>http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-120267251>Couldn't stay in on dragonite because another exremespeed would leave it at defeatist>Does nothing the entire game except for being fodder>Opponent is literally retarded not going to scizor instead of saccing his gengar>http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-120275186>Only manages to pull off a first turn scarfed u-turn and surprise the opponent (doesn't even KO lol)>Does nothing the entire game except take a brave bird from a talonflame>Opponent is again literally retarded saccing his team to the ZoroarkProbably because its ability is too hindering considering it's not that fast or that powerful, also its weak to SR.
I have to say that is one hell of a combo you got there with Zoroark and Slaking, but was expecting some cofagrigus mummy shenanigans seeing you have both Archeops and Slaking on the same team.