[7 / 1 / ?]
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Guess what? You're favourite main series Pokémon game is getting a sequel/prequel, and Game Freak have hired you to outline the gym and Elite 4 rosters! What sort of challenge do you have lined up for the little shits who'll be playing your game? Will you change the order? Retire old characters? Introduce new ones? Go nuts! To start you off, here's something I whipped up in about 60 seconds: Hoenn 2 Wattson>Electrike, Magnemite Flannery >Numel, Torkoal Roxanne>Geodude, Aron, Probopass Winona>Swellow, Tropius, Skarmory Tate & Liza>Chimecho, Grumpig, Solrock, Lunatone Wallace>Luvdisc, Gorebyss, Huntail, Milotic Norman>Vigoroth, Exploud, Zangoose, Slaking Brawly>Machoke, Medicham, Heracross, Hariyama
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I said Hoenn sequels before reading the whole post, so I guess you laid it all out for me. As for challenge,>Hoenn Link with Challenge Mode >later gym leaders and elite 4 members have a mega >new Regi puzzle for Regigigas when you catch the other 3 >Team Magma and Aqua leaders have an underleveled FE pseudo like Ghetsis
Got some ideas for Hoenn Professor: May Burch Gyms: (in no Particular order) Winona's son/daughter(still a child) Obviously Grass gym instead of flying Tropius, Pansage, Nuzleaf Brendan ??? Multi-type gym for once? Or similar to Norman? Wattson is no longer a gym leader. He lives in a retirement home in Verdanturf which is closed until the postgame because all the old people are napping. When you enter, they barracade the doors and you have to battle through them til you get to Wattson who has a Manectric as a signature. This could just be a gym, too. Roxanne could be a headmaster or somesuch. maybe later in the game so she teaches you about type immunties with Geodude, Probopass, Carbink(?), and Aerodactyl/Archeops Wallace and Juan could either be gym leaders or E4, but which one you get depends on the version. E4 (I don't have a ton of gym ideas) Tate and Liza are older. 17-20 or so. Solrock, Lunatone, Claydol, Gothitelle? Beheeyem? Wally is champion, everybody says this. Steven is president of Devon Corp now, having taken over from his father. He has a mustache now. He's the postgame superboss. That's all I got. I'd like to see the starting town change and the gym locations change in some places. To make it a true sequel with the kind of changes BW2 did. This is really just a wishlist.
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>posting a map of Kalos Hue.I want Sina and Dexio to make a cameo appearance. Maybe as a double battle. I love those two.
Danzick: 5301-0262-9482 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula)
Danzick: 5301-0262-9482 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula) Wed 21 May 2014 20:49:55 No. 19308018 Report Quoted By:
>>19304075 I would like something similar to this, but would be happy with a BW2-like sequel if it involved May/Brendan only a few years older.
To amend this, May should be the professor only if you choose to play as a male character (and vice-versa), so that either scenario is canon for the player.
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A Hoenn sequel, concurrent with X and Y I guess Brendon is the Professor The Gym leaders are Roxanne Brawley Wally Flannery's grandpa May Winona Tate and Liza Wallace The Elite 4 is Flannery Sidney Glacia Drake The champion is Norman Pheobe is on Mt Pyre, taking over her grandparents spot
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Man, lots of Hoenns here. Where's the love for wor st region? Just cause of OP's picture: OC gym in one of those bottom three new towns Wulfric Olympia Valerie Drasna and Wikstrom double battle in a redeveloped Courmarine Gym Korrina Grant Viola And the Elite 4/Champ is Clemont Malva Ramos Siebold Diantha