>>19304567Name: Cookie
Gender: Male
Age: Yongster
Pokemon: Espurr
Personality: Cookie is a naughty flirty little thing. He loves to play and is excited to work with Iggy on the assignments. His pranks are all in good fun but at times that can be pretty painful to the victim. Besides flirting and pranks, he enjoys reading, especially the dictionary because he likes to use big words to confuse other 'mons and to sound mature to the older females. His main flaw is doing things without thinking, which often gets him in a stick situation.
Nature: Naughty
Characteristic: Impetuous and silly
Ability: Keen Eye
:iconnormaltypeplz: Attract
:iconpsychictypeplz: Dream Eater
:iconfairytypeplz: Disarming Voice
:iconnormaltypeplz: Substitute
~He as well likes to sing and dance
~Sometimes forgets what he was talking about or doing
~Likes to flirt with females even if they're older than him
~Bandage ears
~Not planning on evolving
~Despite his silliness, he's rather smart
~Blind in the left eye
~Purrs when petted
Feel free to RP with him owo