[17 / 2 / ?]
>- 14-5-2004-7:32-EDT >4th Generation >Ladies, Gentlemen, Pokémon and Sentient Pokéballs...I bring you, the first known Pokémon of the new generation, Gonbe. We are the first site to have it in full colour, thanks to Coronis for the scan >Apparently it is said to be a relation to Snorlax, but we do not have any confirmation of that You are now aware that Gen 4 was revealed OVER 10 YEARS AGO. The average kid playing Pokemon today hadn't even been born yet.
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DP Remakes when?
>4th gen stuff appearing 2 years before its release. >5th and 6th gens get announced barely 6 months before being released. The fuck. Also, it's been 8 years since we got evolutions of stuff that didn't before.
>>19215414 >Sylveon >Megas Anonymous
I remember seeing a video featuring this guy and Bonsly and freaking out cause I thought I'd missed something in Crystal
>>19215510 Same with azurill
and then I played ruby and breeding didn't work
I thought my game was broken
>The average kid playing Pokemon today hadn't even been born yet. Jesus Christ.
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I was in high school when gen 4 was revealed Where does time even go
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>>19215530 Azurill was gen 3, though.
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>>19215422 >Eevee didn't have an evolution before Anonymous
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>>19215542 There are people on /vp/ that hadn't been born when G/S came out
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>>19216186 You know now I think about it, being a kid and starting with D/P would actually have been great. Things could only go up from D/P.
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>>19215414 >4th gen stuff appearing 2 years before its release. >5th and 6th gens get announced barely 6 months before being released. Yeah that's sorta weird.
At the same time though Gen IV hyped me up for two years only to face disappointment.
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>tfw by the time gen 4 actually came out, Munchlax didn't even feel like a new pokemon
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I still remember back when Lucario was first revealed everyone thought it was a legendary Pokemon. We didn't even find out it was a regular Pokemon until the game actually came out, right?Sometimes I still accidentally call Lucario and Munchlax "Rukario" and "Gonbe" out of habit.