Old Thread:
>>19519867 Be a nice person and dump all of your leftover Pokémon here!
Help other anons out collecting the Pokémon they need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokémon.
Post in the thread with your IGN so we send our pokes to the right people.
Version exclusives, bank Pokémon, breeding leftovers, special ball Pokémon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and try to fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins!
What keeps you coming back to /vp/? >Please list what type of Ball and Gender your handouts are. >DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / EVENT POKEMON / 6IV DITTOS / MEGASTONES / SPECIFIC PENTA-PERFECTS That is not the point of this thread. Go to cloning / genning / etc. general for that stuff. Also we're not likely to have past gen exclusive moves (such as Knock Off Timburr / Hyper Voice Ralts); please try PokeGen General or WiFi general for those kinds of things.
>Come chat with us about breeding, giveaways, battles, and more! 1. Go to
http://webchat.irchighway.net/# 2. Type in your nickname.
3. Enter #/ggg/ as the channel name!
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. And don't be rude, the pokemon you get are free after all.
Nick FC: 0404-6771-0335
Just reposting letting people know that there are still meowths, porygons, glameows, bunnelbys, finneons and cottonees still available. Just put a disc up with the message /vp/ and the name of a fruit.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sat 07 Jun 2014 22:34:50 No. 19524589 Report Have: Friend Ball Yanma, Timid, both abilities. (Lots) Sports Ball Scyther, Impish, Technician. (A few, mostly male) Last call for these, I'll just release the rest so disc up as many times as you like and tell me your IGN.
>>19524573 He's been here for a couple of hours now, why are you saying hello to him now?
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
Updated list with Shuppets, Dratinis, and Shroomish!
http://pastebin.com/P4iP0VYQ Currently breeding Bold Feebas.
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>>19524560 My friend is discing up now.
Brandon !zglc7ct1Ls
>>19524532 The amount of shit these gerlnerals get is compelling.
Nothing but morons too.
>>19524586 Break down the list bro. Theres a reason why no one has taken a bite. List them in points and post the eggs and balls
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Growlithe - Moon Ball/Impish/4-5IV Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun>x7 Intimidate females >x6 Flash Fire females Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly/4-5IV Egg Moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch (a few have Blaze Kick)>x5 Prankster females Charmander - Luxury Ball/Timid/4-5IV Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance>x4 Blaze females Disc up if you want something. You may have as many as you like. Sorry for the lack of exciting 'mons guys. I'm currently MMing charmander, so there will at least be more of those in due time.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sat 07 Jun 2014 22:39:07 No. 19524665 Report Quoted By:
>>19524589 Forgot to mention, both have 4 egg moves like everything I breed does.
>>19524660 Disc is up for a Riolu, thanks in advance.
>>19524590 Because I just arrived.
serena in purple
>>19524660 How many boxes have you done?
Sam 1306-7081-5896`
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>>19524532 All the butthurt, a better way of dumping unwanted Pokemon rather than wondertrading it and the reactions. Ramona !A53nla90hM
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>>19524675 Sent!
>>19524683 Only hatched three. I just swapped out the mother with a penta female, and I've hoarded box four. Being really slow about it.
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19524610 Can i have one Female Dratini and one Female Timid Syncro Ralts?
>>19524678 So why are you only greeting him? Why aren't you greeting everyone?
Quoted By:
>>19524715 Too much time and I barely know anyone here, only the big ones.
Sam 1306-7081-5896`
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19524631 > Gerlnerals Massive rustle detected.
Reposting list:
All the penta Archens with 4 egg moves
3x Dusk Ball deino females with Earth Power and Head Smash
4x Dusk Ball Honedges with Wide Guard and Destiny Bond
1x Friend Ball Yanma (Mother, needs to relearn egg moves)
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19524709 Yes! Would you rather disc for the second one or Acquaintance trade?
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19524778 Acquaintance trade, IGN is Zayne. Discing up for the Dratini First with the message Fran pls.
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225 - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom
Rolyon - 3668-9253-9225 - Machoke, Pancham, Breloom Sat 07 Jun 2014 22:45:50 No. 19524833 Report >>19524660 can i have a riolu?
disc is up
>>19524589 >>19524589 Can I get a female yanma? not picky on ability. IGN Mitchell
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19524799 Sent, tell me when you're ready for the Ralts
Taargus 4742-6889-1827 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)
Taargus 4742-6889-1827 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika) Sat 07 Jun 2014 22:48:27 No. 19524883 Report Quoted By:
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19524867 I'ma give you a male Absol with 5 IVs and 4 egg moves.
Least I can do. Haz 0130-2571-6204
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>>19524773 I would like a Deino please Opti friend. Disc up.
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
Amplify 3840-5489-1020 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sat 07 Jun 2014 22:50:14 No. 19524914 Report >>19524844 You disced for Yanmega, not Yanma.
Redisc please.
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
Quoted By:
>>19524896 Thank you and you're welcome~
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
>>19524773 Are you done breeding Archen or are you still going at it?
Chaos 2938-7628-9049
Quoted By:
>>19524560 Discin' up, thanks
>>19524773 >>19524789 >Pointing out the one typo Way to reinforce my theory about you guys being stupid.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19524924 The ride never ends.
Anybody have any idea what's up with powersaves/datel servers?
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>>19524560 Posts take them and is not there..
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
>>19524935 I can live with being stupid for the sake of Gerlnerals. Ashley 1478-3818-2357
>>19524940 If you happen to get a female could I get one from you maybe? I'm at work right now so it would be whenever it is convenient to you, of course.
Following advice from someone, the following are available, all with random ivs, standard balls and no egg moves unless stated otherwise. Meowth, porygons (modest, trace & 2 download available), glameow (5 limber), buneary (4 klutz), finneon(4 storm drain) cottonee (2 pranksters, rest are infiltrator) Just put a disc up with the message /vp/ and the name of a fruit.
>>19524935 Just having a little fun, anon. We have fun here. Smile!
i'm looking for any member of the porygon line with the analytic ability
>>19524960 Don't you have some braincells to kill pothead
anonymous 4699-6428-6225
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>>19524560 i take one disc up
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
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Does anyone have a spare Liechi or Salac Berry? Lemme know and I can disc up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19524935 What Linoone said, you should smile and have fun instead of being grumpy all day.
>>19524970 Sure, I'll save you a girl.
Got some CharX leftovers:>Adamant 4-5IV (Crunch/Dragon Dance/Outrage) >1 female (all Blaze) >5 male (1 HA 4 Blaze) Still got some from CharY left too:>Timid Blaze 5IV (Ancient Power/Dragon Dance/Dragon Pulse/Air Cutter) >2 female (1 penta) >3 penta male And some random mons from Wonder Trade:>6IV Bold Duskull (Night Shade/Pain Split) >6IV Jolly Regenerator Mienfoo (Knock Off) >5IV Bold Ferroseed (Spikes/Stealth Rock) >5IV Impish HA Grimer (Curse/Mean Look/Shadow Sneak) >4IV Adamant HA Swirlix (Belly Drum/Yawn)
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
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>>19525008 Too late anon, they are all kill, clearly Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
I have 211 Absol that have at least 5 IVs that I am giving away. Why so many? MMing project The specs on them are Naive, Pressure, and the Egg Moves Sucker Punch, Play Rough, Megahorn, and Baton Pass. Any takers?
>>19524994 Don't have to explain yourself Linnone. This isn't Happy Valley.
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
If anyone can breed me penta a Savanna pattern Vivillon in a nice ball (nicknameable), I'd be happy to work out a trade with you. I have High Plains pattern - not super exciting, but maybe there are other pokemon I could give you in return.
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19525045 Can I get the Grimer? Disc goin up.
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>>19524974 disc up for porygon any if fine
>>19525045 disc up for duskull
Faucin 3609-1138-6657
>>19525045 discing for a Charx male
Giving away:
1 Foongus bold 4/5IV Effect Spore (endure, gastro acid, body slam, growth) female
3 Chinchou various natures 4/5IV Illuminate (Amnesia, Water Pulse, Soak, Supersonic)
1 Vullaby Impish 4/5IV big pecks (knock off, foul play, roost)
Nico 5086-2295-1147 | IGN Elo
>>19525086 Any ball for those ones ?
Luc 3325-2856-6833
>>19525090 I can catch one for you. Which ball do you want?
>>19525003 I got one. IGN?
>>19525086 >211 Damn. I'll take one, male preferably. Disc up.
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
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>>19525036 Thanks Ooti! I shall name the babies after you and give them to anons.
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>>19524589 Discing up for a Yanma. Speed Boost if possible
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>>19525141 >Catch a Penta hurr durrr le stupid newfag
>>19525045 thanks for the duskull
could i have a male char y? midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:05:10 No. 19525218 Report >>19524610 shroomish poison heal female
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19525127 All in Premier.
>>19525181 Sent.
Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19525218 Sure, just disc up.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19525089 Why can't it be Happy Valley? I think that thus far the only one who isn't having fun at all here is you, which is sorta counter productive.
What's your problem, man?
IGN matt
>>19525045 could i have a char y? disc is up
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
Growlithe - Moon Ball/Impish/4-5IV Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun>x8 Intimidate females >x6 Flash Fire females Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly/4-5IV Egg Moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch (a few have Blaze Kick)>x3 Prankster females Charmander - Luxury Ball/Timid/4-5IV Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance>x4 Blaze females These are still available.
Are you doing the giveaway anytime soon, Mal? I don't have much time left.Doctors gave me 4 to 6 months...
>>19525167 discin' up, ign: chris
>>19525268 thanks
I love you {/spoiler] Anonymous
>>19525270 >not geting joke >harassing some random Anon that didn't even say anything before What is YOUR problem, Opti?
>>19525275 You didn't specify gender, so I sent you a female
>>19525303 Not a problem
but steady on there Fran [3454-1282-6668]
>>19525236 Oooh, premier. Can I get a female? IGN Mitchell
captcha: cachink danks
Gerlneramona !A53nla90hM
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>>19525306 Like I give a fuck ;)
Currently have Swirlix and a few Marill.
1x 5 IV Female w/ Sweet Veil
6x 4 IV Male w/ Unburden
3x 4 IV Male w/ Sweet Veil
4x 4 IV Female w/ Unburden
All Adamant with Belly Drum and Yawn as Egg Moves.
1x 5 IV Male w/ Huge Power
4x 4 IV Female w/ Huge Power
All Adamant with Belly Drum, Aqua Jet, and Superpower as Egg Moves.
>>19525236 Thank you.
Gerlne(ramona) !A53nla90hM
>>19525356 Hey Flash, how've you been?
IGN matt
>>19525284 could i get a female growlithe disc is up
Nico 5086-2295-1147 | IGN Elo
>>19525086 Disced up for one then :) thanks !
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19525355 Disc up again, you got sniped.
>>19525377 Your welcome
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19525357 This made my day
Gerlne(ramona) !A53nla90hM
>>19525308 What do you exect from a greedy cunt?
Hes been shitposting forever now.
Thinking that anon is the same guy is retarded. What makes you think were not taking our names off to fuck with retards? Funny thing is its a known tripfag that givesaway and theyll never know
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:17:15 No. 19525463 Report >>19525377 Disc is up for female Unburden, please.
>>19525441 You won't even apologize to me?
>>19525400 Great, how about you? Everything been okay since that car accident?
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
In the last thread there was someone giving away a Mawile, yes? I put up a disk, but nothing's happened.Also still requesting Liechi/Salac berries.
John (Beth)
Guys quick question I'm getting a new 3DS and I wanted to know if my save files stay on the cart or SD card.
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
Quoted By:
>>19525424 You're welcome
>>19525425 Goddammit I used the wrong your midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:18:10 No. 19525487 Report Quoted By:
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>>19525456 We all know Mal shitposts as fuck.
>>19525482 you cant be this stupid nigga
IGN matt
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
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Can anyone give me something, anything really, holding biright powder? really need it and would appreciate it as i know it costs bp.
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:20:26 No. 19525535 Report Quoted By:
>>19525517 Thank you so much!
IGN matt
>>19525499 if you download the game it's the sd card or if you buy the cart it's on the cart
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I'm going to take a shit, will be really pissed of if anything good will be given out during my time away
John (Beth)
Quoted By:
>>19525499 Unfortunately I am
Gerlne(ramona) !A53nla90hM
>>19525472 Good to hear. Yeah, it's been alright. This week has felt long as fuck, but at this point it's just getting paperwork sorted out. I'm so thankful that no one was hurt, and I'm not even sore anymore.
IGN matt
Quoted By:
>>19525482 >>19525536 ^ that was meant for you
>>19525499 no need to be mean it's just a question
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19525308 >>19525466 In the off case it's a joke it's not a very good one.
List repost
1x Deino with Earth Power and Head Smash
4x Honedges with Wide Guard and Destiny Bond in dusk balls (some with 0 speed)
All the penta archens you could want
>>19525550 Awesome, glad you're all right. Are you trying the Riolu ride again?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:23:50 No. 19525597 Report >>19525377 Mind if take a fem Unburden?
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19525482 It's the cart, although you should be transferring both over anyway, so it doesn't really matter
Gerlne(ramona) !A53nla90hM
>>19525593 Thank you!
Well, not quite, I'm MMing charmander right now... I might even break from that for a bit though and breed some normal pokemon.
Are you breeding anything special lately?
Quoted By:
>>19525586 >I don't get the reference, so it sucks! Yeah, okay Opti.
Hi. Did anything happen during the week?Bye.
Quoted By:
>I don't like someone so he sucks shut the fuck up nigga. everybody shut the fuck up and go back to trading pokes. Ya'll making me sick.
>>19525640 Bred some Deino for no particular reason. Wasn't MMing it, didn't really need extras, but now I have them. Besides that, just been trying out a TR doubles team in the Maison, which is pretty fun.
John (Beth)
Repostan All with random ivs, standard balls and no egg moves unless stated otherwise. Meowth, porygons (modest, trace & 2 download available), glameow (5 limber), buneary (4 klutz), finneon(4 storm drain) cottonee (2 pranksters, rest are infiltrator) Just put a disc up with the message /vp/ and the name of a fruit.
Its time again! 30-ish dive ball female squirtles with hidden ability. Bred from 6 iv parents so they have 5 ivs but not neccesarily the 5 good ivs. Egg moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Aqua Ring, Mirror Coat No way to tell your IGN, No squirtle No reply to this post no squirtle.
Gerlne(ramona) !A53nla90hM
>>19525656 Hey Cuan! Long time no see.
>>19525668 What's your team?
I don't know shit about doubles, but I'd like to git gud so I can try to participate in some of the wifi competitions. Maybe that should be my next project.
I'm not even that good at singles though.
>>19525656 Alfredo was outed as a shitposter and Rynn left for good
>>19525656 Good people are leaving
Shit people are staying
Ruses are ending
Shitpositng is intensyfinf
Ride is coming to an end
>>19525676 i'll take a porygon with downloadif you can name it "Pixel", disc is up with the name 4chan and comment /vp/
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19525683 I'll give you an absol for one of those.
anonymous 4699-6428-6225
>>19525683 disc up for a female please
>>19525699 Porygon2, Conkeldurr, Jellicent, M-Scizor. Only the Porygon2 is set up for it. The others don't have 0 speed or a -speed nature, I just had them lying around and they happen to be decently slow. They're doing all right so far, but that's probably just because I'm playing against NPCs.
Quoted By:
>>19525676 Could I get the other download porygon? disc is going up
IGN matt
>>19525683 may i have one? disc is up
IGN: Miranda
>>19525586 Can I disc up for the Deino?
>>19525705 Both are shit anyway Nick FC: 0404-6771-0335
Quoted By:
Gave out the koffings. Went to go eat lunch so was afk.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19525720 Discs only,
>>19525725 You didnt leave an IGN
>>19525741 on its way
>>19525707 thats just sad.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
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>>19525788 my name is rafa
Ign: Joshua
Quoted By:
>>19525683 disc just went up
Thanks Trey!!!
IGN: Miranda
Quoted By:
>>19525771 Thanks! Disc is up.
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
Quoted By:
>>19525788 Disc up. IGN is Zayne. Message is Trey pls.
IGN matt
>>19525799 When are you gonna do a giveaway thread? i need; Meloetta,Sheymin, please.
Quoted By:
>>19525709 She accidentally sent the wrong porygon, disc up again and she'll give you the one you're after.
Isabelle 5215-0458-2037
>>19525045 Can i have the female CharY if you're still around?
Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
>>19525750 Put up a disc for Magnemite
Zayne 4227-1634-5534 !!oZQGp44YIKU
>>19525683 Disc up. Thank you.
If I'm being too much of a Jew today just say so and I'll stop taking things until I have more stuff to give away. Cuan
>>19525868 I don't have WiFi,
remember? Neko
>>19525683 Disc up, thanks
>>19525750 I've missed you the most, Imposter Cuan. >>19525868 Give me five minutes, gotta fetch my cart.
>>19525907 That was Cosmic, tool. Anonymous
>>19525656 Early in the week Ramona the bby an anon and Rynn told stories and turned the thread into a feels which was great but dark on Rynns part.
-Alfredo a known shitposter, is caught in the act because he forgot to delete the name and proceeded to post the same shit as anon.
-Rynn leaves gts because of it and the shitposting for work.
-Opti remains
-Zilla got banned for linking porn
-Mal being a bitch about "shitposting"
Good week. Wheres anon thogh Ramona more stories please
>>19525848 Your IP number is and when I do, I won't give anyone with that IP number. Just syaing
Quoted By:
>>19525851 Sent.
Also got a 4IV HA Relaxed Wooper to go with Curse/Recover/Mud Sport/Stockpile
Quoted By:
>>19525683 Disc up. Thanks
>>19525940 Could you elaborate on Mal? What happend?
Quoted By:
>>19525868 Disc is up.
I'll be gone for a while again. Good night. Mr. Fifty !SNamefagUY
>>19525926 Enjoy
31/00/31/30/31/00 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>19525986 Mal through a fit like a bitch on the rag yesterday and didnt do the giveaway because "WAH WAH SHITPOSTERS ARE ASSHATS!"
Quoted By:
>>19525986 Mal said he would do a shiny Lilligant giveaway yesterday, anons waited the entire day to get one, then Mal said he wouldn't do it that day because there were too many shitposters.
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:53:07 No. 19526093 Report i have afew 6vi jap none shiny dittos
also who the fuck are you?
>>19525949 IGN matt
>>19526093 are you giving some away?
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:55:40 No. 19526114 Report I have the following for anyone that wants them: 4 Female Love Ball Aipoms 5 Pentaperfect timid Rotoms 4 Pentaperfect Adamant Beldums 10 Female Love Ball Mawiles, assorted good IVs, egg moves: Ice, Thunder, and Fire fangs.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19525726 Sounds fun! What's your streak in maison?
Growlithe - Moon Ball/Impish/4-5IV
Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun
>x8 Intimidate females >x6 Flash Fire females Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly/4-5IV
Egg Moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch (a few have Blaze Kick)
>x3 Prankster females Charmander - Luxury Ball/Timid/4-5IV
Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance
>x4 Blaze females Still available. Sorry for spamming this list/being flaky today. I'll be breeding new things soon.
Quoted By:
>>19526024 Awesome, thanks a lot!
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:57:05 No. 19526134 Report >>19526111 Yes i am, post a fishy and you'll get one.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:57:06 No. 19526135 Report Quoted By:
>>19526114 Oh, and I can and will nickname them if asked.
>>19526093 Shit, really? Discing up, thank you, I'll stop taking things after this for a while I swear.
Quoted By:
>>19526114 ill take a penta rotom not going to ever breed one disc is up
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen)
Brenda 4441-9910-1570 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braixen) Sat 07 Jun 2014 23:58:32 No. 19526155 Report Quoted By:
>>19526093 Can I have one?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
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>>19526114 Disc up for a rotom
Quoted By:
>>19525940 What the fuck. Why cant the gts threads be like that all the time?
Archive link?
Quoted By:
>>19526162 Disc is still up
So how about that giveaway Mal?
>>19526209 its the same shit like yesterday
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:02:45 No. 19526227 Report >>19526141 Sorry for taking too long i had to pull a few from my bank, enjoy the ditto, also tanks for having the same ign too.
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>>19526114 disc up for rotom, IGN Mitchell
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526093 Can I have one if there's more please, disc up.
Quoted By:
>>19526227 Disc is up, thanks
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607
Quoted By:
>>19526093 Disc is up. Thanks.
>>19526226 I'm begining to think so. I was giving Mal a lot more credit since, despite being an asshole, he did give away a lot of stuff, he basically created my whole team, but it appears he decided to fuck it all and didn't even bother to inform anyone.
Quoted By:
>>19526114 Disc is up for Aipom. Thanks.
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:05:20 No. 19526268 Report >>19526235 Sure, you get the 2nd one.
IGN matt
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19526268 Thanks a bunch! I love you forever.
>>19526258 his ego grown just because he has "le powersaves" , turning himself into a shithead
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19526114 I could use a rotom, i'm trying to build a ghost team
and powersaves is setting me back making me unable to quickhatch or change pokeballs Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
I'm tiiired, chavosssss. Still, I'll open the doors to the shit shack for you. 12x Timid Noibat 10x Naive Luxury Ball Absol [Play Rough] 3x Adamant Moon Ball Marill [Superpower, Aqua Jet, Belly Drum] 3x Adamant HA Dratini [Dragonbreath, Dragon Rush, Iron Tail, Extremespeed] 9x Bold Feebas [Hypnosis, Haze, Dragonbreath, Mirror Coat] All are French and should have at least 4IVs; all Noibat have at least five. Other Oddities: 4IV Adamant Premier Ball Mawile [Sucker Punch, Fire Fang, Ice Fang] - ENG 1x Timid Cyndaquil [Extrasensory] - too lazy to check IVs but they seem pretty good just by eyeballing it. 1x Continental Vivillon 2x High Plains Vivillon 1x Garden Vivillon 2x Marine Vivillon 1x Elegant Vivillon Caterpie are accepted as well as the usual.Boredom and breeding; I'm doing a Fire Emblem collection for my friend as a pseudo-introduction to competitive Pokemon; most of these are the remains of successful/continuing projects.
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:07:48 No. 19526311 Report and thats all i have for now, grats on the 3 who got em, sorry that they're not shiny.
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526300 Disc up for High Plains Vivillon
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19526300 disc up for cyndaquil
>>19526300 discing for elegant vivillion, thanks
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19526311 No problem, a 6iv Ditto is amazing period
>>19526209 >>19526226 >>19526258 >>19526294 How does it feel talking to yourself? Did you not understand when I told you to shut the fuck up and get back to trading pokes?
>>19526258 He was always a faggot but I aint saying when i take his crap
>>19526294 Someone posts a picture of their hard earned shiny:
Faggot has a stupid ego and is becoming the next dosh king
Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
>>19526300 And once again, I forget to update that the Noibat are, in fact, in Luxury Balls.
>>19526325 >>19526330 >>19526335 You are all acknowledged and I will get to you ASAP.
>>19526294 My thoughts exactly. Some time ago I saw that he was about to do Lati@s giveaway starting with new thread and in new thread he said 'I don't think you guys are hyped enough, will do it later'. Seriously, if not for giving away stuff he would be THE most annoying person in here, and that is saying a lot.
IGN matt
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:11:44 No. 19526376 Report Did I miss anyone that wanted Rotoms? I swear, maybe I should just breed Rotoms, seems like everyone loves Rotoms.
I have about 2 boxes of 4-5 IV No Guard Karrablast with Drill Run, Pursuit, Knock Off, and Megahorn. They are in Pokeballs though. Anyone interested?
>>19526356 >I don't think you guys are hyped enough Untrue, I left to have dinner with my family. My personallity isn't the topic of these threads, shut up and get back to giving things away or lurk.
Anywho, I can't do anything with powersaves with the server issues thing. So hush.
>>19526376 Ill disc up for one, thanks dude gimme two minutes if you dont mind.
Quoted By:
>>19526347 Hm?
>>19526356 Mal want attention, and when he gets it he doesn't know how to deal with it
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:13:10 No. 19526398 Report Quoted By:
>>19526356 i remember that, i thought about spending the 22$$ on one but i thought why should i when i can put my wizard hat on and make 6vi dittos.
>>19526300 Disking for a Marine Vivillion
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19526376 >>19526114 >>19526298 i was busy making pc space with bank, if you still have any my disc is up now
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526392 So no Lilligant
best waifu today?
>>19526377 il disc up for a male
>>19526376 thanks
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19526415 Maybe, maybe not. He apologized for being an ass and said he would today
>>19526392 >>19526356 You can't deal with different opinions darling?
You should check those rage issues.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:15:14 No. 19526434 Report >>19526393 No problem.
I'M HERE FOREVER >>19526405 Sure, I'll head back down. Got 3 left ATM.
>>19526415 I'm afraid not, sorry. I need to alter some things with the giveaway and can't since the datel servers aren't working today. My apologies, blame Datel.
>>19526431 Whatever you say babe <3
Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
>>19526348 Honestly, sure it's partially for his own benefit, but he still usually clones them and spreads the love. A lot of people gain from that, especially anons like yourself, and it's not like he forces them to gib or anything.
>>19526402 Alright, got it shipped over!
>>19526454 Datel's servers were working yesterday :^)
>>19526377 I'll disc up for one if I may
Quoted By:
>>19526454 That's ok, Mal, I can wait. You've done enough to us already.
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:18:21 No. 19526476 Report >>19526377 shelmet is up...
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
I think Serena said something about another Shiny giveaway today in her Metagross giveaway post
>>19526468 Yes they were, good job.
>>19526347 At least change what you post arrogant faggot
>>19526454 Hey mal, I have a question.
Do you know if changing the gender of a shiny makes it not shiny and/or changes it's OT?
>>19526454 Welp, there you have it, folks. From the big man himself.
The only good thing out of this is that after Duke Nukem Forever was finally released, we might just have a new answer to 'What is always coming but never arriving?' question
Quoted By:
>>19526486 You can't handle your own shitposters?
Quoted By:
>>19526497 You do realize Mal doesn't have to give out anything, right?
Don't ruin it for everybody else.
Quoted By:
>>19526495 sorry son, I admit my shit. not Mal.
Quoted By:
>>19526457 Thank you again Sandoa
I have: x4 Impish Heavy Ball Skarmory [Stealth Rock+Whirlwind+Drill Peck+Brave Bird] x2 Careful Heavy Ball Snorlax [Whirlwind+Counter+Double Edge+Curse] x6 Impish Heavy Ball Pineco [Sand Tomb+Pin Missile+Counter+Stealth Rock] All females and 4 or 5 IVs. Reply this message with the pokémon that interest you AND your IGN.
Quoted By:
>>19526496 It doesn't. It just modifies the part of the data responsible for the gender which has nothing to do with shinyness and/or OT and stuff.
Same with balls, exp and anything else.
>>19526457 Careful of what you say or youll be in his shitlist
Mal you are a fucking joke, you always were one and always will be. But hey, youll always have you bff opti right
>>19526524 disc going up for pineco
>>19526535 whos on the shitlist
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:22:24 No. 19526552 Report >>19526524 Disc up for Pineco, please.
Serena 3136-7072-5324 SV:{0623}
>>19526479 i did but i was unprepared
in my pc i have around 12 each of shiny rayquaza and kyogre if you guys really want me to do those, i'm breeding right now though
Quoted By:
>>19526535 >Replying to newfag cancer Why bother yourself doing that anon?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19526556 You don't have to Serena. You've done alot recently.
>>19526547 Asshats and anyone who isn't on his favorite list
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:24:51 No. 19526582 Report Quoted By:
>>19526513 I...didn't think I got you. Might wanna check the IVs on that one.
>>19526405 I didn't see yours up. Redisc or something?
Heading back down momentarily.
>>19526471 >>19526423 >>19526476 Done.
Also would anyone be interested in Analytic Staryu? Gonna do a MM run on them next and I want to gauge interest before I start releasing them all.
>>19526547 Opti, Alfredo and alexzander make up the Shitty Triumvirate, the rest is disputed
rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19526524 disc up for pineco
>>19526524 ill disc up for a skarmory then pineco if i xan
Quoted By:
>>19526599 herp well its up now, thanks
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode)
1865-0701-2136 (Serena - Pikachu/Electrode) Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:28:03 No. 19526635 Report Quoted By:
>>19526599 Thank you so much, Andrew
Haz 0130-2571-6204
>>19526524 Discing up for Skarmory.
I have shiny genesects from the Black And White event, if you want one put a disc up asking for another luvdisc, AND SEND ME TRADE I will only trade luvdisc with the message "MAL A SHIT" NO SHITPOSTERS PLS!! :(
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:31:29 No. 19526697 Report Quoted By:
>>19526672 Wanted to type pretty much this. Everyone has some quirk, character trait or anything else that might make other people, especially anons like me, dislike them. Even people that do their best to please everyone will get on somebody's nerves
I'm thinking of Rynn here rafa 4699-6428-6225
>>19526524 disc up for skarmory
Haz 0130-2571-6204
Quoted By:
>>19526722 Thanks dude. Time to get my Smogon Team together.
rafa 4699-6428-6225
IGN Matt
>>19526524 Disc is up for Pineco, thanks andrew!
Bazingaman 4435-8933-2231
>>19526693 HOLY SHIT THANKS! Can you trade me a few, since we will be doing it anyway? I have a few friends that might want them too :)
>>19526693 nobody? i can attach megastones too
Quoted By:
>>19526767 why Mal a shit?
>>19526590 These three guys have really lowered the quality of gts generals.
If they had never shwn up or shitpost, well this place wouldnt be as shit.
Mal has really turned this place into a shit place also and his ego wont let him see tht
Its sad
>>19525940 >>19525705 Actually, I believe he wasn´t the one who did it, just my opinion
>>19526590 >Not putting Rynn and yourself Alex
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:38:28 No. 19526803 Report Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19526791 Now I'm curious. How exactly are you contributing with this post to make this a better place?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526693 I would ove one, disc up
Why is this drama shit here constantly? I thought this was a giveaway thread. Take this somewhere else.
>>19526717 >>19526755 Sent.
I still have one Heavy Ball Skarm, two Heavy Ball Snorlax and two Heavy Ball Pineco.
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19526815 >>19526803 if i see no message i wont trade your disc
Quoted By:
>>19526794 >Alfredo wasn't actually shitposter that one time So, who cares? He was constantly shit before. This was simply a foothold to tell him to fuck off.
>>19525656 Well, Alfredo had been shitposting, but he has stopped replying to the shitposts, so I think he is on the good side now
>Make ypur bets boys and grills rafa 4699-6428-6225
Quoted By:
>>19526824 thanks for that
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19526693 >>19526815 Made message Mal a ship
because reasons
IGN Roma
>>19526524 disc is up for a pineco, if you have one left, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>19526817 >Hey guiz, I just got here but do things my wai >_< GTS is dead now, only shit remains. If you weren't here to see its peak, too bad for you.
Quoted By:
>>19526693 disc up
ign: caro
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:42:18 No. 19526874 Report Quoted By:
>>19526693 Disc going up now.
Quoted By:
>>19526848 pls fuck off, high chromosomes kid
>>19526813 Fuck off.
Who the fuck are you to type a dead brained post like that?
Are you comparing my one post to the thousands about you or from you that have shited this place up?
I used to say you were cool, but you really are a cunt like these "anons" chnt whnever you get on to je shit from us. Everyone is aware of it but they save face because of free shit.
alexzander !!ZVtUsIQUmDY
Quoted By:
>>19526693 Discing up random fellow
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526693 Can't enter the word 'shit' on the gts
>mfw opti shitpost himself to get attention
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19526693 Disc up for disc
Thank you
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19526884 Good story man. Too bad I didn't understand half of it.
chnt whnever you get on to je shit from us
Translate this for me pls
Quoted By:
>>19526928 >implying its something new We know its opti but who gives a fuck
>>19526927 >still having Pokemon baby-locked Bradley 4914 - 3626 - 8405
I've almost got enough eggs to last me the entire game now so soon I won't have to keep posting this all the time. Need more eggs for my Pokemon X Egglocke. If you have any eggs lying around that you have no use for, please trade them to me. I prefer Pokemon that are rare/not native to Kalos but anything is fine, I'm just grateful for any eggs you can give me.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Just cleaned out my bank a bit, so these may be of interest to people. If not, into the trash they go. Growlithe - Moon Ball/Impish/4-5IV Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun>x8 Intimidate females >x6 Flash Fire females Growlith - Luxury Ball/Adamant/4IV Egg Moves: Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Morning Sun>x2 Flash Fire females Riolu - Quick Ball/Jolly/4-5IV Egg Moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch (a few have Blaze Kick)>x3 Prankster females >x5 Prankster males Charmander - Luxury Ball/Timid/4-5IV Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance>x4 Blaze females Bulbasaur - Nest Ball/Calm/4IV>x1 Overgrow female with Giga Drain >x1 Overgrow female, leveled, may need to remember Giga Drain - not sure Espurr - Drive Ball/Modest Egg Moves: Yawn, Assist, Trick>x1 Infiltrator female >x1 Own Tempo female Litleo - Premier Ball/Timid/5IV>x2 females
Quoted By:
>>19526950 am an baby, pls halp
Quoted By:
>>19526936 I forgot your reading comprehension is that of an infants.
>H-he mistyped two simple words, hes an idiot! Fuck off spic
>>19526936 not him by
>cunt whenever you get on to jew shit from us apparently 3 missing letters were too much to handle for you
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
I don't understand what people are trying to accomplish by saying ____ a shit. Do you want them to go away? Why do you take their giveaways and then complain about them? We all Jew every now and then, we all contribute now and then, rather as anon or a namefag. It just bewilders me that most people here are 20-something and behaving like children. What would make all of you angry anons happy?
>>19526824 Could I get that Skarmory please?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526693 Tell us when your out of the GTS so we can trade you.
Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
Quoted By:
>>19526981 >implying most people here aren't underage b8 plz
Quoted By:
>>19526986 IGN is Dariux, I forgpt to mention!
Quoted By:
>>19526936 You have a way of shitting up the only people on your side.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19526993 Just put a luvdisc up on the GTS asking for the pokemon you want, and I'll find your disc and send it to you.
>>19526981 I would be happy if you would understand this is 4chan, and not youtube comment section
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 00:52:53 No. 19527023 Report Quoted By:
>>19526693 Can't put shit in gts. Put ship instead.
>>19526991 Don't fool around with random dudes, Shakira.
Gerard will be angry
>>19526981 How about you let Mal clone your shit and shut the fuck up? Opti and Mal damn well wants to jew that Aaron and Spiritomb and so do I
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19527011 I mean, the quality of posts is basically the same.
Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
Quoted By:
>Please ignore shitposters and their bait completely. plz
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19527026 Yeah, I left the room when I bought Y and a friend set my character, didn't know how to reset.
Quoted By:
>>19527029 because mall will go:
":(((( sorry guyz i can't gibeaway today because le shitposters are baaad :(((((((( but get hypppe!!!"
This thread keeps getting worse every edition.
Quoted By:
>>19527062 We all had put 10$ iwhen entering this thread, the last person to stay here gets all the money.
So we all try to make those threads as shitty as possible to get rid of others, so the money can be ours!
>>19526693 Has anyone actually got their Genesect yet or were we rused?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19527098 They are in the middle of trading someone, so I assume not ruse
>>19527098 People is too stupid to avoid the filter, it's not my fault
>ship Daniel 2723-9660-7347
Quoted By:
>>19527098 I got mine and I see Alex is trading people. Keep waiting, it's worth it! :)
>>19526693 What the hell, disc is up
Koha (0705-4066-9379) -sligoo-noibat-fraxure
Koha (0705-4066-9379) -sligoo-noibat-fraxure Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:00:25 No. 19527140 Report >>19526964 discied for a growlithe. I have one, but it has no egg moves.
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527112 Ready to trade, says your offline
>>19526976 Opti got told
How can you not break down what was in that post?
You fucking idiots Use a lower case "L" Lord Jesus cant get any simpler Gave a couple away so far
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19527140 Sent!
tfw i just want the shitposting to stop so that people can take my shit Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
>>19527141 You were trade requesting /me/, by the way. Wrong Alex!
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19527143 > tfw I couldn't be arsed to do it :^I Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527176 Woops, oh ok, I'll be ready when your done with this trade.
Quoted By:
>>19527156 0/10, Rynn would never shitpost. She was the paragon of what this threads were initially about. Her going away was the moment everything was lost. The old way was dead.
Quoted By:
>>19526693 Disc is up, thanks
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:05:36 No. 19527220 Report >>19527168 In place of what?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527190 Crap, I'm a double idiot, read that wrong. Am I trading you or someone else
Who wants free shinies? Just arrived from a photo session~
>>19527169 You're the only good one let in this thread
>>19527188 Haha
>I-I didn't get it because I didn't give a fuck!! Nice logic desite the fact that you took the time to read it.
>Reading is hard Anonymous
Quoted By:
Bradley 4914 - 3626 - 8405
Quoted By:
>>19526953 So no one got any spare eggs?
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:07:16 No. 19527244 Report Quoted By:
>>19527220 Nevermind. I'm retarded. Figured it out and fixed it.
>>19527220 anything rendered useless
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527168 Wait, what is your ign? I was trading the wrong alex.
Sandora {IGN: Alex [0147-0019-9636]}
Quoted By:
>>19527223 I'm offline right now, so it's not me you're lookin' for.
>>19527224 >photo session >at 4 AM on Sunday Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19527230 > Implying I didn't stop reading at 'desite' :^) Ramona !A53nla90hM
Everytime you want to shitpost, instead, post a story about love, loss, and relationships. Also, offer a pokemon for giveaway. Even if it's just one. I guarantee it will make the thread better. >>19526964 Still available.
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:09:15 No. 19527273 Report Quoted By:
>>19527168 Need your fc to send trade.
>>19527224 Are you mad at me guys?...
>>19527259 >What are different time zones Nice try,
idiot .
Quoted By:
>>19527188 Welp, I guess you are a retard.
Yo were bothered enough to read the entire post, but not comprehend it? Sure is smart today
Koha (0705-4066-9379) -sligoo-noibat-fraxure
Koha (0705-4066-9379) -sligoo-noibat-fraxure Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:09:38 No. 19527282 Report Quoted By:
>>19527169 thank you very much!
>>19527269 Why do you think any of the shitposters wants to make this thread better? Those threads are basically [s4s] for me, except I know all the jokes, inside memes and people, so it is 10 times funnier
Quoted By:
>>19527266 >Stopped reading on the last sentence of the post. Please, humor me some more
Quoted By:
>>19527277 You can't even copy her writting style, seriously, fuck off. At least be good at what you are doing, like that Alex guy
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Ok, the person trading genesect. I traded the luvdisc, but I don't know your ign, theres a bunch of aquaints online
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19527259 It was a porn shoot.
Quoted By:
>>19527337 >2smart4me Stop being retarded
TiTi [0130-2019-5553
Quoted By:
>>19526693 thnx
bad part is I have no Ice Disc/drive to go with Genesect
Quoted By:
>>19527269 I don't think now is the time for that. Al the good anns are not present. I'm not the guy with the love thing you were talking to, but I want to hear more from you Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
I have the feeling I was probably rused, or I took too long to realize I messed up everything
Hans 3476-3390-2281
>>19527330 his names Alex, obviously, but he is only at the moment. probably cloning more since the demand was high. be patient, it's worth it ;)
Quoted By:
>>19526693 got it, stay awesome
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527380 What did their icon look like, I have 3 alex's online
Hans 3476-3390-2281
>>19527401 Calem. Just regular Calem
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Quoted By:
>>19527419 Ok, hes offline right now then. I'll wait till he returns.
Quoted By:
>>19527433 >bumping thread that hit bump limit IGN Jay
Quoted By:
>>19527126 >>19526693 Re-disced because I was sniped
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19526693 sorry wi-fi is so
sh.it here
Quoted By:
>>19527380 I wonder if I can jew multiples like retarded Opti
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:24:48 No. 19527522 Report Quoted By:
>>19526693 Got sniped. Redisc up now.
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:26:30 No. 19527549 Report So..how is everyone today/night??
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19526693 Think I got sniped as well, no Alex's with calem icons in my acquaintance list
>>19527549 Shitposting. Yourself?
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
>>19527586 >>19526693 Should I bother rediscing or no.
Mike, POISON Safarii 1952-6693-0608
Quoted By:
>>19526693 You hit the second row of replies. You are incredible! :)
Thanks for Genesect!
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:33:28 No. 19527645 Report Quoted By:
>>19527593 doing fine, just lurking around the catalogs and giving away things...
TiTi [0130-2019-5553
Quoted By:
>>19527618 its actually not lol
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19526693 got sniped, rediscing
>>19526693 Disc up. Used ship instead of shit though since the GTS doesn't like swearing.
Shakira 0989-1782-4127
Maggie 4785-4399-8702
Quoted By:
>>19526693 Hopefully it's not too late to get one of these.
>>19527701 Type 'MAL A SHIT' in caps, but with lowercase letter 'L' instead of uppercase letter 'i'
I can't make it simple. Also, almost running out of them, just got a couple more. First come, first served.
Ill only give with discs with shit in it. You type a small L for an I in shit. If not write OPTI IS A JEW
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:43:42 No. 19527777 Report Quoted By:
>>19527742 Disc is still up mate. Thank ye kindly.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
OK Alex from Canada Alberta Matthew from Iowa Change message or nothing Who the fuck is Adelicia from fucking Singapore
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328
CarpeDiem ign:Chrissy (dont know mah pkmn) 3497-1324-9328 Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:50:41 No. 19527872 Report Quoted By:
>>19527850 I see you Adelicia
>>19527811 Get to you when its your chance
>>19526524 >Stealth Rock Skarmory If you got one left, I'll take it.
So, I got A LOT of boxes full Corsola (still going, no shiny yet). Female Corsola in Dream balls with HA. Still going. Disc up and reply.
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:55:14 No. 19527959 Report Quoted By:
>>19527904 Had mine up for a minute brother. Description is all written right as rain.
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle]
4re5 0087-2375-3168 [Octillery, Poliwhirl, Wartortle] Sun 08 Jun 2014 01:55:59 No. 19527972 Report Quoted By:
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>>19527909 I disced up just in case, IGN is Sam
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
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>>19527946 Oh yeah, disc up for one Corsola
Thank you dude
>>19526693 got sniped back up
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>>19526693 Disced up.
IGN is Alex
Nick FC: 0404-6771-0335
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales]
Ren 4012-4890-4189 [Pansear/Slugma/Ninetales] Sun 08 Jun 2014 02:05:41 No. 19528159 Report Quoted By:
DeliveryMail 3067-6621-2482
Quoted By:
>>19528096 same here, rediscing
Quoted By:
>>19527760 Disc up for disc up bro
IGN matthew