I want to fuck Nurse Joy and cum in her pussy. "Creampies are extra, stud." she says, but I slap the fucking teeth right out of her mouth. I pin her down and give her another good dicking, and another.
Soon her mind is broken, and she can't live without the feeling of my dick in her pussy. Then I charge her money to fuck me, and since she is always fucking money, her huge funds from healing pokemon are constantly draining as I get richer, and her pussy becomes looser. Than eventually, her pussy is so loose I can't even fuck her anymore, my dick just goes in and out without any friction between body.
I lift her, she can no longer walk. She is too used to laying on her back. I lift her and take her to a cliff's edge, make sure the bottom is jagged, and throw her off. As she falls my semen comes out from her body leaving a trial in the air, she hits the jagged rocks and her body cracks from the force of the fall and snaps in two, blood and split bone rain over and her her organs become mush.
Her head cracks open and leaves chunks everywhere, her face was destroyed. But this is only one Nurse Joy of many, and they will have suffer this fate. Their bodies will stack of the bottom of the cliff until they rename it "Nurse Joy's precipice" because of all the dead Nurse Joys.