I'll stick around a while longer. Disc up if you want something.
http://pastebin.com/v9bXbqFV Take as much as you'd like
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot:
Rico 3153-4266-6854 :Rufflet, Quacklin's, Hoothoot: Fri 09 May 2014 03:23:23 No. 19132451 Report im looking for a chikorita on a nest ball or just anything else than regulars
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 03:29:38 No. 19132518 Report Exactly 40 to go for my completed Dex and the game seems to have saw it fit to reward my farming of hordes as it sent me a Shiny male geodude. how is everyone doing tonight?
Quoted By:
Trap edition when?
>>19132518 Did you succeed in catching the geodude?
You lucky fuck, magnitude is a bitch
>>19132518 Congrats!
I actually ran from a shiny geodude in a horde once, feels bad.
I'm doing well though.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
Ok so i'm starting Moon Ball Poochyena but for now i have this little bastards looking for homes
http://pastebin.com/VaBWLxch Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 03:33:14 No. 19132551 Report >>19132535 >>19132540 Yes I did, it's a male and He's in a luxury ball.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 03:35:19 No. 19132567 Report Anybody want some of these nignogs?
http://pastebin.com/wHt18B7x Anonymous
>>19132551 Any good nature?
>>19132551 >luxury ball shiny good taste confirmed
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Fri 09 May 2014 03:35:47 No. 19132574 Report >>19132414 disc's up for girl Chimchar
thanks in advance!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 03:38:15 No. 19132598 Report >>19132569 Eh Docile...
With rockhead.
I'll check IV's in a bit when I'm done level farming for my baltoy, Rufflet, vullaby, and mienfoo.
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19132567 I want ralts, honedge and larvesta. Will be disc uping in some minutes
Tentacool All abilities Bold KnockOff/Haze/RapidSpin/Acupressure Heavy ball Febas Non-Ha Bold ConfuseRay/Hypnosis/DragonPulse/MirrorCoat. Luxury ball. Staryu Timid non-HA All should be 4-5 iv ask for the ability you want. Looking for a porygon with HA don't care about ivs.
>>19132598 I'll trade you for a brave golem if you want~
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 03:41:39 No. 19132634 Report Quoted By:
>>19132573 Thanks I appreciate that!
>>19132612 Eh I'm good, I'm not really a huge fan of the geodude line to begin with but it's always nice when you get a shiny...just wanted to share.
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 03:42:01 No. 19132638 Report >>19132414 If you're still on, I'll disc up for a female Absol.
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Fri 09 May 2014 03:42:49 No. 19132650 Report >>19132414 >http://pastebin.com/wHt18B7x Disc up for leafeon and absol, thanks ramona
>>19132611 >http://pastebin.com/wHt18B7x disc up, lemme get a Rain dish Tentacool. is it possible to get a feebas to? :X ill disc up for that in a min.
IGN: Serena
MSG: /vp/winning
>>19132661 yep heads up raindish and heavy ball is an illegal combo I believe. If you care.
>>19132672 i complete retard but y it illegal combo? and idc really xD i just want my tentacool! gotta quench the thirst
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19132638 >>19132650 Sent!
Go ahead and disc up for absol, Ren
>>19132712 i like dollar bills ;3
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 03:48:48 No. 19132721 Report Aegis
>>19132696 I think raindish was from dream world and you couldn't catch it in heavy ball. I don't know it wasn't playing then.
>>19132712 Hi dosh
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 03:49:50 No. 19132736 Report >>19132712 Hey, I remember you Dosh!
Quoted By:
>>19132650 absol sent!
>>19132414 I need to step out for a little bit, I'll be back shortly.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 03:49:59 No. 19132742 Report >>19132712 I wouldn't mind one.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19132725 makes sense i guess ;3 just put up disc for a feebas.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>19132764 Hitmolee please and i don't remeber if it was via gts or trade
>>19132764 May i get a
Flabebe please? Aegis
>>19132764 Porygon line with HA? Or if not that a ninetails please.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 03:55:28 No. 19132810 Report >>19132764 Shiny Relaxed Gigalith with Autotomize, Curse, and Heavy Slam in a Luxury Ball named Sapphire
Or is there some kind of list you have of shinies you're giving away?
Quoted By:
>>19132812 analytic which turns into adaptability on Porygon-Z.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19132785 Yeah I've got a Tyrogue for you.
>>19132795 I have Bold and Calm ones, both White. Preference?
>>19132807 Yeah I have flawless IV Quiet Analytic Porygons, built for Porygon 2. Is that what you're looking for?
>>19132810 I'm afraid I don't have anything in the Gigalith line. Would you mind picking again?
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 03:58:34 No. 19132843 Report >>19132764 Can I get a female Gardevoir, with Hyper Voice if at all possible? It's okay if not.
can I give it a nickname? Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19132712 Hey, whats a 'shone'? People o i know refer to is as pokegen shinies.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 03:59:22 No. 19132850 Report >>19132834 uh, Shiny Ponyta?
Tyler 0232-8198-0592
>>19132567 ill take a penta female larvesta
disc up
ign cody
ty so much
Quoted By:
>>19132834 I'll take the bold please and thanks
Quoted By:
>>19132834 I need the HA more than anything I've been looking for it all day. But that build I can work with.
>>19132764 shiny ponyta or a tauros
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>19132834 Cool can i ask for nickname? If yes please name it Tom
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19132834 *I forgot to mention that the Porygons have 0 speed IVs, for Analytic.
>>19132843 The thing is that Hyper Voice is only obtainable from gen 5, and I don't deal with hacked Pokemon at all. All of my stuff is from Kalos. I have a freaky Ralts, but it doesn't have Hyper Voice.
>>19132848 I just use it as a more fun way to say "shiny". All of my stuff is legit.
>>19132861 >>19132850 Let me see if I can get a Ponyta from my friend.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:03:13 No. 19132884 Report >>19132764 Oh we get to choose? Either a porygon Nicknamed BSOD.exe with HA or a Vespiquen with pressure and the Nickname Haruko.
Either is fine choose whichever.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 04:03:24 No. 19132888 Report Mr.Mime
>>19132611 Disc up for Heavy Ball female Tentacool!
IGN:Nanashi FC: 1607-2970-1041
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Super Sized Pumpkaboo? I don't really care about nature or anything else, but a female would be a huge plus.
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 04:06:00 No. 19132920 Report >>19132872 No problem at all, just wanted to check. I'd like a Timid one, or a Modest one if that's not available. Are these penta/hexaperfect?
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
>>19132872 Oh. You're not giving any more pokemons away? Im breeding snorunts for a froslass. I got a shiny, but it was male...
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 04:07:58 No. 19132950 Report Quoted By:
>>19132414 When you get back, disc up for a female larvesta please
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (eletric)
Quoted By:
>>19132888 Love you! Thanks!
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19132884 Well my story is that I have a shit ton of shinies. Most of them I traded for or cloned, so most aren't nicknamable, but I have like 10 boxes of flawless KB shinies.
>>19132920 Yes and yes.
>>19132850 >>19132861 Alright so my friend didn't have a Ponyta,
I hate to ask you to pick again twice, but the chances of me having what you're looking for gets smaller if you ask for rarer stuff that people don't tend to circulate in cloning threads, or ask for.
>>19132936 I'm not sure what made you think that. Yes I am.
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 04:09:47 No. 19132973 Report Quoted By:
>>19132661 Disc up for female Larvesta
>>19132969 what shiny u got the most of ;3
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 04:12:15 No. 19133001 Report >>19132969 >>19132969 Got one of those Shiny Gliscors that were circulate earlier?
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (electric)
>>19132970 >eletric Oh, thanks. Didnt notice that flaw. Sorry, im not american (im brazilian in fact) and sometimes i misspell (electric in portuguese - eletrico, no c before t).
>>19132969 You have a female shiny snorunt to spare?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19132984 I have literally any competitive Pokemon you could ask for, and like a good amount of rarer stuff, but the less popular it is, the more you have to try your luck.
>>19133001 Yeah that's super easy.
>>19133007 Yes, I do have that.
>>19133030 got carvanha or houndour?
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 04:16:21 No. 19133050 Report Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>19133030 Dosh the disc is up for the tyrouge if you can't name it it doesn't matter i just want one that can be a good hitmonlee
Erik 1220-6930-0976
>>19132532 Hey Aegis, got one of those Squirtles lying around?
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 04:18:34 No. 19133094 Report Quoted By:
>>19132969 Alright, so a Timid Ralts, with HP Fire if possible. If nicknames are available, I'd like it to be named Maria.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:18:43 No. 19133097 Report Quoted By:
>>19132969 Ah ok np. um...Do you have a shiny poliwag? or perhaps a small list I can look over?
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (electric)
Quoted By:
>>19133030 I've uploaded a disc to GTS for a snorunt, if you are kind enough to giveaway it to me. Thanks!
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133042 Yeah. Disc up for Houndoor is good.
>>19133050 Gotcha.
Anyone who I replied to saying you won, it's cool to disc up whenever btw
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:21:32 No. 19133137 Report Man work always makes me miss the good stuff. ;-; Just got home from work. More of my millions of Porygons for free after I eat dinner. Unless you guys are sick of them. I can start releasing.
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 04:21:52 No. 19133143 Report Quoted By:
>>19133104 Disc is up for Ralts!
>>19133104 disc up for houndour~
IGN: Serena
MSG: /vp/winning
Miles !HTYulMiles
>>19133104 I know you said 5 but do you think you could spare a KB chansey for me (if you have it)?
Quoted By:
>>19133137 Are they built for Porygon Z or Porygon 2?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133147 Yah but after I give it to you you have to take a picture of it with all of the dosh you have currently available, and then post it in the thread.
>>19133079 Nope I usually only have mothers and whatever I'm currently breeding.
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Still have a few bergmites if you want your OP inverse defensive wall. IVs are random unless specified but range 3-5. All are impish and in dive balls. EMs: Recover, Mist, Mirror Coat, Barrier Reply with which one you want Females: 10 HA (sturdy) 2 Own Tempo Males: 2 Own Tempo - 31/31/31/31/31/xx
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133185 >Heavy Ball Muchlax Hey bb you gon' let me clone that, rite?
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 09 May 2014 04:27:42 No. 19133211 Report Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:28:15 No. 19133216 Report >>19133193 discing up for one female sturdy bergmite
>>19133104 got it, thanks again man
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133180 I don't see your disc, man. Did you get sniped?
>>19133211 any time.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133146 Hey, Could you make that a Houndoom actually?
>>19133217 No problem
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby)
ign: Josh 4227-1141-7224 (Wooper, Marowak, Diggersby) Fri 09 May 2014 04:29:28 No. 19133238 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19133185 >Volcarona >Litwik >Hydreigon pls clun
>>19133235 >9133235 ▶ >>>19133146 (You) >Hey, Could you make that a Houndoom actually? >>>19133217 >No problem sure lemme change it rq.
Quoted By:
>>19133244 what the fuck are you doing
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 (electric)
>>19133030 YOU HAVE ALL MY LOVE <3 <3
Its almost 2AM here in brazil and i wake up by 5:30 AM to go to the university, so im going to bed, but thanks Dosh, you made someone go to bed very happy!
Thanks for all the pokemon, /vp/. You guys are the best of 4chan.
(Just in case, i've deposited a disc if some of those gligars come overnight. I'll come back here tomorrow to give away goomies, ralts and froakies if someone needs them)
Quoted By:
>>19133281 >brazil internet exist there?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133180 :O I saw you put another disc up. I sent a Porygon to someone named Aegis, did you not get it?
>>19133281 That's why I'm here, for people like you.
>>19133264 Sent.
Quoted By:
>>19133220 Thanks Dosh I shall kick ass with my digital duck.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:34:01 No. 19133311 Report >>19133235 Know what I'm just gonna put up a disc of a litwick now that I see it has infiltrator. <3
>>19133185 what do I have to do to get a slyveon?
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
>>19133216 don't see yours, did it get sniped?
>>19133304 Was half paying attention, looking at other threads and breeding. I got it Thank you.
>>19133193 Send a sturdy one this way mate, thanks
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:35:52 No. 19133333 Report >>19133317 just up it.
>>19133313 a luvdisc
Quoted By:
>>19133333 any spare skrelp
<3 ?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133311 Oh that's cool. Give me one minute actually.
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19133160 Yeah, why not? I'll post the photo, it won't be a lot though
>>19133281 This post warmed my cold, dead heart.
These threads are really swell. You guys got me back into X/Y after a long hiatus, honestly.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Quoted By:
>>19133185 May I disc up for the Venu?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:38:55 No. 19133370 Report >>19133195 it fall into the void
maybe Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19133362 shut the fuck up faggot
IGN: Ben 0490-5227-0615
>>19133185 can I disc up for Gengar <3?
Quoted By:
>>19133333 Alright thanks pan! I'll disc up in a minute for the Slyveon
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:39:39 No. 19133380 Report >>19133351 Np thank you much Dosh.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:39:55 No. 19133387 Report Quoted By:
>>19133147 All Modest. Both Trace and Download. Either All IVs 31, or 31/x/31/31/31/31. Ive had terrible Masuda luck though, so any spread, really.
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:41:27 No. 19133400 Report Quoted By:
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19133185 Are you giving away these? If so, is there any chance I can have the larvitar?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133380 by the way god I'm so sorry, I missed your post about the Poliwag. Let me give you a 6 IV Modest Xerneas too.
>>19133328 is it your mightyena i got?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19133370 I'm not sure what you mean by that :/
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:43:51 No. 19133434 Report >>19133405 You...you really don't have to do that. Like I'm not going to say no but you really don't have to. <3
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>19133185 For the love of Freaking Omega Groudon and Alpha Kyogre i want that Magmortar!! What can i do to get it?
Quoted By:
>>19133416 Nope never raised one. Santi is currently breeding poochyenas at the moment I believe.
Plinkett (IGN - Nymeria): 0232-8027-7992
Quoted By:
>>19133185 Are you posting these because they're open for discing, or trades in general? Because that Volcarona is amazing, but I don't want to
bug you
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133434 It's really no problem.
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19133333 Can I get a Sylveon too?
I'm not the biggest supporter of cloning
, but I want to give it to my gf, for our anniversary Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:46:45 No. 19133462 Report >>19133454 kk I'll put a disc up...t-thank you...
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier)
Ilaria 1521-4580-1519 (Krabby/Quagsire/Frogadier) Fri 09 May 2014 04:47:18 No. 19133468 Report Quoted By:
>>19133185 Disc up for Omanyte!
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19133185 So do you mind if I disc up for that Munchlax?
Quoted By:
>>19133185 whoah are all these for giveaway?
Disc up for Munchlax!
Quoted By:
>>19133185 disc up for a munchlax if this are being given out just got home
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:50:45 No. 19133498 Report Quoted By:
Disc is up for Litwick right now, last one got sniped, this one says /vp/ Dosh on it.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:51:14 No. 19133500 Report Well if anyone wants them I have these Porygon. All 5V are 31/x/31/31/31/31, and all Modest. 1- 6V Download 3- 5v Download 14- 5v Trace Discc up, and tell me which one you want! Probably going to release everything after tonight. Im sure you guys are sick of me. ;3 Next Masuda will be Aron, so I will have something new to bombard you all with!
Quoted By:
>>19133185 disc is up for Cloyster :3
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:51:37 No. 19133504 Report I was just showing my balltism
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133462 You have some "level 1-10 and "male" on there. I can't send it :/
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133504 Yo I'll +1 you for the chance to clone that Munchlax though. That's actually been on my priority list for a bit.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:52:54 No. 19133519 Report Quoted By:
>>19133507 Oh sorry I was going by the pic, two seconds.
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Fri 09 May 2014 04:53:13 No. 19133521 Report Quoted By:
>>19133185 if these are all for giveaway, I'll put a disc for Cloyster please!
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
>>19133500 discking up for 6IV download, maybe can try mixed set with it
Quoted By:
>>19133504 dont worry people cant read
Quoted By:
>>19133504 >no Sylveon with hyper voice and heal bell :( for a second I was hyped
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:54:02 No. 19133534 Report Oh. Did I miss another giveaway? My phone is broke so I cant see pictures.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:54:28 No. 19133539 Report Quoted By:
>>19133516 I had shitty iv i belive ,i'll try to get a good one for you but i cant guarantee nature
>>19133500 Can I get the 6iv Porygon? I putting up a disc with the message /vp/ Ashley. IGN Justin
Quoted By:
>>19133534 just pan teasing us with the tip
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133500 I would be happy with one of your 5 IV Modest ones with Trace if possible.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 04:57:23 No. 19133561 Report >>19133507 Ok re-re-disc'd there Dosh, I also would like to mention that I have a shiny genesect I got from a buddy of mine, I wouldn't mind if it got cloned for the good of /vp/...if you wanted to try and do that real quick.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:57:25 No. 19133563 Report >>19133542 Sorry.
>>19133526 Asked first.
Will send you a 5v for now and will trade you if I hatch anymore tonight.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 04:57:50 No. 19133566 Report Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 04:58:30 No. 19133574 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19133500 Could I grab one of those 5iv Porygons? My IGN is Marvelous
Quoted By:
>>19133563 Gotcha, will monitor the thread
Tyler 0232-8198-0592
Quoted By:
>>19133185 plz clone or gib hydreigon
disc up
ign cody
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Quoted By:
>>19133574 Yep, it was my last disc in my box, thanks for the porygon.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133561 That's cool. I'm OK though, I don't deal with hacked Pokemon. You want to disc up for a Xerneas right now?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 05:01:09 No. 19133604 Report Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 05:02:07 No. 19133613 Report Quoted By:
>>19133603 yup it's up. thank you!
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:03:10 No. 19133623 Report >>19133552 Did you disc for one? Didnt see your name.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>19133566 The Magmortar by any chance you can give me one? Just tell me what i must do?
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 05:03:49 No. 19133629 Report Giving away pokemon to good homes! All have 5 IVs (Except them Female Chikoritas). 1 Male Brave Mawile with Fire Fang in Premier Balls 4 Male 4 Female Adamant HA Skiddo in Timer Balls 11 Own Tempo 6 Chlorophyll Modest Petilil in Ultra Balls 9 Male 2 Female Impish Overgrow Chikorita with Heal Pulse, Grassy Terrain, Leech Seed and Counter in Nest Balls (one female has forgotten egg moves) 5 Male Modest HA Bulbasaur with Grass Whistle, Giga Drain and Petal Dance 3 Male Modest Overgrow Bulbasaur with Grass Whistle, Giga Drain and Petal Dance
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133634 Holy fucking saved. No Game No Life is my anime of the season. Goddamn that is the best picture I have seen in a long fucking time.
IGN: Ben 0490-5227-0615
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 05:05:35 No. 19133646 Report I've got some stuff to give away x6 5IV Jolly Ekans male Shed Skin x3 5IV Jolly Ekans female Shed Skin x3 5IV Adamant Marill male Thick Fat x4 5IV Adamant Marill female Huge Power x2 5IV Adamant Marill male Huge Power x1 5IV Jolly Meditite male Pure Power (Psycho Cut/Drain Punch) x2 5 IV Adamant Growlithe male Intimidate
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 05:06:01 No. 19133652 Report Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:06:03 No. 19133653 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19133640 I've posted it last time haha.
>>19133652 I know, but that is the only sylveon pic I have
>>19133629 Will gladly take a Own Tempo Petitil off of your hands. Thank you in advance!
Disc up!
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:07:10 No. 19133661 Report >>19133629 Discing for a Chikorita. Thank you!
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19133604 thank you it is a very kind gesture Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133646 It would be really helpful to me if I could get a growlith from you. My IGN is Marvelous.
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Quoted By:
>>19133659 Forgot to post with my name!
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:09:54 No. 19133684 Report >>19133646 Discing for Meditite. Thank you! !
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 05:10:33 No. 19133690 Report >>19133673 She better give you some Nico: 3282 - 2702 - 6952
Quoted By:
>>19132395 I am looking for a aron with head smash and some other egg moves, I would like it to be female in a timer ball but it isn't necessary. I don't really care about the IVs because I will just be using it for breading anyway. I don't really mind what ability it has between rock head or heavy metal. I have a luvdisc up.
>>19133640 It's a very disappointing season for anime. I'm following that and Knights of Sidonia. Knights has a really low production budget but the author is very good.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 05:11:35 No. 19133700 Report Rikka
Can I get a Bold Clefairy from someone? It doesn't matter if it has egg moves but I'd appreciate it. Disc is up.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:12:00 No. 19133703 Report Quoted By:
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed)
Max 3110 5043 4142 (klefki, forretstress, ferroseed) Fri 09 May 2014 05:12:22 No. 19133706 Report IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133699 Haven't been following Knights of Sidonia, but NGNL is pretty fucking hilarious. The shit that the MCs come up with to win games is really clever sometimes.
>>19133699 I'm really enjoying Hitsugi no Chaika and Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou.
Captcha: Memes and
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19133718 >>19133714 >>19133699 This thread is now /a/.
Captain Earth: Akari is best girl.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19133718 The cliffhanger in the last episode of Chaika is making my heart explode. I NEED TO KNOW WHO THE RED CHAIKA IS. IS OUR WHITE CHAIKA A FAKE? I NEED TO KNOW
>>19133714 Yeah it's enjoyable.
>>19133718 Gave the coffin loli a try watched the first ep. Is it worth watching more?
>>19133718 Also, who's hype for Sailor Moon this summer?
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19133690 I can't tell you how grateful I am I hope she like it enough Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19132661 I've got a disc up for female absol
Quoted By:
>>19133762 well maybe shes fucking another guy while you are playing pokemon
who knows
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:20:54 No. 19133798 Report Quoted By:
>>19133754 So hyped. Feels like I have been waiting a lifetime. Squiggle~kun !!k5FkuH82aRM
Can we go back to posting giveaways
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:40:17 No. 19133975 Report >>19133945 I still have Porygons. Still no shiny ones though.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 05:41:47 No. 19133988 Report Anonymous
>>19133737 You already did your giveaway....how about you leave now. Thanks for th shit but get the fuck out.
>>19133751 I know you are just kissing his ass because he gave you a cloned mon, but stop reluing to him or hell never leave. Notice how the other trips dont pay attention to him
>>19133690 hey Pan, still around for the shiny giveaways?
Quoted By:
Hi, Dream Ball female Pikachu or Pichu, is it possible?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 05:54:01 No. 19134075 Report >>19134054 I'm trapped in a ride right now
>>19134021 Talking about anime in dead hours is kissing ass. Sure anon. I read manga a lot more than I watch anime. Dosh obviously watches a lot of anime why wouldn't I ask for suggestions. Chill anon.
>>19134075 lol oh, what ride?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19134097 Thanks for defending me but das responding to bait, man
Quoted By:
>>19134097 jesus christ at least theorycrafting during dead hours is about pokemon
pls go to /a/ with that anime shit
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:03:02 No. 19134137 Report >>19134099 Shiny time machine seed.
and experimenting with HRH munchlax
Quoted By:
Looking for a female Cottonee in a nest ball (muh balltism) IGN: Mothimas
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:04:39 No. 19134151 Report I have 2 non-KB shiny trophies to get rid off. First two to respond, are yours. Ninjask (1v) Mandibuzz (6v)
>>19134151 disc up for mandibuzz
Quoted By:
>>19134151 Can I get Mandibuzz? IGN Justin
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:07:23 No. 19134172 Report Quoted By:
>>19134155 Sent what?
Guess you win.
Other guy claimed Mandibuzz so you can have Ninjask. Yay.
Quoted By:
>>19134137 ah sweet, beginning mine too soon
>>19134142 one heck of a ride
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:08:45 No. 19134182 Report >>19134106 Sir, I only manage to hatch a
Pick up male 31-31-31-31-25-31
Heavy ball shiny snorlax
Disc up if you want it.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:08:52 No. 19134185 Report Aegis
I'm making a genderless team. Ditto Scarfed Porygon-z special sweeper Starmie Bulky Rapid spinner Is what's planned so far. Suggestions? I'm thinking a magnezone
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:10:03 No. 19134198 Report Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:10:55 No. 19134208 Report Anonymous
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:11:04 No. 19134212 Report Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19134182 >>19134198 Oh no you were breeding for me this entire time? ;_; I hope I can repay you. Are you looking for anything right now?
flawless heavy ball Snorlax is actually really fucking rare are hard to breed, nobody here has one imorte
>>19134182 hey pan got anymore self destruct munchlax left overs
>>19134185 thanks shiny mandi looks nice actually
>>19134187 how about evolite analytic mangeton?
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134187 Non-uber/legal legends included or? Lando-T is always an option - Intimidate support, access to U-Turn and Knock Off, lots of other options, powerful STAB Quake.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:13:42 No. 19134241 Report >>19134218 any new kalos female with egg moves pokemon will do
Zachary 2809-9493-1910
'Sup, fellow trainers/breeders/collectors? Just kidding, I don't care. Take some free shit:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aqc8EH2CcCmWdGs0LUVlMFpjeVpzYlNPSlFpd2dnUHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 On hand, I have lots of Love Ball Igglybuffs, and mostly males otherwise, so if you want me to breed more of something on the second or third sheets, let me know and I'll get on it.
Of course, these could be yours for the paltry sum of one Luvdisc's life, but I'm interested in acquiring a legitimate female Shellder/Cloyster in a Heavy Ball. I would do it myself, but I found I can't transfer Pokemon from my copy of HeartGold
because it's not genuine .
I'll be around for about half an hour.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:14:44 No. 19134257 Report Quoted By:
>>19134227 Only the parent
>>19134212 I actually have no idea how to use carbink.
>>19134208 Could work I'm worried about fire and dark type weaknesses.
>>19134227 That actually sounds pretty interesting i'll have to compare stats.
>>19134236 I like to breed all the mons I use on teams, so no legends.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:16:32 No. 19134267 Report Quoted By:
>>19134258 special wall or screen setter
>>19134258 Damn Carbink has a pretty good move pool I could use it to set up screens or rocks. Also makes a good wall.
>>19134243 I have Shellder, put a Disc up.
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19134241 Vullaby up for the Muncher Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
Quoted By:
>>19134272 I like using it in Trick Room teams or in doules.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134258 Rotom-H, then, maybe
Zachary 2809-9493-1910
>>19134273 Cool, this shall be the beginning of a project yielding a Battle Maison beast. Disc is up!
>>19134218 Ungrateful, stupid faggot
>>19134182 Youre an idiot for wasting your time.
>>19134258 Dude....come on stop it. Im losing respect fr you
>>19134297 There you go, enjoy.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:23:09 No. 19134318 Report >>19134274 :^) i earned some knowledge on the time machine method with this Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:23:18 No. 19134320 Report >>19134243 could I get one of those male burmy? I need a mothim for my dex.
Quoted By:
>>19134309 Yeah Dosh whatever. Is your response to anything that isnt good feedback towards cnsidered bait?
Dosh King !Moneyw2KG6
>>19134318 Never heard of the Time Machine method before. What is it?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:25:00 No. 19134341 Report >>19134298 got some insight in exchange Lemon 4184-3450-2595
>>19134243 Can I get that sturdy onix
Zachary 2809-9493-1910
>>19134313 You're the man. Or woman. Or whatever. You're the person. I'll be giving out my leftovers, for sure.
>>19134320 Disc up and it's yours!
I'm surprised someone actually wants a male, for once. Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134301 Can't see your disc. Found a 6iv bold mguard one.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:27:17 No. 19134360 Report >>19134346 Like I said need it for the Dex. disc up in a moment.
So close to being done with the dex, a few more and then its strictly legends that I need.
Zachary 2809-9493-1910
>>19134342 Sent, you got the mother so she needs to relearn any egg moves you want, but can pass on her ball via breeding. All that made me notice my spreadsheet is not up to date on Onixes.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:29:02 No. 19134371 Report >>19134339 >Using power saves Breed magikarps
>reject egg from caretaker >save game >hatch, if not shiny repeat process(reject save hatch) >If shiny do not save the game, save it on a file o a computer >Restore and change parents to always hatch a shiny mon with a fixed spread Aegis
Quoted By:
>>19134289 All those resistances, yeah that'll work. Thanks for the suggestion.
Heavy on the special side need to fit a physical attacker. Metagross or even Golurk, maybe.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Quoted By:
>>19134361 Thanks man, I dont care a ton about the IVs and all that, mostly playing casually with friends.
>>19134318 pls share Pan! am about to start TMM
>>19134371 How fast does this take to get you a shiny? How many eggs do you go through?
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134360 What legends you needing? I might have a spare or two from banking previous games
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:32:24 No. 19134401 Report Quoted By:
>>19134388 With shiny charm between 5-10 boxes.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:33:25 No. 19134411 Report >>19134376 nature is fixed too but you can change it with everstone Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:34:23 No. 19134418 Report >>19134389 377-Regirock
I don't want to own them, touch trading is enough.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:34:40 No. 19134423 Report >>19134360 Hi Julia. I can help you with pic-related legendaries.
>>19134411 so the SV and IVs will be locked (with Destiny Knot) but ability changes with Everstone?
>>19134341 >>19134371 Pan...I love you, I really do, but come on now. If youre going to cheat nonetheless, why not hatch a penta and make it shiny using power saves?
You never win when this guy dosh clones your work...well maybe us Rikka
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:36:57 No. 19134445 Report Quoted By:
>>19134423 Neat I'll send you a trade in just a second.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134418 I have a spare competitive Azelf w/transfer moves. Want?
>>19134411 my question is, if you switch out parents, wouldn't IVs also be altered?
or just the way the IVs are taken (each one from M or F parent) are locked
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:39:49 No. 19134479 Report >>19134429 ability is fixed too only nature can be set.
IV spread change if both parents are genderless
>>19134430 because muh autism
I love you too R !!wxBJZk1b45E
I have tons of mons, just ask, and I probably have it. I'm looking for any of the following: Paras venomoth Seel mankey/primeape kingler totodile/crocanaw slowking stantler/girafarig mudkip/marshtomp/swampert wurmple/silcoon seedot/nuzlockechallenge slakoth's line numel/camerupt baltoy/claydol castform duskull snorunt turtwig and piplup's lines kriketot/kricketune mismagius magmortar
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:41:42 No. 19134493 Report Quoted By:
>>19134467 IV spread from each parent is locked too
and value can be set
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:41:44 No. 19134494 Report >>19134461 sure soon as I'm done with ash. anything inparticular you want for it? or just wanna get rid of it?
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:42:20 No. 19134499 Report >>19134418 Think I got everything I xoukd from this list. Anything else I can help you with?
>>19134418 I can touch trade these.
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19134494 nah, just put a disc up when you're done
>>19134479 Bitch, I know you do, but you need to just drop everything and let a sap like myself chat with you. Fake autism is no excuse for being naive. R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Quoted By:
>>19134489 munna/musharna
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:43:29 No. 19134514 Report >>19134489 R I have lots of these from putting my dex together recently. you just need them touch traded or do you intend to keep them?
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134514 touch traded, yeah. I don't need any of them
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:46:33 No. 19134541 Report >>19134499 not much I'm gathering up the rest right now, If you have an electivire that would be awesome though.
>>19134502 sounds great
>>19134504 kk putting one up now
>>19134522 kk when I get done with these fine folks I'll touch trade the ones I got to you.
>>19134541 disc for disc, you want to throw one up?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:48:58 No. 19134562 Report Quoted By:
>>19134552 kk I'll do that in just a sec.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:49:19 No. 19134564 Report >>19134506 I know I am naive some times Anonymous
>>19134479 >IV spread change if both parents are genderless pls explain
>>19134573 when the parents are genderless the iv spread changes
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134541 >fine folks >/vp/ thanks anon, just let me know
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:52:13 No. 19134589 Report >>19134504 Thanks Chaos!
>>19134552 Disc up now <3
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 06:52:43 No. 19134591 Report >>19134580 This, but not always.
>>19134589 Fish exchanged, feel free to start up a tr anytime.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 06:56:00 No. 19134612 Report >>19134583 I've found that this board is rather calm, nice, and helpful most of the time. With helpful being the main word there. I've had people actively drop what they are doing to help me with something (usually a touch trade or a breeding parent) without ever asking to be compensated. Which is why I try to pay it forward.
>>19134606 kk be there in just a sec.
>>19134564 Wll you just need a husbando to keep you in check cuz you be doing some stupid shit. I hope that dosh fag at least gave youa decent mon in retrn. Next tim dont let that guy grab your work and then distribute it Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 06:56:13 No. 19134616 Report >>19134489 If you are around tomorrow some time, I can help you. This migraine + Scrolling through boxes is making me sick. I have at least half of what you need.
>>19134591 so, if you make the pokemon genderless and breed with ditto, can you keep resetting until you get an ideal spread?
>>19134629 you are stupid ,have you even breeded this gen??
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134616 I swear, after a long period of looking at a computer screen, my eyes can't really follow words. I just sort of absorb a few when I look at a particular area of the screen.
And yeah, I should be. Thanks
>>19134638 i am stupid and i have bred this gen
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:01:33 No. 19134658 Report >>19134646 If not tomorrow, then most of the weekend. I dont go out unless its to go to
work.nl Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:01:58 No. 19134662 Report >>19134615 Oh! I do he demands all my affection and kindness if he knew im here being nice with others he would lock up my lap >>19134629 spread is fixed too just in a diferent order.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134612 I've not been here for very long, so I've been more exposed to posts rather than actual interactions.
So that's good to know.
>>19134612 Good luck with the rest of the dex.
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Quoted By:
>>19134489 I have a Kingler, you got any Aron line pokemon?
>>19134653 the ivs innherence change because there's not a pattern like M-F-M-F-X-F when you use genderless, you can get G1-G2-G1-G2-x-G2 or G2-X-G2-G1-G1-G1
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Fri 09 May 2014 07:04:03 No. 19134677 Report >>19132395 Would anyone happen to have a Female Regenerator Slowpoke?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:04:34 No. 19134683 Report >>19134666 Throw up a luvdisc on the Gts for a luvdisc I'll be along shortly.
>>19134669 Thank you very much! I'll let you know when it's done <3
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:06:38 No. 19134699 Report >>19134677 If they did I'd want one too.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:07:30 No. 19134707 Report >>19134541 Got your Electrivire~
I am just hatching eggs so trade me when you want it.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 07:08:11 No. 19134712 Report >>19134677 I do! Throw a disc up and I'll send it to you.
Also should I use Torkoal or Relicanth for my starter in the Hoenn remakes?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:09:09 No. 19134722 Report Quoted By:
>>19134707 kk I'll be along in a few minutes. If I can't find R's luvdisc
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Fri 09 May 2014 07:09:37 No. 19134726 Report >>19134699 How impossible are they to find?
>>19134712 Thank You! I need to go catch it real fast
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134683 done
why for another luvdisc?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:10:38 No. 19134732 Report Quoted By:
>>19134726 not very finding a personbreeding them on the board is hit or miss though.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:11:53 No. 19134740 Report >>19134728 in game name matt?
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:13:58 No. 19134751 Report >>19134735 Added. I will trade you in a little bit and help you knock a few off the list.
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Fri 09 May 2014 07:16:12 No. 19134768 Report >>19134712 also, Relicanth would be more fun in my opinion.
Disc is up, in game name is Monty
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:16:31 No. 19134773 Report >>19134735 added, 2 seconds
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134677 >>19134699 If it wasn't so late I'd breed some real quick. Remind me when you see me again, I'm in this thread a good amount.
It's 3 am I need to sleep see you guys.
>>19134662 What? Didnt understand what you wrte Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:18:45 No. 19134792 Report Quoted By:
>>19134784 Hey bro,
do you want eevee back? I'll be out for a couple of weeks without WiFi and i don't want you to feel like I'm keeping it. Pan
can i ask you for a favor please? Anonymous
>>19134785 Just some word salads i should go to sleep now Anonymous
>>19134793 Yes please just hopped back online.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134773 anything you need? or is your dex complete
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:23:24 No. 19134836 Report >>19134814 It's mostly done, I just got a few more, some I need to evolve, some legends I just need to wait for the weekend for.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134836 name them, I may have them. even the legends
>>19134809 Since I'll be off for a couple off weeks almost a month, i have a couple of Mons that i'll like to train in that time, but i autism is a little to much for me to handle the situation; can you help me you know, making them shone please? Sorry for bothering you and I'm ashamed to ask for that >>19134810 Sending TR now, sorry but the WiFi off thing wasn't planned bro
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:27:11 No. 19134867 Report >>19134844 alright give me two seconds. and I would like my claydol back next time we're trading.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:27:34 No. 19134869 Report >>19134844 Want to post an updated list of what you need after Julia helps you?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:28:06 No. 19134873 Report >>19134845 Shinified them? Aegis
>>19134845 Thanks man, I'll probably be taking a break from online stuff myself in the next couple of weeks. I'll see you around man, Right now I need to sleep. Goodnight/morning whatever the case may be everyone.
>>19134873 Yup, sorry for ask bro >>19134880 Take care, hope to see you soon
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 07:29:47 No. 19134885 Report Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:30:51 No. 19134889 Report >>19134844 Alright last bit of stuff I need other than the stuff I'm in the middle of evolving/leveling right now.
Gen 4
466 Electivire
Gen 5
518 Musharna
615- cryogonal
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:31:24 No. 19134892 Report >>19134883 sure just hurry i wont be online till tuesday, Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops]
Monty 4356-0557-4877 [Shuppet/Phantump/Dusclops] Fri 09 May 2014 07:32:14 No. 19134895 Report >>19134885 Thank you again! and Also thank you for the dream Balls, Do they pass or do the same thing master balls do?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:32:23 No. 19134897 Report Quoted By:
>>19134889 I have dusclops with a reaper cloth just need to trade it.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:33:31 No. 19134906 Report >>19134889 When I trade you Electricity, I will knock a few others off your list.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Quoted By:
>>19134867 >>19134889 sure thing. and I have tons of those.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:34:20 No. 19134918 Report Quoted By:
>>19134906 kk sounds good :3
>>19134892 Thanks,
how can i pay you? 4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 07:34:39 No. 19134923 Report Quoted By:
>>19134895 They pass through the mother, same as any other pokeball. What do Master Balls do?
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134869 so far I've gotten seel, claydol, and croconaw.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:36:24 No. 19134941 Report >>19134919 You gave all I need already Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:37:26 No. 19134946 Report !lvory.7FpY
>>19134941 I'll ask for for 10 please, i didn't expected to start the month so broken Hopefully i'll find a way to redeem myself with you when i'm back.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:40:33 No. 19134964 Report >>19134951 Hi, Ivory. <3 Everything ok? Can I help you with anything? !lvory.7FpY
>>19134964 Everything it's fine,
i'm kinda broken right now so well, i need to cancel the wifi and other things for a couple of weeks and search for a second job but hopefully everything will be fine in a couple of time, thanks for caring<3 R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19134925 snorunt, kingler, munna, kricketune
>>19134889 ofc I'll need my thundurus, probopass and dialga back
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:45:51 No. 19135001 Report >>19134981 No worries mate I do not want to lose cred on this board. I like it here too much. Also I have a mismag in my battle box, so I'll send that to you right after this trade.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:47:19 No. 19135015 Report >>19134980 You will get through it. You're smart enough. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. !lvory.7FpY
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135001 awesome. I have some of the other stuff you need in pokebank, I'll get that in a sec
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:49:39 No. 19135032 Report >>19134981 question, do you just need tympole or the entire line? I have a seismatoad that I can trade to you for breeding stuff (same with piplup's line)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:50:02 No. 19135033 Report >>19135029 B3 - 1,1 - Chespin (F) - Impish - Bulletproof -
B3 - 1,2 - Clauncher (M) - Modest - Mega Launcher -
B3 - 1,3 - Squirtle (M) - Modest - Torrent -
B3 - 1,4 - Inkay (M) - Adamant - Suction Cups -
B3 - 1,5 - Slurpuff (F) - Timid - Unburden -
B3 - 1,6 - Aromatisse (F) - Relaxed - Aroma Veil -
B3 - 2,1 - Amaura (F) - Modest - Refrigerate -
B3 - 2,2 - Trevenant (M) - Impish - Frisk -
B3 - 2,3 - Fennekin (M) - Modest - Magician -
B3 - 2,4 - Bunnelby (F) - Adamant - Huge Power -
Please wait
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135032 I have the rest of its line, I just need to make an egg
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 07:51:18 No. 19135045 Report >>19135001 >>19135030 Hey I'm getting tired so I will only get to on of you tonight. The other one wilk have to be sometime in between work over the weekend. Hope that's cool with you two.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:52:36 No. 19135054 Report >>19135045 Np nighty night ash!
>>19135043 alrighty no problem.
>>19135033 yup thanks again,
you don't know how much i appreciate this R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135045 did you need anything else back? I think I only need dialga now
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 07:57:02 No. 19135087 Report >>19135058 ready!
Pan is kill Anonymous
>>19134946 Im serious, even if you are a dude i want you >>19135058 Youre really not gonna be on...fuck wish you luck man. Go gen me some shit. lol but seriously bey Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 07:59:53 No. 19135116 Report >>19135060 I don't think I need anything I traded you back save for the Dusclops I've sent over. until after you breed a couple eggs of course, I'd like my starters back once you get an egg out of 'em. I still have mudkip and turtwig to send over.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135116 i have glalie, lopunny, possibly regirock, chimecho, bronzong, yamask and cryogonal in pokebank. Let me get those real quick
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:02:41 No. 19135137 Report Quoted By:
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 08:02:47 No. 19135140 Report >>19135116 You want to make am updated list and I will touch trade with you while R breeds/banks?
Quoted By:
>>19135087 You are awesome.
Hope too see you soon. >>19135105 See you soon anon. take care
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:04:15 No. 19135155 Report Quoted By:
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:05:35 No. 19135167 Report >>19135140 >So close I can taste it. gen3
Gen 4
Gen 5
518 Musharna
615- cryogonal
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 09 May 2014 08:08:08 No. 19135185 Report >>19135105 Here is a pic of me for you to fap, G'nite! R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135167 got: glalie, chimecho, bronzong, and cryogonal. could've sworn i had a lopunny, guess I wonder traded them all
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:09:10 No. 19135191 Report Quoted By:
>>19135167 Disregard Dusknoir, I have one now.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:11:30 No. 19135202 Report >>19135188 kk be back in just a couple of minutes. With ash ATM. Go ahead and use this time for breeding them starters and what not.
Giving away: Moon Ball Chimecho (Bold 3IV, Levitate) 1x Female 1x Male Egg Moves: Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Skill Swap, Wish Various leftovers: Female Dream Ball Alomomola (Bold 5IV -Spe, Healer, w/ Mist, Refresh, Mirror Coat, Haze) Female Dream Ball Alomomola (Bold 4IV, Regenerator, can relearn Mist, Refresh, Mirror Coat, Haze) Female Moon Ball Mr. Mime (Timid 4IV, Soundproof, w/ Confuse Ray, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance) Female Farfetch'd (Jolly 5IV -SpA, Inner Focus, w/ Night Slash Female Lileep (Relaxed 5IV -HP, Suction Cups, w/ Stealth Rock, Mirror Coat, Recover) Female Seedot (Adamant 4IV, Early Bird, w/ Leech Seed, Japanese) Female Electrike (Modest 5IV -Atk, Lightning Rod) Quick Ball Kangaskhan (Jolly 5IV -Spe, Early Bird, Japanese) Male Net Ball Venonat (Timid 5IV -Atk, Tinted Lens, w/ Foresight, Baton Pass) Male Dive Ball Frillish (Bold 5IV -SpA, Cursed Body, w/ Acid Armor, Recover, Confuse Ray, Pain Split) Male Durant (Jolly 4IV, Truant, Japanese) Male Amaura (Modest 5IV -Atk) Male Shinx (Adamant 4IV, Intimidate) Male Furfrou (Impish 5IV -SpA, Fur Coat) Male Lapras (Relaxed 5Iv -SpD, Hydration) Please be as specific as possible with what you want and put up a disc. New thread when?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:13:40 No. 19135220 Report Quoted By:
Thank you for your help Ash!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:15:23 No. 19135237 Report >>19135204 I'd like to get that seedot in a minute or two once I'm done trading with "R".
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 08:15:38 No. 19135239 Report >>19135202 Sorry thought Ivhave more.
I have a Manna if you have the stone, or Shiftry and Cofigrigus if you would like to breed it.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135237 imagine waking up to a glalie floating in your room, staring at you
Giving away:
Moon Ball Chimecho (Bold 3IV, Levitate)
1x Female
1x Male
Egg Moves: Cosmic Power, Stored Power, Skill Swap, Wish
Various leftovers:
Female Dream Ball Alomomola (Bold 5IV -Spe, Healer, w/ Mist, Refresh, Mirror Coat, Haze)
Female Dream Ball Alomomola (Bold 4IV, Regenerator, can relearn Mist, Refresh, Mirror Coat, Haze)
Female Moon Ball Mr. Mime (Timid 4IV, Soundproof, w/ Confuse Ray, Future Sight, Nasty Plot, Teeter Dance)
Female Farfetch'd (Jolly 5IV -SpA, Inner Focus, w/ Night Slash
Female Lileep (Relaxed 5IV -HP, Suction Cups, w/ Stealth Rock, Mirror Coat, Recover)
Female Electrike (Modest 5IV -Atk, Lightning Rod)
Quick Ball Kangaskhan (Jolly 5IV -Spe, Early Bird, Japanese)
Male Net Ball Venonat (Timid 5IV -Atk, Tinted Lens, w/ Foresight, Baton Pass)
Male Dive Ball Frillish (Bold 5IV -SpA, Cursed Body, w/ Acid Armor, Recover, Confuse Ray, Pain Split)
Male Durant (Jolly 4IV, Truant, Japanese)
Male Amaura (Modest 5IV -Atk)
Male Furfrou (Impish 5IV -SpA, Fur Coat)
Male Lapras (Relaxed 5Iv -SpD, Hydration)
Please be as specific as possible with what you want and put up a disc.
>>19135237 Gah, sorry. Seedot and Shinx are not available for now.
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:18:38 No. 19135254 Report >>19135239 It's all good Ash, I'm closer than I was, and I have both it's not like I can't do it. <3
You should get some sleep though.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 09 May 2014 08:19:22 No. 19135257 Report Quoted By:
>>19135248 Could I please have that female Chimecho? Disc is up!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:19:47 No. 19135259 Report Anonymous
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk]
Ashley 1478-3818-2357 [Galvantula, Pachirisu, Stunfisk] Fri 09 May 2014 08:21:12 No. 19135272 Report >>19135254 Cant stop hatching these eggs! I keep thinking this next one will be the one! ;-; Plus my cat is snoring and she Keeps me up!
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19135259 Still need Zekrom? Found a spare one lying around in my WT box, prolly hacked though
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Quoted By:
>>19135254 exactly
>>19135263 that was the most anticlimactic spoiler ever (but also unexpected)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:24:07 No. 19135298 Report >>19135272 I know both those feelings.
>>19135246 Just tell me on here when you are ready to send back the starters/breeding things.
>>19135285 Yus I do.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19135248 Disc up for Chimecho
Thank you
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135298 I have slaking and empoleon's eggs, anything else you needed? I never got turtwig
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir)
Sarah 4012-4258-3987 (Combee, Volbeat, Pinsir) Fri 09 May 2014 08:25:53 No. 19135313 Report Quoted By:
>>19135248 Disc up for Furfrou, thanks Cuan!
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19135298 Disc up, it's yours
Lemon 4184-3450-2595
Quoted By:
>>19135248 Mind if I get that lileep?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:28:13 No. 19135333 Report >>19135305 I have the turtwig, let me trade it to you real quick. but nah you and ash have helped immensely this evening! 10 to go, 6 after I get zekrom and train up my 3.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135333 trips B|
and awesome, no problem. Likewise.
Let me know if you want to battle sometime. I'm new to competitive as well- only picked up x a month and a half ago after not playing since gen 3
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:30:33 No. 19135350 Report Quoted By:
>>19135318 Up now, thank you much Chaos!
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:32:22 No. 19135359 Report >>19135347 I'm constantly changing my team up but yeah that sounds like fun! Need to find a good replacement for my genesect though.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135359 is your team ubers or ou--or nonsmogon
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19135359 umm...Scizor maybe? I have a spare battle-ready one, built mainly for CB use
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:39:50 No. 19135405 Report >>19135376 I'll be honest my standard team is a mix of semi-competitive OU when I made it, mostly because it's the pokemon I like to use or show off with.
(genesect, volcarona, gengar, roserade, greninja, and mismagius) So I've just been trying to rethink my team lately, normally I go with smogon rules but their latest ban on baton pass seems a little crazy to me as I enjoy baton pass junk like ninjask.
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
>>19135405 seems like a good bit of special attackers. I haven't made my team yet, I always switch- but I just got an aggronite, and want to try out megaggron
...and tympole is perhaps as stupid looking as glalie is freaky
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:45:59 No. 19135433 Report >>19135403 Not a bad choice especially considering I'm thinking of dropping gengarite from gengar as he gets wrecked by earthquake when he turns mega.
>>19135418 Yeah most of my team special attacks because I find most people don't use special walls.
and I agree, do you want a deerling to turn into a sawsbuck?
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19135433 Disc up if you'd like it
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:49:53 No. 19135454 Report Quoted By:
>>19135447 yeah Alright I'll put one up in just a second.
>>19135418 you almost done with that turtwig?
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:53:05 No. 19135476 Report Quoted By:
>>19135447 Disc up.
So did anyone else think Mega-scizor had chainsaws for hands when they saw it originally?
I know I did.....
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine)
Julia FC: 3282-2916-2114 (Beartic, spheal, Piloswine) Fri 09 May 2014 08:57:55 No. 19135499 Report >>19135418 eh don't worry about trading him back I can get another tomorrow. I'ma go to bed for now. Night everyone!
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Quoted By:
>>19135433 I think I have a deerling, thank you though
and lol, you sent me that o power right after I got done with a batch of swirlix (accidentally trained one until level 72, gave it pp ups and everything, before I realized it didn't have unburden)
R !!wxBJZk1b45E
Quoted By:
>>19135499 goodnight! thanks for your help