Welcome to the GTS Giveaway Thread!
Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
Be nice, and don't hate. (If you don't like a Pokémon you got, remember it was for free - only by contributing will this be a better place.)
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.
New Vivillion pattern will be distrubuted when the number of GTS trades hits 100 million. It's currently at 85 million. How many of those trades happened because of this thread? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IN GAME NAME (IGN).
It makes everything so much easier.
We want the Pokémon to go to you, not anyone else!
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>PLEASE ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be #rood. Previous thread:
>>19326457 Can we still disc up in a dead hours edition thread?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
anyone know if ivory cam looking for me last night? also hii everybodyy
>>19326487 >Anybody>Everybody You're acting like there are people here. >>19326480 No. There's nothing to disc up for ;_; Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326480 Someone pls explain this "ebin new meme" thing.
I have a shitty Xerneas from the GTS if anyone wants it for dex reasons - post a picture of missing it's dex entry.
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>>19326492 Somebody made an Alomomola edition thread. Another person asked if they could disc up in said thread.
ebin new meme explained.
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>>19326457 Zero, because this thread is kill Anonymous
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
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>>19326490 elephant+rhino=
hell if i know Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19326522 Oh shit nigga what are you doing.
Also Good morning.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
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>>19326457 i thought about it and i've probably accounted for more than 200 trades. makes me smile Ricardo
>>19326492 Rynn, can you give me your opinion? What do you think more interesting:
Dive Ball Swift Swim Kabuto
Net Ball HA Kabuto?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326531 nest ball. sorry had to chime in.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326531 Gotta gave to agree with
>>19326532 on this.
It's shiny looks like a green candy.
But the second option would be Dive ball HA
sorry Ricardo
>>19326532 Appreciate your opinion, unfortunately I have no Kabutos in Nest Balls. Just a SS Dive Ball and a HA Net Ball.
Honestly, I prefer Dive Ball for Water types, but not having it's HA is a problem.
Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381
[spoiler] buenos dias M00t [/spoiler] Mateo 4038 - 6336 - 4381 Fri 23 May 2014 11:47:44 No. 19326542 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326540 I can switch the ball on your mommy kabuto if you want.
>>19326549 Wow, can you do that? It would be really helpful.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326558 I'll upload a magikarp for kabuto then. So which ball? Dive ball HA or Nest ball?
>>19326571 Nest ball is legal with HA Kabuto, no? If so, I want that one.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>19326584 I think they're all illegal.
Why am I only around during the dead hours? Giving away pokemon to good homes! All have 5 IVs. Please be specific about what you want! 2 Male 4 Female Adamant HA Skiddo in Timer Balls 3 Own Tempo 3 Chlorophyll Modest Petilil in Ultra Balls 2 Male Modest Overgrow Bulbasaur with Grass Whistle, Giga Drain and Petal Dance 1 Female Quiet HA Torkoal with Superpower, Clear Smog, Yawn and Eruption in Repeat Balls (needs to relearn egg moves) 2 Male 1 Female Bold Levitate Chimecho with Hypnosis, Stored Power, Cosmic Power and Wish in Moon Balls (One female needs to relearn egg moves) 2 Male 1 Female Adamant Guts Timburr with Mach Punch, Drain Punch, Counter and Wide Guard in Luxury Balls (Some may have 0IV Speed) 1 Male 1 Female Bold Effect Spore Paras with Leech Seed, Counter, Rototiller and Wide Guard in Friend Balls 7 Male 3 Female Dry Skin Paras with Leech Seed, Counter, Rototiller and Wide Guard in Friend Balls (One female needs to relearn egg moves)
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326584 pretty sure fossils can only be in pokeballs
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19326589 Discing for a Torkoal
>>19326590 Dream world man
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326593 ahh thats right
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>19326589 Could I get a Dry Skin Paras and that female Chimecho?
>>19326589 Can I get that Torkoal?
>>19326590 Can't you catch Kabuto in the Dream World?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Serebii says a lot of balls are legal on Kabuto tho. "Entree forest - captured in the Sparkling sea".
http://www.serebii.net/games/geniball.shtml Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326589 Discing up for Petilil
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19326589 Could I get Chimecho? Female please
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Fri 23 May 2014 12:03:42 No. 19326610 Report >>19326589 Discing up for Petilil in a minute ^^
>>19326605 >tfw not supersanic JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326589 Disc is up for a Bulbasaur... IGN: JESUS it'll say ''/vp/ tt''. Thanks in advanced.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 23 May 2014 12:09:20 No. 19326629 Report I done forgot my IGN.
>>19326593 'Sup Opti. How's it going? Delivered!
>>19326601 Sorry mate, you just missed it.
>>19326604 >>19326607 >>19326610 >>19326618 Delivered!
>>19326600 Not seeing a disc there.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
4x Nest Ball Cubone - Lightning Rod - (Endure, Iron Head, Belly Drum, Perish Song) 3x Lure Ball Taillow - Guts - (Defog, Brave Bird, Mirror Move, Boomburst) 1x Safari Ball Doduo - Early Bird - (Feint Attack, Assurance, Brave Bird, Flail) 1x Dream Ball Skitty - HA - (Baton Pass, Cosmic Power, Zen Headbutt, Wish) 1x Heal Ball Mienfoo - Regenerator - (Feint, Me First, Baton Pass, Knock Off) they’re all females. reply and disc up if you wantz.YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU’D LIKE!!
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Does anyone have a Defiant (HA) Piplup? Any IV, nature, gender is fine.
>>19326631 Discing for Mienfoo
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326631 What's the deal with the Ball thing in Gen VI?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326629 Thanks!
>>19326631 Discing for Cubone
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JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326629 Thank you so much. Finally got a bulba for my dex.
IGN Lyndis
IGN Lyndis
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>>19326642 dunno why i pasted that link
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 23 May 2014 12:14:58 No. 19326650 Report Another thing I forgot to mention I have are:
3 Male 1 Female Sassy Sturdy Shieldon with Stealth Rock, Curse, Wide Guard and Counter
in Heavy Balls (the female needs to relearn egg moves)
>>19326631 Could I have a Taillow please? Disc is up.
>>19326639 >>19326641 No problems.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>19326636 People like fitting balls on their pokes.
Also powersaves can now edit pokeballs to illegal ones, so.
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Btw, I am looking for Elemental Punches Elekid/Electabuzz, HA Starly and HA Shieldon.
>>19326650 Can you save me one of those?
Serena 1564-3283-3559
>>19326589 Can I get a Petilil please? Disc is up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Finally hatched those eggs Flash passed me for the Darkrais. So I have some supercute Nest Ball Ekans for you. Friendly reminder - Flash stood in the rain for those. For hours. Also another reminder - ekans is superadorable in amie! They have Sucker Punch, Poison Fang and Iron Tail. Should be 4-5IVs. Adamant. All females (I have some males too, but why would you want them). 4x HA 2x Intimidate 1x Shed Skin
Looking for a 6IV Ditto, can anyone help me out?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
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Anyone got some leftover Gligars?
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 23 May 2014 12:24:12 No. 19326683 Report >>19326600 Thanks for the shone >>19326660 I certainly can.
>>19326664 Your welcome!
>>19326665 Delivered!
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326633 >>19326639 >>19326642 sent
>>19326674 >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES >>19326650 you got sniped
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326672 I'll take your snakes, for pokedex reasons.
Also to find out how adorable it is in Amie. Katherine
>>19326672 >Not throwing out the non HA ones I am disappoint.
IGN Lyndis
>>19326684 Thanks! Could I also have a Taillow please? Disc is up
Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19326684 Thanks for the Cubone
r Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19326629 Nothing much, just chillin' around.
List of things up for grabs
-30x female 5iv Zorua in dusk ball with Sucker Punch, Extrasensory, Memento, Counter
-3x Sheer Force Tauros
-3x Deino females in Dusk Ball with Earth Power, Head Smash, Thunder Fang
-6x Larvitar females in Friend Ball with DD, Stealth Rock, Pursuit and Iron Head
>>19326683 Great, discing up for female
>>19326672 I'll jew you one
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326686 Why is Unnerve better than Shed Skin or Intimidate?
>>19326672 Disc is up for an Ekans... IGN: JESUS it'll say ''/vp/ tt''. Thanks in advanced.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326685 Upload a disc. HA or non HA?
>>19326686 I can't force myself to do it. I'm even keeping the non-ha males.
Ricardo, your kabuto is ready, send me a direct trade!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Oh, Fancy Pattern Vivillions are gonna be given out when GTS trades reach 100m.
http://serebii.net/index2.shtml Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326700 duh look at OP pic :P
>>19326690 sent
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 23 May 2014 12:29:09 No. 19326705 Report >>19326684 Drat, rediscing.
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>>19326697 It's an old joke, don't worry about it.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326699 HA.
>>19326702 First time for the day I've checked Serebii, gimme a break.
IGN Lyndis
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326710 but you couldve just checked OP pic and spoiler lol just sayinn might be one of my fav patterns
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
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>>19326683 I get way too many of those shitty-ass things anyway Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326697 It's not. Flash spent hours horde training looking for HA just because.Ricardo, sorry, I'll send the trade in a moment, have to finish one before that.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326721 Yeah, just noticed myself. OP pic wouldn't of told me Fancy Pattern Vivis when GTS hits 100m however,
I still like Ocean Pattern Vivi better though. My fav has to be Pokeball Vivi but the French has taken it for themselves. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326733 >implying I won't get my hands on them and distribute them here>not reading my spoiler in the OP >dissing the picture I spend so much time like 5 minutes making >no french vivi for you 4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Fri 23 May 2014 12:35:01 No. 19326747 Report >>19326694 Delivered!
>>19326731 Thanks mate!
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 12:35:15 No. 19326748 Report Quoted By:
>>19326692 Disc up for Larvitar :)
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
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>>19326733 i still cant get over pokeball pattern comes in cherish ball. just humorous to me IGN Lyndis
>>19326692 Hey, could I get a Zorua please? Disc is up
I can start giving away jolly Zubats in dream ball with Giga Drain, Brave Bird, Nasty Plot and Defog. I got them from Rusty I think.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
(F )Moon Ball Cottonee - Prankster - (Encore, Worry Seed, Memento, Switcheroo) reply and disc up
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326692 Disc up for a Larvitar. IGN: JESUS it'll say '''/vp/ tt''
Thank a bunch. I love T-tar.
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>>19326747 >>19326631 Thank you!
>>19326724 It's ok, ask for trade when you're ready. Meanwhile I'll disc up for
HA Ekans
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326766 Disc up again for the ekans later, I didn't manage to get it, sorry.
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
Good morning everybody Im still looking for these Pokémons, any IVs, any nature. Balltism would be awesome: Stantler Slakoth Kricketot Glameow Finneon Beheeyem Bouffalant
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye)
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye) Fri 23 May 2014 12:40:02 No. 19326778 Report Quoted By:
>>19326692 Discing for a Zorua
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326772 someone here should have dream ball glameows. was just giving those out. i'm all out though
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326746 >I just noticed the spoiler, nobody really reads the OP post most of the time>I didn't diss your Pic >;_; >>19326750 I know, made me crack up the first time I saw it being ane event. Still wishing it'd come in a Pokeball. >>19326772 You can have my Luminion if you want, don't need it. Disc up.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326771 Okay. I'll disc one later when you get your hands on the ekans.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326781 i guess you could probably just breed one to get it in pokeball seeing as it isnt a legend
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326790 I mean I didn't get to your disc. I do have the ekans for you, it's the last HA one.
>>19326793 >breeding vivillion patterns Zilla pls
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326793 Can't do that, it'd stick to my region's pattern.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326797 w..what did i say?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326800 The vivillion will always hatch your native pattern, parents pattern doesn't matter. JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326797 Mind waiting till after i get the larvitar?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Quoted By:
>>19326797 >>19326799 ohhh okok i dont breed those so idk. thank you
Hansen. 5472-7340-1355
>>19326764 Up disc for a cottone
In game ñame: Hansen
>>19326764 Disc up.
IGN Juanito
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326806 Yeah, sure, no problem~
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Ricardo>all those empty boxes >awshitniggawatrudoin >cancelling trade wat
>>19326809 Beat me to it.
>>19326692 Disc up for Larvitar.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326819 Sorry, I just thought I should give you a little something for your trouble and was checking if I had a some pokemon holding something valuable. Since I didn't I've canceled the trade to give your Magikarp a nice item. It's not much but I wanted to thank you somehow.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19326811 sent..i think. got an error in the middle and dont see your disc anymore
>>19326809 mmbop sent
>>19326821 i have plenty
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326829 I already have all the berries and you shouldn't have, but that's very nice of you <3 Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326779 I'll try to find it, thanks
>>19326781 I'll leave a disc up
>>19326819 Hey Rynn, can I grab those Ability Capsules from yesterday? I just need to get Lumineon with Sam first
>>19326827 Has a 100% Catchrate and if you are trying to get Heartscales, you either catch the Luvdisc or us a Pokemon with Thief. - If you catch them you already have them in your box.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326839 Yeah! Disc up for magikarp, I still have those equipped. It was 8, right?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Quoted By:
>>19326827 also i think its the only thing old rod hooks over there on route 8/ambrette or whatever
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326844 We didnt agreed on a number, anything is fine, really
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326827 It's an easily catchable shitmon so noone will snipe it. Also it has heart scales which are useful when you're breeding and redistributing.
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>>19326841 with Catchrate I mean with an old Rod.
>>19326830 Oh, disc is back up.
Thanks, bro.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326847 I remember you saying that you hatched 8 pentas with the wrong ability I think. If you need more let me know.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326860 I'll disc up for that Ekans now, if you don't mind.
IGN: JESUS It'll say ''/vp/ tt''
Hansen. 5472-7340-1355
Mr. Fifty 0619-5042-4399 !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
Looking for a Poison Touch Toxicroak, and an Adaptability Feebas.
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326860 I'll let you know when my Wifi stop derping
Hansen. 5472-7340-1355
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326879 Sure, but you disced for Eevee.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326890 Does the mon you want matter? Because I don't have an ''Ekans'' option yet.
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326893 When you didn't see a Pokémon yet theres an option named "What Pokémon?" pick it and you'll be able to type the mon you want
>>19326890 Disc up for Magikarp
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19326885 Sorry for the wait, can you Redisc?
Found a way to rack up BP faster than Battle Maison. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326893 I can only send you the pokemon you requested, I can't just send you any pokemon I want.
Do what Lucas says, when you choose which pokemon you want go all the way down and choose option "What Pokemon", then type in Ekans manually, don't make a typo.
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326912 I'm just going to trade with Rynn real fast then I'll disc
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19326906 Thanks for the tip.
>>19326890 Disc is up.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Quoted By:
im bout to go to work. see ya later peoplez
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19326915 Thank you for your patience, and thanks for the pokemon, great! Now I'm closer to filling my dex.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19326940 Good luck on the dex completion and no problem!
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
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>>19326692 I put a disc up for Zorua, thanks.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
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Anyone go Aron or Gligar leftovers?
Lucas !!zR8G+VLfqox
>>19326945 Thank you so much Rynn
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19326983 No problem, put those into good use~
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:22:54 No. 19327002 Report Anyone who are in need of Lure Ball Horsea with 4 egg moves for breeding? I got a couple of Sniper and Swift Swim females lying around. Same goes for Sturdy and Rock Head Heavy Ball Aron and Heavy Metal aron parent in regular pokeball. I'm gonna release these fuckers if nobody wants em.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19326912 >rack up BP faster than battle maison come again?
Hi GTS Sam 1306-7081-5896
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>>19327004 Battle Institute in Lumiose. Hi Shiki. Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
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>>19326692 If you still have one I'd like a Larvitar.
Also, I still have a box with pentaperfect Adamant Klink with Clear Body.
Maybe tomorrow I'll free them all, so if you want one it's your last chance.
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 13:32:55 No. 19327043 Report >>19327002 I'd love one with sniper. I'll disc up as soon as I get out of the shower. Mind holding one for me?
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:34:41 No. 19327049 Report Anonymous
>>19327002 Disc up for SS Horsea.
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:41:07 No. 19327088 Report Quoted By:
>>19327002 Could I have a Swift Swim Horsea and a Rock Head Aron? Disc is up for the Horsea.
Does anybody have any spare 5IV Magikarps?
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:45:13 No. 19327108 Report Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19327002 Discing up for a female. I don't care about the ability.
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:48:36 No. 19327125 Report >>19327116 which female?
>>19327098 sec lI'll finish up this trade then send the aron
Mikhael 3840-5911-1363 SV {3508}
>>19327125 Sorry, I forgot to add "Horsea". I feel stupid now.
>>19327108 >>19327125 Cheers mate, disc is up.
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 13:52:47 No. 19327146 Report >>19327049 Its up, thank you and thanks for waiting
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 13:53:22 No. 19327150 Report Quoted By:
>>19327127 >>19327133 sent both
>>19327146 sec Imma send it asap
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Quoted By:
>>19327100 >>19327174 wait no, my bad. already gave it away. sorry mate
6V dittos are here, ITA and don't have EVs as the pic suggests.
Also various leftovers mons see:
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=box&bid=2&u=djg1 Some are in much lower stock than others, all of them come with a hold item.
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 14:08:42 No. 19327215 Report Ysven
>>19327203 Can I take a Cincinno and kerosene?
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 14:11:43 No. 19327229 Report >>19327203 can I also have a
Mega Loli by any chance? Anonymous
>>19327229 Yeh sure, if you plan on using it for a subpunch set I recommend changing its HP EVs from 252 to 240 so it can put up 4 subs
Quoted By:
>>19327228 Disc for cinccino is up
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Fri 23 May 2014 14:16:32 No. 19327258 Report Quoted By:
>>19327250 Danke for mega loli. I'll try this out since
sucker punch is obvious as daylight Ryan 5429-8186-4222
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>>19327203 Disc'd up for Venus!
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
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>>19327203 disc up for clownface
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>>19327228 Disc up for kerosene
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 14:34:16 No. 19327405 Report >>19327203 Have any dittos left?
>>19327405 Yes, but my battery is in the red so be quick with your disc.
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 14:37:31 No. 19327424 Report Quoted By:
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>19327408 gunna disc for a mawile in a sec
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I still have that Xerneas for dex filling reasons, post picture of you lacking it and it's yours. Also 3 female Nest Ball Adamant Ekans, two intimidate one shed skin. Three egg moves, 4-5iv.
Xeno 4699-6231-9774
Quoted By:
>>19327408 Disc is up for mawile if its not too much
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19327203 Do you still have a Latios? If so I'll disc up ASAP.
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 14:48:15 No. 19327515 Report >>19327452 Disc for Xerneas? Why are you giving it away?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19327515 Disc up. I got it from the GTS and I don't need it, I already have a couple of competitive ones.
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 15:00:20 No. 19327591 Report >>19327559 Alright thanks, it is up
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19327591 Sent. Sorry, got a crit error and had to turn off my DS the first time I tried it, gah.
Damas 5000-2674-3492
Quoted By:
>>19326750 Could I get one of those zubats please?
>>19327452 Egg moves on Ekans? Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Logan 1907-9456-1727 (Aipom, Minccino, Smeargle) Anonymous Fri 23 May 2014 15:16:15 No. 19327718 Report >>19327680 Disc up for one of those sweet Ekans
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19327680 Oh well. I'd rather get a Dream/Luxury Ball one and do moves myself.
Anyone got a jolly female zubat with egg moves? Disc is already up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19327771 IGN: Damas
The luvdisc i sent is Japanese and has the message /vp/ on it.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Quoted By:
Anyone have a semi-decent Skrelp? I have the Luvdisc up for it right now. IGN Juanito
Psychic( Grumpig,Sigilyph,Gothorita)2294-5665-7312
Psychic( Grumpig,Sigilyph,Gothorita)2294-5665-7312 Fri 23 May 2014 15:28:18 No. 19327802 Report Quoted By:
any 1 got a Rufflet lovdisk is up
>>19327783 Thank you so much!
>>19327680 Gonna send a disc for one of those intimidate ekans.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19327807 Hope you're Damas, because I sent the ekans to first request on the gts since you didn't post with your IGN.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>tfw don't know if I should MM for a Sigilyph or another pokemon
Ster 4339 3817 3033
Quoted By:
>>19327203 Discing up for Venus
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19327861 >What other options are there? Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19327884 Any pokemon that's somewhat usable in UU, I guess. I was thinking about Froslass, but the shiny difference is small and it's gender dependent.
Quoted By:
>>19327002 Do you still have females?
>>19327100 I do, disc up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19327861 >tfw I really like having painted fingernails but I'm horrible at painting them so I just painted my toes and now I'm trying not to fuck up I know it's a first world problem but I had to share Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19327912 tfw can't wax my body hair and wear thigh highs Life truly is suffering Anonymous
>>19327857 Whoops. Sorry about that.
But that's my IGN and thanks.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19327895 Why not go for a Kingdra if you don't have one yet. The shiny is pretty good.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19327933 It's...purple. How about Trevenant? I think it has it's uses in UU, and looks pretty cool.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19327929 but you should seriously consider using your ign in the name space
>>19327956 You got a problem with purple?
Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad)
Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad) Fri 23 May 2014 15:46:46 No. 19327970 Report I am currently MMing Petili, and I have all these leftover Petilils waiting to breed. They are guaranteed to have at least 4IV and I do have one or two pentaperfect Petilil sitting in a box. About 90% have Own Tempo, the rest have Chlorophyll. Put a disc up if you want one
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19327956 That would be great, run HA Trevenant with Drought Ninetails. Rather broken if you spam berries.
Quoted By:
>>19326603 When you sent something over from the Dream World, you could catch it in any ball.
My Net Ball Arceus passed through.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>19327203 I'd like a Demolition, please. Disc is up and thanks in advance!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19327964 No, but holy shit look at this.
>>19327974 >Drought >UU Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Quoted By:
>>19327203 Disc up for a SaberLuke
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19327999 I know, just saying in general.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328006 The problem is that I'm bad at teambuilding, I think my teams tend to lack in sheer force since I like the stalling. Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19328018 don't walk near birch trees again Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328016 I know how you feel, I mainly run stall as well with Sub/Minimize Bissey with Toxic with Stealth/Spikes set up and just slowly watch them die.>Softboiled to restore HP for Substitute. >Max evasion with Minimize. >You Slowly die from Poison >Spikes and Stealth for HP entry hazards. >Mfw I watch you die. Slowly. Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328058 But that's really stupid and you'd get your shit rekt by someone using Dragon Rush. Also, I think a few moves like Double Team, Minimize, Swagger and such really stupid. If I wanted to play a game based on randomness I'd play roulette, not pokemon. Anonymous
>>19328075 Smogonfag detected.
And nothing really runs Dragon Rush, as it is too unreliable outside of hitting Minimizers.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Nails painted.Here is my award. I am off for a couple of days to relax in the mountains, have fun guys and see you!
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 23 May 2014 16:03:16 No. 19328091 Report >>19328075 >Swagger >Stupid Come play some VGC m8
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328084 Smogon makes some things right, or else no one would follow it's rules, don't you think?
>>19328091 Can I run Klefki with Swagger, Substitute, Draining Kiss and Thunder Wave in VGC?
>>19328087 no pls
don't go
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Quoted By:
>>19326750 Can i get one of those zubats disc up
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Quoted By:
>>19328087 bye Rynn, have fun Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 23 May 2014 16:06:09 No. 19328115 Report Anonymous
>>19328104 They follow the rules they make because otherwise they'd lose against other players. And yes, that Klefki is allowed, even though Draining Kiss is shit and a waste of a slot.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328115 Then I guess I'm not going to play VGC. Playing against a Klefki
in a random battle was one of the most infuriating things in the game.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328075 Don't take me wrong, I do love my Ferrothorn Tyranitar Blissy Death Stall. I just play it when I feel like pissing off some Smogon players also I play alot of random teams to see if they work well together. Also if you don't wanna play Roulette don't use Dragon rush. It's a gamble since it has horrible Accuracy in itself. >>19328087 Have fun and relax. See you in a few days. Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 23 May 2014 16:10:50 No. 19328139 Report >>19328126 Klefki isn't a big deal if you have a faster Prankster support. Turn 1 safeguard and Klefki can't do shit to you.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328124 Not really, you're just adding more luck to the game if you allow Swagger and evasion to be used.
>>19328131 Generation VI
If the target has used Minimize, Dragon Rush will never miss and its base power is doubled.
I can only think of full stall teams. I think I'm a terrible person. :3 >>19328139 You can only use Kalos-born pokemon in VGC, right? Who would you use, Sableye? Whimsicott? Mega Banette? Also, he might have Mental Herb.
Roman 4828-5872-9842 [Flying Safari]
Quoted By:
>>19326672 Any leftover snakes?
I am very late to the party.. Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19328156 I was thinking about Taunt, my bad.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>19328156 Only mons in the Kalos Pokedex.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328156 Wow, never knew that worked that way now never faught anyone who ever use Dragon rush anymore online, at least in rating.
Also I have substitute for crap like that then again HP/Def Blissey should survive at least 3 of those even worse when Softboiled is ready to stall harder than ever before. Blissey with Pressure when? Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 23 May 2014 16:18:58 No. 19328201 Report Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19328200 >Blissey with pressure Calm down Satan.
Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad)
Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad) Fri 23 May 2014 16:22:01 No. 19328222 Report Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328216 >Not wanting to struggle for dear life faster with your moves taking double the PP while poisoned and the Blissey heals it's HP and substitutes while having Maxed Evasion. Pretty rageworthy. I'd run that.
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain)
Derek 4682-8478-0186 (Butterfree, Pinsir, Masquerain) Fri 23 May 2014 16:24:54 No. 19328242 Report Quoted By:
>>19328222 He would be the fastest but I don't see a whole lot of use in the movepool.
Anyway back on topic I still have some of these to give out. Prefect for support Raichu.
>>19324196 Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad)
Barbezinc 3926-5907-7222 (Sandshrew Dugtrio Palpitoad) Fri 23 May 2014 16:28:12 No. 19328261 Report Chaos 2938-7628-9049
>>19328238 Pressure Blissey with Cotton Guard in Inverse.
EU/US only event, an army of Japs will ragequit Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19328261 Don't do this to me anon.
>>19328262 >Mfw I saw this post I need that in my team. Sucks it'll be in a Cherish ball. Heal ball works best for a Blissey.
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye)
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye) Fri 23 May 2014 16:44:47 No. 19328361 Report Anyone got spare Lucky Eggs they can give away, I can't find anyone with a Chansey safari.
>>19328262 when is that event?
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
Quoted By:
>>19328371 There won't be one, I was just theorising. I'd love one of those too, but even if they do make this event, probably gonna be the usual Jap only bullshit
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Once a day, I can touch trade someone all the legendaries to help them complete the pokedex.
Gibles! 4-5 IVs, Sand Veil or Rough Skin. Rough Skin Gibles might have 3 IVs.
Bagons! 4-5 IVs, Rock Head or Sheer Force. Most have 4 Egg Moves.
Axews! 5 IVs, Mold Breaker.
Deinos! 5 IVs, Hustle, knows Earth Power and Dragon Rage.
Cottonnes! 4-5 IVs, Prankster, a few egg moves, Impish nature, now in Dream Ball!
Mienfoos! 4-5 IVs, Luxury Ball, knows Knock Off.
Heracross with 4-5 IVs, guts/Moxie, 4 Egg moves.
Upon request:
Litwicks! 5 IVs, Flame Body or Flash Fire.
Eevees! 4-5 IVs, Wish and who knows what else.
>>19328361 I think I have a spare one. Disc up for a disc.
>>19328494 Can I get a Moxie Heracross?
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19328494 gief me a deino. are they in dusk balls?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328494 Disc up for Heracross with Moxie.
Mind touchtrading Gen4 and Gen5 Legendaries for Pokedex?
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Fri 23 May 2014 17:01:10 No. 19328537 Report >>19328494 Can I get a Litwick with Flash Fire? Maybe I won't be sniped this time.
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19327970 Can I get one? e.e
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328518 Disc up.
>>19328528 They're in poke balls or ultra balls, I think. Dusk ball sucks on Hydreigon anyway.
>>19328536 Aren't you in my friends list?
>>19328537 Wait while I make an egg.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Quoted By:
>>19328555 I'll take a pokeball one then! disc is up
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye)
James 3695-0503-8727 (Cacturne, Mightyena, Sableye) Fri 23 May 2014 17:04:13 No. 19328575 Report Quoted By:
>>19328494 Disc up. Thanks
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19328555 Yep I'm in your friends list.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19328494 Discing up for a female Deino
Thanks in advance!
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19328592 >>19328555 Actually my disc is waiting for an Yveltal from another thread. Is there something you want? We can do a normal trade, I think we're acquaintances already
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328606 Hatching eggs atm.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19328636 Okay, tell me when you're done.
Is there anything you want and I might have?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19328494 Disking for the Sand Veil Gible. IGN: JESUS It'll say ''/vp/ tt''
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Fri 23 May 2014 17:20:16 No. 19328719 Report >>19328555 Thank you, Ive disced for the Xerneas giveaway and then I'll put one back up for Litwick.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328647 Only if you have a nice Trevenant or Gourgeist with egg moves.
>>19328719 Ok, I got it already.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19328636 Thanks a ton bro. Mind If I take a Sheer Force Bagon, Rock Head is okay too? IGN: JESUS It'll say ''/vp/ tt''
What's the best ball for a Milotic?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
>>19328636 Thanks mate, you really made my day.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19328838 Premier Ball or Dive Ball.
>>19328853 Awww. This is why I spend hours breeding.
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19328746 Ah sorry man
Got neither
If you give me a pentaperfect Ultra/Great ball female Deino I'll dive you a pentaperfect dive ball Vivillon, also got Slowpoke, Shellder, Pawniard, Turtwig, Nincada (2 for 1!), Durant from perfects
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Who here wanted to touch trade a few legendaries?
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328894 That was me, gimme a sec was MMing for Shiny Hawalucha.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328891 I can give you a Deino in a pokeball. I'm way too lazy to go for one in a Luxury ball, you know. And you don't have to give me anything for it.
>>19328913 Ok.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Fri 23 May 2014 17:41:14 No. 19328940 Report Quoted By:
>>19328746 Xerneas was a ruse. Discing up for Litwick.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328938 Gen 4 and 5 legendaries?
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
>>19328928 K man, tr me when done w/
>>19328938 Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19328956 Yes. If you have a Kyogre I'd like the entry for that was well didn't notice it was missing.
Tyler 1392-6226-9225
>>19328494 Can you touch trade those legendaries to me today?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19328970 I have to deliver two pokemons on GTS, hold on.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19329001 Which ones?
>>19329011 Going to send a TR again.
Tyler 1392-6226-9225
>>19329026 all of them except that stupid X deer thing. Arkeus Anonymous
I got some left overs if anyone wants them: 5 5 IV Beldum Adamant Clear Body 4 5 IV Charmander Adamant Blaze with 3 egg moves 5 5 IV Gible Jolly Sand Veil with 2 egg moves 5 5 IV Aron Careful Sturdy 5 5 IV Bulbasaur Calm Overgrow with 4 egg moves 7 5 IV Totodile Jolly Torrent with 4 egg moves
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Disking for an Aron. IGN: JESUS It'll say ''/vp/ tt''
my 4511 0793 3426
>>19329223 can i get all of those?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19329011 I think there's only Regigigas missing now.
>>19329068 can you give me somethingfor all the time Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Just disc for a gible IGN: Joshua
Thanks anon
Quoted By:
>>19329223 can I get a totodile? disc is up
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19329284 Thanks for the Touch Trades Luc!
>>19329251 Yeah, just follow this anon's (
>>1932925 )
lead and post your IGN (game name), post /vp/ as your message with the Pokemon you're looking for. It makes it easier for me to find the person.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19329223 what are the EM for bulbasaur and totodile?
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Can i get one of those todile disc up
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19329338 Are you still missing any legendaries?
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Thanks mate. Mind if I take another off your hands?
Charmander Luvdisc is up. Again, thanks a bunch!
It'll say /vp/ tt
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19329361 Yeah, I'm missing Uxie, Suicune, Raikou Rayquaza and Ho-Oh it seems.Just those and I have every legendary entry.
Tyler 1392-6226-9225
>>19329284 I can give you an ENTIRE box of Luvdiscs and Cottonees. I just finished the game and now I'm gonna spend my time trying to breed some good stuff to give back to the community.
[Isles] 4570-8488-9166
>>19329361 hey luc, any chance you can help me with my dex, legendary wise?
my 4511 0793 3426
Quoted By:
>>19329346 alright thank you
>>19329348 Bulbasaur: Amnesia, Curse, Giga Drain Leaf storm.
Totodile: Crunch, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch and Dragon Dance.
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
Quoted By:
>>19329401 discing up for a bulbasaur if that's okay
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19329377 Enjoy.
>>19329392 Send trade.
>>19329393 Why would you do this to me
>>19329397 Sure, what do you need?
Exbo 2208-4885-3082
Quoted By:
>>19329444 Y-you too
hope you wanted hippo Tyler 1392-6226-9225
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19329444 Finally I have all Legendary Pokemons Dex entries. Thanks Luc!
[Isles] 4570-8488-9166
Quoted By:
>>19329444 all aside from, zapdos, y bird, x donkey, giratina, phoine, and Ray quay quay. I can offer you a shone butterfree for ya help.
JESUS 4871-4285-3598
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Thank you. I really wanted these pokemon.
Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
Roastbeef 4742-6953-0016
Quoted By:
>>19329223 Disced up for a charmander if you still have one
Quoted By:
>>19329223 I'll take a totodile. Disc is up.