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No.19533215 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>ORAS begins
>Vigoroths replaced with Charmeleons
>Professor Birch being chased by Mudkip, Treecko and Torchic
>You defend him with a wild Charmander
>Get given Charizardite X by Birch immediately and Charizardite Y by your father
>The evil teams are theoretically good as they want to create more land so rock/ground pokemon can beat back the Charizards or create water to drown them
>You stop them both and keep Hoenn for the Charizards
>Every trainer has a Charizard
>Charizard gets given a devolution
>Only obtainable pokemon are Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard

In all seriousness, when will the Charizard pandering end, or do you think Steven having a Megazard X is just a beta screenshot?