Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread! Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover pokémon here! Help other anons out and collect the pokémon you need.>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon. Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball pokémon, whatever! We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins! Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.If you were to get a pokemon related tattoo, what would it be? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive. Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN). It makes everything so much easier. We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
If you haven't seen a Pokemon that you want yet, do this!>Seek pokemon >Pokemon you want >Scroll to bottom >Choose "What Pokemon" >Type Pokemon's Name >??? >Success How do I participate?>Search the thread >Find what you want >Go fish outside of Cyllage city with an old rod, catch luvdisc >Upload said fish to GTS >Post what you ask for, use your in game name when posting >??? >Profit! Beware of imitators, and have a good Wednesday everyone!
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i might seriously consider getting that tattoo
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
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I always forget to link old thread.
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215231 >>19215263 Moving our conversation to the new thread.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 15:31:50 No. 19215316 Report Offering: Furfrou (Careful, luxury ball) - ask for penta or which 5 IVs you want 31 + gender Skorupi (Impish / Careful, dusk ball) - Whirlwind / Pursuit / Night slash - both standard abilities Kricketot (Jolly, dream ball) - only a few left no HA Paras (Adamant, damp, repeat ball) - sweet scent (intended for being a perfect capture mon with false swipe) Magikarp (Jolly) Kanga (Jolly, almost all scrappy) Litwick (Modest, infiltrator + some others) Keckleon (Adamant, Protean) - Fake out --------------------------------------- Please, name what ability (If applicable), nature (if applicable) and gender you want. I'll give you the closest I have. If you don't name specifics I'll spin the wheel of fortune.
>>19215303 no please do not.
guys go make an irc room or something
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215318 We're already done.
>>19215316 I'll put a disc up for Kriketot simply because my life needs more of his cry.
>>19215355 >already done So there was no need to make your first post?
I just showed up, but your whole convo seems like trade thread workings. This is a giveaway thread.
>>19215279 >>19215265 since you add all that you should also add the steam group
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>19215377 what anon says, this is an giveaway. next time you get any good ideas to do these things again , go to respective trade threads.
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215388 Yeah that's a good idea so talking to people would be a lot easier and I wont have people whom are super butthurt like
>>19215377 freaking out over 3 posts.
>>19215418 >freaking out He was simply pointing out that there are better places to conduct that kind of stuff, stop acting like a child,
>>19215418 >sarcasm this isn't the place to conduct trades, move to the pokegen thread.
>>19215388 >literal copy/paste from last thread Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19215418 >get politely told you are making a mistake with no insults or harsh language >WHOAH DUDE DON'T FREAK OUT Classic projection
4 Timer Ball Pawniard 6 Love Ball Caterpie 5 Dream Ball Meditite (2 HA) 3 Level Ball Magby Discs, replies, etc.
>>19215418 are you done being a child?
also haz, go get an real name.
>>19215447 yeah the steamgroup was once in the OP until some fag took it out
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215432 Literally this entire thing is doing exactly what he was complaining about. Are we all done now?
>>19215450 I'll take a magby if you would be so kind. tossing a disc up
>>19215459 It's a continuation of an old WoW character name.
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
I've got some Phione to part with if anyone needs one. All are Timid with Hyhdration and at least 4IV
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19215450 Discing up for a Magby, thanks Yukari.
>>19215466 It was decided that it was more trouble than it was worth, I think. Also no one used it anyways.
Quoted By:
I have 2 penta noibats, one frisk, and one infiltrator. Both are timid.
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>>19215501 >no one used it I'm pretty sure Mal,Rynn,Aegis, and some other people used it. Stop making excuses faggot. If you are going to spoonfeed at least you could do is give the people what they want.
>>19215485 they don't miss you though Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
ToTT: Meowth Slapping Jane's ass Giving Away Penta-perfect Mudkips 4 Torrent 1F/3M 5 Damp 1F/4M Brave Missing speed IV Curse, Avalanche, Mirror Coat, Wide Guard
trophy shinies disc up and reply ferroseed farfetch'd absol ponyta zubat pansear
Quoted By:
Do you guys do Gen V? Like BW1?
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
>>19215536 Can I get Absol please? Disc up.
>>19215529 Can I get a Damp female?
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215538 Thanks a lot Yukari! Now to the masion for evolution items for Magmar and Electabuzz.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19215536 Farfetch'd please!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19215557 Wanna Electrizer, or whatever it is called? Got extra one.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19215582 Thanks!
Is it one shiny, one person offer? Muffin
>>19215536 Can I have ponyta? Putting disc up now
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215574 That would be awesome. Do you want anything specific in return?
Train 5000-3602-3785
>>19215536 Can i get the pansear? Disc will be up in a minute.
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
Quoted By:
>>19215582 Got it, thanks a ton!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19215596 Nah, it's a giveaway. Disc up for Timburr.
Quoted By:
wow what a bunch of skanks In OP.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Please take: 3 Repeat Ball Corphish 4 Moon Ball Sneasel 5 Illegal Fast Ball HA Dratini 3 Illegal Friend Ball HA Hawlucha 7 Illegal Lure Ball HA Magikarp Disc up, reply, adopt. All pokemon have 3-4 egg moves and respective natures, and are all female.
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
>>19215536 discing up for green bat
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19215607 it's up and thanks a bunch. My dex is moving along way faster than I imagined.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19215625 Thank you!
>>19215529 Can I have a damp male please? Disc is up
Train 5000-3602-3785
Quoted By:
>>19215527 I miss him, I just don't have anything to give away so I'm not putting on a name Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
>>19215554 >>19215669 Getting to your discs, I was on the phone and spaced out.
>>19215529 Torrent Female please, disc is up
Quoted By:
>>19215478 Yeah i could use one for the pokedex
Luvdisc is up on GTS now
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
>>19215667 thanks. (zilla? if it is you i am ready to do it)
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>19215728 ahh i see..
no one really want the ferroseed?
ahh well i threw another disc up.
alexzander 4184 - 2528 - 5680
Quoted By:
>>19215753 hi cosmic long time no seen.
>>19215450 I'll disc up for the HA Meditite in a minute. Thanks, Yukari!
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19215450 I'll take the last Magby please
Disc is up, thanks
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Wed 14 May 2014 16:13:44 No. 19215794 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
Im looking for a umbreon anyone wanna help a fag out?
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Wed 14 May 2014 16:15:09 No. 19215806 Report Quoted By:
>>19215799 Okay. Thank you anyway!
i want to fuck Rynn so badly guys
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19215622 Disc up for sneasel.
Quoted By:
>>19215807 We know. It is pretty obvious.
>>19215622 Could you give me details on Corphish and Sneasel? Natures and egg moves.
>>19215807 Yep, a fake.
Everybody knows Cosmic is into Cynthia. Cynthia 3.0
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19215824 Jolly Sneasel @ Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Ice Shard
Adamant Adaptability Corphish @ Double-Edge, Aqua Jet, Superpower, DD.
>>19215818 Senterino.
Quoted By:
>>19215807 cosmic, i didn't know you're a
lesbian Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19215450 Can i take a HA Meditite too?
I think Telepathy is very useful in doubles
Disc up. Thanks again
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
>>19215622 Discing for Moon Ball Sneasel first, then discing for hawlucha.
>>19215450 Are those Magby Timid with Focus Energy/Belch/Barrier/Mach Punch?
>>19215852 If cuan doesn't want the Corphish, may I get it?
A pokeball in between the others
>>19215969 Modest, MachPunch/Barrier/TPunch/CrossChop
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19215950 Sneasel senterino.
>>19215979 I have three, disc up.
>>19216005 disc is up! thank you kindly bawby!
>>19215622 Could I snag a Corphish? Disc up, IGN is Michael. Most appreciative.
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
>>19216005 thanks! Discing up one for Hawlucha
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19215960 Thank you so much. My disc holds a pp up.
Quoted By:
I've got a lot of 4IV GW Fletchlings, throw some discs up asking for them and I'll hand them out.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19216052 >>19216043 >>19216016 Sent.
>>19215969 Not interested?
What's wrong with them? Also just snagged my forth golddisc off of GTS.
I know you guys sometimes talk about competitive pokemon here, so can I ask if Sniper Drapion with that crit raising item is any good? And if so, with what moves? would i run it bulky or fast?
Quoted By:
>>19216099 You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 16:49:01 No. 19216143 Report >>19216110 I've no idea but I'd just go with jolly / max attack and any increased crit ratio moves.
50% rate of 3x damage def boost ignoring crits would be pretty cool.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19215450 Discing for magby
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
Quoted By:
>>19216099 Thank you based anon
Erik 1220-6930-0976
Quoted By:
>>19215622 Discing up for a Dratini! Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>19215728 never got to say thank you so much anon for the generous act.
>>19216143 yeah, i was walled by a magic guard cosmic power clefable after my two main attackers were killed off in poor plays, and nothing scratched it
a critical cross poison seems like the perfect solution to killing it off
Should I run SD? Cross Poison and Night Slash are guaranteed, and probably earthquake too.
Quoted By:
>>19216145 You'll have to wait for someone to re-breed them, they've all been taken.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
I really hate Mudkip right now.>hoping that complaining will break the string of bad luck
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 16:56:48 No. 19216221 Report >>19216169 I couldn't tell you what would make for the best coverage set, basically figure out what does and doesn't get hit well from
>Cross poison >Night slash >Earthquake >Fire fang >Ice fang If you find that you can hit just about everything worth hitting with poison / dark / one of the other 3 moves, consider fell stinger for a finishing move that gives you a free SD.
>>19216221 Ice Fang would hit ground/flying/dragons SE; fire fang would hit grass/bug/steel
Ice would be better overall. I have a wish passer / status healer on my team.
I guess I can try going without SD, since criticals, and going for coverage with Ice Fang. Only thing i can think of that'll give it trouble would be balloon excadrill if I don't use night slash.
thanks amp
Giving away:
Poliwag (Bold 5IV)
3x Female (Swift Swim)
2x Female (Water Absorb)
Egg moves: Mist, Haze, Encore, Refresh
Luxury Ball Sandile (Jolly/Adamant 4IV)
1x Male (Jolly, Moxie)
1x Male (Jolly, Intimidate)
1x Male (Adamant, Moxie)
Egg moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Pursuit. Most also have Me First.
Level Ball Mawile (Careful 4–5IV)
2x Male (Intimidate)
Egg moves: Metal Burst, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang
Various leftovers:
Female Quick Ball Electrike (Timid 4IV, Lightning Rod, HP Ice, w/ Crunch, Switcheroo, Electro Ball, Flame Burst)
Female Dive Ball Snover (Lax 4IV, Snow Warning, w/ Leech Seed, Growth, Avalanche, Mist)
Female Kecleon (Calm 4IV, Protean, w/ Fake Out, Magic Coat, Skill Swap, Foul Play)
Female Kecleon (Brave 5IV, Protean; Japanese)
Female Illumise (Bold 3IV, Prankster, w/ Encore, Baton Pass, Silver Wind; Japanese
Male Premier Ball Mawile (Impish 5IV, Intimidate, w/ Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang; German)
>>19215985 I guess I'll have to take that once I get a disc. Hopefully from this stuff.
>>19216099 I need to get more discs (unless you want me to give you the fifth Golddisc now.), and they are pretty similar to the stuff I have (same natures, both only have one different move). Still somewhat in Corphish, although I'd like to try a Brave build..
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Quoted By:
>>19216273 Discing for HA poli
Quoted By:
>>19215985 Oh well, no Magby left anyway. I'll breed my own when I get to it.
>>19216273 Cuan, can I get that electrike hp ice? disc'ing up.
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
>>19216273 Discing up for Female Poliwag with Swift Swim
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19216273 Discing up for HA Poliwag, send it back to me for whatever you want.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 17:09:59 No. 19216330 Report >>19216262 I hope you have an answer to ferro / scizor then.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Would anyone be interest in Impish Trubbish with Spikes and maybe with HA?
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19216273 Disc up for a female Kecleon, Calm nature please.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19216385 In a pretty ball? Yes.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19216395 Soon Fucking soon NOT NOW, NOT NOW! But soon Probably around 20 minutes Cuan
Quoted By:
>>19216312 Disc is up for Corphish.
>>19216309 I'll send it after I'm done checking some IVs.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19216400 In ball so pretty they made a Pokemon out of it!
>>19216273 Fuck Cuan ive been looking for Poliwags with haze for a while. You dont happen to have a male do you?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19216456 I released/WT'd them. I'll breed another batch though, either Bold or Modest.
>>19216330 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-119978682 turn 11 is my answer to ferro/scizor switch ins
garchomp too although it wasn't demonstrated.
also good morning Amplify.
would you happen to have any female Skorupi with sniper in dusk balls?
My team doesn't have a true ground immunity though, I need to keep tweaking, but Drapion is holding it's own very well.
Quoted By:
>>19216488 Cool, got my female here with swift swim just need those egg moves dont have the pokemon or oval charm to do it myself. Thanks
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19216484 Hey you, mister Disc up Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 17:29:48 No. 19216543 Report >>19215316 Anyone for some more? I just need to give out about 7 more things and I'll have a box of luvdiscs, then I'll be done here.
>>19216503 >would you happen to have any female Skorupi with sniper in dusk balls? I've got 30 or so Careful ones from when I fucked up the breeding, might even find a penta if I look hard enough.
Some impish, too.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Disc up for HA fletchling ign should be Leo Please and tanks anons
Quoted By:
>>19216543 Either nature is fine, I'm going to use your suggestion of a Jolly Nature, since the other two can be fairly slow.
I really liked how Drapion busted Zapdos and Quagsire, although I figured he would go to quag, but thankfully a crit was enough.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Serena 1564-3283-3559
If anyone wants, I've got Trubbish to give away. They are Impish, have Spikes as egg move and HA, and all but one have 5 IVs. Also got one with Stench, if you are into this kind of thing.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
Quoted By:
>>19216662 disc is up for HA Trubish
5129-1799-2239 Vinicius
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
what'd i miss x2
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Put up a disc for a HA Smoochum. Been looking for one for about a week now. Much thanks in advance!
Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
Quoted By:
>>19216791 Discing for absol with Super luck , then discing for purrloin with prankster
>>19216922 Disc will be up thanks
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:26:23 No. 19217043 Report >>19215316 Somebody please take 6 of these, then I can move on to wondertrading most of the rest.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
>>19217043 Ok. FC trading?
Quoted By:
>>19215316 Can i get a furfrou? About to post a luvdisk. Im the nigger with a fedora
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:29:27 No. 19217069 Report >>19217051 I'm hoping for 6 people each with a disc, since that'd give me many original trainers for doing the super lottery.
>>19217043 Do you have kangas left?
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19217043 Disc will be up in a minute for paras. Thanks :)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:31:07 No. 19217086 Report >>19217075 Not one person has asked for one yet, so yes.
It's been the day of the Kricketot.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Quoted By:
>>19217069 I will go for a paras, then. female preferably.
Quoted By:
>>19217086 disc up for the kangaskhan
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:38:48 No. 19217157 Report All right, I think I got all of you guys. Two more and I'll have a full box.
Quoted By:
>>19216662 disc up for trubbis, ign baldo
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 18:40:06 No. 19217168 Report >>19215450 >>19215985 >Modest Magby when I wasn't around fffffffffff
Anyway, I'm back. Got these up for grabs for whatever reason, nothing special unless stated.
Feebas - Docile - EM Captivate/Hypnosis/Mirror Coat
Currently looking for the following regardless of details unless stated.
Magby - Male Modest (egg move is bonus)
Currently working on Egg Move for Shinx (Night Slash, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Ice Fang) and then I'm going to mass breed them. Will post once I got enough leftover to share.
>>19217086 Get me a kricketot with ha damit
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:41:26 No. 19217179 Report >>19217171 I'll trade you one for info and I'll make it penta. You any good at being a smogonite?
>>19217168 Do those timburr come with iron fist?
Quoted By:
>>19217157 Thanks for the kangas
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 18:43:14 No. 19217199 Report Quoted By:
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
Shot in the dark. Does anyone have a female Roggenrola with Sand Force? In a Great Ball >tfw when you finish a long breed Stoopid Mudkips
Anybody got a protean Froakie to spare for me? I can give you any bp item!
>>19217209 Let me check bro
Mah old giveaway box. Everything listed is 5IV unless otherwise stated, they all have terrible cataloging names (F01 ect) aside from the Fennekin who all have joke names. If you want a nickname specify in request. Disc up and quote this post if requesting. Furfrou: Impish, pokeball, 1M Petilil: Modest, quickball, 3F chlorophyll Espurr: penta perfect 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, 1M w/ infiltrator Lapras: Sassy, 2 male w/ Shell Armor, all: dragon dance/pulse, ancient power, freeze dry egg moves. Fletchling: Adamant, Luxuryball, 1F w/ Galewing, 1M w/ Big Pecks (penta perfect), all: Tailwind, Quickguard egg moves. Fennekin, Timid, 4M w/ Magician, pokeball, hypnosis, heatwave, magic coat and wish (one penta) Misdreavus: 4IV, timid, loveball, nasty plot and psywave. 1 Male Goomy: bold, ultraball, 1M w/ Sap Sipper, counter egg move.
Lonk 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak)
Lonk 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak) Wed 14 May 2014 18:47:08 No. 19217247 Report Mah old giveaway box. Everything listed is 5IV unless otherwise stated, they all have terrible cataloging names (F01 ect) aside from the Fennekin who all have joke names. If you want a nickname specify in request. Disc up and quote this post if requesting. Furfrou: Impish, pokeball, 1M Petilil: Modest, quickball, 3F chlorophyll Espurr: penta perfect 5IV, Bold, luxuryball, 1M w/ infiltrator Lapras: Sassy, 2 male w/ Shell Armor, all: dragon dance/pulse, ancient power, freeze dry egg moves. Fletchling: Adamant, Luxuryball, 1F w/ Galewing, 1M w/ Big Pecks (penta perfect), all: Tailwind, Quickguard egg moves. Fennekin, Timid, 4M w/ Magician, pokeball, hypnosis, heatwave, magic coat and wish (one penta) Misdreavus: 4IV, timid, loveball, nasty plot and psywave. 1 Male Goomy: bold, ultraball, 1M w/ Sap Sipper, counter egg move.
Quoted By:
>>19217222 thanks for searching!
>>19217209 Yes, throw a disc up
say something funny
>>19217179 Ha speaking of which have you been to kricketunes smogon page shit is funny
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19217168 You just want any old Bronzor?
I have one I got from a wonder trade if you want to put a disc up.
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 18:48:05 No. 19217264 Report >>19217247 Discing for Misdreavus
>>19217249 thanks dude, want a Special item? my ign is Ramira
>>19217235 Can I get that fletchling? w/ galewings
preferably with the default name
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Anyone got females of following species Tropius Panpour/Simipour Cacnea/Caturne need females to put egg moves on them
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 18:49:05 No. 19217280 Report Quoted By:
>>19217250 No, what / which do you mean?
>>19217267 Only If you want to. Surprise me
>>19217268 I can renamed it Fletchling or Talonflame, my preference would be to call it Smogonburd but I'll differ to your preference.
>>19217301 Talonflame would be best
i'll call it smogonburd in spirit
>>19217282 okay the disc is up
>>19217257 Female with iron fist? Ill throw one up i suspect these are the leftovers from cythias timburr
>>19217324 There ya go m8
thanks for the nugget~
Quoted By:
>>19217339 it was totally worth it, thank you very much bro!
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 18:54:53 No. 19217348 Report Quoted By:
>>19217262 Yeah sure that's fine. Discing
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19217333 Exactly. I'm not giving them out right now, because I'm waiting to breed a few things more
>>19217301 Disc is up and reaady when you are
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19217351 As in, not officially giving them out, obviously will give you yours
>>19217311 Put a disc up in the GTS pls, your brave burd is ready.
>>19217283 Dark Souls 2 and work. I thought I'd see if you guys were offering anything interesting again while clearing out my box a bit.
>>19217264 Sent.
Quoted By:
Sorry to the trubbish guy. I got that trub from wondertrade and couldnt help trading you
>>19217351 Hmm ok. I know you mentioned they were a pain to breed, ill be wating when youre reay to gve them up thanks
>>19217247 disc up for a Lapras please
>>19217357 >>19217382 Ooh ok thanks il put up a disc right now for a female. Thank
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Don't wanna nit-pick, but I don't think putting Luvdisc with Life Orb for any Alomomola will bring expected results...
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19216791 can i disc up for flabebe, ign baldo
>>19217361 Its een a month maybe two since i lat heard of you thanks for blood waifu that name still gets me
Quoted By:
>>19217437 Got it, thank you once again
>>19217498 Probably a better name for Lilligant then the one I use for Wifi battles.
Top Lil James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 19:13:01 No. 19217539 Report Quoted By:
>>19217361 >named it "MFW Male" Hehe thanks man
Quoted By:
>>19217532 Is that where that picture comes from, fuck thats funny
Five eggs hatched, one HA pentaperfect from a 3IV and a 4IV parent. Does anybody want the less than perfect HA Durants? Two Jolly, one Careful. Jolly has Baton Pass and Thunder Fang. Not going to make a big post about it.
Liam 4914-3167-7586
Any bro have any leftover female HA Fennekin/Braixen/Delphox or 0 speed IV Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash? Got lightning rod Timid 5IV Electrike, and 5IV HA Impish Chespin
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 19:29:52 No. 19217762 Report >>19217720 Ehhh, sure I'll go for a jolly please. Give me a min or 3 while I catch a disc.
>>19217720 The HA Durant are also in a Luxury Ball.
And the chance for me to get a penta from those parents was 1.5%, or 7.5% to get it within five eggs. Cuan
>>19217762 Am I still on your shitlist? Lonk
>>19217726 I got a 5IV male HA Fennelkin that should work in a pinch providing you've got a ditto. Depends on why you need it female.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 19:33:11 No. 19217798 Report >>19217788 That was you? Maintaining shitlists takes fucks I'm not willing to give. Just don't start a half an hour long argument and we cool. Haz 0130-2571-6204
Liam 4914-3167-7586
>>19217795 Ah cool mate, that'd be cool, female really just because of the HA
>>19217772 I should probably add you, youre working on, or have worked on pokemon that i am planning on breeding myself. Do you still have those poiwags and ill take a surant with baton from you.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 19:38:52 No. 19217858 Report Anonymous
>>19217788 Wait the fuck up, you were on that faggots shitlist, YOU? hahaha wow the fuck did you do
>>19217798 retarded logic
>>19217821 Disc for it then.
I must admit, I don't envy the idea of breeding Fennekin with ditto hoping for that HA Female it's a minor complication what with the annoying 20% (?) male to female ratio and the 40% HA passing of males with Ditto.
Liam 4914-3167-7586
>>19217864 Sure two minutes mate, not wanting the Chespin/Electrike instead?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19217864 I have a female in a luxury ball, I think it has 4 IVs right now but it does have all 4 egg moves (heart scales) I also have a unbred female in repeat ball. If you want Luxury disc for Fenniken, Braixen for Repeat.
>>19217863 If you care, read up from >>19213281 in the last thread. I'll leave the judgement to you James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 19:43:38 No. 19217918 Report Alright guys. Got 4 Shinx with EM - Night Slash / Thunder Fang up for grabs. As well as these; Purrloin Makuhita Spearow Voltorb Timburr Feebas - Docile - EM Captivate/Hypnosis/Mirror Coat Still looking for; Glameow Finneon Stantler Magby - Male Modest (egg move is bonus)
>>19217889 Hm, might be better for me to bow out to this guy
>>19217900 and save you some effort Ditto breeding.
Liam 4914-3167-7586
>>19217900 Luxury would be cool mate, can give both of you Chespin/Electrike (got loads, trust me) if you want something somewhat decent, both in Premier balls
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 19:44:59 No. 19217936 Report >>19217863 I swear on me mum, etc.
:^) Liam 4914-3167-7586
Quoted By:
>>19217932 Well if you still want either of the two Pokemon anyway, feel free to take mate
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19217934 Ill take a male Electrike if it has egg moves. Otherwise disc up For Fenniken (I checked its 3 IV but has all its egg moves)
Liam 4914-3167-7586
Quoted By:
>>19217950 Ah he doesn't have any mate, sorry, I'll disc up now (should be up in 1 minute)
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Quoted By:
>>19217918 Discing for female feebas
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19217918 I'll take a shinx off your hands.
>>19217918 Disc up for a Voltorb please
>>19217918 I've put a disc up for Shinx, he's cute and turns out I don't have any good breeding Shinx.
Liam 4914-3167-7586
Quoted By:
>>19217950 Much appreciated, thanks!
>>19217831 >>19217858 Did you both get sniped while my Wi-Fi was out, or did you take your discs down?
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19217918 Many thanks bro.
Quoted By:
>>19216299 >>19217912 sorry, only now have I checked the gts and saw the electrike! Thanks mate! And once again sorry for the late reply!
>>19217912 Wow real talk th this is some funny fucing gts autistic drama but nothing worse than the fucking opti shit that came about
>>19217936 I dont get it, if you dont "care" or give a shit about it now, then why in th fuck did you go all faggy and said you were putting this neet in a bad headachers list.
REAL TALK yall niggas went full potato but amplify why the fuck do youhave boxs ful of shit
>>19218053 this makes me miss nigganon, the most alpha anon we've ever had
Quoted By:
>>19218046 oh shit, i took it down because i put one up for the poliwag which i had gotten sniped for some odd reason my bad man. What should i put for the durant first?
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 19:57:39 No. 19218095 Report >>19218046 I received some weird french durant from gen 5, presuming it was a snipe.
>>19218053 4chan is serious business. Until literally anything else happens, then whatever. Business as usual in autism central, huh? James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 19:57:55 No. 19218102 Report >>19217980 >>19218048 You're welcome
>>19217989 Sent!
>>19218002 Sent over a female with Luxury ball, hope you'll like it.
Got two male shinx left for grabs. Currently trying to breed with Ice/Fire fang EM.
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Anyone wants an Adamant, Teddiursa with Crunch, Play Rough, Take Down and Fake Tears?
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 19:58:56 No. 19218117 Report >>19218108 Oh hell yeah I do!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19218117 Alright, wait like 20 minutes or so.
>>19218068 The fuck happened to him he left at a good time before the stupid shit started coming about. That motherfucker got away with calling lime a bitch and cynthia and ramona. I went through the archives, Cynthia said he was last here months ago but wait for her to get here to ask not thatll do any good but im hoping for a return in summer
>>19217726 I might have a honedge that fits what you want. Let me check it's IV's
Liam 4914-3167-7586
>>19218155 Oh awesome, thanks mate, do you know what ball it's in?
>>19218108 disc up for a male also have a a lot of Dream Ball dratini with Egg moves Disc up if interested Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 20:04:08 No. 19218175 Report Quoted By:
>>19218046 New one up, let's see how long it takes to get sniped.
Quoted By:
>>19218150 nothing happened to him, he left and that's it
>>19218108 I'd like a
paw full of them.
However I wont be around for another 3/4 hours.
If they're still around when I get back I'd love to take one of your hands Serena!
Planning on breeding Marill in quick ball with super power, aqua jet, belly drum and play rough later tonight. Would there be interest?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
>>19218168 >>19218186 Give me a moment guys, I hatched a full liter of them, but I thought their mother was 5 IVs, wheras she was like one or two. IVs of those guys were shit, and they had wrong ability. Breeding new liter now, with 4 IVs mother with Pickup, so they should be much better.
Quoted By:
>>19218102 Thanks, I'm not balltistic but I appreciate seeing mons in pretty balls. I'm always on the look out for cute mons.
>>19218053 That was sort of painful reading, I suppose every community has a bit of drama from time to time.
>>19218186 I would be interested, I dunno who that was directed towards, but I'm hoping to get some good mons here as I lost my save somehow
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19218186 I won't be around, it's 10 PM where I live, will probably go to bed.
But both you and me are around here rather often, I'm sure we will finalize that trade on some other occasion.
>>19216005 Disc up a Corpish. Is stil there?
;_; Anonymous
>>19218165 Sorry. None of my leftovers have 0 Speed
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 20:13:09 No. 19218279 Report >>19215316 Looking to give away / get rid of just two more things, someone please give me a disc I don't already have.
>>19217720 Thanks for the ant.
Liam 4914-3167-7586
Quoted By:
>>19218278 No worries thanks for checking
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19218262 I'm out, sorry. Maybe someone well rebreed.
Probably not Serena 1564-3283-3559
Quoted By:
Alright people, Teddiursas are in. Adamant with Play Rough, Fake Tears, Crunch and Take Down 3 Pickups 1 Quick Feet Unfortunately, only 3 IVs. Disc up, who was interested.
Quoted By:
>>19218095 Limit it to Level 1–10 and you should be good.
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 20:17:39 No. 19218343 Report >>19218279 I'll take Magikarp and Kecleon in that order. Will disc up after Teddy
Quoted By:
>>19218363 Oh, thanks, anon!
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19218343 Teddy is sent. Who is the other guy that wanted one? He was Anonymoose
>>19218321 I have your Suicune ready for tonight, sorry for the delay; still not wifi at home Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19218393 that would be me disc is up
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19218429 No problem, I'm in no rush. Thanks a lot for it. !lvory.7FpY
>>19218451 Something else you may need bro? Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Quoted By:
>>19218471 Nothing particularly at the moment. Thank you, you've gotten me enough. Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 20:35:36 No. 19218529 Report >>19218343 Sent the Kecleon, had forgotten I only bred the nature on after I did the egg moves so you've gotten more than I intended to give out there. Wouldn't have added it to the list if I'd remembered that.
>>19215265 i have boxes full of 6IV -- not 5IV -- pokemon i was going to giveaway with enigma berries and few choice items from maison, but i refuse to give them away because of the faggots in the picture. until next time, /vp/
Quoted By:
>>19218561 well aren't you a special snowflake
>>19218561 please never come back then
Quoted By:
>>19218587 simply: no. i will be back when the thread picture is faggot-less
>>19218596 good, normal, pleasant people
>>19218587 Speak for yourself. I want him to come back. He gives away stuff
>>19218561 Kind of agree. I was hesitant to give them away, but I did
I took off my name just to post this James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 20:47:14 No. 19218680 Report >>19218529 That actually work for me, you just saved me some breeding time. Thanks man!
Alright guys, got next round of Shinx to give away, this time they have EM - Night Slash and Thunder/Ice/Fire Fang
1 Male - 2 Female
Feebas - Docile - EM Captivate/Hypnosis/Mirror Coat
Still looking for;
Magby - Male Modest (egg move is bonus)
Next up EV breeding for Shinx.
>>19218561 >>19218651 Samefag.
>implying this isn't a ruse Fuck you, Cosmic! Anonymous
>>19218652 Since we are having this discussion, I also dislike the OP picture.
>>19218617 good normal pleasant people don't give a shit
Quoted By:
>>19218695 And I dislike everybody
Quoted By:
>>19218707 Good normal pleasant people don't post on 4chan.
>>19218694 So much denial. Is it so hard to believe people would rather get nice free stuff than protect rights of homosexuals?
>>19218707 what are you talking about? they hate faggots and faggot-lovers.
Quoted By:
>>19218728 you must be living in the 1950's then because every decent person i know is okay with fags.
>>19218680 discing for male shinx
Quoted By:
>>19218742 Even more denial than I thought ;* Alright, yes, you got me, this was edit. I was the only one posting comment refering in positive manner to
>>19218561 Now, please, go back to your little world.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Honestly I just google'd Luvdisc and picked a picture. Didn't even enlarge it. I thought they were girls.
in the US, the highest percentage of homos is 10% in washington DC -- that's if you count that as a state. DC also has a little over half a million people. every other state is in the 1-5% range. there aren't as many homos as people think there are. they already have enough rights. what more do they want? for us to turn our children into homos so they can fuck them? the answer, for them, is yes. fuck gay people.
Quoted By:
>>19218776 Even if girls, the tattoos are disgusting
/pol/ please go back to your board
Quoted By:
>>19218777 Trips confirm closeted homofag with persecution complex
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 20:55:57 No. 19218797 Report >giving a shit about OP picture, at all >shitpost everywhere >>19218776 I can see teenagers' underboobs, kinda.
>>19218765 Sending
lf: ha dream ball snorlax disc going up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19218789 i have never, ever been to /pol/ nor do i want to or even know what goes on there.
Quoted By:
>>19218797 Thanks
And, yeah, isn't the one on our left a girl?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Okay, what the fuck is going on.
I'm so glad /vp/ isn't full of gay lovers and enablers. I don't hate gays, but if you're NOT gay, you should not try to help them. I'm also a girl from Southern California
Quoted By:
>>19218799 Sorry, we only have them in a
heavy ball Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19218797 >MFW I checked. Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Wed 14 May 2014 20:58:54 No. 19218829 Report >>19218680 the ones you're looking for are just for dex?
Quoted By:
>>19218821 shitposting as per usual
Quoted By:
>>19218821 /vp/, for once, is not being a pussy
Quoted By:
>>19218825 I <4 Melonpan
In all seriousness, I'd lick him in his sukumizu. Anonymous
>>19218823 I'm an alhpa male from Texas. Wanna fuck, girl? Unless you ugly.
>>19218854 Only if you're white
Quoted By:
>>19218823 >i don't hate gays >doesn't want gays near her >doesn't want people to help them James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 21:03:10 No. 19218892 Report >>19218829 Yeah I'm looking for more pokemon to own for possible breeding in future and filling the PokeDex.
I'm not picky with any pokemon I look for unless stated otherwise, in this case Magby. But not necessary have the good stats since I can just chainbreed it later. Was hoping that someone would have it to save me the trouble.
Quoted By:
>>19218225 Was directed to anyone mate!
>>19218226 OK ok, we're on similar timezones so I'll catch ya tomorrow Serena! G' night miss!
I'm on mobile atm Anonymous
>>19218823 do you have a blog like rynn?
>>19218867 Are you implying I'm a nigger son? My greatgreatgrandfather was a slaver, I got nothing to do with niggers!
>>19218883 What's youyr problem, btich? Wanna fight?
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Wed 14 May 2014 21:08:25 No. 19218951 Report >>19218892 then put a disc up for glameow
I'm glad /vp/ isn't a bunch of SJW pussies
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 21:10:10 No. 19218976 Report >>19218951 Disc up, thanks a bunch!
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Wed 14 May 2014 21:14:36 No. 19219025 Report >>19218976 sent. i have a lumineon. does it work for ya?
Quoted By:
>>19218919 >My greatgreatgrandfather was a slaver, I got nothing to do with niggers! >greatgreatgrandfather >slaver >nothing to do with niggers Please, your greatgreatgrandfather probably fathered you plenty of black brothers and sisters
Quoted By:
>>19218959 I'm glad I'm not a neo-nazi
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 21:16:51 No. 19219055 Report >>19219025 >lumineon Yep, I can just breed it for a babbie. Thanks!
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Wed 14 May 2014 21:19:28 No. 19219088 Report >>19219055 anything else for dex completion?
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
Anyone have a quick ball riolu with egg moves? Gonna try my hand at time machine method with it
Danzick: 5301-0262-9482 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula)
Danzick: 5301-0262-9482 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula) Wed 14 May 2014 21:24:20 No. 19219152 Report Quoted By:
>>19215622 Do you have one more sneasel?
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle]
James - 0576-3839-1103 [Normal - Teddiursa,Loudred,Smeargle] Wed 14 May 2014 21:24:42 No. 19219157 Report Quoted By:
>>19219088 Current at around 510~ so I'm missing a lot, but not gonna post them all. Starting with small batch as day goes.
Let see..
That's all for now.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:24:45 No. 19219158 Report Damn it, is there any fast way to wonder trade off 90 Pokemon?
>>19219158 Release them, Wonder Trade 5IV only.
>>19219158 Of course
Release them Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:26:18 No. 19219178 Report >>19219164 >>19219170 >Wonder Trade 5IV only. I am and releasing doesn't get you poke miles.
>>19219178 let me disc up on a 5 iv whatever it is
Quoted By:
lol my ban wasn't approved. that's what you sjws get for reporting someone who did nothing wrong. i have thought you a lesson
Quoted By:
>>19219178 Just listen to music or watch something so you don't burn out.
Not being autistic also helps. Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:30:30 No. 19219234 Report Quoted By:
>>19219197 Male or female?
>>19219178 Curious, how many pokemiles have you racked up?
>>19219114 see if ramona comes around, she might have some
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:32:34 No. 19219254 Report >>19219236 Only 4000, because I've only just started wondertrading these off / spent all my miles last week.
Can nosepass learn head smash?
>>19219254 I meant total on your trainer card.
>>19219259 no.
at first it had the egg move, but couldnt learn via level up and no one else in its breeding pool could learn it
then it got removed as an egg move, despite suddenly pokemon that could learn it and breed with it
Quoted By:
>>19219267 i just battled a probopass w/ head smash, thats why the question ty
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:36:47 No. 19219320 Report >>19219265 But I already told you? Anonymous
>>19219320 Oh, I've released a good 2000 pokemon and I have 19k miles. I just wanted to know if I was missing something.
>>19219265 >>19219320 It doesn't show the total on your trainer card, but it says it on the Holo Caster when you check StreetPass news.
286k here
>>19219367 I have 61k if that means anything
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 21:44:00 No. 19219414 Report Quoted By:
>>19219374 >>19219378 I doubt my lifetime total is anywhere close to that, only been seriously at it for a month now. If I can get 5 of every band for "free", that will be good enough for me.
Zasthu | 0447-7141-4275 !Muu.robot.
>>19219246 ah yeah, thanks, was trying to remember who had a bunch of them
Quoted By:
>>19219448 I got a lucario in quick ball with bullet punch high jump kick blaze kick and crunch from her....
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Wed 14 May 2014 22:09:19 No. 19219677 Report Quoted By:
>>19219158 >Keep getting SPA magikarps Mexico pls
Quoted By:
>>19219704 >>19219704 >>19219704 still no hexaperf snubbull
i mean, go go go, new thread!