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Goodra is a Male Giveaway

!RRV2iP4a6U No.19399255 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /vp/. Are you tired of that cunt fucktard that is always making those shitty Goodra should be female only threads?

In order to combat this cancerous shitwad I'm doing a giveaway to let people appreciate male gendered Goodras.

I'm doing a giveway of 30 Shiny HA Modest Goomys with egg moves and they all come with an Ability Capsule.

They are all of course male gender because that is the correct gender of Goodra.
Clones no duh but still legit.
The only condition is that you have to dump a Bunnelby on the GTS with the comment Goodra is Male.

It is on a first come first serve basis and I will ignore you if you don't include my comment.

No do not ask for another mon to be put on the GTS I will ignore you like the little piece of shit you are for not wasting 3 minutes on WT to get a shit bunny.

Once the 30 are done I'm out. I might do another giveaway on one condition. You must immediately and quickly shitpost in any thread started by the female Goodra faggot. If I see evidence of this than I will be more inclined to do another giveaway.

And finally always remember Goodra should be a male only.