>>19197355You don't understand why Mega Gengar is broken: it makes other stuff broken.
Here's a quick example I came up with: you are up against a Rain team. They have Mega Gengar and mixed Kingdra. Literally the only thing stopping Kingdra from sweeping your entire team, or at least taking down a minimum of two things, is Chansey, because Kingdra stronkgth.
Mixed Kingdra can only 3HKO Chansey with waterfall, so you can counter it and dick it with Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, etc. But it's not so simple with Mega Gengar. Kingdra comes in on something it checks, you switch to Chansey at take a waterfall, and now there's four possible outcomes:
-You switch out Chansey to avoid Shadow Tag, they switch in Gengar. Whatever happens to Gengar, Chansey is now too weak to switch into Kingdra's waterfall.
-You switch out Chansey to avoid Shadow Tag, they instead use HYDRO PUMP IN RAIN KEK and you lose a mon
-You keep Chansey in, Mega Gengar comes in, traps it, and kills it. Kingdra sweeps your team.
-You keep Chansey in, they keep Kingdra in. It gets paralyzed and is crippled. You win.
So in 3/4 of the possible outcomes, you lose. And if you notice, there's basically no reason for the opponent to not switch in Mega Gengar, because even if you save Chansey, it's too weakened to switch in to Kingdra.
This exact same thing happens with a ton of sweepers: Mega Gengar can, pretty much without fail, take out any defensive counters to it, opening up a sweep. It makes everything else broken and dismantles any archetype that's not HO basically without fail or possible counterplay on the opponent's part. It's disgustingly broken in singles.