Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
what ball could you absolutely do without? >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, baby battles, and more! 1. Go to 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. Mold Bread:
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
IGN Serena
Quoted By:
>>19468779 Premier Ball for Gardevoir
Out of curiousity, since when did GTS giveaway threads get infected with tripfags? Are they rejects who got ignored on the wifi general so they came here for attention whoring needs?
>>19468797 Luxury is the Fedora of pokeballs.
But sport ball is the least necessary. >>19468806 >implying this is the same 4chan that used to hate tripfags Get with the times
>>19468817 >>19468806 s..samefag? is that you?
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Lets try this agian, got some guys waiting to be adopted and could use a home. All of these guys have 5IVs and are Japanese unless stated otherwise. Feel free to take as many as you like:
3 Modest Rotoms
4 Timid Gastlys
2 Jolly Gibles
8 Prankster Murkrows
1 Gale Wings Fletchling
1 Prankster Riolu
1 Overcoat Vullaby
1 Magic Guard Solosis (ENG)
5 Synchonize Munnas (ENG)
7 Unburden Drifloon (ENG)
Sorry that I have so little of some of these guys, I'll try to stock up on them soon.
>>19468779 Park Ball Anonymous
>>19468779 Who's the farthest right in the OP? I know the far left is luvdisc and the middle is alomalola.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Quoted By:
>>19468846 *tips luxury ball*
wow i suck
>>19468806 read
>>19468893 IGN Serena
>>19468894 Discing for dat vullaby
Mike 0963 0207 0385
>>19468894 I'll take a gible anon Discing up right now
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19468894 I can take the riolu. I'll disc up with /vp/ wadosh in description
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19468894 Are any of the Gastlys male? I could definitely use a male if you've got one.
Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19468894 About to disc up for a Murkrow and a Rotom.
First is Rotom.
>>19468894 disc up for vullaby
>>19468806 Who cares? They give away shit, so it's not like they're complete cancer, and most of them are decent people.
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
5x Dream Ball Audino - Regenerator - (Heal Bell, Wish, Sweet Kiss, Encore) 5x Safari Ball Natu - HA - (Sucker Punch, Simple Beam, Roost, Feather Dance) 5x Nest Ball Machop - No Guard - (Knock Off, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Bullet Punch) 2x Friend Ball Rattata - Guts - (Me First, Reversal, Uproar, Screech) 1x Dive Ball Amaura - Refrigerate - (Barrier, Mirror Coat, Magnet Rise, Haze) LAST OF A DYING BREED: 1x Moon Ball Blitzle - Motor Drive - (Double Kick, Double-Edge, Me First, Take Down) they’re all females. reply and disc up if you wantz.YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU’D LIKE!!
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19468894 I'd like a Rotom, starting my MMing tonight.
>>19468894 Disc up for Rotom ign Gremory.
Quoted By:
>>19468965 Yeah, but they're tripfags
>>19468938 They happen to be all female, sorry
I can definitely breed you one after I'm done with this giveaway though >>19468923 Sent
>>19468966 Disc is up for Natu, gonna want Audino and Rattata as well.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19468987 Alright, thanks
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:25:02 No. 19469004 Report >>19468894 discing up for a gible
disc is named /vp/
Afro (0619-3178-4712)
>>19468966 disc up for the Blitzle!!
IGN: Abigail 0619-4609-5419 (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Gastrodon)
IGN: Abigail 0619-4609-5419 (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Gastrodon) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:25:04 No. 19469006 Report >>19468966 Discing up for Natu now.
Kouji !AoRvjgE0uE
>>19468966 Discing up for Amaura.
>>19468894 Disc up for Drifloon, thanks
IGN: Abigail 0619-4609-5419 (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Gastrodon)
IGN: Abigail 0619-4609-5419 (Dugtrio, Phanpy, Gastrodon) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:26:08 No. 19469016 Report Quoted By:
>>19469006 >>19468966 Sorry, just noticed I ran out of Luvdiscs.
I put up a Whismur, I hope that's okay.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19468966 disc up for audino
Quoted By:
>>19468966 Disc is up for Rattatatataata
>>19468926 >>19468935 >>19468968 Sent
>>19468949 I'm out of Overcoat Vullabys, do you mind if he/she has another ability?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:29:41 No. 19469064 Report >>19468966 Putting a disc up for that blitzle.
IGN Serena
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19469061 Disc up for it e.e
>>19468894 I put a disc up for rotom
I need it for the think fast comp Vash
>>19469059 i dont at all just need it for the dex
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:32:47 No. 19469103 Report >>19468966 Discing for female Natu
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19469091 Did you catch my disc?
giving away adamant 6iv absols disc up and reply if you want one
>>19468982 Sent
>>19468948 Disk up for a Murkrow, got your Rotom
>>19469077 I'll breed you a Rotom as well, might take a couple of minutes, do you have a preferred nature?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19469109 no havnt seen it yet but one is yours
>>19468966 Last disc is up for Audino
ty Zilla <3 Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19469118 >>19469077 take your time, i need a calm one but i'm happy with 5iv's.
>>19469117 I'll disc up.
name : AppleHat Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19469117 This is a ruse, no?
Connor 1891 1738 9284
Quoted By:
>>19469118 Hey, Some error occured Ill repost it!
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:37:09 No. 19469170 Report Quoted By:
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19469117 Discing for one
IGN Serena
Anybody want an adamant tyrunt with dragon dance and three elemental fangs? I've got 4 of them.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19469161 Something happened to GTS for me, Can you resend it?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19469179 umm which one because i have no more blitzles whatsoever and i'd have to breed more ferroseed
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19468894 could I still get one of those prankster murkrows? Discing up, thank you.
Quoted By:
>>19469117 I knew it was you joltik bro Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19469199 I meant the Rotom
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Disc is up for one. Thank you.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Quoted By:
>>19469207 oh that aint me bruh
Quoted By:
>>19469117 i-its shiny.. thank you anon!
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:40:38 No. 19469222 Report >>19469176 ill disc up for one
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
>>19469082 >>19469004 >>19469012 I got you guys
>>19469179 I'll get you another one with
>>19469149 may take 10-15 minutes, sorry.
Does anyone have a Mawile with eggs moves?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Quoted By:
>>19469122 thanks for pp max.
you help get my pp up Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19469236 Thanks, Take your time.
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:42:24 No. 19469252 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Disc up, thanks
Just like the Joltiks, right? Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Quoted By:
>>19469226 Oh shit, my IGN is Pasquali. Sorry.
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Disking
>>19468999 Breeding your Gastly now
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19469246 Which ones, specifically?
>>19469262 Fire and Thunder.
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Discing up, thanks~
IGN Serena
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19468779 Quick ball a shit Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:45:27 No. 19469320 Report Quoted By:
>>19469288 thanks!
>>19469117 i got sniped.
alexzander !!ZVtUsIQUmDY
Quoted By:
>>19469117 i'll take one of those bros. many thanks,
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19468894 disc up for vullaby,solosis and drifloon
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19469280 Fang, I assume?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Received mine. Thanks guy!
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Wow, didn't expect this beauty. Thank you so much anon.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19469117 i could use one please! disc up!
Quoted By:
>>19469290 But then what would Galvantula go in?
>>19469176 What ball are they in? Have any females?
>>19469328 Sorry, yes Fire Fang and Thunder Fang.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19469355 thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
IGN Serena
Quoted By:
>>19469352 Just pokeballs and all are male
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19469328 >>19469369 Any other details? or would any Mawile do?
>>19468779 Ultra, and maybe Dusk. The latter would be a lot better if it the center ring wasn't orange Absol - Moon Ball/Jolly/4-5IV
Egg Moves: Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Megahorn, Zen Headbutt
>x7 Pressure females >x2 Pentaperfect Pressure females Growlithe - Moon Ball/Impish/4-5IV
Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun
>x11 Intimidate females >x6 Flash Fire females Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly/4-5IV
Egg Moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch (a few have Blaze Kick)
>x8 Prankster females >x1 Inner Focus female >x1 Prankster male Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Okay, celebratory shiny giveaway since I got the job and I don't need more karma! Today I have for you a lv. 100 Nidoking. Timid with Sheer Force, equipped with a Life Orb, also EV trained, which means it's 100% battle ready! Moves are: Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Fire Blast. Get your nidobro here~ IMPORTANT: I cannot, I repeat, I cannot run out, so don't ask if there are still any, just disc up and reply to this post! The giveaway will end when I have to go to bed. I'll go from the oldest luvdiscs on the GTS, so please be patient~
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disking, thanks Rynn!
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19469392 oh hey Ramona, thanks for that male, hatched a 6iv female on my fourth box. Sadly can't use her since I switched out howl for body slam, but I really appreciate the help
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19469392 Oh damn, forgot about Dusk, hate that thing.
>>19469395 Discing for one, thank you Rynn!
Congrats on the job, what is it?
Palumbo - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing up. IGN is Pasquali. Thanks.
IGN Serena
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:51:28 No. 19469421 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Getting a disc up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19469392 Hi, Ramona! how you doing?
I'll take a Prankster female, btw, if you don't mind.
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:52:19 No. 19469436 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up, thanks.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up friendo
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Thanks, Rynn. Disc is up.
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing Rynn
Ign Joshua
Super thanks!!!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Who wants pentaperfect Slowpokes? -Female -Dive Ball(MMing them) -4 EMs(Belly Drum, Snore, Block and Zen Headbutt) -xx in Atk, 0 Speed and Quiet nature. One or two might have xx in speed. -And they all come with a little gift!
Quoted By:
>>19469395 disc up! thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing up
name AppleHat rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19469392 disc up for riolu female inner focus
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19469413 Thank you! A position of a junior copywriter for a big advertisement agency~
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Discing hope Im not too late.
Quoted By:
>>19469409 Oh shoot, well at least you can keep it for trading/future breeding. I hope you hatch another soon! And no problem.
>>19469411 I really like the purple cloud animation that happens when you throw it out into battle, but that doesn't make up for it ;-;
>>19469384 Looking for a competitive one if that is what you are asking, if not I'll take one with the egg moves and breed a competitive one.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19469455 I'll disc up for one thank you!
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19469395 discing up thanks in advance!
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Yo, I'm signing up for one of those too! Thanks in advance!
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern)
Jack 3797-7508-9816 (quilladin, sawsbuck, sunkern) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:54:48 No. 19469489 Report Quoted By:
>>19469117 its ... so beautiful
>>19469395 discing up
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk e Luxio
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk e Luxio Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:54:50 No. 19469491 Report Quoted By:
>>19469392 anon here.
are any of them shiny?
>>19468894 Have any more Rotoms?
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up, congrats on the job
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen)
Francisco 0087-2327-8084 (Fire: Ponyta, Slugma, Braixen) Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:55:19 No. 19469501 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>19469395 oh man i loose wifi for 5 min and all this shit has happened, disc is up!
>>19469433 Hey Opti, I'm kinda eh. Pretty tired and I have to work soon, but it's fine. How are you?
Riolu sent!
>>19469466 Also sent!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}{0323} !!EwNauMIru7h Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:56:10 No. 19469511 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing up in a moment
Quoted By:
>>19469395 I'd like one please. Disc is up, IGN is Taargus. Thanks!
Jenna 3840 - 5431 - 6725
>>19469392 May I have the prankster male?
Thank you in advance! Heartfish is up!
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Thanks Rynn! Disc is up for Nidoking!
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19469502 >all this shit >one thing Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing up. Thanks Rynn!
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:56:51 No. 19469524 Report >>19469455 I'll take one! Discing up.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19469117 Thank you so much anon
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 03 Jun 2014 21:57:15 No. 19469533 Report Quoted By:
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19469475 I have a 5IV(-spd) female Mawile with intimidate. Good enough? Has Fire,Thunder,Ice,Poison fang ems
>>19469395 Mines is up. Thank you in advance Rynn.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Quoted By:
Just sent someone a growlithe, hope you wanted one of mine aha
>>19469492 No, sorry. Just wanted to post that picture for reference, since I chose a few of the balls based on the mon's shiny
>>19469467 Awesome! Hope it does well for you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19469535 I think I just got you a second ago actually~
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19469521 ill admit, i am a greedy bastard when it comes to shinys. i dont wanna miss out.
Calem 1977 30237 1968
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Thats some Nidoking! Disc is up, thanks Rynn.
>>19469392 Disc up for female Grwolithe
C4stor 5086-2295-1147 | IGN : Elo {3460}
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc up ! Thanks a lot, enjoy your sweet karma :)
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19469506 Working on shone Archen and have to study soon, so kinda in the same boat. Still happy to see so many cool giveaways going on, though.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19469478 Yours got sniped when I was about to send it. Redisc.
Connor 1891 1738 9284
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19469117 thank ya kindly anon.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19469557 okay it'll be one minute, i'll have to catch another one, sorry for the extra work
Quoted By:
>>19469455 Discing up thanks luc
Img Joshua
Quoted By:
>>19469395 putting up a disc
>>19469514 >>19469549 Sent!
>>19469551 Nice, how many boxes?
And same here, I was always kinda worried that these threads would die out with all the shitposting, but I'm glad we pull through anyway.
>>19469534 OMG, that will save me alot of time. Thank you, yes I definitely want this. Discing up right after the Nidoking giveaways reaches. Hold it for me till then please.
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc up for one Dinoking
Thank you Rynn
>>19469324 What are you disking for first, and I'm out of overcoat vullabys so it'l have big pecks if that's ok with you
>>19468999 Got your Gastly, tell me when you disk up
>>19469250 >>19469149 >>19469496 Coming up next, Rotoms!
>>19469455 Disking
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc up, thanks Rynn!
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
Quoted By:
>>19469395 i could use one of these if you don't mind
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
Miyako (Dark- Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) 0130-2342-5120
Miyako (Dark- Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) 0130-2342-5120 Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:02:02 No. 19469613 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Just woke up, glad I didn't miss this! Discing up now.
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:02:02 No. 19469614 Report Quoted By:
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19469595 well nothing then maybe next time :P Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19469395 Disced up. Thanks~ Miles !HTYulMiles
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Discing up for one Rynn, congrats again on getting the job :3
Connor 1891 1738 9284
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Thanks a whole bunch Rynn, I have a question, What's the deal with the exp. points? It says it has 1640000 and needs -580140 to reach the next level
>>19469612 Disc is up for it now. Thank you so much.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19469576 I'm not even on box 2, so yeah... I'll give it a push tonight.
Also as long as there are good people willing to share what they got, it'll be fine.
Speak of sharing, I've got 8 pentaperfect male Archens for y'all, in case you interested.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19469616 I redisced, I narrowed the lvl requirement so hopefully that'll help it from being sniped this time. Thank you again
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19469595 I'm waiting on the shiny Nidoking, but I'll disc up right after
Quoted By:
>>19469615 May I interest you in a drifloom/solosis?
>>19469622 Starting to breed the rotoms, ETA of 5 minutes
Jenna 3840 - 5431 - 6725
Quoted By:
>>19469395 I'll take one, please and thank you!
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19469623 You're a smart cookie.
I leveled it up to lv. 100 with powersaves and I wasn't sure how many exp does it need so I just picked the last option. Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales]
Erik 1220-6930-0976 [Pansear Pyroar Ninetales] Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:05:32 No. 19469663 Report Quoted By:
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19469624 No problem.
Quoted By:
>>19469395 disc up and thanks
Quoted By:
>>19469395 And recieved! Thank you Rynn, and congrats on the job!
>>19469626 Best of luck! I haven't decided what I want my next MM to be.. got
two shiny growlithes in 7 boxes last weekend.
I'm thinking smogonburd, charizard or hopping back on the ride for lucario.
I'll disc up for an archen!
IGN Serena
Quoted By:
Thank you based Rynn!
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Who else wants a Slowpoke? I can't seem to find any more discs. Change the level you want to 1-10 to avoid sniping.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Giveaway Time! 23 Stunfisk, Bold, Dive Ball, EM: Earth Power, Pain Split, Reflect Type, Eerie Impulse 15 Furfrou, Impish, Luxury Ball 7 Surskit, Timid, Moon Ball, EM: Psybeam, Hydro Pump, Aqua Jet, Bug Bite 3 Vanillite, Modest, Dive Ball, EM: Ice Shard, Autotomize, Water Pulse, Magnet Rise 18 Hippopotas, Impish, Safari Ball, EM: Stockpile, Whirlwind, Slack Off, Body Slam All Furfrou and Stunfisk are either penta or hexaperfect! You know the drill, reply and disc up!
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:07:30 No. 19469703 Report Quoted By:
>>19469455 Got mine. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19469395 disc up, ign baldo
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:08:06 No. 19469708 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Carmen
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up, thanks a lot, Rynn!
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
Quoted By:
>>19469696 I'll take a furfrou
Anthony 5301-0434-1284
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc up! Thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>19469696 I'll Disc up for Surskit.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>19469661 Oh okay thanks, I just wanted to check an see cuz I've never seen anything like that before
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
>>19469696 Can I have one of those Vanillites? Thanks in advance~
Andy 0103-9601-8602
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up, thanks btw
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:09:13 No. 19469725 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Put my disc back up. Text has your name.
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
>>19469696 I'd like a Vanillite as soon as I get a Nidoking! Thanks Evan!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19469676 Same to you! I think Charizard and Lucario have both beautiful shinies, so you should shoot for either of those.
Archen sent, btw. Comes with 4 egg moves because they always matter.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Quoted By:
>>19469696 disc up for furfrou
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Id love a furfrou. Discing up with /vp/ thx evan!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19469743 Thanks a bunch!
Gonna have to go back to lucario eventually.. it just feels wrong to leave an MM unfinished. That fucking dog.
>>19469392 I think I'm gonna head out for now, see you all later!
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:12:10 No. 19469790 Report >>19469696 Disc'ing for a Froufur
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19469696 I will disc for a Hippo as soon as I get the Nido, thanks Evan!
Vandaleyes !jCjLePIknw
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Any ice cream cones left? Discing up.
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
>>19469721 >>19469727 Same here, I'll disc up as soon as Rynn's Nidoking arrives!
>>19469250 >>19469149 >>19469496 Your Rotoms are ready!
I assume all of you are waiting for you Nidos, tell me when you get them and I'll happily send you your Rotom.
Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19469824 No worries, I only have a disc up for the rotom so im ready!
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Okay. Ill disc up for one. IGN: Kagura
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Have a female Surskit laying around? Disking up.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Disc up for a Stunfisk
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Thanks for the Nidoking, Rynn
>>19469595 Alright, my disc is up for Gastly now.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:18:39 No. 19469884 Report Quoted By:
>>19469790 I was sniped by a dumbass. Disc is going back up.
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:19:53 No. 19469902 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 disc up, congrats again Rynn hope it works out for you! Ty for the nidoking
>>19469824 Discing now for the Rotom.
Afro (0619-3178-4712)
Quoted By:
>>19469696 i'd love one hippopotas!! disc up.
>>19469863 >>19469834 >>19469905 I'm so sorry for the wait guys, hope you enjoy your respective pokemons!
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:24:28 No. 19469947 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 >Literally 1 min later before I went to take a shower and wash my dishes Oh well, Discing up.
Quoted By:
>>19469455 Disc up for Slowpoke, thanks
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Aaaand 30 Nidos sent, slowly getting there. Restocking now.
Connor 1891 1738 9284
Quoted By:
Disc is up for NidoKing.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19469691 hey luc, you still here? i've disced up for a slowpoke.
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19469974 Rynn, can you save one for me? I´m kinda busy right now, so, can you do it?
Trey [IGN=Kate] [3995-7301-3163] [Riolu, Meditite, Pancham]
Trey [IGN=Kate] [3995-7301-3163] [Riolu, Meditite, Pancham] Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:30:58 No. 19470016 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc up. Mucho thanks in advance
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
>>19469974 Hey Rynn, my Disc is still lounging in the GTS. Are you sure you didn't skip me by accident?
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados)
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados) Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:33:43 No. 19470040 Report Would this be the right place to ask for a happy hour smeargle?
Connor 1891 1738 9284
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:34:41 No. 19470045 Report >>19469974 Thanks a bunch, rynn! The exp points might be an issue but well, i love nidokings
Quoted By:
>>19470038 hey jefferson are you sure you can read?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19470038 If you're from Netherlands or something like that then I just got to you~
>>19470045 I hope they won't be. I'll keep that in mind next time.
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19470040 sure, but i can get you a happy hour inkay if you'd rather have that
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
>>19470044 I know, but apparently after 30 down and me being like the 9th poster I'm just making sure
>>19469395 still have time for me? I got 2 metagrosses from you a few days ago! :D best giveaways
Quoted By:
>>19469824 ty
>>19469395 disc up, congrats man!
Connor 1891 1738 9284
>>19470053 My disc is still up, Just wanted to announce that.
No rush whatsoever.
>>19470045 Can this corrupt your file?
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
>>19470053 Yep, you just got me, thanks a million!~
Calem 1977 30237 1968
>>19469974 Thanks again Rynn. Congrats on your job.
Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19470055 I'd like a happy hour inkay
Quoted By:
>>19469696 More Vanillite plz ;-;
>>19470067 people are aching to trade their nidoking for luvdiscs. be careful.
Connor 1891 1738 9284
Quoted By:
>>19470093 I have spare discs just in case.
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados)
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados) Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:38:59 No. 19470104 Report >>19470055 That actually would be great! Should I disc up?
Miyako (Dark- Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) 0130-2342-5120
Miyako (Dark- Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) 0130-2342-5120 Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:39:25 No. 19470111 Report >>19470055 Oh, could I get one of those? After my Nidoking of course. Are they any good?
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19470104 hang on, let me check if it's even tradable
>>19469696 Disc up for Vanilite (first) and then Surskit if I may? thanks for these
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19470055 Hey Serena
Did you ever get around to cloning any more of the Sinnoh Legendaries from last night? I'm still missing Dialga and having 2/3 of the trio is driving me insane. If you're not in the mood to make/trade more could you give me a pokecheck link so that I can ask in the genning thread at least? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19470093 Just let the level requirement to level 91 and over.
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:40:57 No. 19470134 Report >>19470068 No, but you maybe wont be able to use it online or in official competitions.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19470058 >>19470067 All I can say I'm going from the oldest discs and that's it. Please don't rush me. I don't really write down names or something so I don't know if I got you or not already, be patient and when I say "I don't see any more discs" and your disc is still up - then tell me.
>>19470068 No.
>>19470076 Thank you!
>>19470061 Sure thing~
Also, >people still thinking I'm "Ryan" ; ; Jefferson (IGN Serena)
To celebrate just having MMed a shiny HA Phantump, I want to share the joy and love by giving away a couple of spooky scary ghost trees! All of these are female in premier balls, 4/5IV so they're fit for breeding. I've got: 7x Harvest Female Premier Ball Phantump 3x Natural Cute Female Premier Ball Phantump 3x Frisk Female Premier Ball Phantump
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
I know I missed the pokebal vivillion giveaway, does anyone know if they're will be more? Thank you for doing it even if I missed it, it's really amazing of all of you who take the time to give away shinies
Quoted By:
>>19470134 what about breeding? I'm asking for one mostly for it's hidden ability.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Got my Nido, just put up a japanese disc for Hippo
>>19468894 Are you still around?
I could really use a jap male pokemon with good iv's from the flying egg group.
Have you got any male murkrows?
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:43:56 No. 19470171 Report >>19470150 Discingup for harvest, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>19470142 Thanks alot Rynn youre the best, I'm going for a shiny Spiritomb, and whenn i find it i'm hosting a giveaway. Disc is up with comment 4chan and thanks again
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19470150 i want one disc up harvest please
>>19470113 hey serena you dont happen to have another palkia from last night do you?
hes all i need for my trio so i would be really grateful
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19470104 nope, it can't be GTS traded, put up a luvdisc>luvdisc trade so you'll be on my acquaintances list
>>19470111 define good
they have random IVs, nature, and gender, this one is only 1-3 IV i think
and i'm pretty sure happy hour doesnt breed down either
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:45:54 No. 19470192 Report >>19470150 Harvest, please! Thanks man!
>>19470165 Disk up, want anything else from a specific egg group?
>>19470150 disc up for Harvest Phantump. IGN: Kagura
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Quoted By:
>>19469696 Thanks for the Stunfisk, I got a Calm 3 IV one through wonder trade that I was gonna breed but you just saved me a lot of time
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up for Nidoking!
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19470116 >>19470185 if you can wait about 5 minutes for me to
get another batch of eggs to instacheck first i can get you some
Quoted By:
>>19469395 I've put one up, thanks in advance!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
45 nidos sent, still going~
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc'd up with "/vp/ Rynn"
Thanks in advance!
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19470209 Ok then, thanks
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19470226 Question, is said nidoking nicknamable
Quoted By:
>>19470150 I'll take a harvest phantump. Discing up with /vp/ spooky tree
Thanks man!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470235 Nope, unfortunately.
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:51:27 No. 19470245 Report Quoted By:
I got the nidoking! Thank you!
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados)
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados) Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:52:22 No. 19470256 Report >>19470187 >luvdisc>luvdisc Done,
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
Quoted By:
>>19470150 Disc up for harvest.
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:53:56 No. 19470270 Report Quoted By:
>>19469395 Shit man I'll take one. Thanks man!
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio
Yumi 4742 6186 9655 Voltorb, Stunfisk, Luxio Tue 03 Jun 2014 22:53:58 No. 19470271 Report >>19470226 Rynn, could you spare one more for my boyfriend? He's at work, no wi-fi there. Please? Disc is there.
But thanks anyway, you already gave me one of those beautiful killers
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470271 Sure thing, you just have to wait till I get to you again.
>>19470194 Could I get a male gible and a male riolu?
Also, could I be a pain and ask if you could accept sentrets instead of luvdiscs?
Apparently I'm out of discs at the moment
Quoted By:
>>19470209 of course ill wait i can put up a disc or start a trade let me know once you are ready
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19470256 start a trade with me from your acquaintances list when you're ready
also enjoy the random shiny luvdisc i didnt even know i had
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
I'm out of HA Phantumps, still have 3x Frisk and 3x Natural Cure
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Ooo I'm assuming this is still going? I should have got on sooner, but I'll be putting up a Luvdisc anyway.
Ben yo !nqKmxk8cd6
I have 20 pentaperfect timid French male polar scatterbugs, please upload discs only due to the fact I'm playing through German and I might miss your upload.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19470150 Disc up for Harvest plox?
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19470346 discing up, thanks!
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Discing up thank you!
IGN: Carmen
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Discing up, thanks Ben.
Jefferson (IGN Serena)
Quoted By:
>>19470349 >>19470329 Sorry, all out, I still do have Natural Cure or Frisk if you want it?
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Discing
Ign Joshua
Thanks in advance!!
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio
Hima 0576-5117-7532 ( Phanphy, Diggersby, Dugtrio Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:00:41 No. 19470366 Report Quoted By:
>>19470288 HOLY SHIT YOU JUST GAVE ME SOME MAJOR CHILLS Your old post gave me an idea where I can give away Japanese male 6iv pokemons that aren't competitive due to their abilities for MMing. I started going through the pokemons in my box and what did I find?
[code:lit]A female Zubat[/code:lit]
A Male Gibble A Male Riolu I don't even care anymore, I'm taking sentrets, you deserved it. Lets start with the Gible
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Rediscing for Nidoking. IGN: Kagura
Thanks in advance Rynn, thanks for doing giveaways (happy owner of 2 of your metagrosses
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Just got Nidoking. Thanks a lot, Rynn
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Disking, thank you!
>>19470368 I could grab you from the acquaintance list if thats easier for you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470377 Hope you enjoy~ what's your ign though? You always post without it.
Quoted By:
>>19470346 I'll take one, thank you.
Train 5000-3602-3785
Quoted By:
>>19469395 Disc is up. Thanks Rynn.
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:04:35 No. 19470409 Report Quoted By:
Got my Nidoking, Rynn. Thanks!
Ben yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>19470346 Reminder that these are still scatterbug, not vivillon.
i got two of you so far Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Disc up for one, thank you
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:06:27 No. 19470429 Report Quoted By:
>>19470346 Disicng up! Never had a Vivillon before.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>19470411 oh shit, rediscing.
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados)
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados) Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:06:34 No. 19470433 Report Quoted By:
>>19470316 AwesomeSauce, you!! ready to go
>>19470226 Nidoking exp points are wrong ; ;
Quoted By:
Sorry Wadosh, I wasn't sure if you had grabbed that sentret from the GTS Retrade?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470441 I-I know.
Sorry. I'll try harder next time. Wadosh
>>19470401 You're Joshua right?
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:08:26 No. 19470453 Report Hooooly shit, Rynn thank you so much for your Vivillion, this thing is a freaking beast! BL7G-WWWW-WWW7-NT97
>>19470346 discing, thanks
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:08:45 No. 19470458 Report Quoted By:
>>19470441 I think you can fix that by gaining some.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19470411 Really? But someone just sent me a polar Vivillion.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19470453 Ohboy, can't wait to see it, I was wondering if someone would try battling with it! Lemme just get all the rest of the Nidos first, I just finished restocking for the second time, 60 Nidos sent~
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados)
Kevv 4983-4968-8698 (Poison, Gloom/Muk/Ariados) Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:10:51 No. 19470482 Report Quoted By:
>>19470316 Thanks a bunch!
>>19470452 Apparently that GTS sentret had gotten sniped anyway
Thank you so much, I've been meaning to curb my reliance on a hacked ditto
That I keep trading to people that need them
Ben yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>19470464 Coincidence maybe?
lots of ppl are trading just to get the count up Wadosh
Quoted By:
>>19470484 No probablem at all! Pretty sure they'll serve you much better than they will to me.
Still don't know how you asked for the only two male 6iv mons I was willing to give away. Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:14:40 No. 19470522 Report Thanks for the bug, Ben.
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:14:48 No. 19470524 Report >>19470480 It saved my ass after a wrong move, you really should have named it Lucifer if you could.
Hi guys, Robin here... Trying to complete Johto's dex. I'm looking for: Togepi, Sunkern, Pineco Phanpy, Hitmontop, Entei and Raikou... sigh... and celebi.. I got Pokebank trying to get my own but after transfering it to my game I can't find it :( My celebi died.. So if you have any of these guys to spare please let me know and I will disc up.. I already missed a couple great giveaways :( that groudon ;_;
Quoted By:
>>19469395 I disc up hope its still going on
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:16:25 No. 19470544 Report >>19470525 >OP >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS Anonymous
>>19470525 i can give you a phanpy and a togepi but keep in mind that i have no idea what the IVs are
Quoted By:
>>19470114 >Not reading replies properly, no Vanilite left Stupid fucking me. Disc up for Surskit, thanks
>>19470525 >I can't find it Have you tried going in the "Pokemon Link" section?
Ben yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>19470346 I think I've got everyone so far
other than the two still asking for vivi I still have 12 left for discs
>>19470522 Np bro~
>>19470544 Dood I've done this before calm your tits.. I'm only asking if they have some to spare I aint requesting shit..
>>19470547 fuck off
>>19470548 great idc about ivs right now.. disc up for phanpy
>>19470566 :^)
>>19470570 Did that, did everything a thousand times, no celebi... ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>luvdisc named miltank why
>>19470524 Just a few nidos more...
>>19470578 Thanks by the way for the Scatterbug!
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:21:29 No. 19470622 Report Quoted By:
>>19470605 And speaking of Nido, thank you very much!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19470604 i have a spare modest celebi that I got from the bank, but it can't be transferred over gts
you'd have to put a disc up for a disc
>>19470604 Ouch. I had to follow some long steps to get my Celebi on Pokemon Link. Have you asked in other forums about your dilema?
>>19470346 Disc is up for one of these. Thank you in advance
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
Quoted By:
>>19470346 Disc up! Thanks!
>>19470635 Alright! Disc up.
Thanks Alice!
>>19470646 I've been trying for two days, I gave up 2 hours ago..
>>19470605 That's mine. You should see the other luvdiscs i named. And thanks for the Nidoking. Can I breed it with a ditto without any trouble?
Quoted By:
>>19469455 il take a slowpoke if you have any left, my ign is baldo, thanks
Ben yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>19470615 No problem at all
>>19470653 Please read
>>19470346 They are still scatterbugs, I repeat, Not vivillon yet
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470669 Haha, thanks for the chuckle then. And I don't see why not!
Last nido sent! 75 of them off to a new home, phew.
>another disc named yumyumyum I love you guys.
Quoted By:
>>19470666 I feel sorry for you. I had crap like that happen to me a few times in the past. Finding the help you need, but in the end, nothing. Glad that someone's helping you with Celebi now.
Etopen 0946 - 3295 - 5733
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot for the phantump Jeff!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19470666 alright i'm sending it now. I got pretty lucky with it I think. I'm not sure if everyone got modest or not, but I got modest nature with 3ivs and speed, sp attack, and defense
Quoted By:
>>19470680 Damn, ok pulling it down then putting it back up, gimme a minute.
Calem 1977 0237 1968
I still have 12 shiny Druddigon left from my giveaway last night. I need bank space so if anybody wants them then disc up. Don't know anything about IVs, I caught this one in the wild.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19470694 Robin I don't see your disc, did it get sniped?
who wants all these luvdiscs? Robin
>>19470703 save one for me im trying to put a disc up for alice
something is wrong with my wi fi
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19470703 Disc is up, thanks
Quoted By:
>>19469661 Thanks man I just got mine
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:32:49 No. 19470737 Report Quoted By:
>>19470703 Why the hell not? Discing up.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19470703 ill glady take a carrot dragon, disc up!
Quoted By:
>>19470703 Disc up, thanks in advance
Calem 1977 0237 1968
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19470524 Oh my, that battle. Vivillon a champ!
>3 kills >1HP >megaevolving sleeping Gyarados hahaohwow.jpg
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat]
Mike 2552 0744 1352 (Grass) [Oddish, Sawsbuck, Gogoat] Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:38:08 No. 19470797 Report >>19470780 Sleep powder + Compoundeyes is hell on earth.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>19470797 Yyyyep.
I especially loved one battle when some girl minimized three times, baton passed that to kingdra and I still kept hitting her because compoundeyes aint taking no minimizing bullshit
and then she forfeited.
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19470703 Disc up pls gib
Calem 1977 0237 1968
>>19470823 All sent except for you and Robin, hang on I'm trading with a friend.
Quoted By:
>>19470842 Thanks again for the carrot dragon
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19470703 awwww YUS! thank you!
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
O ne h ou r, fi ft ee n mi nu te s.
>>19470709 >>19470548 >>19470842 im getting this error
003-1099 why?
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19470887 >typing out all those spoiler tags Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19470887 h y
p e
is b ui ld in g Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19470842 Sorry I had to take it down cause I asked for the wrong poke..Its up now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19470925 >what is ctrl+s Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
I have a ton of 5V timid Eevees in regular pokeballs that I need to give away. All of them know Covet / Charm / Yawn / Wish. Non-HA: x9 Male / x1 Female Anticipation: x17 Male / x3 Female
Quoted By:
>>19470887 m a y b e n e x t t i
m e y o u ' l l g e t i t IGN: Carmen
Could someone help me with these mons? I need them to complete my Coastal Pokedex: - Heliolisk - Espeon - Nidoqueen - Wynaut - Zapdos Please and thank you.
Calem 1977 0237 1968
>>19470923 Thats the general wifi error, im not sure. I still have one in case you figure it out.
>>19470934 Alright, give me 5 minutes.
Quoted By:
All these great giveaways and I'm just over here hatching Electrike like it's cool or something.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Does anyone have a Funbro I could clone for myself? I ended up deleting my own while shuffling the saves for the giveaways ; ;
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:52:48 No. 19471011 Report Quoted By:
I got your Druddigon Calem. Thanks!
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19470940 >not making things needlessly complex and tedious for yourself Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19470992 I can give you a
pentaperfect HA female Slowpoke in a Dive Ball and 4 EMs Nick
>>19470929 Hey man, do you have a HA Natu left?
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19470992 I got mine, how do we do this?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19470955 I'll disc up for a non-ha female
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19471018 B-but I want the funbro moveset thingy.
>>19471036 Do you see me on acq list?
IGN: Carmen
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Tue 03 Jun 2014 23:55:48 No. 19471053 Report >>19470955 I'll take an Anticipation Female.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
>>19470703 I really like Druddigon's shiny. Putting up a disc (if you have any left)
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19470969 My disc got sniped by some ass, I just put another up.
>>19470969 OK Disc up for Crayolagon..
ALICE You're next :)
I don't even know how I fixed it..
Luc 3325-2856-6833
Quoted By:
>>19471042 But
it's not fun and I still have 15 of these pink blobs to give away ;_; Rukia (Ariados, Drapion, Kakuna)
>>19470955 >>19471041 Make that a HA female pls!
Calem 1977 0237 1968
>>19471058 >>19471059 >>19471064 Perfect, I have 3 left. Sending to you folks now.
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
>>19471053 >>19471053 Sure thing! Disc up.
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
>>19471042 I don't unfortunately. disc up~
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
>>19470955 disc up for a anticipation female please
>>19471037 Could I get one pls?
Disc is up
Chaos 2938-7628-9049(IGN: Roman)
>>19471042 Hi Rynn, I have a Funbro. Wanna clone it?
Zilla !PB8.YlVG3c
>>19471081 sent
>tfw page 5 Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19471072 Thank you Calem, I love you.
Rina 5129-1307-7714
I re-started the game and I can't get to Luvdiscs yet, it's okay if I upload other mons if I specify which ones? I'm looking for Shinx. Vulpix and Arcanine would be great too, but my priority is Shinx.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>19471090 I'll get one from Rusty, thanks though~
>>19471076 Okay, discing for Slowbro~
>>19471072 Thanks Calem!
Disc is up Alice!
Togepi, Sunkern, Pineco
Phanpy, Hitmontop,
Entei and Raikou..
Calem 1977 0237 1968
Quoted By:
That's all of 'em. Your welcome to all you friendly people. (Too lazy for individual replies)
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19470955 I'll disc up for a Non-HA Male, & could you name it Bolt? You don't have to, thank you for giving!
Also your name is one letter off of mine. Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19470964 I have a wynaut, IVs aren't checked though.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471114 does it matter if its male or female? I got a couple of male 6iv growlithes
Rusty (ign: Shiki)
Quoted By:
>>19471117 Sent!
I think the tilde is contagious~ IGN: Carmen
>>19471141 Don't care about IVs, it's just to complete de Coastal Dex, discing up in a minute.
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471147 Not at all! I would love one.
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>19471072 Thank you very much!
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>19471118 ive got a million togepi to spare, throw a disc up
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471165 i also have a female shinx 5 Iv missing sp att with em's if you want that as well
Disc up for the growlithe [spoiler (also it doesn't have flare blitz as an egg move nor crunch because they are also lvl up moves, is that alright?)
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471147 >>19471165 IGN is Marina, I put for trade a fantastic Metapod that can't even Harden.
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754}
Palumbo (IGN: Pasquali) - 4441 9218 2945 {SV: 0754} Wed 04 Jun 2014 00:06:05 No. 19471187 Report Quoted By:
>>19471074 Got it. Thanks, pal!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19471118 your disc is up for what exactly? I can't find a luvdisc for a luvdisc, remember celebi can't be traded over gts
Kennidy 0404-6403-9635
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19470209 Are you still around? Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471186 that's fine, want a nickname for either?
>>19471181 DISC UP, male please :)
I put one up and you said this:
>>19471142 I will put another one up.
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19471164 Sent, you can keep
her >>19471199 Disc'd
Bawby !FoQBawbyxo
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471184 The Shinx is alright too,
fun , I'll take her. I can't get to the Discluvs yet so I'll upload a Pansear if it's okay?
IGN: Carmen
Quoted By:
>>19470887 so how many will be given.. im pretty damn hyped
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19471224 Yeah, looking for the metapod now
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471208 No need, thank you.
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
>>19471209 your disc is for luvdisc, i cant give you a togepi
>>19471255 sorry im trying to trade with alice for a luvdisc and they're getting sniped
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471275 got ya
>>19471238 sent the male growlithe, put up a pansear for the shinx
IGN: Awesome 3609 2065 4674
Quoted By:
>>19471275 it's all good, just let me know when you disc up for togepi
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471290 Got it, Pansear up.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471307 its got guts as an ability is that alright?
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471324 Yeah, that's fine.
By the way, changed my mind on the nickname, if it's not much trouble could you name her Jolyne?
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471348 okay if you want it nicknamed than its going to be a 6iv female with rivalry, is that still all right? I can nickname it no problem
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471361 I'm okay with that, thank you very much!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19471381 sent! I hope they're both helpful
Rina 5129-1307-7714
>>19471408 They sure will be! Thank you very much!
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19471431 sorry for the nice on the ds, I wanted to make sure I got its nickname right
Quoted By:
>>19470346 hey Ben yo, Disc is up for a Scatterbug