[104 / 11 / ?]

18KiB, 1360x768, pokemon_emerald_wallpaper_by_felixthecentaur-d5mevca.png
ITT: Feasible gameplay alterations to ORAS that would ruin the games.
>Reduction of water route lengths
>Replacing either of the main characters
>Easy mode Regi quest
>Gym Leaders have only three Pokemon each
>Pokemon contests abolished and replaced with some other shit
>The return of Voltorb Flip
These are all entirely possible and would leave enormous psychological holes.
>Reduction of water route lengths
>Replacing either of the main characters
>Easy mode Regi quest
>Gym Leaders have only three Pokemon each
>Pokemon contests abolished and replaced with some other shit
>The return of Voltorb Flip
These are all entirely possible and would leave enormous psychological holes.