Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>Please list what type of Ball and Gender your handouts are. Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES /SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.
If you could choose an alternate color palette for a shiny Pokémon; What colors and what Pokémon? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN).
It makes everything so much easier.
We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood. Old Thread
You can't trade HA gen II and V starters, right? Because I would love to do a giveaway of them.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>>19245389 Alright sure man, just open trade whenever you're ready!
>captcha changed 3 times in middle of typing captcha FUCK YOU MOOT
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
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>>19245403 Yeah, there are some Pokemon with unreleased starters. Idk if you can trade them over GTS or through friends list, but they won't be allowed in online battles and stuff.
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>>19245412 Aww, that's too bad.
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>>19245403 Anything that is unreleased cannot be traded online. So unreleased HA's, items, shinies, etc.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
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Luxury Ball Shinx 4 IVs, all have +ATK and +SPD at least EM - Night Slash, Thunder/Fire/Ice Fang Ability - Intimidate 5 Males 2 Females Please be specified which gender you want or I'll pick randomly. I'll be around for an hourish then heading out to see Godzilla.
Kustem 4957-3052-6634
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Still have some female Drought Vulpix in dream balls.
Giving away: Nest Ball Poliwag (Modest/Bold 4–5IV) 4x Male (Swift Swim) 5x Female (Swift Swim) Egg moves: Mist, Haze, Encore, Refresh Various leftovers: Male Level Ball Mawile (Careful 5IV, Intimidate, w/ Metal Burst, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang) Male Love Ball Meditite (Adamant 5IV, Pure Power, w/ Drain Punch, Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Psycho Cut Female Illumise (Bold 3IV, Prankster, w/ Encore, Baton Pass, Silver Wind; Japanese) Female Noibat (Timid 4IV, Frisk, w/ Tailwind, Switcheroo; Japanese)
Anyone have a Cherubi? I already put up a Luvdisc. Thanks!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
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Anyone have one of those Growlithe/Ponyta in Fast Balls?
>>19245390 easy mode spoiler
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 16 May 2014 22:01:25 No. 19245470 Report Quoted By:
>>19245390 White hydreigon
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>19245452 I have a dream ball one with 4 IVS. IGN?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245455 Gabite a shit. Dratini a best
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19245409 I can get you a Mankey if you can get me that Girafarig
I'm also working on my dex Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19245477 Wish dragonite had a better shiny palette though, its current one is kinda bad
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>>19245474 Thanks, IGN is Nathan.
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>>19245491 I wish they'd made it real Barney rather than just some reverse Barney monstrosity.
>>19245450 Noice, disc up for noibat, illumise and poliwag
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>>19245480 Alright jsut let me breed it real quick then
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>>19245477 Gible doesn't evolve into pic related at least.
Although Dratini's shiny is probably one of the best among the first formes of the pseudos.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245491 I know ;_;.
Its a
>Stupid >Green >Draggon Should have been blue.
Brady 5000-3915-3346
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>>19245504 Keep doing that despite the deleted post, I thought I lied but it turns out I have a Mankey ready Anonymous
>>19245503 Fuck off you jew, you're not getting anything from me.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
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Nevermind, holding off all trading until I return. Change of plans so I gotta head out now. Thanks a ton, Luc!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Luc 3325-2856-6833
I need these pokemons to complete part of my pokedex:
http://pastebin.com/6aNCx58J I have these pokemons to give away:
http://pastebin.com/LR0rX2nu Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19245530 Psst Cuan, you should stop responding to shitposters.
Unless this is a fake Cuan Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19245390 I have never wanted a Luvdisc to be my testicle bag so much
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>>19245559 Getout
I swear all Mexicans are fucking attention whores
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19245537 Discing for Gible, also I have a handful of those if you want trade for them afterwards.
I'll put up a pastebin of the stuff I still need if that's the case
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Free stuff, how do Beldums have sex? Edition Sam 1306-7081-5896 Fri 16 May 2014 22:14:31 No. 19245632 Report Quoted By:
Giving away 12 Cyndaquils 12 Beldums (Depending on how much 6IV perfects I get I may give some away) 3 Mudkips 2 Charmanders (One Outrage, One Ancient Power)
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19245605 Alright. What else do you need? I might have it in my bank. Also, sent.
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19245636 http://pastebin.com/eF1iT8fJ This is all of what I'm missing atm
If anyone else wants to help that'd be appreciated Anonymous
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19245652 I have a bunch of those. Are you missing any legendaries?
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19245664 Nope, I have all the legends and events
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Fri 16 May 2014 22:20:00 No. 19245701 Report Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19245537 Can i get one of those Cottonees?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19245686 Ok, I'm going to get some pokemons I have from my bank after we finish trading.
>>19245702 Disc up.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19245652 >http://pastebin.com/eF1iT8fJ touch trade or for keeping? I can touch trade you many stuff and you can help me evolve some
Just a sec cuz im skyping someone
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245701 10/10 wish that was the actual shiny.
Green Dragons, Green Dragons everywhere.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245734 What is with my OCD and forgetting Pics.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>19245652 I can help. Put a disc on for a Duskull.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
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>>19245754 up* Damn, I am tired.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19245740 This one truly troubled me. Keeps me from breeding out of fear. I don't want it to be shiny. It matches the Great Ball so perfectly.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
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>>19245782 Barney, is that you?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245789 This reminds me to go Breed Charmanders in Dusk Ball because of Shiny Charizard
>>19245841 >not heavy ball other than the blue it matches the gray well enough
Brady 5000-3915-3346
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>>19245733 >>19245754 Please give me a sec, im trading Luc and I fucked up my keyboard w/ water
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19245851 >>19245853 I want my Charizard to come out like it came out of the darkness, ready to pound your ass harder than Giritina and Shadow Force.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Does anyone have a female modest ralts with 5-6 IVs i could have?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19245934 Mine are Timid for some dumb ass reason. I do have a spare 5IV female in a Love Ball though.
>>19245961 >Mine are Timid for some dumb ass reason What's wrong with a timid mega waifu?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19245968 Mine doesn't have Hyper Voice, and until it does... It sits in the box.
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19245754 disc up for duskull
>>19245733 we can do touch trade just put a disc up for a disc
I had my friend type this Anonymous
>>19245975 How do you get hyper voice and why is that move desired by many in these type of pokemon like eevee?
>>19245989 gen 5 move tutor
>>19245989 Move tutor in gen 5 and because it's a high power spread normal-type move that always hits, even if the target is behind a substitute.
Pixilitate turns it into a fairy-type move.
>>19245989 Its a gen 5 tutor move, and people use it to get the pixilate boost form garde and sylveon.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19245989 Mega Gardevior gets Pixilate. Only Normal move for Pixilate in her Movepool that isn't shit.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19245961 well if you don't have a female, do you happen to have a male?
>>19245996 >>19246000 >>19246001 >>19246004 Shit thats good and overpowered. I see why both with the move cant enter vgc stuff or ranked
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19245978 IGN is Brady, rite? Disc up
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 22:58:59 No. 19246072 Report Take as many as you want All 5 IV x6 male, x2 female Ekans Jolly w/ Shed Skin x3 Marill Adamant w/ Thick Fat x5 male, x2 female Marill Adamant w/ Huge Power x3 male, x3 female Feebas Bold w/ Oblivious x1 male, x1 female Feebas Bold w/ Swift Swim Also, looking for 5 IV Bug egg group male
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246020 They are all Jolly and Timid. Wait fifteen minutes I'll see about a Modest Ralts.
Dream ball, Love Ball, Ultra Ball or Premier Ball?
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>>19245879 check yourself before you wreck yourself sam
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>>19246050 Well, that's just because its a transfer move.
>>19245879 oh god dont be kill, i found a horde with unnerve
it's pic related time
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19246072 What Egg Moves have those Feebas?
Also, I've got a male Scyther with all the IVs at 31 less HP, if you're interested.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19246098 Dream ball, please.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246072 What Ball are those female Feebas in?
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 23:06:32 No. 19246165 Report >>19246152 They only know splash I'm afraid
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 23:07:37 No. 19246190 Report >>19246164 They're all in pokeballs.
>>19246152 I would be interested in that scyther
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246162 Okay give me a few minutes.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246147 Awesome, Discing up.
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19246165 I'm not interested then. But if you want your bug I can give you my Scyther. Just put a Luvdisc on the GTS.
>>19246206 Ahhh! I haven't caught it yet. What ball do you want it in?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19246216 Preferably Dusk. Gonna breed for Shiny.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
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>>19246072 Disc up for a female Ekans.
>>19246198 Thanks or doing this, m8.
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19246190 I should have also a female with 5 IV. I don't remember what it miss, but it's not pentaperfect.
>>19246216 double post cuz im lame
It's female, is why.
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 23:11:08 No. 19246241 Report Quoted By:
>>19246208 Disc up for scyther
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 23:12:34 No. 19246262 Report Quoted By:
>>19246238 I need the male because I've got females of other bugs I'm trying to breed. I'll just make a female with a ditto if I want one later. Thank you though.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246198 Allow me to correct myself. It's not 300, it seems it would go more up to 350's top. Hi everyone!
14x (7F/7M) Quick Ball Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Superpower, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum
3x (2Flash Fire/1 Intimidate) Fast Ball Male Adamant Growlithe with Crunch, Flare Blitz Close Combat and Morning Sun.
All 5IV(imperfect).
>>19246276 Got it!
Disc up for a level 1-10 female Axew.
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>>19246072 can i get oblivious female feebas? ign baldo, thank you in advanced
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
Since I should have at least one free hour I'm going to put up the usual giveaway: I have a box of Klinks, all Adamant, all pentaperfect, all with Clear Body. Anybody is interested?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19246282 Are you still breeding those Growlithe? Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246314 Let me guess. You want a female. Sorry but
I'll have to hatch you one. No biggie. Won't take long.
>>19245275 >finally check gts >get dream ball vulpix oh my gosh kustum you didn't have to give me something like this ;_; it's so beautiful but thank you very much, she's gorgeous. >>19246315 gotchu!
onto aiming for the hexaperfect snubbull!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246331 Perfect, my stepping stone to a Shiny Petaperfect Haxorus is aquired.
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Looking for female Dusclops in a luxury ball. Disc up in case I can't respond back to post, but thanks in advance.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19246361 >perfect >with Unnerve Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19246320 I've been looking for one of those for a while now bless your soul Anonymous
>>19246331 I never noticed how annoying you were and how manipulative over pixels you could be.
You get a not shit mon from someone
>hurr how beautiful >how can i repay you You ask how to but never do give back, sort of like
opti[/sppiler] Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246372 Those Lum berry bastards piss me off too much in ranked, gonna troll them harder than ever before.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 16 May 2014 23:28:35 No. 19246407 Report Anybody want these nignogs? Want to clear up some space in my boxes for a new MM project. Put /vp/ Ocean in the description please. Vulpix x17 17F Timid/Drought/Luxury Ball - Hypnosis, Heat Wave (All Pentaperfect) Absol x17 13M/4F Jolly/Super Luck/Moon Ball - Sucker Punch, Zen headbutt, Megahorn, Play Rough (all Pentaperfect) Ralts x12 12F Timid/Trace/Love Ball - Destiny Bond, Ally Switch, Disable, Confuse Ray (all Pentaperfect) Honedge x18 14M/4F Brave/No Guard/Dusk Ball- Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Metal Sound (all Pentaperfect) Venonat x18 14M/4F Timid/Tinted Lens/Dive Ball (I'm going to MM one of these eventually, hence the weird ball) - Giga Drain (all Pentaperfect) Larvesta x17 9M/8F Modest/Flame Body/Poke Ball - no egg moves (all Pentaperfect) Mawile x6 6F Adamant/Intimidate/Love Ball - Metal Burst, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Seismic Toss (all Pentaperfect) Shellder x4 4F Jolly/Skill Link/Dive Ball - Rock Blast (5 random IVs) Inkay x12 5M 7F Jolly/Contrary/Dusk Ball - no egg moves (5 random IVs) Sigilyph x13 11M 2F Timid/Magic Guard/Luxury Ball - Stored Power, Psycho Shift (5 random IVs) Looking for Hidden Ability Crawdaunt/Corphish and Hidden Ability Litwick/Lampent/Chandelure (or at least somebody with them in their FS) I can also nickname if requested, and I've got a few leftover Enigma Berries if anyone wants one
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>19246407 I'd like female larvesta please
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19246396 You're using a Haxorus, how can you not bring your enemies down with 1 or 2 hits? Mold Breaker, on the other hand, gets rid of Sturdy, Levitate, and anything else that might get in the way of your ridiculously powerful attacks.
>>19246407 Shellder please? Disc is up!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246407 I'd like a female Ralts please, discing up.
>>19246422 I'm making it for double/triple battles, not singles.
>>19246407 disc in for shellder please
>>19246375 I got a female from here and started re-breeding her, been giving them out the last days! We must've missed each other! Disc up!
>>19246380 pic related Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19246407 Discing up for a female Absol
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 16 May 2014 23:32:39 No. 19246448 Report >>19245390 Anyone have an egg move Squirtle?
>>19246407 can i get a honedge M, ign baldo, thank you
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19246407 I am touch trading a guy atm.
When we're done, we do disc for disc in the gts and trade via aquaintances
I will give you a HA corphish and you'll give me a female Enigma Berry Shiggy Diggy Lyph pls
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>>19246445 oops, give me a minute
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19246407 Disc up for a Larvesta, thank you.
>>19246434 I still can't see how Unnerve is better over Mold Breaker in Doubles/Triples. Do you frequently play against Lum/Rest Harvest teams?
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>>19246450 with enigma berry if you dont mind, thank you
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19246454 >>19246407 Done. disc4disc or FC trade?
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19246445 Yeah, I've been pretty absent from here these days.
caribbean education system a shit Disc is up. Thank you sooo much ;u;
>>19246407 Disc up for male absol
Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19246464 Yes I do, my luck is horrible I know, especially when I run my confuse paralyze Mega Gengar.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19246407 Disc up for a vulpix.
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Fri 16 May 2014 23:37:28 No. 19246497 Report >>19246407 Can I have a female Mawile please? Disc is uo
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 16 May 2014 23:38:41 No. 19246509 Report Quoted By:
>>19246454 >>19246470 Yeah sure, I'll get your berries to you after I finish up these orders
Why dont you mind your own business next time?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19246407 Disc up for Larvesta
>>19246407 also a disc for vulpix later on, if thats alright
>>19246520 the irony of your words >>19246475 I've accidentaly the growlithe so I'm getting you a new one.
this happened yesterday too I think. Aric 2552-2302-4049
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246162 Give me a few more minutes, most of the IVs fell off when I changed natures. I don't like whats hatching.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19246542 Take your time.
Jtanooki 0216-1268-1344 (Grass)
>>19246407 Mawile please <3 Disc up
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 16 May 2014 23:46:33 No. 19246583 Report >>19246470 We'll do a FC exchange, already added you. Just post when you're ready
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>>19246529 >>19246407 oh my fuck i feel greedy shit doing this but a mawile would be fantastic as well
ign's hibiscus Anonymous
>>19246536 I wasnt talking to you.
Why did you feel the need to barge into something that had nothing to do with you. Are you trying to get cynthia points like those losers opti and cosmic?
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19246407 Disc up for Larvesta
Don't care about the gender
>>19246610 >not rynn points Rusty
>>19246610 cus this isn't a thread to shitpost. as I had no business with what you where saying, what business do you have with whoever decides to give whatever to anyone in this thread? stop shitposting m8. it's enough. Guys I'm being baited but I'll stop now. sorry for this.
>>19246407 Can I have an Absol please? Disc is up.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Fri 16 May 2014 23:55:31 No. 19246672 Report >>19246421 >>19246424 >>19246434 >>19246442 >>19246446 >>19246450 >>19246464 >>19246480 >>19246494 >>19246497 >>19246527 >>19246529 >>19246555 Looks like I got all of you. Also, I have no problems with giving out multiple mons to people, so feel free to ask for whatever you want.
Also, Baldo, I'll send you a trade request in a bit so that I can get you an Enigma Berry
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>>19246626 I got plenty points with that fine poland gem even if it is a guy ill be stacking and racking in points
>>19246639 Youre the one shitposting, are you aware of that? I only made an observation you came with a xD u mad picture thinking you were clever. Youre just another moron
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19246626 I-is that Rynn?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19246672 Could I get a Ralts please?
Quoted By:
>>19246672 many thanks and much gratitude
>>19246475 Sent!
it's penta w/ intimidate. have fun. Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19246583 Did my wifi just shit up?
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:01:18 No. 19246742 Report Quoted By:
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>Tfw you are hatching for Petaperfect Beldum and Moltres shows up after one step in grass >Tfw you haven't forced that stupid bird in a ball and wondertraded it yet.
>>19246407 DO you still have larvestas?
>>19246672 Disc up for vulpix pls
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:03:49 No. 19246773 Report >>19246756 13 left of assorted genders. Put a disc up and I'll get it to you
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246743 What the hell is that damn bird doing on Route 7 anyway? Eating puppies?
Jtanooki 0216-1268-1344 (Grass)
>>19246672 Thanks!!! If you don't mind, and still have larvesta's I'd like one too. Disc up! :)
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>19246715 Thank you! So much.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19246779 Maybe cooking Ducklets.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19246552 So much troll action going on. Every female I've hatched 3ivs. Two penta-perfect males and a Hexaperfect male. Put up a disc it's your lucky day. Direct trade me afterwards for the father.
>>19246672 Can I grab one of those Larvesta too, please? Disc is up.
Are either Zen Headbutt or Morning Sun good moves on Larvesta? Right now I'm training Beautifly and Ledyba for Baton Pass and Morning Sun and Giga Drain for my own Venonats and then I can get Morning Sun and Zen Headbutt from Venonat onto some Larvesta.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
>>19246773 Disc is up for a fem larvesta :) forgot IGN in post
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:09:40 No. 19246826 Report Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19246826 The Shiggylyph?
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>>19246826 Yes, thank you a lot
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:12:22 No. 19246858 Report >>19246843 Didn't I send you one with an Enigma berry over PSS?
>>19246826 waiting on a mawile, thank you again ocean
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What EMs should I do on Lucario besides Bullet Punch and Crunch?
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>19246858 You didn't, my wifi shut down moments before the trade was complete. Check your boxes, you probably don't have the HA Corphish either.
I'm looking for a female Dratini with HA, if anyone has one. Disc will be there until then.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:16:37 No. 19246911 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19246911 Thanks, appreciate it.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sat 17 May 2014 00:20:20 No. 19246952 Report >>19246527 >.> shit I was EV'ing and didn't refresh. Could you pop one up now? Or have you been waiting this whole time? Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19246905 I have a male Dratini with HA, I can get you a female if you wait.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19246804 Thanks a lot m8, i really appreciate it.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19246952 You're not Ocean!
Chris 4914-3603-2609
>>19246407 If you still have any Vulpix, I'd like one. Disc up
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sat 17 May 2014 00:24:37 No. 19246996 Report Quoted By:
>>19246987 Quoted the wrong post gahhhhhh
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19246407 Disc up for a female Mawile.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:29:00 No. 19247025 Report >>19246988 Sent
>>19246527 >>19246952 Uh, I think I got you guys?
Anyways, if I missed anyone or you got sniped, sorry, re-up your disc and tell me what you want
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sat 17 May 2014 00:29:24 No. 19247027 Report >>19246987 >>19246448 What I meant to quote...pls kind and noble Aric
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247027 Oh shit that's right, you wanted the Squirtle. Yeah disc up
>>19247025 misunderstanding
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sat 17 May 2014 00:31:34 No. 19247047 Report Quoted By:
>>19247036 It's up. Message is Ricky /vp/ Squirt.
Quoted By:
>>19247025 Any Venonat left? Disc is up
Roman 4828-5872-9842 (Flying)
Quoted By:
>>19246308 I'll grab one if you're still giving 'em away.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:35:39 No. 19247077 Report >>19247017 Sent
The list so far:
Vulpix x15 15F Timid/Drought/Luxury Ball - Hypnosis, Heat Wave (All Pentaperfect)
Absol x14 12M/2F Jolly/Super Luck/Moon Ball - Sucker Punch, Zen headbutt, Megahorn, Play Rough (all Pentaperfect)
Ralts x10 10F Timid/Trace/Love Ball - Destiny Bond, Ally Switch, Disable, Confuse Ray (all Pentaperfect)
Honedge x16 12M/4F Brave/No Guard/Dusk Ball- Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Metal Sound (all Pentaperfect)
Venonat x19 14M/5F Timid/Tinted Lens/Dive Ball (I'm going to MM one of these eventually, hence the weird ball) - Giga Drain (all Pentaperfect)
Larvesta x19 5M/4F Modest/Flame Body/Poke Ball - no egg moves (all Pentaperfect)
Mawile x2 2F Adamant/Intimidate/Love Ball - Metal Burst, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Seismic Toss (all Pentaperfect)
Shellder x2 2F Jolly/Skill Link/Dive Ball - Rock Blast (5 random IVs)
Inkay x11 5M 6F Jolly/Contrary/Dusk Ball - no egg moves (5 random IVs)
Sigilyph x12 11M 1F Timid/Magic Guard/Luxury Ball - Stored Power, Psycho Shift (5 random IVs)
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Sat 17 May 2014 00:41:50 No. 19247144 Report >>19247077 Could I have a Shellder please? Disc is up.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247077 You should put one of those absol up and ask for a 1-10 Maractus
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Updated list of free shit.
pastebin.com/vbuUgqAs Anonymous
>>19247077 Can I get a female Mawile please, disc going up with /vp/ as the message
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247159 May I have one of those Snorunts? Disc is up.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19247159 Disc up for minccino.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:47:16 No. 19247200 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19247200 Thanks for the Mawile
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 00:52:04 No. 19247254 Report >>19247152 Aw shoot, you didn't have to send me a shiny. Thank you though shiny Maractus is cute as all hell and I was going to eventually MM for one.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19247254 Maractus, Quagsire, and Spinda just make me so happy to look at
>>19247159 Can I get a Tyrunt please? Disc is up!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247077 May I have the Sigilyph? Disc is up.
>>19247252 Thank you.
Roman 4828-5872-9842 (Flying)
>>19247077 I'll take whatever you feel like giving me, and I'll give you Luvdisc or one of these sweet Lobsters (I really just want your Safari if you don't mind?) Natures are random but, egg moves are alright. IVs I'm not too sure on.
To anyone else interested, feel free to ask and I'll give you a lobster Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy)
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy) Sat 17 May 2014 00:57:54 No. 19247308 Report Got my Luvdisc up. Weavile, anyone?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Anyone here ever breed Durant with four egg moves?
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Sat 17 May 2014 00:58:11 No. 19247313 Report Quoted By:
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247308 I could touch trade you mine.
>>19247312 No, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 01:02:58 No. 19247356 Report Quoted By:
>>19247298 Added you to my friends list, feel free to add me back so you can get my safari
>>19247297 sent
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19247159 I'll take the Shellder
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy)
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy) Sat 17 May 2014 01:04:06 No. 19247365 Report >>19247325 I would very much appreciate that.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247365 Gonna take it from my bank then. Can you add my FC?
Evening, all. Stocking up on a new breeding project. In the meantime, the following are on clearance: Gale Wings Fletchling, all Adamant, egg moves (Tailwind/Snatch/Quick Guard): - Three Male, 5IV (-SpAtk), Poke Ball - One Male, 5IV (-SpAtk), Luxury Ball Scrappy Kangaskhan, all Jolly: - Ten 5IV (-SpAtk), Safari Ball, egg moves (Focus Punch/Counter/Disable/Double-Edge) - Nine 5IV (-SpAtk), Level Ball, egg moves (Hammer Arm/Focus Punch/Counter/Double-Edge) Magician Fennekin, all Timid, egg moves (Wish/Hypnosis/Magic Coat/Heat Wave): - Three 5IV Male (-Atk) - One 5IV Female (-HP)
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247380 What's the current project?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy)
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy) Sat 17 May 2014 01:07:40 No. 19247399 Report >>19247375 Sure. Got you added.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247390 >>19247360 And I'm not sorry for it
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19247380 disc up for female fennekin.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19247390 Putting up another.
Epic Sniper is Epic Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19247389 Aric, my current project is
a secret .
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247380 I'll take a male Fennekin Please. Disc is up.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19247434 I'll take the female aftermath Trubbish too.
Unless it's in a regular Pokeball Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>19247446 Nah, they're luxury. Either trade me or let me know when disc is up.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247424 Oh, I got something while horde training if you want it
>>19247438 Because I want to surprise you.
>>19247409 >>19247427 Sent! I'm now out of female Fennekin, finally!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247399 Aren't you going to give me my Weavile back?
>>19247469 Ooh, sure. What should I disc up for? I have multiple projects planned for you anyways. I will catch up to your generosity. I also have a couple of horde finds for you.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247493 I've got future projects in store too, but you already have Linoone so that's out of the question
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19247461 Thanks, enjoy my favorite little guy Grimer.
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy)
Windsor 4227-0708-7044(Dedenne,Spritzee,Clefairy) Sat 17 May 2014 01:18:30 No. 19247513 Report >>19247492 Oh shit sorry dude sending a trade request back now
Quoted By:
14x (7F/7M) Quick Ball Adamant Huge Power Marill w/ Superpower, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum 3x (2Flash Fire/1 Intimidate) Fast Ball Male Adamant Growlithe with Crunch, Flare Blitz Close Combat and Morning Sun. Also have one female of the above. All 5IV(imperfect).
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247493 You have been in these threads a lot longer, I'm sure you've given out more to people
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Alright I have alot to givaway now.
36 5IV Beldums Clear Body Take down
3 Midkips Torrent Tackle/Growl
2 Charmanders Blaze (Scratch/Growl/AncientPower/Dragon Pulse)&(Scratch/Growl/Metal Claw/Outrage)
12 Cyndaquilsl Blaze
>>19247471 Thanks!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19247513 It doesn't have any IVs or anything, it's only use is being a Pokedex filler.
Quoted By:
>>19247520 I really like what you just traded me. I have another duplicate horde shone for you.
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Sat 17 May 2014 01:22:02 No. 19247549 Report >>19247525 I'll take one of those Beldums
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
Is Ashley around? I would like to switch my Female Heavy Ball Aron (EM: Head Smash, Iron Head, Superpower, Stealth Rock) for a Male one
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 01:30:15 No. 19247625 Report >>19247525 can I have a female beldum please?
Quoted By:
>>19247625 Beldums are genderless .-.
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 01:31:55 No. 19247644 Report >>19247525 can I have a beldum please? disc up
>>19247579 Can't you just breed for male?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247692 >Dat dex number You're shiny hunting without even having the National Dex?!
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
>>19247692 i NEED one of these.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
>>19247663 no that's too difficult, it's easier to jew another one
>>19247718 it's my 2nd game lel
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247692 >not giving those away >MMing before completing the National Pokedex Anonymous
>>19247749 >not knowing he's looking for mal so mal can properly distribute them >see second game comment above yours Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19247749 They're for Mal to distribute tho
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247692 Cofabulous giveaway time?
>>19247743 I was gonna SAY.
>>19247504 OK, I've got the egg moves, nature, and ball set for your gift. Working on setting IVs now. And I can never have too many Linoone. Seriously, I have three that I keep around while horde training/Chateau grinding for the mass Pickup haul.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
>>19247749 Mal asked him to clone those, m8.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Sat 17 May 2014 01:42:29 No. 19247782 Report Quoted By:
Still hunting for a Relaxed Regenerater Foongus with Endure and Gastro acid.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19247765 >>19247766 He can give the rest to us if Mal doesn't show up. Who said I was talking about the shiny?
>>19247749 Mal wanted to give them away so everyone, use some conjuring spell to summon Mal pls
Carrot 3883-7028-1810
>>19247525 I'll take one of those Charmanders, 2nd if possible
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247775 What were the other 4 pokemon you liked again?
Also everyone feel free to ignore this post
>>19247767 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19247783 You don't understand right? All of those are clones of the same shiny ~_~
>>19247784 really fucking roundabout way to it, you have to trade them all to him who then trades them to us
>>19247813 Cofabulous was originally Mal's, and Mal wanted to give them away personally, and I'm totally cool with trading them over
>>19247788 I'll tell you two, because you only told me two. I'll tell you more if you tell me more. Smeargle. Mandibuzz.
Also, I never said thank you for Kitteh. Mostly because I had to regain myself first. Thank you for Kitteh.
Quoted By:
>>19247784 N-No! That's no conjuration spell Mr. Mime..
bad stuff is gonna happen. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19247813 also Mal has no powersaves
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
Ffs Mal you better stop masturbating and get your ass in here.pls ;_;
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19247837 Then I shall get you a Mandibuzz and Smeargle!
Quoted By:
>>19247828 that's fine and all, but doesn't change the fact that it's a roundabout way to do it.
>>19247849 Sounds like a race! I've already got your second one planned out too. Both will make great leftovers giveaways.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19247876 You'll probably beat me. I'm going to be busy for a little while
Beef 4527 - 8723 - 6843
Quoted By:
I've got eleven penta-perfect Timid Ralts on offer with one Hexaperfect. Eight have Trace and the other four have Synchronize. I've also got a bunch of imperfect 5 IV Speed Boost Torchics, with one 6 IV Blaze one.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247785 Sorry had a bathroom break, sending now.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Quoted By:
>>19247077 Discing up for a Vulpix!
Carrot 3883-7028-1810
>>19247910 Huge thanks mate!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247925 Can't see your Disc, Redisc please.
Carrot 3883-7028-1810
>>19247943 Are you sure? because I just got a Charmander.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247962 Seems you got sniped, please redisc.
Carrot 3883-7028-1810
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>>19247692 Mal pls
Alright guys, I'm back.
Luxury Ball Shinx 4 IVs, all have +ATK and +SPD at least
EM - Night Slash, Thunder/Fire/Ice Fang
Ability - Intimidate
5 Males
2 Females
Nickname available!
Please be specified which gender you want or I'll pick randomly.
>batch of eggs I dont remember ....Where did they come from and what are they.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247980 Ummm IGN?
I see two people who want a charmander, none of which are carrot. Anonymous
0361 7812 5846 | Sax
Quoted By:
>>19247077 disc up on a larvesta if you could be so kind
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19248037 Awesome, thanks a bunch!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19247987 Il take a shinx!
Ign: John
>>19247987 A male preferably
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 02:09:23 No. 19248116 Report >>19247987 Can I have a female Shinx please? Disc is up. I'll also take a mystery egg.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>Jolly Female Shinx with 5IVs refuse to born. pls
Also thank you Santos and Luc for the helps with my PokeDex. Meanwhile I'm currently looking for these regardless of stats.
http://pastebin.com/c67jUDYB >>19248081 >>19248104 Sent!
>>19248116 Sent, I went ahead and hatch those mystery eggs and turned out that they're all my Shinx that I forgot about. Whoops.
>>19248157 I can get you Aipom and Spiritomb if you want
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19248157 Thanks for the Hatching Power Lv3 James. It'll help alot
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 02:14:23 No. 19248184 Report Take as many as you want All 5 IV x6 male Ekans Jolly w/ Shed Skin x3 Marill Adamant w/ Thick Fat x5 male, x2 female Marill Adamant w/ Huge Power x3 male, x2 female Feebas Bold w/ Oblivious x1 male, x1 female Feebas Bold w/ Swift Swim
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19248157 I can help you with a few of them. In a few minutes.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>>19248175 Please do. Discing for Aipom first.
>>19248176 Glad I could help!
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 02:16:07 No. 19248206 Report >>19248184 Forgot to add that I have 3 Modest 5 IV larvestas, imperfect.
>>19248157 I can get you a Cacnea and a Wurmple if you want.
Or u can get the pokes so you can breed them.
I have a Beautifly and a Cacturne in a friends safari
>>19248201 silly goose. I was trying to TR you. Oh well. Sent you aipom. TR me for spiritomb
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19248220 I need those too if you dont mind Anonymous
>>19248184 May I get a larvesta and ekans?
Il discup in a bit
Ign: John
James - 0576-3839-1103 !lmvi4varL6
>>19248199 Alright awesome
>>19248206 Discing for Larvestas in a bit
>>19248220 Oh nice, i can go get them. What's your friend code?
>>19248238 O-oh...Sorry and thanks~
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed)
Max 3110-5043-4142 (Steel:Klefki, Forrettress, Ferroseed) Sat 17 May 2014 02:23:40 No. 19248314 Report >>19248251 >>19248287 let me know when your discs are up
Quoted By:
>>19248246 No problem
Il quickly catch a couple of Cacturnes real quick
Il breed some eggs from beautifly as well
Quoted By:
>>19248287 Im in your acquaintances
Il quickly breed myself an egg and il give you beautifly so you may do as you please.
Il quickly catch a cacturne for you as well
Quoted By:
just wanted to stop by to thank whoever gave me a moody snorunt earlier. i'm not terribly active but if anyone wants misdreavus in moon ball i can try to send some out; most are 4iv with nasty plot.
Quoted By:
>>19248314 Disc is up for ekans