Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.
Post pix of your shoulder pokemon even though it's not as cute as pic related. Also >no luvdisc. Heart is close enough. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood. Old Thread:
>>19129365 If you haven't seen a Pokemon that you want yet, do this!
>Seek pokemon >Pokemon you want >Scroll to bottom >Choose "What Pokemon" >Type Pokemon's Name >??? >Success How do I participate?
>Search the thread >Find what you want >Go fish outside of Cyllage city with an old rod, catch luvdisc >Upload said fish to GTS >Post what you ask for, use your in game name when posting >??? >Profit! Please beware of imitators within the thread, and have a lovely afternoon!
Pic related are also worthy candidates. Aric 2552-2302-4049
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129427 Put up a disc for a 1-10 honedge
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>tfw the last time i posted ITT, GTS is Caleb was a meme
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Okay, still 23 Gliscors ready for a new home. I just deleted a whole answer I typed out. To the person that suggested Chansey - I have a Calm Natural Cure one, 5iv, with aromatherapy and seismic toss. What can I make of it? I also have one EV trained weirdly for a friend who requested a specific one, it has soft-boiled, protect, toxic, seismic toss and evs in spa and def.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 08 May 2014 23:45:38 No. 19129482 Report Quoted By:
Is this where da hoods at?
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>19129477 thanks Rynn, my dic is up
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129486 I think I already sent you one?
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19129437 Oh, okay. Disc is up
also captcha: celouth thanks
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Quoted By:
>>19129477 Thanks for the Gliscor man. gunna piss off a couple of my buddies now.
Does anyone maybe have a spare Enigma Berry?
>>19129477 Disc up for Gliscor
Tyler 0232-8198-0592
>>19129477 i posted in other thread but....
ign cody
would love a gliscor if u do end up getting more
plz and thank you so much in advnace if u can
Quoted By:
>>19129477 Disc going up, Thanks Rynn.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
Quoted By:
>>19129496 didn't checked, thanks a lot
IGN: Josh
>>19129477 Well, despite looking dumb in the last thread by posting five minutes late, I'd like to get one of those Gliscor, please.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !!pypMk7nviBM
>>19129531 Forgot Name
>>19129521 Yes, Disc up for Castform.
Xavier 5026-5472-6300
Quoted By:
>>19129477 Disc is going up, thanks
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Thu 08 May 2014 23:50:56 No. 19129560 Report Quoted By:
>>19129477 disc is going up now, thanks so much!
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19129477 Mind if I disc up for another one?
its for a girl :^) Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129535 Sent already.
>>19129521 I do. Disc up for, uh, Gliscor.
>>19129541 Haha. Sent.
I swear if he doesn't get this bat this time I'm choking him
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19129563 his name was Nils
imb4 he missed it again
>>19129545 I don't have any discs ready, throwing up a Surskit with /vp/ in message
And thank you!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>implying I honestly feel ashemed posting list consisting of 5 Pokemon, but maybe someone will find use for them. Because there are only 5, I'm positng IVs as well. Hoothoot - Calm, Insomnia, Foresight, Defog, Night Shade and Whirlwind, Male. HP, Def, Spd Hoothoot - Calm, Insomnia Foresight, Defog, Night Shade and Whirlwind, Male. Atk, Def, SDe Nidoran F - Adamant, Hustle with Counter, Iron Tail and Take Down. SpA, SDe, Spd Nidoran F - Adamant, Hustle with Counter, Iron Tail and Take Down. Atk, Def, SDe, Spd Diglett - Jolly, Sand Veil Reversal, Pursuit, Mud Bomb and Memento, Male. Hp, Def.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129584 >not having a luvdisc in a luvdisc thread >asked for Castform instead of Gliscor shitniggawaterudoin
Quoted By:
>>19129477 Disc up, thanks
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19129611 Sorry, I already posted for the one with Castform when I saw your post
sorry ;_;
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !!pypMk7nviBM
Miles !HTYulMiles
>>19129477 For chansey why not an eviolite set? With EV training in Def, Hp and SpD (maybe 252,248,10?) and those two moves + soft-boiled + status (thunder wave/toxic), acting as a Special Wall/Staller just beware of knock offs
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129625 Haha, s'okay, just put another one up asking for Gliscor.
Also, fellow Polefag?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !!pypMk7nviBM
>>19129611 My bad. Just trying to spread the Enigma
I'm still around, so I guess I'll put my post from the last thread here as well - these guys need a home. Giving away: 5iv Timid Abra 5iv Jolly Quick Feet Shroomishes 5iv Adamant Prankster Murkrow 5~4iv Jolly Quick Feet Aipom 5iv Jolly Infiltrator Zubat 5iv Timid Ghastly 5iv Jolly Prankster Riolu 5~4iv Adamant Gale-Wings Fletchling 5iv Jolly Gible 5iv Impish Vullaby 5iv Jolly Regenerator Mienfoo 5iv Relaxed Ferroseed All of these guys are Japanese.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19129585 I got a disc up, can I get that second Nidoran?
>>19129635 O-okay
how did you know? Surskit up
>>19129630 >>19129648 Thanks, it will sure be helpful!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19129653 Can I get Aipom?
>>19129661 Sure.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129653 May I have one of those Riolu, Zubat and Murkrow
Riolu first
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129664 I am a wizard.
Also you have a region set in your game and it's visible on the GTS sweetie.That's three polefags from Silesia on this thread, woo.
>>19129648 huh?
>>19129632 Not bad, saved.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129702 What about infinite heals slowbro/king?
Quoted By:
>>19129702 Nevermind, I get the impression I am just a big mess of confusion.
Still have lots of Tentacool All abilities Bold KnockOff/Haze/RapidSpin/Acupressure Heavy ball Currently breeding Febas Non-Ha Bold ConfuseRay/Hypnosis/DragonPulse/MirrorCoat. Luxury ball. No one will take males All mons should be 4-5iv. Reply and disc up.
>>19129702 Oh, right, haven't thought about GTS info. If that's okay, could you add me in some free while? It'd be nice to get you onto my friend list.
My FC is 4296 4109 9755
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129729 I like how that sounds. What's the full build? I have bold+regenerator slowpoke and slowbro.
>>19129677 Sent, pretty sure that was the last Aipom
>>19129702 I'm out of pranksters, sorry. I'll send you an inner focus or a steadfast riolu if you're still interested. If not we can move on to Zubat
>>19129702 what
>>19129648 means is, someone surskit'd up for a castform to get an enigma berry from him
keep up gurl
>>19129729 funbro? it's gotta be from Gen5
>>19129632 >not running blissey chansey is ok too though, but leftovers recovery is sweet
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19129661 I don't see your disc
>>19129702 Silesia strong!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19129758 Thanks, appreciated
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129750 Well I purge my friend lists often so you might get deleted one day, but sure. You can mostly find me around these threads though.
Albo na forum pokemon valhalla, takiego samego nicka mam~>>19129758 Yeah, totally, let's move our relationship to zubat.
misquoted bby Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19129765 Totally, but giving away chansey gives anons the decision to evolve it or not :)
>>19129702 Great :)
>>19129758 Shit that was meant for
>>19129682 not
>>19129702 I'm sorry I'm messing up left and right
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129755 All I remember off the top of my head is slack off, heal pulse, recycle, and (Don't remember this move off the top of my head right now with Regenerator, Bold, and holding Leppa berry
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129807 Ah, doesn't that set involve a tutor move? I think it does.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19129766 Sorry bout that, try again.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19129736 DIsc is up forclear body tentacool pls
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129798 Alright, lets move onto Zubat then
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>19129736 disc up for a liquid ooze one.
pref one w/ hp/def/s.def
thanks in advance!
Halo 4296 4109 9755
>>19129784 Thanks!
Na Valhalli chyba nigdy nie byłem, raczej po grupach na FB się kręcę Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19129818 >>19129807 thats funbro, and yes, recycle is the tutor move
wait for trumpets and tutors Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19129750 I think you misspelled "penis" in your shoutout.
Also I love your DS nickname.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19129839 Ready when you are
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129841 Są jakies wyjątkowo fajne? Daj nazwy, zerknę sobie. Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129862 Disc is up for Zubat
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard]
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard] Fri 09 May 2014 00:13:46 No. 19129892 Report >>19129653 Could I get the Abra, Pleeuhz?
>>19129873 Sent, on to Murkrow
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I still have 12 of these guys, pls take Also someone get one to the childhood story guy
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir)
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir) Fri 09 May 2014 00:15:33 No. 19129916 Report Quoted By:
>>19129477 Disc up for Gliscor, thank you Rynn!
Halo 4296 4109 9755
>>19129866 Jedna moja ulubiona ma ponad 100 osób, ale jest sekretna, więc po samej nazwie chyba nie znajdziesz, ale linku nie pozwala mi wrzucić Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19129907 Can I get one? Putting up a disc with the message /vp/ Rynn. IGN Justin
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19129736 Can I get a clear body Tentacool?
Quoted By:
>>19129907 Disc up for Gliscor!
>>19129892 Here you go
>>19129907 May I disk up for another one of these for a good friend of mine?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19129917 Wtf, sekretne grupy pokemonowe. Możesz mnie do niej dodać po prostu? Na fb mam konto do takich spraw, imię takie jak nick tutaj, nazwisko Malkavian. Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19129904 I'm going to send you the trade request for the murkrow
Quoted By:
>>19129907 disc up for glicsor.
IGN Serena
MSG: /Vp/Winning
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard]
Disdane 1864-8489-0575 [Dark: Mightyena, Cacturne, Liepard] Fri 09 May 2014 00:19:37 No. 19129991 Report >>19129958 Thank you, Wadosh, you're a prince.
...Unless you're a princess.
Quoted By:
>>19129653 disc up for an Abra, IGN Serena
Halo 4296 4109 9755
Quoted By:
>>19129964 Sent :)
Ale adminem nie jestem, więc musisz poczekać na zatwierdzenie Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Quoted By:
>>19129907 ill disc up for one for childhood story guy. I should be on most of the night.
0361 7812 5846 | Sax
Quoted By:
>>19129477 discor for gliscor is up
if theres any left:)
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19129907 I'll hold the one for Nils since he doesn't seem to be on right now.
why does polish just look like captchas Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19129907 Putting a Luvdisc up now with the message 'Hello from /vp/! Shiny Gliscor's pretty awesome and so are you.
Quoted By:
>>19129907 Disc up! IGN: Feli
>>19129653 disc up for Aipom if you have any.
IGN: Serena
MSG: /vp/Winning
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19129964 Ne fejsbukach sekretne grupy a na 4chanie sekretne konwersacje ;D Wybaczcie emotę ale ciężko było mi inaczej wyrazić to co chciałem ;_;. Wadosh
>>19129965 Thank you Aric<333
>>19129991 Sent
>>19129991 You're welcome, /vp/ will never know
>>19130028 I'm out of 5v Aipoms but i can go to my bank to retrieve a 4v Aipom if that's ok with you
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19130076 For? I didn't do anything
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130007 All the Poles communicate by captchas, when a child reaches 8 it's blood is exchanged for 100% alcohol and it gives him captcha understanding superpowers.>>19130045 lol
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19130087 Hush Rynn! Don't spoil our secrets! Anonymous
>>19130122 >circlejerking in gts well im out
Quoted By:
anyone have a Poochyena with HA and the ice/thunder/fire fang moves :3?
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>19129907 Let me go place a disc up for one then.
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 00:31:38 No. 19130140 Report >>19129907 Discing up.
Is it possible to get mine nicknamed? If not then that's totally fine Anonymous
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Okay I am 100% done with those Gliscors. Finito. No more.
>>19130139 NOOOO
no nicknames
give me five minutes to restock
for the third time
>>19130088 Sent
>>19130083 The Maractus and the Luvdiscs, you are too kind
>>19130087 When an american turns 8 our blood is exchange for 80% FREEDOM and 20% oil. When we turn ten we get an Eagle that will serve as our trusted partner until we die. It's trained to fetch our guns for us. Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19130164 Shh Aegis, don't reveal our hamburger recipe! Anonymous
>>19130147 You said you had 12 left. Thought that we were the last two?
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 00:35:20 No. 19130199 Report >>19130147 Alright, don't worry about it; just thought I'd ask. Disc is up!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19130147 Gliscor lives up to his title of Stall King, both during and outside of battle.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130197 I can just restore the save with a cloned box.
>>19130199 If I could nickname it I would, but I'm not the OT unfortunately. Sent.
>>19130208 Yyyep.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
>>19130164 >>19130087 when colombian kids turn 8 they all suddendly like soccer and empanadas, our blood turns 100% coffee, and when chicks hit puberty, they grow dem tits and huge ass and get greedy and slutty because of that Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19130223 By the way Rynn, don't you have university/job tomorrow? Don't wanna sound like your mother but it IS pretty late, I would be long sleeping already if Fridays weren't free for me.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19130157 Nope, clearly wasn't me. I would never just give away shinies
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19130271 I'm a freelance illustrator working from home so my sleeping schedule is all kinds of fucked up, thanks mom!>>19130252 >>19130164 Isn't world amazing.
>>19130271 >>19130223 i want them to have lesbian sex so badly Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Still have 4x 5IV Female Love Ball (1x Volt Absorb, 2x Pickup, 1x Run Away) Jolly Pachirisu w/ Bestow, Covet, Bite & Flatter
Breeding Luxury Ball Relaxed Yamasks w/ Memento, Nasty Plot, Fake Tears & Toxic Spikes
Will breed 5x if asked:
5IV Moon Ball Modest Horsea, Sniper w/ Muddy Water, Outrage, Clear Smog, Disable
5IV Lure Ball Jolly Taillow, Guts w/ Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst
5IV Love Ball Timid Cherubi, Chlorophyll w/ Aromatherapy, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Weather Ball
5IV Dream Ball Jolly Skitty, Wonder Skin w/ Baton Pass, Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt, Wish
>>19130147 Hey. Do you think people would be interested in Happy Hour Smeargles? Anonymous
>>19130310 >yfw serena is a dude Pangoro
>>19130316 disc up for a horsea ;p
IGN: Serena
MSG: /vp/Winning
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19130348 Like I said, haven't bred them yet, I just wanted to see if anyone was interested. Don't disc up just yet in case something else comes up; I'll tell you when I have the Horseas ready.
>>19129477 Hi Rynn, disc is up
assuming you didn't fall asleep ;~; Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19130316 Interested in the Horsea and Tailow, may I disk up for a yamask until ready?
>>19130360 my disc will stay up unless i find someone with a HA Poochyena or Mighty ; - ;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130316 Maybe. They're not that rare now. I'm sure someone would like them, still. Gliscor, anyone? Second Gliscor maybe? Or third?
>>19130364 nope!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19130316 >Yamask Do want! Disc up for it
Also if you end up breeding Cherubi then I would like one too
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Fri 09 May 2014 00:50:20 No. 19130398 Report >>19130316 Putting disc for skitty
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19130382 Can I send you a trade request for two of them?
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 00:50:57 No. 19130407 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have 5 IV marills? I have one that's x/31/31/31/31/31 but need it to be 31/31/31/x/31/31. Problem is the only one I've got is male and I don't have any adamant dittos. Can anyone help me out?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19130382 Since you are offering, I would like another one. Disc going up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir)
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir) Fri 09 May 2014 00:51:46 No. 19130422 Report Quoted By:
>>19130316 Disc up for Skitty, thank you!
Miles !HTYulMiles
>>19130382 Second gliscor please? Luvdisc is up
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
Doing Yamasks first, then Horseas, then Skitty, then Taillow. Might be a while, apologies in advance.
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Fri 09 May 2014 00:54:08 No. 19130463 Report >>19130316 >>19130398 *preferably female skitty but not neccessary, thanks in advance
0361 7812 5846 | Sax
Quoted By:
>>19130438 forgetting info every time
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 00:55:41 No. 19130487 Report >>19130316 Do you know offhand what the spread on the Horseas are? If the IVs are in everything but SpA. I'll take a male please.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>19130463 I only give out females unless otherwise specified.
IGN: Josh
Quoted By:
>>19129563 Got it. Thanks.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 09 May 2014 00:56:29 No. 19130492 Report Quoted By:
>>19130382 ill take another one and give it to the hubby, disc is going up
Quoted By:
>>19130421 Thank you for the shone~ Since you said you have a bunch, I put a disc up for another.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19130487 Since I'm breeding with a 6IV Ditto, usually they all have 5IVs and miss one random IV. It might be a bit of a hassle, but I could try for a 5IV missing Special Attack for you.
>>19130316 Disc up for Horse. Message /vp/ Ignis. IGN Justin
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130505 Aric, why did you delete your post? I was also waiting for trade but it didn't come.
Chris 4914-3603-2609
Quoted By:
>>19130382 Disc up for Gliscor please. Thanks in advance
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 01:01:04 No. 19130547 Report Quoted By:
>>19130503 You don't have to put yourself through the trouble if you don't want, i'm just trying to get a breeding partner for a marill and figured the horsea would work. If you do though I've got some 5 iv ekans, medichams, and growlithes I could offer in trade if you're interested.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>19130421 >>19130536 Are you still here? I'd like a Gliscor too!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19130536 It was a silly question, I did send a trade request at one point
Also that's not me
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19130442 >>19130536 Got it, thanks again Rynn :D
Quoted By:
>>19130536 Thank you Rynn! so awesome, received the shiny Gliscor
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130558 I'm kinda confused now. But I'm still browsing the gts sending gliscors to all requests so if you still want them just put up discs.
Quoted By:
>>19130316 hey Ignis, Disc up for a female Moon Ball Horsea!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19130582 So you don't want a 5iv brave shiny female Honedge?
>>19129477 Disc is up for a
female Gliscor if you still have any, thanks.
>>19130611 I'm going to send you a trade request
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
Quoted By:
>>19130382 I really didn't want to force an etra one, but i'll gladly take one for my sister then.
The real reason for not have asked is that i don't really think she'll accept it, she is still getting into competitive pokemon but she just likes the cute ones .-. Aric 2552-2302-4049
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19130611 Not really, I already have one>>19130635 100% male ratio sorryOkay, I'm heading to bed. I'll check the gts one last time and I'm gone, so yeah, last call.
Buhbye everyone.
Quoted By:
Thank you again, Rynn.
>>19130663 Bred you a prankster riolu
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19130672 Thank you very much! you didn't have to do that
Quoted By:
>>19130664 That's fine, thanks anyway!
Quoted By:
>>19130664 'Night Rynn
Thank you again Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19130664 Goodnight, don't let the Gliscors bite.
Seriously though, I hope we didn't give you nightmares due to the fact you had to resend them so many times.
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Michelle/Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Fri 09 May 2014 01:11:56 No. 19130692 Report Quoted By:
>>19130664 good night rynn, thanks for the gliscor, youre awesome!
Quoted By:
>>19130664 good night Rynn, and thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>19130664 Thanks, Rynn! Have a good night.
>>19130677 Don't mention it, felt bad that I was getting better things than you were. This was the least I could have done.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19130376 I have an HA Poochy. It has a nickname, though. Howler or some dumb stuff like that. Would you like me to breed it after I'm done with all this stuff?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19130728 That was very nice of you to do that
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
Quoted By:
>>19130664 Thanks for everything today.
Quoted By:
>>19130789 please :O id <3 you forever.
Quoted By:
>>19130789 hey Ignis, I Disc'd up for a female Moon Ball Horsea (if any still available)
just letting you know the Luvdisc is floating around in there, might be a bit further back in the queue now lol
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19129365 Not excactly a giveaway
For Trade:
Kyurem (shiny) @ Heart Scale, can be a 48BP item of your choice
Jolly, 31/31/31/xx/31/31
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Earth Power
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt
Looking for:
Kyurem (don't care about shiny but prefer not)
Hasty, 31/31/31/31/31/31
Any EVs
Any moves
Quoted By:
>>19131012 disc is up, thanks
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Alright, got 2 more Yamasks for anyone waiting for them. Next up - Moon Ball Horsea. Get your discs ready.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19131047 >shitposting with ign, trip & fc >>19131074 >This is not the suitable thread for cloning, generating etc Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19131099 neither is this one
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19131077 I'll take them if no one else wants them
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19131099 >This is not the suitable thread for cloning, generating etc THIS is not the suitable thread for cloning generating etc
Quoted By:
>>19131099 and yet you're asking for a trade in a giveaway thread
Quoted By:
>>19131099 >implying you're not the shitposter >coming to giveaway general with trades :^)
Quoted By:
>>19131077 disc up for a Yamask, thanks!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19131077 Actually I was distracted and mine got sniped without me realizing it. re-discing
>>19131099 time to add this fucker to the shitlist
Quoted By:
>>19131012 i'll take it
disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19131161 >shitlist you mean official cunt list?
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19129477 I want a gliscor, please! Will upload a luvdisc to GTS
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19131173 Rynn left some time ago, see
>>19130664 Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19131185 Dang. Will deposit it there, maybe he'll come back in a neaby future
Quoted By:
>>19130316 Still doing Horseas? Disk is up just in case
Quoted By:
>>19131266 He will , he likes to come back after washing his manly parts
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19131077 Discing up for a Pachirisu, if you have any left.
Also, hi
/gts/ Anonymous
>>19131301 i thought it was
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Working on the Horseas right now, guys. Sorry for the delay.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19131334 What happened with the last two Yamask?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19131320 idk did we decide on /ggg/?
I actually like this thread's spoiler. Pic related. Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19131353 Just send out one. Saw your entry, sending it right now.
Quoted By:
>>19131334 np thanks Ignis! yeah my Disc might be in the back somewhere
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19131363 Oh, neat. Thank you very much. Sorry for being annoying about it, I just love the little guy
Quoted By:
Looking for a porygon with HA (analytic) ivs don't matter,
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19130664 Can I still get a Gliscor?
Quoted By:
Looking for a Bouffalant, Maractus, and Gastrodon
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
Quoted By:
Anyone there got HA snorunts? Possibly with spikes? Giving away: 4~5 ivs modest HA froakies, with toxic skpikes 5ivs modest trace ralts, with destiny bond 4~5iv torchics
Joe 5327-1388-7666
>>19131357 ooh, can I get a Deino please?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Does anybody have a Gothita/Gothorita/Gothitelle with Shadow Tag?
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
Are we on shitposing hours already?
Quoted By:
>>19131473 >are we who the fuck are you newfag?
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:06:08 No. 19131488 Report >>19131473 every hour is shitpost hour for the right people
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
Quoted By:
>>19131488 But there are hours when even the wrong people are also the right people.
And that, eve somenome like me knows.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19131473 Hoenn Hype has attracted a lot of newfags, so I kind of assume every hour will be shitpost hour for a while.
>>19131488 It only mysteriously happens when Opti is around..
>>19131522 >still trying to pin opti That's some real dedication
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
>>19131520 Actually, this is happening since two weeks or so.
The hype was just like some dry leaves getting in the fire.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19131471 I have Gothita put your disc
http://pastebin.com/6nTBt5F9 Disc up if you want something.
>>19131546 It's been happening since the beginning. I just figure it might be stronger with the hype.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19131599 Disc up for absol
Zeithen 1779-1383-6391
>>19131599 >It's been happening since the beginning The >Know where you are
Haha , yeah that's expected.
Ok,I'm 100% interested in that absol, discing up.
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Quoted By:
>>19131573 Thank you, discking up
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19131357 Can I get an Axew?
>>19131363 thank you for the Horsea, Ignis!
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:18:47 No. 19131646 Report >>19131599 i'll disc up for a female absol too, Thanks.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19131632 Disc up. I have only one with 4, if that's fine with you. Gotta breed a few more.
Quoted By:
>>19131545 >implying its not true Why are you still stuck in the illusion that its the same guy? I just started noticing it after anons kept saying it and guess what, they can be right sometimes
>>19131599 Disking for an Absol
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
3 Safari Ball Trapinch 2 Moon Ball Inkay pls take
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Just sent off three Horseas. Is the person who wanted Lure Ball Taillow still there? If not, I'll skip straight to doing Dream Ball Skitty.
>>19131599 Could I get an Absol, please? Disc going up.
>>19131620 Did I miss your disc?
>>19131618 >>19131625 Sent!
And don't let any anon tell you that the shitposting started with Opti. Even longer than that. Anonymous
Joe 5327-1388-7666
>>19131650 Thanks for the Deino!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19131671 I'm still doing Horseas for the rest of you, btw, I just wanted to clarify.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19131599 Disc is up for pikachu. Thank you.
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:23:10 No. 19131697 Report Quoted By:
>>19131689 as soon as i get the absol i'll leave a disc up for a horse.
>>19131671 Yes i'm still around, may I also disk up for a Horsea?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19131703 Yup, no problemo.
>>19131599 discing up on a 420 kick HA female Riolu
or any with blaze kick failing that
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:25:58 No. 19131723 Report Quoted By:
>>19131690 Sent!
>>19131714 Also sent!
If 420 if your thing, all those ponyta were born on 4/20 IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:27:18 No. 19131737 Report Quoted By:
>>19131707 my disc is up for a female horsea, when they're ready, please i want one
Quoted By:
>>19131677 nope, I got the Absol, thanks Ramona!
Quoted By:
>>19131707 sorry, internet crashed, up now
>>19129396 Out of curiosity, what happened to the steam group?
>>19131731 You know what, I'd blaze with a ponyta
disc up for a male penta
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19131731 Now up for absol. Thanks again.
>>19131764 It got raged at too much so we decided it isn't worth the trouble.
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
IGN:Reborn 4098-2272-2079 (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Fri 09 May 2014 02:31:18 No. 19131787 Report >>19131764 never entered it.
most of the time people forget to post it on OP, the some anon shits about it. but this doesn't happen for a while now
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
four males in a batch this shit
Quoted By:
>>19131773 >>19131770 Sent!
>>19131786 >>19131787 I see. I was close to joining but decided it wasn't really worth it. I barely use Steam anyway
>>19131599 oh could I get a Safari Ball Hippo as well?
Disc is up!
IGN:Nanashi FC: 1607-2970-1041
Quoted By:
A super sized, female Pumpkaboo? I've been looking for hours for one, but I haven't gotten as much as a male one.
>>19131786 >we Are you that arrogant that you believe your opinion accounts for the many that go on here?
>implying we didnt talk shit about you and opti on there Wadosh
>>19131818 May I disk up for an Eletrike and a hippo? Disking up for Eletrike.
>>19131862 Elektrike sent! I really need to rebreed those things.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19131847 Discing for an eevee, too. Thanks.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Take something pleaseee!! All females and you can take everything you want
http://pastebin.com/VaBWLxch Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19131687 You're welcome :3
>>19131632 Hey, next time I post, remind me to breed you one with 5 IVs, ok?
Staryu Timid non-HA you know the drill
Quoted By:
>>19131880 I'll disc for a roggenrolla and a vulpix, gimme a minute
>>19131879 Sent!
>>19131874 Thank you very much. Disking for Hippo.
>>19131847 awesome, thanks Ramona!
You have a few more that I'd like to Disc, if you don't mind
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19131880 May I pretty please have the Misdreavus and a Staryu? i'll love you forever.
Quoted By:
>>19131860 We as in the active participants of the thread that all lead to the decision that the steam group isn't worth the trouble
nice bait tho :^) Ramona
>>19131916 No problem, take as much as you'd like.
>>19131913 Sent!
>>19131880 Disc is up for a rockyrock
>>19131942 cool, Disc is up for female Moon Ball Ponyta!
Staryu Timid non-HA ask for which ability you want. 4-5 ivs. Reply and disc up. Have one penta up fro grabs.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19131917 >>19131942 Sent disc for the other stuff
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19131883 Gotcha and thanks.
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19131880 GOD BLESS THAT SNORUNT. I WANT IT. Will deposit a disc in some minutes
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19131971 Thank you so much!
>>19131988 By that I meant in the next thread, I'm going to nini now.
>>19131971 Disc is up for vulpix, thank you!
>>19131949 Hmm, did it get sniped?
>>19132009 m-my disc wasn't up yet
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19131880 Discing for Mantine
3 Heavy Ball Shellder 1 Love Ball Lickitung 6 Timer Ball Pawniard 5 Level Ball Meowth Disc up and reply if interested.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19131995 K i save it her for you
>>19132007 >>19132011 No, thanks to you for take them ^^
>>19132011 >>19131949 Nevermind, sending now!
Quoted By:
>>19132011 looks like it's still there! I'll redeposit
Quoted By:
>>19132020 express delivery
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19132009 I guess you sent it to me :3
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132030 Save me a meowth i disc rigth now
Quoted By:
>>19132039 Haven't even checked gts yet Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19132031 Well, its there. i've been looking for one snorut like that for ages!
>>19132033 got it, thanks!
and Disc up for Love Ball Pikachu
Erik 1220-6930-0976
>>19131880 Can I have one of the sports ball Scythers? It's female right? :D
Disc up!
Reposting, I just realized I had a few things listed there that I
released yesterday http://pastebin.com/v9bXbqFV Take as much as you want.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>19132080 Erik whenever I see your name I have to do a double take. You are one of the few people that spell it the same as me.
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19132031 Love you! Thanks!
>>19132072 Sent!
>>19132100 Some pokemon deserve to be released Anonymous
>>19132136 all pokemon deserve to be released Mr.Mime
Quoted By:
>>19132160 Enjoy!
>>19132150 [releasing intensifies]
can anyone breed me a HA poochyena with a fang move?
>>19132198 I wish I had poochyena with the fang moves.
Maybe the one I MM'd back in November wouldn't be so shit if I did. Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132198 >>19132216 If you guys give me a little bit I can grab the mother of the bloodline I have out of bank and lend it.
Erik 1220-6930-0976
>>19131880 Hows about that Makuhita? She need a home?
>>19132220 Hrrm, I'll disc up for a rufflet.
Fucking Americaburd being male only.
>>19132220 I'll take a Remoraid, thanks.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132236 You bet she needs it
Miles !HTYulMiles
>>19132220 discing for deerling :)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 03:08:49 No. 19132281 Report >>19132220 What IVs do the marills have?
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19132220 Discing up for a Remoraid. Thank you.
>>19132198 >>19132216 So I actually have an extra It's rattled in moonball which is an illegal combo. If you care about that. Who wants to breed it?
>>19132030 Also thank Yukari for the bloodline. Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19132030 Disc up for Meowth
Thank you Yukari
Quoted By:
>>19132291 Pangoro can take her, I probably won't breed mightyena again.
Might make my shiny pooch a contest 'mon when ORAS comes out
>>19132252 Thank you for the rufflet!
>ORAS introduced the Ball Swap Machine >Place two pokemon in the machine to swap their pokeballs! >Every combo is now legal and can be bred down I can dream
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132230 Pls Moon ball Poochyena *balltism intesifies*
>>19132238 >>19132236 >>19132240 >>19132266 >>19132285 >>19132225 Sent!
>>19132281 Don't know they are females so you can bree with them but they sure have some good iv's here and there
Quoted By:
>>19132309 introduces* my bad.
>>19132198 Disc up please.
>>19132309 dont do drugs kids
Quoted By:
>>19132333 Balltism is indeed a helluva drug.
>>19132088 Last call for these before I head out.
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 03:16:24 No. 19132362 Report Quoted By:
>>19132314 Actually, thanks for the response, but just after I posted that comment the Marills I've been breeding for hours finally coughed up a 31/31/31/x/31/31 after 4 batches in a row of 2-3 IV trash.
Quoted By:
Well shit, we're completely past bump limit. I guess I'll make a new thread.
>>19132314 If she doesn't show up you want to breed it?
Quoted By:
>>19132314 thank you Santi!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132384 Hell yeah i was trying to get the garbage mons but i will totally stop those projects for this little dog
>>19132388 kk incoming .... Did you ask for a mightyena?
>>19132400 Santi you disc up it'll be a quick turn around until offspring start showing up and the balltism can spread. It's missing health iv as a heads up never bred the line enough to get a penta only enough to spread some balltism.
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19132314 Thanks Santi :)
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132452 Disc is up it has egg moves or i must give them?
>>19132482 Incoming 3 fangs and playrough HA it's all good just need to hit the iv spreads you want.
>>19132474 We tend not to give out fully evolved mons. You'll probably be able to get one soonish.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132498 Well Garbage mons can go to garbage i'm going to start one box of this little bastards