Welcome to the Pokémon animé discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Next episode:
>XY28: Enter Champion Diantha! Mega Gardevoir in Mist!! [May 22nd] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ Ash's desire for a battle with Champion Diantha, the strongest Trainer in the Kalos region, bears fruit! But how will the match end!? And is Diantha's Gardevoir mega evolving!?
Upcoming episodes:
>Mega Mega 1-Hour Special - XY29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! & XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! [May 29th] >XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! [June 5th] >XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! [June 12th] >XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! [June 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're heading into Mega Evolution territory and meeting glorious Korrina.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? Her voice actress is currently suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, and it is unlikely the production staff would write in an unneeded cameo knowing they'd have to replace the actor for it.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release around Tuesday.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer!
>Muh episode 24 when? Who knows? According to CN's backdoor schedule the dub isn't skipping it, but this schedule isn't meant for the public to see, and thus most likely just not up to date.
>Old Thread >>19296441
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Episode 27 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_027_Flabebe_and_the_Fairy_Flower![H264_720P][9C578474].mkv.torrent
>Satoshi's desire for a battle with Champion Carne, the strongest Trainer in the Kalos region, bears fruit! But how will the match end!? And is Carne's Sirknight mega evolving!? >Summary: >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends learn that Champion Carne, the strongest Trainer here in the Kalos region, will take part in an exhibition match at the Pokémon battle tournament being held there. Satoshi heads to the tournament grounds and requests a battle with Carne, but is told that she is not receiving. However, Professor Platane happens to come by, intending to request Carne's help with his research on Mega Evolution, and he helps Satoshi get to meet her. >And then, Satoshi's wish for a Pokémon battle with Carne comes true! But how will the match end!? And is Carne's Sirknight mega evolving!? Anonymous
Reminder that Shutterbug waifu will win the Ashbowl. Alexa can share. Fuck Valerie.
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UPCOMING SHIT: POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 33: (May 25th)>Lots of Digda! / Today We're Showing 'PokéTV Continent', where We Follow the Two PokéTV Representatives Aiming for the 'Pokémon WCS 2014' as they Challenge the 'PGL Japan Cup 2014'! (will have preview of the new ending theme) XY 29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! (May 29th)>While visiting a new town, Ash and friends are suddenly apprehended by Jenny and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Ash, Bonnie and Serena doing dine and dashing. Ash and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for the culprits. XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! (May 29th)>Ash and friends suddenly get challenged to a battle by a girl named Korrina and her partner Pokémon Lucario. Ash accepts and sends out Pikachu, but even it struggles against Lucario's overwhelming power. It then turns out Korrina is the leader of Shalour Gym, the group's next destination. But what is her true aim behind this battle? XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! (June 5th)>A Blaziken lies in wait inside a cave said to house a Mega Stone! XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! (June 12th)>Korrina's Mega Lucario is unable to control its enormously powerful Aura, and goes wild!! XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! (June 19th)>Korrina and Lucario need to undergo a new trial. For this purpose, they set off towards the Must Mountains together with Ash and his friends. Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Unknown airdate)
>>19301549 The backdoor schedule as Adyniz originally discovered it.
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>>19301509 >Implying she won't win the Keepubowl Anonymous
>>19301549 >implying the OP didn't imply the episode wasn't going to air Anonymous
Has Adamant ever done anything that would make us want to condone him as a faggot?
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>>19301578 he is dumb for running adamant over jolly
>>19301575 >implying you're not a lazy fag who just doesn't want to update the OP with direct-direct information This is why other generals hate us.
Reposting from the previous thread. Who do you think will be the guest cast in M17?
>>19301509 They just need to go back to the Battle Chateau.
>>19301592 This thread was posted before anyone posted that link, dumbass.
>implying Funi voices would want to further degrade themselves by associating their vocal chords with Pokemon
>>19301610 The Origins dub used entirely Funi VAs.
>>19301513 it was always weird to me how she basically ignored Torchic as anything other than just a pet she carried around. I get why maybe she thought Beautifly was better for contests, but she was willing to use Skitty and even a freshly caught Bulbasaur over her starter and the show never points out how shitty she is to be doing that.
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>>19301605 >immediately creating another thread after the old one hits 300 Recent developments in thread culture suggest that we've been starting to hold off on creating new threads overnight.
Again, this is why other generals hate us and why you are as terrible as Adyniz. In fact you might as well be Adyniz.
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>>19301578 Nah, he's cool. He showed up in these threads not too long ago and translated all the movie manga scans for us.
>>19301600 MUH Crispin Freeman
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>>19301616 The Pokémon only made animal noises mostly so I guess it's less embarrassing
>>19301616 No it didn't, it used Aniplex VAs. Didn't you notice that the second Red started sounding like he wanted to beat the shit out of satan?
Fucking shit anime general, get your fucking dub companies straight. This is cancer 101.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha
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>>19301578 Only the fact that he, as a special attacker, ran Adamant over Modest or Timid.
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>>19301640 >sourcing Bulbapedo Adyniz pls go
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>>19301640 >>19301616 Funi voices are not Aniplex voices. Get your shit straight.
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>>19301600 M-Muh Troy Baker when?
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>>19301578 Mostly the fact that he's not Adamant, but Griseous.
>>19301638 >giving a shit about some bottom-barrel murrican voiceover studios Anonymous
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>>19301538 Rebecca Soler would be good for Millis, I'm surprised I didn't think of her.
Marc Thompson is the elder Carbink if the trailer is at all accurate. It sounds identical to the Team Rocket scientist from BW.
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>>19301668 Of course it's fun, that's where I get my good looks.
>Muh skrelp episode >Serena and Ash left alone together >Wild Luvdiscs appear >Serena checks her pokedex for Luvdisc >"Luvdisc the Rendezvous Pokemon. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokemon will be blessed with an eternal love." >Looks at Ash >They blush
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>>19301675 Good thing Italy is confirmed to air it.
>>19301675 dam injured Serena sure is hot
Yveltal confirmed for having a voice yet?
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>>19301698 No, but we did find out Diancie's. Marika Matsumoto.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha
>>19301675 >it actually airs >yfw they use the Y entry instead Anonymous
>>19301698 >arceus dub voice Anonymous
Could any of you Negroes explain the appeal of da Ashbowl? Would like an answer outside of "he is the protag" and "I ship him with mai waifu". Not bashing, just curious.
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>>19301624 ...and people give grief on Serena for taking care of FireFox?
>>19301710 Wonder what it was that made Vincent D'Onofrio drop out of that role at the last minute.
Honestly now.COULD Funi really save the dub?
>>19301723 Troubles with his agent, I've heard. Shame, really. I mean, I don't hate Tom Wayland, I just thought Arceus's dub voice was a bit...eh.
>>19301726 A decent voice director and a less retarded script writer could save the dub. Not exactly god tier dubbing, but it's something.
>>19301726 Retaining the original music is a step in the right direction right off the bat, which is something they indeed do.
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>>19301726 I think they could. Some of their VAs would really fit in, and maybe we'd even have a shot at original music.
>>19301732 I thought Tom Wayland's voice was alright, but knowing what I do now, it does sound somewhat rushed. Almost like "who can half-ass an imitation of Akihiro Miwa right this minute?" was the mentality.
Vincent D'Onofrio probably dropped out on like the day before the recording, which would at least explain why it was so hastily done.
>>19301717 I grew up with this character and I just want to see him succeed. It's embarrassing, but I remember as a kid I actually looked up to the guy. I definitely watched the anime before playing the games, so that's what got me into them.
At one point Ash was older than me too...
>>19301717 Da "Ashbowl" really started because of the writers seemignly trying to make Ash/Serena into a thing. I don't think anybody paid much attention to it before XY, at least here anyway.
>>19301723 whoa whoa what
sauce plz
So if this is true, it would be 5 badges 52 episode in. Would that be a good pacing?>Yfw episode ends midway with lumiose tower blowing up from the attacks colliding and the next season continues the battle
>>19301707 For Magikarp, they used the Sapphire entry. So it's random as fuck.
>>19301746 >>19301752 I know, lol dubs, but I have to admit that if anyone was going to take up Pokemon I'd have some faith in Funimation to deliver. I've found myself satisfied with what I've seen of their work in recent years.
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>>19301762 Tom Wayland himself confirmed that Vincent D'Onofrio was cast as Arceus first.
>>19301770 Already confirmed fake by the debunking of the XY024 dub airing. The Grant battle is "Climbing the Walls!"
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>>19301770 52 episodes is usually the double 26 dose standard when it comes to "seasoning".
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>>19301755 >tfw you bought yellow because you wanna be like ash >>19301757 I remember reading an old /vp/ thread that suggested Serena knew Ash, because she was a massive fangirl. Never knew I see /vp/ amourshipping in its infancy.
>>19301770 >"Ash the worthy trainer" OH SHIT NIGGA
>>19301774 Granted, Funi isn't exactly god tier. And I highly doubt TCPi will even try to make a decent dub. The thought is nice though.
>>19301825 Not god tier, but I'd gladly trade what we have now in a heartbeat. A decent cast and the original music would be worth it.
>>19301811 Worthy of owning a lucario
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>>19301846 And we all want Ash to win the League and acknowledge Serena's feelings. Such is life.
Who do you think they will get to voice Xerneas in the dub?
I like how Clemont is more than happy to capture Pokemon for his sister, May never even offered to catch one for Max.
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>>19301859 Sarah Natochenny Anonymous
>>19301811 >>19301851 >Cameron > that low of a requirement to own Auradog Anonymous
>>19301770 >Ash vs Clemont is two episodes long Anonymous
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>>19301770 >believing that bullshit >ever Anonymous
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>>19301864 >thinking Max should own a mon You cruel fucker.
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>>19301872 I think it's more like he's worthy of having a mega ring. But who knows. I'm still hyped.
>yfw you realized dub Red and dub Kirito are the same
>>19301891 everyone hates max, the little fucker ruins everything.
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>>19301859 If they happen to do a switcheroo in the dub like they did with Reshiram, I'd say someone like John Hurt, but I doubt that will happen.
If they decide to keep it as is, perhaps this
>>19301870 Anonymous
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>>19301896 is that from swordartonline-/.hack?
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>>19301896 This fucking made me rage.
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>>19301899 Corphish best comedy mon
>>19301896 is that SAO trying to copy Berserk or what?
>>19301926 looks like they've alrdy copied .hack/
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>>19301926 That was only in one episode and that situation never happened again
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>>19301896 And Red's mom in Origins kind of looks like Asuna...
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Gee whiz I sure do love massive negro dongs
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>>19301939 is there any video on youtube with a comparison of those scenes?
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>>19301896 They were also Eren Jaeger from Shitgeki no Kyojin and Masaomi Kida from DRRR. Bryce Papenbrook is getting a lot of work recently.
>>19301675 LOL nope looks Serena is late to the party haha..
>>19302010 Little did we know, Drew was swimming right behind them.
>>19302010 I guess May and Manaphy like each other.
>>19301683 She ruins it by wearing that faggot outfit and hat. And ruins it even more by being a shitty character with little depth.
Cute face, great potential, horrible execution
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>>19301772 XY26 used completely new ones for both Swirlix and Slurpuff, so they don't even always take them from the games
Ash is getting a Hawlucha
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>>19302010 >implying that Manaphy has an Oedipal complex >>>/d/ Anonymous
>>19302019 >>19302020 She was looking at Ash you faggots.
So how hype are we for Diantha tomorrow?
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Any feet shots yet?
does anyone here have a webm/gif of Hannah getting her heart attack?
>>19301811 Is there a thread without this image in it since it first appeared?
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>>19302047 Someone posted a webm some threads ago, dig around in the foolz archives.
>>19302035 >Hey amourshippers Anonymous
>>19302049 I forgot which episode it's from
Ash is getting a Hawlucha
>>19302056 And the only Pokedex entry in the anime so far?
>Luvdisc, the Rendezvous Pokémon. Luvdisc group together during breeding season, covering the surface of the ocean in a brilliant pink. Eat it, advanceshippers.
>"Holy shit they brought Charizard back!" >Does shit all What the fuck
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>>19302076 Because m-muh nostalgia
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>>19302059 It's from the Pokevision episode
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>>19302035 Come man. This is Pokeshipping tier.
>>19302076 at least when they do it again this time they'll do it right
>>19302022 Go away Gary. It's not our fault that you quit because you got sweep by a Charizard.
>>19302076 He slapped Dragonite around and made Iris look stupid for thinking it's a dragon type. He did enough.
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>>19302089 >implying he will ever leave Oak's Anonymous
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>>19302070 So you quoted a Pokedex...and wtf was this proving?
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>>19302076 Pretty sure the anime was just going HEY HEY HEY REMEMBER CHARIZARD, HE WAS AWESOME, RIGHT? so kids would get even more hyped when the Mega Charizards got revealed.
Same reason why they were stuffing Eeveelutions down our throats for the months leading up to Sylveon's reveal.
>>19302076 And the anime canon? Ash never had a gf and and at best had mixed feelings for some CotDs. Eat it, anythingshippers.
>>19302095 >stupid for thinking it's a dragon type Anonymous
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>>19302070 When did Luvdisc ever appear in the anime to be scanned? I thought it was only in that Misty special?
>>19302102 It's over. Giselle won.
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>>19302102 Wrong reply m8.
>Ebine Town where the hell is that?
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>>19302106 Go away Butler. This is Gen 5 Zard.
>>19302106 Fuck
I'm ready for some more Alan action. I don't think there is a way I could get disappointed with him. Manon is cute too.
>>19302106 Unovafats didn't know that doe.
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>>19302092 Serena comes across as a submissive bitch for her Satoshi-kun, but at least she looks hot when not wearing that shit-tier outfit.
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Alan is going to wreck Ash's shit in the league and nobody will be able to complain because they're actually setting up his inevitable nemesis this time.
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>>19302120 Animu-only town.
Ebine is the Japanese name of some orchid species:
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/エビネ Anonymous
>>19302123 I'm glad we're only getting a little bit of Alan. Edgy antiheroes are only cool when they get limited exposure.
>>19302129 STFU Serena, nobody was asking for you or your retarded fox's opinion.
>>19302116 >>19302102 >implying Giselle is not fucking A.J. >implying Pika didn't win da Ash Anonymous
>>19302147 >antiheroes uh...
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>>19302147 I wish they'd give more info on Act II though.
We waited months for the trailer, and it was just the Act I trailer again with the words "Act II coming soon" added to the end.
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>>19302150 Butthurt Unovafat detected. Enjoy your nigger champion.
>>19302147 But he's not really edgy, he just dresses edgy.
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>>19302123 >Manon is cute too. Mami Kawada Lover
>>19301549 >>19301562 Based Bulbapedo and Based CN.
>>19301630 Crispin Freeman apparently worked as a staff member in the original series though.
>>19301896 Already knew that for some time.
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka in Pokemon when? >>19302040 Excited. I hope they get a good seiyuu for her; except for Steven, champions tend to have been voiced by well-known or prolific seiyuu.
>>19302173 >Bulbapedo >based Ew.
Butler is whining because the Skrelp episode is gonna air before the TR vs TP one.
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19302180 At least they aren't wrong this time.
I still don't like them though. Anonymous
>>19302163 He's as close to an antihero as we'll get in a show like Pokemon. Unless he's just a straight villain like some people believe.
>>19302199 what the hell makes Alan an antihero?
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302205 Speculation is that he's somehow involved with Team Flare.
>>19302205 Well, the fact that he's not being evil, but he's most likely working under Lysandre.
>Everyone is wrong about Ash vs Alan and its actually Gary who appears in the Mega Evolution special >He gets annoyed with Alan for betraying the way of a researcher or whatever the fuck and battles him >He discovered some Mega stones during his research >He has a Mega Aerodactyl
>>19302227 >Gary gets swept by a charizard once again Anonymous
>>19302205 He's unfriendly and fights only to prove he's the strongest. I mean he's not going to go around kicking puppies or anything but he goes against what the show typically considers "heroic".
>>19302239 >Manon says she recalls hearing about the Silver Conference and remembering of a trainer named Gary having his Blastoise being defeated by a Charizard Anonymous
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>>19302212 >>19302218 working for the antagonists shouldn't automatically equal being an anti hero
>>19302246 i suppose that makes sense, though we don't know enough about Alan to determine his motivations
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>>19302251 >Gary says if she's talking about Ashy-boy >Manon gets an even bigger girl-boner for Ash Anonymous
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>>19302171 He's probably about as edgy as a show for 6 year olds would allow since they're obviously not going to make him go around killing pokemon and drinking their blood or some shit.
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>Guys Serena is getting Swirlix! >Guys Bonnie is gonna raise Flabebe! We now have Lucario and Hawlucha
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>>19302239 >Alan was here, Gary is a loser Anonymous
>>19302246 >He's unfriendly not really, he don't interact with many characters but he is not unfriendly with them, he is pretty nice to Manon. Alan is quiet and introvert ublike Ash but that doesnt make him unfriendly or an anti-hero
>>19302275 IIRC he told her to screw off once or twice at first but was generally just apathetic about it. He did help her catch that Flabebe though.
>>19302294 well who would want a dumb loli following them around anyway
>>19302183 do you think even a faggot like him actually seriously believes those are ever airing at this point?
he was clearly joking. not like it even matters now because Skrelp episode isn't airing anyway, so you fucked up. 0/10. you didn't even try.
>>19302306 Ash has the superior loli following him around
Ash: 1 Alan: 0
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>>19302322 shots fired, dubs confirm
Are we ever going to get a Wailord trainer in the anime?
>>19302183 >>19302332 I keep seeing this guy's name come up in these threads, but I still haven't figured out who he is.
Yeah, I'm newfag. Who is he?
>>19302349 If they put Tierno in, yeah.
>>19302322 >loli But Manon is
the same age as Ash and Serena anon.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302360 A user from Serebii who's known for really hating XY and being a massive fan of BW.
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>>19302375 >Manon >The same age as Serena >Started her journey at the same time or slightly after >Already a better trainer with more captures Anonymous
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>>19302159 >Serena: I'm so jealous, I wish I could lick-I mean play(flirt?) with Ash like that. Lewd as fuck.
>>19302375 what the hell is the loli cutoff age then
>>19302379 That's it? I thought you were going to tell me he is Savior of /vp/ or something like that. I have seen that guy around these threads causing trouble.
Am I missing something here?
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>>19302396 loli is just based off how characters are drawn generally, otherwise almost every major Pokemon character is a loli.
>>19302398 He and Savior are actually working for TCPi and trying to burn /vp/ to the ground.
Just remember not to reply to blatant shitposting you too will be fighting the good fight against the enemy of Pokemon Fans #1
>>19302070 >>19302091 >>19302019 What's with all the Drewfags as of late?
Either that or its that samefag from before.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302430 She isn't designed as a loli though. Loli isn't necessarily an age thing: there are anime characters that look like lolis but are actually aged around 16.
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>>19302429 it's a le ebin maymay from tumblr apparently
>>19302446 I guess age is just a number after all
>>19302446 Why the fuck does Serena have tits at the age of 10?
Are the writers advancing their age visually to differ from BW's 'lel they're still 10' bullshit?
>>19302459 I bet he must be really booty blasted that his precious site messed up the Dragalge thing so bad
>>19302462 The same reason May had those huge knockers despite her saying she's 10 in the first AG episode.
The animators are pervs.
And we love them for it. Anonymous
>>19302462 have you ever even seen AG?
>>19302462 I honestly recall girls in my 5th grade class having tits
I don't know why I remember that
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19302446 A good example would be Nico Yazawa from Love Live or Akatsuki from Log Horizon.
>>19302462 Can't be as bad as May though.
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Somehow in BW they managed to be 10 while in the Gen V games they look like 14
>>19302470 you just said why
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>>19302467 >>19302468 She was off model. :^)
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302465 I thought Archaic doesn't run Bulbapedo anymore?
Alright Serenafags, and Amourfags...how do you fee about Serena's character so far? Do you like her being waifu to Ash for the most part right now? Are you secretly butt-blasted she's hasn't battled and caught shit yet? How do you fee about her interactions with the group?
>>19302531 He rakes in the gold hand over fist from selling out. I heard a rumor once that put his potential income at $2 million/year from all the ad servers he whored out to.
Recently I had 48 hits blocked at once with my adblocker on there. That's factoring in social media plugins, but the vast majority of them were indeed adbots. Add that to his notorious refusal to deal with ads that had viruses or porn in them.
>>19302533 I liked her for her potential at the beginning but I admit my interest is weakening a bit. I want her to catch something at the least, though I do like that she's at least fighting Team Rocket now.
She's great with Bonnie.
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>>19302423 You forgot tripfag Lynsadre boss
>>19302533 >waifu to Ash Doesn't bug me.
>Serena's character The Ashimu isn't known for its complex characters. Hell, the most common complaint about Ash is that he is static. Serena's character isn't much worse.
> hasn't caught shit yet She needs to git gud first.
> interactions with the group Its cute. However, it won't do jackshit for Geekchic.
>>19302577 The fuck is GeekChic?
>>19302600 ClemontXSerena. A lot of people think it only exists to be a spite ship for former Pokeshippers.
>>19302600 Some shit that pokeshippers would go through to since they live in the past
>>19302600 A ship that Pokeshippers flocked to because they're butthurt that Serena x Satoshi is somewhat a thing.
>>19302600 Clemont x Serena. It is a countership that butthurt Pokeshippers made up. The name is possibly coined by Bulbapedo.
>>19302616 So what if they do? In the end it's all the same thing, pairing up fictional ten year olds. I don't get why people take shipping so seriously.
>>19302600 Something you should say in Japan when you want to get mobbed
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>>19302627 Because autism.
>>19302616 >>19302612 >>19302620 >>19302619 Holy shit, I get it.
Anyway, what do you guys think her goal is going to be?
>>19302637 And again, why does it matter? I'm asking from a neutral viewpoint here, is it somehow stopping you from shipping Amour if some people for whatever reason ship her with Clemont instead?
I am so glad I never got into shipping.
>>19302644 Dumb question. Does Pokeshipping is really that poorly received towards Japs?
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>>19302650 to win da ashbowl
>>19302654 Right now they are, everyone wants serena to happen
>>19302644 Ash and Clemont's more popular than Clemont and Serena in Nippon.
>>19302650 Assuming she finds something other than Ash, not sure to be honest.
>>19302653 The problem isn't necessarily the ship. [Or the lack of meaningful interaction]. The problem is the Pokeshipper autism. If Geekchic wasn't just for the sake of "Misty belong with Ash" bullshit, it would been better received.
>>19302653 shipping is fun, you are supposed to ship pairings you like and find cute/funny. Going full damage control and ship something just because it doesnt get in the way of your OTP is not fun anymore, is just autistic.
>>19302670 >>19302673 Why is Pokeshipping faggotry majorly an Merifat thing?
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19302692 That's where Pokeshipping went big.
>>19302692 I think Ash and Misty was pushed way more in the dub
>>19302679 And what if people actually genuinely prefer Clemont with her? Does that automatically make them a Pokeshipper whether they ever actually shipped it?
>>19302688 I hope you realize that exact same statement could be turned around to describe angry Amourshippers who hate GeekChic because it gets in the way of their OTP. Not taking sides, just saying, autism is autism.
>>19302692 because of 4kids
>inb4 not all Pokeshipping hints were made by the dub Anonymous
>>19302679 I'd like to think that Serena would have a full team at some point, the only thing is will the remakes introduce a goal for her?
>>19302707 >Amourshippers who hate GeekChic because it gets in the way of their OTP GeekChic doesn't get in the way of anything because is not real, what are you talking about?
>>19302709 I like to think the reason why so little has happened for her is because they knew they had to hold off until ORAS to make her a coordinator.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302708 Does anyone know what the famous line "you and I will get married someday too" originally said in Japan?
>>19302709 Contests?
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>>19302692 It's because of "muh nostalgia". I probably saw the show at the same time as Pokeshipper did, but I really didn't see how it just became OTP.
>>19302703 They were pushed a bit more in the dub. In Japanese the terms used were pretty vague, kind of like how they did with Premier in asking Ash out.
>>19302679 AshxClemont and BonniexSerena make more sense than Geekchiwhatever
>>19302726 No ship is real. I'm assuming you're
>>19302688 so you said it yourself: you are supposed to ship pairings you like and find cute/funny. If someone genuinely likes Clemont and Serena more, then it is just as autistic for you to rage about it as it is for a buttblasted Pokeshipper to spite ship GeekChic.
>>19302707 Why do you keep posting here Butler?
>>19302734 >>19302745 ...that said, if I had to pick one, I'd have to say that Clemont goes together with Ash better than anyone else.
>>19302741 anon pls
all geekchic shippers are Pokeshipppers, if someone genuinely liked that pairing I would have zero problems with it but every single geekchic shipper is a Pokeshipper that ship others no sense pairings like Ikarishipping
>>19302741 Again, the Pokeshipping faggotry sorts of ruins it. Why do you think it is not uncommon to say "Misty a shit?"
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>>19302751 Wait, now he's a Pokeshipper too?
>>19302379 said he just hated XY.
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>>19302692 I'm from freedomland and I ship
Ash and Being a Pokemon Master OTP
>>19302769 Not arguing with you there. I don't like her either.
Dawn was best girl. I just find it very hard to believe that
>>19302760 isn't overstating just how bad it really is.
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>>19302757 Is just the true.
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>>19302780 You would be shocked if you really knew the truth.
>>19302780 check the geekchicshipping or ikarishipping tag on tumblr, all of them are pokeshippers
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>>19302728 Being a coordinator would fit Serena perfectly, everything she goes on about in a competitive setting.
>>19302808 Alright, I think I'll actually go do that. If I'm wrong I want to know.
Anyone here waiting for valerie to join da ash bowl?
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>>19302729 Couldn't find the actual line but it was a generic answer towards the whole concept of marriage, not a Pokeship thing.
>>19302808 >>19302814 Just thumbed through some posts in the Geekchic tag, I only found two people I'm really suspicious of fitting the bill here. They seem pretty agreeable on the whole.
Going to Ikarishipping now.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302830 >>19302808 Ikarishipping? What's that? I'm not a shipper person.
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>>19302823 She would make serena spill more spaghetti
>>19302832 I think it's PaulXDawn, judging from what I'm seeing here. Can't say I understand why anyone would ship that.
I am noticing some overlap between the people in the Geekchic tag and the people in the Ikari tag. That said, while I find Ikari really strange by its very nature, I'm not really sure what it has to do with this. The tag doesn't seem that bad.
>>19302830 Typically, you'd have to go sift throught their actual tumblrs to see what else they ship. You probably won't find a whole lotta Pokeshipping talk in a Contestshipping tag for example.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302856 Why Ikari though? Because Paul's Japanese name is Shinji? As in Shinji Ikari?
>>19302823 As long as they get a good seiyuu for her.
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>>19302856 Is not about they being bad you retard, Is about them being Pokeshippers.
>>19302869 Eh, I guess. I guess I was expecting some open hate in the tags or something.
>>19302874 Looking through Bulbapedo, I think that's it. I guess it's supposed to be a Hikari pun too. Doesn't make sense otherwise.
I always thought the main Dawn ships were Pearl and whatever the ship of her and Zoey is?
>>19302869 or just check the pokeshipping tag because they are the same people of the geekchic
>>19302897 You know, I should have thought to do that. Going to do it now.
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19302897 So what did Bulbapedo name Ash x Bonnie then? And do they already have names for Clemont x Bonnie or Serena x Bonnie?
Yo, yo...how about we move on and talk about what Serena's team would look like if she becomes a coordinator?
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>>19302910 who cares? I don't want her to became a coordinator in the first place
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>>19302910 She is not going to be a coordinator, drop it already.
Im getting tired of this bulbapedo shipping shit How will Ash horribly lose against Diantha in the next episode?
>>19302897 >>19302903 Alright, I admit, when I looked in the Pokeshipping tag I cringed more than I did in the other two.
Still not really seeing what the big deal is though. I don't like what I saw in there, so I'm just not going to seek those people out again. Maybe I'm just naive.
For the record, absolute worst thing I found was
a Big Bang Theory AU shipping Geekchic that was in the Pokeshipping tag for some reason. >>19302910 I'd be hoping for Delphox at the very least. Maybe Furfrou, if they want to bring back the stylist thing from XY008. She probably wouldn't need too many Pokemon.
>>19302933 Moonblast to hell and back.
That or Team Rocket interrupts and they don't actually finish.
>>19302936 Sensible picks. Not sure why a lot of people are writing off the coordinator thing. I really doubt Serena is going to spend her ENTIRE run not doing any sort of battling competitions.
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19302936 I really doubt she'll become a coordinator. But it she does it would be rather cool if thy bring Jessica back.
What if Jessica is also a coordinator, or became one after her Furfrou listened to her? Anonymous
>>19302936 You know, speaking of evolution, I wouldn't be surprised if Fennekin does evolve into Tsundere Fox. Serena's basically doing Pokemon-amie.
>>19302951 I know I'm just saying it because of ORAS. If something new gets introduced, I'd expect that instead. Going on what we can expect in the games, though, Contests are the only real option. Battle Frontier is obviously not possible for her.
>>19302952 Maybe Jessica could at least have become a trainer and reappear in the league. Unova league mucked a lot up but I did like how it tried to bring back a lot of cotds, even if they botched the writing of it. Anonymous
>>19302965 With ORAS coming out, she could try out a Pokemon Contest if there's a Hoenn fair like they did with Johto and Kanto. Hell, Ash could even teach her a bit about them seeing as he's been in three. Completely becoming one though, I don't want to see that.
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>>19302957 I love how XY is actually paying attention to where the Pokemon like to be petted from the games.
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>>19302977 That's fair, and it is probably what's going to happen. I'm just having some wishful thinking because I liked the Contests in DP so much.
Furfrou is still my top pick for her second pokemon no matter what happens, though.
>>19302944 >That or Team Rocket interrupts and they don't actually finish. I'm so glad they don't have Team Rocket in gym episodes and stuff anymore. It used to piss me off back in the AG days when they'd be having a gym match and then suddenly switch to TR doing fuck all just to give them screentime.
>>19303029 What's bothered me the most for years now about that is how badly they intruded on the first Sinnoh League battle and robbed Quilava of his screentime. It was still a good battle, but mostly because of Kricketune and Heracross, and I've never really gotten over it.
I'm hoping so much that XY doesn't make the mistake of putting them in the league episodes now that they're the comic relief again. Even if Ash doesn't get any rivals, I'd rather have a full arc of straight battling with no sales stall distractions.
>>19303029 yeah, if anything good came out of BW, it's that we do not always need TR to be in EVERY episode
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>>19303041 The only thing I miss are those ridiculous fantasies Meowth would have about Giovanni and the Pokemon of the Day.
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>>19303043 Absolutely agreed. I actually kind of liked them in BW, but serious or comic it was well past due for them to stop being in every episode.
ScoreBoard Guy
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>>19303029 >>19303041 >>19303043 It was pretty bad in Kanto. :^)
If anyone is interested, the ratings for last week's episodes are out Fuji TV '14 / 05/18 (Sun) 18:30 turban shell - 30 15.3 ml Detective Conan NTV '14 / 05/17 (Sat) 18:00 9.2 mil Maruko Chan Fuji TV '14 / 05/18 Chibi (Sun) 18:00 - 30 9.8 mil Crayon Shin-chan TV Asahi '14 / 05/16 (Fri) 19:30 - 24 8.5 mil Doraemon TV Asahi '14 / 05/16 19:00 - 30 8.4 mil One Piece Fuji TV ' - 14/05/18 (Sun) 9:30 7.5 mil Murder R NTV '14 / 05/17 (Sat) 17:30 Kindaichi - 6.7 mil Dragon Ball Kai Fuji TV '14 / 05/18 (Sun) 9:00 - 30 6.1 mil specter watch TV Tokyo '14 / 05/16 (Fri) 18:30 28 - 5.4 mil Pokemon XY TV Tokyo '14 / 05/15 (Thu) 19:00 30 - 6.2 mil Bonnie actually brought in 2 million more viewers than the episode before
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>>19303114 >Bonnie actually brought in 2 million more viewers than the episode before The Japs have great taste.
>>19303114 So, how many do you think Kawaiiantha will bring in?
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>>19303160 Did anyone like Diantha before her anime version made an appearance?
It seems like everyone likes her now.
>>19303160 What are they excited about, /vp/?
>>19303171 The new Terufuu artwork release date. Anonymous
Are there any Pokemon episodes I can use to inspire me before I face the judge?
>>19303160 Potential for her to join da ashbowl. Another million easy.
>>19303215 >>19303220 You're the same guy last week, right? Why are you getting arrested, again?
>>19303220 >elesa >clemont Anonymous
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>>19303220 She won't jump in though because she has fucking Augustine.
>>19303224 Well I think so yeah. But that was a few days ago. THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT IS HERE.
Truly, I can appreciate Jessie and James more
>>19303234 Okay but at least Elesa on da ash is Canon...
>>19303275 Cant wait till valerie jumps in
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>>19303280 >>19303275 >you will never be Ash >you will never have girls beging for your dick Anonymous
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>>19303275 >>19303280 So where's the field day going to occur, Lumiose or Laverre?
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>>19303114 >Bonnie brought in two million more viewers YEAH NIGGA
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19303114 >Pokemon XY TV Tokyo '14 / 05/15 (Thu) 19:00 30 - 6.2 mil That's high. Slightly higher than Kai. Let's hope it keeps this up.
The good times are back.
>>19303160 What do the Nips think of Diantha anyway?
>>19303220 Prove your innocence. Ask for CCTV footage or something.
>>19303369 why what did this guy do? did he raped someone?
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19303376 He was in a shop and he looked similar to a guy who shoplifted. So he was the one who was caught.
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>>19303220 >>19303376 >>19303383 I wonder what would happen if the "Fake Ash" episode were to air today instead of the Diantha episode.
>>19303383 poor guy, why cant they put him into a lie detector test
Mami Kawada Lover
>>19303396 Scientifically proven to be as accurate as predicting the weather or tossing a coin.
I believe anon though.
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>>19303402 Well hope he does not screw up in the court
>>19303383 No, that's what some impostor claimed to be him said was th reason.
The actual anon is going to jail for accumulated speeding tickets.
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19303528 Well that's worse.
>>19303528 Is it so hard to not speed? I don't know about speeders but I enjoy not feeling like death is seconds away.
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At least he'll have Diantha to look forward to when he gets out. Maybe even in subbed form.
Less than 24 hours until Diantha, who hype?
Mami Kawada Lover
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>>19303538 He said he mostly got the tickets from asshole cops needing to fill their quota, though.
>>19303571 I'll be watching dick in hand.
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>>19303587 But dem shorts, dude.
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>>19303587 >implying that's a bad thing Anonymous
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>>19302551 I remember last year, Google blocked them due to malware on their sites through their ads, and they were just telling everyone that Google was wrong and to bypass it.
Google wasn't wrong.