>>19217377But not fakeGTSs. Let me explain:
>you want to transfer a genned/checked mon from your computer>you have the .pkm file>you go to pokegts.us>they give you a number called DNS address you need to put into your DS' network config>this tells the DS that whatever's called Nintendo Pokémon Server isn't where it originally is, but in another server that can actually connect to your computer too and will still be online>you upload your pkm file>the fakeGTS will pretend it sent you that mon in exchange for something else (you don't have to upload anything)>Nintendo doesn't work that way, fakeGTS does>enter GTS through game>DNS tells the game that GTS is somewhere else>goes to what game thinks is GTS>download mon>PROFITIt's a server Nintendo doesn't own, so any decisions they make doesn't affect this server