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Probably will be talking a bit more about it, gameplay, possible megas for Sceptile and Swampert or some other pokes. Hopefully we'll see a cutscene or something and learn about final release date and/or preorder stuff.
>New Mystery Dungeon
The last one wasn't well received so i don't really expect one, but they could always update those Wii ones and release them over here for a quick buck. A new one with a bunch of Kalos Pokemon would be neat/exclusively have Kalos Pokemon until Post Game.
>New Wii U Game
Something a la Colosseum or Gale of Darkness seems likely to be on display. Maybe even Pokken Fighters. Colosseum-esque game would be rad but hell I'd go for PF any day of the week.
>New Ranger/Other Spinoff handheld game
On the heels of Art Academy, its seems unlikely but I could see some sort of remake of a game like Snap or something coming out for the 3DS. Ideally, it'd be great to have Snap or Gale of Darkness ported to 3DS as a retail game during the summer or for spring of next year.
The final Pokemon reveal will likely happen for Smash Bros. My money is still on Jigglypuff, but Mewtwo would be very welcome.
We'll probably see some Pokemon used from Pokeballs, and if not, then during gameplay at E3/Best Buy/wherever.
I have a feeling that Nintendo will wrangle in Pokemon fans with the NFC figures. Mewtwo figure to add to Smash? New NFC game with figures? Pokemon Figure Game? Anything could happen at this point.
CoroCoro wise, we'll probably get our first look at ORAS, with some screenshots. Probably not anything else except for a tease that Groudon/Kyogre as seen on the cover are not what they seem.