Quoted By:
>while you reset I feel loved.
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
This will be a successful Shiny Hunt Weekend for all!
900 eggs, and still no blue Pawniard ;-;
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/ Sat 31 May 2014 03:04:03 No. 19422051 Report >>19422043 I sure hope so! I really want a shiny Eevee.
Rin - 0361-7368-9419
>>19422045 You will get it for sure within the next
_ eggs.
Quoted By:
Penta perfect. Never stop believing /shw/, we're all gonna make it.
xeba 4785 6193 8135
>>19422051 Been MM for eevee since monday..... almost 1000 eggs... still no shiny. Dude this is hell
>>19422072 W-what does that means
Rin - 0361-7368-9419
Quoted By:
>>19422092 It means what you want it to means.
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
>>19422092 The ride will never end.
Quoted By:
Damnit Solrock just be that wonderful blood red already.
Alright /shw/, here's a quickie for you all. It always seems to me that everyone bashes on Super Training. Now, is it justified or does it serve the exact same purpose as same old, same old EV training?
Brandon (2707-1751-8977) audino, chansey, lillipup
Brandon (2707-1751-8977) audino, chansey, lillipup Sat 31 May 2014 03:15:02 No. 19422214 Report Quoted By:
>>19422087 i feel your pain bro
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
>>19422213 I did it for my Zorua, it wasn't too bad. I just collected bags on a fully trained Pokemon and did it that way. It's slower than just doing horde EV training with whatever power item you need but it wasn't terrible.
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/ Sat 31 May 2014 03:17:29 No. 19422240 Report >>19422213 Super Training needs to be buffed, like a max of +24 for level 3 Super Training before double-up bag.
As it is now there's no reason to use it over hordes unless you want a level 1 mon with max ev's
Eric 2062 - 9146 - 3801
>>19422213 Does the same thing as EV training and it can be about the same time as traditional training, but with hordes and hold items you can get +50 in a single battle.
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
>>19422240 Definitely a good choice with level 1 mons.
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 03:20:54 No. 19422285 Report >>19422213 Personally I like Super Training cause it's a little more entertaining than just horde fighting imo. It seems the only major difference is the time involved.
Rin - 0361-7368-9419
>>19422285 I didn't mind it either until I got my EV training done in 5 minutes rather than an hour.
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 03:25:52 No. 19422346 Report >>19422306 Well I'm a little weird cause I don't just max out 2 stats then put what ever is left, I like to focus on two and then kinda support weak points
unless its just abysmal Rin - 0361-7368-9419
Quoted By:
>>19422346 I guess it is a bit better for fine-tuning your EVs
Bibz 5241-1908-1551
I hatched one box today. In related news, buy Mario Kart 8.
>>19422213 Good for more complicated EV spreads, but hordes are done quicker and easier in every other case
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
>>19422386 I can't wait to get back home in two weeks and play Mario Kart it looks so much fun. I bought a bunch of refurbished wii motes to have some form of get together with my friends.
Quoted By:
>>19422236 >>19422240 >>19422264 >>19422285 >>19422386 I see, much appreciated. You see, yesterday I finally got around to EV train my shone Mewtwo, and was afraid ST would screw it all up, just based on its reputation. It wasn't that bad though, it took me like 2 1/2 hours to fully train it (full Sp. Att, Speed and a tad Sp. Def of leftover). IVs are all random, but I love it to death, as it was my very first shone in FireRed.
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi Mawile Clefairy) Sat 31 May 2014 03:39:24 No. 19422488 Report I hatched a shiny pumpkaboo today, her name is Jack-o-line. But do I evolve her or do I keep her cute?
Bibz 5241-1908-1551
Quoted By:
>>19422426 I just spent 4 hours playing online with friends, it's great
>>19422488 I prefer Pumpkaboo to Gourgeist so I say slap an Everstone on it
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19422009 non-shiny water/flying duckling get. Back on the espurr ride
Poochyena boy
Quoted By:
No shiny yet, but I'm sure it'll appear sometime soon! It'd be really cool if I end up with a Wurmple, especially since it can become pretty neat looking mons.>still no Wii U to play MK8 >mfw stuck with shitty CTGP servers and funkyfags in MKW O-on the bright side I have helmetless Mii...?
Quoted By:
>>19422488 >Implying shiny Gourgeist isn't adorable I've had my shiny Gourgeist-XL for a few months now, and I've never missed Pumpkaboo. I wish I could say the same about my shiny Delphox.
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu
Amek 1779-0309-2711 Sawk Machoke and Riolu Sat 31 May 2014 03:47:28 No. 19422596 Report >9 boxes in on my Aron hunt >no progress over the week day >mfw
Gabriel/Tewi: 5069 - 4037 - 2084 {1571} {3149} {1010}
Gabriel/Tewi: 5069 - 4037 - 2084 {1571} {3149} {1010} Sat 31 May 2014 03:50:56 No. 19422634 Report Quoted By:
>>19422596 We need a shw version of the spongebob spice garden stubbed toe reaction image that's like,
"I'll have you know I've hatched over 9 boxes and only cried for ten minutes!"
Or something like that
Assuming your non-shiny mons have 4-5 IVs, what do you do with 'em once you finally hatch a shiny? Mass release? Put 'em on the wonder trade? Leave 'em there?
Gabriel/Tewi: 5069 - 4037 - 2084 {1571} {3149} {1010}
Gabriel/Tewi: 5069 - 4037 - 2084 {1571} {3149} {1010} Sat 31 May 2014 03:52:23 No. 19422654 Report Quoted By:
>>19422639 I release as I hatch.
Makes it hard to tell how many I've hatched total but I don't care.
Bibz 5241-1908-1551
Quoted By:
>>19422639 So far I've been offering a few and wondertrading a few, but mostly putting them in Bank.
This will be a problem pretty soon.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19422639 Wonder Trade definitely
or try your luck in GTS. Put them up for shit that aren't catchable in-game
to complete the National Dex to get a Shiny gem... Poochyena boy
>>19422639 I think I mass wonder traded the non-shiny mons after breeding for a shiny, only because PP Ups are really useful and can only be bought with the dumb mile system.
Eric 2062 - 9146 - 3801
Quoted By:
>>19422639 I've been wonder trading as I go. Every 3 boxes or so I wonder trade through the bunch of them.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19422721 >dumb mile system I forgot ALL about that, what city is it in again? I've been Wondertrading so much, I must have so many points. I need some Rare Candies for IV checking.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19422639 I will sort the 5vs by spread and the best spread gets WT (minus the ones held back for trades). The bad spreads get released. Sometimes I give them away on the gts threads
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19422750 you don't use battle institute to check ivs?
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19422846 I use serebii's calculator. Doesn't the battle institute guy just say "outstanding!" and shit like that and not actual numbers?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 04:09:53 No. 19422913 Report >>19422878 Institute is in North Lumiose, and they set all Pokémon to level 50. To closer you are to level 100 the more accurate your IV calc should be, from what I've gathered.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19422913 No shit, thanks man. So like, the only way for a calculator to be 100% sure is if it's at level 100?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 04:21:54 No. 19423049 Report >>19422996 Dunno about 100% accurate, but let's say you've tracked EVs and have a rather high level and you should get something that's fairly accurate. I usually don't EV train before I go there, and get things like "24, 25 in Sp.Def".
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19423049 I gotcha. I do have a Level 100 Ditto and I put its IVs into the calculator and they all came out precisely. So, maybe.
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027
>>19422913 Is there a way to do that in x and y?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 04:27:21 No. 19423111 Report >>19423086 Well, yes...the Battle Institute I was referring to IS the one in XY. And serebii have an XY calc out now. Anonymous
>>19423086 In Kilodue city, or whatever way you spell it, the city with the Battle Maison, there's an ace trainer in the pokemon center who will judge you pokemon's IVs
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
I hate this 3-dimensional bullshit. I can't tell what buildings I can enter and which ones I can't. At least it makes it way harder.
AfroStyleKarate 2320-6915-0027
Quoted By:
>>19423111 >>19423126 I meant the lvl 50 thing. Thanks for the info though
Just bred my shiny Totodile! Thanks for the luck, Silibus! Quick question though - how important is speed to Feraligatr? Because he turned out 31/31/31/31/31/x
Quoted By:
Found a shiny metang in friend safari. Unfortunately it's naughty nature. I have never ever caught a shiny pokemon with a different nature :/
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19423230 I was resetting for a good natured Totodile on my first runthrough of HG and I got a fucking Shiny before I even got a good nature. He ended up being Naive, which isn't terrible. Silibus 2320-6915-0027
Quoted By:
>>19423230 Shiny Braxien pullin through!
If you're wondering who drew that, its by Slugbox. Check out his stuff if you're interested (pretty nsfw though) Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
What assfaggot decided to make Pokemon forget moves as they level up in the daycare? Jesus christ. captcha: upper onetwat
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 04:56:11 No. 19423383 Report >>19423230 Did you breed it with Dragon Dance? And you should go check its Speed IV with a checker anyway
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
Quoted By:
Hi guys. 3 weeks no shiny aron. Don't know how many boxes bit it is many many hours. These are brutal to hatch.
>>19423379 I know that feel bro... Just realised that my shiny was born without Dragon Dance because of this shit.
>>19423383 Yes... I did. Or tried to.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19423433 You gotta be fucking shitting me. That sucks dude. That fucking sucks.......
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19423379 they don't forget the moves till theyre pulled from the daycare
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19423475 Oh, really? I guess that's cool, but still fucking retarded. Why forget the moves at all? If you wanted a level-up move (which is rare), you can always heartscale it back.
Should I try WTing to get the Shiny Charm?
Quoted By:
>>19423647 Maybe. Do you need Fletchling, Froakie, Charmander, Scatterbug and the elemental monkeys to complete your dex?
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
>>19423647 How many Pokemon do you need still?
GTS did a lot for me. Just throw a random level 100 up, or trade evo for trade evo, or stone evolved for stone evolved
Quoted By:
>>19423665 or a GenV starter for whatever. They're rare on GTS
Quoted By:
MM method. About 540 eggs in. 60 left to go. No shinies yet
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Caught this baddie chain fishing for a Dragonair. Someone help me choose a nickname! We're all gonna make it brahs
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19423728 I have no idea for a nickname but nice shiny
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
>>19423760 Either this or Wash!/Spin Cycle.
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
My blood sacrifice to Masada has paid off! Two in a row!! This is too much fun!
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 05:52:47 No. 19423802 Report Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
>>19423802 >>19423798 That was my reaction!
I'm about to safari hunt for the first time for a dedenne/luxio/helioptile I have the shiny charm What am I in for?
Quoted By:
>>19423839 Shinies, duh. What else ?
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>tfw your steps are up for the day and you still have five boxes to go oh well, time to shake shake shake
Quoted By:
>>19423839 Disappointment and broken dreams
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
shw is kinda dead tonight, huh?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 06:12:19 No. 19423929 Report Quoted By:
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
>>19423924 yeah it is. Did everyone let their dreams die this week?
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19423924 i'm still here, had to deal with stuff for about two hours and now I have time to finally gather eggs and hatch
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 06:13:49 No. 19423939 Report >>19423924 Not at all. Its burned through about 40 posts in an hour during Dead Hours, this is faster than usual for this time.
I guess Schools and Colleges are closing for summer, so people are staying up later.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19423939 I've been out for three weeks and its been glorious
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
>>19423942 I just started summer semester. Well it officially starts Monday but I'm doing what I can early.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19423952 i'm probably taking the second summer part. Our uni splits it into two summer class schedules. One that runs from may 5 till july
and then one that runs from July to august
Rin - 0361-7368-9419
>>19423931 Still working hard for this damn shiny Furfrou here. I was hoping I would get it by the time I go to sleep but Masuda doesn't seem to be on my side right now.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19423931 Maybe everyone got their shiny and stopped coming?
>>19423933 Still going for Espur?
Also, I'm gonna have a few 5IV Eevee in a bit to give away if anyone wants them. I Just wanna breed a 5IV HA Eevee I can evolve into Espeon or something for a Y runthrough, but I only have 1 5IV HA Eevee and it doesn't have Egg moves. But I have a 5IV male Eevee with Egg moves so right now I'm trying to breed a HA 5IV Female to breed with this guy to get a 5 or 6 IV HA
shiny pls cutie
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
>>19423961 Yeah same here, I'm doing Summer 1. Maybe Summer 2 if I feel like it.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19423982 well that's a bit of a long answer. Short answer: Yes. Detailed answer: I took a break from my three month hunt and felt the urge to hatch them again
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
>>19423964 You'll get it eventually!
>>19423982 There's still so many other shinies that I want. I'll take a few of those eevees if you can't find a home for them. I need to get the evolutions going anyways.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19423999 whoa, trips confirm you get a shiny before week's end
>>19424009 >I'll take a few of those eevees sure thing, mane
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19424023 oh oh oh I hope so. I feel like I might get one today, im at box ten and I usually see the shiny around 24
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424032 >usually see the shiny around 24 what other shinies have you summoned?
Is there anything wrong with using the "Dime and the circle wheel" method?
Ymile | 0989 1954 3297
>>19423982 Are they shiny?
to assume would only lead to disappointment when it turns out one's assumptions were wrong If so can I get a nicknamed one?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 06:38:09 No. 19424060 Report >>19424040 Yeah, people have broken their circle pad like that, but you can use more gentler things to get the same effect, like one of those clothing line peg things.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19424034 hmm
Espurr 1-9 ( anywhere between 2 boxes and 50)
Scraggy- box 34
Shinx-box 72
Togepi- box 13
Deerling- Box 26
Absol- box 32
>>19424040 >>19424060 OR, or, just a piece of folded up paper
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424048 >implying and sure, what do you want the name to be?
;_; Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19424073 hmm that scraggy box might have been 40 something now that i'm thinking about it. I can't remember the exact number for that one.
Ymile | 0989 1954 3297
>>19424095 Female, "Gay Jatsby", if possible.
If not, I'll settle for just "Jatsby".
If she isn't still level 1, what level is she? I want to take the best measures to avoid being sniped.
Maybe once I actually finish the game I'll be able to join you bros on the hunt for shinies. Just got the game like 3 days ago and it's a blast
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424128 Sniped? What do you mean? Ripped off? You won't either way, you can just send me a shitmon, I don't care. So far though, they're only males. Is that ok?
Ymile | 0989 1954 3297
>>19424140 I mean sniped as in someone else hits the trade before you get the chance.
And I can wait.
>>19424150 Oh ok. Do you have anything decent to trade? Only because females are rare and I wans't gonna continue after I got a HA female. But if I get a female that's not HA before I get a HA one, it's yours for free.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 06:56:25 No. 19424173 Report >>19424139 As soon as you beat the game, you get access to the Friend Safari, which has decent Shiny Odds. Simply running about in there for a few hours while you watch a movie will generally get you a Shiny.
And enjoy your playthrough! X/Y are fairly easy, compared to say Platinum version, but the visual upgrades and animations and music and scenery more than makes up for it. It's quite the adventure.
Ymile | 0989 1954 3297
>>19424162 Other than the rare-on-GTS Unova starters which I still have yet to transfer over, the best I have as far as I know is a Huge Power shone male Marill.
Aaron 2294-5618-5737
Quoted By:
I didn't sacrifice enough to almighty Masuda to get my shiny Dragonair. I'm giving away one Shiny Poliwhirl though.
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/ Sat 31 May 2014 06:58:29 No. 19424185 Report >>19424139 Don't rush through the game to the end, just take your time and you'll have the most fun
>>19424173 Haven't played pokemon since Ruby, just got a 3ds. Man this game is amazing, and thanks for the tip! I'll definately be hunting shinies soon
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424177 Damn, is a shiny Maril really worth a 5-6 IV Eevee?
You know what, fuck it, I'll just get you one for free.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424185 >Too Many Mareeps kek
>>19424202 And wouldn't ya know, here she is! Add me, ok? Adding you now.
Ymile | 0989 1954 3297
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 07:08:00 No. 19424251 Report >>19424190 Oh, you've come back at a perfect time. Online functions are finally good, Ruby is getting a 3DS Re-make this year, and the current games have been designed specifically to cater to welcoming back old fans to the franchise.
We're kinda' in a second golden age of Pokémon right now.
>>19424251 Yeah I'm getting into X a little late but better late than never. Fairy type was a crazy addition. And this is also the first time I've ever found the /vp/ board so I'm late to this too
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 07:15:35 No. 19424286 Report Quoted By:
>>19424263 It feels late, but Gen 6 is only really in its first wave. They haven't even released the first Gen 6 movie yet, and there's usually 4 per generation.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
the fuck is up with
>>>/tv/ ? It's down for some reason
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19424315 Not that I worship her like the rest of the planet, but
dat JLaw in a bikini is doin' right by me. Love thick chicks Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19423895 A lot less broken dreams than I was expecting
However I was after literally either of the other 2, but I cant complain about this
Back to the ride
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19424336 /vp/ is kill
rip in peace
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 07:31:46 No. 19424371 Report >>19424315 The board got crashed.
WITH NO SURVIVORS Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424371 Caught me completely off guard since we're on /vp/. Top kek 10/10
>>19424347 Well, apparently it's not kill yet, but the threads aren't bumping. The board is behaving weird and random threads are 404ing (or are they?) like /tv/
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/
Too Many Mareeps (Matt) 3308-5556-3031 !!HWg780LVjV/ Sat 31 May 2014 07:37:44 No. 19424400 Report >>19424371 HAVE WE STARTED THE SHINY HUNTING, BROTHER? Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 07:38:26 No. 19424403 Report >>19424383 Well Shiny Hunt Weekend hasn't died.
We endure, master Wayne.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 07:39:30 No. 19424408 Report Quoted By:
>>19424400 YES THE HUNT RISES Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 07:42:00 No. 19424418 Report >>19424403 Why do we fall Masta Wayne?
This little guy only took 5 boxes but at the cost of imperfect sp attack. Oh well
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19424429 still a nice shiny, have you figured out the stats yet?a
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>19424436 it's got between 22-23 in sp attack, so im not loosing much, but it's that drop in your heart when the IV checker doesnt list of sp attack
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424418 >I won't release you >but I don't have to train you Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette)
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette) Sat 31 May 2014 07:51:08 No. 19424476 Report Just hatched her a few minutes ago, perfect stats in everything besides attack, so I'm very happy
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424476 you're shitting me, that's awesome!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19424476 Woah!! Congrats, summary page?
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette)
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette) Sat 31 May 2014 08:02:49 No. 19424534 Report >>19424479 >>19424509 Thanks! I transferred a Ralts from my SoulSilver so that she'd hatch in a moon ball
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19424534 You little scamp.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19424534 nice, that ball looks fantastic with her. Congrats again.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Does anyone in here actually have a shiny gem?
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette)
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette) Sat 31 May 2014 08:11:58 No. 19424581 Report >>19424567 Do you mean a shiny charm? Because I do
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424581 Yeah, yeah, I'm retarded. Which Pokemon does the National Dex exclude (events, etc.) in order to get the shiny charm?
>>19424584 Event Legendaries only. You have to catch everything else.
/shw/, when hunting for a shiny, should I pray to Masuda for the strength to get a shone or does he only accept blood sacrifices?
>>19424584 Probably a list somewhere, but off the top of my head
Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, NotManaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Meloetta, Keldeo, Victini and Genesect.
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette)
Brian 3652-1484-9897(Spritzee, Kirlia, Floette) Sat 31 May 2014 08:16:22 No. 19424602 Report >>19424584 Event Pokémon are the only ones you don't need, so you won't need
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
>>19424598 Darkrai, too prolly. Ok, so just all the stupid ones you can't get in-game. Cool.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>19424597 He only accepts blood sacrifices.
Praying wont do enough
make sure you give him enough blood, or he'll grant you a shit Iv'd shiny
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424589 >>19424598 >>19424602 Thanks bros.
>>19424606 What's worse, a shit IV shiny or no shiny?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 08:20:48 No. 19424626 Report >>19424470 I ran off that and made an image to use in a Shiny Hunt Weekend OP post, look out for it haha
>>19424476 Congrats!
>>19424584 >>19424567 Got the Charm like a week ago.
>>19424597 Y'know, in some Japanese hunting communities, they legit cut their thumb with a knife when getting a Shiny.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19424607 a shit IV shiny. it's just too funny to shit on peoples full shiny teams with your well bred pokemon. so dont skimp out on those stats
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Alright guys, I've got 11 Eevees with 5IVs in random stats, possibly 6IVs. Who wants 'em? First come first serve, then they're all going to WT.
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 08:50:28 No. 19424741 Report >>19424723 M-me... One more before passing out on my pillow.. I'll trade you a Vulpix for it...
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424741 >One more before passing out on my pillow Cute. And Vulpix sounds good. Add me
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 08:53:08 No. 19424750 Report Ok, 16 boxes down, let's get back on this. Resetting two boxes worth of fossils, and I have the Charm this time around. With me luck!
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 08:53:58 No. 19424757 Report Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados)
Silibus 2320-6915-0027 (Azumarill, Octillery, Gyarados) Sat 31 May 2014 08:57:59 No. 19424775 Report Quoted By:
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Quoted By:
Anyone want an Eevee? I'm gonna wait 10 minutes then WT them all.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 09:07:25 No. 19424814 Report >>19424750 Good luck!
Whilst I'm here, would anyone like an Oshawott before I WT the rest of them? They're Adamant and have no Egg Moves, so nothing special, really.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424814 Shit IVs? The Eevee I'm giving away have 5-6
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 09:12:34 No. 19424841 Report >>19424831 Ranging from 4IV minimum to 6IV hexaperfects.
The result of using a pentaperfect parent and a hexaperfect parent. If you like I could start IV checking them first, then return once I've tagged everything and remake my offer.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424841 You don't have to if you don't want. B-but how would a 5IV parent and a 6IV parent possibly make a 4IV baby? That makes no sense, nigga.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 09:16:25 No. 19424853 Report >>19424845 Yes, it's possible if one of the IVs inherited via Destiny Knot is the bad IV. You can check it out for yourself by using a site like Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424853 Yeah, so that would mean the babies would automatically be at LEAST 5 perfect IVs, since between the two parents, there's only 1 bad IV among them to be inherited.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 09:24:56 No. 19424898 Report >>19424869 I'm not sure if you understood me, or if I understand you.
Say you're going for a physical attacker, the bad IV, the IV you'd rather wasn't inherited and wouldn't mind if it got randomized, is the Sp.Atk IV. So your pentaperfect parent doesn't have a 31 Sp.Atk IV, because you don't need it.
However, out of the 5 random IVs from the total 12 available for the Destiny Knot to pick out for the offspring, one of these possibly inherited IVs is the bad IV, the unnecessary one, the one you'd rather was randomized than inherited. Once that IV is inherited, and it is not a 31, the randomized IV has a 1/32 chance of being a 31 IV. If it isn't, then you'd inherited a non-31 IV, and randomized a non-31 IV, leaving you with only 4 perfect 31 IVs.
Did that make any sense?
Quoted By:
>>19424869 It inherets the bad IV via Destiny Knot and then then one of the mutual 31 IVs is the stat that neither parent pases down. Boom, 4 IV babby from a 5 IV and 6 IV parent.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 09:26:43 No. 19424913 Report Quoted By:
Welp, no luck. Starting box 18 now!
Oh, and if anybody needs something to watch, or just some general background noise while you hunt,
http://cyt is playing Misfits now,
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
>>19424898 Wait, one of the 5 stats is randomized? I thought if one of the parents held a destiny knot then-------------------------------------------------WOW I'M RETARDED. I knew the baby only Inherited 5IVs from the parent, BUT I FORGOT THEY HAD 6 STATS.
I'm drunk, I need to go home.......
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 09:32:22 No. 19424946 Report >>19424916 If I had that graph someone made a while ago explaining the Destiny Knot inheritance system I'd use it, but alas I am without visual aid.
Brett [IGN: Alex] 0705-3067-3650
Chandler - 4339-2461-7722
New here this weekend. Masuda methoding for a shiny Gastly. Have been working for periods of time since Thursday. Nearly filled 3 boxes. Thank god Gastly are so easy to hatch!
just started MMing for another shiny roselia the first one i hatched had the wrong ability, and i still hadn't bred all the right egg moves onto it yet ;_;
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sat 31 May 2014 10:34:15 No. 19425208 Report Attempting to MM a 6IV shiny snorlax; I've gotten three in the past week, the first with a 31/31/31/31/28-30/31 in the span of seven eggs. Sadly the other two have rather paltry attack and defense, respectively.
Sniper Joe (Aipom, Audino, Smeargle) 1907-9669-9537
Sniper Joe (Aipom, Audino, Smeargle) 1907-9669-9537 Sat 31 May 2014 10:36:32 No. 19425215 Report I've actually lost count of how many boxes this is for me...hundreds and hundreds of eggs at this point. This is my first attempt at Masuda Method and I'm going for the brass ring. 6iv Protean Greninja. I've been feeding penta-perfects and even a couple of 6iv's into Wonder Trade for weeks now and still no Shiny. This ride...I wasn't ready for this ride but I've come too far to stop now...
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sat 31 May 2014 10:38:57 No. 19425224 Report >>19425215 You've got me frightened; are the average hatch times on Froakie decent enough?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 10:40:55 No. 19425228 Report >>19425172 G'luck man
>>19425198 Surely this next one, right?
>>19425208 >three in the span of seven eggs Did I understand that right? That's fucked
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 10:41:44 No. 19425232 Report Quoted By:
>>19425215 Keep going, mate
but stop WTing Froakie, there's enough of them as it is .
>>19425224 Froakie has the same average hatch rate of +5k steps I think, don't worry about it taking too long.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
I hatched two shiny houndour in the same day without trying to. and now that I'm going to attempt to mm another shiny, I'm going to fill up 15 boxes. The ride never ends
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sat 31 May 2014 10:43:07 No. 19425242 Report >>19425228 Three in the span of a week, my first in the span of seven eggs. My Masuda sacrifice quota isn't nearly high enough to pull off three in seven.
Remnance !uhdacqdci6
Well fuck me with a cactus I accidentally fell asleep with my 3DS open while I was hatching and have no idea how long ago I saved...
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 10:49:12 No. 19425258 Report Starting Box 22, when will the madness end
>>19425242 Ahh, ok, that's still pretty great though
>>19425256 Ouch
>>19425234 That's pretty lucky though
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Quoted By:
>>19425256 Sorry to here that I did the same thing last night too.
but I had my 3DS plugged in while I was playing it so it charged all night instead of dying Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sat 31 May 2014 11:21:41 No. 19425382 Report >>19425258 What're you after, Abigail?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 11:22:48 No. 19425393 Report >>19425382 See:
>>19424750 Sort of a project of mine
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle)
Chris 0147-0114-8739 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) Sat 31 May 2014 11:24:56 No. 19425410 Report >>19425393 I'd imagine the Raikou was particularly awful, unless you just settled for an event one.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 11:28:00 No. 19425424 Report >>19425410 I settled for the Event one yes, FUUUUUUCK getting a legit Shiny Raikou myself, its near impossible
Jade 0920-0580-8895
>>19425424 Good morning shm, I'm back to hatching for my pink bun today
How have your hunts been going so far?
Jade 0920-0580-8895
Quoted By:
>>19425461 Oops didn't mean to quote, ignore that
I'm still unsure if I should continue MMing treeckos.I got a penta with 29 Sp. Att. yesterday. I kinda wanted it to be perfect but I doubt those 2 extra points will change a lot of things.
>>19425584 It won't. Run it through some damage-calculators and see for yourself.
Trust me, I wasted countless hours getting a 6 IV Protean Greninja just because the Stats Judge said that my others Attack stat wasn't 31. When I got the 6 IVed Greninja up to level 100 I noticed that its stats were almost identical to the first ones. The first one had had 30 in Attack all along, and the damage-calculator assures me that U-turn is negligibly weakened by that one point.
Remnance !uhdacqdci6
So the damage wasn't too bad. Turns out I saved at the end of the last Box and only lost 11 hatched and 5 unhatched, but still...>tfw my shiny bug could have been in one of those 5 ;_;
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Quoted By:
Giveaway is still going! Only 4 mons left
Charizard #1 Timid nature from Fire red. no perfect iv's, sadly
Charizard #2 is the same
Mawile is Kalos bred adamant, with elemental fangs and hyper cutter.
Kingdra #1 is 4iv Kalos bred nicknameable Modest With sniper and Scope lens
>>19422285 a winner is you! If you want a shiny kingdra it's yours Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>19425584 29 does hardly make any difference from 31
also, can i have a leftover? Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Quoted By:
>>19425671 One time I accidentally told the day care man to keep an egg and then I got really worried.
It could have had my shiny Anonymous
>>19425864 You sure can! Sorry I was afk for a moment.
I can give you a 6iv, HA with the moves listed on
>>19421155 .
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19425966 Hey could I have a Treeko too? I could give you a Timid 5IV Ralts in a Love Ball with Disable, Destiny Bond, Ally Switch and Confuse Ray. I have either ability and gender.
Quoted By:
>>19425622 You're right. I've just checked it and at level 50 I have one point less on Sp.Att than a pentaperfect. At level 100 only two points less.
I think I'll settle with it and go back to MMing totodiles.
>>19425995 Sure you can. Do you have another 5 or 6iv pokemon with egg moves? I already have a ralts. If not it's ok.
Want it through GTS or normal trade?
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>19425966 I've added you, i can give you a 6IV ha duskull for it
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426048 How about a Zubat with Brave Bird, Defog, Whirlwind and Hypnosis?
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426072 and HA
>>19426065 Could I have a Duskull? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19426072 Sounds good! I was going to giveaway those guys later on GTS threads but I prefer giving them out to you guys. Specially if you also give me some of your leftovers!
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
>>19426082 Sure, though i think that was my last HA 6IV, but if you're okay with the regular ability you can have a 6IV of that
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426095 Do you have a 5IV HA one? if not 6IV without HA is fine.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426048 I think normal trade would be better so it doesn't get sniped.
Einar - 5257-9738-5872
Quoted By:
>>19426108 I have one missing speed, if that works
>>19426122 Alright, let me add you!
>>19426095 Thanks for the duskull!
>get shiny charm >hatch shiny buneary in less than 60 eggs >has the right ability and gender >havent checked IVs Im sure theyre okay, not perfect though and im okay with that. Currently working on Honedge, then im thinking Ralts, Heracross, or sableye
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426143 FC is in my name, what's yours
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto)
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto) Sat 31 May 2014 13:26:20 No. 19426178 Report Quoted By:
>>19426160 Oh right.
>>19426157 I also got lucky with furfrou yesterday and hatched a shiny one really fast. It has 28 HP, though (I thought it was 29 but checked its hidden power).
Not very lucky with pentas lately.
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto)
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto) Sat 31 May 2014 13:32:19 No. 19426211 Report >>19426160 Thanks for the Zubat!
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Quoted By:
>>19426211 No problem, thanks for the Treecko.
Jonathan 2681-0133-7939 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius]
Jonathan 2681-0133-7939 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius] Sat 31 May 2014 13:55:50 No. 19426360 Report Well, here she is! Lanni, the pentaperfect poochyena with rattled! Bred her for my gf, since Poochy/Mightyena are her favorite pokemon. Very pleased to see Lanni come out exactly as I'd hoped. She took about 850 eggs, though I lost count after 700. Up next is the shiny charm, and then a shiny phantump! And then making a proper pentaperfect scyther!
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426360 Nice, really like that shiny.
Quoted By:
I haven't tried for any of them, but so far I've hatched 2 shiny Charmander, and Eevee, and a Rotom. The only one I can really use competitively is the Rotom, although I had a shiny ToxicStall Umbreon on my team for a while. Good times.
>>19426360 Pentaperfect Shiny with HA?
Very nice indeed!
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 14:36:31 No. 19426653 Report Well I guess I got roped back in by that shiny Fletchling. Took me 179 Eggs to get this baby. Timid - xx/xx/31/31/31/31 Named her Evelyn.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426653 Nice,
Judging by the ball I assume this will be either an Espeon or a Jolteon?
Jonathan 2681-0133-7939 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius]
Jonathan 2681-0133-7939 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Tropius] Sat 31 May 2014 14:39:44 No. 19426682 Report >>19426653 Female shiny Eevee with 4 IV's? That's amazing! You should check the other two!
>>19426386 >>19426464 Thanks, fellas. I'm relatively new to /shw/, but I love it already.
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 14:43:55 No. 19426713 Report >>19426667 Already is. I hatched this like two days ago, I just couldn't post it yesterday.
>>19426682 Thanks!
>tfw lucky enough for the HA as well I used to be here every weekend from the beginning, but I stopped playing for like a few months or something. Truly the ride never ends.
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto)
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto) Sat 31 May 2014 14:46:05 No. 19426726 Report >>19426713 Congratulations! That eevee, now espeon, looks really nice!
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426713 Nice, you really hit the jackpot HA and female.
I'm planning on MM a Vaporeon but I'm kind of put off by the long hatch time.
>tfw no shiny Charmander after literally 10 boxes
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 14:52:58 No. 19426759 Report Quoted By:
>>19426726 Thanks!
>>19426738 Yeah, I freaked out when it hatched so early then freaked out more when I saw it was Female. I lost my shit when I saw the HA.
Honestly, the hatch time isn't -that- bad. Collect 5 eggs, use an O-power, you can hatch up to 3 of them before it goes away (if you use Hatching 3) and about 2 minutes to hatch the other two-three.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Quoted By:
>>19426757 >complaining after only 10 boxes. William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 14:58:08 No. 19426793 Report Quoted By:
>>19426757 My Absol took me 49 boxes.
My First Goomy took me 38 boxes, and another 3 boxes later.
My Spinarak took me 52 boxes.
In order for MMing to go better for you, get the mindset that it'll take over 50 boxes. That way, you're not disappointed when it doesn't show.
Quoted By:
>>19426757 31 boxes and no shiny. I'm not even frustrated yet. Learn 2 patience.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19424451 >tfw your shiny hatches with a ONE in Sp. Atk. I went 2k deep for this nigger earlier this year. Still sitting in my box.
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto)
David 0576 - 3606 - 1951 (Kecleon, Aipom and Ditto) Sat 31 May 2014 14:58:24 No. 19426799 Report Quoted By:
>>19426757 Keep at it. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes the RNG god is mad with you. My last shiny took over 40 boxes and wasn't even a pentaperfect.
Good luck!
>>19426797 >overcoat I think it might have been for the best there anon.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426797 My friend thought his younger brother had released/Traded his Reuniclus so he went to catch a Solosis and the first one he encountered was shiny with Magic Guard.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19426818 >>19426858 ....Magic Guard isn't a hidden ability.
Quoted By:
>>19426818 Ability capsule, anon.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19426893 yeah but Ability Capsules are fucking expensive.
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19426902 Not if you can clone :)
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739
Quoted By:
Hey /shw/, I got my new hunt planned. I want a shiny Espeon, but first I need an Eevee safari. If someone here has one, would you mind adding me?
Congrats to everybody who has managed to find a shiny so far.For those posting them the pics I'm seeing of your shinies are glorious. Great job. So I spent over 3 hours breeding for a synchronize adamant ralts for shiny rayquaza and found out that the effect of synchronize doesn't work on sapphire. Just emerald onwards. At least I have a box of almost every desirable synchronize nature ralts for other shiny hunting later.. How many srs do you think my shiny rayquaza will take? I'm going to say under 6k
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
hey shiny hunt, how's everybody's hunt going? What box/reset/ chain number are you at?
Tony 0189 8989 4432
>>19427118 It'll be a shorter hunt than mine. Just under 2.4K resets for my Ho-Oh in HG.
>>19426929 You ever get ho oh Tony?
Hey guys I have a few shinies ive acured, but they don't have any good iv's, if someone could hook me up with a shiny riolu with decent ivs ill give any of these! Eevee Gible Rotom Pawniard Scraggy Axew Larvesta Deino Zorua
Tony 0189 8989 4432
Jack Mihoff 1736 1317 8739
Quoted By:
Ahh! Fuck all these cloysters who get 5 hits on spike cannon and only have she'll armour.
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Sat 31 May 2014 16:00:18 No. 19427277 Report Sup guys! Finished breeding Rufflet over the week but it has 0IVs in Defense fuck me so I'm back to finishing my Shiny Kalos Dex where I try to breed them competitively except for Dedenne since there's no hope for it Currently trying for Goomy but 5 boxes in and with a slow hatch rate, I'm slowly losing my sanity as usual
Quoted By:
>>19427165 Just try to keep yourself distracted with vids and music and stuff while you look. Takes a lot of the edge off. 2.4k is like 20 hours that's good work you're putting in keep it up. It'll all be worth it in the end. Here's hoping you get it today.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19427277 I love rufflet, so cute!
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:07:39 No. 19427354 Report >>19427193 No Riolu, but I do have a Lucario if you're in need of one.
Hannie 0834-1807-9672
>>19427277 oh my god hatching goomies is the worst thing you can ever do to yourself
i'm a month in and there's no hope in sight
>>19427354 Does it have good ivs? and what ability
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:16:02 No. 19427462 Report >>19427434 Gimme a minute to get it off of Bank to check them again. What ability are you looking for?
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 16:18:23 No. 19427491 Report >>19427385 But it's so worth it.
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Sat 31 May 2014 16:18:49 No. 19427494 Report >>19427385 Oh god I hope you get to hatch yours soon
The worst one for me so far was Froakie and by the time I was done both parents were level 100
I need to make sure the Goomy I'm using avoids that fate since it's a 6IV one ;_;
>>19427462 Im thinking inner focus but it doesn't really matter, you want one of my shinies?
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:22:47 No. 19427536 Report Quoted By:
>>19427511 The Larvesta or the Deino caught my eye. Gotta see if this Lucario is what you're looking for though.
>tf2 still no shiny Wooper >tfw still no shiny Klinklang Life is heck.
Hannie 0834-1807-9672
Quoted By:
>>19427491 >>19427494 Oh it's gonna be worth it I know.
And right now the parents are 80 and 81. ;-;
Quoted By:
>>19427576 >tf2 no shiny Wooper >tf2 Someone on the Steam Workshop get to work on a Shiny Wooper misc.
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:30:23 No. 19427607 Report >>19427511 Server got locked, so I'll have to wait a bit. Just to get it out of the way it's Modest, Male, I'm certain I breed it with egg moves since it has Vacuum Wave, and still has Nasty Plot. Any of that turn you off?
>mfw finally got a shiny Snorunt after 3 weeks of MM
How are you guys holding up? Still going strong?
Derek 4012-4475-5986 Ice
>>19427494 Mind adding me? I'm looking for a Togepi
A tale of pain. Last Monday I drove 30 minutes away to get the closest copy of HG in my area. Drove all that way, paid the overpriced $45, and drove all the way home. Get home. Start the game. Just got my Pokeballs. SHINY SPINARAK! Oh yay! I can start the game with a shiny bro so soon! Oh man let me get a pic of this. Took the picture and then fumbled the camera. It fell on my 3DS and the game froze. I considered anhero for a good 5 hours.
>>19427607 Sounds good, and honestly if I need to I can just get lots of heart scales when I beat the game again (I re-set cuz I got rid of yeveltal)
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:36:43 No. 19427684 Report Quoted By:
>>19427629 Finished the 21st box, gotta' take a break.
Goddamn Shiny Hunting is draining
>>19427654 I remember seeing you post that on /vp/ before man, im so sorry
Quoted By:
>>19427654 I guess you could say your Klutz put you in a Sticky Web!
>>19427654 >>19427654 Love shiny horror stories.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:39:02 No. 19427711 Report Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19427690 Did you hear mine?
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:41:31 No. 19427737 Report >>19427662 Cool, also if it doesn't have inner focus I can get you an ability capsule. Nature and genders on Larvesta and Deino? I don't mind about the IVs.
Remnance !uhdacqdci6
Quoted By:
>>19427711 Aww, poor kid. Yet I couldn't help but laugh
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette]
Dcuajunco (IGN: David) 1161-0008-1498 [Fairy: Togepi, Spritzee, Floette] Sat 31 May 2014 16:44:44 No. 19427776 Report >>19427636 sure thing
lemme just finish up my hatching O-power time
Need me to go online ingame as well for the Super Luck Togepi?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:46:30 No. 19427795 Report Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 16:48:30 No. 19427811 Report Quoted By:
>>19427690 >>19427711 >>19427733 >>19427795 >inb4 being Ellis is suffering image gets posted Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:48:50 No. 19427816 Report Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:50:12 No. 19427825 Report
>>19427737 larvesta:
flame body
Add me too!
>>19427795 I'm sad I missed this.
Quoted By:
>>19427816 And that is why you don't jerk and hunt.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 16:51:48 No. 19427842 Report Quoted By:
>>19427825 >>19427816 >>19427795 >>19427711 >>19427690 And this
>>19427831 One of the greatest shitstorms /vp/ ever had, it was hilarious.
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:53:19 No. 19427853 Report >>19427830 Not sure that'll be necessary, just checked it
Still want it?
Derek 4012-4475-5986 Ice
Quoted By:
>>19427776 That would be awesome! Whenever you have a chance. I'll be on for a while. Thanks!
>>19427853 Sure, which one you want?
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>19427577 Its not as horrible as it seems, for Tech Breloom use Focus Sash anyways.
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 16:59:32 No. 19427897 Report >>19427871 Cool, Deino please. Want it nicknamed?
>>19427897 No thanks, see ya in Kalos
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 17:07:19 No. 19427958 Report Quoted By:
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 17:08:44 No. 19427968 Report Quoted By:
>>19427924 Thanks for the trade! that Lucario was just sitting around, so I'm glad he has a new home.
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder)
William 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) / 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) Sat 31 May 2014 17:10:56 No. 19427986 Report Quoted By:
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Guys I just had an Idea, this is for triple battles. Lead with Gallade, Greninja and Meowstic Gallade @ Life Orb Ability: Steadfast EVs: 4 HP / 252 Spd / 252 Atk Adamant / Jolly Nature - Poison Jab - Psycho Cut - Drain Punch / Close Combat - Ice Punch / Rock Slide Turn 1>Meowstic uses Fake Out on Gallade >Greninja uses Mat Block >Gallade flinches (Steadfast boost) Gallade now has an actually good speed stat and Meowstic can use Helping Hand to boost his attack further. Alternatively Gallade good hold a Focus sash to allow it to survive a priority move? What do you guys think?
Do you guys sometimes feel like you're always getting the same pattern of IVs spread? I mean, I just got 15 consecutive eggs with flawed Sp. Att.
Quoted By:
>>19428135 OMG i knew this was a thing i get the same thing with missing hp IV more than anything eles
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>19428054 Why not just use
a better Pokemon? Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>19428150 Because I want to use this
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 17:31:47 No. 19428185 Report (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>19428159 You should probably drop Leaf Blade for Protect in Triple and Multi battles.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 31 May 2014 17:32:27 No. 19428191 Report >>19428159 Why is it holding the Mega Stone for Gardevoir?
Quoted By:
I think I'll start breeding shinx while I play some Mario Kart.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
What's a good moveset and nature for deino? I want to breed one with egg moves but I don't know anything about it. Only earth power seems like a decent egg move if I go for a special based one. What do you guys think?
>>19428242 the only egg move you need is earth power, everything else it will ever need are in TMs
modest or timid
Serena 0860-3392-4713
>>19428242 It has so many good movesets, I use:
Draco Meteor
Dark Pulse
Fire Blast
Earth Power/Superpower
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 31 May 2014 17:57:25 No. 19428475 Report Quoted By:
There sure are a lot of German Larvestas floating around the GTS, perhaps it's a testament to their position as a global leader in solar energy. Or they just have awesome taste in Bug Pokemon. Either way I'm going for that yellow moth
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 31 May 2014 18:08:47 No. 19428549 Report Quoted By:
Sky 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom)
Sky 1091-8547-5323 [Fighting] (Mienfoo, Pancham, Breloom) Sat 31 May 2014 18:09:33 No. 19428554 Report Quoted By:
Almost 12 boxes in and still no shiny Chespin.. Damn you Masuda!
Quoted By:
>>19426653 Mine had 3 31's when I hatched it.
>>19426757 I got two over the course of 3 days, maybe a box in total. Keep at it :\
>>19427577 I'd be stoked for that. It has the HP and Atk, which is all it really needs.
>>19427733 Shiny
Gallade. Cool.