>>19451697akihabara in tokyo is really awesome for gaming/nintendo stuff and anime, best place i went shopping. ever. visit super potato there for old gaming stuff got a copy of pokemon green and it works in western gameboys. the pokemon center in tokyo is awesome though i found it a little hard to find even with pikachu posters pointing your way to it from the subway, its just kind of randomly IN a building...i had always pictured a big archway outside with pokemon stuff but i never saw that unless i entered the building weird i dont know.
if you mean the golden pavillion in...i think kyoto? its beautiful though kind of touristy while most of kyoto isnt nearly as touristy as tokyo, the golden pavilion clearly had a lot of tourists...totally worth it though the grounds and everything are beautiful.
if you get a chance totally unrelated to pokemon and waaaay more south than tokyo and kyoto (but japans small anyway so everythings only a few hours at most away) miyajma island was the BEST place i went to. its an island near hiroshima you take a ferry over to get to it it has wild deer the come up to humans and you can pet and stuff (watch out for ticks tho) and this beautiful temple that sits atop the water during high tide and has a tori gate that you can go touch but again during high tide the water covers the bottom so its just sticking out of the water. oh and you can take this kind of scary gondala up to this hiking trail... the whole island was maybe the most beautiful place ive ever been i highly suggest it if your into old school calssic japanese aesthetics and arent entirely there for videogames and electronics and stuff.
anyway have a fun trip!