Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Next episode:
>Mega Mega 1-Hour Special - XY29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! & XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! [May 29th] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ There will be a 1-hour special May 29th! Incredibly, we will be showing two anime episodes together! And there's more! We will have footage from upcoming anime episodes, which will be centered around the mystery of Mega Evolution, the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special!
Upcoming episodes:
>XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! [June 5th] >XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! [June 12th] >XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! [June 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're heading into Mega Evolution territory and meeting glorious Korrina.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? Her voice actress is currently suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, and it is unlikely the production staff would write in an unneeded cameo knowing they'd have to replace the actor for it.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release around Tuesday. They have the best subs available, so work with them.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer!
>Muh episode 24 when? Who knows?
Old Thread:
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Episode 28 RAW:
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=557023 Episode 27 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_027_Flabebe_and_the_Fairy_Flower![H264_720P][9C578474].mkv.torrent
>Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region where encounters with new Pokémon and friends are waiting for them.... as is the greatest mystery of their journey: Exactly what is the further evolution of Pokémon, "Mega Evolution"? >"Ta-da! A Fake Satoshi Appears!!" >There's another Satoshi!? >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends are suddenly apprehended by Junsa and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Satoshi, Serena and Eureka doing dine and dashing. Satoshi and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for these evil criminals. >"Corni and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!!" >Satoshi and friends gain a new travelmate!? >Satoshi and friends, who are on their way to Shala City, end up befriending Shala Gym's Gym Leader Corni and her Lucario!? A new adventure starts, with the goal being to make Lucario mega evolve into Mega Lucario!! >We will also have the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special! Anonymous
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UPCOMING SHIT: POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 33: (May 25th)>Lots of Digda! / In 'PokéTV Continent', We Follow the PokéTV Representatives Aiming for the WCS 2014 as they Challenge the 'PGL Japan Cup 2014' / JDee'Z Premiere The New Anime Ending Song! XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! (June 5th)>A Blaziken lies in wait inside a cave said to house a Mega Stone! XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! (June 12th)>Korrina's Mega Lucario is unable to control its enormously powerful Aura, and goes wild!! XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! (June 19th)>Korrina and Lucario need to undergo a new trial. For this purpose, they set off towards the Must Mountains together with Ash and his friends. Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Unknown airdate)
>>19320019 So does this mean the Dragon King manga is canon and the tournament happens after the movie?
>>19320111 Sycamore looks like a twig without the lab coat
>>19320019 >>19320128 Where did you find these? Is the entire manga dumped?
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>>19320111 Damn, Sycamore is attractive.
>>19320179 >Where did you find these dotup.org >Is the entire manga dumped No
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>>19320177 >implying you wouldn't tap that Anonymous
>>19320168 What exactly is Dragon King? Could it be that they only make a small cameo in the manga and not in the movie?
Is that Toonzone sourced claim about a dub of the Mega Evolution special actually true, or is it a ruse? I want to see how badly they fuck up Manon.
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>>19320167 Lucario goes out Pika clubbin
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>>19320187 fuck.
Still waitan for my import copy.
Is she completely insane?
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>>19320239 No, she's a gold digger.
>>19320203 Its actually called "Pocket Monsters XY The Legend of the Ryuu-Oh" and it is pretty much a Mega Zard pandering manga.
There's this kid who meets this guy 5 years before the manga starts and gets a Mega Stone/Mega Ring for his Charmander and later Mega Evolves his Charizard to fuck shit up in battles but when he wants to join the "Dragon King" tournament, based off the real life tournament hosted by TPC, he's rejected because Zard Y isn't a Dragon-type. Then he finds a Zard X stone, enters the tournament, meets two rivals, and fucks everything up, winning in the end.
>>19320239 She just saw my dick.
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>>19320168 >Charizard once again THE RIDE NEVER ENDS.
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>>19320257 The Dragon King Tournament is a mahjong thing. TPC just made a Pokemon version because they thought it'd be cool.
>>19320278 It would explain why she's laughing.
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>>19320111 >Sycamore will never fuck your boypussy Anonymous
>>19320315 Yeah, she didn't even know they could be that small.
Gardevoir is just so ugly good lord
>>19320348 >648 minutes jesus why is it over 10 hours long?
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>>19320337 It look okay from the sides, but they really fucked its face up
>>19320369 So that after 648 minutes pass, you can start over from the beginning for another 648 minutes of Meloetta.
>>19320337 It's pokemon. You're not supposed to be attracted to it
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>>19320337 Gardevoir looks very stoic and kinda cool in the game. Anime gardevoir looks really weird...
>>19320385 That seems like a lot of Meloetta.
Daily Reminder that Ash will not win the Kalos League:>Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2, should have had at least 4 by now >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times, but what makes this time any different? >Knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles. Did the same in Unova, no difference >Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings. And still manages to fuck up >The fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory. Like he had no rivals in Hoenn and still lost. >Has done many crazy stunts in the past that involved walking between a battle of Mewtwo and Mew and gotten himself killed as wellas other crazy stunts >Continual hype of the Champion's League, but will loseanyway because the writers will have something up their sleeve >The writers already know how badly they fucked up with Cameron,Nothing wrong with Tobias >Already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; just won only one battle at the Cheateu and probably has forgotten all about it by now >Serena's just another girl who travels with Ash and gets in the way. Ash still has yet to show his feelings for her >Pikachu is already top tier in power and still got rekt by Wobuffet who it has beat numerous times >Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt because Anime Logic is totally equal to game logic >Looks nothing like Red's Hat It's not going to happen. like many dumbasses think it will
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>>19320389 No, but there's no wrong with criticizing whether pokemon looks aesthetically pleasing or not.
Has any site uploaded the spisode yet?
>>19320409 Meloetta is love. Meloetta is life.
>>19320430 Check the OP's second post
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>>19320418 >looks nothing like Red's hat You should really consider fixing that, anon. People might not take you seriously.
Reminder that Gary will be the Kalos Champion
>>19320206 http://www.toonzone.net/forums/cartoon-network-cartoon-forum/291412-cn-schedule-updates-52.html#post4250635 Shadow is a moderator and a credible source who always posts what premieres CN is going to show each month. It's very unlikely that this is another Adyniz situation.
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>>19320440 Pfft, as if that nerd could do it.
Man is everybody in Kalos attractive or what?
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>>19320453 Also, Bulbapedia hasn't even reported on this at all, which should tell you a lot about their "breaking news" shit.
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>>19320440 >Never finished higher than top 16 in any league >Got his ass whupped by a Toxicroak >Owns an umbreon, the gayest of the eeveelutions Ash has a better chance of winning da Diantha bowl.
>inb4 Shutterbug pasta Viola and her whore sister a shit Valerie will win da Ashbowl, even if it involves Slyveon holding him down while she has her way
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>>19320337 Good god why'd they make Gardevoir look so weird in the anime compared to the game???
>>19320459 Eugenics my friend, eugenics.
>>19320480 They probably cast all the ugly people out of society in Kalos.
Stupid Question. It seem that you animufags prefer XY, Sinnoh, and even Hoenn to Season 1. Granted, /vp/ is surprisingly pretty anti-Genwunner, at least compare to /v/ and to a lesser extent /a/. Do you grew some disdain towards Season 1 because of casuals, muh nostalgia, and Mistyfaggotry? Like I have?
>>19320497 So I guess we won't be seeing Iris or Misty return this saga.
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>>19320337 Gardevoir looks way better in the anime than it does in the game. That dull mucus-green shading in XY is disgusting and its "hair" bang separating its entire face is cringe-worthy
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>>19320337 >Virizion in Amie Anonymous
>>19320509 I don't like OS a lot because of Ash's pity badges. Literally the only gym battles he actually won in OS were Koga, Blaine, and Surge. That's worse than BW's badge bullshit
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>>19320433 I meant for streaming online.
How long till we see sites uploading it?
>>19320509 No, we just realize that the early episodes had a bunch of issues that were corrected and/or improved on as the show went on.
This holds true for most long running shows. The first few years are rarely the best.
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>>19320465 >Not devoting yourself to Meloetta Anon, I think it's you who isn't okay.
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>>19320509 Nah, season 1 is great but it feels pretty different. Misty was good before Togepi showed up. and Brock's running gag was actually used in different ways.
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>>19320453 Thank you. I'm sure you understand my reluctance to believe it at first, since it would be a pretty clever ruse with the Adyniz bullshit going on, but this is credible. Thank you.
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>>19320337 ...
that's terrible as fuck
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>>19320337 I was wondering why anime gardevoir just seemed so odd looking
>>19320239 Duh, she wants the Clemont after all
Reminder that Korrina is a gold digging fame whore only traveling with Ash to steal his poke bonding techniques to mega evolve her aura dog.
Wat if some of Ash's Unova mons evolved? Granted, Serena is more likely to win the Ash bowl than NFE Unova mons evolving.
>>19320472 Valerie is at a disadvantage
Viola can call on Alexa to be her Second and vice versa
Who can or would help Valerie out?
>>19320515 Oh look, an anti-Mistyfag. Fuck off man, Misty is attractive.
>>19320509 Genwunners, both game- and anime-wise, don't really like the game or the anime, they just have nostalgic affects for those specific games and those specific parts of the anime they saw as kids. These are the people who will sit around of video game websites etc and talk about their nostalgia, and if they're dumb, mistake their nostalgia as them liking these things for their inherent qualities, but they're not going to go to devoted fan forums and discuss the franchise with current fans.
>>19320637 her personal harem
>>19320630 They would still suck.
Ash needs to focus on evolving his gible.
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>>19320472 Maybe they'll age Valerie down a bit and have her compete with Serena...
Though, Korrina already kind of fills in the 'same age' gym leader. Maybe Valerie and Viola will be friends or something and Valerie will just convince Ash and Viola to do a menage-a-trois.
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>>19320659 Gardevoir a hax
truteal !hlnuDLeBD2
>Ash mistakes Valerie (who is wearing a full body costume) for a pokemon and tries to capture her
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>>19320659 The way Gardevoir looks back at Diantha right before dodging makes me think this is Amie related
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>>19320698 >When you tried to capture me, you captured my heart Anonymous
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>>19320657 *nostalgic affection
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19320337 >why isn't my pokewaifu not hot enough maybe the producers are sending you disgusting fucks a message?
>>19320459 Well, there's Tierno...
>>19320509 Stuff I liked about OS:
>Ash had more of a personality >Misty and Ash fighting was fun to watch >Silver Conference Things I didn't like:
>worst animation (well, of course) >fucking Johto going on forever >Misty ruined by Togepi >Indigo League a shit The truth is the bulk of the show really hasn't changed much over the years, mostly just filler with your occasional battle episode. I've never really seen any reason to watch anything other than the most recent one for the vastly improved animation unless you really just need that much Pokemon in your life.
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>>19320698 Heh that'd be funny
truteal !hlnuDLeBD2
>Valerie is actually an alien (which explains her kinship with Pokemon and her grey like eyes)
>>19320714 >Not wanting Tierno Faggot
>>19320661 >not wanting based Scrafty >wanting Smogon Sharkplane >muh OU Anonymous
>>19320736 whats wrong with you
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>>19320540 Too true
I heard they were going to cancel Star Trek TNG until The Best of Both Worlds premiered as the season finale. Sometimes shows need a little fleshing out period. While early Pokemon gave us such gems as Ash having the hots for Giselle, his character really wasn't established then. Nowdays, we can appreciate HAPPENING moments more because they're in the context we understand, thus making them more special. Also, if someone in your series' team sucks (Gene Roddenberry), them leaving (dying) often marks a dramatic improvement
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>>19320718 The general quality of the writing has improved too, with the writers having learned how to write battles and Pokemon personalities well.
>>19320753 What's wrong with you? Tierno's clearly the hottest piece of ass in PokeFrance
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>>19320637 >>19320658 Only someone of equal caliber can help Valerie out now. Only someone as far treaded on the Path of da Ashbowl as Valerie has. Only that person can truly help.
truteal !hlnuDLeBD2
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>>19320459 They want the casual demographic
>>19320709 >implying I think Gardevoir is my waifu >implying I even like Gardevoir Not everyone is a waifufag, faggot. I don't even like Gardevoir and it getting a Mega was a wasted spot that could have been used on Gallade
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>>19320239 She seems happ-go-lucky, to the point of obliviousness.
So yes, she is Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19320714 >implying that athletic fat people aren't attractive Anonymous
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>>19320731 >SURPRISE >Ash is an alien too! WHAT A TWEEST
>>19320538 Ash didnt beat Blaine. Charizard beat Blaine
>>19320709 Oh they sent us a message alright
They're sicker than we are
>>19320799 cant believe i fuck up this bad
just know that it was meant for this guy
>>19320766 Anonymous
>>19320798 >>19320766 Got away fat acceptance fags.
>>19320819 Ash was in the immediate vicinity when Charizard beat Blaine.
>>19320736 I never said I didn't want him.
I just said he isn't very attractive. He could still end up being based as fuck, with a winning personality that shines through his incredibly seductive dance moves.
On a completely different note, why is there so much talk about Valerie joining the Ashbowl when GrantxValerie is already canon? Don't tell me you all want to leave this brutha hanging?
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>>19320798 kill yourself clemont
>>19320828 >thinking meloetta waifu is more disgusting than Gardshit Anonymous
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>>19320855 While doing fuck all
>>19320857 But GrantxWalls is my OTP
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>>19320857 implying it isn't GrantXSiebold
>>19320857 Grant is a wallsexual.
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>>19320847 >>19320836 >All these people thinking I'm seriously gay for Tierno lol
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19320871 I think the message was that they're sicker than us by creating a Pokemon who's more humanoid.
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>>19320879 >>19320883 Considering how off-putting that "I'm a Pokemon" act must be around most other human beings, in addition to the fact that she's a foreigner in Kalos, I suspect Valerie may be a bit of a wallflower.
It's a perfect match.
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>>19320857 >leave this brutha hanging Anonymous
Team Flare Boss Lysandre !2DrkZFLarE
Just popping by to wonder why the hell Sycamore looks completely emaciated.
I mean, skinny is one thing- but the guy looks like a clothes hanger.
maybe he has a modeling gig on the side or something. >>19320337 Lookin' a little cross-eyed, there.
>>19320717 Are you retarded? Post pictures of anime Misty at least...
>>19320968 Were you here when I posted the rest of that set?
It's by Gouguru, though it's 100% non-lewd.
I dunno if I feel like posting it again, since I think it got deleted by a janitor after the rest of the thread got swept up in lewdness. Anonymous
>>19320111 I still don't understand why I find Sycamore so damn attractive
but I can't stop either Anonymous
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>>19321036 Yes, I was.
Ash's face at the end was hilarious. Anonymous
>>19320986 >Implying Origins isn't anime Anonymous
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>>19320509 It's because the show was original back then. Ash was a rookie and it showed, but you could see him getting better. His dynamic with Brock and Misty in particular was very entertaining. Show was pretty emotional back then too. Team Rocket was better then compared to now.
The best seasons were Kanto/Orange Islands and Sinnoh IMO. I liked the latter because of its more serious/violent/action-packed nature and story-driven arcs. Plus Ash's rivalry with Paul and his improvements as a trainer and the Sinnoh battles were the best in the series. I like Ash's contrast in OS compared to DP.
>>19321048 He's just so perfect. I remember telling my friend back before XY was released that I hoped they'd do an attractive male professor for pokéFrance and I was not disappointed.
>>19321059 Quit being a smartass. You know I'm talking about the regular series not fucking Origins.
>>19320744 >Implying that it can HAPPEN without Ash running a full smogon team Anonymous
>>19321094 >Meta >Meaning anything in the anime Anonymous
>>19321094 >Light Ball Pikachu > OU :^)
>>19321085 >>19321048 If Sycamore did this to you what would you do?
>>19321094 >implying the anime cares about Smogon tiers when Ash's best mons are all UU shitmons ingame His Gliscor, by comparison, is a pretty cool guy but isn't considered among his top tier.
Why is Korrina's Key Stone so fucking huge yet Alan's, Diantha's, Ayaka's, Siebold's, and even Louis' were the size of a marble
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>>19321138 Cum all over his chest.
Ash's XY Team: Pikachu Smogonfrog Smogonbird Smogonsword Rey Myseriobird Gogoat
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>>19321120 >>19321122 >>19321140 Yeah, you guys say that...and then Ash is going to go into the Kalos league with his smogon frog, smogon bird, smogon sword, charizard x/y, a lucario and...pikachu.
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>>19321157 Is this picture supposed to depict how autistic you are, because I give it a 10/10 in accuracy then.
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>>19321144 Overcompensation because she doesn't have a dick.
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>>19321048 for me its the hair
I think he has some of the greatest hair ever
Ash is getting a Hawlucha !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19321175 Always need a HM slave.
>>19321140 Rape Ape was OU
Gabenmon was OU until Gen 5. [Though he wasn't useful until Johto]
Genwunner Bait was only BL in Gen 2-3 and was NU trash until he got the Mega.
Emo burd was BL,but THUNDER ARMOR is considered best burd.
PineTree Butt was only BL and Gen 3 and gotten lower.
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>>19321269 *BL in Gen 3 and went into the lower tiers since/
>1 hour special next week Who here is already hype?
>>19321298 I think we're all semi-hyped, but come next week and the boards will explode.
>>19321138 Suck his dick immediately
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>>19321298 I hype here.
It's fun that we're getting two episodes.
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>>19321298 I'm hyped as fuck
>>19321318 >inb4 some stupid natural incident makes some pussies cry "muh sensibilities!" and the special is cancelled. Anonymous
>>19321343 >school massacre involving a killer who dresses up as Ash Ketchum Anonymous
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>>19320652 Only when she ditches the topknot.
>>19321329 C-can we tag team him together, anon?
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Motherfucking Pikachu just went in head first intro Lucario's chest spike
>>19321343 >>19321352 But anon, that would make the animu be canceled forever and replace him with a new protag.
Couldn't they have aired the Fake Ash episode today and save the Diantha and Korrina episodes for next week so it could be a proper mega special? Unless a Mega Evolution will debut in the TR episode
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>>19321405 until something else happens and again someone cries because he/she can't move on.
next weet>korrina >new ending >mega evo mini-arc long preview I'm hyped for those things. Hopefully there's a preview for act II of the strongest mega evo special too
>>19320709 Daily reminder that not everyone here is a waifufag like you are.
Mega Volt played during today's preview Pokepale says the new ending theme is being played during the special It's all but confirmed nowWhat captures do you think will be spoiled in the new opening?
>>19321438 >new ending I'm gonna miss the first ED.
I didn't get the point of it, buy it was catchy.
What will Serena's face be when Eureka wins the Ash D
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>>19321442 No, but they are the majority.
>>19321443 Ash
>Fletchinder >Hawlucha >Lucario >Frogadier Clemont
>Ampharos >Quilladin Serena
>Spritzee >Braixen Anonymous
>>19321486 >no Diggersby for Clemont >no Grass type for Ash >Lucario no
>>19320973 Too much time flirting with people, not enough time eating. He needs to spend more time at Lysandre Cafe.
Actually eating food there, not just making out with Lysandre. >>19321048 Hell if I know, he's an awkward beanpole and yet I have like 150 pictures in my Sycamore folder. Anonymous
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>>19321443 I think the opening will include Alan, Manon, Team Flare, and AZ
As well as the remaining Gym Leaders and then Ash and Mega Lucario fighting against a bunch of other Mega Pokemon
As far as capture spoilers go, I think it'll spoil Hawlucha, Fletchinder, and Skiddo for Ash and maybe Diggersby and Ampharos for Clemont. I don't think Serena will be capturing anything anytime soon
>>19321535 >Sycamore >Gay He hit on a cute girl in this very episode
>>19321552 Sycamore follows a simple rule: If there's a hole, it's a man's job to thrust into it.
>>19321486 >>19321515 I doubt Ash will get Lucario now that Hawlucha is confirmed.
>Two fighting types >Two flying types Anonymous
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>>19321545 Can someone translate?
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>>19321552 >doesn't know the French go both ways Plébéien.
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>>19321563 So he'd fuck Eureka?
Would be cool if Ash, Serena and Clemont all got a pokemon that could mega evolve and a mega stone. Ash - Mega Charizard X/Y / Mega Heracross Clemont - Mega Manectric / Mega Ampharos Serena - Mega Mawile / Mega Absol / Mega Banette
>>19321552 I don't know, I get a very 'anything that moves (and consents)' vibe from him.
Also, you cannot seriously tell me you played the game and yet don't actually think he's at least gay for Lysandre.
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>>19321552 >implying he doesn't fuck anything that he can convince to fuck Anonymous
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>>19321396 We can't let his eiffel tower go to waste, can we? Anonymous
>>19321569 Team Origin beaten the League with 3 flying types. :^)
>>19321569 >implying he didn't have two Grass-types in Johto >implying he didn't have two Flying-types in Johto >implying he didn't have two Water types in Unova >implying he didn't have two Ground-types in Unova + a Rock-type >implying he didn't have two Grass-types in Unova >implying he didn't have two Dark-types in Unova Anonymous
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>>19321569 What is Gliscor, Torterra, and Staraptor?
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>>19321585 Serena doesn't need a Mega Pokemon if she isn't even battler
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>>19321569 On the other hand, you can look at it as Ash having a steel, a fighting and a flying.
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>>19321609 so fucking what?
I was a little dissapointed that Ash didn't land a hit. It probably would've made Diantha join da Ashbowl.
>>19321617 Unova doesn't count because it was rotation based and Johto is also invalid because Ash didn't leave all his old Pokemon behind back then.
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>>19321569 He had Charizard and Cyndaquil in Johto, Charizard and Noctowl, Bulbasaur and Bayleef, Krookodile and Scraggy, Oshawott and Palpitoad, Snivy and Leavanny, Krookodile and Palpitoad, Gliscor and Staraptor, and Gliscor, Torterra, and Gible
He had three fucking Ground-types in Sinnoh. Overlapping types do not matter to the writers.
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>>19321618 I see it as an, "Everyone wants Sycamore and he's more than happy to oblige" kind of thing, but yeah, I like him best with Lysandre. Dat angst potential.
Plus, Lysandre's one of the only characters tall and broad enough (aside from AZ and maybe Wulfric) to pin him against a wall and physically dominate him and that shit is hot as hell. Anonymous
>>19321687 Then what about Gliscor and Staraptor, Gliscor and Torterra, and Gliscor and Gible?
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>>19321686 She kind of did when she saw Ash take the tree for Pikachu's sake. Flip side, we had Bonnie go full KEEPU even as she was about to leave too I think.
>>19320337 >m-muh pokewaifu was ruined by the anime Anonymous
>>19321711 Gliscor left the team for awhile before the league anyway.
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>>19321687 >the two prime examples don't count Anonymous
>>19321721 But he still had it on the team when he had Torterra and Staraptor
And then even after Gliscor left, Ash caught Gible.
>>19320472 Sup faggot.
Reminder that Shutterbug waifu will win the Ashbowl. Alexa can share. Valerie a shit.
>>19321719 Why would I make a Pokemon who I think is ugly my waifu?
Get the fuck out faggot
>>19321760 Too late sluts
you can have Clemont
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>>19320618 Wow she actually looks like not-shit in this picture. Shame it's only fanart.
>>19321752 Yeah but
all those Pokemon are cool and auradog isn't Anonymous
>>19321768 Where do you think you are, faggot? Aren't you used to baseless implications already?
>>19321569 >implying Ash didn't have three fucking Ground-types in Sinnoh I'm still positive Ash's final Kalos Team will be
>Pikachu >Greninja >Talonflame >Gogoat >Hawlucha >Noivern/Aegislash >Lucario Anonymous
>>19321783 Its not baseless implications, its just being retarded.
You can fuck off too faggot.
>>19321784 Who's going to leave for training or whatever and be replaced though
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>>19321775 >implying Ash commanding Lucario to golf swing a laser bone sword into pokemons' faces won't be cool Anonymous
>>19321775 >Lucario >not cool >implying Ash's own Goku isn't the coolest shit instead of Ash having another bird Anonymous
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>>19321775 I actually quite like Lucario. It's an awesome battler and does have a good design, and movie eight was fantastic - it's just ruined by most of its fanbase furiously diddling themselves over the dog. Anonymous
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>>19321772 Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, have to work to feed my Pokeporn habits.
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>>19321795 You remember how the Draco Meteor teacher in XY is right before Victory Road?
Ash will leave Noivern with her in order for her to teach it Draco Meteor and then by the time it comes back it'll have perfected it and use it in Ash's League battle against Alan or Manon
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>>19321791 >its just being retarded. You know how the saying goes? If you are offended, it probably is true.
>>19321805 But anon, they won't give Ash another Infernape.
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>>19321835 >implying we won't see rape ape return in the league and take down a Genesect or something Anonymous
>>19321835 >implying It already seems like they are doing the same thing with Lucario that they did with Infernape. Infernape always had trouble controlling Blaze and would end up going rampant, and now we know from the summaries the same thing happens with Lucario where when it Mega Evolves it can't control the massive amount of Aura it now has.
>>19321805 You are swine and not my nigga
>>19321865 Nigga. He didn't even get a Riolu egg and you think he will become Rape Ape the sequel?
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sycamore more like stickamore that nigga doesn't even lift
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It'd be cool if in the League preliminary matches, (not the proper top 64 etc. matches) they have rules like having to use only one type so Ash is forced to use his older pokemon. Maybe something like a mono fire team so he uses Charizard, Quilava, Torkoal, Infernape, Pignite and Talonflame. They probably wouldn't be full 6 vs 6 matches but you get the idea.
>>19321871 >not wanting it to go full DBZ >Infernape/Lucario tag team a la Goku/Vegeta Anonymous
>>19321918 More like Goku/Yamcha
Combo Dog can eat the big one
So how will the dub ruin this episode and squander all of the character redemption it did to Diantha?
>>19321918 Not Infenape/Greninja for the Goku/Naruto team up
>>19321905 >Riolu egg What? Why would he get a Riolu egg when there are two Lucario in the anime just like in the games?
>>19321933 >yamcha That title goes to Luchafag
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i swear on me mum if they keep putting lucario everywhere i'm gonna shoot down a herd of rednecks
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>>19321937 They won't fuck it up. They'll necromance Audrey Hepburn back to life to do the voice.
>>19321937 >editing the gard hug scene Anonymous
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>>19321609 red's pokemon got their asses handed to them on almost every battle, including giovanni beacuse Red showed favoritism toward his starter and barely trained the rest of his team, so it was really charizard's show
>>19321960 So much for "LE BASED LUCHABIRD" maymays amirite?
>>19321938 >Not wanting Infernape to ride on Talonflame's back during brave bird and then turning it into bravest flare blitz Anonymous
>>19321937 >BGM replaced >creepy UFO music playing while Mega Gardevoir evolves >HON HON HON BAGUETTE accordions over Tower of Mastery remix >Diantha's voice becomes generic and uninspired, not a Hepburn imitation, TPCi likely doesn't even know who Hepburn is >Sycamore/Assistant-chan scene removed >MIXELS >creepy UFO music playing whenever Team Rocket is around Anonymous
>>19321960 I'm still stuck on how badly this thing fucked me over. I thought Ash not getting Lucario and this instead meant it was going to be GOAT
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>>19321937 GAR GAR
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>>19321946 >the animu follows the vidya faithfully Anonymous
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>>19322007 >Diantha gets an old woman voice that's slightly masculine Anonymous
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>>19321994 >Infernape riding on Talonflame >not making it full gattai with Talonflame attaching itself on Infernape's back >both heading down head-on to truly make the Bravest Flare Blitz Anonymous
Whats the deal about the episode 24? Why they skipped it?
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>>19322050 >Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
i wonder if someone one in the production knew someone on that ship
what if diantha gets a sassy sexy girl voice
>>19322061 >inb4 they get Wendee Lee instead Anonymous
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>>19320348 The music fits soo well
>>19321990 >>19322008 >implying a Mega can lose to anything other than another Mega Besides, at least Ayaka had to pull out the Mega Evolution button to beat Hawlucha. Pikachu couldn't even touch Diantha's regular Gardevoir.
Okay, yes, Diantha is Champion and thus is streets ahead of whatever Ayaka is capable of. Still, the anime isn't going to let Ash beat Megas without considerable difficulty, or a Mega of his own. I'm hoping for Mega Heracross soon, seeing as it's getting featured in the TCG and everything. Anonymous
>>19322080 >Hawlucha gets taken out in one hit with megahorn which its resistant to Anonymous
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>>19321988 >implying TCPI cares about lewd Anonymous
>>19320628 I agree completely!
Gardenia best girl IMO
>>19322086 Not Megahorn.
It deals Mega-type damage, which is super-effective against everything that isn't a Mega.
>>19322086 Are we even sure it's Megahorn? It looks like Absol is attacking with his horn in that pic but Ayaka isn't calling an attack. It's also possible it was attacking with its paw given the position its in.
Still lame Luchabird gets one-shot regardless.
>>19320111 Reminder to all you Ash-nazis and Alan-nazis who will white-knight the shitty anime
>>19322100 Well from what we know from the special its four moves are Psycho Cut, Megahorn, Protect, and Dark Pulse so take your pick.
>>19322104 Masturbate to Redgy somewhere else.
>>19322113 Well, here's hoping it was Psycho Cut.
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>>19322071 >inb4 they get Cherami Leigh Anonymous
>>19322104 >implying they won't make red just like ash for the sake of comedy. Anonymous
>>19322097 anon I would like to inform that you are awesome
>>19322102 Wouldn't it be objectively worse if it wasn't Megahorn and just some generic horn lunge?
>>19322168 Well, if you consider the generic horn ram to be struggle...
>Megahorn Power: 120 >Double resistance: 40 >Struggle Power: 50 So...slightly less pathetic?
>>19322185 Yeah but remember that this is the anime, where Megahorn will have all these cool super flashy effects to make it look more powerful than it really is
>>19322185 Wow, fuck me. I mean 30 for the double resistance. Holy shit I need to go sleep.
>>19322124 >Redgy Oh you mean the guy that a good majority of the fanbase wanted and not pussy Ash or some other faggot canon to the anime.
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>>19322183 Back to SerebiiForums with you, faggot.
>>19322113 psycho cut could one shot it
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>>19322192 I'm guessing the manga greatly shortens something that's ultimately unimportant to the story, like an opening battle against a random trainer. In the movie Luchabird probably isn't only going to last just 2 seconds while the opening song plays or whatever.
>>19322195 I just want a character who's a consistently good trainer, they don't have to win all the time or be an edgy loner.
Also Ash is pretty shitty trainer most of the time but anyone who actually calls him a pussy is retarded, he puts his life on the line to save people all the time.
Ash might not be the best at training his Pokemon to fight but he's a damn good trainer in regards to raising them.
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>>19322236 Stop replying to obvious bait and just hide/report it.
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>>19322146 this. redgy never existed outside of the fantasies of his deluded fanbase
>>19322247 >252 Atk Mega Absol Psycho Cut vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Hawlucha: 216-256 (72.4 - 85.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Anonymous
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>>19322236 >character who's a consistently good trainer You mean like Red?
>anyone who calls Ash a pussy is retarded Why wouldn't we? All of his problems were well established and the don't look like they will improve at all.
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>>19322261 hawlucha was probably underleveled so this makes sense
>>19322261 In contrast:
>252+ Atk Hawlucha High Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Absol: 558-656 (205.9 - 242%) -- guaranteed OHKO There's no excuse.
>>19322261 Now do Megahorn.
>>19322277 >252 Atk Mega Absol Megahorn vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Hawlucha: 46-54 (15.4 - 18.1%) -- possible 6HKO Anonymous
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>>19322261 >>19322276 >thinking Ash ev trains Anonymous
It's not Psycho Cut, faggots. This is what Psycho Cut looks like in the anime, do you see Ayaka's Absol unleashing any purplish slashes in that manga page? It's Megahorn.
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>>19322157 Th-thanks fellow anon! I must say it great to see someone with good taste.
why Irisfags are such faggots?
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>>19322333 Irisfags are the last people in this fanbase that should be complaining about fucking Mary Sues.
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>>19322333 Wouldn't be much of a Champion if someone like Ash could prove a threat really. Maybe if he had used a powerhouse like Charizard but Pikachu's main trait in the anime is its speed and if you take away its ability to properly utilize that (like teleporting out of the way) it's not left with much options.
>>19322333 But he's absolutely right
>>19322297 It also doesn't have a huge aura around its horn like it did when it used Megahorn, so I don't see your point. It's not the same guy drawing the anime and the manga.
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>>19320717 god this version of misty is very ugly. she looks like a man with that chiseled chin
>>19322333 They don't even deserve to complain about Mary Sues.
Also, nice dubtrips.
>>19322346 But she's both a famous actress AND the fucking Champion of Kalos, so it's justified. Plus, Gardevoir can communicate telepathically with its trainer.
GTFO, Irisfag.
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>>19322354 Still, when has Psycho Cut ever been depicted as an actual contact slashing attack? It's always been slashing the air to unleash psychic projectiles.
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>>19322346 Diabtha is an actress and the champion, of curse she is popular and famous
>Luchafags trying to defend m-muh luchador by making baseless arguments This is reaching "Swellow cameoed in the Simpsons Movie!" levels of bulbapedia sadness.
>>19322385 >This is reaching "Swellow cameoed in the Simpsons Movie!" levels of bulbapedia sadness. What? Mind explaining?
how Alder or whatever is his name was handled in BW? I stopped watching that shit. I guess BW fags are mad because Diantha was so based in the anime and the previous season already had Cynthia which was also pretty cool
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>>19322333 >>19322346 >going on dumblr for shitty opinions Anonymous
>>19322392 He was pretty much a big idiot and Ash technically won a battle against him because he didn't feel like battling anymore.
>>19322370 Do people even know what a fucking Mary Sue is these days? Diantha isn't a self-insert, she's not girl genius and she isn't all-powerful. She's an amazing trainer who is an actress as a day job, and, surprise-surprise, an actress that's beautiful and is a great trainer somehow manages to become famous!
I mean, she's not some amazing character or anything, she's basically the same as every other Champion except her day job.
>>19322392 >>19322400 >He appeared in Ash Versus the Champion! on Route 5. Ash and Trip met him and wanted both to battle with him. There, he referred to them as Ashton and Tristan, respectively. He wished to battle both of them in a two-on-one battle, but Trip refused to battle alongside Ash, so Alder settled for battling them one at a time. Trip allowed Ash to go first thinking being quickly defeated by the Champion would do him good. During the battle, Alder just stood calm and let his Bouffalant take multiple attacks from Ash's Pikachu. Ash and his friends then realized that Alder was actually sleeping while standing up. Trip woke Alder, while Bouffalant expressed its embarrassment and disappointment in its Trainer. After explaining why he was asleep, Alder commanded Bouffalant to use Head Charge, but Bouffalant was still angry with Alder and slow to respond. In order to persuade Bouffalant to quit wasting time and attack, Alder slapped its rump, sending it charging. Bouffalant stampeded towards Pikachu, but stopped quickly and made a U-turn and attacked Alder instead. Afterwards, much to Trip's disappointment, and despite his Bouffalant still being fit to battle, Alder conceded defeat to Ash and decided he was finished battling for the day. Trip then questioned Alder about the advice he was given as a small child. Alder seemed to be confused by this, and then contradicted the original advice he gave Trip by stating that becoming the strongest was not the most important part of battling. Trip then left in anger, telling Ash he would continue on the path he believes in. Anonymous
>>19322396 What the fuck? Are they this delusional?
>>19322405 I bet it's just a bunch of BW fags in denial.
>>19322422 They probably don't go out much, so they've never heard of Swallows.
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>>19322462 I bet they've never heard of Axototls, and just think of Mudkip and Quagsire.
>>19322415 whhy Best Wishes is so bad?
>>19322462 Call Bulbanews. Swellow is cameoing in real life!
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>>19322524 Oh man, stop the press. Today, I saw - get this - a real life cameo of a Lillipup!
>>19322261 >>19322276 >>19322287 >Hawlucha caught within, like, a week or two of the movie >Ayaka's Absol has been with her for god knows how long >implying they're even close to being the same level Were this the Regional Champions tournament, Hawlucha would have no excuse for losing like a chump. Given how new it is, I'd give it another battle or two before declaring it to be the second coming of Job. If it can't Flying Press a Lucario into the dirt for a Gym Badge, we'll know whether this is an Infernape in the making or a Torterra-tier tragedy.
>>19322595 But how can it be so weak if it looked so edgy and experienced in the previews?
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>>19322513 Alder was cool as fuck in BW, one of the few good things
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>>19322634 Oh yeah. Because that Slyvie episode is totally a pasta-tastic episode, and not TR filler.
>>19322396 Holy shit, that's some retardation. I bet they think scaly anteaters are fictional creatures too.
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>>19322657 >scaly anteaters is pangolin, fag
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>>19322634 M8, it could very well be, like, level 35, with the rest of Ash's team sitting in the mid-20's. And that would be really fucking impressive, except for the fact that Ayaka's an endgame-level trainer towing around her endgame-level Absol.
252 Atk Mega Absol (lvl 55) Psycho Cut vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Hawlucha (lvl 35): 188-222 (170.9 - 201.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
For what it's worth, an Adamant 252 Hawlucha at level 35 has a 25% chance to OHKO a level 55 Mega Absol with HJK. Anonymous
HOW is Ash going to beat Mega Lucario? Pikachu is going to lose to regular Lucario and then in XY31 when he finally mega evolves his aura becomes so big that it can't even control it Hawlucha a shit. I hope it doesn't do power-up punch or something like that
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>>19322870 It loses control if it's aura and gets tostada pressed. Duh.
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>>19322870 >Fletchinder heats things up! >Hawlucha remembers the Alamo! I'm pretty damn sure that this battle is going to be for the birds, and that's assuming that MegAnubis doesn't end up getting so out of control that Korinna has to forfeit.
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>>19322595 Hawlucha is not going to reach Infernape-tier. That's probably reserved to the Smogonfrog if it happens. Hawlucha might end being like another Gliscor though, which is still solid considering Gliscor is a Tier 2 Pokemon.
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>>19322370 >>19322405 Fucking THIS. Just how stupid are some of you idiots.
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>>19320659 tbh I liked this scene. This is pretty much what would happen if a random Lv. 100 Pikachu, without light ball, went up against a max EV'd Gardevoir that can mega evolve.
>>19321609 Is it really fair comparing origins Red, champion material from the start, to shit-tier ash, who hasn't even managed to get into the elite four one?
Team Flare Boss Lysandre !2DrkZFLarE
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>>19321535 He needs a diet change and maybe an exercise regimen. Seriously.
I can deal with skinny guys, but this is like "I can tell you subsist on coffee and macarons and spend all your time studying Pokemon but for fuck's sake have a meal and a nap or you'll die."
>>19321552 I don't particularly think he's gay, either, tbh. Just flirtatious and excitable.
Everyone's a little bi, though.
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>>19323569 >implying Red's E4 aren't shit tier Red wouldn't last on the shit the gym leaders do in Ashime.