There would need to be some exceptions and clauses. Do abilities such as Huge Power or Fur Coat have a special clause? Is there an exception for the SpA on a pure phys attacker, or vice versa? Is there an exception for the SpA and Atk stats of a poke with only status moves?
Stat spread, typing, ability, and movepool are far more important than BST. Look at Black Kyurem, for example - tied second highest BST of any pokemon, only lower than Arceus. In smogon tiers it is barely able to survive OU, and was UU for a long while. Amazing Attack with few good phys moves, amazing special attack with few good special moves, either offensive stat being high with low speed and bulk, bulky stats with no recovery or shit defensive typing, (Or both, like the Regis) and things like that can make a high BST useless.