>>19556577 >Mega Treecko >No thread name 2.3/10, needs improvement.
Quoted By:
anybody able to get me a duped Victini? willing to prostitute my body for one
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>19556597 what can I say, I'm a newfriend
Quoted By:
>>19556577 not
>Ignore the trollish beasts that would steal your purity. In the OP
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:50:27 No. 19556615 Report Quoted By:
>>19556577 ToTT
Mega Swampert
Quoted By:
Got a disc up for a wooper if anybody has breeding leftovers. IGN: Peter
>>19556586 Since you're so awesome, I'd like to make you an offer. If you'd like, I can clone any one of these KB shinies for you, holding any item.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pO5R86zefEizhNsqjGnSasNJeua4D4oFhw7__Sloup8/edit#gid=0 Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19556577 ToTT:
My Bara Swampert Alex [0490-6042-2670]
I guess this is good enough
>>19556242 EXPERIMENT #3 PART 2 (only the lucky ones remain)
If you're reading this you probably know the drill by now. All are shiny, all have random (possibly appalling) IVs, and all carry interesting items with them. Reply to this post directly or I'll more than likely miss you, first some first serve.
The final giveaway is reserved for those of you who are willing to sacrifice sleep for some pixels in a handheld game Hippowdon, female
Magcargo, french female
Barbaracle, female
Golem, female
Ferrothorn, female
Axew, female
Wailord, female
Tyrunt, male
Jolteon, male
>>19556438 Have you decided whether or not you'll be using an Emolga you've bred, or if you just want one of my random ones?
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19556700 would like the wailord, but if this is nullified by my earlier request, that's fine
Zoruapwns 0705-3452-3990
>>19556700 Ferrothorn or Hippowdon pls
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19556700 I´m trying to breed a good one, still stuck in some things, got the nature and the ball, just gonna get some decent iv´s!
Santos 2320-6383-8804 !YxQttXvF5g
>>19556700 Requesting Ferrothorn
Crystal 2895-8095-6346
>>19556700 Disc up for tyrunt!
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19556700 ,
Sleep is for the weak, discing up for tyrunt
richard IGN: Lucas
>>19556700 disc up for jolteib
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:58:16 No. 19556736 Report >>19556700 May I hae the Axew?
Jake (3351-5246-2180, Pupitar, Shuckle, ???)
Jake (3351-5246-2180, Pupitar, Shuckle, ???) Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:58:19 No. 19556737 Report Quoted By:
>>19556700 disc up for axew
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:58:49 No. 19556742 Report midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 10 Jun 2014 04:58:49 No. 19556743 Report Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19556700 Also, if it isn´t too much, can I get Jolteon? If it is, then give it to a good anon
>>19556700 h-how do i know it will be worth it
Robin (The other one)
>>19556700 Discing for hippo
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19556662 Fuck really? Dang it's so hard to choose from the list lol
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:00:39 No. 19556765 Report >>19556700 golem now please
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:02:58 No. 19556782 Report >>19556742 06/10/14(Tue)00:58:49
>>19556743 06/10/14(Tue)00:58:49
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl
Christopher Ign 2723-9661-8355 Gyrados, Krabby, Poliwhirl Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:03:11 No. 19556785 Report Quoted By:
>>19556700 Disc up for golem!
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:04:46 No. 19556795 Report Quoted By:
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19556662 If possible can I get the Shiny greninja with HP Fire
with leftovers
>>19556803 Sure thing, give me a little bit.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19556808 Awesome, Thanks man! Is there anything you need? Salac berry?
Quoted By:
>>19556700 >first some first serve. YOLO im discing up
>>19556820 No thanks. Sorry for the delay, was finishing up a game of LoL. Gonna clone it now.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19556730 >>19556735 >>19556736 >>19556765 Sent
>>19556725 I don't see your disc, and your request has kind of put a hold on two other requests (
>>19556728 >>19556758 ). You've got 10 minutes to make up your mind and disc up or I'll send them off to Santos and Robin.
>>19556724 I could've given you the wailord, but you disced up for Magcargo instead. Is that what you wanted or not?
>>19556744 You a little late I'm afraid, but you can be the test subject for the special extra late giveaway I have planned. What copy of pokemon do you have, X or Y?
>>19556756 You don't, that's the fun part!
>>19556782 Well this is an issue. Fight to the death?
Hippowdon, Magcargo, Wailord, Carbink and Ferrothorn are on hold for a few minutesvwhile their respective claimers make up their minds.
Barbaracle remains unclaimed.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19556887 I'll take barbaracle. Gimme a minute to up a disc
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:16:52 No. 19556905 Report >>19556887 Up to you midori, your choice; I'm okay either way
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19556887 sorry, I appear to be drunk. I'll take the wailord. let me go fix that
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
No subject?
Free pentaperfect Flabebe and other stuff
http://pastebin.com/qnAw0VE1 Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle)
midori 2122 6665 3092 (Nosepass, Onix, Shuckle) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:17:46 No. 19556917 Report Quoted By:
>>19556887 thanks and im ok with golem
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19556879 lol no problem. Ranked? also if possible can I also get the Tyrantrum if it's not any trouble.
Zoruapwns 0705-3452-3990
>>19556887 Sorry I forgot to put the disc on the GTS, But It's up now.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
Quoted By:
Still looking for: 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold Any good IV and nature Seviper
>>19556914 disc up for flabebe, thanks in advance
>>19556921 Sure, no problem.
Wasn't playing ranked, just having fun in normals as Karma mid. Destroyed a Syndra.
What item would you like on Tyrantrum?
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Disc up if you want something.
x2 Intimidate Moon Ball Growlithe
x1 Flash Fire Moon Ball Growlithe
x2 Prankster Quick Ball Riolu
x1 Luxury Ball Charmander
x2 Love Ball Marill
Details on these:
http://pastebin.com/qQqVq8qr Nest Ball High Plains Scatterbugs
Egg Moves: Rage Powder, Poison Powder, Stun Spore
x3 males
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19556887 >>19556916 DUDE! Just finished breeding a 4 iv modest luxury ball Emolga, please disc up for it
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19556943 Lol she got so good after the rework. I heard lulu mid is pretty good too. Can I get a rocky helmet?
>>19556948 >Nest Ball High Plains Scatterbugs please
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19556887 Thank you, Alex!
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19556898 >>19556909 >>19556923 >>19556758 Sent
>>19556905 It looks like you get it, make sure your disc is up
>>19556916 It's a surprise, but hopefully it'll be worth it. I'll disc up for your Emolga in a moment
Magcargo is the last mon standing!
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:25:28 No. 19557001 Report >>19556976 I was sniped, putting another up
>>19556914 disc up for gourgeist (whatever you want)
Ramona !A53nla90hM
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:25:56 No. 19557010 Report >>19556943 Currently available:
2 pentaperfect timid Rotoms, currently breeding more.
4 pentaperfect Adamant Beldums.
3 Love Ball female Aipoms
7 Sport Ball female Scythers, Night Slash, Quick Guard, Baton Pass, and Defog as Egg moves.
9 Love Ball Female Mawiles, Thunder Fire and Ice fang as Egg moves.
1 Moon Ball Ghastly, Female, Timid. Egg moves:Smog, Clear Smog, Disable, Perish Song
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19556976 I´m looking forward to your surprise... Thanks in advance!
>>19556914 disc up for Nidoran
ign Wilford
thanks !
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:26:39 No. 19557018 Report >>19556914 Discing up for a Nidoran(M).
Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>19556976 Discing up for Magcargo
>>19556961 Put a disc up for the hp fire Greninja.
Lulu mid is crazy strong early-mid game, but she falls off kinda hard.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557010 disc up for ghastly
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela]
Nicole 3050-8073-0971 {SV: 2547} [Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:27:43 No. 19557036 Report Quoted By:
>>19556976 Thanks so much!
Zoruapwns 0705-3452-3990
>>19556887 Got mine thanks
>>19556948 put up a disc for one of those scatterbugs
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:28:28 No. 19557047 Report >>19557010 I would like a Beldum please
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557026 alright putting one up now.
>>19557010 disc up for rotom
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557001 Sent
>>19557045 I never sent you a shiny magcargo. Whoever did must've been in a very generous mood.
>>19557014 Disc is up for emolga now
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:30:34 No. 19557066 Report >>19557034 >>19557047 >>19557053 I'll head down and get them to you in a moment.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557045 Arrgh, I didn't mean to reply to you (about the magcargo).
It's getting late.
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19557059 Ok, sent brother
>>19557069 it is
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557051 Sent, disc up for the Tyrantrum.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557066 ill post up the disc in a bit.
>>19557026 I stopped playing but I still watch games here and there. Braum seems really good. Wanna get back in just for him
Quoted By:
>>19557009 awesome, thanks buddy
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
That takes care of the shinies for tonight. More non-shiny stuff to come to those who value digital objects over a good night's sleep.
>>19557075 I haven't gotten it yet, you sure you didn't send it to another Alex?
Zoruapwns 0705-3452-3990
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19557104 Sorry, I got messed up, I sent it to you, but my internet derped, it should be in your hands now
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557084 sorry for the wait. had to catch one. Thank again man! BEST BRO!!!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19557018 wilford got first
>>19557016 sorry
>>19557006 i dont see your disc
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
>>19556948 Disc up for Marril. Thank you!
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557129 Yep, got it.
Time for shinification and other things.
richard IGN: Lucas
>>19557140 u think u can shinifey a jolly bugbite syther?
Ramona !A53nla90hM
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
>>19556948 Bug me. I have dreamed long of this day
Can you name it Holly?
Putting up a Bunnelby (out of discs) with message saying "Thanks vp"
>>19557133 Sent, it's the least I can do to repay you <3
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
>>19557010 I need one of the Scythers, can I take one? I will leave a disc up for it.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557129 Alright, it's been shinified and given a little something special. We'll have to trade directly for me to give it back. Please don't spoil what it is.
If you happen to already have what I'm giving you but are perhaps missing something different, rename a pokemon to the item in question, flash it to me in a trade, and I'll give you that instead >>19557158 Sorry, but I'm trying other things and I've gotta draw the line somewhere. Just wait (if you're still awake) I'm sure you'll like what else I've got in store.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Yuno 5086-2553-1720
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19557223 Ok, but, can you wait for a bit? I got messed up on some things here
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557263 That's fine, send me a request when you're ready.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557208 haha thanks again man. Catching the gligar was no big deal tho. I'm just glad I could help you out. If you need anything let me know!
>>19557066 disc up for the ghastly
Anyone remember me? My subscription for pokebank had some issues but soon I will return and give away some more pokes, last giveaway I did was 5 shiny pokemon and my valentine's day ledyba give away
>>19557227 Hello Ramona :)
Robin (The other one)
Anyone want? Dream Zigzagoon 4-5 IVs Simple Beam/ Trick Helping Hand Rock Climb Pursuit Love Ekans 4-5IV Switcheroo Iron Tail Sucker Punch Poison Fang
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19557273 Thank you very much for understanding, I will
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
>>19557227 I cannot fully express my gratitude.
>>19557280 female ekens please? disc up.
Taargus 4742-6889-1827 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)
Taargus 4742-6889-1827 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:53:44 No. 19557322 Report Quoted By:
>>19557280 Disc up for Ekans. TY.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557277 Hi Yvonne! Wow, makes me realize just how long I've been frequenting these threads. Welcome back!
>>19557296 No problem! I'm glad I could finally get you your butterfly.
>>19556914 Disc is up for penta Flabebe
Quoted By:
>>19557136 Oops, accidently requested the wrong pokemon, it's up properly.
2921-9413-9567 IGN: Rydia
>>19557327 Thank you! I'll be back soon with pokebank, have a love ball shiny furret giveaway planned and some other things, i'll think about what I will give away while doing my work tomorrow, but for now i'm going to bed. Goodnight and see you soon (:
Chewie 3626-0060-1652
Quoted By:
>>19557280 I'll disc for your zizagoon.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:57:10 No. 19557359 Report >>19557140 If you're not busy, could you maybe do a ball switch for me? Wrong thread, I know, but seems nobody is around to do that in the genning thread.
>>19557047 >>19557034 >>19557053 >>19557214 Gotcha.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Ramona !A53nla90hM
Quoted By:
>>19557350 Have a good night, looking forward to your giveaways!
>>19557359 thanks for the pokeyman, friend, I will put it to good use.
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
>>19557273 Alex, sorry if I sound like a jerk but I already had that item, can we trade in some minutes again?
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 05:59:37 No. 19557382 Report Anonymous
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557359 Sure. What should I disc up for?
>>19557381 That's fine, just remember to do it the way I told you.
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19557390 Yes, I will Senpai, let me git gud
>>19556700 Hey do you still have the shiny emolga?
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19557417 Nope, traded it off. Bigger and better things are on the horizon though.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19557388 sent gourgeist
>>19557330 i dont see the disc
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:04:16 No. 19557433 Report >>19557378 Good, I hope so!
>>19557382 No problem.
>>19557390 Greninja, female. The one from Mal's giveaway, specifically.
While I appreciate the aesthetics of the Moonball on shiny Greninja, there's no way that could occur in-game
Unfortunately So I'd rather have it in an Ultra Ball. Thanks a lot!
>>19557427 Will do!
Does anyone have a Pokémon actively infected with Pokérus? I have several Maril, Charmander and Eevee with 3-4 perfect stats to offer.
>>19556700 Disc up for carbink
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
Snakes/zigzagoon are sent
Quoted By:
>>19557425 thank you, and sorry for the mixup
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:06:06 No. 19557452 Report >>19557442 I can get you one. Put up a disc for a Dewott.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19557445 All of the pokemon offered in that post are gone. I have something else planned, it wont be shiny, but you may enjoy it none the less.
>>19557433 Disc is up
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
>>19557280 I require snake. Out of discs, so putting up Azuril with message "Thanks vp." Named
Oberyn if possible.
Anyone have any spare Charmanders or GW Fletchlings? My old game got erased and I lost all my old Pokemon. So these would be greatly appreciated. IGN: Alex
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557433 Got your Greninja. Ball changing will start in just a moment.
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:14:01 No. 19557501 Report Quoted By:
>>19557497 Awesome, thanks!
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557484 I have a charmander, but I'm in a battle at the moment. Mind waiting 10-15 minutes?
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:17:34 No. 19557516 Report >>19557484 I could breed you a Gale wings real quick. I've got lots of charmander with dragon dance, jolly, 5 IVs. They're in pokeball though
absalutely disgusting I can give you one if you want.
Robin (The other one)
>>19557480 Nice name, I'll send a male one.
Don't see it up though.
>>19556700 Disc up for carbink
Thanks dude
IGN: Leon
Quoted By:
>>19557516 That's fine, dude thank you so much
Message is thanks /vp/!
Taylor 0559-7572-9301
>>19557452 Did you care for anything other than a Luvdisc
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
this may be a bit much to ask, but does anyone have a charizardite Y? my charizard only has fire moves and STAB is pretty useful, along with the sunny day ability
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557516 Your greninja is done, disc up when you're ready.
>>19557527 I can't tell whether or not you're screwing with me.
Chewie 3626-0060-1652
Quoted By:
>>19557552 Sorry man, my IGN is Alex too
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
It's that time of the day again 20x Pentaperfect Archen 4x Friend Ball Shroomish 3x Dive Ball Omanyte 6x Dusk Ball HA Cacnea 5x fast Ball Meowth 8x Safari Ball Scyther 4x Dusk Ball Honedge 3x Dive Ball HA Carvanha 5x Luxury Ball HA Cranidos Help me empty boxes pls
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
>>19557526 back up, sorry.
Quoted By:
>>19557516 Should I change my message?
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:27:36 No. 19557588 Report Quoted By:
>>19557565 >HA Cranidos I'll put up a disc in a sec
Quoted By:
>>19557565 disc up for Archen, prefer jolly if you got it
IGN: Peter
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:28:17 No. 19557605 Report Quoted By:
>>19557565 i'll take an archen please
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19557568 Sent
>>19557565 Discing up for cranidos
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557551 trying once more for the huge order of Charizardite Y if anyone has one they wanna give. I'll even surrender my Charizardite X if you want
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha
Maalk (0232-9565-0020) Spearow, Tranquill, Hawlucha Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:30:02 No. 19557621 Report Quoted By:
>>19557565 Putting a disc up for Cacnea.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557565 Disc up for Cacnea and a Cranidos after if its okay.
>>19557616 Your best bet is to wait till someone with powersaves is online and willing to trade you
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
does anyone have a wooper with the egg moves recover and curse? Would prefer a male and ivs don't matter.
ign: Calem 3539-9122-0079
Thank you, based distributor of snakes.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557629 ah, okay. thank you, anon.
Quoted By:
>>19557516 Hey man sorry if there was any confusion, I put the disc back up looking for Charmander
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Taylor 0559-7572-9301
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:34:12 No. 19557666 Report >>19557545 Naw, I'm good. Just get a disc up for it and I'll pass it along.
>>19557552 Putting up a disc.
>>19557651 Neat, are you online?
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:34:50 No. 19557670 Report Quoted By:
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19557635 Enjoy
Felt the item was appropriate.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>19557664 I recently did a unit on the marshmallow experiment in my psych class
sesame street is so phenomenal and teaches so much
or I'm just tired as fuck. Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19557667 i can't seem to connect to the internet at the moment, I'll try to fix my router and see if I can get it back up within 10 minutes.
>>19557686 No rush, shoot a trade whenever you're good
Quoted By:
>>19557565 Disc up for that carvanha!!
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>19557565 disc up for shroomish
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557666 Sent.
No more powersaves request more me please guys. I'd like to prepare for my next givewaway.
>>19557509 No, not at all, let me know when you're ready!
>>19557425 think it got sniped, putting up another Disc for penta Flabebe!
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:41:33 No. 19557730 Report >>19557716 Thanks you very much, and good luck with your next giveaway. Will it be tonight?
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster]
Fran 3454-1282-6668 [Snover, Bergmite, Cloyster] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:42:00 No. 19557733 Report Quoted By:
>>19557565 Thank you very much for the Cranidos!
Holden 2148-8552-2564
Hi there! I'm wondering if any of you guys have any extra pokemon with pokerus so I can start post game EV training? It doesn't matter what it is: I'd take a stunfisk with it at this point.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19557730 Yes. When the thread is deader than dead since this'll more than likely be tedious to do.
Also my typing skills are going way down the drain.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557734 I think I have one. Give me about three minutes to finish up this battle and I'll see what it is.
Jesse (T3sla)
Quoted By:
>>19557565 Discing for carvahna and cacnea
Holden 2148-8552-2564
Quoted By:
>>19557739 Thanks a million!
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19557727 still dont see it
>>19557010 disc up for a beldum
Ign Cassiopeia
Also if you can nick name it Charlie thatd be great
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:44:19 No. 19557755 Report >>19557734 Hold on a sec, I'll see which one of my useless little pokemon with pokerus, just gotta take a sec to look at which ones have it lol
>>19557737 Neat, I'll make sure to stick around.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19557693 Yeah, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to get my router going. I'll shoot you a trade request tomorrow then. Thanks Regalia!
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:49:49 No. 19557792 Report >>19557755 Put a disc up for Gardevoir.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19557010 Still have the moonball gastly?
Holden 2148-8552-2564
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557722 Sorry for the wait, disc up!
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557804 sorry I was so slow. was using a stall tactic and underestimated the time it would take. I hope it works out for you
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557798 sorry I took it. I can breed one for you if you want.
Alice 4184 1461 2541
>>19557807 oh hey Ramona, I've been looking for you, I hatched a shiny on my 8th box, but wanted a better one. Do you mind if I hang onto the growlithe male for a little longer?
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557822 No problem at all! Keep him for as long as you want.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19557820 Please? A female would be godly
Anyone got leftovers of heracross or sigilyph?
Quoted By:
>>19557565 disc up for archen, ign baldo thanks
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557835 sure no problem let me get started.
Holden 2148-8552-2564
Quoted By:
>>19557815 No Problem!
>>19557792 Thanks a million dude!
Hello , would anyone happen to have a female hanchkrow with the moxie ability?
>>19557807 Message is thanks /vp/!
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557845 you came to the thread when it is the most dead, but I'll see if I can dig one up. maybe 20% chance I'll find
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>19557809 actually, i just managed to get my wi-fi working, we could do the trades now if you want.
>>19557851 yea I'm usually here pretty late. That would be the bees knees if you found one.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
All sent. Out of Cranidos btw. 18x Pentaperfect Archen - Switcheroo, Knock Off, 4x Friend Ball Shroomish - Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb 3x Dive Ball Omanyte - Haze, Knock Off, Spikes, Toxic Spikes 5x Dusk Ball HA Cacnea - Fell Stinger, Teeter Dance, Low Kick, Seed Bomb 5x fast Ball Meowth - Hypnosis, Assist, Foul Play, Charm 8x Safari Ball Scyther - Defog, Baton Pass 4x Dusk Ball Honedge - Wide Guard, Destiny Bond 1x Dive Ball HA Carvanha - Hydro Pump, Trash, Brine, Destiny Bond Still have these.
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>19557855 >bees knees I like you
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>19557857 Discin for top cac, and thanks alot!
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:00:50 No. 19557870 Report >>19557840 I would have gotten to it, I was just a bit occupied.
>>19557752 HAHAHAHA WOW. I am DUMB. Talk about misreading. If you send it back I'll name it properly .
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557857 just placed one for cacnea
>>19557857 Can I get a cacnea?
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
>>19557857 disc has been up for shroomish
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557870 oh well if you have any extra mind helping him out?
>>19557835 Alex
Quoted By:
>>19557857 I'll take a scyther
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:03:31 No. 19557884 Report >>19557878 I'd have to breed one, same as you. I'll do it if you don't want to.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19557873 Sure if you let me know what's your IGN.
>>19557875 It ought to either have been sent or sniped
>>19557857 Discing up for an Archen.
Female if possible. Thanks.
>>19557750 dang it sniped again?? okay trying again, Disc is up!
>>19557830 Hi Ramona, do you still have one this Marrill:
>>19556948 ?
I put a disc for Marill. My ign is richard, thank you
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19557855 sorry kiddo, no such luck. I hope you can find one
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19557890 Ah sorry here it is
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557884 ah its okay. I'll breed it then
Robin (The other one)
>>19557857 Discing for shroomish
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
>>19557897 alrighty thanks for looking.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19557891 I wonder why you guys ask me for females even though that does nothing since archens only can come in pokéballs
That and only males since rng be a bicht
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19557905 Crap, meant to do Carvanha
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
>>19557890 Also could I get a archen?
Robin (The other one)
>>19557912 I can quick breed you one.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:08:39 No. 19557931 Report Quoted By:
>>19557857 Anymore Cacnea?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19557922 Dubs say yes.
You guys can take as many as you want anyway Ashley 1478-3818-2357
Fast Ball Larvesta
Moon Ball Spiritomb
Heavy Ball Aron
http://pastebin.com/ys0S3F2V More Larvesta to come. Disc and be specific or you get what I have most of.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19557926 Can I get on that too?
I'm currently breeding moon ball ghastly if your interested
Tim 0318-8812-0808 [Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder]
Tim 0318-8812-0808 [Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:09:35 No. 19557940 Report Quoted By:
>>19557857 Disc is up for Carvanha if it's still available.
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Last of the Carvanhas sent. Have 2 Cacneas left btw
Quoted By:
>>19557565 Disc up for a shroomish and cranidos pls
Ign Cassiopeia
Alice 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>19557934 could I get a fastball larvesta, discing up for a female
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:10:47 No. 19557954 Report Quoted By:
>>19557942 Cool, just Disc'd for a Cacnea.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
>>19557934 I'd like a female flame body larvesta, I'll disc up in a few minutes.
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Quoted By:
>>19557890 Let me just redisc it, my wifi has been having issues lately
Ramona !A53nla90hM
>>19557847 I thought I looked quickly, but I think you got sniped. Sorry for my slowness, I'm getting ready for bed
>>19557894 Sent!
Quoted By:
>>19557916 Habit or headcanon shit, whatever you want to name it; though it's mostly out of preference
with no logical reasoning for me.
Thank you again, by the way.
>>19557565 Disc up for a shroomish and cranidos if that's possible
Ign cassiopea
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
Thanks for the mons Regalia, I'll be off to sleep now!
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:14:04 No. 19557998 Report Quoted By:
>>19557857 I've disced up for a cacnea.
If any are left thank you kindly!
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19557836 Bumping also does anyone have leftovers xatu or natu males?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
Sorry Tim, no Carvanha on me atm
>>19557974 Same problem, Shroomish sent but Cranidos is (extinct).
Quoted By:
>>19557962 Thank you. Have a nice night
Quoted By:
>>19557934 Disc is up for Male Aron with rock head
IGN: Agustus
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:16:04 No. 19558017 Report >>19556914 You still here? Can I have a Flabebe nicknamed Marmalade? Disc is going up.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19557835 I got one ready for ya. Put a disc up or something
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
And that's the last of Cacnea, and my boxes aren't still empty enough 15x Pentaperfect Archen - Switcheroo, Knock Off, 2x Friend Ball Shroomish - Focus Punch, Drain Punch, Bullet Seed, Seed Bomb 3x Dive Ball Omanyte - Haze, Knock Off, Spikes, Toxic Spikes 5x fast Ball Meowth - Hypnosis, Assist, Foul Play, Charm 8x Safari Ball Scyther - Defog, Baton Pass 4x Dusk Ball Honedge - Wide Guard, Destiny Bond Take as many as you want
Quoted By:
>>19557934 can i get infiltrator spiritomb, ign baldo thanks
Tim 0318-8812-0808 [Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder]
Tim 0318-8812-0808 [Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchinder] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:17:03 No. 19558029 Report Quoted By:
>>19558004 Dang no prob thanks anyway though.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558018 Discin up, thanks bro
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:17:34 No. 19558032 Report >>19558022 Are the Meowth physical?
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:18:49 No. 19558040 Report >>19558036 If I get the Flabebe from Sal, I'll Disc for one.
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:19:28 No. 19558045 Report Quoted By:
>>19558022 I WASN'T TOO LATE
Thank you again, I've been looking high & low for such a good Cacnea.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare Binacle? With 31 attack?
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558022 I will take a omanyte
>>19557934 Thanks a lot for the Aron, could I also get the Swarm Larvesta, Female or male
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558031 I bred a pentaperfect female if your interested.
want it nicknamed?
Giving away 30 Reshiram, 6IV, EV trained in sp. atk and speed, and they're in pokeballs. It has Draco Meteor, Blue Flare, Dragon Pulse, and Focus Blast. Disc up if you want one.
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
>>19558061 you can't wondertrade reshiram, can you?
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Do need, disc up in a second.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:22:38 No. 19558071 Report Quoted By:
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Disc going up now
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19558061 puting up a disc
Opti !FcYr6f2/cQ
>>19558061 Oooh, I'll bite.
Robin (The other one)
Quoted By:
>>19558061 disc goin up ign Armand. Thanks in advance
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Discing thanks friend
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19558067 You can, I just tried on the GTS before I posted.
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom)
David: 2406-6419-6872 (Mienfoo, Sawk, & Breloom) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:23:42 No. 19558084 Report Quoted By:
>>19558061 Discing up!
Thank you a bunch.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558059 Ill put up a Penta machop up for it on gts
Richard !!oDkTLkwqo4v
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Disc up, many thanks
Brandon 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede]
Brandon 1263-6751-9739 [Kakuna - Ariados - Whirlipede] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:24:11 No. 19558089 Report Quoted By:
>>19558061 Discing up, thanks in advance :D
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558086 want it nicknamed?
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>19558083 ah okay. thanks. discing up
Quoted By:
>>19558061 disc now up ign Armand thanks once again
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye)
Miyako: 0130-2342-5120 (Dark: Mightyena, Sandile, Sableye) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:26:16 No. 19558105 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Discing up
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:26:54 No. 19558111 Report Quoted By:
>>19558061 i would like one too please
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:27:19 No. 19558113 Report Quoted By:
>>19558036 >>19558040 Okay, looks like Sal is kill. Disc'ing for that Meowth
surrender now, or prepare to fight Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Disc is up. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>19557910 finally got it! Thanks J Sal
>>19557857 Disc going up for Archen!
>>19558061 It really surprizes me how easy it is to troll all of you. Sure, this random person that is here for the first time will just give out 30 Reshirams out of fuckin blue. Just like that. I can understand newfags, but even people like Opti that are here 24/7 for the last 14 years fall for that shit
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558118 cool its done. You put a machop up right? Like the nickname btw
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558137 Yeah bro, want your male nicknamed anything?
Syl [4339-3760-5920]
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Got it up a bit late, but I hope you have enough
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19558141 nah its cool. Cant find the machop up. Did it get sniped?
>>19558133 Better you learned that way than if you waited for an hour for that asshole to say something like 'I'm out, sorry if you didn't get one'. Seriously, couple of days ago there was some 'Alex' guy that was 'giving out' Shiny Genesects. I think he got 20-30 people to answer and guess what, nothing fucking happend
Ashley 1478-3818-2357
>>19558128 Huh.
>>19558061 Thanks friend. Reahiram is my favorite legend.
Quoted By:
>>19558148 lelel who's the asshole now good sir
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19558128 >Implying I haven't done giveaways before Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558141 Hey just add me. It would suck if anythign would get sniped
>>19558159 >Update just got mine thanks much
>>19558153 omgwtfbbqsauce its so beautiful
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558161 All good bro, I put another up. I got one named Kimchi haha I miss chowder
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558169 haha i love taht show!
Dachnavar [1950-9621-0447]
Quoted By:
>>19558022 I'll take a meowth and archen pls
Cassiopeia again
>>19558159 This
>>19558163 And this
>>19558167 Thank you very much.
Please don't mind anyone trying to stir up hate or whatever. We all appreciate it. Serena 8699-3496-1127
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19558182 I wasn't trying to shit up, I thought Pure was just a ruser. Sorry for the mistake, there has been to many shitposters lately in here.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a super luck murkrow? I'd love you long time. Lvl 1 with a brave nature would be shweet
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Thanks a lot bro, I loved it
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558172 Thanks bro and enjoy
>>19558209 Then disregard any offense in my previous post. It's nice to be wrong in cases like these. Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19558215 ya man np. Thnx for the machop
Quoted By:
>>19558215 Do you have a spare Rotom there bro?
>>19558220 Your offence was justified, I acted like the smartest of asses, only to be proven otherwise. But you are right, it is nice to see giveaways too good to be true sometimes turn out to be true. Enjoy it people! Mr.Mime
Quoted By:
>>19558074 Disc is up for Archen
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:48:08 No. 19558250 Report Quoted By:
>>19558235 when did 4chan get so
civil ?
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
Quoted By:
>>19558061 Thank you very much
Going to sleep now, good night everyone!
Señor Alfredo 3566-1739-9869
alexzander 4184- 2528 - 5680 !!ZVtUsIQUmDY
alexzander 4184- 2528 - 5680 !!ZVtUsIQUmDY Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:51:19 No. 19558266 Report Quoted By:
>>19558254 since lately, people who used to shitpost got reported and banned.
since then shitposters have become scared.
Quoted By:
>>19558254 Those threads really aren't very 4chanish, to many namefags and too many people doing good deeds. I am a namefag and I do giveaways, so it was only right to apologize and aceept my mistake, especially that Shiroko wasn't very aggresive towards me to begin with Nick
>>19558061 Am I too late for this?
Quoted By:
>>19558254 If you don't write shit alongside every two word it usually helps. In short being civil makes others civil. Sometimes. J Sal 4742-6496-8948 !Fhowd66fb.
Quoted By:
>>19558017 was away, still here?
>>19558301 Not at all. I just finished with all the ones up and I have a few left.
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558311 Never got mine bro..
Quoted By:
>>19558311 in that case, i'm discing as well momentarily
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558311 I think you missed me too
alexzander 4184- 2528 - 5680 !!ZVtUsIQUmDY
alexzander 4184- 2528 - 5680 !!ZVtUsIQUmDY Tue 10 Jun 2014 07:58:42 No. 19558328 Report Quoted By:
>>19558311 ahh yes, thank you so much for the reshiram, so generous of you.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>19558311 >>19558320 Ah never mind just got it! Thanks Pure!
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558316 Are you sure you disced up? That's all the discs asking for reshirams I see...
>>19558330 Sorry about that, it was a little further back and I didn't see it.
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
Anyone have these pokes extra? Sigilyph with em Heracross Xatu our natu
Quoted By:
>>19558340 just got mine up actually
Quoted By:
>>19558311 Ok disc is up, thanks
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>19558340 It's cool. Thanks again for the Reshiram!!
Dachnavar [1950-9621-0447]
Quoted By:
>>19558311 Nice, got mine.
Thanks Pure
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Diglett (Poké Ball) Jolly, Arena Trap, imperfect 5IV, EM: Counter / Final Gambit / Memento -3x female -1x male Shuppet (Poké Ball) Adamant, Cursed Body, imperfect 5IV, EM: Confuse Ray / Destiny Bond / Disable / Imprison -3x female -2x male Clauncher (Poké Ball) Modest, Mega Launcher, imperfect 5IV, EM: Aqua Jet / Crabhammer -1x female -3x male Mienfoo (Poké Ball) Jolly, Regenerator, imperfect 5IV, Knock Off -2x male Take them or I'll have to start deleting them ;_;
>>19558414 one clauncher please
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
>>19558414 Disc up for mienfoo
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Quoted By:
Welp, I'm on the verge of passing out and I'd say these threads are suitably dead enough. So 10 more minutes
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558414 Another disc for a female shuppet
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Version exclusive stones on offer: Mewtwonite X + Y Charizardite X + Y Tyranitarite Manectite Pinsirite Aggronite Houndoominite Heracronite Blazikenite Here's how this is going to work (people who have traded with me earlier in the night skip to step 3). 1. Catch two luvdiscs. 2. Luvdisc 1 goes on the GTS for another luvdisc so that I can trade you and get you in my acquantance list 3. Luvdisc 2 is named after the megastone you want (you only get ONE, not one of each, but A SINGLE STONE, so choose wisely) 4. Reply to this post telling me that you're ready, or that you've disced up, or just post a funny reaction image. Either way let me know you're interested (no reply = no stone) 5. Send me a trade request (remember that there'll more than likely be more than a few people trying to trade me at any given time, so be patient) 6. Offer the disc that's named after the stone you want. 7. I send you a disc back with your stone of choice, you can finally go to bed. Since I have a ton of shit to do today and do actually need some sleep of my own, I'll say I've got 3 OF EACH, leaving me with 33 STONES TOTAL (if you miss out, don't despair, I'll probably do this during the dead hours some other day). I'll be up for no more than 2 hours (if you reply before an hour passes rest assured I'll get to you)
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
>>19558481 Why you make it complicated? Lol
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19558494 Mega stones can't be traded through the GTS.
Besides, I spent the better part of an hour setting this up, the least you can do is humor me for a bit and follow my rules.
Quoted By:
>>19558481 Disc is up, thanks
Dachnavar [1950-9621-0447]
Quoted By:
>>19558481 Disc up for disc
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
>>19558481 What exactly do we put the disc for?
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19558510 >2. Luvdisc 1 goes on the GTS for another luvdisc so that I can trade you and get you in my acquantance list Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558515 Ah ok didnt read it carefully
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 08:45:55 No. 19558525 Report Quoted By:
>>19558481 I just sent out a disc for a disc message is /vp/HOUNDOOMINIT
have the second disc "HOUNDOOMINIT" ready for trade
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Quoted By:
>>19558481 Could I get a Charizardite Y? Luvidsc 1 up.
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558515 Disc up (forgot to put it)
Dachnavar [1950-9621-0447]
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>19558515 Heracronite please
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
>>19558481 Discing up is this image funny enough to satisfy you?
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
>>19558540 It's good enough for now...
>>19558510 You got sniped.
I'm pretty sure I've gotten everyone else so far, you may commence with the trade requests.
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558555 Shit putting back up
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk)
Le Flesh 3024 6249 7491 Ghosts (X,X,Golerk) Tue 10 Jun 2014 08:55:35 No. 19558566 Report Quoted By:
>>19558481 Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>19558481 I'm about to disc up disc number 1.
Quoted By:
>>19558555 thank you for the stone
Jesse (T3sla) 2552-1611-1988
Quoted By:
>>19558555 Thanks and enjoy
sledge fc:2981-5532-7369
Quoted By:
>>19558481 Thank you so Much
IGN: Scarlett FC: 0103-9969-4309
Mark (4210-4370-6960)
Quoted By:
>>19558555 Thanks for the stone
Alex [0490-6042-2670]
Alright, I think I've gotten everyone. At this point I believe anyone who still wanted a stone would've replied by now, so I'm gonna get some rest. It was fun trading with you all, goodnight!
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>>19558659 Thanks again alex, night man.
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>>19558683 New Thread!>>19558683 New Thread!>>19558683 New Thread!>>19558683 New Thread!You lazy bastards IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari]
IGN Daybr4ke(2638-1271-4569 [Can't remember my friend Safari] Tue 10 Jun 2014 09:20:24 No. 19558689 Report Quoted By:
>>19558481 >>19558659 Oh well, I was late. Night.
Quoted By:
>>19558481 Aggronite please
disc for disc is up