Welcome to the Pokémon animé discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Next episode:
>XY28: Enter Champion Diantha! Mega Gardevoir in Mist!! [May 22nd] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ Ash's desire for a battle with Champion Diantha, the strongest Trainer in the Kalos region, bears fruit! But how will the match end!? And is Diantha's Gardevoir mega evolving!?
Upcoming episodes:
>Mega Mega 1-Hour Special - XY29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! & XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! [May 29th] >XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! [June 5th] >XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! [June 12th] >XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! [June 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're heading into Mega Evolution territory and meeting glorious Korrina.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? Her voice actress is currently suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, and it is unlikely the production staff would write in an unneeded cameo knowing they'd have to replace the actor for it.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release around Tuesday.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer!
>Muh episode 24 when? Who knows? According to CN's backdoor schedule the dub isn't skipping it, but this schedule isn't meant for the public to see, and thus most likely just not up to date.
>Old Thread >>19291982
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Episode 27 RAW:
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=554503 Episode 26 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_026_Peroppuff_and_Peroream!!_A_Sweet_Fight_Gets_Anything_But_Sweet![H264_720P][AE3F2E7A].mkv.torrent
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_BW_Movie_3_Short_-_Pikachu_and_its_Eievui_Friends[H264_1080P][74D483A5].mkv.torrent
>Satoshi's desire for a battle with Champion Carne, the strongest Trainer in the Kalos region, bears fruit! But how will the match end!? And is Carne's Sirknight mega evolving!? >Summary: >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends learn that Champion Carne, the strongest Trainer here in the Kalos region, will take part in an exhibition match at the Pokémon battle tournament being held there. Satoshi heads to the tournament grounds and requests a battle with Carne, but is told that she is not receiving. However, Professor Platane happens to come by, intending to request Carne's help with his research on Mega Evolution, and he helps Satoshi get to meet her. >And then, Satoshi's wish for a Pokémon battle with Carne comes true! But how will the match end!? And is Carne's Sirknight mega evolving!? Anonymous
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UPCOMING SHIT: POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 33: (May 25th)>Lots of Digda! / Today We're Showing 'PokéTV Continent', where We Follow the Two PokéTV Representatives Aiming for the 'Pokémon WCS 2014' as they Challenge the 'PGL Japan Cup 2014'! (will have preview of the new ending theme) XY 29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! (May 29th)>While visiting a new town, Ash and friends are suddenly apprehended by Jenny and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Ash, Bonnie and Serena doing dine and dashing. Ash and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for the culprits. XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! (May 29th)>Ash and friends suddenly get challenged to a battle by a girl named Korrina and her partner Pokémon Lucario. Ash accepts and sends out Pikachu, but even it struggles against Lucario's overwhelming power. It then turns out Korrina is the leader of Shalour Gym, the group's next destination. But what is her true aim behind this battle? XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! (June 5th)>A Blaziken lies in wait inside a cave said to house a Mega Stone! XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! (June 12th)>Korrina's Mega Lucario is unable to control its enormously powerful Aura, and goes wild!! XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! (June 19th)>Korrina and Lucario need to undergo a new trial. For this purpose, they set off towards the Must Mountains together with Ash and his friends. Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Unknown airdate)
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Pikachu is looking mad cute these days
>implying amourshipping will become canon >implying ashy-boy will win the league
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>>19296353 >Did the rest of you hate the loli princess' dub voice as much as I did? It seemed alright to me. Had that feel of snobbery and childishness.
But then again, I have low standards for dub voices. Anonymous
>>19296510 When Hell freezes over and Family Guy is cancelled.
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>>19296490 Sometimes you just gotta believe.
>>19296517 But it WAS cancelled, Anon. It just came crawling back later. Juuuust like Brian.
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ashbowl theme where?
>>19296511 Okay,set aside all bias and be honest with me;
Is this legit? Anonymous
>>19296517 Well it's been cancelled quite a few times before
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Adyniz was here, moot is a faggot.
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>>19296538 No, it's a photoshop.
>>19296538 Fake, Luke was shopped in. We're still not sure about Hawlucha, though, because that one is real.
Reminder that Korrina is a gold digging fame whore only traveling with Ash to steal his poke bonding techniques to mega evolve her aura dog.
Post yfw this tall bastard turns out to be Ash's ancestor.
>>19296656 Post yfw
this tall bastard is acutally Ash's ancestor. Haz 0130-2571-6204
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>>19296585 I still would let her
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>>19296585 You mean only to keepu da Clemont
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>>19296585 She also stealing Ash's Serena-flavor Poke Puffs
At what point did the BW anime become disappointing?
Which Kanto hero has the best chance to sweep Ash? Easy Mode: Unova Ash Hard Mode: Sinnoh Ash Dante Must Die Mode: Champion Ash bringing the best of the best.
>>19296771 around the time that first team plasma episode got cancelled because of the earthquake.
Before that I actually enjoyed BW because it was nicely paced and had very few typical filler CoTD episodes
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>>19296771 When Ash lost to a rookie trainer and his snivy. That was a sign of the bullshit to come.
>>19296780 I think Origins Red might actually get fucked up since Ash would be using anime tactics during their battle.
>>19296771 >>19296788 This.
The first 40 episodes of B/W weren't bad. In fact it was better than AG in my opinion. Ash was a rookie again, but it was still okay. Team Rocket was competent and it was fucking cool.
Threadly reminder that Shutterbug waifu will win the Ashbowl (and Valerie can share, I guess because dubs said so last thread).
>"Can Pokémon even move like this?!"
>>19296911 And also because your dubs said so.
>>19296915 When is the Super Training episode
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>>19296927 We Inazuma 11 and Hajime No Ippo now?
Watch out for TCPi, The Pokemon Company International The public enemy of Pokemon Fans #1 He is the main responsible for... Max The shutdown of Wii and DS wi-fi severs The shutdown of Powersave The return of Team Rocket RP threads The wottergate scandal The fairygate scandal Denial of transfer of pokemon from Gen2 to Gen3 Hostile takeover of Pokemon USA Hostile takeover of Pokemon Europe Forcing foreign dubs to use their own version of the anime rather than the Japanese version DeSmuME never working Genetic anti-aging experiments on recently licensed trainer, Ash Ketchum Orchestrating the defeat of Ash Ketchum in the Sinnoh League Ash Ketchum never winning a league Holding /a/non scanlations' hostage to prevent Pokemon Special translations The storyboard for the Best Wishes anime Successful assassination of casinos in Pokemon Games Successful assassination of the Pokemon Coliseum games Successful assassination of the Pokemon Stadium Games Successful assassination of the Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma arc Successful assassination of 4Kids Attempted assassination of /vp/ (ongoing) Attempted assassination of Team Special Scans (ongoing) Attempted assassination of fansubbing through LucarioPK subs Preventing Pokemon Special from ever being adapted into an anime
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>>19296923 Well fuck me. Shutterdubs once in each thread.
>>19296780 >Origins Ash is literally "that kid" Anonymous
>>19296940 >Attempted assassination of fansubbing through LucarioPK subs All their sins are forgiven
>>19296845 >half of Team Origin could be KO by Shades Croc Stone Edge Anonymous
>>19296911 What about her sister?
>>19296780 Red from the Adventures manga could definitely pull it off no matter which Ash we're talking about. That guy does some pretty crazy shit even by that manga's standards. He also managed to beat an Elite Four member, which Ash always seems to fail at.
I'm also tempted to give a possible victory to Origins Red just by virtue of Mewtwo. But, like
>>19296845 said, the fact that he seems to fight based mostly on game mechanics makes it kinda difficult to discuss.
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>>19296531 >>19296548 I meant cancelled and never brought back.
>>19296949 Krookodile can beat up Mewtwo too. Get wrecked by BW Ash, Red.
how do i git gud at anime battling
>>19296967 Krookodile had shivs, led a street gang and all bout dat thug life. He was the blackest pokemon ever.
>>19296952 Well, Valerie would only be a glorified pet considering she just wants to be a Pokemon. Viola gets all the dickings. I'm sure Alexa could get a couple bones thrown her way every once in a while.
>>19296854 >we're not at 40 yet oh no
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>>19297002 What about Blacky?
>>19297011 But she'll want to be like Bayleef, Latias, and Meloetta.
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>>19296990 You don't, I think it's funny that people on here think they could beat Ash in an "anime mechanic " Pokémon battle with their super duper smogon strategums.
Not having a dig a smogon, so don't spit your dummy out.
>>19296780 This is the strongest Red
>>19297027 >He friendzoned them all Anonymous
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>>19297016 >Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely...
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
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>>19297037 man..charizard looks like ass in smash
>>19297042 Sometimes you just gotta be aggressive.
>>19297016 Motherfucker, this is XY we're talking about. Shit's been raising the bar so much that at worst it'll become AG/Sinnoh tier.
>>19297037 No. This is the strongest Red.
>>19297059 >blood red Redgy
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>>19297056 >No Bayleef I said assertive, not insertive Anonymous
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>>19296854 >The first 40 episodes of B/W weren't bad I remember facepalming with Trip and Iris straight away. The 2nd gym loss and the Ducklett episode were also shit.
>>19296957 >beating an E4 Origins and Zensho E4s are cakewalks compare to Special/Ashnimu E4s. Though Origins E4 might be the weakest since Team Origin is made up of a piss weak Jolteon, Persian, a Scyther and Dodrio.
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>>19297114 Not enough Regi
Would you niggas sympathize with Frenchie if the genders are reversed? Or would you call him an /rk9/ faggot?
>>19297225 So why is femAsh fat?
>>19297225 >dat belly pudge I think I would still. Thinking about it, things would be so radically different if Ash was originally a girl.
>>19297059 Wrong again. This is the strongest Red.
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>>19297037 >They can be beaten with farts top kek
>>19297263 It'd be one big old reverse harem anime with cute magical creatures?
>>19297268 Wrong, this is the strongest Red, with THE POWER OF SCIENCE AND MAGNETISM
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>>19297225 Probably a mix of both.
Just make Ashley super dense and make
Sereno a bit more suave.
>>19296854 Even before the TR vs TP banned episode, people were already bitching about the saga.
Ash losing to a fucking new trainer
Ash throwing a pokeball without weakening the pokemon first
I recall reading an anon's post about how BW was a saga that focused more on the side characters than Ash himself. Ash lost every single battle tournament, and his development was put aside for Iris, Cilan, and the crapton of rivals the trio had.
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>>19297205 You're right about the Zensho and Origins E4 being pushovers, but I was referring to the fact that Pokemon Special's incarnation of Red beat a member of the E4 in a fair, one-on-one battle ("Adventures" being the English name for "Special"). The way I see it, that's a very impressive feat, considering everyone else who takes on an E4 member during that arc needs outside help to win - mostly by facing them two-on-one. I'd actually say you could make the argument that the Special/Adventures E4 is the strongest out of any continuity.
As far as Origins Red goes, the only things that really make him any sort of threat are Mewtwo and Mega 'Zard X.
>>19297310 With Cilan it wasn't so bad. He'd tie up with Ash's main goal and what not. Even then, Cilan got put aside more in favor of Iris.
truteal !hlnuDLeBD2
>>19297258 Pregnant with Maleangie's baby
>>19297282 Go back to sleep, person most likely from Texas or Alabama.
>>19297320 I'm mexican.
They're thin, because being fat is gross.
Checkmate feminist.
>>19297339 And even after all that, neither Ash's companions or the rivals got closure.
BW felt like a waste of time in that regard. In the end, nothing happened.
>>19297320 because fat girls aren't appealing for fan service
Im surprise they gave bianca those sexy juicy hips
>>19297302 No this is the strongest Red
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>>19297352 >Being a communist sympathizer Commie pls go
>>19296940 So TPCi is Diaz?
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>>19297373 Being honest, the only one I feel got the closest thing to closure was Stephan.
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>>19297399 No, this is the strongest Red.
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>>19297346 >Not Male Bayleef Anonymous
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>>19297057 AG definitely, but I don't think it can reach DP levels without at least one rival and a strong ongoing villain plot. DP wouldn't have been as amazing as it was without J, Galactic and Paul.
I have no doubt that Flare will deliver when they finally show up, but Ash beating Gym Leaders with no sense of him competing against others can only do so much. Luckily there are strong possibilies for Sanpei or Alan to fill that in.
>>19296678 So Ash and Lysandre are distantly related?
>>19296585 I hate her outfit, her hair and her fucking face
>>19297425 I think you're the first person to get the reference.
Also, no, but TCPi works for Daiz.
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>>19297497 Yes.
Then Ash finds out and will feel conflicted about fighting a distant relative. Anonymous
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>>19297527 Couldn't agree with you more anon.
>>19297527 You're right. She's perfect for Clemont.
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>>19297608 >Literally every country but Japan airing the episode Two bombs were not enough.
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>>19297258 because she fucking eats a lot, don;t you watch the anime?
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>>19297608 >Get that Hawlucha >Ash the Worthy Trainer Anonymous
>>19297225 Alright niggas, serious question time. How do you feel the Ash/Serena subplot is going to end? Take into consideration it's the most hyped, and promoted "romance" this series has seen (and is apparently very popular in Japan). But also consider that Ash (Pikachu, and TR) are the only characters that are allowed to cross into a new generation. So is Ash/Serena going to:
>Serena confesses halfway through the saga (or realizes Ash doesn't want the V), but Ash turns her down and she becomes focused on her goal soley with no romance subplot >Same as above, but keeping a romance subplot for her...only having her fall in love with Drew 2.0 or Clemont/Citron (with Bonnie helping him "Keepu"). >She tries to confess at the very end of the saga, but Ash thinks she's just talking about friendship and she doesn't press the issue any further. >She doesn't confess, because she feels it would get in the way of his goal, thereby just parting as great friends >Ash tells her he'll return for her, aka he reciprocates. Anonymous
>>19297497 >Ash gets kidnapped by Lysandre >Used in ritual to revive king's evil brother who now possesses his body via Aegislash >Evil brother now summons Yveltal to take over kalos with threats of total destruction Someone continue.
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>>19297608 lol no
>Hawlucha capture in XY35, which was slated to air after the movie's premiere Giant red flag right there
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>>19297608 >Shalour's Hero Goes Missing... >Get that Hawlucha! >Ash the Worthy Trainer >Ash's Big Battle with Clemont! Anonymous
>>19297656 From an Landlubber point of view, this is properly the best ending.
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>>19297673 >ash loses his vital energy >xernas is revived >serena begs for ash to revive >xernas ain't buying it >serena promises to give up her "love" >she is left an empty shell for the ash Anonymous
>>19297727 Fuck off cunt. We don't need this bullshit negativity here. Go fag things up elsewhere.
I'm sorry anon. I'm just made because that sounds very plausible and it's not the ending I want. Anonymous
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>>19297656 Honestly, I don't even know how it'll end. They're teasing it hard. Even worse that Ash invited Serena along, which probably made people flip their shit.
Now, aside from that...
>Punchy Shalour Battle Shit's going to become DBZ
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>>19297810 Nigga, it beats GeekChic and Drew 2.0. Take what you can get.
I'm sorry. Anonymous
>>19297656 ash wins the league, marries serena, pokemon ends and the ride is forever finished
>>19297891 Nice fanfiction m8. What's next? Pikachu is the family dog?
>>19297656 I dunno, i think it depends alot of Serena right now. I don't think the writers have the balls to make Ash in a relationship.
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>>19297923 yeah that's good too
>>19297970 We thought they didn't have the balls for a lot of things, and now look where we are.
>>19298028 Like what?
The most realistic answer to the question of how it ends is that Serena simply never acts, but when she leaves she swears to get better so she can impress him. Classic unrequited/unable to confess crush story.
Then she returns in Gen 7 and still only has Fennekin. Anonymous
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>>19298028 >>19298124 To be fair I thought Hunter J, Paul, Giovanni vs Ash will never happened in the animu.
Spills Spicy Tortellini over Gen 7 gurl Anonymous
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>>19297656 They'll probably kiss or something right before Ash leaves.
>>19298028 I guess I don't have enough faith in the writers to give this a satisfying conclusion. Other than Misty, Serena is the only other main girl who had a "romantic" subplot/interest with him. I don't know if it being pushed early on in the saga is a good or bad sign really.
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>>19298243 I want it to happen, but I'm not exactly holding my breath.
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>>19298243 Probably a good sign. The Misty romance shit was so understated it seemed the writers forgot it was supposed to be there half the time.
>>19297727 I thinks that this is the most viable end for the romantic subplot in XY. No "Drew 2.0", and maintains the status quo.
My feels ;_; Anonymous
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>>19298409 Killing Hunter J for one.
What if Gen 7/8 Gurl won da Ash Bowl? How would you amourfags handle it?
>>19298385 Despite how popular it is, I feel the writers would more likely end it in NTR (technically his first), with Drew redux, or Clemont, than keeping it throughout the entire saga to ultimately give it a good end like that Anon posted.
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>>19296949 ALL of Team Origin is fucked up by Shades Croc alone.
>rock the Dragon >three birds, one stone >Dark-type versus Gengar and Mewtwo when Anime logic lets it dodge with Dig and shit >>19297528 Does that mean /a/ needs to merge /vp/'s TPCi pasta with the Diaz one?
>>19298409 Making Ash lose a 6v5 league battle against an idiot because of a Lucario asspull.
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>>19298428 Ash actually falling in love with her, you mean?
I'd quite like that Anonymous
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>>19298428 Depends on her character, to be honest.
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>>19298428 Quite frankly, if they fuck up with Ash/Serena I won't have hope for ANY Ash pairing.
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Huh. That's weird. How come we weren't informed that Alan would be in that upcoming Disney movie?
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>>19298428 It'd hurt like a bitch since I like Serena, but well. It became canon, there'd be no way of getting around it.
>>19298428 what if serena is the one that wins the ash
what if this is the final solo ash season
next season serena and ash travel together
ash gets a rival for serena's affection
>>19298429 I feel that the "possibility NTR" is real. Is very suspicious the close bond between Serena and Bonnie/Eureka and that the little girl looking a wife for her old brother, and no "keepu" for Serena, yet.
>>19298490 Keep dreaming.
Amourshipping is only there to sell toys and get ratings, which is why it's all over every advertisement but rarely outright shown in the series. I think most of us are aware of that. NTR is an equally unlikely end. It's just Serena's quirk and will simply leave without major fanfare - meaning no dramatic confession - when she goes. If it ends some other way I'd rather be pleasantly surprised instead of expecting something unrealistic and being disappointed.
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>>19298543 I feel that's the easiest, and worst way for the writers to pussy out on this ship. I hate to think that the only reason they didn't add an older figure in the group this time was ultimately so they could easily have someone to toss Serena to at the end.
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maybe ash is just waiting on you to fix your pathetic life before he goes somewhere in his
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>>19298584 Of the 27 episodes so far, around 10 have had spaghetti...so it's not that rare.
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>>19298584 well if im just gonna be realistic the serena arc might just end with a gift from serena to ash its just nice to imagine that the series would take a really big left turn
To go completely off topic, what did you anons think of Professor Rowan in the anime?
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>>19297320 Because nobody wants to look at fat people
no seriously
go to google image, type in beautiful women and see how many fat chicks come up
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>>19298740 He was awesome. Should've had more screentime.
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>>19298740 He could have used that Drayden beard.
"Hey Ash, how do you plan on fighting my big brother when we get back to Lumiose City?"
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Is anyone else hyped for Ash vs Aryan Bill Nye? Personally I think it will end in a draw a la Maylene with Ash still getting the badge
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>>19298919 Why am I imagining Mariya Ise speaking English when I read that?
Hawlucha capture: before or after the gym battle?
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>>19298987 The movie premieres July 19th, the capture will happen before that.
Hey everyone! The dub of the Malamar episode is airing this Saturday! And I couldn't care less because the dub is a piece of shit.
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>>19299049 So uh.
What was your point then?
I'm interested in finding out what Malamar's voice will be like though, that laugh too. Anonymous
>>19298919 >Lumiose gym battle is when it finally clicks to her that Serena likes Ash >she tries doing the KEEPU for Serena Seriously though, think they might do anything with the two paths that lead out of Lumiose to Laverre City and Dendemille Town?
>>19299078 >Satoshi! Serena-oneechan wo s'il-vous-plaît! Anonymous
>>19299137 I'd honestly expect her to do that to Serena for Clemont before Serena for Ash.
Millefeui is the only one to pick up on the Serena's spaghetti for w/e reason. I guess they don't want to make the group dynamics to awkward?
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>>19299049 I'm really curious as to how this Malamar storyline is going to play out.
The room that it blew up before escaping was creepy as shit with all those growth things.
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>>19299222 Alexa sort of picked up on it.
>>19299222 She suspects something
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>>19296441 Who will keepu desu da Pikachu?
>>19299258 They were just wondering why Serena was so worried about the battle even though she wasn't battling. And she just called Serena "weird", after Serena explained herself. That hardly suggest she knows.
Alexa might, but she didn't bring it up in the Aurorus episode. So eh.
>>19299312 >Alexa might, but she didn't bring it up in the Aurorus episode. She sort of did.
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>>19299336 All I remember is her commenting on was how Serena decided to travel with the group, and Serena just gave some generic answer, like it's been fun or alot has happened.
That's about it.
Why wouldn't Serena just follow Ash to the next region anyway? Not like she has a goal herself or anything. Getting in Ash's way didn't stop Misty from going to Johto with him.
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>>19299572 If the next region is like...Poke Italy or something, I can see her sticking around.
>>19299637 Poke Euro-Trip?
>>19299637 She can always just wear new clothes and call herself the new female. P-Pls. ;_;
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>>19296572 Ash has a Hawlucha in the manga, and it will cause Ash to lose his first ever movie battle.
>>19299672 Honestly, that's more or less what I expect to happen for the next gen in the games. They'll find some bullshit justification for sending the Champion of Kalos to start over as a rookie in a new region
hint: it's the fact that you're an International Police agent after the Looker missions and it'll go from there.
It'll be an elaborate way of making your wardrobe transfer over from Gen VI. Obviously, male trainers will not be able to use this feature. Anonymous
What if the whole battle with Ritchie ended like in EOTP?>Disobedient Charizard > Zippo is now Charly the fully evolved Zard > the nigga nearly murdered Charly > ETOP Ash forfeits because he felt guilty about Charley Granted this is far too edgy, even by Special's standards. But something similar right?
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>>19299669 Well, last episode hinted at a Poke Austria/Germany...
Hey guys I just had a bottle of wine and missed the last day or so - did I miss anything particularly important?
>>19299823 Nope. Just the Nintendo WFC shutting down.
But on a more serious note, why did you drink a full bottle of wine?
>>19299727 i didn't know Pokemon could bleed like that
Did he died?
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>>19299823 XY27 just got subbed.
Also, we got some new summaries for the Korrina arc episodes, they're in the Upcoming Shit post.
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>>19299847 Thankfully no. However if this was Special, it would been a different conclusion.
>>19299721 >>19299672 >>19299572 They have to be building up to something other than max friendzoning by Ash, after the Milliefeui comment r-right?
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>>19299836 If you're opening up a bottle of wine you might as well finish it, that's what I always say.
>>19299823 What kind of wine anon? I'm Sitting at home enjoying some Argentinean Cab
>>19299872 >drinking wine Get yourself some beer, faggot.
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>>19299872 Some red wine of varying quality. Wasn't a whole bottle at once, more like a bottle in seven or eight glasses from three different bottles.
>>19299836 I had to deal with some srs bzns that was better dealt with drunkish.
It went over really well actually. Now I can go to sleep watching sappy Pokemon videos while slightly drunk, so it's a perfect day more or less.
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>>19299669 >Nude beach >Serena takes her top off >Train ride >Tucker is back and keeps saying "scusi" >Bonnie and Clemont come too >Eastern Pokepean club >Siblings make out >captcha: fughol law Anonymous
>>19299897 Beer tastes like piss, you are the faggot.
>>19299865 I think Ash will mega evolve and fuck the status quo. All of this is happening for a reason.
Even if everyone else is going to stick with their realistic expectations, I will be that kid with mindless optimism. It's more fun this way. Anonymous
>>19299897 >>19299919 Let's not get into alcohol wars now.
besides Whiskey's better Anonymous
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>>19299932 >besides Whiskey's better mah African American
>>19299865 I'm banking on this ending in the strongest platonic relationship in the series after Ash + Pikachu.
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The power of pussy will lead Ash to warp mega evolving Pikachu at the league with his new found manliness.
>>19299923 Just for the hell of it, how would Ash react to his Kalosian fame? [Hopefully, better than X from Special.]
>>19300048 I guess we'll really find out when everybody in the audience starts cheering for him during the league.
>>19299942 Ash wouldn't friendzone a qt in love with him would he? Especially if she came out about it. He's not that cold...p-pls.
Ash will catch Hawlucha in XY30 Fletchling will evolve in XY32
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>>19300081 It not so much him being cold as it is him being unable to feel romantic love.
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>>19300125 [citation needed]
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>>19300069 That hadn't been done since Kanto, I think.
>>19299865 >I like Ash, but I have a dream >Episode about her deciding what to do >Eventually decides to follow that dream, but makes Ash promise that they'll meet again >Probably something like "Next time we meet, I'll be a master somethingsomething and you'll be a Pokemon Master!" >Is never seen again, save a random cameo in next season Search your heart, you know this to be true.
Why was croagunk always jamming his fingers up brocks ass?
>>19300195 Because someone has to fill Misty's role.
>>19300156 >implying Ash won't take her by her hand while she is stuttering and blushing and shit and force her onto the plane to Kanto and then again off to the next region Anonymous
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>>19300156 >I have a dream Get out of here, MLK.
>>19300206 Does Diancie want the Ash?
>>19300208 Nice try Serena.
>>19300206 Go away Shaymin 2.0.
Diancie, Meloetta, and Reshiram should be female only!
>>19300200 >mfw I just realized croagunk wants the ash Anonymous
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>>19300239 >not liking rock fairy waifu Anonymous
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>>19300250 >Reshiram Now it getting Bulbapedo tier shipping in here.
>>19300252 The toad obviously wants the Brock. Why the constant cockblocking?
At the end of the XY series, do you think there will be an all-out brawl to see who will get the Ash once and for all?Serena VS Alexa VS Bayleef VS Viola VS Diancie VS Millefeui?
>>19300281 no it all end with misty and sword sticks and what not
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>>19300281 >implying Bonnie won't win Anonymous
>>19300323 She's the one who's going to ultimately win the Ashbowl at the end of the series.
>>19300281 In honesty I can only see any kind of competitiveness between Serena and Millefeui, though that depends on what Millefeui's real intentions are (fuck da Ash or just get on Serena's case)
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>>19300377 I think Ash's mom will win Ash
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>>19300377 Ash's mom is fucking hot. Good choice.
Summary for the Mega Mega special is up:>Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region where encounters with new Pokémon and friends are waiting for them.... as is the greatest mystery of their journey: Exactly what is the further evolution of Pokémon, "Mega Evolution"? >"Ta-da! A Fake Satoshi Appears!!" >There's another Satoshi!? >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends are suddenly apprehended by Junsa and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Satoshi, Serena and Eureka doing dine and dashing. Satoshi and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for these evil criminals. >"Corni and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!!" >Satoshi and friends gain a new travelmate!? >Satoshi and friends, who are on their way to Shala City, end up befriending Shala Gym's Gym Leader Corni and her Lucario!? A new adventure starts, with the goal being to make Lucario mega evolve into Mega Lucario!! >We will also have the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special! Why do TV Tokyo hate voice cast lists so much?
>>19300382 Not sure why some people are still unsure of Millefeui's "threat". There was nothing in the episode to indicate, that she fell for Ash. It's pretty clear she saw Serena's reaction to her asking Ash the bride question, and told her to stop being beta in a round-about way.
>tfw I can't look at Diancie without thinking its taking a massive turd from under its skirt
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>>19300250 They don't have biological genders.
They're whatever they identify as.
And Reshiram clearly identifies as having a giant dragon dick. So suck it. Anonymous
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>>19300195 He likes it. He even chuckles whenever he fists Brock's ass.
>tfw enjoy Clemont being the new traveling partner but enjoyed the chemistry between Croagunk and Brock >Clemont barely uses Chespin and we've seen Bunnelby like 2 or 3 times Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19300400 Maybe they got some popular seiyuu to voice Diantha and Korrina and are keeping them a surprise?
OLM and Game Freak, please get Kana Hanazawa. Anonymous
>>19300409 In all honesty I haven't seen it yet
>>19300400 man Corni is an awful name
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>>19300411 Oh god, can't unsee.
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>>19300377 Ah, you mean one of Tracy's mistresses.
>>19300431 yeah, it's kinda
corny Anonymous
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>>19300431 It's a pun on cornichon.
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>>19300382 everyone wants the ash no exceptions
So there was a Serebii thread recently where question was asked on whom Ash should pursue as a wife. I think the poll results were Serena: 15 Misty: 14 Dawn: 5 May: 3 and Iris: 1 or something like that. Your thoughts on it?
>>19300430 This is the scene, nothing in Millefeui's face suggest she's serious. She doesn't even make any gesture at Ash afterwards.
>>19300481 >there are still Pokehippers in this day and age Anonymous
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>>19300489 that spaghetti says a thousand words
>Muh skrelp episode >Serena and Ash left alone together >Wild Luvdiscs appear >Serena checks her pokedex for Luvdisc >"Luvdisc the Rendezvous Pokemon. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokemon will be blessed with an eternal love." >Looks at Ash >They blush
>>19300491 What the fuck is a Pokehipper?
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>>19300491 Please don't make fun of us anon
It hurts too much
>>19300481 Hardldly surprising. On Pixiv Ash/Serena ha more fan-art and views that a lot of the Ash/main girl ships....and those have been around since the site started in 2007. While Ash/Serena has only been around like 7 months.
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>>19300524 hipster ass faggots
>>19300517 >yfw the dub will play air it before the sub IF the sub ever airs it >Hearing to Serena's sexy dub voice and Clemont's voice (which isn't that bad) If Funimation were to take control of the dub, would they bring back Veronica taylor?
>>19300481 How the fuck did anyone vote Iris?
It was Lorde, wasn't it? Anonymous
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>>19296441 im just now getting into the anime again, i hated B/W Iris was a little bitch and Ash was a fucking retard during the whole thing, but with XY i cant wait to see what happens.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19300555 Maybe because it is newer and more pandering?
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>>19300400 >police can't say the differences between the TRio disguised as Ash & cia and the real group >they see a floating Pikachu with a funny permanent face and just assume it is real I always knew the Pokémon police was
crap , but that's over the line, holy shit.
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>>19300517 Amourshippers are so delusional.
>>19300481 To be fair, there was actually some good points being raised by some posters as to why certain person was voted. Obviously the popular choice of nowadays is Serena but others picked Misty and Dawn because they saw them as better fit and having a closer bond with Ash.
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This fucking episode
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>>19300578 I-I'm not Adyniz though. I just want Veronica Taylor back.
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>>19300572 Well yeah, hence why I said it wasn't surprising. You don't have to fish for evidence like you do with most of the Ash/Main girl ships.
>>19300595 Dawn belongs to another
>>19297528 Ehh, I thought it was obvious.
Are you telling me that if I posted the Gateway anime pasta or ken-sama, it wouldn't be recognized by most people?
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>>19300722 why is Dawn being so aggressive
>>19300491 Overall, the idea of Ash/Serena seems much better received there, than here. To my knowledge I haven't seen any of them complain about it. I see far less talk about Pokeshipping, on there twitters and 2chan. I don't really see how you can support a ship that has been inactive for 8 years. There's still some keep-away stuff naturally, but not as bad as here.
>>19300767 There's a very real chance of that being the case, yes.
Truth be told, /vp/ is a gateway board to 4chan. Namefagging (with your FC) isn't frowned upon as harshly as it is on other boards, for one, and a board dedicated to Pokemon doesn't seem like it couldn't possibly be all that bad compared to the horror stories some may have heard about 4chan. During hype periods, /vp/ is probably the least cancerous place to go for speculating on what's coming next. Anonymous
>>19300798 It only seems so because we can easily say "you're a taste a shit" or troll willy nilly without fear of reprisals from mods unlike Serebii where you are forced to use board etiquette lest you get banned.
Also, Misty a shit. A SHIT!
>>19300489 >tfw she only does it to get Serena flustered >tfw Millefeui is only after Serena >Millefeui NTR's Serena from da Ash. Anonymous
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>>19300904 Get friends who are mods, anon. You'll never get banned.
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>>19300904 I'm actuallyreferring to Japan boards and shit, not Serebii
>>19300904 you guys react way too easily to b8 though
any Pokeshipping, Irisfagging or some such is guaranteed replies. it's no wonder Savior does what he does to these threads, I bet he actually is an Amourshipper but does it just because he knows he'll get bites
>>19300875 >Namefagging (with your FC) isn't frowned upon as harshly as it is on other boards I thought you guys only did that on giveaway/trade/etc. threads where those were actually useful. Ithink most people on most boards are okay with namefagging a long as it doesn't boil down to just attention whoring.
> doesn't seem like it couldn't possibly be all that bad Damn, son. It got me several minutes to decipher the double negative.
I only come to /vp/ for the anime threads and the occasional image dumps. Although I only just got back to playing it recently, so I might actually be around in hype threads for ORAS/Z/Gen VII provided that I don't quit again. Anonymous
>>19300983 >got took
You can probably tell English isn't my first language.
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>>19300994 Nah, you're good, I fucked up a bit. It's time for me to sleep.
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>>19300935 ....oh mah Arceus
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>>19300957 >reported the hype threads >all for the lels Mistyfag shitposting is one thing. Actually going that far is worse than being autistic.
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>>19301038 Holy fuck, Xerneas is huge!
>>19301038 About 4 foot 6 or so.
>>19301085 Pretty tall by Jap standards.
>>19301113 Not really? That's the average height of a boy his age. I would think people would know by now that the average height of an adult in Japan is only like 5 cm shorter than murrica.
>>19301327 it's a joke anon
a joke about asians being manlets
>>19301327 Height isn't everything. Ash makes up for it by being absurdly strong.
Inb4 Ash carrying larvitar pic
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>>19301366 Ash fucking fights Mewtwo and Lucario. The kid is dangerous.
Who do you suppose will be the guest voices in the dub of M17?
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>>19301353 A joke would be something like "Oh so he's a behemoth amongst Jappers?" Making a simple statement like that just made it come off as a generally ignorant statement.
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>>19301366 Ash is your standard shonen hero. He's an easygoing friendly guy who has absurd strength, a voracious appetite, and is constantly focused on becoming stronger.
>>19301404 Gilbert Gotfried as Diancee
>>19301412 I hear if you kill yourself you become reincarnated into the Pokémon world
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>>19301412 Wi-fi is down, bro. You're too late.
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>>19301412 You were born just in time for the waifu age my friend, soon augmented reality will have you feel Serena's warmth, the softness of her warm locks, and the songs of her heartbeat as it calls for you.
>>19300578 Is this our new maymay? Call anyone that supports the dub Adyniz?
>>19301453 No, Adyniz is that faggot pretending the dub will air XY24 before Japan.
>>19301404 Colleen Clinkenbeard as Marilyn Flame
Sean Schemmel as Ninja Riot
Cristina Vee as Diancie
Eileen Stevens as Millis
J. Michael Tatum as Argus
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>>19301476 So, yes then? Because that's what you're implying.
>watching episodes starting in Hoenn where I stopped many years ago between episodes of XY coming out >mfw all the contest episodes I didn't think they could make this show more bullshit than some of the more ridiculous gym battles, but I find it really hard to believe May wins anything when she barely ever trains and basically just wings it every single contest. Like the one where she goes up against the kid with the Dusclops, Skitty gets hit like 5 times and only loses a bit of its bar each time, Dusclops misses one hyper beam and he loses like half his bar. Like, what the fuck? Just watched the one where she uses Bulbasaur for the first time and it was the most believable contest since the first one where she got whooped by Drew.
>>19301483 >Funi voices >in muh Pokemon Dohohohohohohoho
>http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Turner_Broadcasting_press_site_removes_24th_XY_episode_from_the_schedule >The English episode title for the 24th episode of XY series has now been removed from the Turner Broadcasting's official press site. >On May 20, the respective press site posted the monthly schedule for Cartoon Network for the month of June. The schedule listed An Undersea Place to Call Home!'s English airing, which was replaced with Climbing the Walls! the following day. >Due to a minor typo in the schedule, the confirmed air dates will be announced later. EAT SHIT ADYNIZ
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>>19301492 May neglected her torchic too. Then didn't really care about it until it evolved. That was pretty shitty of her.
>>19301483 muh johnny yong bosch
muh troy baker
>>19301507 This is the backdoor schedule as it appeared when Adyniz first discovered it.
Revise the OP again. Adamant cocksucking continues, more at 11.
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>>19301483 I've been thinking Sean Schemmel as Argus, Rebecca Soler as Millis, Karen Strassman as Marilyn Flame, Sean Reyes as Ninja Riot, Kate Higgins as Diancie, Bill Tost, Parker Anderson, Kerry Williams and David Humphrey as the Carbink, and Emlyn Morinelli as Xerneas.
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>>19301529 >ever doubting based Adamant Anonymous
>>19301498 it's been happening since the end of DP.
J. Michael Tatum, Vic McNuggets, Cristina Vee, Leah Clark and some others have all appeared. Every movie since the Victini one has had at least one, they had Tatum and Clark in Victini, Vic in Keldeo and Yuko Minaguchi in Genesect.
>>19301514 Johnny Yong Bosch was Brock in the Origins dub, which used entirely Funi VAs.
>>19301597 >Cristina Vee has appeared When?
Mami Kawada Lover