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No.19337415 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
well I'm replaying Platinum and have a Bidoof HM slave who has simple. Now for some reason I've never bothered to see exactly what it does before now and holy jesus
Would a Numel with eviolite be viable?
>stockpile to raise both defenses by 2 in a single turn
>amnesia to raise your special defense by 4 in a single turn
>growth to raise both attack stats by 2 in a single turn
other bullshit you could pull off
>ancient power hax, +2 to all stats
>scary face -4 speed to your opponent
>captivate -4 special attack to your opponent
>mud slap -2 accuracy to your opponent (not sure if this works with Simple)
>+2 double team
>+4 swagger
I find it weird how I've never once seen a single person talk about Numel before considering all the options it has