The minus special attack. If it's not too much trouble.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067768 It's no trouble at all! Sent!
>>19067730 Luc, the only male Smeargle I have left are -Atk. Still want one?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067778 Sure, I really only want one to complete the Pokedex. I don't like Baton Pass teams. Disced up.
>>19067711 Sent.
Austin 4484-9896-8303
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067729 Agatha, I sent you a -SpDef Bulbasaur.
>>19067793 Luc, since it's just for the Dex, I sent you a female 5IV Smeargle. I don't know which is the -IV.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067822 Discing up for one of the 6IV Kangaskhans
IGN: David
>>19067822 Can I have that 6IV fennekin? Discing.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067805 Perfect. I can trade it back if you want. Oh, it's -Atk.
The Spritzee you sent has 3 IVs and 0 speed, but it's ok Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067851 Luc, I meant that 0 Speed is a perfect IV (Quiet nature). I apologize for being unclear.
>>19067842 Anon wanting Kanga - what is your in-game name?
>>19067876 Woops Chrome must have removed my name and FC
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067888 >>19067849 Daniel, David: sent!
>>19067851 Luc, I don't need Smeargle back - but thank you! Updated
IGN: David
Quoted By:
>>19067905 Thank you very much!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19067905 Alrighty then. And I thought the Spritzee had 4 Ivs + Speed.
You're so nice <3 Katherine
Updated List:
Archen - jolly, 5ivs, egg moves: defog, head smash, knock off, switcheroo
Maractus - naughty, nest ball. Egg moves: spikes, worry seed, wood hammer, bullet seed.
3x male, storm drain
4x chlorophyll
4x water absorb
Spinda - jolly, friend ball, egg moves: fake out, encore, guard split, rapid spin.
All female unless specified.
Other leftovers here: Anonymous
>>19067939 Reminder that rusty is jewing with your leftovers
>>19067914 :^)
You should stop giving shit to that faggot
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19067950 >implying I didn't breed for a pentaperfect one and am giving out leftovers of that still, if it is something that is looked down upon, takes no more than telling me for it to stop
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067950 I don't see what's the big deal. He's breeding with the leftovers he gets.
>>19067939 I'd love a Maractus but I feel like I've asked for too many pokemons already Anonymous
>>19067905 What ball are those Kangs in? Are the 6Iv ones cloned or did you just Masuda lots?
>>19067958 >Implying that he breed You disc every 5 minutes fuckhead
>>19067962 Yeah sure :^)
Tooni 3308 4567 1380
>>19067939 can i have a quick ball buizel? disc is up
also, giving away:
14 speed boost torchics, 3-5 ivs, most with bpass
2 5 iv marills with bdrum and aqua jet
4 5 iv honedge
>>19067950 Thanks for letting me know I guess? But it's his so I really don't care what he does with them.
>>19067962 >Giveaway Thread Disc up please.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067967 He does breed, he was making 4-5 IVs Togepis the other day
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19067963 The Kangas are all in Ultra balls. I've gone 16 boxes in my Shiny Kanga hunt, so they're all MM leftovers. They don't have any egg moves; I figure if I'm going to continue to try to MM a shiny Kanga, it should have some egg moves...
I've decided to add Double Edge and Counter. Any suggestions on what other two moves I should add? And what is the consensus Balltism preference for Kanga?
Quoted By:
>>19067976 I'm sorry i can take beggars opinions seriously, you should keep discing instead of replying.
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19067950 >>19067958 >>19067967 Kathe, does it bother you? they don't really matter to me since I'd rather take the opinion on someone who actually gives shit out than people who waste their time
and mine getting into conflicts
>>19067976 Don't worry Luc. I've got no shit to prove to them, and their angst won't stop me from doing anything so I really couldn't care less
Quoted By:
>>19067994 :^) So you are accepting that it's Kathe's Archen?
Quoted By:
>>19067994 >Never gives something to the thread >Only keep taking shit Hi cancer
>>19067994 It doesn't bother me at all. Just continue what you were doing
>>19067973 Sent
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19067974 Disced up. Can it be the one with Water Absorb?
>>19067994 Yeah, you're right, these shitposters don't give leftovers away and only shit up the thread.
Quoted By:
>>19067994 >Please ignore shitposters. looks like you care enough to reply
Quoted By:
>>19068019 >Newfags talking about shitposters :^)
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
Quoted By:
>>19068015 Thanks for the reply! Was about to get baited into responding again.
Still giving away :
(5x) 5IV (imperfect) Male Jolly Defeatist Archen
(3x) 5IV (imperfect) 2F/1M Jolly Sand Veil Gible
(1x) 5IV (imperfect) Female Jolly Rough Skin Gible
(6x/6x) 4IV Male/Female Jolly Rough Skin Gible
(6x) 4IV Male Modest Protean Froakie
Froakies are in Nest ball.
Quoted By:
>>19068019 >don't give leftovers away and only shit up the thread. Because you are doing a massive luvdisc giveaway right?
I don't want to sound greedy. But are there anyone in the thread with two copies of the game and has several Yveltal they could give me?
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19067905 > >>19067905 Are you still here? I'd love a 5IV Talonflame and a 5IV Kangaskhan
>>19068077 Well, thanks. I'll just stop giving out 5IV mons then.
>>19067985 Hammer Arm is very useful against opposing Kangs.
Not sure about Counter's utility. Disable can be useful, but usually Kang is an all-out attacker. Focus Punch is strong but too risky. The rest just doesn't seem very good.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19068072 Put up luvdisc, set msg to 'vp Chaos' or something and tell me IGN so I know it's you
>>19068072 I have X and Y but I don't want to restart because of Blazikenite.
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19068101 >send blazikenites to x >restart y >send blazikenites to y >restart x megastones are prohibited in gts and pokebank. not normal trades
Quoted By:
>>19068096 Thanks! It's "Aion".
Quoted By:
>>19068090 Feel free to leave anytime
>>19068111 >>19068101 >Restarting the game for a legend Anonymous
>>19068131 Not only for it, but for replaying as well.
Quoted By:
>>19068096 Once again, thank you very much! Got it perfectly fine and it was one of the last ones I needed for dex completion.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068084 I'm still here! I have Fletchlings, not evolved yet - is that ok? Would you like male or female?
>>19068095 I just thought it was interesting that Counter will hit twice with Parental Bond. I'll take your suggestion and add Hammer Arm. Disable can be fun.
When I resume my MM, how about Love Ball for Kanga?
Rusty 3024-6055-5483
>>19068131 not saying he should. saying he can.
>>19068147 >how about Love Ball for Kanga Sounds
disgusting. Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19068143 >>19068153 >Not buying a copy of the game each time you want to replay it. Wow you are poor
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress)
Bonchow [3754-7671-1322] (Ferroseed, Klefki, Forretress) Sun 04 May 2014 17:01:30 No. 19068177 Report Quoted By:
Is there a thread for completing the kalos dex?
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>19068147 Well if the Fletchlings are 5iv, -SAtk I don't have to hog a female one, male is fine.
Discing up in a sec, then for Kanga!
Of course it's okay, they're for free after all Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068162 O-okay, I wasn't sure if there was a standard ball that people considered was best for Kanga, and I thought with Parental Bond and the baby and such... hm. Any alternate suggestions? I'd be happy to choose something that people would like to see in a giveaway.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068190 Safari Ball a best for Kanga (not him
>>19068162 btw)
>>19067939 Disc is up for a Maractus. Could I have one with Storm Drain please?
>>19068190 I like Level Ball, but Safari is nice too.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068190 >>19068190 >>19068190 Disc up for male gale wings 5IV Fletchling!
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068263 Exbo, Fletchling is sent! I'll keep an eye out for your disc for Kanga!
>>19068241 >>19068260 Exbo, Yukari: thanks for the suggestions. I could definitely see Level Balls being a better color match for standard Kanga, while Safari Balls would match the shiny better. Have you seen either one of those in these threads, or should I just expect to have to catch one myself?
>>19068291 Give me a minute, I can breed a Level Ball one for you.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068291 Add me, I have an imperfect Safari ball one to send you. I was planning on breeding it but since you will send me a perfect one I won't need mine (and also haven't got balltism)
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068318 Yukari, thank you! I-is there anything you'd like in return?
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068291 >>19068327 Obviously one of us will TR the other and we trade Kanga for Kanga (yours is scrappy, right?)
>>19068327 >Being this lazy
>>19068331 A Luvdisc would be great.
Quoted By:
>EV horde training >Run into shiny Vanillite Jolly
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068337 >implying I haven't got other stuff to breed >implying my priorities are vgc/Ubers Katherine
>>19068344 >replying to bait >replying to shitposting Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068335 Exbo, I will send you a gift for your Kanga and then you can disc me back for my Kanga.
>>19068339 Yukari, disc is up for Kanga. Thank you!
Quoted By:
>>19068353 >Shitposting about shitpost Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>19068353 > >>19068356 Sorry I didn't understand, how will you send a gift? Sure hope you won't let a disc hold something expensive in GTS, it'll get sniped
My kanga is Jolly, Scrappy and knows Double Edge as a bonus
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068356 Er, Exbo: I will initiate a direct trade, sorry for being unclear.
>>19068339 Yukari, please don't spend undue time on IV's or anything. I appreciate your kindness.
Quoted By:
>>19067456 I know this is late reply but, even after the closing of the ds wifi, it will still be possible to gen stuff? I just need two ds an r4...i assume to be able to cheat stuff in and a pokebank sub
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068383 >Trading Heart Scales Thanks for the Togekiss you kind soul, you.
>>19068383 I can't find your Disc, were you sniped?
Quoted By:
>>19065328 Still around/still have maractus?
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068395 Exbo, I forget how I came upon Shiny Togekiss, but it has 6IV. I hope it's of some use to you, and thank you for sparing me several hours in the LeafGreen safari zone.
>>19068398 Yukari, I did get sniped and have re-disc'd. Thanks for your patience. In other news, the Kanga that I received was nicknamed DINOFRAZ.
>>19068420 >Implying it's not genned >Implying you weren't thinking to gen Kanga
>>19068420 Ok, got you this time.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19068420 WHAT THE FUCK
Will you be here in a bit? I'll send you a Dive Ball Marine Vivillon, fully EV trained, Timid, 5IV.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068430 Oh, no. I never implied it wasn't genned - that said, it had a Careful nature with Serene Grace, which I found bizarre. I just wanted to give Exbo something nice. I have no idea how to gen.
>>19068432 Thanks Yukari! You're terrific.
>>19068450 >I have no idea how to gen You do genned extreme speed linoone giveaways all the time, please.
Quoted By:
>>19068347 Sorry, was in a game of LoL, I've put up another ty.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
Quoted By:
>>19068444 Exbo, that's not necessary! I will be here for a bit though, breeding Nest Ball Chikoritas (also as part of my 4 egg move Kanga build for my revised MM).
>>19068463 Haha, not genned - cloned. I'd think if I knew how to gen, I wouldn't give away Hardy Zigzagoon with mediocre IVs (pic related). Cloning in Emerald is easy.
Speaking of which, I do have three ES Zigzagoon hanging around for anyone who wants them. I'm done replying to shitposts; I just figured I could hijack and salvage yours by talking about actual GTS giveaway topics.
Quoted By:
>>19068347 Got it, thank you.
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068318 >I ask Yukari to not worry about IVs, I get a 5IV Kanga with three egg moves >>19068327 >Exbo says his Kanga is imperfect, has 5IV and three egg moves Thank you both again, you are extremely lovely.
Updated Pastebin: cj 2337 4495 9661
>>19068678 May i have a Chikorita?
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
>>19068729 Sure thing, which one?
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy) Sun 04 May 2014 18:04:44 No. 19068754 Report >>19068678 Do you mind if I get the other chikorita?
>>19068678 Think I can have the 5iv female chikorita? I've put a disc up ign serena
cj 2337 4495 9661
>>19068761 Dang too late. I'll take a female fennekin then serena
cj 2337 4495 9661
Quoted By:
>>19068678 disc up for fennekin
>>19068766 Cj, modest chikorita sent!
>>19068754 Dormira, sent!
>>19068790 Serena, I sent you a fennekin. I can send you a 5IV male chikorita if you'd like (minus atk modest)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy) Sun 04 May 2014 18:17:05 No. 19068852 Report Quoted By:
>>19068838 Would you still happen to have a female fletchling? I've put a disc up
Quoted By:
>>19068890 When summer it's over
>>19068880 Serena, fletchling sent! Enjoy!
>>19068945 Thank you! Do you think I can also take a swirlix? Disc up
>>19069001 Sure, I don't mind. Separate from that transaction, though: do you have anything to offer this thread?
>>19069060 I have a quite a few leftovers from past breedings.
>>19069028 and your point faggit?
Quoted By:
>>19069088 Do you want him to EV train them too?
Quoted By:
>>19069001 Serena, swirlix is sent! I'd be happy to see your list of breeding leftovers!
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Tailow for my Pokédex? Disc is already up.
d-does anyone have Yanma?
Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
Quoted By: Here for another half hour or so, pastebin updated.
Tooni 3308 4567 1380
Quoted By:
someone make a new thread?
IGN: Brady FC: 1564-3309-0433
>>19069565 New bread, feel free to yell at me if I messed up Linooneologist (IGN: Zoelle)
Quoted By:
>>19069554 I have a Yanma. Nothing special about it though. Disc up?
IGN: Brady FC: 1564-3309-0433
IGN: Brady FC: 1564-3309-0433
>>19069654 I think i did it right this time
Quoted By:
>>19069667 Need to learn to link the old thread buddy.