READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW GAME DEMO (Version 1.2): BATTLE SIMULATOR!! It's very rough at the moment and what you see in it is not game ready, it's just here so you can play using the pokémon in our dex.
Wiki, Use this as your resource Forums: Archived threads: >Region details & Mapping (Tile updates needed!) >Sprites (QC, pokemon overworlds, trainers) >All the rest of the dex info If you have constructive ideas for revisions, post them. If you're going to complain, don't;
ideas are only as good as the person willing to execute them.
If you're working on maps, music, programs or art, please continue!
>Check the wiki!!! it has the answer to 90% of new questions >We have art for the entire dex, this image just only shows whats been Sugi'd (check the wiki!) >Spriters make original sprites! no copying GF or sizing down art! >We are not adding Fairy Type or Mega Evolutions. Clash's art folder( ): Also SZ's Sugi'ed art so far: Pokemon Online Guide: We have an irc chat now.
Nondell !5YRAbX/Ng6
>>19473961 Bronzong says hi, fagget
If you want to say Atoms are overpowered with levitate that's fine. But I wouldn't say eccentric is more vital to them. They would be fine with just levitate, or both. Eccentric could fit on a dozen other mon
>>19474052 >usually Not the brightest Cerebrulb in the box are you buddy?
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>>19474194 Personally, I think only having Eccentric fits them a lot, making them seem powerful, if unstable. The increased power will make them a stronger threat, and the "Forced" inaccuracy will make them not so much of an auto-pick because of their Lolspeed.
Should both hands be down or should one hold a berry?
>>19474768 Both hands down
>>19474332 >using a retarded fakemon name to call someone dull >cerebrulb >brulb That shit is so retarded
Why not Cerebulb? it's cleaner and more natural to pronounce than fucking cereBRULB.
>>19474768 Hands down, hands down
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>>19474931 Why are you so angry?
>>19474931 The r is in there because of cerebral
>>19475520 Not him, but he's saying that because Cerebrulb is more difficult to pronounce than Cerebulb because of how your tongue has to move in your mouth. I agree with him, but I've gotten used to Cerebrulb, so whatever. Besides, it's not like we can change it anyway.
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>>19474931 It's pronounced like cerebral but with a b at the end, pretty natural to me.
I missed some new Cameron gym concepts from last thread but it died care to post em if ya got em
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>19475567 Yep. That's exactly what I mean. But like all the things in this project that are almost unanimously agreed to need reconsidering (I'm looking at you carabug), we are going to just ignore them.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Okay, ladies and gents, after some investigation, we've mostly confirmed that the 70% number was a misunderstanding from an older survey, so the pass for a minor change is above 50%. Sorry about the mix-up everyone. I'll be more cautious in the first place Here's the new list of winners. Main difference is Eluchadon and Nurshary. The Nurshary is a combination of new proportions and white underfins. This version will run again in the next survey before it is actually approved, however.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>19475797 >that grammar Okay yeah, not touching anything important until I get some sleep.
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Just out of curiosity is anyone getting Pokemon Art Academy it looks cool since I suck at drawing
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>>19474768 I like the berry holding pose.
>>19475567 >Not him, but he's saying that because Cerebrulb is more difficult to pronounce than Cerebulb because of how your tongue has to move in your mouth. >difficult to pronounce >sa-ree-bral-b >difficult >being mentally handicapped Anonymous
>>19476409 If anything it's a speech impairment you dummy.
>>19476424 >being physically handicapped >not killing yourself Anonymous
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>>19476480 H-here we go! I'm walking the edge!
Is Cuppy in the next demo? Seems like a good "generic fish" to find when fishing instead of just having Fortifry everywhere.
>>19477010 Why not have cuppys in the colder waters, justifying that their higher internal temps allow them to survive there and then fortifrys in the warmer waters?
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>>19475631 that stella sprite is incredible
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>>19477027 mmmm prefried cuppy
>>19477027 Well Fortifry is like Magikarp and just shows up anywhere, but I believe Cuppy is a saltwater fish.
>>19477137 No thats silly, you don't make tea with salt water
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>>19477157 excellent point 10/10
>>19477157 But Cuppy is just a cup, Fettlekish is the one who makes tea and/or boiling water.
>>19477193 You still dont use salt water for tea.
If Cuppy is to accept tea from Fettlekish why would it be salty
>>19477200 fettlekish acting as a filtration system confirmed
it already boils water so why not?
>>19477206 Thats a stupid stretch to put cuppy in saltwater
>>19477216 i was just thinking it'd be nice to have fettlekish offering filtered water to stranded sailors in the dex description
>>19476409 sa-ree-bral-b is an inaccurate pronunciation.
it should be like the cerebral in cerebral palsy, that is sAIR-eh-bral-b
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>>19475631 That Stella Verses, There is something not quite right with her pinkie finger, the way it's positioned it must be phasing through the metal bar slightly.
As "Actiony" as her having the hammer slung over her shoulder is, I think it's more effort than it's worth.
>>19477253 huh?
i'm just saying, sa-ree-brulb is, in fact, weird, which is why nobody likes it
sair-eh-brulb rolls off the tongue much nicer.
just like KO-kisect Anonymous
fojl-eeAht kidD-lingh agg-juAD
>>19477314 fol (as in fold) - ee - ott
>>19477237 >>19477264 >>19477314 >>19477339 This is fucking pointless, do something productive
>>19477399 Isn't it work-on-tile wednesday anyway?
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>>19477417 Yeah. So someone make a tile of boardwalk or some shit idk. That or do a vocaroo of pronouncing all of the mons names smdh
>>19477399 whether or not it's pointless, it's not counterproductive. it's the deadest of hours right now, and i'm also working on stuff already. why do you care if i choose to participate in discussion about how to pronounce a pokemon's name? how is that hurting you or the project or precluding my ability to do work?
>>19477314 >Florresum >Flora + Blossom >two r's >one s Look into your heart and accept Floressum as your savior. Look not to Florresum, the Great Betrayer, for ye shall be deceived
>>19477470 There is no anime and arguing over how to pronounce the name is counterproductive. Rather than be dead hours, how about you get up off your ass and make teams for the demo?
>>19477531 Well go step on a lego, Florresum won shut up.
>>19477541 But is it a better? Are people against changing it? Its literally replacing one letter with another, there's no difference in pronunciation and the meaning is clearer. Its objectively better.
>>19477216 Cuppy and Fettlekish don't ACTUALLY serve tea.
It's just an aesthetic.
>>19477540 how about instead i continue working on getting through these example plot outlines so that we can survey plot, and in the meantime, i talk about name pronunciation
>>19477548 i'm completely in favor of changing it, but i'm not sure that a process for that exists or that it's open for change
>>19475797 Damn, I like fat derpy Nursharay, but I like the fin/nurse hat being more raised like it is on the minor changes. Tough call and I can't into drawing the fat one with those changes. How does this look?
>>19477644 You cant submit minor changes
>>19477644 >>19477648 Shit. Ah well.
Where those other minor redesigns that just got surveyed super old, or did I just miss the deadline by a day?
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>>19477657 The deadlines was april 5th
>>19477657 Hes just being a fuckhead.
There's some changes to be made to the original using parts of the minor redesign art, basically.
Gun forgot to repost survey results so you'd have a better idea - Any change over 50%
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477548 >>19477637 >>19477531 Names are final. My predecessor made sure of that in name surveys. Names are locked unless in the case of gamefreak names conflicting with ours
>>19477564 All things aside, it would be nice to have some diversity in the ecosystems
>>19477665 No Im not being a fuckhead, fuckhead. Absolute ifnal minor change submissions was april 5th
>>19477668 Its not even a change though.
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>>19477673 Then explain
>>19475797 Hes not making changes to the design except the ones outlined by the survey results that concluded last night. The new version needs to run in a survey again, and it may need (depending on what actually passed the 50% threshold) new art to show the changes
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>>19475631 need to figure out % for wild pokemon on each route and day/night if we are doing that
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477675 Do Pawter and Mage need to go in and make a change to the name?
>yes Then it's a change
>no Then it's not a change
>>19477673 Which sucks because just learned in bio112 that forusks ears don't autisticly match up with the leaves of gymnospermae (the phylum coniferous trees belong to)
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477693 Why was my post deleted what the hell did I do
>>19477757 inb4 this post gets deleted too
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477752 Make sure that the moves fit the mons and the general scheme of the mon too. I was thinking about this on my morning drive, but the movesets people and statters who know these mons best should probably do blurbs for each move suggestion and pros and cons for viable mons so that we don't have another showing where we wily-nily assign things to mons that don't fit (giving custom abilities to mons with 2 abilities already).
Also, if the moves can still be edited, shouldn't we wait to finalize them until we distribute them?
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477770 I don't even know what the hell I did
>>19477785 Your guess is as good as mine
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>>19477779 >if the moves can still be edited, they can't
odd the post got removed though.
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477791 Maybe I went off topic too much? Maybe I said Bio112 which is a class in my community college and someone assumed I was under 18 (I'm 21)?
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>>19477802 Possibaly, it has happened to Moose before I guess
>>19477802 maybe you're just a raging faggot and the janitor agrees?
>>19477841 and this is the post that will stay
>>19475631 Pangolash is only one left without a dex icon
>>19477862 >gif >not animated Anonymous
>>19477880 Well we still need a proper Sugi for him as well.
>>19477880 we also still need a blue bullotus menu icon because the current one doesn't match design at all
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19477841 So then why leave my other posts? Sounds like someone is buttrekt they got told to do work and cant funpost
>>19477880 >>19477926 So then we have work for the thread! We finalized the design right?
>>19477994 seems like the yellow on the petals is too wide, but I guess at that level you can't really make it any thinner. nevermind then
>>19477668 do you have those name surveys handy?
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>>19477953 Please drop the trip or pick up your own.
>>19477926 I hope you dont mean "he cant have a sprite without a sugi"
Because sugis are entirely irrelevant, outside of our Sugi dex.
You will never see them in-game, and so long as the existing art is clean, it doesnt make a difference on the spriter and in fact slows progress by (rarely) causing people to claim redesigns.
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19478039 Nope, but Dunky I always said that names are final. He was adamant about that enough.
I should know, I've brought up Grolem enough Anonymous
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>>19477222 You mean being cut open by sailors for a drink? Like cacti.
If we ignore this Dunky imposter, he WILL get tired of being able to troll under that name and go away.
>>19478079 what's wrong with Grolem?
>>19478079 ok so the answer is that no, you don't have proof of the names being finalized.
thank you!
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19478107 I'm not an imposter, I said I'm taking up the mantle so people stop shitposting garbage about him. Hence Mk.II
>>19478109 It's French name for Golem.
>>19478107 Well technically he's not an imposter, he's not claiming to be Dunky just using his name.
He's a giant faggot sure but he's not an imposter.
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>>19478072 Not "necessary" but it can be considered incomplete without one.
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>>19478121 this is an English only game you daft retard. if we were porting to another language, we would rename every pokemon, as they do in the GF games. you're so dumb.
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19478119 Names are final. Ask the guy who ran them himself. Ask the other trips in skype. Names for mons are final
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>>19478121 >It's French name for Golem. And?
>>19478138 the single person in Skype against changing names doesn't want to provide proof of it. either you provide the proof or you shut up
>>19478138 We have asked. No one's provided evidence. Therefore we can't take your claim that they're locked seriously.
>>19478138 Pretty much unanimous in skype that name change should be surveyed.
>>19478128 Imitator, then. He's still using it as an excuse to be a pillock, and should be ignored.
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>>19478174 Considering all the bullshit he's been spouting that pretty much goes without saying.
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>>19478174 Then do what the rest of us do. Report every single one of his posts for the shitposting spam they are and hope the janitor catches on Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
I'm gonna ask again cause I didn't get an answer in her last time. Do you code anything or just configure Pokemon Essentials? Do you need help with coding if you do it at all?
>>19478199 Where's the specific survey you want us to look at? Where's the survey which states that (for example) Huricanine MUST be stuck with one "r" at the beginning, even though the 10-char rule no longer applies?
>>19478199 you are mistaking quality control (correcting an obvious misspelling) with name changing (picking a new name for a pokemon)
don't be a fucking retard. French players aren't going to be like "Grolem? Le what?? Moi petit rock monster?"
but English players will be like "Huricanine? lol retards"
"platYpow then platIkhao? lol retards"
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>>19478203 Mage and possibly Pawter have definitely coded some things
actually I'm only 70% sure about this, namely the cave/outside evolution thing but we definitely mostly use Essentials.
>>19478237 Name surveys
>>19478256 Except we dont know that they were obviously misspelled
>>19478307 provide evidence that they were intended to be spelled the way they are.
the name origin for both floressum and hurricanine is the only evidence we have right now that points to the intention of the name, and they don't match that
>>19478307 huricanine was spelled the way it was because we still cared about ten character name limits. we don't care about those now, so we can fix it. same with dunkywunkr to dunkywunker
>>19478369 Im still really mad GameFreak never fixed Vespique n. Seriously, was there some reason to spelling it that way in the first place? Its -NINE- letters
>>19478203 I'm not a programmer, but I know we need help with custom move effects.
The language is RGSS1, which is based on Ruby.
If you want to help, you need RPG XP to test what you wrote.
I'd recommend making a skype account for this project and asking to get in the skype group, since RedMage rarely comes in the thread.
>>19478377 >>19478327 It's not that bad to have the name be slightly different from the words that make it up. It sounds more like a name of it's own than literally just slapping two words together. The origin is still there but it's less to the face. Especially queen is a word so easily recognized. And it's taken from Beequen which would sound atrocious if it was Bee-Queen.
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>>19478405 I got RPG XP from the Humble Bundle and know some Ruby. I'll make a Skype account.
>>19478429 the issue is when the misspelling leads to mispronunciation, and by extension, misunderstanding of the name.
Huricanine, with one R, would be pronounced with a long I: her-eye-canine
Florresum, with one S, would be pronounced with a long E: flor-ee-sum
if you don't care about grammar or pronunciation or spelling, then please don't participate in the conversation. but don't actively try to stop quality control.
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>>19478369 Dunkywunkr was actually voted in as Dunkywunkr you shit
>>19478369 Dunkywunkr was voted that way. The other names Dunky always held could be fixed for longer names.
>>19478465 Dunky also said that he dreaded the day when pronunciations became a thing to argue over. It doesn't matter. If the name was shortened to fit the name limit, then it is eligible for a survey. Names where it wasn't taken into account, such as Dunkywunkr or Florresum, are ineligible.
It's hurricane plus canine, pronounce it Huricanine like huri-kay-nine. Get the fuck out
Just ask the motherfucker who ran the name surveys holy shit why is this so difficult for you cunts
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>>19478498 >two syllables in a single section of a pronunciation example This nigga
This nigga is a goofy fucker I tell you.
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>>19478465 Stop shitting down my throat. Nothing you said invalidates what I just said nor did I attack your name change proposal.
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>>19478498 we've asked in thread and in Skype for any person to come forward, but nobody has.
I'm not really pushing for a dunky name change, I don't care about that.
Florresum is debatable, but I'm understanding if we have to keep it because it's not a length issue, it's just a voter stupidity issue.
Huricanine I am unwavering on. that needs to be changed. everyone thought Vespiquen was a retarded misspelling, and they'll think that here as well
Guy that made Huricanine here. His name was actually supposed to be Hercanine(based on Hercules and canine)
>>19478542 Requesting a picture of Huricanine running towards a Giant Comossus while the Cosmossus yells out "Come out, fight me!."
There should also be random small pokemon running away from the Cosmossus getting in the way like gigantic faggots.
>>19478568 it is Comossus, as in Colossus + Moss, not Cosmossus, as in Cosmos + Us
>>19478498 Pronunciations shouldn't be argued because they're subjective. The thing is, accents exist and different people pronounce words differently, you cant stop that. Even though Grotle is canonically "Grah-tle", many many people still say Grow-tle.
And Arceus has many different ways to be said, even within the SAME MOVIE.
However, spelling is different. No body is arguing the word Blossom is spelled "Blosom"; That would have to be arguing the name origin to be something that isnt Flora + Blossom. Even if you say "oh but its a corruption of the words" then, you're still arguing name origin.
Which is canon.
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>>19478589 Obviously a typo, since they spelled it right the first time.
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>>19478542 Might just be me but ə(r)keJnaJn actually rolls off the tongue much better than hʌrikeJnaJn.
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>>19478589 It's 4:44am, bite me.
Shitty doodle 2/2 for you guys Based on silkinders dex
>>19478594 >Pronunciations shouldn't be argued because they're subjective. >subjective Anonymous
>>19478646 adorable/10
>>19478594 well at least for Florresum/Floressum, the voters already knew the name origin and were aware of how the spelling would make us look like illiterate retards, and they voted for it anyways.
with Huricanine, people were led to believe Hurricanine was not an option
>>19478646 That's really adorable anon.
>>19478667 Can you prove they voted Florresum over Floressum?
Because im pretty sure its only that way because it was misspelled on the wiki for ages
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>>19478681 well since Florresum would've been voted on as the pokemon name, the responsibility for the error falls on the people who didn't notice that and submit a correct alternative.
if you can demonstrate that it was on the wiki incorrectly before the name survey took place, then you can argue it was a biased survey and have that answer thrown out or resurveyed
>>19478659 It is if it's a fucking made up word that only exists in letters and not hammered into your brain by a majority around you. Letters are not sounds. Tearing up = Tearing down.
>>19478735 Actually tearing up is more for flat objects, to tear them into pieces. Buildings are town down; I.e., the structure is taken apart and the building level is lowered. >>19478659 How do you pronounce Fructose?
>>19478659 >rough >cough >through >thorough Yep. Pronunciation isnt set in stone buddy. Hell the word pronunciation could be pro-now-n-see-a-shun and its not even spelled that way
>>19478735 those words have a discrete set of pronunciations based on concretely established verb pronunciation. I can't pronounce that as Tiring and argue that it's the same word just pronounced differently
>>19478752 fruc rhymes with fluke, tose sounds like toast
>>19478765 >>19478735 both the Tear homophones and the "ough" vowel blend/diphthong are constructs which allow for multiple pronunciations. the pokemon names in question are objective pronunciations, unless you can find an example to the contrary
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>>19478775 But the dictionary argues otherwise;
Fruc like fuck is actually the first, and therefore official, pronunciation listed in most dictionaries.
But so is frook-tose.
Again. Theres no wrong way to pronounce something, so long as the letters are accurate, or even if they're not some times!
Don't question it. The only way you could argue this is in languages where spelling is 100% phonetical, like Japanese.
And even then, katakana and accenting exists.
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>19478765 >Scruff >McGruff >Bite >Crime Anonymous
>>19478795 I think you're missing the point. It's not that you can't set a standard pronunciation, it's that its the notion of one isn't very important since in the end pronunciation will be skewed by the natural means of language.
>>19478856 Can we get back to the issue of SPELLING at some point?
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>>19478881 Ask Dunky on skype. He ran the fucking surveys just fucking ask him and settle this
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>>19478795 There is a pseudo-objetive way to pronounce Blossom (səm) but not Florresum as that's not a word and I don't think you can find a comparable one.
>>19478856 English grammar has specific definitions.
a single R preceded by a short vowel and followed by an I in a multisyllabic word can ONLY have that pronounced as a long I (eye). that's all there is to it. you must have a double R in order to use a short I. the only time a long I may follow a single R is if the preceding vowel was long (as in Urine)
although the double R does allow for a short E to follow (as in horrendous or arrest), there are no examples in English of a a word that contains "rresu," because the "esu" construct requires a long E (results) or a double S (pressure). as such, florresum's name cannot be properly pronounced with the rules of English grammar
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>>19478930 Thank god for English teachers.
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>>19478930 So it's based off a foreign word, what's the big deal
>>19478930 And then you realize "the rules of English grammar" are just made up to classify and describe what has already been there way before someone set down to analyze it and that everyone can pronounce Florresum even without English grammar books backing them up.
>>19478987 anyone that understands linguistic pronunciation will say flor-ee-sum, because that's how that word is pronounced.
if you're comfortable with that, then vote to keep it as is.
>>19479037 >>19478987 remember how when you saw the movie where they said it, you heard arceus with a hard c (k sound) and you shat yourself with rage at their grammatical bastardization? especially since incarcerate already establishes the pronunciation of the 'arce' construct?
that's how people will feel after saying Florresum for so long only to find it's pronounced floressum
>>19479084 They will never "find that out" unless you plan a movie now that the game is finished and so successful?
>>19479104 they will if they go to the wiki which provides the etymology of the name.
then they'll see that the spelling is a butchery of the words on which it's based.
>>19473891 >lurkin the capx wiki >phlask evo-line does not have sprites >got time to kill >??? >profit this is my first attempt into this kind of things.
i just copied the phlask artwork from the wiki, resized it ad made it pokemon-like
tell me if this is good and if i shall go on
could recolor this in green for shiny
>>19479249 >192x192 Anon do you even play pokemon
>>19479249 That's actually not that bad, but we are following the sprite sizes GF uses, more or less.
Sprites have a max size of 96x96 at the very largest, so for a small pokemon like phlask to have a sprite of 192x192, that's waaay to big
>>19479160 Just because you read that the quen in Vespiquen is based on queen you will not shit yourself with rage because you think you are now supposed to pronounce it Vespiqueen. Whatever a name is based on doesn't invalidate the way you going off the combined name only pronounce it.
>>19479249 shiny phlask?
theese are meant to be battle sprites
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>>19479317 >theese are meant to be battle sprites Yes, and what you're doing is twice as large as what we're doing.
>>19479317 This game is being done in gen 4 style so battle sprites are at a max of 96x96. The phlask line actually does already have battle sprites found here - - but they're not very good so you're welcome to try to make new ones.
>>19479267 >>19479287 sorry guyz, i had no idea of the dimension.
i used the demo sprites dimension (>sage recovery >graphics >battlers)
i'll try to reduce the size
>>19479338 not him, but I wish we didn't use 16x16 tiles upscaled to 32x32 and 96x96 sprites upscaled to 192x192, and we just used native 32 and 192 stuff.
>>19479347 see above. I made the same mistake at first, no biggie.
>>19479306 I didn't read it as queen, I read it as quen, which is how it was written. I just thought GF fucked up their spelling and were idiots.
just like people are going to think we are.
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>>19479317 just a tip. shiny sprites do not belong in the thread at all. regular ones are fine, shiny are not.
>>19479363 But people who think quen wasn't intentional are idiots.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Hey guys, I need some help. Does anyone remember taking a Turkistador gender difference survey? I seem to have two Turkistador images in my minor changes folder with gender changes, but I have no idea what to do with them. No idea if Turkistador was ever approved to have gender differences, or if it was even properly surveyed.
>>19479347 Ah yeah, the sprites are blown up by 200% in the demo, but they were still limited by 96x96 at first. Sorry for the confusion!
>all this linguistic allism C'mon geyes
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>>19479356 Someone the other day was saying the same thing. We told him to provide examples of what "HD" graphics would look like before we'd consider changing the thousands of graphics we use.
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>>19479376 I am well aware that it was intentional. GF is a company full of grown adults doing their jobs. that doesn't make the intentional decision they made any better.
>>19479380 The difference is pointless
so no one cares
>>19479381 the linguistic autism is no worse than when we spend 4 hours deciding if buckston should have a tuft of leg fur 3 pixels above his ankle or 4
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>19479394 Unfortunately someone cared enough to submit it before the due date so I at least have to figure out if it should be addressed
>>19479380 It lost iirc. I'm pretty sure the only things that have confirmed gender differences are Paramoth, Snogre, Buckston, and Hyekuza.
>>19479407 Allism, not autism; learn the difference.
>>19479394 All gender differences are pointless. The question was whether Turkistador was ever confirmed to have/not have them.
Me again. Here's my shitty attempt at a waterslide autotile format thingy.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>19479419 This sounds mostly right to me. I don't remember Turkistador ever being on that list, but I wanted to make sure. I'll toss them out.
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>>19479436 >>19479408 I truly believe there should only be a survey for this if there are more gender difference options
thus someone took the time to make 1 difference there isn't really a reason to not put it in
>>19479454 You are supporting a good cause
to a great gym idea
>who wouldn't want to go to work down a water slide Anonymous
>>19479421 oh my mistake. that's pretty interesting. so basically if an allistic person perceives people to be arguing, even if they're having a civil discussion, the person will mimic the anger they perceive?
>>19479419 This is something that could have a wiki page about it. Group the form and gender differences together in one page.
Foliat's line has gender differences too - red cheeks for the males.
Anonymous threadly remind to have this play during the credits, and have "anon" be listed for everything
>>19479486 Basically, yeah. Given where we are it isn't very surprising, though.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
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>>19479497 Might as well do that later.
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>>19479463 iirc someone posted something on chihaha/howlequin already. might be on their wiki page in the comments
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>>19479553 that sounds to me like another flavor of autism spectrum. I'm sure that's why it isn't independently recognized. it's just one particular method of coping with the lack of social perception in autists, but because they've been doing it their whole life, they don't understand that it's a coping mechanism
>>19479634 This one works better actually.
>>19479941 This is as an autotile in rpgmaker vx ace lite
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>>19479941 It's still not in the RMXP autotile format. Besides, it doesn't need to be an autotile if it's not animated.
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>>19479673 >telling Turkistador's waifu to get back in the kitchen via apron sort of funny, but it doesn't really fit the pokemon.
Came up with some egg moves for the Platokhao line. I tried to make the moves fit with the concept while making use of the custom abilities the pokemon has. *=chain breeding SmellingSalt (Aguanaut) Rolling Kick (Orangutao) Faint Attack (Hyekuza, Chameleohm, Phantasmare, Macabra*) Circle Throw (Eluchadon) Thrash (Soakoth, Orangutao, Aguanaut, Gigaard*, Flairees*, Forusk*, Skurrow*, Bullotus*) Slam (Soakoth, Lutrajet) Fake Out (Hyekuza, Orangutao, Howlequin, Cheshade, Charmbra*,Erycoon*, Chameleohm*, Baboom*) Tail Slap (Jaguile, Erycoon, Musbushel, Chameleohm*) DynamicPunch (Eluchadon) Am I on the right track?
>>19480252 yes. in fact that's a fuckton of egg moves, I don't think you need to add more.
>>19480252 He shouldn't learn smellingsalt.
>>19479554 >>19479565 Doesn't seem to like trying to imbed when it's part of an album or set.
I susually like medlies for the credits, but for now this is cool.
>>19480252 Dont list chain breeding moves unless it can only be learned via chains.
Otherwise, I like it, except slam
>>19480354 >Dont list chain breeding moves unless it can only be learned via chains. don't think thta's how it works
TheRedMage !nJA8eGZlus
>>19478203 Most of the coding that's done is just extrapolating what's found in essentials and repurposing it for what we're looking for.
With that being said if you have any knowledge of Ruby, we won't turn away the help.
>>19478405 Last I heard, no custom moves had been officially surveyed which is why I hadn't looked at them. Same for Abilities. If they have then apologies on my end; I've been busy with work and life outside of the project.
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>>19480377 Not enough to do
>>19480403 That's how bulbapedo does it and makes it a lot easier and more concise than trying to find everything. Speaking of which, reposting this. If there aren't serious gripes with it, I'll go ahead and wiki it.
>>19480429 I know moves are final. It's just their names and who get them that's still in the work
>>19480637 Oh, if you mean if they can do it without chaining then it isn't really chain breeding.
I thought you meant not combining chain and natural eggs within the same move set
>>19480664 ..which I guess isn't actually how they do it... huh
>>19480664 Oh, no. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
>>19480252 Looks fine to me. I'd take one or two things off, probably circle throw because it's arms don't look particularly capable of picking something above its head, but other than that, nothing too bad. Get rid of that, and I'd say it's fine to wiki.
>>19480664 All possible parents that can pass down move X must be listed, even if some or all of those parents need it bred onto them first.
If ALL possible parents must have it bred onto them, then it's indicated as a chain-bred move, but if there's at least one non-chain-bred parent then there's no indicator. It's the MOVE that is marked as a chain-bred move, not the parents (despite what some people have been putting up on the wiki - that'll be fixed in sanity sweeps of the information).
At least, that's what I had planned. The maximum number of parents for a given move will be all species in both of that Pokémon's egg groups, which isn't an unreasonable amount so they might as well all be listed.
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>>19480681 >>19480741 Oh, well, if that's the case, I'll update this
>>19480653 if everyone's okay with the moveset.
TheRedMage !nJA8eGZlus
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>>19480639 I see. I'll take a look then the next time I have some free time.
>>19480281 In gen IV there were pokemon that would learn as few egg moves as 5 or 6 (Onyx, Sudowoodo) and Pokemon that would learn as many 12 (Pikachu, Charizard, Croagunk), so its not ridiculous or anything.
>>19480739 >>19480291 >>19480354 How would people consider Circle Throw being the move removed because slam's description specifically mentions a tail and SmellingSalt is learnt by more fighting pokemon in the GF games?
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>>19480990 That sounds good to me.
>>19480653 I am 100% fine with these moves because Rydon can learn Metal sound by breeding in the gf games
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>>19480990 Oh i forgot about Platikhao's tail. Slam is fine by me, then.
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>>19480990 I don't see a reason to remove any of them.
Circle Throw
>arms aren't long enough tell that to pancham, whismur, buneary, or riolu
>no reason given if bellsprout can slam, so can the platypi. no other argument needed
Smelling Salts
>no reason given GF distro seems completely random but it fits conceptually so why not
in that case, I rescind
>>19480281 and approve all
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>>19480741 If bulbapedia is going to list literally 40 or 50 Pokemon that can all pass Curse onto x mon, then I see no reason we cant include the all of 12 Pokemon
Well, here's the final version of Calphite and Indrolith's egg moves after hunting down everything. I'll wiki this soon.
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>>19481048 >metal sound I meant metal burst of course
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>>19480741 Since breeding won't be any time soon, we can make a list of moves each egg group has access too and from whom. It would take a while, but I copied all of amorphous' moves once and it was pretty helpful.
Anyway, what I mean is once moves are more set something like that might be nice.
Idea to make bluffin line not suck: Give it glaciate. We already give GF legendary sigs out to our pokemon (lunar dance on paramoth, for example), so why not go all the way? Besdies, glaciate isn't that great of a move anyways.
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>>19481515 I wouldn't be against it.
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>>19481515 yeah, it hardly even sounds like a legendary move.
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>>19481515 The thing is, it's fine once it gets rolling, but the in the early game it's terrible, and giving it glaciate at any reasonable level wouldn't matter that much. That said, I'm not terribly against it, but food for thought.
Going to be posting fumis moveset soonish, It's proving to be a giant pain in the ass to make sure noxial gets the form exclusive moves when he needs to level wise. Which brings up a point I don't think a lot of us think about much: How GF gives out moves. Not like "what moves do pokemon learn", but how, the quantity, and when the moves are learned. I didn't go off and find the actual statical averages involved, but tuere are some general "rules" I've noticed: 'm not saying "we have to go back and change all of our movesets to fit these", that's stupid (If we hadn't done any movesets yet I'd suggest we have to follow them, but it's far too late for that), I just thought it would be worth sharing. Also, note I am going off of gen 6 lists. Firstly, somethings you are probably aware of: -When you evolve a pokemon via level up, all the moves that the prevo would have learned from that point onwards will be learned a little later for the evo. Pokemon that evolved via stones learn very few moves if at all once the stone is used and they evolve, and pokemon that evolve from a trade do not have any level up move "penalty". I didn't look into evos that require a hold item + level up, but looking at sneasel, for the moves that both he and weavile learn, they are learned at the same levels, but there are a great deal of new or replaced moves as weavile, so the level up movepool is still very different overall. - Most, but not all pokemon learn their first move (not counting birth moves) at level 5 - Pseudo legends learn moves at later levels/bigger intervals compared to other pokemon, legendaries even more so 1/2(3?)
>>19481755 And some stuff you probably didn't know:
- Most pokemon know 16 - 22 moves via level up.
- The levels at which pokemon learn moves is not random. All pokemon I have looked at either learn moves at a regular interval (yamask learns a new move every 4 levels) follows a pattern of differences (bulbasaur learns moves at a 42 interval, first to second move is 4 levels apart, second to third is 2, third to 4th is 4, etc. koffing follows a pattern of 335, with his first move starting at the second 3), or some other pattern (litwick has an additive/linear pattern, first three moves are learned 2 levels apart, next four are 3, next four are 4, next four are 5, etc). Note that these are not set in stone and there are a few moves here and there that break these patterns, as well as patterns changing in the middle of a moveset (sneasel changes from 2,4 to 3,5 at level 25), but they are still obviously intentionally patterned. On average, I would say for most pokemon, the difference between levels is about 3. For psuedo legends and especially legendaries, it is higher.
- The amount of delay for moves that pokemon learn after a level up evo seems to always be additive/linear. Squirtle and poocheyna line, for example, has an additive pattern a little like litwick. The first move it learns as wartortle/mghtyena after it's evo is learned 1 level late compared to squirtle/poocheyna, the next is 2 levels late, then 3, then so on. For wartortle to blaistose, the first move after the evo is 3 levels late, then 6, then 9, then 12. Lampent learns it's first move after it's evo 2 levels later than litwick, then 4, then 6, then 8. Charmander to charmelon is same as squirtle to wartortle, and charmelon to charizard is same as litwick to lampent.
Now, I haven't checked any of our pokemon to see if we follow any of the above, but if we want to, making it so the last point is followed shouldn't be too difficult, again IF we want to do it.
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>>19481755 >didn't look into evos that require a hold item + level up, but looking at sneasel, for the moves that both he and weavile learn, they are learned at the same levels By the way, same is true for Scizor, Steelix, and whatnot; Politoed has a moveset similar to Poliwrath though, so 'toed learns everything before evolution except Hyper Voice and Bounce, which are exclusive to it.
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>>19481776 And as for your last point, I would like to point out an oddity that might be related to the last point of your first post.
Dragonair and Dragonite get Outrage the same level and ALWAYS have since at least gen 4.
level 67, specifically.
Interestingly, Dratini gets it at 55 - The level Dragonair SHOULD evolve.
>>19481755 >>19481776 For the most part our pokemon do this. There are a few instances where people have put it off (like Howlequin) but it's just a case of us procrastinating.
Just bought the humble bundle for rpgmaker. Are you guys using VX Ace or XP?
>>19481962 What a surprise. Majora telling us what we already know and acting like he's a gift from god for doing it. He's such a condescending douche. As though people doing moves don't already look at Bulbapedo and see the same shit he does.
>>19481982 XP
>>19481987 What a surprise, someone acting like a condescending douchebag rather than accepting advice.
Yeah, anybody who looks at moves regularly DOES know this, but its nice to emphasize the point and get it out there.
>>19482004 Is it nice when he was supposed to have been on a break? Is it nice when this is the 3rd time he's told us the Noxial and Fumighast moves are almost done despite having multiple months to work on it? The guy who did Squidrift took less than a week. The guy who did Indrolith took less than a week. With the exception of individual contested moves, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for a moveset taking more than a week to do. If those aren't posted by this time tomorrow, I'm doing them myself.
>>19481982 xp
do you know how to tile/use rpg maker?
>>19481987 There is no harm in a reminder as long as it isn't repeated over and over again.
It probably isn't Majora, Mr. Offtopic. He's ded/hospitalized or something. Don't try to make a shitstorm using annoying tripfags as bait. Anonymous
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>>19482082 >being this new I can see why you'd think that, because Majora took control of this moveset so long ago that you might not have been here yet, but nobody else has been allowed to even try because of his iron grip on the one last reason he has to be here. He will stretch these movesets out for another 6 months if it will let him continue to hang around, and I'm fucking fed up with it.
>>19482053 Squidrift doesnt have to gain Fire/Ice moves by level up in only one of its three stages and a normal moveset for the rest of it.
Indrolith is just a fossil pokemon with one of the most common typings in the series.
Those are easy movesets and for unpopular 'mons.
Hydranticus took forever, as did the Luchadonkey, and that required several postings of the same fucking TM list every thread/day for far too long.
>multiple months He started working on them around the time he left, dude.
Go on, start doing them right now, they'll be terrible I guarantee it.
>>19482082 It is majora, though. That doesn't matter, though, so long as it gets done.
>>19482071 I'm that guy who mater the shitty waterslide earlier. And I messed around with the free version of VX.
>>19474035 bumping this as a VS sprite
could take a moment to marvel at this Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
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>>19482127 Okay. Expect my Noxial and Fumighast moves tomorrow and we can discuss then. Even if they aren't perfect, at least we can work on it together instead of waiting for Majora to do it all himself and then shit out lava with rage when anyone suggests even the tiniest change
>>19482148 Why?édex already displays all the icons in one place, with extra information. What you've done is spam up the wiki.
>>19482133 at least you are doing something
do you plan on making the slide flat or look like the edges have height/rounded
is that even possible?
>>19482184 Well, the dark water area was supposed to be where the slide was sloping into the water.
>>19482163 Alright.
Reposting for like the billionth time.
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>>19481755 >>19481776 This kind of thing can be looked at as part of the sanity checks that will be made at some point. Other aspects of the sanity checks are making sure the information is displayed properly on the wiki pages (alphabetical order where appropriate, correct move details, etc.), listing all possible parents for breeding moves, and things like that.
>>19482178 it does bring up some inconsistencies. A lot of them have their bodies moving instead of their heads/etc
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>>19482289 And it's not the sprites that are wrong for some of them, just how they've been animated
Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
might as well post mine too.
>>19482278 oh, I like this one, it's all warm and fluffy and happy
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>>19482224 can you implement this to give it depth
>>19482343 how can you not like a single ice type but also not have a least favorite pokemon? obviously one of the ice types is your least favorite
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>>19482343 >too lazy to post turkistashit as least fav Dia !7zfFcmVqWQ
>>19482371 oh no, you misunderstand, I dislike none of the pokemon in our gen, but cannot affiliate myself with ice pokemon for silly bullshit sperglord reasons. this is the exact same question I get asked on most of my other "fav pokemon lists".
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>>19482439 >not snogre what is wrong with you
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>>19482439 it doesn't say "most disliked," it says "least liked"
it's like how you're the least loved child. your parents still love you, just less than any of your other siblings
>>19482163 How about posting your faves and then
checking which ones need egg moves, tutor moves or tm/hm moves and making them. Anonymous
>>19482533 this is the best idea since tile work Wednesdays
>>19482565 Move-list Monday (I know it's not Monday, could start it early)
Trainer Tuesday (placement and movesets)
____ Thursday (need help for this. Maybe just throw in wild pokes and item placement here.)
Finalise Friday (anything not confirmed, we try to confirm)
Sprite Saturday (Sprites for NPC, etc)
Summery Sunday (To do for next we, or confirmed what is done)
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>>19482687 Tile Tuesday trainer thursday
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>>19482687 Well here in the Midwest, every sunday is summery unless its raining...
summary* Tall Grass + Trainer thursdays?
wow, you shitters still arent done with this after over a year? meanwhile one guy from reddit releases pokemon zeta AND omicron in like half that time disgraceful.
>>19482752 >one guy from reddit releases pokemon zeta AND omicron in like half that time Key word there the ONE guy. When you're alone you can get shit done faster. We're doing all of this at once in a large anonymous group.
Fuck off you fucking faggot.
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>>19482839 Don't reply to those guys. Just report them.
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>>19482752 Man we're fools for not being able to develop FR romhack #93817 ...
Please, majora could've done that in a week if he wanted. We're doing everything from scratch, and we're about as fast so far at putting this together as GameFreak, except they're a team of highly paid, well trained experts who've been doing this for a decade.
Just think of all those games that took as many as four years to come out.
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>>19482900 Me. Who the fuck is asking? And why the fuck am I relevant to literally anything?
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>>19482687 Side quest Sunday
Item distro Thursday
I'll try a fumi line moveset tonight
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>>19482533 For example, here's mine.
I'll start the mortasque line's egg moves.
>It selects a round stone and rolls it around tirelessly. When the stone becomes perfectly smooth, this POKEMON will finish its VN word for word dex entry
>>19483463 >enigmite is writing a visual novel Anonymous
>>19483492 >inb4 genvp namefag fapfic with raptor as the mc who finishes inside of moose Anonymous
>>19483463 >Enigmite instinctively roll around rocks as soon as they can walk. When refined, it will unlock their mental potential - but it is unknown if they are aware of this at the time. bit wordy
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>>19483530 >Enigmite instinctively roll around rocks as soon as they can walk. When refined it will unlock their mental potential, but it is unknown if they are aware of this at the time. grammar spaz
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>>19483502 >>19483530 This POKEMON hides its enormous shlong behind its rock at all times. Anonymous
>>19483502 >no easy modo terra route that no body wants, but requires unlocking a previous ending to start anyway Anonymous
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>>19483591 forgot my image
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>>19483591 >tfw majora route takes mandatory two months real time to finish >tfw can only go sam spade route or dunky route >tfw you need to fight the other to win yours >tfw the pawter/mage are your love coaches Anonymous
Here's mine I'm shit at moves, so not gonna do that.
>>19483691 magowl prevo confirmed next gen
>>19483706 It has less HP and Sp. Attack but a lot more speed and a bit extra Sp. def, and keeps the same BST but becomes Psychic/Fairy, making it a reverse Scizor Burrowl gets a Ground/Fighting "counterpart" that isnt connected to Burrowl at all, its just an owl that isnt a bird. It also has a signature move and better stats Anonymous
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>>19483743 >Implying owls are birds Anonymous
Where do all the mapper/tiles hang out? Is there a skype group. If so, can I join?
>>19483784 Great work on that tile! Are you in the mapchat?
Majora !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19483784 There is a mapchat. Not sure how it works, I think just drop your skype name and someone can invite you in.
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>>19483819 and your social security number and birth certificate along with your library card
So I made an extremely tentative Steel gym leader set to get a bit of calm, peaceful discussion going. I posted last thread about Dilloweed and Pangoslash issues with having no grass moves, and people seemed to agree. So I took a bit of liberty with his set (DOES NOT MEAN that he will have these moves, and it does not impose any restriction on his moveset discussion). I slapped some moves on Pangoslash kind of and tried to make a crit-abuse set with Razor Leaf. Comments/Critique wanted. Magnitogre lv 25 (Full Force) -Gyro Ball -Metal Sound -Bulldoze -Iron Defense Kobalt lv 23 (Solid Rock) -Hone Claws -Sandstorm/Taunt -Bullet Punch -Bite Pangoslash lv 23 (Shed Skin) -Focus Energy -Razor Leaf -Iron Defense -Iron Tail
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>>19483691 >I'm shit at moves Do moves anyway. If it's terrible you'll get critique to fix it.
>>19483831 looks nice.
Although we can potentially use orret or anvelid, I think having at least one would make more sense than her using two dual types. just my opinion.
And images are better at getting notices
Majora !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19483831 Needs crawglock. Do pango moveset instead.
Iron Defence is pointless, it has shit defense as is. Wild Charge or coverage instead. Chestoresto on mags
Give rocks to kobalt over hone claws
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>>19483878 >I think having at least one would make more sense than her using two dual types Agreed. It's supposed to be a Steel Gym, not a "look at all the type combinations Steel has" Gym.
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Where is Fairy type?
ALRIGHT. I'm done with the fumi moveset, with 2 possible sets.. problem is each has a catch. The issue I am having is getting noxial to learn form moves at the right level, without having them being learned too close together and thus making one of them redundant, while still having all the moves learned at levels in a pattern/not at random, and having the moves delayed after evolution. Without more or less starting over, the ONLY way it's possible to make this work* is to do one of the following: A: Change the level phlask evolves into noxial to 19 from 22, in which case noxial/phlask will learn aurora beam/flame burst/sludge at level 19, tox spikes at 23, acid spray at 27, and ice beam/flamethower/sludge bomb at 31 B: Not have the phlask line have evolutionary level up move penalties, in which case sludge/aurora beam/flame burst will be learned at 22, tox spikes at 25, acid spray at 28, and sludge bomb/flamethower/ice beam at 31 The argument can be made that since there are no GF mons that require both a certain min. level, plus another requirement for evolution, that we don't HAVE to make the evos learn moves at a later level for fumi since it's not just a pure level up evolution, and the closest comparison one could make is a trade evolution + item evolution, or a level up + item evolution with no level requirement, neither of which have the evolution learning moves at a later level. In any case, we should probably go through and make sure that our new evolution methods have consistency or some sort of logic in regards to if there are any level up move effects. So, if everybody could tell me if they would prefer A or B, that would be helpful. *I thought I hard worked out a solution that beyond these two that still made phlask evolve at 22, and kept the evo move delay, but then I got a phone call, lost my train of thought, and forget it, and i've spent the past hour and a half now trying to remember and i'm ready to strangle something.
>>19483831 I like the Magnitogre, especially how Bulldoze and Gyro Ball will make use of its ability.
For Kobalt, I think having the ability as Unaware would be better than Solid rock because you wouldn't be able to set up on the gym leader's first pokemon then defeat the whole team.
Pangolash's abilities are iron barbs and sand force. That line's movesets need a lot of work, so why don't you try your hand at fixing them while you wait for more feedback?
>>19483980 Bulldoze and gyro ball are counter-productive. Also Flairees rapes that gym. Get crawglock
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>>19483980 >Unaware would be better than Solid rock But then it would be double weak to Aguanaut, who is going to wreck that place regardless
>>19483980 >>19483831 >>19483878 I thought we didn't want her to get kobalt because 4x fighting weakness, and that's why she was given crawglock?
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>>19484000 Crawglock is too hard for these pussies.
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So, if I' like to join the mapchat, I just drop my skype name in thread?
>>19483998 Not if Bulldoze knocks you out or forces a switch.
The only problem is that Gyro Ball's coverage is "ice types" since rock is weak to bulldoze.
What other steel moves does he even get? Id assume a custom TM we never made.
>>19483979 B
this is stupid let's get the fucking moves out
>>19484000 Crawglock overlaps with the next Gym.
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>>19484020 Flash Cannon. Which works caused mixed set
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>>19482148 look at his eye twitch
>>19483979 >The argument can be made that since there are no GF mons that require both a certain min. level, plus another requirement for evolution, that we don't HAVE to make the evos learn moves at a later level for fumi since it's not just a pure level up evolution, and the closest comparison one could make is a trade evolution + item evolution, or a level up + item evolution with no level requirement, neither of which have the evolution learning moves at a later level. In any case, we should probably go through and make sure that our new evolution methods have consistency or some sort of logic in regards to if there are any level up move effects. tl;dr, Make the whole line learn moves at the same levels? I.e., Fumighast learning Shadow Wave at the same level Phlask does?
>>19484026 By that logic it overlaps with the previous gym. It helps against flairees you stupid shit and no one has had a crawglock in their cameron set-up
>>19484026 I know, and I want cameron to get crawglock, but before I was told everybody was against that because nobody wanted stella to get kobalt or pangolash because 4x weakness, which only leaves crawglock
>>19484038 Yes. I'm not fond of that myself but I can't stare at this fucking moveset for another 5 hours trying to figure out a way to make it work without doing A or B, plus people are losing patience with me and I want to get this thing done.
>>19483979 I honestly think it would be better to have the noxial forms learn most of their fire/ice moves after level 36 so that you have to cancel evolution to get them.
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>>19484039 >you stupid shit Where did that come from? Your opinion is now invalidated by your unnecessary spontaneous foul attitude.
>>19484039 I have never heard anyone fear for pyroat being too powerful there. It has all been iguadium's fighting
>>19484059 >you have to cancel evolution but don't they only evolve with certain items on a monday with your back facing the eastern wind?
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Stella needs crawglock so flairees line doesnt wreck the whole gym. With bullet seed, water move, flash cannon, and coverage move, it counters both SE starters. Solid rock kobalt is out, but also viable for Shadini. Anvelid is there as hazards set-up with smooth rock sandstorm. Stella is about efficiency and getting it done as efficient as possible
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>>19484075 The difference is that Iguadium's BOTH types completely rape steel.
Crawglock helps with that as well, though its far too frail to take even a neutral fighting (and its weak to fighting at that) hit.
Rock is weak to steel, so Pyroat actually takes the largest amount of damage ignoring defense of the starter trio, but its fire shits all over the steels that aren't rock or ground. That said, he is quad weak to ground, and weak to rock (Yes, fire/rock is weak to rock.) so a decent rock move is all that you'd really need to send the goat running the mountaintops
>>19484059 I thought about that, the problem is there simply aren't enough fire and ice moves that are similar enough that they can bee sen as equivalent moves that are powerful enough to be given past 36.
As is i'm pushing it with auroroa beam and flame burst, the only 3 fire ice moves that are actual equalivents are ember/powder snow, flamethower and ice beam, and fire blast and blizzard.
Right now those 3 sets plus aurora beam/flame burst are the form moves noxial get. As it happens, each of those moves also has a poison or ghost equivalent, which made the whole process easier as well.
>>19484085 and this is another reason why it could be argued that there shouldn't be a delay, the line is already super complex so if you get to fumi you shouldn't be punished more for it.
>>19484075 You must be old because pyroat has fire STAB. It has 4X on pango, will wreck mags cause lol no defense, and only struggle with kobalt. It handles Anvelid well, but it can solo that gym. Crawglock fucks with it
>>19484085 Phlask needs the items, noxial evolves at level 36
are we going to include fairy type?
>>19484106 then the wiki isn't up to date.
Nondell !5YRAbX/Ng6
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>>19484103 Kobalt with Solid rock and Dig or Bulldoze
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Are there tilesets available so that I can map?
>>19484144 It's just Fumighast's page that doesn't have how noxial evolves into it. The other two are fine.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
>>19484106 Both Phlask and Noxial require items to evolve.
>>19484212 it says you need an item to fum
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>>19484242 >>19484233 >>19484212 >>19484144 >>19484106 whatever it is can somebody just make sure that all 3 pages for the line has both the evolution graphics and the intro paragraph section saying the right thing
>>19483979 >>19484021 >>19484038 >>19484057 >>19484059 >>19484101 So am I good to post the set that has each form learning the moves that they have in common at the same level? Nobody has any objections to that?
>>19484242 I'm saying that I made my mistake because of Fumighast's wiki page. For example, Pangolash has that it evolves with a metal coat on its page but Phumighast's needs to be edited to say that it evolves with either burn heal or ice heal.
>>19484314 of course. If someone gets a better idea from seeing it they'll tell you.
>>19484314 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
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>>19484329 We know, you've already said this. Please drop it.
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Last two QC for this batch coming in. Here's Musburry's.
https://www.surveymonkey .com/results/SM-8QBG6ZK8/ Anonymous
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>>19484314 Absolutely no harm can come from posting a set besides a shitstorm, which is no way your fault.
What if the head of the Evil Team is a very wealthy and greedy man basically paying Northington to uncover the City of Gold for his own team's benefits and to improve his collection of various artifacts gathered from different parts of the world. When the player stops Northington the big bad could step in and attempt to take care of him himself. He could also be touring the region setting up his own collection as an exhibit in various museums.
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>>19484388 Thank god people realized the front sprite on Musbushel is enormous.
I think Musberry is a little too big too but its fine.
>>19484361 >>19484354 >>19484402 k, image coming up
after I eat Anonymous
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>>19484471 you fucking piece of shit you and i both know how little you eat
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>>19484471 No make it now shitlord and then get out or else I'm making one
>>19481120 I'm just going to post these egg moves on the wiki.
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>>19484471 enjoy your meal
Gunvarrel !Oq/9NMk1yg
Here's the last one for now: Aguanaut and Berratel. Once Larvabidae-Berratel and Aguanaut have been properly worked on, we will be running a multisprite survey and the next round of confirmation.
https://www.surveymonkey .com/results/SM-MW8D5ZK8/ Anonymous
>>19484535 You don't have to, I just got back home so now I can.
>>19484573 Wait what? I'm not him?
oh wow hahahahhahahahahahhahahahah his trip is bucky. I was thinking about beavers but he probably is doing some captain america shit hahahahha Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!b0ToTJ6kJru
>>19484592 Excuse me my predecessor would not approve of you giving away peoples' personal information in the thread, and i don't either. I'll be changing my trip in the next post
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!vycVWO6Sxwd
>>19484611 This is my new trip. Anyone posting with a different trip than this is a shitposting imposter.
I am being the hate magnet this project needs, let me do that.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19484611 Yeah ok. Nice try pal. New trip
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!vycVWO6Sxwd
>>19484629 see
>>19484626 Please stop trying to impersonate me. Can't you recognize I'm doing something good for this project?
>>19484551 Glad to see some of these choices. How come Aguanaut has yellow eyes but neither of his prevos do?
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>>19484656 Drop the trip entirely or at least drop the act
>>19484436 It would also create a scenario where the player could possibly go to off-map locations using the rich leader's zeppelin or something. It could go as far as the player going in on the rich man's request to find artifacts because he doesn't really he is evil or anything. Thus, player screws everyone over. The motive of the wealthy man is to uncover Quetzar and use its powers to change and alter the natural state of Urobos. He wants to alter the region to preserve the ancient culture and mythology and in turn eliminate anyone who could ultimately deal any sort of harm to it(humans). Basically he wants to commit genocide using Quetzar so that the naturally preserved legends and landmarks within Urobos remain in tact.
>>19484679 The artifacts he has in his exhibits are what he's scavenged from cultures that he has seen destroyed by industrialization and modernization, thus giving him further motive to preserve Urobos and possible restore the world to its natural order. He believes mankind has wronged nature and he wants to correct all past mistakes.
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>>19480252 >>19480990 bumping this because it's been 5 hours and I might get different opinions.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19484656 You think you're ready to take the mantle? You think you can live with being Dunkywunkr? You stick on and it's all yours. Otherwise back off slick
>>19484698 Each member of his team could be people that basically are his students or followers that he has accrued from showing his exhibits through the pokeworld. They all use foreign pokemon maybe and each one is fully devoted to carrying out their master's orders. They never reveal to you who it is though and I feel like they should be wearing costumes relating to their origins instead of silly costumes. Usually they are taken in by the leader and raised under his ideals do to personal subpar circumstances. So to them he is a father figure. The leader tries to do the same thing to the player character but gives up once he realizes his plans are about to be foiled and actually attempted to kill the player when he is out of usable pokemon/before the battle starts. Maybe Northington could turn on him as the player attempts to escape the collapsing city of Gold, leaving both to seemingly die in battle.
Dunkywunkr Mk.II !!vycVWO6Sxwd
>>19484740 We don't need to continue this while progress is being made. If you were the real me, you would know that sometimes it's better to shut up and let the thread take its course
>>19484791 Anyone have any comments on this at all? or is this the wrong place for plot suggestion?
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19484804 So then what do we talk about? Let's see some fumi movesets since majora said he'd post it after he swallows a deer whole and rehinges his jaw
>>19485029 jesus just drop the fucking trip already
as of 57 minutes ago, majora was "compiling the image as we spoke," so it'll probably only be 3 more hours
>>19484894 You'll be hard pressed to find somebody motivated enough to discuss plot when the plotchat is the slowest, least communicative waste of space that can't decide shit or tell people anything about what we're doing for plot.
>>19485076 B-but muh plan! We're making a multiple week long example because we can't just tell people "submit plots here"! ;_;
>>19485076 Alright thanks for replying. is there a plot chatroom?
>>19485076 i will reiterate as i have every single time you've started to bitch about this:
1) i have been completely transparent about what's going on in plotchat. if you haven't seen it, that's not my problem. we both know how to use foolz
2) writing an objective and quantitative way to decide between peoples' plots without bias is infinitely more difficult than you think it is (and i speak from experience on that, because i joined skype thinking 'god it can't be that hard')
3) while i would love to actively discuss plot survey schema and structure in thread, that's a completely impractical way to do it. given the time delay in between posting, the number of people who don't care and will shitpost for fun, and the fact that plot discussion requires serious focus and shouldn't be done while other stuff is being talked about in thread make it completely fruitless (once again, something i learned when i tried to argue my plot survey structure in thread)
right now, there are only really two people working in plotchat, so it's very hard to make a decision between the two of us. if you care about plot, please join plotchat and help us if you think you're up to the task.
>>19485108 we can, but then they'll be pissed when they have to rewrite their entire plot to match submission format, and since i don't intend to rewrite their submissions for them, it's better to wait.
>>19485114 yes, there is. what is your skype?
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485070 Eat cock.
>>19485108 So fuck em, Just submit big plots in an image and we survey those like pokemon designs. 66% for consideration, then runoffs for top plots
>>19485127 >>19485135 I am totally willing to submit plots in whatever desired format you want.
>>19485135 you are literally the stupidest motherfucker of all time.
how do you legitimately think that's going to work out when the result will clearly be that the plot that gets picked is the one that makes the best image, not the one that has the best plot?
>>19485146 well we are currently locked in debate about what that format is, and since i live in california and the other person lives in the uk, our hours of discussion are limited
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
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>>19485146 Make plot following whatever people said rules are. Be indepth with actions or just bullet point it, idk. Just start submitting things
>>19485127 >submission format Its a plot. Just tell them to follow the last surveys results and to put "team details/Northington role/whatever" in bullets at the top and its done. You would literally have all of the information you could possibly need and we could actually progress instead of dragging our feet for MONTHS.
>>19485160 if you'd like to discuss it, please come join plotchat. it will be impossible to have this discussion waiting back and forth to respond to posts
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485152 It's going to be like 7 people who submit plot. Dont fucking fool yourself. This muh bias shit is retarded.
>>19485160 THIS
So just back to basics and we roll from there. Sound good? I'll try to save as many plots as I can for everyone
>>19485171 Fuck that, and there's literally nothing to discuss. If you make everyone give all of the information you'd need we wouldn't have to sit here with our thumbs up our asses while 2-3 people argue in a circle and occasionally make a tiny bit of progress.
>>19485175 you seriously need to stop. you are going to cause far more problems than you think you're going to solve, and you have no idea what you're talking about.
if you want to seriously discuss this, come discuss it with me. if you just want to yell and see how many people will agree with you, you're going to get terrible results, as has been made evident dozens of times
>>19485188 you think there is nothing to discuss because you are fucking ignorant. if there's nothing to discuss, come convince every person making surveys that and then we'll move right along. shouldn't take you very long, right?
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485194 Terrible? Like everything else the plot chat has done? Dude, fuck it let's stop futzing around and just get this rolling. I want to finish this game before my girlfriend starts talking m word
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>>19484894 >>19484436 Having a man behind the scenes as the leader is not a bad idea and the museum thing is a good motivation. Having the leader somehow be his grunts' benefactor in some way may also be a good idea if taken in a different direction than what you have. I don't think your other ideas have much promise, so focus on these.
It's good to discuss plot here for the most part, but make sure to post your ideas in the forum or something when you're done too so they aren't looked over.
>>19485175 Unless you have been in the plotchat for the past 6 months you have no place saying how efficient or effective it has been. I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't want there to be any issues with the plot surveys, and I'd rather it take another 4 months before we get a plot survey then for the plot surveys to have issues or be done poorly.
>>19485188 >and there's literally nothing to discuss You clearly have never made a survey before. When sketcher was in plotchat, she told all of you plot was complicated and it was important that it be handled in the plotchat and that the surveys would take time. Her and the other main two people in plotchat leaving have caused it to only be slower. It is almost done. Be patient.
>>19485210 >Like everything else the plot chat has done? Stop talking shit out of your ass.
>>19485204 >what do people need to submit >why not just have them submit everything just in case >NO THAT WILL NEVER WORK WE NEED TO PLAN THIS OUT FOR ANOTHER 6 MONTHS OR THEY'LL NEED TO REWRITE EVERYTHING You're overcomplicating the absolute hell out of this and dragging this and the entire project out with it. We should have had the survey out weeks ago.
>>19485229 i will no longer be responding to plot related questions this thread. thank you for your time.
>>19485247 Please tell me, oh great and knowledgeable one, what it is that I, a mere peasant, am failing to understand here.
>>19485257 instead of being a stuck up little bitch, sac up and join plotchat like i did or shut the fuck up and wait
>>19485218 My understanding at this point was that we are following a plan that is 75% what was come up with by the thread in a day and 25% Majora's plan. The step at this point was supposed to be submission of skeleton plots with no detail so an evil team/character detail survey can be done afterwords. What the plot chat is doing right now as far as you have informed the thread is come up with an example plot so we know the level of detail and things that need to be included in a submission. That may lead to some debate and people leaving certainly hinders but you don't have any excuses for taking this long for this one step.
>>19485265 I shouldn't have to. Last I checked, this project was still /vp/ makes a game, and that survey told us we would be staying here.
Why don't you come out and tell the entire thread about this crazy complicated plan of yours instead of hiding behind skype like a little pussy. I'm sure the rest of us are dying to know what the hold up is.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485265 >>19485218 >>19485204 >this condescending attitude >muh survey clique >muh plotchat superiority You've spent months deliberating.
You've spent months planning and have nothing to show for it.
You demonized Majora over some of this stuff.
You are now telling people to take your word at face value when you literally have one survey in 6 months to act as your credibility for this entire ordeal. Furthermore, you are telling people to buy in or get out, rather than foster creativity and free-thinking. This sounds like absolute bullshit. There will always be problems. Just fucking get it over with and get something so we can get rolling.
>>19485277 This. Tell me what I need to write an example plot for and I'll have it out in under a day. Last I heard from plot chat was a week ago, and it was supposedly being worked on at that point.
>>19485281 I don't really want to cause more internal strife but if we really don't believe the plot chat is doing a good job for the project and they won't openly demonstrate to us that they are then we can just brush them aside. He said there's only two of them. They have no real authority as being official plot magistrates. It would be more helpful if you just joined the plotchat and stopped being purposefully hostile with no goal though.
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>>19485305 I'll have a rough plot outline done by tomorrow night. I'll post it.
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>>19485304 You've been told to fuck off by everybody on both sides of every debate and discussion about every topic we talk about in every thread. Fuck off.
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>>19485309 I have a goal, its to get everyone to stop dragging their feet with this and start moving. I shouldn't need a skype to tell them this.
Sketcher !!sfJpV0NfqCJ
>>19485218 >Unless you have been in the plotchat for the past 6 months you have no place saying how efficient or effective it has been. I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't want there to be any issues with the plot surveys, and I'd rather it take another 4 months before we get a plot survey then for the plot surveys to have issues or be done poorly. Plotchat was a stagnant bath of mosquito bits that ended in blood and tears. All we need is like a ton more people in it; because of so few people, everyone's opinion got weighed so heavily that it was near impossible to move forward.
So yes please more people in plotchat. Or better yet, just ask the thread what they want done (give 'em a handful of good options) and just do it. Because ya know that's how we've always worked for survey skeletons, and then we just refine it so that it's a bit more coherent and fair.
Haven't been in since April and I have no idea what's going on, but whoever's doing it please remember that this project thrives on just getting a result that we can all sorta agree on, and not getting the best result we can. This is 4chan, not perfection. Just move forward by this point. If "soon" isn't "tomorrow" by this point and the only plot survey that's been released was the one I did and that one followup then I'm going to say that you're all making this wayy to complex. So get it done.
Or I'll make it myself tonight and send it out tomorrow.
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>>19485312 >stolen from an anonymous board Anonymous
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>>19485312 I pretty the trace is bait because there's a dick pattern pointing at notdoppole's mouth
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>>19485312 >deviantart not a surprise.
>>19485331 I'm not a plot chat member and I appreciate you coming back in Sketcher. However at this point it is pretty much agreed by everybody (not just the chat) that we aren't surveying anything in this stage, jut gathering submissions. They are just dragging their feet with the content of the submissions.
>>19485277 that is correct.
currently, we are working on determining which of two formats submissions should be in.
each format presents pros and cons, but our goal is to determine which format allows for peoples' submissions to be judged most clearly on only their content and not on who is writing them or how it's written.
that's very difficult to do, unfortunately, because plot is so subjective, so we kind of have to find the dullest edge of a sword with many sides, so to speak
>>19485304 >you've spent months deliberating it i believe that next week will mark the end of 1 month that i've been a part of skype.
given that in the first two weeks between going from an anon brainstorming ideas in thread to being a member of the plotchat and making that idea happen, yes, i'm asking for a little trust from the anons. if you don't want to trust me, then so be it. wait and see.
>>19485331 literally we have two examples of how people should write it and we're trying to decide which of the two is better.
i would really appreciate if you came to lend an opinion, but please don't undermine the entire month we've been making actual progress during
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
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>>19485331 Please and thank you tripfriend! We have had no progress on plot since that one survey went out and contributors are dropping like flies. Can you please do this for us in the thread?
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>>19479419 Diamat has one but no one cares
Let me preface this by saying I am not happy with how this turned out. I liked the set I made just for phlask a few weeks ago much better (I'll post that after this), but this was the best I could really manage given noxials forms and the sheer number of poison moves that suite the line. I would have liked to had 1 or 2 more ghost moves, I would have liked to have more moves from other types, I would have liked to have an additional physical attack, I would have liked for selfdestruct to have been learned at 31, and so on. I had to make substantial edits to that phlask set to accommodate noxial's form moves, which had to have their levels moved around, and the levels of other moves moved around to fit them, I had to add acid rain and acid armor, and so on. I hate the fact he learns 5 poison moves in a row. I hate that there are two spots where he learns 2 status moves in a row. But as is, he already has 18 moves. If everybody is okay with me adding in some more, I think I can improve this a bit, but at this point I'm tired of working on it, I know you all want me to be done with it so I can totally start my break (I have started it, and I have been out of the thread a lot since I started, but I have been working on this and checking in) and I want this just to get consensus so it can be wiki'd, and if it has to be tweaked more after that then fine. Some various notes: - I didn't give him shadow sneak because the moves name and description says it involves the use of a shadow, and as a entity made of glass and gas, he really wouldn't cast much of a shadow. - removed spikes to make room for acid rain. - Acid rain is learned so early because fumi already has an acid rain ability, so it makes little sense for it to be learned only once you already have him evolved. This is the cause of a lot of the issues with me trying to get the form moves at right level. I also edited nox.;s stats a teeny tiny bit because they make 0 sense in relation to evos also hi sketcher
>>19485377 If you have two ideas that you are stuck on for the format for submitting plot you should probably just post them in the thread and get some extra opinions on them.
>>19485377 Post them in thread. We're not fucking retarded. Well maybe Dunky 2 is, but even that person is probably willing I discuss.
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>>19485429 and the phlask set I made before I made this that I liked better but had to be scrapped because noxial forms and acid rain
Sketcher !!sfJpV0NfqCJ
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>>19485375 Ah, that's good then. As long as we have an actual plan put in place this time, I suppose slow going's going to be what it's going to be for now.
>>19485377 Sorry, bad taste. I think I'll stay out of it haha.
>>19485429 I have no opinion on this either way, but I appreciate the effort you've been taking lately to be a little less micro-managy and cause less shitstorms Majora. It hasn't gone unnoticed.
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>>19485475 thanks.
I really want to get involved in this plot disscusion given I have a good amount of insight into what has gone on in it, but I don't want to pour oil on the fire. Anonymous
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>>19485475 I'll duplicate this statement. We need some movefags in here to continue the discussion.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485448 Hardeharhar. I'm staying ya cunt, belligerently insulting me will do nothing for you.
>>19485429 Check your tms for icebeam, flamethrower, fire blast, blizzard. Why not ice shard instead of powder snow?
>>19485429 you could move ember/powdersnow to level 22, aurorabeam/flameburst to level 31, ice beam/flamethrower to level 42, and have blizzard/Fireblast as move relearner moves.
>>19485493 >Check your tms for icebeam, flamethrower, fire blast, blizzard. We can't give him those TMs, since we can't have the forms have different TM lists.
>Why not ice shard instead of powder snow? Because there is no fire priority move.
>>19485498 >ember/powder snow >level 22 Anonymous
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>>19485429 The whole evolution thing makes it REALLY weird, but all things considered I think it looks good.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485429 Also those stats aren't very good. You have it set up to be a wall but it has abysmal HP that it wont survive anything. It's not very fast either so it wont be killing too much.
>>19485377 >each format presents pros and cons, but our goal is to determine which format allows for peoples' submissions to be judged most clearly on only their content and not on who is writing them or how it's written. couldn't you survey that
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485510 >priority move Who cares? Ice shard makes far more sense conceptually than powder snow
>>19485331 Shit if it really needs more people I'll join it when I get back on skype later tonight.
7 impossible captchas in a row, new personal record carsondaly !/tplOgYG2A
>>19485534 >>19485448 >>19485437 i'm putting together a post right now that will explain both formats in enough detail for you guys to give feedback on it
i can't promise immediate results because plotchat is more people than just me, but i can promise we'll actively discuss any opinions people bring up here.
i'm sorry if you've felt like we've been dicking you around; of course that's never the intention.
thanks for your patience!
in the meantime, finally some noxi/fumi moves!
>>19485518 >Also those stats aren't very good. You have it set up to be a wall but it has abysmal HP that it wont survive anything. It's not very fast either so it wont be killing too much. I didn't make the stats ya dingus, I just posted them there for convince. I did edit noxial's stats a bit so the transition fron phlask's stats to fumi's stats make more sense, though.
>>19485534 Okay I'm going to chime in here
>allowing the thread to vote on what the best way to survey something is There is no way that could end well.
>>19485538 Not really. Icy wind, on the other hand, does, but for forms that are supposed to be equal, they have to be evenly matched. We can't give Ice all the good moves or vis versa. I did submit some gym TM's though that would give me some more options if they win.
>>19485544 I once got over 20. I failed so many times I got banned.
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>>19485550 just saying in general
but yeah, some progress reports or input from the thread would be nice every now and then
not even being passive aggressive, I know there was kind of a reshuffling the chat recently
>>19485510 Level 22 is when the phlask evolves into noxial. Why even have it in the moveset over acid if nobody would ever have the opportunity to learn it?
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>>19485518 >Also those stats aren't very good. Anonymous
>>19485587 anon has a point
could just make them 'start; moves
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485563 If you'd tinker with them, why not just fox them, seems half-baked. I wouldn't exactly call it being uneven, just a trade off. Give fire version something as a trade off.
>>19485563 >forms that are supposed to be equal They could also fill different roles, like fire could be stronger and have a higher risk.
>>19485587 >>19485602 >Why even have it in the moveset over acid if nobody would ever have the opportunity to learn it? By that logic why even have acid in the moveset for fumi or noxial? Why have smog? Why not just make any move before 22 not be there for them?
>>19485604 >>19485607 We surveyed that, it lost. The only difference is the move types. That what was voted for.
>>19485607 They can't get different tms so iirc forms can't have different stats
>>19485429 this is so not worth getting back out of bed to post, but something visual like this might help clear up the level requirements for evolution. Just a thought.
>>19485647 I meant make the level 11 fire/ice moves start moves, since it's impossible to make a noxial that early
I might have misread who i was agreeing with
>>19485665 if the movesets were that different I would, but the only difference is ember vs powder snow vs acid and so on.
>>19485681 What I said in
>>19485647 still stands. Ember is in charizard's moveset at level 7. Why should I remove acid/ember/powder snow from noxial/fumi at level 11? I didn't have any issues placing them, my problem was with sludge/aurora beam/flame burst and sludge bomb/flamethower/ice beam.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485647 So they have to be utterly equal
>>19485749 Yes. Now you know why I have been struggling over this. It's hard to make everything fit together just right when there are all of these requirements.
I just ha d an idea about phlask's line, but I don't know if it's possible. Could we make phlask evolve into two different pokemon instead of forms, and then have them both evolve into fumighast? seems like that would allow them to learn different types of moves while still remaining equal.
>>19485791 >can you have two different pokemon evolve into the same pokemon no
>>19485791 One: No.
Two: We voted against that.
Three: It cant be programmed.
Four: Then we wouldn't have Noxial, we'd have a new Pokemon, and submissions for new Pokemon were closed even before the red/blue noxial thing happened.
The /only/ way we can remedy this issue is to kill it at its source, go back to the design survey, and force people to vote for "Red or blue Noxial design?" and just make it a normal evolution.
But we cant retcon anything, ever, unfortunately, so there's nothing we CAN do. It's locked like this.
Because some retards wanted to have everything and weren't satisfied with just one idea, and dont think about the consequences.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485769 Not really. Equal moves can be interpreted many ways. Ice shard and flame charge are speed based moves. Ice shard can be manipulation of the air and shot out. Flame burst can be similar.
>>19483878 >>19483879 >>19483980 >>19484000 Will meditate more on Pango's moveset with your critiques, thanks to all four-ish of you and the people who commented on their posts.
Meanwhile here's some options for Anvelid and Crawglock sets as other options (the other three are in no way binding, they're just options)
Crawglock lv 23 (Sniper)
-Mirror Shot
-Mud Shot
Anvelid lv 23 (Shed Skin)
-Iron Head
-Iron Defense/Roar
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485836 Ditch mudshot for bullet seed and have it hold focus lens.
Anvelid is good with roar
Add magnitogre and this is golden with or without Kobalt
>>19485647 >>19485705 That's not the same logic at all. I'm saying Noxial should learn all its fire/ice moves in the levels it can possibly be a noxial.,
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>>19485828 Equal in the context of Pokemon means typeshifted moves. See: the eeveelutions
>>19485498 Why not learn Ember/Powder Snow at level 22 AND Flame Burst/Aurora Beam?
I like your idea better, im just adding another idea
>>19485851 >Ditch mudshot for bullet seed Bullet seed is a TM move, I'm not sure how I feel about TM moves that aren't either easily flavor moves or STAB for a gym battle. And I made a typo, I should have put Flame Burst instead of Flamethrower since Flamethrower is learned waaay too late to be in gym 2.
Crawglock lv 23 (Sniper)
-Mirror Shot
-Mud Shot/Bullet seed?
-Flame burst
is the right one. I'll try to eventually compile the sets together later when surveys are more immenent
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19485897 We agreed that gym leaders should be able to use breeding moves and tm moves.
Also if we agree on it inthread we dont need to survey it. Just saying
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>>19485897 I think people just wanted bullet seed for Iguadium. I don't think it's too advanced of a move to give, and besides, they're gym leaders, presumably they at least try to cover their weaknesses.
>>19485822 >>19485791 >>19485813 I think he means coding wise if we could just have them be coded as different pokemon and not forms, which would allow unique TM lists. Either way I don't think it'd be that useful or feasible.
>But we cant retcon anything, ever, unfortunately, so there's nothing we CAN do. That's false. If a survey had substantial errors or issues it can be revoked and re-done, I've personally done this with other people's surveys quite a few times. This is going to sound egotistical, but I'd say that noxial's forms is the only real survey I made that lacked foresight: I should have considered we would have to figure out the mechanics and we should require that before we decided on forms, but it was one of my earlier surveys.
Unfortunately/fortunately depending on what you want, it didn't really have an error that would qualify it to be redone. It's similar to the elephant forms, which WAS re-surveyed, but the key difference there was that the elephant survey was worded in a way that it would be impossible to obtain the alternate for of forusk given the conditions that won. While it's been a huge pain in the ass, noxial's form work coding wise, and we have a mechanics behind the forms worked out now, so there's no grounds to retcon that survey.
>>19485852 The problem with that is there is simply not enough fire/ice moves that are similar enough for that to be possible. I did my best to do just that, by fitting aurora bm./flame burst and ice bm./flamethrower in that level range, but blizrd/fire blst being later gives the player an incentive to not evolve it right away, and the only other equatable moves, ember/powdersnow, aren't strong enough to be given at 22 or later, and are more or less just type variants of acid, so it should be learned at the same level as it.
>>19485863 That's not how moves work. Evolution still have their old moves at the same levels as prevos. Powder snow and ember are merely type variants of acid, which is such a move.
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>>19485937 >That's false. If a survey had substantial errors or issues it can be revoked and re-done But in the case of "No one likes it but its doable" and in a case where the survey wasn't made flawed, well, it's binding.
I really wish there was some flaw we could take apart, but if there was, we'd have used that excuse and redone it. But we cant. The saboteurs won this fight, even if they wont win the war
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>>19485937 So you're going to pull the Hitmonchan card, then.
By that, Im referring to the fact that Hitmonchan learns Bullet Punch and Vacuum Wave at level 16. But its obtained from a level 20 evolution and afaik, Hitmonchan has never been legal at that low a level.
>>19485937 What I was asking was whether or not it would be possible to do something like nidoran, but instead of going from 'one' pokemon to two unique pokemon portrayed as one, to one pokemon. I thought that if possible, it would allow the moveset people more flexibility.
>>19485910 I really do like to help contribute to this project, but I don't like having a monopoly on something as important as gym leaders. I would like alternatives and variety for choices, so that if my sets are actually shitty people have options to pick from.
That said, here's the Pokemon I've come up with for the steel gym, I may have forgotten to incorporate some changes for them but here they are:
Steel gym
Magnitogre lv 25 (Full Force)
-Gyro Ball
-Metal Sound
-Iron Defense
Kobalt lv 23 (Solid Rock)
-Hone Claws
-Bullet Punch
Pangolash lv 23 (Shed Skin)
-Focus Energy
-Razor Leaf
-Iron Defense/Wild Charge? (not listed as a move on wiki but suggested)
-Iron Tail
Crawglock lv 23 (Sniper)
-Mirror Shot
-Mud Shot/bullet seed
-Flame burst
Anvelid (Shed Skin) lv 23 [Probably lead with this]
-Iron Head
Basically just pick probably 3 of the above, I think Magnitogre on the team is inarguable but the moveset can be debated?
>>19485937 >evolutions still have their old moves at the same levels as their prevos Another reason Noxial should just learn acid instead of ember/powder snow. There is no reason that Noxial should no longer able to learn acid.
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>>19486011 Forgot to mention, the above sets aren't anything finalized in the least. They're just what I have so far, I'm still looking for C&C on these and to keep more discussion going
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486011 I told you earlier, ditch pango until someone does its moveset. If you cant do that, then why are you doing teams?
Also ditch hone claws
>>19486011 I think people wanted to give Crawglock to Cameron
Also, what about gym leader # of potions?
>>19486020 >Another reason Noxial should just learn acid instead of ember/powder snow. There is no reason that Noxial should no longer able to learn acid. If that's your main flaw with the moveset and you'd be in favor of it if I make that change then fine, but it seems unnecessary to me.
Noxial gets aurora beam and flame burst in place of sludge, and flamethrower/ice beam in place of sludge bomb, and fire blast/blizzard in place of shadow wave. Why shouldn't it get ember/powder snow instead of acid?
Another thing to note is that though phlask can't get any of the form moves as egg moves, other pokemon in the amorphous egg group could.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486060 No, not the case at all. Most Camerons have glocto, scubug, chlorofin, and cascotta
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>>19486089 it was pointed out the other day that cameron could get oarwish since you could breed wish onto fortifry and evolve it the first time it levels up, meaning it could be at the right level to match his team.
>>19485813 >>19485822 >>19486005 >>19486076 Would it be possible to have both Noxial and Fumighast occupy two Pokemon slots apiece, where the Fumighasts happen to share the same sprites and stats? That way you could make the tms unique for each form (differing in only fire/ice moves) and eliminate the problem of losing the ability to learn them once you evolve Noxial?
>>19486011 Are we against her having anything but steel types? I think there are a few leaders who stray from their main type.
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>>19486129 you are wasting your time. it's not happening. move on
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>>19486129 We could still have the pokedex show them as the same pokemon, I think. I don't know if theres a survey prohibiting us from something like that work.
>>19486052 Sorry, it was just a tentative team but it's not a popular choice for Stella's team to begin with.
I'll look for a better choice for set-up move than Hone Claws.
>>19486130 Pretty sure the only ones to do that are gen 1 Sabrina, because Venomoth learns a ton of psychic moves, Candice, Volkner (due to the DP Sinnoh dex's lack of options) and Cilan/Chili/Cress for obvious reasons.
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>>19486195 >>19486130 Also, I think it should be noted that all of these were changed back to solely their main types in the third version.
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>>19486011 Stella kinda strikes me as the brute force type. I kinda think we should have minimal strategy on her.
Get it? Strikes? Like a hammer on an anvil? I'm so sorry. Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486130 We voted no on that. I recall the phrase
>tfw no brolacari For fire gym.
>>19486171 That's fine man. I'm deliberating taunt and hone claws based on how our players will act
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>>19486130 I'm not against type variety, but since the goal is only 3 pokemon on the team last I heard, I thought that there's not a lot of room to stray from the steel types. Other gym leaders and E4 may have some straying but i don't know anything about the planning for that
>>19486249 The thing with taunt is that most players are going to power-push the game with just high damage moves, so taunt isn't that useful. I'm trying to think of how Kobalt could punish Aguade early game, but I don't see too much
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I just downloaded this game, I'm very excited to get started on it. I'll probably be picking Kidling as my starter and then catching a Cubzero. Pokemon Sage looks truly amazing so far. I can't wait to see when the next update will finally come. I'm sure it will be worth the wait
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486324 Except the game is being designed with more serious players in-mind. So I'm not sure how players will be playing this
>>19486324 Alternate set for Kobalt:
Kobalt lv 23 (Solid Rock)
-Hone Claws
-Thunderpunch (to hurt Aguade/Igauanalamadum)
-Bullet Punch
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>>19486357 Probably not spamming growl and the very small number of set up moves available at level 25. Until the Swords Dance TM and dragon dance is coming into play on level up sets, pretend set up doesnt exist. I dont know if we have any early Hazard setters like Dwebble in gen 5, though
>>19486359 >>19486324 >>19486249 I'd rather she have Anvelid instead of pangolash, so she has Kobatl, Anvelid, and Magnitogre.
>>19486409 Honestly i (dude who wrote those sets) liked anvelid, Magnitogre, and Crawglock.
Other people, please offer other mons/sets/etc
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486437 >magnitogre heats the ore to molten state >crawglock cools the metal with water >anvelid hammers the metal into shape Anonymous
>>19486357 >>19486249 >>19486089 >>19486052 >>19485910 >>19486465 It's like watching a retard try to solve a mathematics equation.
Funny but also sad.
Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486465 >Crawglock >Its claws can deliver powerful bursts of heat, up to 7,000˚F >Cool off metal Dunkywunkr Mk. III !SHjzCSZsqE
>>19486537 >can You find a better justification then!
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>>19486465 >magnitogre heats the metal How exactly?
>>19486537 The guy you're talking to is retarded, but crawglock can learn water moves besides scald.
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>>19486590 >>19486554 >>19486485 Wait a minute.
It's Sam.
God damn it Sam you're such a faggot.
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Okay i'm going to bed. I'll respost the fumi line movepool tomorrow morning next thread, and hopefully we can get some more feedback on the actual move choice and some concrete yes or nos. I've made a few changes based on what you all have said so far already, but you'll have to wait and see want they are. In the meantime, since I am on break, I'm not going to stick around or respond to other stuff.
carsondaly !/tplOgYG2A
>>19485550 ok guys, sorry for the delay
so, the issue with the plot outline submission format is that in order for people to objectively score different outlines, the outlines need to be written as similarly as possible. There are two formats that are being considered right now - both would contain roughly the same amount of detail/information, however it’s the format and ease of voting that we’re working on right now.
Bullet Point Format
-positives of this format are that it would encourage voters to focus less on the authors’ writing styles and more on the ideas and content, and that it wouldn’t punish people who aren’t strong writers.
-negatives of this format are that bullet points are not as easy and fluid to read, and that bullet point outlines may not convey overarching themes and motifs as well due to the points being disconnected.
Paragraph Format
-positives of this format are that it would read more like a story, and this would better convey the flow of events and the overall themes of the plot
-negatives of this format are that the authors’ skills at writing would be more obvious, so voters may focus on which plots are well written instead of which ones contain the best ideas
both sides have suggested that they are easier to read and digest, but this seems to be personal preference over whether people prefer reading bullet points or paragraphs.
>>19486767 Are the main points at least thought out for everywhere.
Although this would need a story progression path defined first.
Something like
[Player goes to X]
-Events in X-
[Main Story Event]
[Rival Event]
[Misc Sidequest Event]
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>>19486767 >>19486859 Also, from personal experience bullet point format is easier to read note greentext stories.
carsondaly !/tplOgYG2A
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>>19486859 the actual amount of plot in either outline would be the same.
we have that almost completely agreed on, but there are certain quirks/levels of detail that we need to be clear on before making the example available.
there's a fine line between necessary detail to get the plot across and extra detail that's not actually integral to the plot, but where that specific line is hasn't yet been finalized (this and the format are the two things we're waiting on. the actual structure/layout of the surveys has already been decided and is ready to implement)
>>19485312 Nigga even if you weren't trolling and they did steal it, there is nothing you can do about it. We're technically stealing from Gamefreak. All is fair. What are we gonna do? Sue them?
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>>19483463 >It selects a round stone and rolls it around tirelessly. It is said that when the stone is perfectly smooth, Enigmite's full potential is unlocked Anonymous
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>>19487179 That, and the pokemon itself, while physiologically identical to doppole, is conceptually a lot different.
>tfw you will never be able to make cool shit
>>19487502 >tfw you have and can imagine all these great ideas but when you try to draw them ppl think a child did it Anonymous
>>19487502 seems so, because while it' s certainly cool, it's not even close to being shit. Nice job anon.
>>19487527 at least you aren't majora, who has great ideas, but can't even explain them, let alone actually draw/sprite/map them.
>>19487536 How come we don't have anymore gym leader surveys?
I know they won't be in the demo but I feel if we knock out a bunch of stuff sooner we will have more time next demo
I mean what are drawfags doing nowadays?
making bara Anonymous
>>19487569 I don't think we've even finalised Cameron yet though.
>>19487576 then I am assuming the survey is being made
what is holding us back for doing a lot at once? we have a good bit of concepts already like the firework lady
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>>19487592 >what is holding us back for doing a lot at once we are running low on surveyors. Majora was kicked out of the account, sketcher left, dunky left, dh left, and so on.
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Shadow Wave, Ghost-type, 75% Accuracy Nature's Wrath, Ghost-type, 75% Accuracy>Ghost-type attacks without 100% Accuracy.
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>19487569 The Water Gym Leader Art Survey will be out tomorrow!
I got a 2 new figures in the mail and will be preoccupied trying to pose them. As I can't pose figures at all... Anonymous
>>19487592 How about you first battle the female fireworks gym leader
but after you beat her she starts getting really panicky/nervous
turns out she was faking as gym leader as her grandfather was away
the grandfather arrives and apologizes and challenges you for real
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>>19487606 thanks
I am ecstatic to take it. I love Cameron's art and I can't wait until we settle on what his gym should be
>>19487606 >leaving the chat where kirn happily makes everyone blog about that kind of stuff >just to blog about it in the thread for no reason I wish you had enough backbone to deal with people you don't like so I could ask you which figures you got.
>>19487621 I would only not hate this idea if the first fight is against a little boy and his big sister is the real gym leader. Fire works girl must be gym leader.
>>19487652 >grandfather is gym leader >but grandfather went awaymakes mad ass fireworks yo >granddaughter pretends to be gym leader to player Anonymous
>>19487667 >>19487669 my thought behind it was
grandfather has had his family firework making passed down to him for generations
and his granddaughter is in line to start learning
she isn't as experienced as Gandalf
yeah..yeah..I know, but Foster is old we don't need another old Anonymous
>>19487669 >>19487690 except the girl is the gymleader and we already decided on that
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>19487642 There is many reasons why I left the skype chat, not just because of people I don't like. The stupid drama with the whole illuminati and informat stuff, also as the conversation is almost always going I feel a need to see what people are saying. Even if I turn off notifications the skype icon on my start bar still blinks at me. But it is sorta frustrating for myself when I am working on something and I keep noticing it. Added in the people I don't like and such, I don't really see a point to being in there. If anyone has something they would like to talk to me about, they can message me or ask me in thread.
And if you want pictures here: I have the rest in the series coming soon; those being Green Lantern, Wonder Women, and Flash. Requesting Fanart of some Sagemons mixed with Superheros!
Jaguile dressed as the Flash, maybe Orbatom dressed as an older Flash like Jay Garrick.
Shibalbat as Batman, Aquilor as Robin, Howlequin as Joker, maybe Cheshade as Harly Quinn.
Glocto/Telsion for Green Lantern
>>19487765 >new No we didn't. Nothing past Cameron is final, not counting E4, we have some dark gym concept but no official art yet
>>19487878 >But it is sorta frustrating for myself when I am working on something and I keep noticing it. I will never understand how autist's brains work.
Other than not well.
>>19487946 >new What?
Anyway, no we voted on fireworks girl being the gym leader she beat priestess and all the other shit.
Check the wiki.
Clash !dErycoonJw
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>>19487949 I don't think I have autism, I am just odd at times.
It's basically just a distraction from whatever I am doing. And what is better to prevent it from happening then not letting it happen at all. Besides most of what I hear being talked about in there is talk about fetishes/penis/sex talk or overused jokes. And anything else that is talked about I probably could care less about.
>>19488021 Trying to find the survey on foolz, no idea what I'm really looking for.
But... damn there is a lot of lewd Shauna art when you search fireworks.
>>19488042 oh well
I thought we had been going in order since we just did Shadini
now there is no excuse why we don't have names for all the gym leaders at least
Clash !dErycoonJw
>>19488042 >>19488070 Which survey you want?
For the Fireworks Girl here is the final survey:
https://www.survey All of our concepts are official except Champion which I have been told to wait on. And names are going to be done with the art surveys starting with the Fire Leader since Water and Dark have already been decided on.
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>>19488103 >name survey and art survey in the same survey if you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours seek immediate Clash finally
Nondell !5YRAbX/Ng6
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>>19486485 you know by making fun of him you're giving him exactly what he wants right?