>>19175668I don't even understand the utilization of the term 'Edgy' anymore. To me it implies something is excessively violent or otherwise thematically dark as an attempt at maturity. I don't see how that applies to Groudon at all.
In the first place it makes some degree of sense for it to be designed as it is. It's large due to being based on Behemoth, and I imagine the design is to convey power to get across the idea that it is an intrinsically aggressive and ruinous creature.
That isn't necessarily excessive given the context, so it's not edgy, and even entertaining the idea that it is it's really not any more so than Kyogre, or just about any other box legendary for that matter. Yvetal if anything would be a better example of a pokemon to whom the term edgy could be accurately applied, and even then I don't find that to be bad.
Logically this argument would also extend to the idea that small and cute pokemon are, ironically, more mature in some capacity, which sort of brings up the inverse issue.
The biggest irony of the above being that people think things are edgy because people utilize them in an attempt to look mature, however if people regard the more cutely designed pokemon as mature and utilize them for the same end, then really it's not any better.
I'm going to get called autistic but god fuck the culture of 4chan sometimes.