>>19332580>Merchandise was only product of popularity of things one and two.Merchandise is still advertisement for the brand name, and holds a place in the market outside of the cartridge games.
>Card Game didn't hold the handle to either YGO or MtGYGO had a massive advertising campaign. MtG was the first TCG. Just because those two staples in the card market exist, that doesn't mean that the Pokemon TCG hasn't had financial success or expanded a metagame outside of OU: The Game.
>And only autists and children play Smash BrosOnly autists and children laugh at TPP.
>Pikachu is a mascot. It's like saying the biggest thing to happen to McDonald's was Ronald McDonaldMascot is a public image and a character that people recognize. Of course Ronald was big for McDonalds, just one look at him can be used to remind the viewer of the brand, and the form of the mascot allows for appealing to certain demographics that the product is targeted to.
>Mew serves similar purposeMew serves the purpose to keep the player from completely finishing the Pokedex without that one mystical Pokemon. Outside of the game, mythics serve a neat purpose for a "pseudo-DLC" (already in, but must be obtained by certain means). IG, they help to add a bit of rarity to the collection aspect that Pokemon was partially founded on.
>And I disagree about GSC>A bunch of faggots over the internet giggling about "le l0rd hel1x xDDDD" is more important than the continuation of the main series.