>>19423943There's a patch out there for HGSS (search for moemon on foolz, you should find it), but 3 problems with it:
1) All the sprites are still gen 3 sized, so as a result, they're fucking tiny. Not a huge problem, since it's MOEmon, but still, some of the backsprites really suffer because of it.
2) Because the hacker picked the sprites from various different sources, the sizes and styles are all over the fucking place. Rhyhorn and Rhydon use a completely different style from Rhyperior, and the kanto starters are bigger than fucking everything (and personally, I think they look a bit shit).
3) The hacker apparently didn't bother testing their shit at all. Some of the front sprites look like they're floating, some of them aren't even standing on their shadows, when it plays some of the animations, they'll awkwardly jerk around because for some reason their second frame isn't in the same place as their first frame, and most of the backsprites are just a complete fucking disaster.
It's not too hard to edit the sprites, it's just a bit tedious. If you want to edit HGSS or Platinum, you'll need PokeDSPicPlatinum.