Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
>Do NOT however, ask for Legends / Shinies / Event Pokemon / Megastones / Specific IVs / Transfer only moves That's not the point of these threads. Try the cloning/genning/wifi general threads for those.
What is a Pokémon that, in your opinion, should have a different typing? >Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! Pick a nickname, enter #/ggg/ as the channel name.
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. The pokemon you got were for free, keep that in mind. Old thread:
Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
Quoted By:
>>19414951 I wouldn't mind Muk being Poison Dark. Sam 1306-7081-5896
Venesaur Pure Grass Charizard Fire/Dragon as base Dragonite Dragon/Electric Blaziken Pure Fire Lugia Water/Flying
Quoted By:
>>19414951 Darmanitan going Fire/Fighting Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
>>19415004 Ahh, that's why I like Charizard, Fire/Flying is Awesome.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415029 B-but muh pebbles Fifty-san~
>>19415040 >implying pebbles are viable in any serious format Anonymous
>>19415097 >Implying Stealth Rocks aren't viable Luc 3325-2856-6833
3 boxes of eggs and no shiny. That's 9-12 boxes now, and I'm only MMing growlithes because the shiny Arcanine I have doesn't have 31 in Speed.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415097 Oh but I'm implying nothing! I'm shit at battling so I wouldn't know. Just a joke anon~ Also:
>Giveaway Thread >No giveaways 3x Misdreavus @ Dream Ball
Timid ~ Levitate
Destiny Bond; Memento, Curse and Nasty Plot
1x Larvitar @ Safari Ball
Jolly ~ Guts
Dragon Dance; Stealth Rock; Pursuit and Iron Head
1x Sneasel @ Moon Ball
Jolly ~ Inner Focus
Pursuit; Ice Shard; Ice Punch and Icicle Crash
x1 Absol @ Moon Ball
Jolly ~ Super Luck
Sucker Punch; Play Rough; Megahorn and Zen Headbutt
All 5IV, various spreads, Females only.
More Misdreavus to come as I'm still breeding
>>19415314 Just get somebody to shinify one...
>>19415318 >>Giveaway Thread >>No giveaways I'm working on a Goomy and I'll probably be giving away leftovers but
>Dragon hatch times Anonymous
>>19415280 VGC: not viable at all
3v3 singles: not viable
4v4 doubles: not viable
6v6 triples: not viable
4v4 rotation: not viable at all
Pebbles really only are effective if you play under some silly fansite rules. Otherwise, they are a gimmick.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>19415318 Could I get Sneasel?
>>19414951 Altaria should be Dragon/Water or at least get some electric moves. Luc 3325-2856-6833
Giving away Growlithes, most are pentaperfect, in a fast ball, females, 4 EMs.
>>19415330 >>19415380 Where's the fun in that? It's not going to be my cute legendary pokemon if I change some values for it.
>>19415354 >those games modes kek
Quoted By:
14 Dive Ball Totodile Disc up and reply if you want one.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415353 Tell me about it. My next thing after Misdreavus is gonna be Deino.
No oval charm nor egg hatching o-power. I'm suicidal >>19415391 Yes you may~ disc up Jack!
>>19415395 pic related pls
>>19415004 >blaziken not fighting forwhatpurpose.jpg Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19415354 >>19415354 Don't worry, I wasn't talking about smogon, I was talking about Karenfag 6v6 singles :P
I know that in VGC (the only serious meta you mentioned) pebbles are shit
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
>>19415318 can i that larvitar? disc is up
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 16:54:35 No. 19415431 Report >>19415410 Egg hatching O-power is pretty easy to get if you buy a shitload of premier balls one at a time at the pokeball boutique.
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19415416 Kill the threat that made 2 lines of Fire/Fighting starters. Anonymous
>>19415417 any details you'd be willing to share?
IGN: Clare (FC: 1263-7142-0606)
>>19415318 Misdreavus please!
IGN Matt
>>19415318 disc is up for misdreavus, thanks!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415439 6IV Modest Pressure Lugia EV trained fully in two stats. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19415354 3v3 Stealth rocks is viable. There is a tons of focus sash users, and sturdy users who will hit you hard, not to mention damage right off the bat.
>>19415475 >Lugia >Modest And that's why retards shouldn't do giveaways
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Fri 30 May 2014 16:59:07 No. 19415493 Report >>19415475 My body is ready
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 16:59:16 No. 19415496 Report >>19415475 Are you giving the lugias now?cause i'd take one :)
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415391 >>19415410 gotchu jack!
>>19415427 didn't see your disc Sergio!
>>19415431 I know I'm just lazy. Only went picking up megastones yesterday. Thank you for the info anyway!
>>19415457 Disc up!
>>19415474 gotchu!
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415491 Ouch, get the Burn Heal out nigga.
Quoted By:
>>19415491 still useful for dex completion
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>19415491 At least it's not Adamant
:^) Serena
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Wide Guard Honedge?
IGN: Clare (FC: 1263-7142-0606)
>>19415519 Let's see what is the ev spread
>inb4 252 sp.attack / 252 speed Sergio 0061 0884 3102
>>19415497 it got sniped, check again, please
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:03:08 No. 19415541 Report >>19415508 Can i disc up in advance cause i am doing that now
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415541 Proof that women should stay in kitchen
>>19415549 Yeah,no
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415541 Nope, if it gets lost within the Sea of Luvdiscs then your gonna have a bad time.
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19415549 Thanks so much !
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:06:50 No. 19415589 Report >>19415553 I make amazing sandwitches
>>19415564 Faggot give this bitch the lugia now, she deserves it
>>19415589 Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415596 In due time anon.
>>19415610 Stop caring about getting all the attention fuckhead
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415623 >Implying I care about attention I just want more people to be on when I decide to distribute so more people have a chance.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:11:33 No. 19415649 Report Quoted By:
>>19415401 I'll Disc for one.
Quoted By:
>>19415644 Yesterday:
>Watch for muh giveaway tomorrow Today:
>le soon xDDDD >I don't want attention guyz IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>19415644 I'm more people! Is time now ?
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>19415401 I'll take one
Is anybody interested in Rotoms?
They're all 5IV and Bold natured
>>19415644 It's not like anyone will take two so you will give 30 to 30 people, whether you start now or later.
Quoted By:
>>19415491 You forgot
>Pressure >not Multiscale Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19415686 I want a Rotom. Put it up for a Growlithe.
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
>>19415686 luvdisc is almost up, thank you jack
Quoted By:
>>19415717 what can you expect from retards? even the reasons are stupid.
safari GROUND{trapinch ,nincada , diggersby} sv{1705) fc {0877-1314-5126}
safari GROUND{trapinch ,nincada , diggersby} sv{1705) fc {0877-1314-5126} Fri 30 May 2014 17:19:43 No. 19415751 Report Quoted By:
>>19415686 can i have one ? luvdisk is going up soon
>>19415717 >implying Opti won't take three Anonymous
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
I have a few klefkis 3 to 5iv all female if anyone is interesred Also anticipation eevee with stored power and anticipation eevees with wish
Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
>>19415761 What ball are the Eevees in?
>>19415756 It's faggots like you that make people confused about Opti's character. He wouldn't do that.
Because he'd take 4. Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19415757 Sent.
>>19415761 Are they in a nice ball?
Xavier 2208-4869-0504
Quoted By:
>>19415417 Can i have one when the time comes?
Quoted By:
>>19415772 Well played, Opti.
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Quoted By:
>>19415769 Just pokeballs
I really don't have a ball fetish
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
giving away: -3x magikarp adamant male 4iv -4x scyther adamant female 4iv (2 swarm, 2 technician) 3x1 Eevee modest eevee 4iv
>>19415772 >would >not will Opti is browsing those threads 24/7, he will be second person to claim Lugia once Sam decides it's finally time
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:26:36 No. 19415818 Report >>19415805 Can o have the scyther? Im discing up now
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
Quoted By:
>>19415811 >second >Implying he wouldn't be first, too And 13th and 18th Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:28:18 No. 19415835 Report Daniel 2723-9660-7347
>>19415417 Damn! Will be waiting for it! Discing up!
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415842 If you disc up now, before the giveaway actually starts, your luvdisc will be lost between a thousand others in GTS. Wait until Sam announces the start of the giveaway to reply to the post and disc up.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:31:18 No. 19415873 Report Quoted By:
>>19415842 If you want any hope of getting one; just wait till he announces that the giveaway is ready.
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19415853 >tfw giving you Hatching Power 3 since you don't have it >tfw not getting a single Nice back Sergio 0061 0884 3102
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:32:33 No. 19415889 Report Quoted By:
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 17:32:44 No. 19415893 Report Quoted By:
Luvdisc up for a Togepi! I love those little bastards, and I'm trying to fill up my national dex. Really looking forward to that Lugia giveaway later!
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19415876 Liar! I gave you 2 nices back and I'm preparing you something! Hush.
<3 Anonymous
>choose a name or nickname >generate random 12 digits number >write them in Name field >in Comment field quote any post mentioning Sam giving away Lugia (you have vast choice of those) >write something like 'OMG, can't wait!' >repeat until Sam thinks there is enough people in here and he starts giving out Lugias go my brothers
generate random 12 digits number
SAMAMZRE 1234-5678-9012-3456
Quoted By:
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19415902 I wish he would start
I'm going to miss my train if I've to wait much longer...
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Tim 0820-8390-8102
Quoted By:
>>19415902 You are stupid
Sam do the giveaway now!
Riiiccckkkyyy 3456-9019-1001
Is it okay if I put a MAGIDURP up? I don't have any Luvdisc Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19415951 YES HE IS ALOMOLA UP TO GET ONE!!!!!!!
Tim 0820-8390-8102
Quoted By:
>>19415951 Yes is a ebin giveaway of modest pressure lugias!!
he's the hero that 4chan deserves! :D
Christina 2679-2246-1909
>>19415917 forgot nickname
Anyway, I'm so hyped for the giveaway Sam! I've always wanted Lugia since I was small, but my brother kept forcing me to trade him all my version exclusive legends... Anyway, today I will finally show him, haha :)
Brent 4570 6724 4866
I have some shelmets I just bred. 3 shell armor/3 hydration 4 to 5 IVs spikes/baton pass/guard split/encore regular pokeball timid
Tim 0820-8390-8102
>>19415974 they are not lugias :( shut up
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19415965 I'll send yours now if you show some tits ;)
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:41:57 No. 19416000 Report >>19415974 Finally, I've been wanting one. Disc is going up. Can I have the Hydration one?
Tim 0820-8390-8102
>>19415988 You are like awesome you know!! You are le gentleman and a scholar ;D
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19416008 I tip my hat to you. Your disc will be the first one I find.
Christina 2679-2246-1909
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 17:44:59 No. 19416038 Report >>19416020 Wait, so does this mean I should disc up? Is the giveaway on?! I have never done one of these before...
Tim 0820-8390-8102
Quoted By:
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19416037 Titties approved ;^D disc up.
Kracky 7856-3342-1100
Quoted By:
>>19416038 Not yet, still not enough people though.
But you better believe, once there is, it's going to be
Brent 4570 6724 4866
>>19416000 sent
>>19416011 I don't see yours
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:47:13 No. 19416070 Report Quoted By:
>>19416058 Can i disc now for lugia? :)
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:47:52 No. 19416076 Report >>19416037 l...lewd, but hot - you remind me of one my ex-boyfriends Christina 2679-2246-1909
>>19416076 Do I remind you of your future boyfriend? ;) Sam 1306-7081-5896
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:48:54 No. 19416085 Report Quoted By:
Sam 1306-7081-5896
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19416083 Nigga I already sent out a whole box, time is 30 minutes ago
Christina 2679-2246-1909
Quoted By:
>>19416083 I knew my tits would convince you. Disc is up already!
Not only thing that is 'up' I presume ;) Sam 1306-7081-5896
Clare 1263-7142-0606
>>19416094 I am depositing regardless as I have missed my train for this and my mother is now pissed at me... Damn it I want this lugia
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Fri 30 May 2014 17:51:15 No. 19416111 Report Quoted By:
>>19416082 only if you let me squirtle on them jigglypuffs Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19416108 Well that was dumb of you, but it was the right thing to do.
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Fri 30 May 2014 17:52:37 No. 19416123 Report Quoted By:
>>19416083 Disc is up, even if it's a bait.
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 17:53:04 No. 19416126 Report Quoted By:
>>19416083 Assuming for a moment that this isn't a ruse, disc with a heart scale is up.
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 17:53:13 No. 19416129 Report Quoted By:
>>19416105 Putting my favorite Luvdisc I ever got from WT, "Megablower," up for this Lugia. Don't even think missing a train can compete with Megablower, he is the onahole of Luvdisc.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 17:53:31 No. 19416132 Report Quoted By:
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19416083 Disced up.
pls no more qt boys in this thread thx Jay 1950-8754-3734
Quoted By:
>>19416083 Disc up, even it's bait I need to be part of this
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Leftovers, pls take 5x Moon Ball cleffa with Aromatherapy, Wish, Fake Tears, Misty Terrain 4x Tentacool HA Dream Ball with Confuse Ray, Knock Off, Mirror Coat, Rapid Spin 11x Dream Ball Pawniard with Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Psycho-Cut 10x Darumaka in Lux Ball with Yawn, Encore, Focus Punch, Flame Wheel 11x Pinsir in Sports Ball with Close Combat, Quick Attack, Feint, Me First 18x Love Ball Miltank with Dizzy Punch, Curse, Hammer Arm, Seismic Toss
Christina 2679-2246-1909
>>19416138 Some requests just can't be fulfilled Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 17:55:26 No. 19416151 Report Quoted By:
>>19416097 Aww damm i couldnt follow the posts had some chores to do. did i really missed them?!
Quoted By:
>>19416083 Discing up for the ruse since I don't have anything else to disc up for
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
Trey [3995-7301-3163] [Riolu, Meditite, Pancham]
Trey [3995-7301-3163] [Riolu, Meditite, Pancham] Fri 30 May 2014 17:56:01 No. 19416158 Report Quoted By:
>>19416083 discing up now IGN is kate
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19416150 I know, I'm not going to leave either~ IGN Matt
>>19415974 do you mind if I give you a karrablast? you know, so the shlemet evolves?
It's already up
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19416148 Discing up for a Cleffa, if I may...
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19416083 Hey Sam! I just got here, can I grab one? I don´t believe I will last here more than 10 minutes, so pls XD
Quoted By:
>tfw people actually disced up for Lugia
Brent 4570 6724 4866
>>19416172 disc up for miltank please
Xavier 2208-4869-0504
Quoted By:
>>19416083 Any left? I am discing just in case
>>19416174 Alfredo you faggot, get your ass on IRC now. cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Fri 30 May 2014 18:00:01 No. 19416202 Report Soooo should i disc up or no, im too high to be able to decipher da ruse
Brent 4570 6724 4866
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19416172 >>19416185 Of course! Take as many as you want!
Quoted By:
Sam 1306-7081-5896
>>19416202 What do you have to lose? Disc up ;)
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl]
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037 [Water: Bibarel, Wartortle, Poliwhirl] Fri 30 May 2014 18:01:52 No. 19416226 Report Quoted By:
>>19416083 Oh well i disced up just in case you're feeling like making one for me
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:02:42 No. 19416234 Report >>19416148 C-could I perhaps offer you a penta-perfect (pkrs, counter, extrasensory, copycat, snatch) Zorua in exchange for that Pawniard? My GTS seems to be occupied by a Luvdisc at this moment...
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19416194 Thanks
>>19416202 >>19416219 This is not Sam, it´s a ruse everyone, this will be my last post, if another person posts using my name without a pic of my 3DS it´s not me
Sergio 0061 0884 3102
Quoted By:
>>19416148 im discing for pawniard, thank you
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia)
R4monxu; FC: 1392-5165-7291 (IGN: Anastasia) Fri 30 May 2014 18:03:13 No. 19416237 Report Quoted By:
>>19416148 Discing up for Pinsir please^^
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
>>19416148 May i,have a pawnard maybe female?
Quoted By:
>>19416083 Disc up, IGN Elo. Thanks a lot !
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19416234 I don't need a penta, yo. I'll wait till you get whatever you disced for (unless its the Lugia because that's a ruse)
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela
cj 2337 4495 9661 quilladin swadloon tangela Fri 30 May 2014 18:04:00 No. 19416249 Report Quoted By:
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:04:37 No. 19416256 Report Quoted By:
>>19416246 Uhh... yeah, I'm still new here. Let me just take that off then...
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19416239 All are female.
Brent 4570 6724 4866
Quoted By:
>>19416148 well if you don't mind, can I get a cleffa as well.
Disc is up
(I'll probably come after a tentacool too)
Quoted By:
>>19416235 Dude, nobody fucking cares about your posts, you can leave forever.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19416148 Disc up for Darumaka. Thank you Opti
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:08:03 No. 19416297 Report Quoted By:
>>19416246 Alright, disc up!
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Quoted By:
>>19416083 disc up ign baldo, thanks
Where the everloving FUCK is my FUCKING Lugia? I disced up OVER AN HOUR AGO what the FUCK Sam?
Brent 4570 6724 4866
Quoted By:
>>19416148 okay, I disced up for a tentacool. Thanks again
You guys do realise Sam probably WT'ed all those Lugias because he came to realisation we are ungrateful, impatient bastards and that he would rather make some rome random kids happy? Lugia giveaway is called off. Not that I would participate anyway, but for everyone actually wanting one, sorry.
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:13:20 No. 19416353 Report Quoted By:
>>19416342 Doesn't matter to me since I got all the perfect legends I wanted onto my Black and Bank'd them ASAP.
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill)
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill) Fri 30 May 2014 18:14:04 No. 19416360 Report >>19416148 Opti, may I disc up for a Miltank? I would really appreciate one.
Quoted By:
>>19416342 It was mostly people calling Sam an attention whore and then rusing everybody.
Quoted By:
>>19416355 I know shitposters don't care, but there was really a lot of discs asking for Lugia on GTS so people were really interested in those. To those people, sorry.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
List update: 3x Moon Ball cleffa with Aromatherapy, Wish, Fake Tears, Misty Terrain 3x Tentacool HA Dream Ball with Confuse Ray, Knock Off, Mirror Coat, Rapid Spin 8x Dream Ball Pawniard with Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Psycho-Cut 9x Darumaka in Lux Ball with Yawn, Encore, Focus Punch, Flame Wheel 10x Pinsir in Sports Ball with Close Combat, Quick Attack, Feint, Me First 17x Love Ball Miltank with Dizzy Punch, Curse, Hammer Arm, Seismic Toss All female, take as many as you want!
Pyroar with Hp ice or dark pulse?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19416360 > Take as many as you want There's the answer to your q.
Quoted By:
>>19416381 You shouldn't ask for specific IVs and Dark Pulse is a fucking TM move. Anything else?
>>19416381 HP ground hits rock, fire, steel for SE.
Quoted By:
>>19416373 Pinsir, please? Disc is up.
Jack 2535-4076-4203
>>19416403 Ice lets it check Garchomp though
>>19416381 Disc up btw ign: serena
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 18:19:54 No. 19416416 Report Quoted By:
>>19416373 Opti, I'd like a Miltank, if you don't mind. Disc is up. Thanks in advance.
>>19416409 Gets walled by heatran and rock though.
Quoted By:
>>19416415 Are you dense? Did you read any of replies to your first post?
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:22:15 No. 19416452 Report Didn't take me long to get tired of hatching dragons after I got what I wanted, so here's some leftover Premier Ball Goomys if anyone's interested. Male, Modest, Sap Sipper, 5ivs (-hp) Male, Modest, Sap Sipper, 5ivs (-atk) Male, Modest, Hydration, 5ivs (-sp def) Male, Modest, Hydration, 5ivs (-atk) Female, Modest, Sap Sipper, 5 ivs (-spd)
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>19416439 If it's VGC or any tier lower than OU, there won't be any Heatrans
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill)
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill) Fri 30 May 2014 18:22:51 No. 19416461 Report Quoted By:
>>19416395 Thank you very much Opti!
Brent 4570 6724 4866
>>19416452 Can I get a sap sipper?
disc is up
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:25:57 No. 19416495 Report Quoted By:
>>19416484 Sure, which one do you want?
Bart 9926-1065-3118
Alright guys, I just transferred some stuff from pokebank and found a bunch of old shinies from black and white if you guys want. They aren't Kalos bred but I have no use for em. Random IVs and natures, disc up. Haxorus Alomomola Electrode Scrafty Escavalier Charizard I've got one of each so first come first serve.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 18:28:51 No. 19416532 Report Quoted By:
>>19416527 I'll disc for haxorus, if you dont mind
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Fri 30 May 2014 18:28:59 No. 19416534 Report Quoted By:
>>19416527 Discing up for Haxorus
>>19416527 >people going to fall for this ebin bate, mat0
Jack 2535-4076-4203
Quoted By:
>>19416527 Can I take Escavalier
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Fri 30 May 2014 18:30:02 No. 19416546 Report Quoted By:
>>19416527 Well, for Scrafty then.
>>19416539 Fall for what? He's just giving shinies away...
Quoted By:
>>19416554 Sure you are.
I mean, sure he is
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
>>19416373 I'll take a Pinsir. Disc'd up
Also I need friends so I can get a protean Frogadier in the friend safari pls help Clare 1263-7142-0606
>>19416580 I have some protean froakies but can't go online on my Ds for like half an hour or so. Wanna add each other and trade if u still haven't got it by then?
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19416452 Can I get the female? :)
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
>>19416639 I doubt I'll have gotten it by then, so sure. Adding you now
Hans 3476-3390-2281
Alright people, hi, this is my first time posting here. I've got this to give away to you Mincinno - Skill Link, Adamant 4-5 IVs, Rock Blast Absol - Pressure, Adamant 4-5 IVs, Megahorn Staryu - Natural Cure, Timid 5 IVs, one pentaperfect Tauros - Sheer Force, Adamant 4-5 IVs Espurr - Own Tempo, Timid, 4-5 IVs Asist, Trick, Barier and Yawn Rotom - Timid, 2 pentaperfects But that's not all! Also got these three trophy shinies! Audino Illumise Tropius
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 18:46:40 No. 19416670 Report Quoted By:
>>19416664 Discing up for Tropius!
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
Quoted By:
>>19416664 Tropius plox.
ORAS hype Anonymous
>>19416660 You should try wonder trading.
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19416664 Can I have the Audino? Can't put disc up for like 20 mins though so it's ok if not
Quoted By:
>>19416664 discing for that staryu of your choice, ign baldo, thanks
Brent 4570 6724 4866
Quoted By:
>>19416664 Disc is up. Can I get an espurr
>>19416083 Discing up or one.
Quoted By:
>>19416527 ill take a haxorus, thanks breh i really appreciate it.
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
Quoted By:
>>19416679 I have, but I haven't gotten anything worth keeping yet.
>>19416664 Dang, I guess someone called tropius first. I'll take Absol, I guess. Disc up
>>19416697 This is a ruse. Plus it's old.
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19416527 Charizard? Ill disc up in a while if that's ok
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill)
Elynx - 4339-3262-1694(Water- Wartortle,Bibarel,Azumarill) Fri 30 May 2014 18:52:55 No. 19416727 Report Quoted By:
>>19416664 May I get the Staryu? Discing up
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 18:54:22 No. 19416748 Report >>19416650 Sent.
I still have:
Male, Modest, Sap Sipper, 5ivs (-hp)
Male, Modest, Hydration, 5ivs (-sp def)
Male, Modest, Hydration, 5ivs (-atk)
Does anyone here have a froakie with an adamant nature? I would really appreciate it if you could give it to me (:
Quoted By:
I got 3 female chatots in Lure Balls
Timid w/
-Nasty Plot
These are the last three, so first come,first serve.
>>19416708 Really? Damn.
Hans 3476-3390-2281
Read the first letter of every line of my post
>>19416760 >Adamant Froakie Why?
Serena 3136-7072-5324
Okay, I FINALLY finished the list i was making here.
This is what I can distribute for you all.
I have one clone of each, but I want to do a distribution later of whatever is the rarest/most popular here
even if i have no idea what i'm doing , so let me know if you want something even if it's already taken
i'll check the IVs if you want to know them first, and i can change the pokeballs if you want too as long as you don't mind waiting a few minutes longer
I also have a lot of event pokemon, but I think I'll save that distribution for another time given the amount of work involved
>>19416765 very clever, i like it
>>19416527 >>19416664 >Dear diary, today I lied on the internet, and fooled some people on 4chan. This must be some kind of world record. I'm such a genius mind. Sparkles
>>19416768 Physical Greninja isn't that bad and I want to try one out. I've had fun using my Spec one
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19416679 I actually got mine through wonder trade from japan :) was so surprised!
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 18:58:33 No. 19416801 Report Anonymous
>>19416788 >all those hacked combos I like it. Enjoying your powersaves?
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Fri 30 May 2014 19:00:10 No. 19416810 Report Quoted By:
>>19416788 I will disc up for Latios, please.
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
>>19416788 I'll take latios then
>>19416801 Captcha: Soultew accuseth
>>19416793 If you're gonna use a Physical one you should still give it a +speed nature.
Hans 3476-3390-2281
>>19416789 Don't be butthurt, I believe mine was pretty celver
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Fri 30 May 2014 19:01:47 No. 19416826 Report >>19416788 I will disc up for Rayquaza, thanks.
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 19:03:17 No. 19416843 Report >>19416788 Mind if I disc up for Registeel?
Quoted By:
>>19416822 You must be such a wonderfull person, taking pride for deceiving people. Congratulations, m8.
>>19416821 Really?
I was considering running speed nature but I thought it would need the attack boost because greninjas base speed is 120ish
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Can I take a Latios?
alex 4914-3608-1242 [Munna, Duosion, Wobbuffet]
alex 4914-3608-1242 [Munna, Duosion, Wobbuffet] Fri 30 May 2014 19:05:17 No. 19416858 Report >>19416748 Can I have the modest male -atk?
Im discing up in a sec!
>>19416847 Greninja needs that speed to outpace shit like Noivern, Alakazam, Starmie, Lati@s, Keldeo, and more.
Ryder (IGN: Alex)
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Can I disc up for an articuno?
Quoted By:
im looking for a HA (technician) kricketot, which is only available in dream world pls help IGN: Moritz
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 19:06:46 No. 19416869 Report Quoted By:
>>19416788 >>19416801 Thank you so much!!! Now I finally have my favorite legend! Thank you!
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19416805 Yeah, it'd be perfect if I could change nicknames with it too
but you can't have everything
>>19416801 >>19416814 >>19416826 >>19416843 sending these now
the rayquaza will take a minute, i forgot micle berries can't be traded
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Regenerate Mienfoo with egg moves.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Disc is up for Groudon
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Don 2723 - 8770 - 9451 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 19:07:40 No. 19416880 Report Quoted By:
>>19416788 I could kill a man for one of those Registeel, or trade you one of several billion penta-perfect/ one of a few 6-IV Zorua.
Speaking of which, once I get my team going, expect a veeeery big Zorua distribution. I have at least a whole box of penta-perfects now, with varying characteristics.
Quoted By:
>>19416860 Oh that's true, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19416788 may i have latias please?
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
Quoted By:
>>19416870 Got it, thanks!
Quoted By:
Has anyone got a female Joltik/Galvantula in a Quick or Net ball? It'd be appreciated
Josh 2208-4914-9007
>>19416788 Disc'd for lugia !
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Ho-oh? Tell me when to disc up
>>19416788 Gyarados up for landorus (dont have any disc!)
Quoted By:
>>19416860 Noivern always outspeeds Greninja.
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 19:12:28 No. 19416919 Report Quoted By:
>>19416870 Thanks a bunch Serena.
>>19416858 Not seeing your disc mate.
>>19416788 Disc up for a 6IV Slowbro.
Serena 3136-7072-5324
Quoted By:
>>19416870 I just noticed I got one of the shiny mawile from the giveaway earlier so after this I can clone some of them if anyone missed it
>>19416910 sorry, i forgot to give landorus a berry before i traded it
i'm trying to give them all rare berries before i send them
it looks to me like the latis or the registeel might be the most popular right now, so those are probably going to be what i clone later unless anyone thinks something different might be better
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Could I disc up for a porygon-Z?
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Can i have a Latios? I disced
Josh 2208-4914-9007
Quoted By:
>>19416788 il disc for a ho-oh, ign baldo thanks
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Any Aegilash left?
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Can i have Lugia whenever you can? I'm putting a disc on gts now.
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19416788 >>19416949 oh no i've made a terrible mistake
illegal balls don't trade over the GTS
that means the 6IV slowbro, aegislash, and maybe typhlosion can't be traded
sorry about that
i'll send you the 5IV slowbro instead
>>19417028 pls be my waifu
Josh 2208-4914-9007
>>19416788 i noticed you have Groudon listed twice
if you still have one of them i'll take it !
Disc'd up for Groudon
Quoted By:
>>19417028 illegal balls can be traded, they just have to be Kalos bred
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19416788 Disced for Aegislash.
Illegal balltism mons trade over the GTS just fine. Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417043 oh wow i didnt notice that
i actually only had one, i just fucked up and repeated part of the list when i made the image
all i have left in this batch are charizard, sableye, pidgeotto, thundurus, tepig, regigigas, regirock, regice, heatran, cresselia, cyndaquil, and bergmite
>>19417036 n-no thanks Isabelle
>>19417078 Can i have the zard?
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Thanks for the Slowbro. Discing up for a Lugia if there happen to be any more.
Quoted By:
>>19417078 >no Way to break my heart!
Kazdam 1907 9152 7717
>>19416788 disc up for heatran
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 19:33:31 No. 19417097 Report Quoted By:
>>19417078 Mind if I take Heatran?
>>19417078 Can i have regirock?
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
>>19417078 Since no one seems to be asking for it, I'll take the sableye
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417071 >>19417088 >>19417101 >>19417095 go ahead and put a disc up for them then
after this batch is done i think i'll do a wonder trade distribution of the most popular ones from here maybe Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19417078 can i have regigigas?
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 19:35:00 No. 19417116 Report Quoted By:
>>19417078 Discing for regigigas, please
Josh 2208-4914-9007
>>19417078 I'll disc for the regigigas !
Quoted By:
>>19417105 My disc should be up now
Josh 2208-4914-9007
Quoted By:
>>19417117 aw dang, beat to the punch
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 19:36:02 No. 19417130 Report Quoted By:
>>19417078 Can I have Regice, then?
Quoted By:
>>19417105 Actually i put a disc for regice if you still have it
Quoted By:
>>19417078 Discing for pidgeotto.
Quoted By:
>>19417105 Oh awkkward hold on regirock i'm gonna change sorry for that
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Quoted By:
>>19417078 Discing up for the Cresselia, if I may!
Artemis 2809-9607-6696
Quoted By:
>>19417105 >>19417104 Disc is up for the sableye
Quoted By:
>>19417078 Discing for thundurus
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
anyone have leftover houndour with d-bond? I'll give you a leftovers for your trouble?
Kazdam 1907 9152 7717
>>19415318 >>19415900 Rusty you have any more Moon Ball Sneasels?
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Fri 30 May 2014 19:46:49 No. 19417245 Report >>19416452 Lemme get a -atk one. I got a Vulpix to trade in return instead of a Luvdisc if that's ok.
I'd rather do a one-to-one trade, so I added you if that's cool Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 19:47:58 No. 19417258 Report >>19417245 Sure, I'll get to you in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>19417105 thanks serena you are very kind!
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19417229 I'm not home atm. If you're here in a couple of hours I'll get ya one~
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew)
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew) Fri 30 May 2014 19:49:29 No. 19417277 Report I have uploaded my Luvdisk in hopes of a Yanma. Im not asking for it.. But a shiny would be boss
>>19417277 i also sent you one, pls take care of yanma!
Quoted By:
>>19417277 stupid fucking idiot
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Fri 30 May 2014 19:52:01 No. 19417301 Report >>19417258 Oh, forgot to say IGN is Silibus
Quoted By:
>>19417105 You are literally the best
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew)
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew) Fri 30 May 2014 19:52:46 No. 19417307 Report Hitler
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>19416148 any of those you still have? I'd love a miltank, and cleffa if it's friend guard
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 19:56:56 No. 19417347 Report >>19417301 Enjoy your goo.
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Fri 30 May 2014 19:58:17 No. 19417368 Report >>19417347 Thanks. I didnt want to take the chance of someone sniping that 6iv Vulpix lol.
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew)
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew) Fri 30 May 2014 20:00:20 No. 19417391 Report >>19417293 hmmm... I have not received it
Serena 3136-7072-5324
All I got left now is bergmite, cyndaquil, tepig, and an extra charizard I found in my PC if anyone wants them, after that I'll start cloning for a giveaway later
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette)
Haze 1607-3690-3771 (Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Blue Floette) Fri 30 May 2014 20:02:03 No. 19417412 Report Quoted By:
>>19417368 >6iv Damn dude, thanks a lot.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 20:02:07 No. 19417413 Report Quoted By:
>>19417394 I'll take the charizard if no one asks for it
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19417105 Any left? Someone take the charizard?
Josh 2208-4914-9007
>>19417394 disc'd for cyndaquil
Quoted By:
>>19416527 If this happens to be real, I'll disc up for Electrode.
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew)
Atrium 0619-5227-2678 (Ground, ??? -Camerupt-Sandshrew) Fri 30 May 2014 20:05:04 No. 19417440 Report Quoted By:
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417418 i don't see it anywhere
Clare 1263-7142-0606
>>19417449 Disc up for charizard
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417460 i already sent the last charizard, but i think i may have a similar one if you can wait a minute or two for me to search my pc for it
Josh 2208-4914-9007
Quoted By:
>>19417449 ahh that other guy gave me one lol, thanks though
>>19417394 may i have tepig please?
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19417472 Oops sorry! If u have that's great :)
Clare 1263-7142-0606
Quoted By:
>>19417472 Got it! Thank you so much :D
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417477 with that all I got left are shiny cyndaquil and bergmite, if nobody wants them i'll go ahead and get back to cloning
>>19417530 I would like that siny cyndaquil !
Josh 2208-4914-9007
Quoted By:
>>19417530 shiny cyndaquil !
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 20:14:50 No. 19417560 Report Quoted By:
>>19417530 Since no one is asking, do you mind if I also take the bergmite?
Quoted By:
>>19417544 Disc up, IGN Elo
Quoted By:
>>19417273 cool thanks Rusty, I'll be around!
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Demetree 3239-2981-8629
Quoted By:
>>19417530 Shiny cyndaquil please?
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Fri 30 May 2014 20:20:55 No. 19417618 Report Quoted By:
>>19417530 Serena, thank you very much! You've made me very happy today.
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19417530 also thanks for the tepig!
Quoted By:
>>19417530 Did the cyndaquil went to someone ?
>>19417530 Those clones, will you do a giveaway on gts or windertrade them? Also are you doing the 2 DS method? (Just curious)
Quoted By:
>>19417625 N-no A-anon-kun i-if I do it a shitstorm will arise. A-also I've already m-made one for the day a-already.
Josh 2208-4914-9007
Quoted By:
>>19417530 thanks Serena !
Quoted By:
>>19417577 don't bother, just let this one die
Serena 3136-7072-5324
okay i tallied up all the replies there were a lot of them that got requested two or more times, so i figured a strawpoll would be best to decide
i'll probably do the top 3 here, so feel free to vote for all your favorites
if i distributed something earlier you want to see let me know that as well so i can take it into account
>>19417644 I'm thinking next time i'll do a wonder trade giveaway, but I might do another GTS one tomorrow if people really want me to
i'm using a powersaves so i can do this faster
>>19417762 I voted for Latios and Heatran.
I wish you'd do another gts first, cause in wondertrade we'll only get shit. C4stor 5086-2295-1147
Quoted By:
>>19417762 Voted for Ho-Oh !
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417792 wonder trade is faster for everybody involved though
also we should probably get a new thread going
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19417867 i should note that by faster i mean it's basically just two-click, and you can get rid of your shitmons in the process
if we can get some people getting rid of good breeding leftovers at the same time it could be good
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19416788 Are Groudon or Rayquaza still available?
Quoted By:
>>19417762 Cool thx for the info
Quoted By:
>>19417879 I understand what you're saying, it's just that everytime I participated in a wondertrade giveaway I could never get the mon that was being distributed
but that's just me, being greedy. Nevermind that. Sam 1306-7081-5896
Quoted By:
>>19417938 Thank you, Sam!
>>19417762 > I know the legends aren't but are the others Kalos born?
Serena 3136-7072-5324
>>19418208 Aegislash is, it's also in a moon ball
>>19418283 Oh yeah of course Aegislash is KB haha, I mean any of the others?
I'll vote for Aegislash anyway tho
Quoted By:
>>19418325 Note that moon ball Aegislash is an illegal combo.
Serena 3136-7072-5324
Quoted By:
>>19418325 nope, the ones i have are up here
>>19416788 the only kalos-native shinies i have are aegislash and bergmite