GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. As stated below, asking for shinies and legends are not welcome
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS/MEGASTONES That is not the purpose of this thread. And no, we don't have spare 6IV pokemon for you, do it yourself.
While it is a giveaway thread, rebreeding and contributing your own bred stuff keeps the cycle alive.
What's your favorite grass type? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters. At least try. Well, okay, we're past the point of no return. Old thread:
Make sure you post in the old thread that this is the new thread.
>>19074093 Worst thread on vp
Quoted By:
>>19074109 Only redeeming thread on /vp/
>>19074122 pls no shitposts
>>19074130 shut your ass off whore
Quoted By:
>>19074133 I made one already.
>>19074112 I see. Wasn't there when I posted, but fuck captcha
Quoted By:
>>19074149 pls no shitposts
>>19074093 >I post that I'm going to make next bread >about to post it >update thread just in case >You already made one r- rood...
>>19074168 Didn't see your post.
D-don't hate me... Anonymous
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
I have 5 FEMALE Heavy Ball Snorlax Brave, 2~4 IVs, Curse, Double-Edge Disc up and tell me your IGN
>>19074093 Ermm.
Venusaur, maybe.
Is anyone else not seeing the new post box at the top of the page or the "Start a new thread" link?
Quoted By:
>>19074184 It's okay, friend. But don't do it again. Or I'll do something rood to you. >>19074196 Not quite yet, anon.
Quoted By:
>>19074219 Excuse that post. I'm clearly blind.
Giving away 30 shiny Heavy Ball Snorlax. Reply to this post. Can also nickname them.
Quoted By:
>>19074297 Pls leave shitposter
>>19074297 disc up for one no nickname needed
Rikka !F2JelQhggk
Looks like I need a trip now :c
why dont you namefags just use tripcodes it's sad popping in and seeing people's new when someone imitates a namefag and people fall for it it has to be a terrible day when tripfagging is the best option on an anonymous based board but
Ben 0490-5227-0615
>>19074297 Disc up for Snorlax. Nickname it "Big Poppa" please.
Ramona Disc up if you want something. I'm multitasking, sorry if I'm slow. If I miss you, feel free to speak up
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19074214 No shitpost, no kidding
Rikka !F2JelQhggk
Quoted By:
>>19074361 No you.
No bully pls
>>19074355 Disc is up for a hippo, thanks.
>>19074347 This
>>19074347 I used a trip for a while but I feel like it just creates more hostility.
Some days are just worse than others, I guess. There came a point where I stopped caring too much
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19074355 Level 28 female disc up for Chimar
Quoted By:
>>19074365 >not selfdestruc Ramona
Quoted By:
>>19074383 >>19074380 Sent!
And thank you for the shinydisc, Aric!
>>19074381 you need a recognizable trip, like the
oldfag showderpers or
/wfg/ have, so people can't imitate you as well
or something recognizable; part of your name, or whatever. look up how to do it and make one, it saves a ton of hassle on
wfg making a tripcode and staying in a single thread/general is kind of what it's for, people will be hostile about anything anyways
>>19074423 >inb4 stupid and ebin trips Ramona
>>19074423 That's a good point. And if anons are harassing someone, I certainly don't blame them for tripping.
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 03:34:22 No. 19074446 Report >>19074355 Can I get that Skarmory?
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 03:36:20 No. 19074464 Report >>19074459 Just connected, aaaand it's up
>>19074437 of course they'll be stupid and ebin, did you forget where you are?
>>19074440 people pop in and harass everyone all the time, it kills time
shit i do it when i see this on the front page and someone asks for a legend just out of old habit's sake Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19074355 May I have the Dratini please? :3
>>19074355 Can I get a Fast Ball Pichu? Discing up
Quoted By:
>>19074468 Yeaah when I was on more often it was really bad. I guess it really hasn't improved, but the thread goes on. People still give and receive pokemon, and that's what matters. Which is why I don't even care enough to trip anymore.
>>19074464 Sent!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19074355 Level 1 male Disc up for Riolu please?
Filix 0662-4044-8879
does anybody here have a female heal ball HA eevee?
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 03:41:28 No. 19074532 Report Quoted By:
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19074524 Oh, HA if you don't mind?
>>19074380 Mal, I forgot to save you a male abra, but I have a female one for ya, and a pineco, so disc up.
Giving away:
Maractus - naughty, nest ball. Eggmoves: spikes, wood hammer, worry seed, seed bomb.
3x male, storm drain
3x chlorophyll
3x water absorb
Archen - jolly, heaps of males and 2 females. Eggmoves: switcheroo, head smash, defog, knock off
Spinda - jolly, friend ball. Eggmoves: guard split, fake out, encore, rapid spin
All females unless specified.
Other leftovers: Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19074553 I'll Disc up for a Spinda, thank you.
>>19074553 Will you be breeding more HA females?
>>19074491 >>19074548 Nevermind, saw your description, sent!
Quoted By:
>>19074548 Oops, trip off, yeah it's me
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19074548 You're faster than you let on!
I put one last one up for Dratini if you don't mind
Filix 0662-4044-8879
>>19074548 name it "rose" please.
disc up
Quoted By:
Ok... i see Cosmic is stil the cuntmaster... And i don't see pan... well, if she shows up, please tell her i have match for her HV carbiinks . THIS IS THE DAY WHEN WE FINALLY SEE MULTIPLE PEOPLE GIVING AWAY HEAVY BALL SNORLAX. I'll disc up for one
>>19074580 It's not pentaperfect - not sure of the IVs. Still want a nick?
>>19074577 Sent!
It's true... I'm neglecting my chores.
Quoted By:
>>19074544 Sweet, disc is up for abra first.
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 03:47:22 No. 19074604 Report >>19074553 Disc up for a Maractus
>>19074564 sent
>>19074570 You mean the Maractus? Probably not for a while.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19074553 >that Maractus I was just about to breed that myself.
yes I changed my trip Filix 0662-4044-8879
>>19074593 ok, send it without it then
>>19074611 Hmm, I'll grab a male then. I can probably catch myself an HA female in safari
>>19074297 Can I have one please?
Disc up
Message is /vp/Rikka and IGN is Miles
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir)
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir) Mon 05 May 2014 03:50:42 No. 19074640 Report >>19074355 Disc up for a Chimchar, thank you!
syn - 0147 0232 7554 (Macargo, Barbaracle, Boldore)
syn - 0147 0232 7554 (Macargo, Barbaracle, Boldore) Mon 05 May 2014 03:50:58 No. 19074647 Report >>19074355 Level 15 luvdisc up for dratini, IGN Syn
>>19074631 Sent!
I bred myself a penta female for sylveon a month or so again. She's won me many maison battles, takes hits like a champ.
Thanks for the abra bawby, disc is up for pineco
Filix 0662-4044-8879
>>19074655 i have a 6 IV eevee, she will be sylveon, this eevee will be Espeon
Whats a good normal ability special attaack pokemon to breed?
Quoted By:
>>19074647 >>19074640 Sent!
That was the last dratini, it'll have to relearn its moves.
Filix 0662-4044-8879
Zasthu (Machoke, Pancham, Riolu) 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Zasthu (Machoke, Pancham, Riolu) 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot. Mon 05 May 2014 03:54:23 No. 19074696 Report >>19074553 disc'ing up for female rough skin gible
>>19074659 you changed yours too eh
I need names for my pentaperfect shone Lotad I hatched, any suggestions? I'm thinking Pineapple
Ben 0490-5227-0615
>>19074673 Speak english properly, cunt.
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19074706 Name it
>>19074701 Might as well, since ZPg8 isn't exactly identifiable.
>>19074706 I'm sure there's a hundred mexican/spanish words related to dancing, use one of those.
Would that happen to be a safari ball lotad? Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19074553 Could I get one of those Archens please?
Quoted By:
>>19074671 Thank you!
>>19074673 I see, well best of luck breeding!
>>19074676 Noivern, jolteon, pyroar.. not exactly the best but they're fun.
>>19074709 >shitposting with your name on !!0RcbgplGbh9
>>19074725 >>19074730 lol tripcodez
>>19074730 yes but i like english names, i really like mint's nickname Anonymous
>>19074706 trips say release it
and if not, name it Don Lewdo
Anyother? i hit a shiny seed with the time machine method with this spread: Normal ability X-17-X-X-X-X I can set X to be anything
Quoted By:
>>19074746 >shitposting without your name on Bawby
>>19074761 wow that used to say Bawby i guess that didn't work very well
>>19074777 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19074784 >I want to be popular too guys Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19074746 >>19074709 Blacklist here we go
>>19074777 >trips You know what to do, Bawby
>>19074761 Mint was really uninspired though.
>hatch shiny Skarmory >it's green >what's something green I can nickname it? >mint is green Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19074780 gender ratio ?
>>19074777 it is done
Updated list: Disc up if you want something.
>tfw captcha uses the last name of someone you went to high school with Strange.
>>19074802 I havent check ratio but probably male
>>19074297 The disc is up for a Snorlax. No nickname needed.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19074553 Well my Disc was sniped. Re-discing for Archen
>>19074780 What's the time machine method?
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19074814 I meant of the parents. If I remember correctly if you change the gender ratios of the parents(from a 50/50 change to 75/25 for example) it fucks up.
>>19074800 pissed because literally 50 boxes to get and now i feel obligated to release it
Quoted By:
>>19074832 listening to shitposters
Quoted By:
>>19074832 Name it after some type of treat/food. Or maybe a drink.
Don't release it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19074832 released it faggot
Quoted By:
>>19074832 >obligation to a 4chan thread Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19074832 Name it Don Lewdo and you won't have to.
has anyone actually released a pokemon from a 'release it' get? Anonymous
Quoted By:
Holy fucking shit, why there are those mini games at Pokémon Global Link if you can only get those shitty berries? I only need 2 shiny stones
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
Quoted By:
>>19074832 >falling for the good old trips= released Katherine
Quoted By:
>>19074696 Sent
>>19074825 Sent and thanks for the shiny disc
Quoted By:
>>19074832 NO WAIT
Pablo Escobar Anonymous
>>19074827 You sent it to someone else. My Disc is French.
>>19074830 oh, 50/50
>>19074826 Using power save,
>Breed magikarp >Reject the egg >save game > hatch it > if not shiny wait for another egg > reject it >hatch it > if shiny do not save use power saves to stored that game in your computer an restore to always hatch a shiny
however the stats are fixed as well as the ability and gener ratio varies
>give away shones here Rikka
Quoted By:
>>19074830 It always hatch shiny only if parents are genderles it changes the IV spread
>>19074887 Holy shit. If I provide you with a good female can you get me a balltism shiny?
Cosmic !cuntNzq/KE
>>19074887 Shiny HA Poliwag ? you can go for that.
Quoted By:
>>19074902 get your own powersaves
Quoted By:
>>19074919 yeah dude, fuck poliwag
>>19074913 Normal ability
I can set X to be anything
Quoted By:
>>19074935 obvi hp fire/ice something
Does anyone have a luxury ball female eevee above 2IV?
>>19074355 If you're still there, may I have a Fast Ball Pichu, please? Disc is up, IGN is Artalias.
>>19074969 I can breed you one, but give me a few minutes for it
Quoted By:
>>19074984 Sent!
>>19074988 Ah well, don't go to too much trouble. I do have a friend safari with eevee, it's just such a bitch to breed females, so I thought I'd see if anyone has some on hand
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19074969 I have some in Bank HA o normal ability?
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Quoted By:
>>19074969 I have some in Bank
HA or normal ability?
Quoted By:
>>19075019 can i get one nicknamed rana de agua?
>>19075019 Normal works! I'll disc up
>>19074988 Thank you for the offer anyway!
>>19074894 Same anon that has the French Disc. I didn't get that one either. My ign is Sayaka.
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19075036 Sent you a IV Adaptability one
>>19075102 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>19075038 stop taking this shitposter's bait, please
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19075121 Hope it's what you wanted
4 IVs btw
>>19075139 Yep, it'll save me a lot of time. I'll be breeding for an umbreon.
Which one were you going for, flareon?
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Quoted By:
>>19075156 Actually, all of them
but imperfect
I did get a very nice few which I evolved for PokéDex
and I still have like two boxes of decent ones
was gonna name it Piña but no ñended up naming it Pineapple anyways
>>19075190 >>obviously shinified Anonymous
>>19075200 trips says release Pineapple < Pablo Escobar
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
Quoted By:
>>19075190 Congrats.~ Pretty cute shiny.
Quoted By:
>>19075233 dubs but no cigar
quoted wrong post, meant to quote
>>19075190 Bawby
deleted bc shitposting incoming
Quoted By:
>>19075246 Then dont post it in the first place
>>19075246 >shitposting incoming How?
on a sidenote, what ball was it in? Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Quoted By:
>>19075246 What about Peligro?
>>19075289 Got any leftover females I can breed with?
3 illegal HA Level Ball Scraggy 3 illegal HA Friend Ball Tangela (imperfect HP Ice) 5 Dream Ball Pineco 9 Timer Ball Pawniard Discs, replies, etc.
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 05:01:43 No. 19075323 Report >>19075321 Discing for a Tangela
>>19075321 disc up for Dream ball pineco
>>19075297 yup yup disc up
>>19075321 Discing for Pawniard
Quoted By:
>>19075331 Thanks, disc is up.
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19075321 Discing for a Pawniard, thanks again Yukari.
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19075312 I would like a Chimchar, please
Disking up
Will 0061-0452-2412
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>19075371 Sent! And thank you for the stone!
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19075385 I have a Zorua with Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch and Extrasensory if you'd like. Saw your post in the other thread.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>19075381 Not seeing your disc
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Quoted By:
>>19075385 A small detail to say thank you
Not all is taking
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>19075424 That'd be great! I'll disc up.
Wanted to offer those ponyta to wiffy general because no one here ever wants males, but I hate to see nice pentas go to waste. No interest so far though
Alright i have 10x Dream ball Dratini 6x love ball mawile disc up if interested
Will 0061-0452-2412
>>19075427 Had to catch one, didn't realize I was out of ultras.
Quoted By:
>>19075445 Lemme catch me another disc, I'd lub a dratini.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>19075448 No problem. Sent!
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19075443 Yea.. I usually just WT off the males and feel bad about it afterwards.
Kevin 3926-6079-6637 (Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Kevin 3926-6079-6637 (Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine) Mon 05 May 2014 05:20:12 No. 19075503 Report >>19075323 Is it alright if I add you for your safari?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>19075491 Same, but I was breeding them specifically for 4/20..
then again, I suppose that's even more reason to send them to wondertrash Thank you!
Will 0061-0452-2412
>>19075490 Thanks a million! If you wanna add me I could try and give you something, I only have 20 BP or so, but I'll do what I can.
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 05:22:19 No. 19075524 Report Anonymous
Woah, this thread really turned into a clusterfuck since people started name and tripfagging. It's not like the good old days with Heavy Ball Snorlax :^)
Quoted By:
>>19074935 I did a shiny amaura
Will 0061-0452-2412
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>19075522 Thank you for the offer! But no need. Just enjoy that chimchar.
>>19075534 >implying it hasn't always been this way Kevin 3926-6079-6637 (Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine)
Kevin 3926-6079-6637 (Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine) Mon 05 May 2014 05:25:25 No. 19075558 Report Quoted By:
>>19075524 Thank you. I've been looking for a Breloom safari for a while.
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom)
Doolie/IGN Tarnet Vykas : 4253-4813-7934 (mienfoo, pancham, and breloom) Mon 05 May 2014 05:25:25 No. 19075559 Report Quoted By:
Well god Damn, It's about damn time I hatched a shiny. Breeding for Hp ice Jolteon in fast ball. It's missing SpAtk has Hp Dark it's timid anyway to salvage it?
>>19075534 if you look through the archives, people have been namefagging since the beginning
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>19075571 Congrats! Check the spA at the battle institute, it might be perfectly fine.
Quoted By:
>>19075571 Sub
Charge Beam
Thunderbolt/Volt Switch
Shadow Ball
>>19075571 >Jolteon Oh! Jolteon doesnt need its hidden ability
I gona make and shiny
HP iv ice one
>>19075579 Thanks I'll give it a shot. Hopefully it's not too bad. 2nd shiny I've ever hatched.
>>19075586 I think I might understand half of what you just said.
>>19075599 I hit a shiny seed with the time machine method:
Normal ability
I can set M&D to be anything
but didnt know what could be good to breed
>>19075611 You can breed Hp ice Treeckos Jotleons etc. Easy way to look for Hidden powers you can breed.
...The eevee has a 3 in SpAtk.
Quoted By:
>>19075611 could be a
30 17 30 31 31 31 jolteon
>>19075644 yeah but can only have normal abilities
>>19075658 Ah well that's not so bad if you want to breed for jolteon. Volt Absorb is much more useful than Quick Feet. Could also breed larvesta with Hp ice.
>>19075644 ooh shit
31 spatk
252 SpA Life Orb Jolteon Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 172-203 (50.4 - 59.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
3 spatk
252 SpA Life Orb Jolteon Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 156-185 (45.7 - 54.2%) -- 50.8% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Jolteon Thunder vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 188-224 (55.1 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
SubCharge with Thunder in Rain, still use LO because not like Jolt will survive any hits anyways.
>>19075674 Why shiny umbreon?
>>19075676 i'm gonna do a shiny carbink give away and think what can i work with that spreas also fire Hp
>>19075688 Doesn't need HA, looks nice.
>>19075699 But isnt it physical?
>>19075679 I can give it a shot.
>>19075674 This a thousand years this
>>19075688 Looks good and doesn't want it's HA and doesn't really care much about it's offenses. He can breed anything that doesn't care about attack.
>>19075696 Isn't Hp Rock better on Lilligant
Quoted By:
>>19075708 65 attack vs. 60 special attack, so not really.
Quoted By:
>>19075708 It's a tank more than anything else. It can toxic stall and pass wish, it usually only runs one attacking move anyway. It's offenses are nearly the same.
>>19075711 i dunno i thougth people used it under sun weather to boost its hp fire and chlorophyll
So what shiny would be better to giveaway?
Quoted By:
wow, shiny Lombre in a Safari Ball makes my balltism tingle
Grvio [X] 1864-9351-4506
Quoted By:
So I have a bunch of 3IV Electrive, all with HP Ice. Feel free to put up a disc for one if interested, have both male and female with static and lightning rod. Also if anyone with Powersave could help me figure the imperfect IVs of the two 4 IV electrives I have would be greatly appreciated.
>>19075735 Eevee, because have a lot of evolutions.
Quoted By:
>>19075728 Huh guess you could Hp Fire steel types, However if you are a dedicated sun team I'd think Ninetails could handle it. Hp rock hits fire and flying hard, ice if you care about dragons and other grass guys coming in on you.
Quoted By:
>>19075745 they require different natures hue
>>19075745 Using this spread:
Normal ability
I can set X to be anything
>>19075754 Would be good for Vaporean, Umbreon, and Jolteon if you want to go for an eeveeloution
>>19075754 >>19075769 >wanting more eeveelutions Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19075735 Inkay
>>19075775 feel free to suggest something else
>>19075754 Just make it Heavy Ball S
moochum already.
>>19075781 >vivilon >pyroar >florges >furfrou >F meowstic >heliolisk >carbink >goodra >klefki >noivern something that you cant just gen in 2 minutes
>>19075800 Thats more like it
Quoted By:
>>19075808 f meowstic
since it's cute but not as useful as it's male counterpart
Quoted By:
>>19075800 Furfrou is all dandy.
>>19075808 Heliolisk or Meowstic would be cool.
Quoted By:
>>19075817 I agree, both mons aren't given out too much.
Quoted By:
>>19075817 Don't listen to that bitch. Shiny Heliolisk looks terrible.
Quoted By:
>>19075576 Yeah but they didn't talk about irrelevant shit so much.
Quoted By:
>>19075817 my vote goes toward heliolisk
What egg moves for it Then?
>>19075889 all 4 I think agility and glare would be fine.
Quoted By:
>>19075889 Purple florges, people would actually prefer that
>>19075896 Hp ice female Dry skin Helioptile
Electric Terrain,camouflage,agility and glare
Quoted By:
>>19075916 Repeat Ball hits all the colors.
I guess no one got one with the egg moves
>>19075947 Check with Katherine, she was breeding Helioptile.
>>19075947 >>19075964 Helioptile with eggmoves? I have.
Anyone interested in Dive ball shone Carbink - Relaxed - Clear Body -
>>19076009 Can i disc please?
>>19076008 ooo if you have an extra pass me one along too, please.
Quoted By:
>>19076020 Sure, just let me know when i can disc please.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:09:28 No. 19076034 Report Katherine
>>19076034 >Heliolisk I have Helioptile
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19076009 Could I have one please? Gonna disc up, IGN is Roman.
Who wants a trophy shone Machop? Lv.1, Careful, with Bullet Punch/Ice Punch. Unfortunately only have one because no cloning access
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:12:33 No. 19076046 Report Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19076045 Sure, put up a disc
>>19076051 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19076055 thanks katherine
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:18:38 No. 19076068 Report Quoted By:
I have 7 extra destiny bond 4-5iv shuppets if anyone is interested
IGN Hero
>>19076070 I'll take one, disc is up
IGN Serena
Grvio 1864-9351-4506
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Putting a disc up on the off chance someone has an adamant female furfrou in a luxury ball.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:30:32 No. 19076129 Report Shiny Relaxed Carbink Clear Body IVs: Will nickname it if you want For your disc
>>19076129 Disc going up, thanks Pan
IGN: Zee
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>>19074355 I'd like one of the HA riolu.
>>19074553 Disc up for a Storm Drain Maractus if you're still around, thanks
>>19076129 I'll grab one, thank you.
>>19076129 Discing for one, thanks
Serena 4141-2513-0403
>>19076129 putting a disc up, name it "Pet Rock" if you don't mind
>>19076129 Disc is up for one, named
"The Rock" please.
the "" are a part of the nickname Chaos 2938-7628-9049
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>>19076129 Disc's already up, any nickname will do. Thanks a lot
>>19076129 ill grab one named "Flynt"
Name it Taric. Just kidding No nick, disc up, thanks Pan.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19076129 Disc up for one. No nickname please
Thanks as always Pan
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
>>19076129 Could I get one nicknamed 'Outrageous' please?
Max 4811-7516-6169 (Psychic: Drowzee, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Max 4811-7516-6169 (Psychic: Drowzee, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Mon 05 May 2014 07:39:35 No. 19076169 Report >>19076129 dics is up
thanks a ton
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:40:40 No. 19076174 Report !lvory.7FpY
>>19076174 Got it, thanks;
have a nice night. Nick
>>19076129 Disc up, no nickname, thanks
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>>19076174 It's perfect, thanks again.
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>>19076129 You are the kind of cloner scum that turns this place into a shit hole.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:44:33 No. 19076195 Report Neko
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19076129 I'll disc up for one...doyou still have the shiney gengar?
Did Aiden ever come back and give away 'mons after Klefki?
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>>19076195 Thank you <3
>>19076198 Don't think so.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:49:37 No. 19076216 Report Jade 0920-0580-8895 (Krabby, Wartortle, Azumarill)
Jade 0920-0580-8895 (Krabby, Wartortle, Azumarill) Mon 05 May 2014 07:49:46 No. 19076217 Report >>19076129 Putting one up now, thanks!
>>19076178 Whats up Ivory been looking for you...
I have a question genning what are the options available after wifi is shutdown? I heard about using action replay but idk should i buy pokebank and a copy of white/black with ar?
Zasthu (Machoke, Pancham, Riolu) 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Zasthu (Machoke, Pancham, Riolu) 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot. Mon 05 May 2014 07:50:54 No. 19076224 Report >>19076129 disc'ing up! no nickname needed
Punchan 2638-0892-1764
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19076129 Disc is up! Thanks!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 07:56:19 No. 19076243 Report >>19076169 >>19076180 >>19076197 Sent!
>>19076197 Yes but im gonna updated it to include reflect type as and egg move
>>19076223 Well after the shutdown bro, all the fakesgts will go down, you can get an AR as you say, create your pokemon in Pokegen and then, inject them via codes in you game or editing your save with R4 + an original game to be able to use bank. I don't know what's the best R4 right now, but maybe you should choose it instead of the AR because you can edit and inject all your boxes in 30 minutes, sorry for the late reply Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19076243 do you mind if I get one?and thnx for carbink :)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 08:01:18 No. 19076263 Report >>19076217 >>19076224 >>19076236 Sent!
i'm out
>>19076254 I'll get you your ghost and im out
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19076263 Thank you somuch...i'll put a disc up now
Jade 0920-0580-8895 (Krabby, Wartortle, Azumarill)
Jade 0920-0580-8895 (Krabby, Wartortle, Azumarill) Mon 05 May 2014 08:04:45 No. 19076279 Report Quoted By:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Mon 05 May 2014 08:06:00 No. 19076283 Report Xeno 4699-6231-9774
KuroPR FC: 5429-7924-0969 IGN: Jahn C
>>19076223 >>19076253 Forgot to say that you will need 2 ds if you use an R4 to trade between games, or maybe you can get a "NDS Adapter" to edit your saves and re-inject them , you only need your original game in this case.
>>19076253 No worries thanks for the reply Ivory. So what would you recommend I do? Should I buy a Black game and a action replay? Saw a vid on it on youtube this seems like an option but i dont know where to look. I have a digital copy of Y so powersave is a no go. I just want to be able to bring pokmon in different balls to Y.
>>19076302 Damn I need two 3ds systems for the ar method...hmm
>>19076331 If you have 2 ds go for the r4+ original. 1 ds go for original + ar or nds adapter. you just need to use pokecheck to get your pokemon files, and pokegen to edit them as you want >>19076344 You only need 2ds for the R4+ Original Game combo, the AR and OG only needs a system Anonymous
>>19076351 Ok, thanks for the input ivory. Obviously i can use another 3ds for the r4 and game method correct. I have a friend ihere that has a 3ds i can borrow. With this method of genning, i can pretty much bring in/create whatever i choose right. Such as percect dittos, hp mons as models to breed, legends etc
Is this whatyoull be doing after shutdown?
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
Fletchlings and Electrikes Giveaway 1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Mon 05 May 2014 08:28:21 No. 19076374 Report Quoted By:
I have a bunch of 4IV-5IV Japanese Electrikes and Fletchlings to giveaway most will be imperfect IVs! can't guarantee the specific stats or hidden power of every one of them The Electrikes were initially bred for HP Ice so may have some 30 IV stats, all are Timid, with either Lightning Rod or Static The Fletchlings are all Adamant, some with Gale Wings and others with Big Pecks Disc it up if you want one!
>>19076351 Hey, Ivory. Do you have access to or a spare HP Ice Ditto? I figured since it was dead hours it wouldn't be too big of a deal to ask. I can offer anything Pokesav'd for you. !L0vu7vory.
>>19076372 I'm out after the shutdown, that's why i need to fill my boxes this week, and that's why i can't sleep. >>19076377 You'll need to shinify me a box of mons :^)
I can give you one tomorrow bro, i'll bank it tomorrow if you don't mind, i only need your disc Anonymous
What should we get befores the shutdown anyways?
>>19076390 Yup, tomorrow is perfect, I was planning on going to bed anyways. Thanks man, I owe you a big favor. !L0vu7vory.
>>19076400 dw females, balltism, and if you are into competitive tutors from r/s/e
>>19076407 Don't worry, g'night bro Anonymous
>>19076416 >>19076409 Wait, so i can still bring in perfect dittos, pokemon with hidden abilities, leends with the ar method? That sucks, are you not going to the nds adapter black method you mentioned?
>>19076409 >>19076400 you can still get all of these using Pokecheck + flashcart or R4 right?
>>19076424 Yup, pokegen have included a pkm converter to AR codes
>>19076429 Pokecheck is closing the fakegts the 20, i don't know if they will kept the database active. If you only care about Pokecheck to download the files and inject you should be fine after the shutdown
>>19076437 Where the fuck do you go to see what can be transferred? Any tutorials etc I just went on youtube and theres a ton of pokegen vids, dont want to get mixed up with what wont be necessary to me. Ill probably just do the ditto thing myself. I read there were some things that cant be transfered, but forgot what they were.
>>19076434 Ill check thi out in a bit.
>>19076483 But you should just change basic things to the files that you download from pokecheck, remember 510 evs, valid movesets, only apricorn balls in HG and SS Anonymous
>>19076437 yup only worried about download and inject
and wouldn't matter if they kept the fakegts anyway, because if WFC is down you can't access any sort of GTS whatsoever
>>19076563 Have to go anon, hit me up if you need help later.
Take care
>>19076525 Thanks ivory fuck im not goig to lie your last senence conused me. Just watched the vid going back at it again later. However once I download pokegen in the recent update, will all pokemon files be downloaded along with it, or is it an extra i need to seek?
Im pretty sure I can just create a pokemon from the dropdown list, go on serebii or bulb and see the egg moves which is what you probbly meant on the last sentence.
>>19076570 oh I'm different from other Anon lol
I know what's up, but yeah thanks Ivory
other Anon
>>19076572 Ivory meant that only 'legal' combinations of bankballs, max EVs, movesets will be passed through Pokemon Bank
For example, having above 510 EVs will not pass, certain apricorn balls from HG/SS will not pass
Also if a Pokemon has an unreleased Hidden Ability it may not pass either (though I have seen some pass through..pokebank fail)
>>19076580 Think you can claer this mess for me
>>19076572 lol im sort of lost but i understand a bit.
>>19076570 Thanks for the help have a good one
other Anon
>>19076592 yeah for sure, can answer a few questions
come to chat if it's more convenient, scroll to the bottom for "Community Mentoring" chatroom Anonymous
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>>19076590 Shit, well thanks! I hope I figure out how to get HA stuff need my HA gen 5 mons
I guess ill order the stuff and get bank.
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>>19076609 No problem hope I canaccess it on mobile at the momnt.
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This thread has 340 posts on page 4. I had to dig through the catalog to find it. Make a new thread plz
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>>19076609 Damn, guess not. Aside from the link Ivory gave me, are there any more videos that are cler and useful. Im scrolling through videos and so fa, all assme youknow how or lea to more confusion. Thanks again anon, would have asked elsewhere but the poksgen thread 404 a while ago from the looks of it.