>>19177010Defensively speaking:
Ice resists water, flying, and bug.
Fairy is weak to fire and no longer resists bug.
Ghost no longer resists bug.
Water is weak to poison.
Ground resists ground.
Grass resists fairy.
Steel no longer resists Psychic but resists Ghost once again.
Fighting no longer resists bug.
Dark is no longer weak to bug.
Offensively speaking:
Water hits ice for 1/2.
Flying hits ice for 1/2.
Bug hits ice for 1/2, dark for neutral, ghost for neutral, fighting for neutral, and fairy for neutral
Poison is super effective against water.
Ground is not very effective against ground.
Fairy hits grass for 1/2.
Fire is super effective against fairy.
Ghost hits steel for 1/2.
Psychic is neutral against steel.
That should be it.