>Play Pokemon Red and Blue in elementary school
>don't pay any attention to the stats, just grind my Pokemon high enough to smash the NPCs' mons easily
>Silver/Gold come out
>wreck shit with my overleveled offensive Umbreon with Shadow Ball, and my Typhlosion with Swift
>Ruby and Sapphire come out during my tryhard middleschool phase where I denounced everything from my childhood, especially Pokemon
>finally play Emerald in high school, a year or two before Diamond and Pearl come out
>by now I've played many other RPGs, I have a basic understanding of what stats like speed and attack and defense do
>go into it with the realization that I had previously played like a retard, some pokemon are meant to be used defensively, boosting moves aren't useless, etc
>still have no fucking clue what makes special attack and regular attack different from each other
>never figure out why Gyarados's flamethrower and Metagross's Psychic do so little damage
Seriously, did they ever explain what the difference was between Physical and Special before gen 4?