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Do you Karenfag?

No.19477296 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Deep down, I think everyone wishes they could. But for obvious reasons, it doesn't always work competitively, and in some games it was hard to even do it in-game (though some would argue any game can be beaten with any Pokemon, and I'll agree with that).

Anyway. Share your Karenfag experiences.

>HeartGold, currently running around with Noctowl, Slowking, Quilava, Venomoth, and Sunflora all around level 30. Just finished soft-resetting for a proper Red Gyarados, so I'm off to Rocket Hideout.

>Most recent X playthrough was done with only randomly-found or in-game event shinies that I hadn't trained so they were under level 15 before the first gym. Steelix, Golduck, Pelipper, Butterfree, and Dragonite, whom I tried not to use.