Welcome to the Pokémon anime discussion thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc etc.
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/#PocketMonstersXYSubbed Stream Link:
http://www.justin.tv/cc0721saki Next episode:
>Mega Mega 1-Hour Special - XY29: Ta-da! A Fake Ash Appears!! & XY30: Korrina and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!! [May 29th] http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_xy/trailer/ There will be a 1-hour special May 29th! Incredibly, we will be showing two anime episodes together! And there's more! We will have footage from upcoming anime episodes, which will be centered around the mystery of Mega Evolution, the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special!
Upcoming episodes:
>XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! [June 5th] >XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! [June 12th] >XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! [June 19th] Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and- It's better than Unova. Will it peak soon? Most likely, but just enjoy the ride as it is now. Right now we're heading into Mega Evolution territory and meeting glorious Korrina.
>Will Serena win da Ash? The long answer: No.|The short answer: Maybe.
>Will May return as part of ORAS hype? Her voice actress is currently suffering from spasmodic dysphonia, and it is unlikely the production staff would write in an unneeded cameo knowing they'd have to replace the actor for it.
>Muh Skrelp where? A South Korean ship sank and TV Tokyo have postponed the episode since it deals with a sunken ship
>Muh subs when? [PM] is subbing X/Y and usually release around Tuesday.
>Muh dubs when? This Saturday, XY019: A Conspiracy to Conquer!
>Muh episode 24 when? Who knows?
Old Thread:
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Episode 28 RAW:
http://www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=557023 Episode 27 SUBS:
http://pocketmonsters.edwardk.info/ [PM]Pocket_Monsters_XY_027_Flabebe_and_the_Fairy_Flower![H264_720P][9C578474].mkv.torrent
>Satoshi and Pikachu have arrived in the Kalos region where encounters with new Pokémon and friends are waiting for them.... as is the greatest mystery of their journey: Exactly what is the further evolution of Pokémon, "Mega Evolution"? >"Ta-da! A Fake Satoshi Appears!!" >There's another Satoshi!? >While visiting a new town, Satoshi and friends are suddenly apprehended by Junsa and taken to the local police. Apparently, there have been frequent occurrences of three people with a Pikachu and a Dedenne calling themselves Satoshi, Serena and Eureka doing dine and dashing. Satoshi and friends, who definitely didn't do this, start searching for these evil criminals. >"Corni and Lucario! The Secrets of Mega Evolution!!" >Satoshi and friends gain a new travelmate!? >Satoshi and friends, who are on their way to Shala City, end up befriending Shala Gym's Gym Leader Corni and her Lucario!? A new adventure starts, with the goal being to make Lucario mega evolve into Mega Lucario!! >We will also have the latest information on the movies, extravagant gifts for our viewers, and more! Look forward to the 1-hour Pokémon special! Anonymous
UPCOMING SHIT: POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 33: (May 25th)>Lots of Digda! / In 'PokéTV Continent', We Follow the PokéTV Representatives Aiming for the WCS 2014 as they Challenge the 'PGL Japan Cup 2014' / JDee'Z Premiere The New Anime Ending Song! POKEMON GET TV EPISODE 34: (June 1st)>Sekichiku Ninja Showdown! / In the 11th Installment (and 3rd Renewal Installment) of the 'Pokémon Zukan Completion Journey', Will Abareru-kun Manage to Achieve the Goal of Trading 15 Pokémon in Kagawa, Home of the Sanuki Udon!? XY31: Lucario VS Blaziken! The Cave of Trials!! (June 5th)>A Blaziken lies in wait inside a cave said to house a Mega Stone! XY32: Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!! (June 12th)>Korrina's Mega Lucario is unable to control its enormously powerful Aura, and goes wild!! XY33: Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!! (June 19th)>Korrina and Lucario need to undergo a new trial. For this purpose, they set off towards the Must Mountains together with Ash and his friends. Pocket Monsters XY Special: The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act II~ (Unknown airdate)
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Reminder that Diantha is a mary sue.
Reminder that Shutterbug waifu will win the Ashbowl. Alexa can share. Valerie not a shit but lose regardless.
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Just give me Alan and Manon and I will be happy.
>>19338089 When the fuck is episode 24 going to be there? Shit makes no fucking sense, how can you have 25, but not 24? Shit.
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>>19338309 >using Ash as yourself insert Anonymous
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Reminder that Junichi Masuda composed the Xerneas/Yveltal/Zygarde theme used and remixed in the epic Mega Gardevoir scene and gave us more shiny rate enhancements. praise Masuda.
Daily Reminder that Ash will not win the Kalos League:>Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Comic Relief Ash >Already at Sinnoh League Competence, and this is just Badge 2, should have had at least 4 by now >'I want to win the league ~this~ time' - said multiple times, but what makes this time any different? >Knows and utilizes each Pokemon's unique strengths, in conjunction with team work, to overcome everyday obstacles. Did the same in Unova, no difference >Looks nothing like Red's Hat >Regained his knowledge of previously met Pokemon as well as their typings. And still manages to fuck up >The fact that Ash has no rival is indication that he has nothing left to overcome. At the peak of his growth, his only hurdle now is ultimate league victory. Like he had no rivals in Hoenn and still lost. >Has done many crazy stunts in the past that involved walking between a battle of Mewtwo and Mew and gotten himself killed as wellas other crazy stunts >Continual hype of the Champion's League, but will loseanyway because the writers will have something up their sleeve >The writers already know how badly they fucked up with Cameron,Nothing wrong with Tobias >Already has his eyes set on becoming Grand Duke; just won only one battle at the Cheateu and probably has forgotten all about it by now >Serena's just another girl who travels with Ash and gets in the way. Ash still has yet to show his feelings for her >Pikachu is already top tier in power and still got rekt by Wobuffet who it has beat numerous times >Confirmed when Grant said how surprised he was when his Tyrunt was beaten by a not very effective Thunderbolt because Anime Logic is totally equal to game logic >Looks nothing like Red's Hat It's not going to happen. like many dumbasses think it will
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>>19338392 shut up and praise Masuda our glorious nippon lord.
>mfw Ash is getting two birds. My autism can't handle this heresy.
>>19338446 So how did ya react when he had two grass mons for a brief time in Jotho?
P.S. The Mexican Burd can't even learn BB or fly. It's not even a Flying Egg Group Mon.
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>>19338522 But it can fly in the anime
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>>19338522 >P.S. The Mexican Burd can't even learn BB or fly It can learn Fly, about chikorita I knew it will be Bulbasaur's replacement at some point.
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>>19338446 Ash pisses on your autism.
>>19338392 Calling it now, Ash gets to the final battle for once but runs into pic related again, except this time he can Mega Evolve his Latios.
>>19338938 Is Ash smiling there?
I would too. Anonymous
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>>19338938 Why is Pika so gay for that fucking Penguin?
>>19338952 Wouldn't Shades Croc counter it?
>inb4 Surf Anonymous
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>>19338328 Because episode 24 ended up being skipped over by TV Tokyo as it says in the OP, you dumb fuck.
>>19338952 >Ash breaks down from flash backs of Tobias, expecting an inevitable loss. >Somewhere, he heard a voice, "Don't ever give up. Don't let me down Ash!". >He looks around, it was Serena. >Their eyes met together as the worry of Serena's face was replaced with hopeful smile. >He stands up with a smirk, fixes his cap with his new regained hope. >He sends out his Lucario and it Mega Evolves. >He crushingly wins the fight with Mega Latios and is now proclaimed as the champion of the Kalos League. Anonymous
>>19339171 Does the Auradog at least knows a super effective move against the ubermon? Otherwise, I am calling Thunder Armor shenanigans.
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>>19338938 There was an "upskirt" in that manga adaption I think
>>19339206 He wins through the indomitable spirit that is channeled by Ash through their bond.
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>>19338952 I wouldn't mind it, it would be the first time we'd see a League opponent return.
>>19339013 You mean like how Heracross "countered" his Darkrai?
>>19339219 >>19339225 >>19339229 > Ash using type advantages effectively Anonymous
>>19339239 >implying that's not exactly what he did with Grant Anonymous
>>19339239 >implying this is BW Ash we are talking about Anonymous
>>19339249 >implying the Rock Sharptooth didn't have a type advantage over Hot Wings and ElectricSqueak Anonymous
>>19339239 He at least knows about them by now, and he used them pretty often in Hoenn and Sinnoh. The show just likes to say he favors "momentum" over type advantages a lot of the time. The show's not terribly consistent about it, though.
>>19339260 He used it a few times there too, like Palpatoad VS Zebstrika.
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>>19339265 >implying Ash didn't spam Steel Wing and Iron Tail Anonymous
>>19339270 >Palpatoad and Zebstrika Reminder that he only used Mud Shot once that entire battle.
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>>19338392 >doesn't look like Red's hat nigga u gay
>>19339275 B-but anon, we have to make the match exciting and varied to watch!
Not like Stephan was much better, as I recall his Zebstrika's entire moveset at that point was nothing but normal type moves. It was like Facade, Giga Impact, Stomp and Double-Edge.
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>>19339276 Because the Unova League trophy totally looks great along with your collection of Championship Awards. :^)
>>19339270 > not terribly consistent News at 11.
>>19338392 >Looks nothing like Red's hat If it weren't for the line below the half of the PokeBall, they would be the exact same hats.
>>19339316 Didn't Ash usually had Red's outfit, just in a different color scheme? [Well save for Hoenn.]
Haven't been in these threads for two weeks, did ash catch anything yet?
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>>19339336 He caught a Lucario.
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>>19339330 How that Diantha thread?
>>19339321 His original outfit was somewhat based off the original Red but it still looked pretty different. His XY hat is the closest he's ever come to being exactly like Red's Hat (In this case the Origins one).
>>19339336 He catching a Lucario
>>19339336 We got confirmation that he's getting Fletchinder, Hawlucha, and Lucario soon
>>19339353 what so Hawlucha was revealed by the manga and Lucario because the Korina thingo is coming?
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>>19339350 >Origins You mean FRLG Red.
>>19339351 >implying I bet they put that scene in to make us fall for bait. Ash isn't stupid. Watch him tell Pikachu to counter quick with Iron Tail
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>>19339362 >Lucario >confirmation What? Fletchinder I get, Hawlucha is almost certain (unless the manga guy was just making shit up), but I've seen nothing of the sort for Lucario.
>>19339370 > countering Auradog with Iron Tail Anonymous
>implying "Hearts Calling Out to One Another! Go Beyond Aura!!" and "Mega Lucario VS Mega Lucario! A Storm of Aura!!" won't have Ash using his Aura powers and bonding with Lucario and Korrina
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ITT a bunch of newfags getting rused
>>19339362 So Serena catches Mewtwo X?
>>19339389 >implying we don't have summaries for those episodes that make it clear they're about Lucario and KORRINA's bond Anonymous
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>>19339412 >lying on the internet Anonymous
Reminder that Korrina is a gold digging fame whore only traveling with Ash to steal his poke bonding techniques to mega evolve her aura dog.
>>19339433 She can steal my techniques any day as long as she sits on my face.
>>19338101 Okay so
>XY30: Ash and the Blondes recruit another blonde after Ash faces off against Korrina. Korrina then reveals the truth about Mega Evolution and some extra shit afterwards >XY31: Ash and Korrina go to a cave, look for a Mega Stone just like Alan, fight a Blaziken guarding it, and some extra shit afterwards >XY32: The gang reach Geosenge Town or just some random ass town, meet Gurkinn, Korrina battles Gurkinn, Korrina's Luke can't handle Mega Evolution, goes out of control, and some extra shit afterwards >XY33: The gang go to a mountain for training and some extra shit afterwards So where muh Hawlucha?
>>19339484 >Ash and the Blondes recruit another blonde I thought this isn't PokeNorway.
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>>19339507 PokeNorway is in Sinnoh.
>>19339445 >tfw you never bonded with any of your pokemon on pokeamie, so you would have no poke bonding techniques Korrina would want to steal from you Anonymous
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>>19339523 > not trying to get inside those tight spandex >>>>/rk9/ Anonymous
>>19339484 >mountain >cave So, maybe we will get the Team Flare's debut here?
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So will Korrina give Ash and the others skates? I wonder what will be shown in the GET TV preview
>>19339632 They'll likely debut in the Mega special.
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>>19339660 b-but, Xerosic's Malamar...!
Guy watching Hoenn here. (Dunno if I'm the only guy autistic enough to be watching like a decade of backlog filler) wtf is this shit? Pikachu /fit/ as fuck in this gym battle.
>>19339731 Aren't you that fag who said you were skipping lots of episodes?
>>19339779 I've skipped 3 or 4 episodes total so far out of about 110.
What did you think of the Malamar dub?
>>19339890 About what I expected.
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>>19339915 Then what did you expect?
So is the "Fake Ash" episode supposed to be a TR episode or a Clemont one? The summary seems to indicate the whole group goes out searching for TR, while they go around stealing food.
>>19339433 Am I the only one who really wants to see her unboot her roller skates to unveil her barefeet?
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>>19339999 We're on the same boat.
You got a quad, anon.
>>19338952 More realistically since I doubt they would re-use someone from a previous league, Alan shows up and wipes Ash out so he gets a chance to fight Mega Gardevoir.
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>>19340022 Well, Elite Four Siebold was willing to fight him without going though the proper channels like the league then the Champion League, maybe he can challenge Diantha without the need to shit all over Ash. Oh god, pls don't. ;_;
>>19340022 dubs confirm he will also win the serena bowl
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>>19339403 >Serena gets M-Mewtwo X >sweeps the Kalos league and crushes Ash in the final >it was her plan all along Anonymous
I sure hope that Ash gets a Mega tho. Most possible choice right now is a Lucario. I hope ORAS will bring new Megas to choose from though
So if Manon nicknames her Chespin and Flabebe with Japanese honorifics, then what will the dub replace these nicknames with?
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>>19340134 She'll nickname them Johnny and Daisy.
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>>19340119 That just means Ash will win da Manon bowl
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>>19340133 Holy shit. If sceptile returns with a Mega.
>>19339362 duh
>Pikachu, Froakie, Fletchinder and Hawlucha Ash's
>Chespin, Bunnelby and Dedenne Clemont's
>Fennekin Serena's
>Mega Lucario Korrina's
>Xerneas and Yveltal movie
>Mega Charizard X, Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Blaziken strongest mega evolution act II
>>19339873 Go back and watch them, faggot.
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>>19339362 I know /vp/ is gullible, but I didn't expect you to take it this far.
>>19340187 Nah, Ash is getting Halucha and Lucario.
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>>19339990 Nothing has really indicated it has anything to do with Citron, there was just a mention in an early blurb that there wasn't a fake Citron anywhere to be seen.
>>19340187 Korrina isn't on the main cast and the magic book is for the main cast dumbass.
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Does any Anon know how Japan took the whole wife antics from Serena?
>>19340134 Reminder that Adyniz faggotry almost made people doubt based Shadow's report that the Mega special would get dubbed.
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>>19340187 >Serena's >>Mega Lucario What I saw
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>>19339362 >>19340228 >implying the megas aren't there just to show them off Anonymous
>>19340233 He STILL hasn't reported it on muh Bulbanews, either.
>>19340134 >implying it wont be Chester Anonymous
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>>19339999 >Dem quads This seriously needs to happen
>>19340253 Bulbanews Now STILL claims the dub isn't skipping XY24.
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>>19339999 >quads Does that mean it's happening?
>>19340270 Good Lord, I knew Bulbanews was retarded, but I never expected them to beyond full retard.
>>19340263 Chester is actually a cute nickname! But what will it be for Flabebe?
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>>19340327 It runs in the family. Clemont climaxes hard after watching Ash battle.
>>19340286 https://twitter.com/BulbaNewsNOW >Fast and up to date posting on Pokémon news Anonymous
>>19340337 Chester is the nickname Shauna gives to her starter's newborn that is traded to the player
Flabebe will just be Bebe
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19340363 >implying it won't be Bébé >or Bebé Anonymous
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>>19340372 >implying they won't call it Babe like in that one movie Anonymous
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>>19340372 >read as 'bibi' Anonymous
>>19338309 A challenger appears
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19338309 >inb4 the ultimate winner of da Ash Bowl is Valerie Anonymous
>>19340433 Good lord, it's like Serena's the underdog in the AshBowl.
>>19340188 B-but they were 100% pointless filler, anon. FTR the ones I skipped were:
>Take This House and Shuppet >Beg, Burrow and Steal >Absol-ute Disaster Anonymous
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So, any Anon know what 2ch thought about sassy Serena?
PAXA(Pokémon Aerospace eXploration Agency)に訪れたサトシたち。 ここは宇宙の研究・開発を行う機関として、日々さまざまな活動を行っている。 PAXAに所属する宇宙飛行士のおねえさんから、宇宙の素晴らしさ、宇宙に存在するポケモンたちの可能性の話を聞き、サトシたちは心を躍らせる。一方で、その宇宙がスペースデブリの脅威、深刻化する宇宙ごみ問題によって危機的状況にあるという話を聞いていると、突然サイレンが鳴り響いた!なんと、PAXA強奪を企てたロケット団が、この施設内に潜入したようだ!一気に緊張が走る! そんな緊急事態の中、人工衛星の制御システムにトラブルが発生! このままでは大型デブリと衝突し、更にスペースデブリが増えてしまう恐れが… スペースデブリがこれ以上この星の宇宙(そら)を埋め尽くしてしまうと、人類は永遠に宇宙への道を閉ざされてしまう… この危機に直面したサトシ達が取った行動は…!? 宇宙を埋め尽くす無数の脅威!仲間と力を合わせ、キズナで未来を切り拓け! 作品の前半では「夏の星座案内」を上映いたします。
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>>19340640 >Spritzee Of all the bullshit
>>19340664 Did spaghetti happen? Did they reference Vega and Altair to which Serena would then compare herself as Orihime while Ash is her Hikoboshi?
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19340677 Dubs confirm that Mario hates Spritzee.
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>>19340640 Is it actually happening?
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>>19340640 >not mawile Well fuck this shit.
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>>19340640 >Spritzee >Litleo Unless she's trading those fucks with Jessie I'm gong to be one pissed off stallion
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>>19340677 Not surprising since it's the counterpart to Swirlix/Slurpuff
Litleo, on the other hand, can go die
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Can Funi save the dub?
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>>19340699 Reference to Tanabata. I want it to happen.
>>19340640 Where the fuck is Mawile?
Where the fuck is a Hoenn Starter?
Where the fucking fuck is Goomy?
>Spritzee Anonymous
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>>19340677 >Spritzee >not the best faiiry Anonymous
>>19340677 >>19340737 She needs it for when Milfy comes back to compete in the Ashbowl
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>>19340737 >implying such a sensitive girly girl would carry a sticky piece of shit Anonymous
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>>19340737 >>19340750 >yfw Milfy has the mawile >yfw it is yandere for greninja IT'S HAPPENING!
>>19340640 I can get over Spritzee but is there a reason the writers have a sudden boner for overlapping types?
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>>19340770 They've always had overlapping types, especially during Sinnoh.
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>>19340640 It's not the first time. May and Dawn both ended up having two Normal-types
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>>19340770 Dawn had Buizel and Piplup. Then when she traded away Buizel she had Ambipom and Buneary, and then when she gave away Ambipom, she had Togekiss and Buneary.
Overlaps have always been around anon
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I want to fuck sylveon
what if the mawile is ash's ?
Has anyone complained about Serena being "OoC" towards Ash this episode, even if she really wasn't?
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>>19340839 There is no Mawile
And if you mean the Mawile from the preview, it belongs to this old bitch
>>19340863 If anything, it's just the minor return of Serena-sass, isn't it?
In fact, Serena only seems to sass people she's known for a long ass time, like her mom for instance?
How will this thread react when Serena finally evolves from "le spaghetti xDDD" to full on bitch mode?
has anyone got a list of all the Serena/Ash stuff?
>>19340433 Good god Diantha is a pedophile! Run Ash run!!!
This scene alone makes me think Ash will bond with Lucario through a rivalry
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>>19340372 Did someone say Bebe?
What if Bonnie was drawn like this?
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>>19340888 She'll still be spaghetti if Ash does anything that could lead to spaghetti. For bitch-mode, Ash would have to do something that completely pisses her off.
As it stands, Serena just went into wife-mode.
>>19340619 All those are breddy gud episodes.
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>>19340971 You'd be having so many lewd Bonnie moments it wouldn't be funny.
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>>19340664 >Satoshi and friends are visiting PAXA, the "Pokemon Aerospace eXploration Agency". PAXA is an agency that works towards researching and utilizing space in a variety of ways. The group excitedly listens to a female PAXA astronaut telling them about the wonders of the space and the possibility of Pokémon living there. However, just as she is in the middle of telling them about the menace of space debris; how the problems arising from junk floating freely around out in space is becoming more and more serious, a siren suddenly starts ringing! The Rocket Gang have snuck into the facility in an attempt to take control of PAXA. The situation suddenly gets serious! >In the middle of all this, trouble suddenly occurs in the satellite control system! If this causes the satellite to crash into a piece of space debris, it will just create even more debris... >If space debris keeps continuing to fill the sky more than it already has, humanity will eventually be block off their way into space permanently... >How does Satoshi and friends react to this crisis...!? There are countless threats out there in space, ever piling up! Join up with your friends and work together to open the way to the future! Anonymous
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>>19339999 Th...this will happen yes?
>>19340971 >image for ants Anonymous
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>>19340640 >Ash has two flying types >possibly two fighting types >Now serena getting two fire types this is hurting my ocd
>>19340990 How is that for ants?
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>>19341003 Fuck, replied to the wrong person.
Meant to reply to
>>19340969 Forgive my retardedness.
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>>19340969 Nice pic for the bacteria to look at, mate.
is 4chan x not working for anyone else?
>>19341094 >you are now seeing the rock at the bottom of Diancie as a giant rocky turd hanging out of her Anonymous
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So who hype for Get TV debuting new ending and the 1 hour special 2nd preview?
>>19340973 I guess I might go back and watch them later, maybe after the Hoenn League and before I watch Battle Frontier.
>Pacifidlog Town Contest >May just spams Assist the whole battle >wins anyway May for worst coordinator?
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19341116 >you are now breathing manually Anonymous
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>>19341116 >implying that doesn't just make it even better Stay pleb.
>>19341168 I have the weirdest boner right now
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>>19341181 Get out of here Korrina. We know about your shota fetish.
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>>19341205 It's like she's stripping you with her eyes...
Reminder that Gary will be the Kalos Champion
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>>19338995 Completely justified.
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
>>19341276 >Got his ass handed to him by a Toxicroak, in spite of having two "powerhouses" >Got his Blastoise beat by a Charizard >Pussied out on his dream to become a researcher after said Blastoise received said assraping >Had to pay for the bitches while Ash got them by existing >Never got past round of 16, something even shitty BW Ash managed to do with a shitmon team other than Shadescroc and Pikachu >Owns an Umbreon, the most faggoty of the Eeveelutions >Became a meme Anonymous
>>19341276 +he won the ash bowl
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>>19338995 Just Ash being alpha
>>19339307 Wait I thought he deliberatly didn't give any electric type moves to Zebstrika cause he predicted Ash would use Palipitoad at some point and Electric moves would be pointless.
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>>19341301 He's too busy yiffing his umbreon to have done that.
>yfw even 2ch wants Ash to get Lucario Feels bad man. Am I the only one who believes in the potential of Ray Mysterio?
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>>19341301 >Ash doesn't have eyes for what purpose
Captcha:chestnuts ileteve Anonymous
>>19341374 Hawlucha is the Sin Cara of Ash's team
>>19341397 >inb4 he botches 100% of his moves and actually injures other pokemon around him Remind me again of why Uncle Vinnie won't fire him again?
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>>19341410 misty lost
may lost
dawn lost
cilian lost
serena lost
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>>19341410 wtf is up with her arm?
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>>19341131 The Kanto contest arc is better. More focus on Shuu and Harley.
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>>19341410 >Ash will never receive a footjob from Diantha Anonymous
>>19340971 What's the difference?
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>>19341374 >not wanting both >make the Valerie gym battle one of Ash's nightmares because Lucario doesn't know any steel-type moves >Hawlucha putting up a fight but ultimately going down >leading to the Valerie shenanigans Step it up.
That aside, any news about 2ch's reaction to sassy Serena being Pokewife?
>>19341410 >>19341497 reminds me of pic related
>>19341501 Her spats were changed to stockings due to a miscolor.
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>>19341497 Guess she's an amputee.
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>>19341525 oh duh I see it now
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>>19341414 That mask sells like hot cakes.
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>>19341348 Yeah, both Ash and Stephan were predicting one another's plans. Although honestly, I think that was the first time I've seen ash use any form of Poison type attack, or am I wrong?
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>>19341497 I never knew that Diantha served in 'Nam.
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>>19341414 Original Cara is gone, it's Hunico now.
>Looks at a tumblr entry. >"Serena’s whatever on Satoshi is used as a statu quo/promotion material so far - we officially don’t know if it’s a crush ^^’ Shooti’s feelings towards Adeku and Jalorda’s feelings towards Shooti were even more canon at that point (“suki”/”daisuki”)." >There are still people who think Serena's crush on Ash isn't "official".
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>>19341497 I'd still say 4/10 for effort.
Forget the crippled arm, look at the hips man. Anonymous
>>19341806 Wasn't there promotional chart that said Serena was in love with him?
>>19340640 So fennekins evolving before froakie does?
Fuck that
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>>19341866 The person probably doesn't think it's "official", because Serena hasn't outright said she does in the show itself.
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>>19341882 I thought this one was fake because of Lucario?
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>>19341866 Two charts and a Valentine's poster, and there are people that still think Serena liking Ash is canon.
>>19341866 Two charts and a Valentine's poster, and there are people that still think Serena liking Ash isn't canon.
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>>19341521 sauce?
CAPTCHA: chester lymoryW
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>>19341919 If it's the person I think it is, they ship Ash/Gary, Ash/Cilan hard, and have posted long tirades about how Serena is a underwhelming character right now so....I'm not really surprised.
>>19341919 Two charts?
Speaking of charts, anyone has the vagina type chart of the Pokégirls? Saw it posted here some nights ago and forgot to save it. Anonymous
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>>19342043 Yeah, one was smaller than the other, but it was pretty much saying the same thing.
>>19341919 I don't even care about shipping, but it blows my mind how the fanbase of a show that's literally written for 10 year olds have such a hard time grasping such simple relationships like the ones in Pokemon. God forbid these people ever watch a show that has even an ounce of subtlety in the writing.
>>19342043 Perhaps someone can repost it?
>malamar episode >the robot pikachu's voice was changed in the dub I don't understand. I mean, it's not a bad thing but it's pointless
>>19342151 It's probably more so because they haven't seen the material or because it blows their OTP out of the water with something that the writers seem to be trying to make canon.
Being honest as a non-shipper myself, I want it to happen just because they're pushing it so hard.
>>19342267 malamar's voice made me want to fucking drown in my own phlegm
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>>19342236 waiting for that myself
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>>19341806 Why do people who don't know Japanese think they can discuss the implications of contextual terms?
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>>19342300 It wasn't any worse than the original
>>19342300 They did imply Malamar was coming back right?
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>>19342322 Yes, pretty strongly
>>19342322 yes unfortunately
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>>19342322 The implications were so strong that if it were greentexted the whole screen would be green.
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It was implied strongly in the original, who gives a shit what the dub says?
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>>19342043 Is the chart of the Pokégilrs vagina you're talking about one with a black background and ridiculous names for the gilrs (Like Iris: the purple gem and Misty, the orange whatever?).
Please someone repost that. I need it for trolling purposes on another forum.
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19342456 >youtube upload of shitty stream site upload It's like a cancer lump contracted cancer
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>>19342322 >inb4 Malamar is Lysandre's signature pokemon, and a plot-twist is that Malamar is the real villian of the X/Y series Anonymous
Reminder that Pokemon Get TV is starting in 2 hours and will be previewing the name ending theme!
>>19342848 >>19342848 >>19342848 Get in here!
>>19342875 *the new ending theme
What the hell kind of typo was that.
>>19342885 >>19342875 Here we go again
Someone already reminded us anon. Read the thread. CTRL+F is here for a reason.
>>19342905 Oh no, someone reminded people an anime-relevant episode of a different show is starting soon. Better shitpost!
>>19342917 >This shit again Anonymous
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Someone posted a link directing people who want to watch Get TV to the Get TV thread because Get TV is doing an anime-related episode. This is perfectly on topic whether you personally like the show or not. Stop being autistic.
>>19342917 Okay first off.
I don't think you know what shitposting is.
It's not an anime-relevant episode. Just because it has a performance of the ending, doesn't make it anime relevant. It won't be showing anything important to the anime until the end of the show when the preview comes on and even then it can most likely be a re-showing of the preview we have.
Fuck off.
>>19342938 >>19342990 You know, if you autists wouldn't lose your shit at seeing a single on topic post directing people who want to watch Get TV to the Get TV thread, these Get TV "discussions" wouldn't last more than a single post.
Just shut up about it already.
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>>19343021 Just stop posting here then, please.
It's obvious no one cares if its relevant or not, we already know what the hell its going to show, there is no need to do this shit when you know deep down you're just going to be starting bullshit circlejerking again
>>19343021 >>19342990 Anon here, my issue isn't about people posting about a link directing to another thread, it's the shit post that's going to occur because someone doesn't like it and the arguing will go back and forth. Also, please note I did not quote anyone when I put the image up.
>>19343010 How the fuck is "this other show is going to have a performance of the new anime ending theme" NOT relevant to the anime?
Just hide the post if it makes you so buttblasted to see it, holy shit. If you hate Get TV so much seeing even a single mention of it makes you this mad, shouldn't you be happy people are directing discussion about it to a different thread?
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>>19343058 Just report the shitposting and move on. Mentioning that Get TV is starting soon is on topic, and directing discussion to a different thread is exactly what these whiners want anyway, so it doesn't even make sense for them to complain.
>>19343060 >directing discussion about it to a different thread No one was talking about it in the first place though.
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>>19341521 What is up with that image? I can't make heads or tails of the proportions.
>>19340640 >>two fire-types THAT'S MORE THAN ALL OF SINNOH
>>19343060 Oh shit it's you again.
It's not relevant to the anime because even though the performance will have the new ending theme, it wont be showing what that ending theme will be showing in the anime. Its like saying a live performance of a Michael Jackson song is relevant to the album that song came on.
Also, I don't know why you keep on assuming people hate Get. A lot of people who replied to you last time said they enjoyed the show but were annoyed at the fact that you do your shitty "reminders" when no one gives a flying fuck and we already have a fucking reminder as one of the first posts of the thread.
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>>19343084 That post literally said "Hey, this other show is showing some shit you might be interested in, go to this other thread to discuss it if you are". That's all. Want to talk about Get TV, go to that thread. Don't want to talk about Get TV, don't go to that thread. Not hard.
Now stop bitching about a single post telling people to go to a different thread to discuss something.
Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19343099 In Platinum, you can get THREE before the post-game.
>>19343060 What I want to know is why you do the reminders when you know from past experiences that all it will do is start arguments.
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>>19343099 Re-dux of Serena Poke-vision being Mahou Shojou with Tsundere Braixen when?
>>19343110 The OP does not tell people which thread to go to because the Get TV thread doesn't exist until 2 hours before the episode starts.
The OP does not say exactly when the episode starts.
All that was posted was a single reminder that the show was starting soon and where to go if you want to talk about it. The "discussion" would've ended with that one post if people didn't start whining that a single post they didn't personally like reading was posted.
Just stop bitching about that one post and people won't talk about the show in this thread. They're just replying to you.
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>>19343131 It's on-topic, and many people who don't regularly watch Get TV will want to watch this episode for the new ending theme. One or two people losing their shit at seeing the words "Get TV" in a post doesn't change that.
Before this thread turns into "Get Circlejerk 4.0", lets start some on-topic talk ITT: Will Red win the Ashbowl?
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Based janitors to the rescue.
>>19343176 >Redgy is now canon in merchandise Generic Tripfag !X6y.k.AZE6
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>>19343189 >calling Brawl's Pokemon Trainer "Redgy" Anonymous
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>>19343176 >people actually like the SD style. I hope they realize that their spines have all been broken by the immense weight of their oversized skulls. Anonymous
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>>19343160 Everyone knows which thread to go to in order to watch Get TV. We've been doing this since fucking October.
If no one needed a reminder these past 7-8 months, why do we need it now? Jesus Christ anon whats the point of the reminder if it will just derail this thread?
Serena is worthless, and her pairing with Ash is shit. Clemont and Serena is the more logical pairing. At least those understand the concept of romance while ash is complete love dead idiot. Serena is just a pretty face for us to fantasize over. Millfieu is right about her idle she just going say do nothing. Just face reality it ain't. Maybe if my prediction were to come true. I'd more have more hope for this pairing, and more for ash himself. But I guess they want waste more time with filler episodes that keep driving in the fact that ash idiot/bastard/loser and will ever, EVER change that!!! Serena will ultimately forget about feelings for ash and move to Clemont. They raise our hopes to the highest degree. They done this before Serena is marketing ploy. Everyone is too blinded to see it. In case you can't remember but one of the original writers had made ash will never fall in live and in a earlier interview they said ash will never grow and never win the pokemon league. Ash sucks ash will be a loser the sooner we accept this the better off will be.
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>>19343334 Serena a shit. She's hot, but her character is one-dimensional and she exists solely to have a crush on Ash. She doesn't do anything else, and if they don't find her something to do soon, she'll beat Iris as worst female companion, if she hasn't already..
>>19342273 Honestly, I'm wondering if they have the balls to push it any further than they have.
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>>19343396 XY26 had Millefeui blatantly pushing Serena to fucking tell Satoshi already.
They're pushing it harder than they've ever pushed anything before.
>>19342456 Why is James's dub voice so ungodly bad?
>Bonnie actually asked Diantha to take care of Clemont
>>19343514 Because the current guy is just doing an awful impression of his old dub voice that's slid over into parody level by now.
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>>19343520 She tried again before Diantha left too.
>>19343514 Zoppi/Cathcart. He was fine under 4kids, but now nearly all of his voices a Godawful.
>>19343543 He just sounds like he has a cold all the time now, the original guy was actually funny.
That Jessie is really, really close to the original though.
I think it's also funny how Ash's dub voice just completely gave up on sounding anything like the original.
>>19343562 >tfw he also writes all the shitty dub TR dialogue and is actually proud of it Anonymous
What character from the Animu would you sex nonsexually?
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>>19343563 Jessie's current voice is good (while some of the lines she had in Sinnoh were awful, that wasn't her fault), Meowth's voice is OK, not Maddie but it does the job. James's voice is just awful, as us Professor Oak's. They brought Stan Hart back to voice Cedric Juniper, but they didn't get him to do Professor Oak again? Someone needs to be fired for letting that happen.
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>>19343563 The annoying thing is that James is such an over-the-top cartoony one-dimensional character 99% of the time, so he seriously shouldn't be hard to play at all, yet this new dude is still so fucking bad at it.
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>>19343579 Must you be so lewd, Anon?
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>>19343568 If I ever meet this man, I'm going to walk up to him and kick his teeth out for writing the excrement he considers comedy.
>>19343579 >sex nonsexually ...how does that work?
>>19343628 Dry humping, anon.
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>>19343579 professor sycamore is the only correct answer
>>19342456 why is the bgm so fucking bad in the dub. unwatchable
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>>19343514 Addendum: I have now realized that Malamar in the dub sounds like Sylvester Stallone.
>>19343793 Oh my fucking gosh I've never been so attracted to Ash.
>>19343849 Said every Kalos girl ever. Clemont too.
>>19343849 >>19343891 Permission to continue the Ash dump?
>>19343934 Should've gave him a Shiny Honedge
>>19343934 Permission denied! Now you have to clean the head. I want to see that head so clean that the Virgin Mary herself would be proud to take a dump in there. Do I make myself clear?
>>19343934 Can we have Bonnie dump instead please?
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>>19343698 >le UFO music faec Anonymous
>>19343948 >>19343960 Fuck it, I'm dumping anyway.
>>19343980 I'll see what I can find.
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>>19344020 Because we're not gay.
>>19344002 Bonnie, if you don't want people giving you surprise buttsecks, don't perform poses like this.
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>>19344028 >implying she doesn't Anonymous
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>>19344009 Do you believe in the Virgin Mary, private?
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>>19341286 >Got his ass handed to him by a Toxicroak, in spite of having two "powerhouses" >Implying Saturn didn't spare his life only because he would be dead in a matter of hours anyway Or are you forgetting how terrifying Team Galactic was in the anime? They watched J's ship explode literally minutes later and didn't give half a shit.
So how much would a vial of Ash's semen sell for?
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>>19344049 Wtf, there's porn of Ash and Bonnie on Gelbooru.
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>>19344059 100 billion francs