Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Next episode:
>Mega Mega 1-Hour Special - XY29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! & XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! [May 29th] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ There will be a 1-hour special May 29th! Incredibly, we will be showing two anime episodes together! And there's more! We will have footage from upcoming anime episodes, which will be centered around the mystery of Mega Evolution, the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special!
Upcoming episodes:
>XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! [June 5th] >XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! [June 12th] >XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! [June 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're heading into Mega Evolution territory and meeting glorious Korrina.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? Her voice actress is currently suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, and it is unlikely the production staff would write in an unneeded cameo knowing they'd have to replace the actor for it.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release around Tuesday. They have the best subs available, so work with them.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer!
>Muh episode 24 when? Who knows?
Old Thread:
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Episode 28 RAW:
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=557023 Episode 27 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_027_Flabebe_and_the_Fairy_Flower![H264_720P][9C578474].mkv.torrent
>Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region where encounters with new Pokémon and friends are waiting for them.... as is the greatest mystery of their journey: Exactly what is the further evolution of Pokémon, "Mega Evolution"? >"Ta-da! A Fake Satoshi Appears!!" >There's another Satoshi!? >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends are suddenly apprehended by Junsa and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Satoshi, Serena and Eureka doing dine and dashing. Satoshi and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for these evil criminals. >"Corni and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!!" >Satoshi and friends gain a new travelmate!? >Satoshi and friends, who are on their way to Shala City, end up befriending Shala Gym's Gym Leader Corni and her Lucario!? A new adventure starts, with the goal being to make Lucario mega evolve into Mega Lucario!! >We will also have the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special! Anonymous
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UPCOMING SHIT: POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 33: (May 25th)>Lots of Digda! / Today We're Showing 'PokéTV Continent', where We Follow the Two PokéTV Representatives Aiming for the 'Pokémon WCS 2014' as they Challenge the 'PGL Japan Cup 2014'! (will have preview of the new ending theme) XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! (June 5th)>A Blaziken lies in wait inside a cave said to house a Mega Stone! XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! (June 12th)>Korrina's Mega Lucario is unable to control its enormously powerful Aura, and goes wild!! XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! (June 19th)>Korrina and Lucario need to undergo a new trial. For this purpose, they set off towards the Must Mountains together with Ash and his friends. Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Unknown airdate)
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Is it happening yet?
Pokemon Mega Evolution Special I will air in the US on Saturday, May 31st, pushing XY020 a week back. Source is Toonzone.
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>Red's Hat >Group Leader Ash, not Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2 >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times >knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles >Red's Hat >regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings >the fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory >already a local hero in Kalos thanks to his daring exploits at Prism Tower, this sets the groundwork for his big finish where everyone will already know and root for his victory - he will be the league favorite >continual hype of the Champion's League, further spurred on by the retconning of the idea that winning a league makes you a Pokemon Master, now reduced to it being a mere stepping stone >the writer's already know how badly they fucked up with Tobias and Cameron >already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; this is how he will train for the league, by continually pummeling every other Grand Duke/Duchess >Serena's existence heavily implies Ash will win because it is a well known fact that any love interest inevitably peaks as soon as the protagonist reaches their goal. >Pikachu is already top tier in power. Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt >Red's Hat It's going to happen. This is the face of someone who has his eyes set on absolute victory. His win is essentially preordained.
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>>19316601 >giving a shit about the dub Anonymous
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>Red's Hat >Group Leader Ash, not Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2 >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times >knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles >Red's Hat >regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings >the fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory >already a local hero in Kalos thanks to his daring exploits at Prism Tower, this sets the groundwork for his big finish where everyone will already know and root for his victory - he will be the league favorite >continual hype of the Champion's League, further spurred on by the retconning of the idea that winning a league makes you a Pokemon Master, now reduced to it being a mere stepping stone >the writer's already know how badly they fucked up with Tobias and Cameron >already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; this is how he will train for the league, by continually pummeling every other Grand Duke/Duchess >Serena's existence heavily implies Ash will win because it is a well known fact that any love interest inevitably peaks as soon as the protagonist reaches their goal. >Pikachu is already top tier in power. Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt >Red's Hat Daily reminder that Ash is going to win the Kalos League It's going to happen. This is the face of someone who has his eyes set on absolute victory. His win is essentially preordained.
moot won't let me delete my older posts yet.
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>>19316604 Wobbles you little shit
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A daily reminder that Ash is going to win the Kalos League>Red's Hat >Group Leader Ash, not Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2 >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times >knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles >Red's Hat >regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings >the fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory >already a local hero in Kalos thanks to his daring exploits at Prism Tower, this sets the groundwork for his big finish where everyone will already know and root for his victory - he will be the league favorite >continual hype of the Champion's League, further spurred on by the retconning of the idea that winning a league makes you a Pokemon Master, now reduced to it being a mere stepping stone >the writer's already know how badly they fucked up with Tobias and Cameron >already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; this is how he will train for the league, by continually pummeling every other Grand Duke/Duchess >Serena's existence heavily implies Ash will win because it is a well known fact that any love interest inevitably peaks as soon as the protagonist reaches their goal. >Pikachu is already top tier in power. Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt >Red's Hat It's going to happen. This is the face of someone who has his eyes set on absolute victory. His win is essentially preordained.
Reminder that Shutterbug waifu will win the Ashbowl. Alexa can share. Valerie a shit.
A daily reminder that Ash is going to win the Kalos League>Red's Hat >Group Leader Ash, not Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2 >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times >knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles >Red's Hat >regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings >the fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory >already a local hero in Kalos thanks to his daring exploits at Prism Tower, this sets the groundwork for his big finish where everyone will already know and root for his victory - he will be the league favorite >continual hype of the Champion's League, further spurred on by the retconning of the idea that winning a league makes you a Pokemon Master, now reduced to it being a mere stepping stone >the writer's already know how badly they fucked up with Tobias and Cameron >already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; this is how he will train for the league, by continually pummeling every other Grand Duke/Duchess >Serena's existence heavily implies Ash will win because it is a well known fact that any love interest inevitably peaks as soon as the protagonist reaches their goal. >Pikachu is already top tier in power. Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt >Red's Hat It's going to happen. This is the face of someone who has his eyes set on absolute victory. His win is essentially preordained.
>pikachu losing to korrina's Lucario twice But why. Shold have made another pokemon lose
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>>19316643 Then Lucario wouldn't look as good
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>>19316614 You fucking faggot.
Doujins when? Anonymous
>>19316620 Pokemon Bullet Hell confirmed
>>19316637 Valerie will murder them both in their sleep
I mean you automatically win if your competition all DNF
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>>19316672 Whatever helps you sleep at night, dweeb.
The reason Ash will have to get out of Kanto is a horde of pregnant girls who are running after him comically. You know it's true.
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>>19316665 Mega Blastoise custom when?
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>>19316685 I can see Gouguru writing such a comic.
>>19316672 Since Valerie wants to be a Pokemon, I wonder if she would agree to me to Pokemon Amie her
>>19316640 >Winning the league IT'S HAPPENING
>>19316712 I'm sure she'd be up for it
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>>19316614 Aww snap. Her sassiness will make the professor go crazy.
>>19316612 Damn it Oak keep your fetishes out of your job.
>>19316762 Well at least he's keeping the gardevoir costume in the closet.
>>19316737 S-Sure, but first let's get you cleaned up... W-Would you want to take a shower with me?
>>19316766 >in the closet Wonder what else he's got stashed in there.
Why the fuck is Team Rocket still around?
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>>19316787 Because they're 100% kid friendy.
>>19316612 >>19316786 What the fuck do you want Rotom, stop giving me that cheeky look you snide bastard.
>>19316775 >shower >not bath Don't you want to clean every part of her body?
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>>19316815 >yfw Rotom is backwards for Motor. Anonymous
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>>19316612 >>19316786 Do you think he fucks Ash's mom in that outfit
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>>19316820 I'd clean that with muh juice
>Muh skrelp episode >Serena and Ash left alone together >Wild Luvdiscs appear >Serena checks her pokedex for Luvdisc >"Luvdisc the Rendezvous Pokemon. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokemon will be blessed with an eternal love." >Looks at Ash >They blush
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>>19316820 I'll clean her with my tounge
>>19316855 > Muh skrelp episode > Serena and Ash left alone together > Wild Luvdiscs appear > Serena checks her Pokedex for Luvdisc > "Luvdisc the Rendezvous Pokemon. It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokemon will be blessed with an eternal love." > Looks at Ash > Ash looks back at Serena > "What a cutie..." > Serena' begins to blush > "...those Luvdiscs." > Serena secretly cries later Anonymous
Daily Reminder that Ash will not win the Kalos League:>Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2, should have had at least 4 by now >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times, but what makes this time any different? >Knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles. Did the same in Unova, no difference >Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings. And still manages to fuck up >The fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory. Like he had no rivals in Hoenn and still lost. >Has done many crazy stunts in the past that involved walking between a battle of Mewtwo and Mew and gotten himself killed as wellas other crazy stunts >Continual hype of the Champion's League, but will loseanyway because the writers will have something up their sleeve >The writers already know how badly they fucked up with Cameron,Nothing wrong with Tobias >Already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; just won only one battle at the Cheateu and probably has forgotten all about it by now >Serena's just another girl who travels with Ash and gets in the way. Ash still has yet to show his feelings for her >Pikachu is already top tier in power and still got rekt by Wobuffet who it has beat numerous times >Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt because Anime Logic is totally equal to game logic >Looks nothing like Red's Hat It's not going to happen. like many dumbasses think it will
>>19316868 > Looks at Ash > Ash looks back at Serena > "What a cutie..." > Serena' begins to blush > "...those Luvdiscs." > Serena pouts > Ash looks at Serena and chuckles > Serena blushes even more Anonymous
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>inb4 Korrina's aura dog pasta
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>>19316877 So, will this become recurring gag or will it be Ash stealing Serena's puffs.
Korrina seems to be as annoying as the game version. competitive grils with hyper activiy are the worse.
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>>19316897 I'd fug that hyper active girl
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>>19316873 >looks nothing like Red's hat Nigga wut
>>19316868 >>19316879 Does this luvdisc shit really need two copypastas?
>>19316897 Will she get buttmad if Ash doesn't know her name?
Ash got BTFO by Serena this episode
>>19316923 Yeah, but she gets revenge by steal Ash's Serena-flavor puffs.
Ash isn't really that into girls. He's more of a pokephile, and a hot ticket one at that. His first kiss was Latias after all, but I think I have a perfect plan. >set up camp in the middle of the woods >have Clemont and Bonnie go do third wheel things so you and Ash will be alone >sit and talk with him around the fire until Pikachu falls asleep >tell him there's a pokemon trapped somewhere >at this point strip your leggings and lift your skirt >"ash quick there's a Magikarp stuck down here!" >Ash although hesitant will be willing to help in anyway possible >"Well it sure smells fishy down here" >"Stick your finger in and wiggle it around. The Magikarp will think its bait" >Try to contain your emotion as Ash vigorously fingers your private area >Eventually ash will begin to question his actions >say "maybe if we go in water the Magikarp will come out" >Walk down to nearest lake or stream >Contain yourself as Ash strips himself to swim >pull close to his body as he fishes in your vagina >Say "Maybe we need a bigger bait" and look down at his nearly unsheathed crotch in the darkness >remind ash of the situation and he'll comply >have ash bob his bait in your insides and pull yourself closer to him >use his super rod to catch that Magikarp >the disturbance will eventually attract fish pokemon >claim one if them to be the formerly trapped fish >return to camp and tell ash to keep quiet >"you were a great hero Ash, but please don't tell anyone. It's embarrassing" >continue your fishing trips with Ash until he's a full fledged fisherman Also you may want to switch which pokemon/hole you use in your story to make it more believable each time.
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>>19316930 Wow that's a bitch move.
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>>19316934 I was worried this would just turn into a furry pasta based on the first line, but this is pretty funny.
>>19316934 His first kiss was Melody.
Up your knowledge, faggot.
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>>19316954 No it wasn't. It was Team Rocket.
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>>19316897 Active girls with delicious spats are the best, though
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>>19316954 >implying we won't get a flashback to the camp showing that Serena was his first kiss Anonymous
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>>19316947 no ash joined the dianthabowl
>>19316947 Dat "Satoshi-kun"
Next episode can't come fast enough
I... I want to kiss Diantha, /vp/.Not fuck her, kiss her. Romantically. What's wrong with me?
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>>19316934 Would be believable but wouldn't Ash first ask her where her peepee is?
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19316855 >inb4 they use the Y entry Anonymous
So, the anime is giving more personalities to the characters from the games, and making the story a bit more fleshed out? This seems backwards from gen 5. I'm not sure how to feel about this....
Reminder that Korrina is a gold digging fame whore only traveling with Ash to steal his poke bonding techniques to mega evolve her aura dog.
Holy shit, who knew having Diantha wink and say checkmate a few times will make all the difference. They're really hyping this shit up, I'm fucking hype. Where's muh Ash's Mega Stone?
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>>19317055 It's what they did in the original series. Brock and Blaine and so many of the others were bland as fuck in Red and Blue.
>>19317055 There was never a BW anime.
>>19317067 Wait for the 50 episode Lucario arc to be over with to see if Korrina's grandpa gives him one.
>>19317086 You think Ash will get Korrina's second Lucario like in the game? We've been waiting forever for Ash to get one since the Lucario movie.
>>19317002 How people in the pokemon world keep falling for Meowth dressed as a human I don't fucking know
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19317080 There was, and it was a train wreck.
>>19317093 I really want Ash to get a Lucario too. But you know the writers, they love saying fuck you to their older fans.
>>19317093 I think one of the Lucario's belongs to her grandfather in the anime. If he gets anything, it'll probably be a mega ring and then he'll have to find the rest of the stuff himself.
>>19317100 Pale skin and kawaii face
>>19317103 No, no, I actually don't want him to get one, because the Lucario fanbase is bad enough as it is. It's just that it would make sense in the story.
Also how will Serena react to Ash's aura powers? She'll be even more all over his dick.
James Ketchum actually looks pretty good
>>19317111 and three fingers
and a midget
and goes nya-at the start of half his sentences
>>19317106 >instead recieves a Riolu egg >Ash and Serena take turns taking care of it >it hatches, identifies Ash and Serena as the "parents" >mimics "big sister" Bonnie in KEEPU antics for Clemont >Clemont upgrades Aipom arm to Ambipom arm to haul them away >yfw Anonymous
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>>19317114 Yeah that is the only problem I have with that too. But everyone wants him to get one!
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>>19317123 Maybe there's a region with three fingered midgets.
>>19317086 >implying Ash won't find out himself in ruins >leading to him meeting Alan and challenging him to a battle for it >Alan is shocked that he has no Pokemon that can mega evolve but decides not to go easy on him to teach him a lesson >Alan completely creams Ash but discovers his unrelenting determination >Sickened by what's happening, Alan stops the match and just moves on. He tells Ash that to get his butt in gear if he wants to beat him. Telling him the stone is for Charizard >This meeting sets up Alan re-evaluating his fighting other mega evolutions and would later lead to the eventual team flare arc where he meets Ash again after contemplating his future and wanting the answer from battling him. Ash would later beat him after Alan discovers the true meaning of what it is to mega evolve your pokemon. He would then later join Ash in taking down Team Flare Calling this one.
>>19317123 He had a rough life
>>19317116 >using both of your fist like that Gay
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>>19317148 Its James, what do you expect
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>>19317123 There aren't many Pokemon that stand on two legs and talk, though. Most people would just assume he's a weird-looking human instead of a Pokemon based off of his behavior alone.
>>19317148 >James Gay
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>>19317148 he's getting ready to pull your asshole apart
>>19317144 >tfw looking forward to Korrina episodes because of Korrina >tfw also dreading them because of more Lucario I feel so conflicted guys.
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>>19317128 >>19317137 The worst part of these is how great they are. Why the fuck don't the show's writers come recruiting here?
>>19317216 It's just a dog niggah.
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>>19317216 Would you opt to not fuck the perfect woman just because her dog was kinda stupid-looking?
>>19317225 It's not just a dog. It's a cancer.
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>>19317128 >tfw someone uses your own riolu egg/Ash and Serena raise it like parents theory against you Feels good, man.
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>>19317216 Korrina a qt too without helmet
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>>19317057 Can anyone remind me why people like this bitch? Her design is absolute shit tier.
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>>19316917 We need to make up for the amount of times the original luvdisc shit was posted.
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>>19317225 The last time we saw that dog was the Unova league.
And we shall not speak of those dark times again.
>>19317239 Just get over it. A lot of Pokemon have bad fanbases. Lucario's gonna show up for a bit. The furries won't be in the episodes
>>19317270 ...oh fuck, we're going to get a Goodra episode eventually.
The only pokemon fanbase I dread is Goodra. Although if they had one in the anime that was male, I'd laugh my ass off.
>>19317274 >yfw Ash demands to know why Goodra aren't all female Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19317289 >yfw Ash demands to know why Goodra aren't all male Anonymous
>>19316782 ...I miss the old English Pokemon scripts. They had some clever parts to them as opposed to the constant, in-your-face stupid that permeates today's dialogue.
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>>19317342 >inb4 "the dub said crap!" Anonymous
W-what time are the livestreams again? this is the 4th week in a row I missed watching with /vp/ ;_:
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>>19317274 If Shauna shows up with it, it will be okay.
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>>19317392 7pm Japan, 6am EST
>the dub said crap IT'S HAPPENING
>>19317006 you'd fuck her passionately
donut lie
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>>19317558 It was "crack shot".
>>19317572 Diantha being so fuckable really surprised me. The voice did more than half of the work, but it still was astonishing.
Voiced Pokemon games when? I can't believe I'll miss Korrina's debut.
>>19317609 >Crappy fanart over piece of background from an actual screen. Keep trying.
>>19317598 Would you share your gateau with her?
>>19317625 I'd share my dick with her
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>>19317286 >male goodra >in the anime >the priceless face expressions of digust on all the fetishfags, waifufags, autists and goodrafags when they discover it's a male one >mfw It will be glorious.
>>19317652 But what about your gateau
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>>19317724 Yeah sure. She's pretty cute
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>>19317617 Newfag off yourself pls
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>>19317617 First time you see that?
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requesting gif version of megahug from this post
>>19316425 Anonymous
How did they make a bland character like Diantha better in the anime??? And are they going to make her better in the games?
Why was Sycamore so creepy this episode?
>mfw the fags at Serebii are complaining even about this episode Why are they so insufferable?
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>>19317792 Because HON HON HON CROISSANT
>>19317766 I've never played XY. Is she really that bad? Maybe I should watch a let's play or something, but I tried with that purplerodri guy and I couldn't make it through the first video.
>>19317829 >yfw some fag says Diantha is a mary sue Anonymous
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ash better fucking lucario this time. It's been teased since the fucking movie came out that he can connect and feel aura with this pokemon.
>>19317850 She's just bland as fuck, barely appears and has zero personality
>>19317850 She shows up twice before you fight her and barely has any lines.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19317850 She's not insufferable, just really bland and has little influence. I understand why there's so little love for game Diantha.
>>19317829 Lemme guess...Ash was over glorified because Pikachu wasn't knocked unconscious by the shadow ball and he didn't break his back slamming into the tree.
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>>19317866 >>19317874 >>19317878 Thanks. Well, here's hoping that the show continues to flesh her out, since I like her so far.
>>19317850 Most of the characters in X and Y are severely underdeveloped. The anime has been giving them personalities and actually making them likable, well-rounded characters.
Sorta like it did in Gen I, actually.
>>19317864 >Generally, all Champions are Mary Sues because they are never seen losing even once in their screentime. Yes, they're crazy strong, but that doesn't give them the excuse not to be called as such. Anonymous
>>19317905 I think the reason BW sucked so much was that...well Black and White already had a good story, and with the limitations Ash brings that fucked it up.
I'm not hating on Ash as a character, but I do think they should retire him and focus on "straight" adaptations of the games and have a new protag each season.
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>>19317270 Just wait till the Hawlucha debut/capture episode.
>Sycamore trying to sweet talk Diantha's agent, saying she has a cute face Heh, that was great,
>>19317970 So maybe the XY series has been well received thus far because the XY story in the game was one of the weakest in the entire series, right?
Or am I being too cruel?
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>>19317970 I think Ash could have worked fine. Make Cheren and Bianca his travelling companions, and have the N and plasma plot follow the games.
>>19316926 Have people complained about her acting "OOC" yet towards him?
Funny thing is, she's the only one in the group to call him out on anything.
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>>19317970 >implying this wouldn't mean the end of pokemon as a franchise Anonymous
>>19317990 Would you, ladies?
>>19317909 >yfw people are complaining that Diantha is powerful Anonymous
>>19317792 He was acting like a pedophile, it was embarrassing. He almost kissed the glasses girl, and she doesn't seems to be older than serena, what the fuck? Some people on Serebii found that cute. Ew, no, just, no. The episode would have been better without him acting like a creep.
It's a shame, I actually love his character a lot.
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>>19317992 >one of the weakest in the series >first two generations didn't even have a plot outside of get badges and stomp Rockets Being able to freely characterize dozens of interesting character designs is definitely helping XY, though, since the writers have been very good about not wasting this opportunity. Hopefully their interpretations get worked into Z.
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>>19318031 >He was acting like a pedophile, it was embarrassing. He almost kissed the glasses girl, and she doesn't seems to be older than serena, what the fuck? Movie stars don't tend to hire 10 year olds to run their schedules for them.
>>19317992 It's on the same level as....Red and Blue. It's just that it feels like it's trying to be the Black and White plot but they forgot how they made that plot work.
>>19318010 I do wonder why they did not do that.
>>19318025 Gee, the Champion is powerful? Whoda thunk it?
>>19318025 How dare the person acknowledged as the strongest trainer in all of France win against a couple random dudes.
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>>19318067 Her acknowledged most powerful pokemon in Kalos stomped a no name dude and a pikachu. This makes her a Mary Sue.
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>>19318016 According to lots of girls that have played X/Y, yes, they would. They think Sycamore is sexy as fuck.
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>people thinking mary sue applies to villains (or rivals, in this case) in the same way it applies to main characters >people thinking hyping an established in-universe overpowered character is bad writing >while at the same time complaining that the MC gets too much attention Shit taste. They could literally gargle my feces and they wouldn't tell it apart from the chocolate bar I stole from them while they were busy throwing a tantrum.
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>>19317909 >damn son, this Sycamore is one smooth muthafakka, and that aide is hella cute Heh
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>>19317909 The first page wasn't so bad.
>I still would've preferred if Pikachu managed to land at least one attack because of his speed, if only to reveal the Fairy type's Steel weakness. That's actually a pretty good idea. Would've been a nice setup to how he beats Fairies in the future.
That Benny+Lilia+Ash guy is an idiot though, he complains about fucking everything in the episode just to complain. Stuff like
>All Citron did was cut cake Like, what the fuck is he expecting? It's a 20 minute show.
At least all the people calling Diantha a Mary Sue are getting called out on their stupidity though. Just because a character is strong doesn't mean they're a fucking Mary Sue, holy shit.
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>Bought a bunch of the TCG packs on a whim (haven't touched the TCG since 2003ish) >tfw now kinda feel like I shouldn't have
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>>19318016 >he wouldn't go gay for the sycamore Anonymous
>>19318016 Sycamore
>perfect face >great hair >sexy stubble >has brains and is an accomplished professor >isn't an autistic bookworm despite that I'm surprised he failed to get that girl, he's the perfect husbando character.
>>19318244 She was just tsundere.
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>>19318244 how many people has he fucked on his desk?
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>>19318051 If anything Clemont and Bonnie praise him MORE than Serena does. They all get embarrassed by him, but she's the only one to have fussed at him, or point out his flaws.
So I don't know where the stuff about her always kissing up to him comes from.
>>19318244 I think the assistant has other tastes.
>>19316889 Diancie wanna pork who?
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>Psychic/Fairy Pokémon >Mainly using a Ghost-type move Fuck this shit.
>>19318274 Goddamn why are COTDs so fucking cute?
>>19318256 But she didn't even blush!
>>19318312 She blushed
in the vagina Anonymous
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>>19318292 Because based Yajima.
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>>19318324 You sure that wasn't a rash?
Watch out for TCPi, The Pokemon Company International The public enemy of Pokemon Fans #1 He is the main responsible for... Max The shutdown of Wii and DS wi-fi severs The shutdown of Powersave The return of Team Rocket RP threads The wottergate scandal The fairygate scandal Denial of transfer of pokemon from Gen2 to Gen3 Hostile takeover of Pokemon USA Hostile takeover of Pokemon Europe Forcing foreign dubs to use their own version of the anime rather than the Japanese version DeSmuME never working Genetic anti-aging experiments on recently licensed trainer, Ash Ketchum Orchestrating the defeat of Ash Ketchum in the Sinnoh League Ash Ketchum never winning a league Holding /a/non scanlations' hostage to prevent Pokemon Special translations The storyboard for the Best Wishes anime Successful assassination of casinos in Pokemon Games Successful assassination of the Pokemon Coliseum games Successful assassination of the Pokemon Stadium Games Successful assassination of the Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma arc Successful assassination of 4Kids Attempted assassination of /vp/ (ongoing) Attempted assassination of Team Special Scans (ongoing) Attempted assassination of fansubbing through LucarioPK subs Preventing Pokemon Special from ever being adapted into an anime
>>19318312 she's lesbian for Diantha. Even Serena and Bonnie are lesbians for her.
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>>19318342 >DeSmuMe never working 9.10 is broken, faglord. Use 9.9.
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>>19318300 Well Diancie has to get past Latias and Bayleef.
>>19318353 Clemont is even straight for her
When will Ash impregnate Serena and have a daughter that will also lust after him?
>>19318416 She's raped him in his sleep enough times it's already happened.
>>19317935 Please tell me that's not an actual quote.
>>19318380 And Ash is, well Ash.
Serena's Serenas were huge this episode.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19318429 >yfw the Serena who's journeying with Ash is actually Serena's daughter, Serena Anonymous
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>>19318416 >>19318429 What if he's sterile?
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>>19318476 I'd serena Serena's serenas any day
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>>19317116 Is he trying to do a hadouken?
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>>19318342 >The shutdown of Wii and DS wi-fi severs Damn, you got me
>>19318016 What actually happened in this scene? Actual subs?
>>19318514 Yes and?
One's being plowed by Tracy
The other by Oak
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19318514 Yes, Misty did have sex with Ash's mother. No need to brag about it.
>>19318536 >>19318538 Two most important females in Ash's life are Misty and his mother. Confirmed. Take your Orangeshipping faggotry elsewhere.
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>>19318470 >I wonder what kind of Pokemon she uses! Probably the only thought that went through his head at the time
>>19318533 Assistant girl complains Diantha doesn't have enough time to deal with them, Sycamore tries to turn on the charm and gets smacked
>>19316855 Too bad May and Ash already found the before anyone else.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19318581 >the only Pokedex entry of Luvdisc in the entire anime so far is the equivalent of the Y entry Nice try, Advanceshippers.
>>19318559 Orangesh-wha...?
>>19318559 >Still in denial Anonymous
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>>19318559 >where did I say Tracy and Misty? I was thinking the other way round
the champion is so ugly, looks like a transexual... I hate "her"
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>>19318592 I'm sure Professor Oak mentioned the romantic shit if he did a segment on Luvdisc.
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>>19318620 >being this homosexual Anonymous
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>>19318620 This is the most wrong post I have ever read on 4chan.
>>19318605 > Still in delusion Anonymous
>>19318712 >supports Pokeshipping >Calling others delusional Anonymous
>>19318726 > Supports Orangeshipping > Thinks its canon Anonymous
>>19318752 >he thinks Orangeshipping isn't canon Anonymous
>>19317609 Why is this a fucking copypasta? It's a fanart and Serena looks like shit.
>>19318769 > He thinks visiting a friend = romance Anonymous
>>19318794 what would anyone fucking here know about visiting an apposite sex member friend
>>19318794 >he thinks a girl inviting a boy over to her house isn't a prime recipe for sex Anonymous
>>19318815 > "apposite sex member friend" Anonymous
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>>19316712 Her body is ready.
>>19318769 >>19318794 >>19318829 >>19318836 Wasn't it shown on a Chronicles episode that Tracy actually is in love with one of Misty's sisters?
And that bitch, as usual, abuses Tracy's feelings by using him as a handyman around the gym? Anonymous
>>19318780 Where were you to ask that question 20 episodes ago?
>>19318892 It was vague, and later episodes made it clear it was Misty he was into.
>>19318892 That sister wants to pair Misty and Tracey together
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>>19318892 >>19318908 He did give her one of his Marill's eggs.
She wanted her to have his children. Anonymous
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>>19318892 Tracy confirmed for whipped bitch
>>19318829 > He's obviously never had a friend who was a girl >>19318893 Most Orangeshippers are jealous of Pokeshipping and its threat to their OTP and are under the delusion that its canon
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19318943 And most Pokeshippers are jealous of Amourshipping and its threat to their OTP and are under the delusion that it's canon.
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>>19318908 Nowhere was it ever said that Tracey has a crush on Misty. This is how lies are spread.
>>19318930 She was fantasizing her water ballet, not pairing them together.
>>19318981 >>19318943 Now, now guys...you should put aside your differences and join the Geekchic masterrace. It's the most talked about ship, ya know.
>>19318981 You're acting as if the Spurt! Ash's Queen of Hearts card with his mother and Misty never happened? It *did* happen. You're the one who brings up Orangeshipping as some type of defense.
>>19319015 Shhh...no tears. Only Geekchic now.
>>19318567 Serena's crush, Bonnie's wife gag, Millefui teasing about wanting the Ash, Sycamore's charm act
Lot more romance type stuff in XY eh?
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>>19319036 So...this then?
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19319015 Most of Pokeshipping in the anime comes from 4kids having shoehorned it into the dub.
Taking that out of the pictuer doesn't leave much aside from Western nostalgia. Anonymous
>>19319042 >Sycamore's charm act Did I miss something? What was this charm act?
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>>19319007 >implying they aren't just Pokeshippers trying to get Serena out of the way Anonymous
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>>19319059 I'm a landlubber, but I have to disagree with that--Misty's crush was also heavily implied in the original version, too. Plus, the Queen of Hearts card was in the Japanese intro not shown in 'Murica.
>>19319059 Another misconception spread by anti-Pokeshippers. They all seem to argue that all the hints were in the English version and Orangeshipping is canon.
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Guys, can we stop fighting and let bygones be bygones and accept that different people ship different characters? Or at least let me built come coastal batteries first.
>>19319177 Pokeshipping and Amourshipping are both one-sided canon. They're both in the same boat. Both girls are good for him, and they're both nice pairings. How about we leave it at that?
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>>19319242 As a landlubber, please, this.
so...was gardevoir teleporting or was it just 2fast?
>>19319059 And what about the second movie?
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>>19319267 it was le non physical movement
>>19319267 It was using its psychic powers to predict movement and get nonverbal commands from Diantha.
>>19319295 >Gardevoirs can read their trainer's thoughts and emotions >Gardevoir knows all of Diantha's fetishes Anonymous
>>19319324 Gardevoir is Diantha's fetish
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19319177 >>19319269 I said "most", not "all".
You can see it more easily via this chart on the left.
>>19317990 You guys are saying that Sycamore acted like a pedophile in this episode. But... Even looking young, that girl is defintely cute. And, since she is Diantha's agent she can't be that young, right?
You guys wouldn't do the same as Sycamore did in this scene?
>>19319242 >pokeshipping was proven canon time and time again >ash probably hates shitrena and wants her to suffer for stealing him from misty >actually this is the same case with all those other ugly bitches who tried to steal him from misty Can't you just fucking accept that your OTP is fucking shit and Pokeshipping is the true canon ship?
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Is Serena ever going to catch another pokemon?
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>>19319348 >You guys are saying that Sycamore acted like a pedophile in this episode Only one retard said that. Of course that chick is at least 20 if she's a movie star's agent/secretary/whatever.
>>19319335 And Gardevoir is cleally fine with that.
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>>19319351 This is why we can't have nice things, Savior.
>>19319351 >for stealing him from Misty So you're saying Serena won?
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19319351 >shitrena Oh, hi Savior. You know even if you're just joking around and doing "muh epic trollz XDDD" it's getting pretty sad that you feel the need to do this every other day, right?
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>>19319372 Oh Gardevoir is more than fine with it.
>>19319379 >serena winning anything ever Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19319425 >anyone winning da Ash Bowl Anonymous
>>19319443 diantha already won you ain't even know it
>>19319339 Wtf is this shit? Wow, did you go into Excel and make this shit? Way to basically rewrite your shit in a pie chart.
>>19319339 A more realistic depiction is 60% implied in anime, 20% Western nostalgia, and 20% shoehorned by 4kids.
Damn, Ash got his ass handed to him. I was hoping he'd at least force a Mega Evo, guess not though. E4 and Champions 2Stronk
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>>19319507 C'est impossible
>>19319531 It's fucking annoying. His Pikachu slays a Regice and Latios but can't force a Mega Evolution. I mean, even if Siebold's Blastoise probably could have beaten Alan's MegaZard alone, the threat itself made him Mega Evolve his Pokemon. I was hoping the same here.
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>>19319531 Ash has to find a counter for Gardevoir's psychic mindrinku with Diantha if they ever fight again.
Just saw the episode. Surprisingly pretty good. Diantha wasn't a shit like she is in the games, and Sycamore appearing always makes for a funny episode.
I'm also surprised /vp/ was cool with Diantha so suddenly. I recall everyone calling her a cheating bitch when the previews showed her using her meag-evo.
>>19316877 This pic is misleading. Before watching the episode, I assumed they had both reached out for a puff, and thought Serena would drown in Spaghetti for touching Ash's hand. That said, it was amusing to have her scold Ash
8.5/10 episode for me.
>>19319574 Diantha is the new hotness. Everyone loves lewd Diantha and are rooting for Ash/Diantha end
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19319511 No, I don't have a better program for chart-making
and I refuse to use the ones on cheezburger .
>>19319530 In retrospect, it might be more along the lines of equal parts implied in the anime and shoehorned by 4kids when it was what it was but mostly Western nostalgia after Misty stopped appearing.
>>19319557 Ash will never win from a champion or E4. Even if Diantha was using a damn Dunsparce, it would've whooped Ash's ass.
>>19319591 She will never be better than best Champion, Goddess of War, Queen of Yuri
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>>19319604 There were hints in the original that 4Kids changed to friendship just as some hints were made more 'shippy.' But the show did imply Ash x Misty; even characters in the show teased them as a couple. At least 50% implied in the anime.
>>19319636 I'm not sure his victory against Alder really counts, anon.
More pics of glasses-chan, please.
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>>19319639 She already has though.
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>>19319671 BW doesn't count, period.
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>>19319507 It's amazing how when we got the games, we shat on Diantha with a passion but now the anime improves her personality and we just in the wagon.
Holy shit, who's designing the CoDs now because they need to get this man to design the Gen VII female characters.
Did Diantha recognize Clemont or does she not keep up with her gym leaders?
>>19319874 I don't think any of the gym leaders know Clemony due to his hikkikomori lifestyle.
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>>19319902 Everyone will know who he is after he and Ash blow up the Prism tower during their gym battle
>>19319874 Why do you expect the champion the know any gym leaders? We don't even know how many gym leaders there are, for al we know there's 20+ gym leaders throughout Kalos
Wait a minute what the fuck? Those guys on the stands with the Squirtle and Gible. Aren't those the faggots from the Pokemon Dragon King manga?
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>>19320019 Hawlucha's Bizzare Adventure
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>>19320028 I'd love her even if she did let herself go like that
>>19320019 Isn't it the same artist?
>>19320015 You'd think everyone would know who the gym leader of the capital city is.
I suspect Clemont is a new gym leader, considering his dad was still lecturing him and he completely shirked his duties by building a battling robot, and that no one knows who he is.
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Anyone upload the diantha episode online yet?
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>>19320019 What's the chances of them appearing in the actual movie?
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>>19319709 I really liked the CotD in the banned Skrelp episode. Very old school anime. Also the old couple from the Chespin vs. Delphox episode looked like they could be from Studio Ghibli. I also really liked Millefeui's and the old couple from the Bonnie/Flabébé episode's designs a lot. They've been stepping up their game since BW
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>>19320042 No? The artist for the movie manga is a completely new author to the Pokemon series
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>>19320044 Why'd you think that? Gym leaders in the anime are pretty much insignificant.
>>19320015 The idea that every region has more than 8 gym leaders has already been retconned with badge cases.
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19320068 >implying that everyone has the same badge case as each other, let alone the same one as Ash Anonymous
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>>19320068 BW had more than 8
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>>19320068 What? You need 8 badges to enter the league. In Unova, Sinnoh, Kanto and Johto there were way more gym badges and thus gyms than the 8 we knew of. Ash obviously is only gonna challenge the ones that appeared in the game. But the fact that there's more than 8 gyms still stands.
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>>19320019 Haha what the fuck?
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>>19320068 The badge case means you only have to get 8, which was always the case, not that there aren't more than 8.
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>>19320068 But they visited 11 gyms in the BW anime, you dumb dick.
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>>19320019 >>19320128 Where did you find these? Is the entire manga dumped?
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19320068 Even in the games there are ten Gyms in the whole Unova series and ten Gym Leaders in BW alone.