Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
>Please list what type of Ball and Gender your handouts are. Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.
What are you breeding right now? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN).
It makes everything so much easier.
We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood. Old Thread
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
1,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [1998] 1,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [0740] 1,5 - Mudkip (F) - Brave - Torrent - [0001] 2,3 - Mudkip (F) - Brave - Torrent - [1676] 2,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2639] 3,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3288] 3,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3435] 3,3 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2496] 3,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3798] 3,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2728] 4,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3107] 4,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3160] 4,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2594] 4,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [1777] 4,6 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2879] 5,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2170] 5,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2508] 5,3 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3765] 5,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3697] 5,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2211] Mudkips looking for a good home. They have Ancient Power, Mirror Coat, Curse and Avalanche.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Luxury Ball Shinx with 4 IVs, all have +ATK and +SPD at least.
EM - Night Slash, Thunder/Fire/Ice Fang
Ability - Intimidate
5 Male
5 Female
Nickname available!
Please be specified which gender you want or I'll pick randomly.
Currently looking for
Deerling - Winter if possible
>>19261310 Thanks pal!
Jtanooki 0216-1268-1344 (Grass)
>>19261409 I'd like mudkip 2,3 please :)
disc up!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
3 Boxes of Beldum 12 Cyndaquils
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261419 Would a Dewgong, Forrtress, or Camerupt do?
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
>>19261409 May I take 2,3?
>>19261409 mudkip [3697] please, disc up
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261441 Yep!
Disc or trade?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261457 Disc first then trade if you want or more disc's doesn't really matter
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen)
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen) Sun 18 May 2014 02:25:59 No. 19261473 Report >>19261409 I would like Mudkip 4,6, disc is up
Anybody have a spinarak I could grab for dex completion?
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261464 Alright we'll disc then trade, disc for Dewgong up
>>19261409 Hey, my SV is 2086, do you have any Pokemon that matches that?
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261486 >spinarak I can breed one for ya real quick
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261486 Disc up
>>19261487 Seems like I don't have my Camerupt anymore D:
Quoted By:
>>19261498 Awesome, thanks.
All Female with 1IV-5IV [2 Jolly Nest ball Summer|1 Careful Heal ball Spring|3 Impish Timer ball Winter|38 Repeat ball Timid(Leftover HP rock trash) Autumn] Deerling - SleepTalk/Synthesis/GrassWhistle/AgilityJust finished breeding one of each season of deerling
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261427 Sent
>>19261444 Sorry, Jtanooki was faster, pick another?
>>19261446 sent
>>19261493 No, also, it's not, I checked your SV you liar.
>>19261473 sending in a second
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Jtanooki 0216-1268-1344 (Grass)
Quoted By:
>>19261515 thanks a million!
>>19261498 I guess you don't have to.
>>19261499 Disc is up~
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19261512 Disc going up for Autumn
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen)
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen) Sun 18 May 2014 02:32:44 No. 19261552 Report Quoted By:
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261499 Thanks for
shonie Dewgong~
Aw that's alright, I'll find it eventually. Go ahead with Trade Request whenever.
>>19261529 O-oh...It's alright. Still need to breed one for my dex too!
>>19261512 Disc goin up for winter
Ign: John
>>19261512 Can I get one please? Any is fine and disc is up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261543 Looks like I don't have that either, whoops.
Just checked the list and the box, these are the ones left:
1,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [1998]
1,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [0740]
1,5 - Mudkip (F) - Brave - Torrent - [0001]
3,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3288]
3,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3435]
3,3 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2496]
3,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3798]
3,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2728]
4,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3107]
4,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3160]
4,4 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2594]
4,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [1777]
5,1 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2170]
5,2 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2508]
5,3 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [3765]
5,5 - Mudkip (M) - Brave - Torrent - [2211]
>>19261409 Can i get one nicknamed
Bowkip ?
Brady 5000-3915-3346
http://pastebin.com/QztBDuvv Posting this here, hopefully for the last time
I'm on the final stretch of my national dex, 11 left
if anyone could help get these last few, you'd be forever know as a "cool person"
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261576 Sure thing, pick from the list above.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19261512 Disc up for Summer
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19261580 Disc up for a Slakoth
>>19261580 I could give you my beautifly to breed
Ign: John
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19261608 I'm actually breeding a beautifly right now, thank you anyway
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Sun 18 May 2014 02:38:28 No. 19261628 Report >>19261419 I'd like a male please. Disicng up.
0361 7812 5846 | Sax
>>19261580 >http://pastebin.com/QztBDuvv if you have time to evolve them I can get you a flaffy, anorith, and treeko
>>19261614 5,3 instead ign: gray
Anyone have a babby Zorua? One of you guys has to have a Zorua.
>>19261623 But I wanna be considered a "cool guy" ;-;
>>19261604 Moron hes not giving those aeay greedy shit
>>19261580 Dude youre a fucking faggot i cant believe people just handed these mon to you
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261560 Sorry, grabbing some things off the GTS for you
0361 7812 5846 | Sax
Quoted By:
>>19261631 mareep, I'm sorry
Scott 4570-8911-9042
>>19261633 I've got one. Not anything special but it is a Zorua.
Disc up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19261642 I'm telling him to put a disc up for a slakoth, not the inverse.
>>19261633 I've got 4 egg move in a dusk ball. Give me a while to get you a female.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261522 Sent
>>19261530 Sent
>>19261542 Sent
>>19261561 Sent
>>19261564 If you're Velox then sent
>>19261595 sent
>>19261512 UPDATE:
1 summer, 1 winter, and 36 Autumn left
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19261631 I have those, some of these I just don't have time to train. Thanks tho
>>19261639 But you're cool to me anon :)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
Quoted By:
>>19261572 Heh, 3,4 would be nice then.
Quoted By:
>>19261652 Thanks, but I'd like the one Opti has so I can eventually breed it into a competitive one.
I'm gonna get my oval charm tonight, I swear.
>>19261658 Thanks , let me know when to disc up.
>>19261572 Shit, I sent you a reply on the last thread witout seeing this one was made
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19261658 Disc is up, thanks
>>19261666 Thanks, appreciate it.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261689 While I wait for Opti's Zorua, anybody have a Gothita?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261693 I have all but the winter deerling that you asked for
(IGN Tomoki) Carrot 3883-7028-1810
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Gurdurr if anyone has one?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19261694 Just get one from poke village
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19261580 >tfw you traded Brady a Slakoth hours ago Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19261711 Gothita doesn't appear in the wild anywhere.
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261700 Awesome, want the Dewgong back?
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19261715 You mean Slaking? It's still cool, it just means I don't need to breed
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19261737 Never saw your disc. let me get online. Direct trade with your scandalous Wifi.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261743 Nah, keep it. Why wont you accept my request?
>>19261694 I have a random one in the PC, did you want it to be anything special?
shadypenguinn !yeZQjwa.k2
does anyone has a walrein leftover?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19261752 Nah, I just need it for the dex. Disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>19261745 >implying I don't have the best wifi Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261684 >>19261526 this one? I got paid for my art when I was already a grown up so not really. I always liked drawing and creating stuff, at some point people started offering me money for commissions so I started taking them. It helped me develop faster, maybe, but I wouldn't say that it's what kept me going. I also think I got paid for the figurines/sculptures before getting a commission on my drawings. Not sure though. And not sure what goldish model you mean? The skull is a real skull and the coin on it is a comemorative coin I bought myself in Prague. That was just a picture I decided to share. About the bf thing - a polish site simmilar to craigslist I guess. He posted something, I replied, we met.>>19261729 Enjoy
>>19261696 I don't see it, so I'll just assume this is a very boring ruse.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261749 I was waiting for your request, saw you were busy several times. I don't know how long you've been waiting for me to accept it.
Thanks a lot for doing this!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261783 Turns out it was the wrong James
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19261761 Thanks again by the way, you, Tremaine, and everyone else really helped me out
Quoted By:
>>19261775 stop with your attentionwhoring posts, and fuck off with your bowdildo
>>19261775 Rynn's lying, she met her boyfriend on these giveaway threads. It was a magical moment. She gave out a bunch of Love Ball Pokemon afterwards.
>>19261765 Sent.
Quoted By:
Thank you Mr. Fiddy
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19261808 Hey, there were two James' right next to eachother. I just picked one
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>>19261754 Road to Ranked is preddy gud/10, Shady. :^)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Also I made us this for an unknown reason.
>>19261802 Her boyfriend probably sent her a Flabebe
Quoted By:
>>19261844 But which color?
>>19261842 Awesome now i can use that every time i see you posting
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261802 Wait a minute are you her bf?
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
Thank a ton, Aric! Now I'm 3 normal pokemon left then rest is from breeding, evolving, and shitload of legendary . Will worry about that later.
>>19261666 Could I have an autumn form Deerling? Disc is up.
>>19261863 i made you this (heart)
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19261775 That is something an actual skull huh, ill google search the coin..and Prague. Is the ebay thing true though? The eba thing is what got you popular here with that guy putting your shit up.Pic related >>19261802 She probaby has been lying to me, I can only assume youre her bf. Ive seen your name be mentioned before
Quoted By:
>>19261899 >that gif I like you
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
I don't understand the point in these threads anymore>Put a disk on the GTS >Ask for any Mon >Wait a few hours >someone always trades
Quoted By:
>>19261914 A lot of people's names have been mentioned in these threads. Many people post here, right?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19261765 Oi mal, time to disc up for a ruse foxe
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19261914 It wasn't ebay, it was a polish forum. And yeah, I also bought that in Prague. The skull, I mean. Anonymous
>>19261930 you can't exactly reliably specifically get what you want that way. Egg moves and the ball its in are pretty important to some people
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Who here has a Bonsly?
>>19261939 Awesome, disc is up.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261930 These thread let you ask and obtain pokemon much quicker, bonus if they are bred with IVs and EM. So you don't have to wait for few hours to get either good or bad pokemon.
IGN: Carmen
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19261975 Let me breed it real quick, i need one for dex too.
pls Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19261975 Give me a minute or two
>>19261957 >>19261976 Sorry I should clarify, I don't see the point in these threads for people who want to fill the Dex in.
I traded a disk for a Darkrai the other day
>>19261991 Haha, alright you got this one. Let me know when to disc up.
Scott 4570-8911-9042
Anybody have a Rattata they can spare?
>>19261995 You're not sniping this one, Aric.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262001 Disc up, just got one
Quoted By:
>>19261997 I have a theory that they just come here because it's the general most frequented by generous people
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262001 YAY Alright give me about 10 mins.
>>19261997 Oh legendary too? Hmm...Maybe I should try it then.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19262011 It's not even shiny! D:
>>19262013 stop it ya big bully
>>19261948 That guy wasupset aboit this fucking thing, just curious about it glad you cleared itup thogh. Its a shame it wasnt ebay, i was about to ask you how did it. Are all woman from Czech as beautiful as most people hype up to be? I like me them Russian girls with the pale skin an greenish blue eyes hot damn. Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262025 I have one for you too
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19262031 sent
Wish I'd had a shiny
Quoted By:
>>19262025 Yeah, its always the Japs who trade things
IGN: Carmen
>>19262018 Would be better if the hands were colored too, but that's good enough. Thanks!
>>19262042 Well in that case, disc is up for Bonsly.
Scott 4570-8911-9042
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262042 O-oh. Well alright, that saved me with breeding time then. Thanks! Discing now
Quoted By:
>>19262066 what kind of interest is there in Friend Ball Solosis?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19262041 All Slavs look the same to me really, also I know nothing about female prettiness.>>19262056 You're so right.
Quoted By:
>>19262078 Would be better if the shirt and background were colored too.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262072 >>19262062 >MFW I traded my shiny Kyurem and Regice I had for them Sage
Anyone whit a cradily / lileep whit its hidden ability?
>>19262092 Aric what is
right with you?
Miles !HTYulMiles
>>19262062 OMG I missed Cofabulous giveaway ;-;
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262098 I'm sorry but I'm not giving away my last one :(
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262092 But WHY?!
You're so kind!
Newfag to /vp/ here trying to complete my dex and this seems helpful but I don't really get it. Someone wanna explain how do this?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262100 >>19262107 Mal told me no, so I had to go out of my way to do it
IGN: Carmen
>>19262123 Just read the OP, anon.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19262123 tell us what you want, put a disc in the GTS for it
Anybody got a Lickilicky?
>>19262103 Sorry, I ran completely out. Maybe next time bro.
>>19262128 You little rebel.
>>19262078 What the fuck, they all do? Oh come on dont give me that crap, youre a model arent you? You of all people should know how to judge a womans prettiness James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262128 Jeez so you just threw away two shiny legendary just so you could help us with dex? Pretty sure you just made japanese kid
or manchild creamed their pants!
Truly amazed me.
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19262170 No problem Mal, thanks for sharing with us :)
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262129 >>19262131 OH Fuck off that Brady bitch came on here to beg for mons and all of you went and gt all stupid to help him that lazy shi
Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19262170 No problem Mal, thanks for sharing with us :D
>>19262105 Oh come on man, just breed one, i can give you a perfect scyter for your problems.
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19262189 I'll be your bitch anytime
:^) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19262189 Why do you care?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19262175 We have some pretty girls we have some ugly girls, like everywhere.
>>19262187 Disc is up
Why do you have everything Flash
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19262210 I don't have everything, I just know how to get them
>>19262199 But I'm lazy!
alright, put disc up and asking for a Kalos-born Purrloin
Quoted By:
>>19261888 >not putting a squash dildo Aric 2552-2302-4049
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>>19262199 Oh wait, I do have an extra. Disc up
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>>19262219 Ok, everyone place your bets. Who will help this anon first?
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
Anyone with a skill swap poke form solosis line?
>>19261864 Flash doesn't like girls
He likes fast
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Hey james, I see you disced up for Baltoy. Take it down and ask for Claydol
Quoted By:
>>19262236 Hah, this is true.
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula)
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula) Sun 18 May 2014 03:30:58 No. 19262253 Report Hello friends, I have some leftovers to dump. Generally they're imperfect 4-5IVs. 4x Modest/Torrent Squirtle (Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere) [1f, 3m] 8x Adamant/Intimidate Shinx (Ice Fang) [2f, 6m] 2x Impish/Immunity Gligar [1f, 1m] 4x Modest/Compound Eyes Scatterbug, High Plains pattern (Stun Spore) [2f, 2m] 2x Adamant/Rough Skin Gible (Outrage) [1f, 1m] 2x Adamant/Sand Veil Gible (Outrage) [2m] 2x Jolly/Quick Feet Shroomish (Bullet Seed) [2f] 1x Jolly/Poison Heal Shroomish (Bullet Seed) [1m] 5x Jolly/Reckless Mienfoo [2f, 3m] Reply to this post with a disc up and your IGN. If you aren't specific about what you want, you'll get one at random.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262215 >>19262210 Man, can't believe flash sniped you. I was going to give you a shiny
Quoted By:
>>19262219 If nobody snipes your disc I can breed one, but I'm working on something at the moment.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19262245 you're the mofuk I wanted to see.
Disc up for a shiny Clauncher.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262245 Truly there is no safe from Aric's hawkeye.
No seriously, thank you so much for the helps >>19262219 Breeding one now.
>mfw 2 away from oval charm I'M ALMOST THERE!
>>19262258 Too bad
Quoted By:
>>19262209 That is very true but il admit i want to believe theyre all beautiful angry bitches. That woman in that photo oddly appeals to me. Its probably her bust Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262264 Okay
>>19262281 What else do you need?
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19262281 Me too, what do you need?
>>19262288 fake-tree and Hydreigon.
>>19262253 Mind holding on to a male squirtle for me?
Battling diantha at the moment
Ign: John
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula)
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula) Sun 18 May 2014 03:36:11 No. 19262311 Report >>19262308 No worries, I'll keep one for you.
>>19262301 nvm on hydreigon, just need pseudowoodo
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>MFW I'm out of shiny love fish >>19262301 I have fake tree! not sure about Hydreigon though
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19262288 Er, my bad, Clawitzer.
Sorry for the IVs too Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19262315 Gotchu, disc up nigga
>>19262311 Thanks
On another note, Does anyone have a spare male hawlucha?
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262253 i'll grabd a male squirtle, disc up
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19262321 disc is up for fake tree!
Thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>19262339 >>19262331 >>19262326 WHO WILL GET IT
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Brady 5000-3915-3346
Quoted By:
>>19262339 Fuck i was 2slow
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula)
Triska 1246-8832-9038 (Electric: Emolga - Heloptile - Galvantula) Sun 18 May 2014 03:41:09 No. 19262362 Report Quoted By:
Mal, Disc up for Hydreigon. I leveled this motherfucker today.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262366 No thank you, I already grabbed one off the gts.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262371 Okay! find me in your Aqu
Quoted By:
>>19262352 Again, mind holding on to it, battling diantha
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262219 Patrick right? Sent
include your IGN next time Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Does someone here have a spare reuniclus with skill swap? Really need for breeding
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262371 Also the one I'm giving you I got in a trade so it's most likely hacked
>>19262421 I have one level 41 Reuniclus. It learns it at level 45. He's a male. What about it?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19262380 sent
Also Serena tomorrow Rynn is giving away my
legitimate one
fuck the shiny charm Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>19262435 yes please I'll put a disc up in a moment..
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262428 >>19262380 Can't find you on acq. Disc for disc?
I don't mind if it's hacked. Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262450 No, you disc for Beldum
Quoted By:
>>19262442 Give it to me
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262442 Niiiiice dude. I'm around 550~ now. Just need to get time to bred/evolve the rest and get 40 Legendary somehow
disc is up for Unown if anyone happen to have one Anonymous
>>19262455 My disc is up for hawlucha
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262473 James, you better be grateful for this Unown. I just traded my shiny Regigigas for it. I waited so long for someone to trade it to me
Quoted By:
>>19262308 Disc goin up in a bit for male squirtle
>>19262487 God damnit Aric I was going to send him my spare.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19262485 Let me do this first
>>19262474 Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19262473 You need a few legendaries? I can touch trade all of them for you.
Quoted By:
>>19262442 Congratulations. I only finished Central Kalos.
;_; http://pastebin.com/EZJmq2bS Life sucks.
>>19262502 Mal can I have that unown? :3
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262440 I'll probably miss it just like i missed the cofabulous giveaway.
>>19262507 Kiss me, you goddamn kind guy.
Any progress with the Eevees?
>>19262514 Only if you put up a disc and post your IGN.
>>19262523 pls dont hate me ;~; Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262485 Color of your hat and the accessory on it?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19262523 If it comes to that I'll give you mine
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262487 Jesus fucking christ. You really didnt have to do that!
I knew you would take a bite, but that's tad bit too far.
Now I feel bad ;_; >>19262507 Tempting, I kinda want to own all of them.
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262529 White fedoralord with a white bow.
>>19262528 Will put a disc after I get the Hawlucha from Aric
Ign: John
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262549 Yup, that's you. Get online
>>19262550 I already sent it
Quoted By:
Holy shit shone hawlucha Thanks aric <3
>>19262528 Mal my disc is up for unown :3
Serena 1177 7541 2568
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Seeing how much you've worked tonight, Aric. Guessing you get kick out of getting them all back through trading and all that? I mean why else would you willing to throw away several shiny legendaries, especially harder to obtain one. Seriously dude, you really helped all of us out a lot. We're grateful with that. Never stop being awesome.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262592 I haven't really worked that hard. Mostly raced other people here to snipe trades
>>19262583 hey Mal, been out all day, how'd the Cofabulous giveaway go? or still tba?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262580 Also accept the second pokemon I offer you
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262253 >http://pastebin.com/QztBDuvv Discing for a Squirtle please. Any gender would do!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
There is a dude on GTS looking for level 61-70 Exploud. He's offering Yveltal for it if anyone want to snipe it.
>>19262616 It went pretty well. I ran out extremely quickly, though.
>>19262636 >implying yveltal is worth anything Its so easy to get them here
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19262618 Jesus, m8. You are like fucking santa.
I really appreciate it and i love you Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262650 Pretty sure both are hacked though so don't be too grateful. In fact I'm going with that Darkrai being 153% chance of being hacked
Quoted By:
Hi guys. To the anon who asked me for that volbeat from pokecheck: Can you link me again possibly? And provide me your name?
Quoted By:
>>19262648 After doing tons of GTS jewing, I can confirm that Zygarde is the cheapest pokemon on GTS
Hate to sound like a Jew, but does anyone happen to have a Cinccino?
Quoted By:
>>19262640 sweet, looks like it went
fabulously Anonymous
>>19262659 Aric about how many Shinys do you have?
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
>>19262659 I still appreciate it
and i still love you. James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19262672 >Cinccino I can breed one for you to level it up if you want
Quoted By:
>>19262672 I used to have a safari for it. Lemme check.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262680 My lawyer has advised me to not answer this question
>>19262685 It evolves with a shiny stone
>>19262672 Just put something else that evolves from a shiny stone on the GTS for it. That's how I got the dex entries for various stone evolutions
>>19262685 I already have a Minccino, and getting cinccino needs a stone that I just noticed a while ago a friend took from me saying it was useless, but thanks anyways
>>19262707 Just disc for a disc and I can give you a stone.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262700 >It evolves with a shiny stone Yep, just looked it up shortly after my post and realized my error.
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen
Mars (IGN Nico) 1091-8277-1696 Fire: Slugma, Growlithe, Braixen Sun 18 May 2014 04:17:57 No. 19262719 Report Quoted By:
I'm breeding penta timid froakieswith protean and Tspikes. Does anyone want one? I'm breeding right now so it'd have to be a little later. And does anyone have a HA male Dratini? I don't give a fuck about IVs.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262707 You know there are two in the game somewhere right? On Route 12, Route 18
>>19262716 Okay thanks fast man :3
Mind if I put another shit poke up? Out of discs, to lazy to go fishing and there's nothing I can trade/take discs for
>>19262729 Yeah, put up whatever. You'll have to give me a few minutes though, I'm in a battle.
Quoted By:
>>19262720 Really? Il check it out in a bit
>>19262733 Flash!
Long time no see, hope life is treating you well.
>>19262733 Alright, I put up a Stunfisk with a /vp/ message on it
>tfw masuda dont want me to hatch a cute smogon bird ;-;
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19262526 I'm working on another projects now, such as shiny Croagunk and Cottonee.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262749 You mean Fletchling?
Disc up
Patrick - 3454 - 0676 - 1633
Still on that complete dex grind, disc for Patrat up now.
>>19262743 It certainly is - just busy. How has everything been with you?
>>19262753 But I don't want to jew you again Aric, you have already helped me a lot bro Scott 4570-8911-9042
Quoted By:
Figure I may as well ask now, there seem to be lots of people with lots of stuff on. Does anybody have a HA Elgyem (with Analytic)? I'm not having any luck hunting one down.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
After some thinking, here's the current list of the pokemons I'm going to MM: 1. Slowpoke 2.Cottonee 3.Croagunk So expect lots of leftovers in the next few days. Also, which ball for shiny Slowbro? Dive Ball?
Alright now that I got that out of the way, does anyone happen to also have a female ralts?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262764 You should disc up for Watchog instead
>>19262782 Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
>>19262795 i have a fuckton with shit IVs and no egg moves
>mfw 20 boxes and i haven't gotten a single shiny Aric 2552-2302-4049
Does anyone have a pinsir with moxie and close combat?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262810 Disc going up in a moment please let me pay you someday and thanks again Anonymous
Anyone got a female relaxed sturdy bergmite with mirror coat?
Take please:
Sentret - 5 females, HA, dream ball, jolly.
Eggmoves: iron tail, covet, trick
or reversal, iron tail, trick.
Archen - only males left, jolly. Eggmoves: defog head smash, knock off switcheroo
Bunnelby - 3 females, HA, premiere ball, adamant.
Eggmoves: spikes, rollout
Skiddo - 7 females, sap sipper, nest ball, adamant, one pentaperfect.
Eggmoves: milk drink, rollout
Ekans - 1 female, HA, nest ball, adamant. Eggmoves: sucker punch, poison fang, iron tail
Cyndaquil - 1 female, repeat ball, timid.
Eggmoves: reversal, flame burst, nature power, extrasensory
Spinda - 1 female, friend ball, jolly.
Eggmvoes: fake out, encore, guard split, rapid spin.
All females unless specified.
Other leftovers:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aib40_dafTLYdEFmelpsN3VPUXlMUUxyVmM1R2xSN3c&usp=sharing Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262834 Also it doesn't have Moxie but do it anyway
>>19262848 No
Brady 5000-3915-3346
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Anyone got time to help me trade evolve couple of pokemons? Feebas - Milotic Spritzee - Aromatisse Swirlix - Slurpuff Clamperl x2 - Gorebyss and Huntail
>>19262866 I'll even if you don't want me to.
:^) Xero (Dan) 0662-4058-4151
>>19262865 Discing for Sentret. Thanks in advance
>>19262846 Mind if you just direct trade me?
Ign: John
Or I could put another shit poke
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262879 I wont accept it
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262887 Hat and accessory?
Quoted By:
>>19262745 Can you check again? Someone else may have sent you one.
>>19262876 Il do it, evolve my kadabra first tho plz
Quoted By:
>>19262891 I'll try anyway.
Thank you so much, it's awesome bro. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19262902 Beaner with a black hat and purple pins with greninja as poke
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19262914 >no IGN Ya blew it, it's too risky to do it with anon that dont have names.
Aric I said Ralts sorry for the misconception
>>19262766 Pretty good. I'm working a lot now which is nice. I've taken a break from this thread for a while to MM absol, and just got my shiny tonight! So I'll probably be back within a few days to give away the leftovers.
Are you still playing pokemon?
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262949 If I follow the chain of quotes up, John asked for a Pinsir
4570-8488-9166 [Isles]
Quoted By:
disc up, looking for haunter or gengar (pref male) not fussed about IVs etc. but an okay nature would be sweet, pls and thank you i will suck your dicks, IGN: DG
>>19262963 :D
>>19262950 I am today, to make Rynn happy. Besides that, it's probably been a couple months. Congrats on the Absol? Dream/Love? How many boxes?
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
>>19262865 I'll take a Sentret w/Reversal please
>>19262958 Im John but my phone somehow decided to reply to your quote for the other guy. Il give ya the pinsir back if you want. I need ralts
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19262983 Yes, I would like to get the correct pokemon to the people who asked
>>19262963 Sent.
She's named after Flash. >>19262979 Sent.
Quoted By:
>>19262987 There we go, thanks again Aric! All these shinys make me happy.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Does anyone happen to have a slakoth? i need him for my dex.
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
>>19262865 I'll take the Cyndaquil
>>19262968 Thank you! Took 39 boxes. Kind of insane, this is actually my first successful intentional MM since getting the charm.
I went with premier, it fits just too nicely. 17 / 31 / 31 / 0, 2 / 31 / 31. Shame about the HP but I's say it's salvageable! Plus it has its HA.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
My last request of the night before I sleep, does anyone have a Bannette, Medicham, and a Abomasnow? I'll accept first evolutions. Just want to get the last of my mega stones a owner.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263027 Too bad you missed the Chun Li giveaway
>>19263010 I do not D:
>>19263013 Oh yeah, Premier does look good. The HP isn't terrible though, it could have been much worse. What nature did you go for?
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19263032 Don't worry about it, m8. You've done enough for me already.
i'm also looking for a buneary btw. f-female because of reasons James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263040 I was so worried when the IV checker said "relatively superior," but I'm glad that special attack got the shaft.
Jolly nature. Can't wait to train her up.
I want to go for a shiny growlithe next, though I should probably give myself a break from the ride.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19263067 Mr. Breed's ride never end
Serena 1177 7541 2568
>>19263058 pls don't misunderstand
>>19263059 Disc is up.
Gosh, Aric. you are so nice. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19262854 Bumping the request. Disc is already up with the message "/vp/" on it.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263077 It's not shiny though
Serena 1177 7541 2568
Quoted By:
>>19263081 i don't mind.
This is for my dex
and for other reasons as well. Aric 2552-2302-4049
Hey James, you can't trade Manaphy on the GTS.
>>19263077 Aric is love, Aric is life
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19263091 Oh shit really? Damn.
I knew it, it was you that been sniping my requests. <3 >>19263097 Aric is based
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263108 You also don't need it for the National dex
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263108 Arceus too, you can't trade event pokemon on the GTS. Also you don't need any pokemon that was only available through events for the national dex
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19263134 I see. Hmm...alright
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263140 So you don't need Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta and Genesect
Forgot who said it, but how are people in the u.s gonna be able to obtain Diancie when the movie comes out?
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19263141 Alright. Gonna adjust the list then.
First time posting here, I hope I'm doing it right. Does anyone have a Tepig? It's the last Pokemon I need to finish my Pokebros team, I just started a new save file and I have nothing worth shit (poorfag here, no Pokebank for a while.) Just deposited a squirtle, my IGN is Bom. Thanks in advance!
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19263173 Sure, let me breed one real quick
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263176 >>19263173 Don't bother, the squirtle will go fast. Starters always do
>>19263155 wrong thread bud
>>19263185 Oh, I'd assume it wouldn't since it's a starter you get in-game.
>>19263176 Thank you so much!!
In case no one has traded it yet, it's a Lvl 1, male squirtle if that helps with finding it.
Brady 5000-3915-3346
>>19263191 Psst hey just wanted to let you know I finished my National Dex James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19263196 your IGN would have been more helpful
Quoted By:
>>19263201 In Game Name right?
>>19263173 It's Bom. Aric 2552-2302-4049
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
>>19263210 >literally .5 second away from trading it Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263220 I'm pretty sure he'd prefer the shiny though :/
>>19263220 >>19263225 >"Your Pokemon has been traded!" >get a shiny >mfw Jesus fucking Christ, thank you so, so so so much. It's literally my second shiny since a shiny tentacool in Ruby.
I'm so excited, I'm gonna cherish the fuck out of it, I love it.
Thank you so much Aric, you are a very kind person.
Thank you too James, I really do still appreciate it!
Quoted By:
>>19263250 You should've been around earlier today, shinies were being handed out like candy
IGN: porygon
Quoted By:
Looking for a HA weedle, will put a disc up after a reply, couldn't care less about ball/IVs/gender
Aric 2552-2302-4049
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
Alright gonna take a break, see you guys later and have fun. Aric, you're so based beyond our words. Thank you, I mean it.
James - 0576-3839-1103 !EZmWaFOkM6
Quoted By:
>>19263297 And take it easy with that poor sod. He have no idea what he just stepped into!
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon)
Riot 2380-3680-8066 (sandshrew,nincada,gastrodon) Sun 18 May 2014 05:43:11 No. 19263367 Report Quoted By:
I need a Ponyta, left a Luvdisc up. If anyone can help. Thanks.
Aric 2552-2302-4049
>>19263250 I'm serious, accept the trade request
>>19263369 Ah, sorry, I was supertraining!
Aric 2552-2302-4049
Quoted By:
>>19263412 Go to the new thread